In a typhoonwinds ________ a speed greater than 120kilometers per hour.

A.assume B.accomplish C.attain D.assemble


There were no tickets________for Friday's performance.

A.preferable B.considerable C.possible D.available


Probability is the mathematical study of the_____ of an event's occurrence.

A.desire B.likelihood C.result D.effect


The government's strong action demonstrated its _____to crush the rebellion. B.resistance C.courage D.determination


As soon as the children were _____ their mother got them out of bed and into the bathroom.

A.woke B.waken C.wake D.awake


It was a long time before the cut on my hand______ completely.

A.healed B.cured C.improved D.recovered








3. 邮件的开头及结尾已为你写好。

Dear Matthew,

How is everything going



Li Hua








On-line voting becomes increasing popular, and many competitions get people involve in it. It is beneficial to some people, so it puts others into a dilemma over whether vote or not.

In my opinion, on-line voting is a inseparable part of modern life and should be welcomedsince it is a way to participate in public life. There is no difference between on-line voting and ordinary voting events, in what candidates go around to seek support. In addition, the Internet makes surveying and voting easier and more convenient, regardless of time and space. Furthermore, voting on the Internet make instant feedback possible.

To be honest, voters sometimes feel annoyed, not because of they hate voting, but because we are divided between emotion and fairness. Things will turn for the better if we can work out some participations rules for people to obey. Therefore, I hold attitude towards on-line voting.



Dating back to the Qing Dynasty, traditional yum cha (饮茶) refers not only to drinking tea but also 1. tasting dim sum (点心), an abbreviated form of the phrase dian dian xin yi. This expression was supposedly coined during the Eastern Jin Dynasty. A general of the period was so moved by his soldiers’ devotion that he had numerous types of local food 2. (deliver) to the frontlines so they could feast, as a symbol of his salutations and appreciation.

There are many interesting customs about yum cha. One is that 3. a teapot refill is needed, the lid 4. (leave) half-open, stemming from a folk tale set in ancient southern China. A rich man asked for a top up, 5. when the waiter lifted the teapot lid, the rich man claimed that the server had released a rare thrush (画眉) and demanded compensation for his loss. As a result, teahouses started to ask diners to lift their own teapot lids as a signal for 6. (much) hot water. 7. is that when tea is served, it is customary to tap the table with two fingers of the same hind, as a way to say thank you to the person 8. (pour) the brew. This habit can be traced to Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, at a time when he 9. (travel) to Guangzhou. When he and his bodyguards stopped for lunch at a local teahouse, the emperor poured tea for his companions. In order not to draw any attention, his followers tapped the table instead of kowtowing (叩头) 10. (express ) their gratitude.


    Last August, Joe and Mary Mahoney began looking at colleges for their 17-year- old daughter, Maureen. With a checklist of criteria in hand, the Dallas family hopscotched (玩跳房子游戏) around the country visiting half a dozen ___________. They sought a university that ___________ the teenager’s intended major, one located near a large city, and a campus where their daughter would be ___________.

“The safety issue is a big one,” says Joe Mahoney, who quickly discovered he wasn’t ___________ in his worries. On campus ___________ other parents ___________ similar concerns, and the same question was ___________ asked: “What about crime?” But when college officials always gave the same ___________, “That’s not a problem here.”— Mahoney began to feel ___________.

“No crime whatsoever?” ________________________ Mahoney today, “I just don’t ________________________ it.” Nor should he: in 2018 the U. S. Department of Education had ________________________ of nearly 400,000 serious ________________________ on or around our campuses. That includes 754 homicides (杀人案) , almost 6,500 sexual assaults and ________________________ 175,000 incidents of theft. “Parents need to understand that times have changed since they went to college.” says David Nichols, author of Creating a Safe Campus. “Campus crime ________________________ the rest of the nation. ”

But getting ________________________ information isn’t easy. Colleges must report crime statistics by law, but some ________________________ for fear of bad publicity, leaving the honest ones looking ________________________. “The truth may not always be obvious,” warns S. Daniel Carter of Security on Campus, Inc., the nation’s leading campus safety watchdog group.

To help ________________________ parents, Reader's Digest visited campuses and talked to experts around the country to identify major crime issues and find effective ________________________.

1.A.families B.schools C.communities D.states

2.A.offered B.created C.developed D.designed B.hardworking C.favored D.cheerful

4.A.wrong B.interested C.confident D.alone B.meetings D.admissions

6.A.announced B.admitted  C.voiced D.predicted

7.A.seldom B.regularly C.always D.never

8.A.introduction B.answer C.expression D.translation

9.A.angry B.satisfied C.depressed D.uneasy

10.A.comments B.suggests C.considers D.scolds

11.A.want D.know

12.A.letters B.charges C.complaints D.reports

13.A.crimes B.accidents C.problems D.stories

14.A.just B.merely C.some D.relatively

15.A.mirrors B.attacks C.defeats D.breaks

16.A.true B.accurate C.enough D.helpful

17.A.give up B.take in C.hold back D.turn away B.stupid C.different D.dangerous

19.A.special B.fearful C.experienced D.concerned

20.A.teaching C.supports D.explanations


    The twentieth century saw greater changes than any century before: changes for the better, changes for the worse; changes that brought a lot of benefits to human beings, changes that put man in danger. 1.

Scientific research in physics and biology has vastly broadened our views. It has given us a deeper knowledge of the structure of matter and of the universe, 2.. Technology in the application of science has made big advances that have benefited us in nearly every part of life.

The continuation of such activities in the twenty-first century will result in even greater advantages to human beings: in pure science—a wider and deeper knowledge in all fields of learning: in applied science—a more reasonable sharing of material benefits, and better protection of the environment.

3. The creativity of science has been employed in doing damage to mankind. The application of and technology to the development and production of weapons of mass destruction has created a real danger to the continued existence of the human race on this planet. 4. Although their actual use has so far occurred only in the Second World War, the number of nuclear weapons that were produced and made ready for use was so large that if the weapons had actually been used, the result could have been the rain of the human race, as well as of many kinds of animals.

William Shakespeare said, “The web of our life is of a mingled yarn (纱线), good and ill together. “5. But does it have to be so? Must the ill always go together with the good? Are we biologically programmed for war?

A.We have seen this happen in the case of nuclear weapons.

B.Sadly, however, there is another side to the picture.

C.Fortunately, science has brought us with the greatest

D.It offers us less access to nature as well as social life.

E.The above brief review of the application of only one part of human activities—science seems to prove what Shakespeare said.

F.Many things caused the changes, but in my opinion, the most important was the progress in science.

G.It has brought us a better understanding of the nature of life and of its continuous development.


    If you live in a desert, maintaining a supply of fresh water is a challenge. One answer is desalination, but that needs a source from which to get the salt away—which in turn requires that your desert be near the sea. The other is related to moisture. Even in inland deserts, though, moisture is often present in the air as water vapour (水蒸气).

The problem is how to get this vapour effectively and cheaply from the desert air. And that is what two groups of researchers have managed to do.

The ease with which water can be won from air depends on that air’s relative humidity. This is a measure of its current vapour content as a percentage of its maximum possible vapour content at its current temperature. A relative humidity of 100% means the air in question is holding as much water vapour as it possibly can. A good way to get air to give up some of its moisture is therefore to cool it to the point where its relative humidity is more than 100%. Sometimes this happens naturally at night, causing mist and dew to form. These can be collected in special traps in areas where liquid water is otherwise rarer. But, if night cooling does not bring air all the way up to 100% relative humidity, building water traps out of special materials might give nature a helping hand.

Adsorption (吸附) is a process which pulls water molecules from air that has less than 100% relative humidity by attaching them to the surface of a solid material. The molecules are held there by electrostatic (静电的) connections called Van der Waals forces that link them with the molecules of the related surface. To collect a lot of water this way therefore requires a material that has two features. One is a large surface area. The other is an appropriate Van der Waals response. Experimental traps that employ this principle have been made using substances called metal-organic frameworks. These are porous (多孔的) molecular networks through which air can circulate. Their porosity gives them a huge surface area. And by picking the right ingredients, such as zirconium, they can be given the necessary Van der Waals features. Zirconium is, however, costly. Moreover, once absorbed, the water must then be released. This means warming the absorptive material—the warmth being provided by the sun, once it has risen. Here, metal-organic frameworks present a problem. They tend to reflect sunlight rather than absorb it, and so don’t heat up well. To overcome this, engineers build a solid device made of copper into the system. This works, but adding such devices makes an already costly technology even dearer.

1.What is the meaning of the underlined word in Paragraph 1?

A.The irrigation of sea water. B.The import of sea water.

C.The removal of salt in sea water. D.The purification of sea water.

2.Which factor can mainly affect people to get water from the air easily?

A.Air quality. B.Relative humidity.

C.Current vapour content. D.Current temperature.

3.What can we learn from the article?

A.Water drops are the major existence of moisture in the air.

B.Getting vapour in the air naturally usually happens when the relative humidity is below 100%.

C.The more holes a certain material has, the huger surface area it has.

D.Zirconium is chosen because it’s cheap.

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Maintaining-fresh water in the desert.

B.Introducing a way to get water in the air of the desert.

C.Promoting an experimental trap to get water in the air.

D.Offering a way to increase adsorption in the air.


    Though having seen such blunders many times before like “Redundancies (冗长)”, “Faulty capitalization (大写)” and “Lack of clarity (清晰) and specificity” in her 17 years of teaching English composition in Greenville’ public schools, Yvonne Mason wasn’t reading a student paper this time. She was reading a letter she received from President Donald Trump.

“I have never, ever, received a letter with this many silly mistakes,” Mason said. The former Mauldin High School teacher immediately did what she had done thousands of times before. She corrected the writing, and returned it—this one going back to the White Mouse.

A photo of Mason’s corrections has been widely shared on her Facebook. “When you get letters from the highest level of government, you expect them to be at least mechanically correct,” Mason said. She particularly repeated capitalizing “nation”, “federal”, “president” and “state”, turning these common nouns into proper nouns. Mason identified 11 instances of faulty capitalization in Trump’s letter, finally resisting the idea of attaching a grade to the letter. “If it had been written in middle school, I’d give it a C or C-plus,” she said. “If it had been written in high school, I’d give it a D.” Mason’s comments drew attention to redundant (多余) expressions and overuse of the pronoun “I” in Trump’s letter.

Mason recognized, of course, that the form letter she received from the President was very likely written by a staff member, not Trump himself, though the letter did, include Trump’s signature. It came in reply to a letter she’d written about the school shooting on Feb. 14 in Florida.

Trump’s letter doesn’t respond specifically to Mason’s earlier letter to the President. In her letter, Mason asked Trump to meet individually with the family members of the victims of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Trump’s return letter talks in general terms about school safety. “It didn’t address the letter I wrote,” Mason said.

Mason, who taught English at Hughes Middle School and Mauldin High School for 17 years before retiring last year, is a devoted rhetorical (修辞) activist, writing letters, emails and faxes to state, local and federal officials often.

1.The underlined word “blunders” can be replaced by ________.

A.conditions B.comments

C.compositions D.mistakes

2.What was Mason’s attitude towards the letter she received?

A.Curious and content.

B.Serious and dissatisfied.

C.Impressed and respectful.

D.Surprised and understanding.

3.Mason mentioned the grades she would have given the letter to show that ________.

A.she had recognized the letter was written by a student

B.Trump’s staff members’ grammar needed improving

C.middle school education should be paid more attention was really difficult to bear so many silly mistakes

4.________ gave Mason the intention to write to the President earlier.

A.A photo of Mason’s corrections to the letter

B.Trump’s meeting with the family members of the victims

C.The school shooting in Florida

D.Trump’s talking about school safety


    Cal Fire captain Shawn Raley barked evacuation (疏散) orders over the radio for the neighbourhood of Sunset Terrace. The sky was red and the wind screamed, shaking the leaves off the trees. New fires lit in bushes and on roofs. A 24-year veteran of wildland fires, Raley had seen nearly everything, including swirling eddies (旋涡) of air called fire whirls. But he hadn’t seen anything like this.

At around 7:15 p. m., he drove toward areas in the wooded hills. He figured that residents would need help escaping. His headlights barely pierced the smoke, but he could see three bulldozers (推土机) inch past him on two-lane Buenaventura Boulevard. Don Andrews, who was unaware of the dangers he was about to face, drove one; contractors Terry Cummings and Jimmie Jones drove the other two. They were under electrical line, which were swaying in the wind, and Raley shouted at the men to move away.

In the driveway of a house, Raley spotted a Tesla with someone in the driver’s seat. Dr. Thiruvoipati Nanda Kumar, 62, had raced eight kilometres home from Vibra Hospital of Northern California. His wife, Yasoda, 58, and daughter, Sushma, 29, hadn’t received an evacuation alert, and when the power cut out, their garage door wouldn’t open, locking their car inside.

“Go back!” Raley shouted at Kumar, sounding his siren.

“My wife and daughter are there. Can they come in?” Kumar said, pointing to Raley’s vehicle. He figured they’d be safest with the captain.

“Come in my truck?” Raley asked. “Yes.”

The women jumped into the back seat, coughing. Nearby, flames that climbed 30 metres burned their neighbours’ homes. Soon theirs would fall, as well.

“I’ll lead you out,” Raley yelled to Kumar. “Take your car.”

Debris (碎片) attacked the truck, cracking Raley’s windshield and breaking the other windows as the wind blew the vehicle off the road. The captain threw himself across the passenger seat, protecting his face as the fire passed over them. Yasoda and Sushma screamed.

“Are you okay?” Raley shouted, though he knew the answer. He was embarrassed. He’d told this trapped family that he would get them out safely. Now they were covered in glass and bleeding. Behind them, the trunk of Kumar’s Tesla was a flame.

1.What can we learn about Raley?

A.He has never seen fire whirls before.

B.He is quite experienced in dealing with wildland fires.

C.He was so angry that he shouted at Don to move away from the road.

D.He decided to save the Kumar’s family out of the fire in his truck immediately he saw them.

2.Which of the following statements is RIGHT?

A.The smoke was so heavy that Raley could hardly see the road.

B.There were three persons driving bulldozers quickly on the two-lane road.

C.Dr. Kumar with his wife and daughter was trapped in the car when the power cut off.

D.The doctor’s house was burnt down to the group when Raley arrived.

3.Why was Raley embarrassed in the last paragraph?

A.Because he was injured by the fire.

B.Because his truck was blown off the road.

C.Because he felt he would fail to keep his word to save the family out.

D.Because he couldn’t protect the Kumar’s Tesla well.

4.Which is the best title of the article?

A.A Big Wildland Blaze B.A Lucky Family

C.Come in My Truck D.I’ll Lead You Out


What is Queen Elizabeth II like in person?

Answer from @ Jackie Pearcey:

I once had lunch with the Queen (OK, along with about 100 other people in a large room). There’s a rule that people should stop eating when the Queen stops. She eats carefully, making sure everyone has a proper opportunity to eat. After lunch, she made a point to meet up with and thank all of the waiting staff and those who had cooked the lunch.

Answer from @ Janie Keddie:

I live not far from Balmoral Castle, which is the Queen’s private mansion in the Scottish Highlands. What we find is that the Queen is a polite woman who is a good neighbor and treats people kindly. She uses local suppliers; she always supports the Braemar Highland Gathering and attends the local “Kirk” (Church of Scotland). That makes her part of the local community, which is quite protective of her and respects her privacy. However, my favourite tale is this. The Royals sometimes travel about the local area with minimal fuss (最小的麻烦). She stopped her car for a picnic on a track some distance from the road. There isn’t a lot of passing traffic, but on this occasion a family of walkers came upon but didn’t recognize her. On a “day off”, she looks much the same as the other local elderly ladies in her jacket. “Goodness!” said the mother, “You look just like that lady on the stamps.” “So I’ve been told;” said the Queen with a kindly smile as she continued to sip (小口抿) tea.

Answer from @ Gill Bullen:

Some years ago, when Prince William was a very little boy, he had apparently been playing in Buckingham Palace, had fallen down and hurt himself, and was crying inconsolably (无法安慰地). He was immediately surrounded by concerned maids and other household staff trying to comfort him, but he didn’t want any of them, only Gary. Nobody was sure who Gary was—possibly one of the housemen?

But then a voice was heard, saying, “Let me through, please. I’m Gary.” And they made way for the Queen, because “Granny” can be quite hard for a little boy to say!

1.What do we know from Jackie Pearcey’s words?

A.The Queen usually eats with the cook.

B.No one else is allowed to eat while the Queen is eating.

C.The Queen constantly has lunch with about 100 people.

D.The Queen seems mindful of others and appreciative of those who work for her.

2.According to Janie Keddie, Queen Elizabeth II ________.

A.lives in harmony with neighbors always recognized when she goes out

C.buys all her daily supplies by special suppliers

D.seldom takes part in the local community’ activities

3.It can be inferred that the Queen ________.

A.once had a secret nickname Gary

B.looked after Prince William daily

C.often played a role of the houseman

D.had a good relationship with her little grandson



School uniforms are becoming more and more popular across the U.S.A. That’s no surprise, because they offer many benefits. They immediately end the powerful social sorting and labeling (标记) that come from clothing. If all students are dressed in the same way, they will not pay too much attention to their clothing, and some of them will not be laughed at for wearing the “wrong” clothes.

Some people are against the strict rule of school uniforms, but they do not realize that students already accept a kind of rule - wanting to look just like their friends. The difference is that the clothing students choose for themselves creates social barriers (障碍); school uniforms tear those barriers down.

As in other places, uniforms remind the wearers of their purposes and duties. For example, when a man or woman puts on a police uniform, he or she becomes, for a time, the symbol (象征) of law and order. The uniform means to the wearer his or her special duties and sends the same message to everyone the wearer meets. People with different jobs wear uniforms of one kind or another. For students, the school uniform reminds them that their task for the six or seven hours they are in school is to get an education.

Some parents are unhappy about uniforms, saying that school uniforms will affect their children’s “creativity”. Actually, as noted above, the clothes students choose to wear do not necessarily express their individuality. They just copy their classmates. Students have the rest of the day to be as creative as they like. While they’re in school, their job is to master reading, writing, and mathematics; this should take up all the creativity they have. Mastery of those skills will be good for the students to build up their creativity in every way.




1. 表达诚挚问候;

2. 介绍应对措施;

3. 表达美好祝愿。


1. 词数80词左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

新型冠状肺炎病毒 corona virus/Covid19,流行病 epidemic/pandemic




Life pressure can be big enough, so we need to be surrounded by warm phrases, or even some blind 1. (confident). Recently, a new trend--seeking praise from stranger—has gone popular on social media among China’s young people; many chat groups 2. (form) to show kindness and support to members. These “in-need-of-praise” chat groups are 3. reflection of Chinese culture where 4. (open) seeking and giving praise is uncommon, 5. (lead) many people to hide their true emotions even from their families.

For young people, gaining recognition from peers is more important than getting approval from older generations. They can feel a sense of belonging and gain encouragement, 6. is beneficial to their mental health.

As long as people’s praise doesn’t sound 7. (sincere), we are likely to welcome it. Being richly recognized for what we do or who we are just feels good. Most of us like praises, 8. they can raise our spirits, warm our hearts and decrease fears and self-doubt.

However, anyone giving or receiving praise in such groups should be 9.caution. Such praises come at a cost. And the biggest risk is the constant emphasis on the “false self”, which makes 10. harder to see the “true self”.


    Michael is an Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran (老兵) . Three years ago, he couldn’t leave the house _______. He felt uncomfortable and anxious in _______places, but that all changed after he got his assistance dog Ojai.

“When my _______wasn’t with me, I was a mess. Because I get _______, I couldn’t go into public by myself. However, I could go out on the subway or at a restaurant, _______I had Ojai. I needn’t _______my wife for everything.”

Ojai was _______at Canine Companions for Independence, an organization that provides assistance dogs for people with _______. Like Ojai, these dogs can _______dropped items, open and close doors, and know over 40 advanced commands. Among them, Labrador (拉布拉多犬) offers the best in ________, being versatile (多才多艺的) , being big enough to meet the daily ________like turning on a light switch, and being ________enough to be able to fit easily on a plane or train and stay ________.

They begin training as puppies for 18 months to learn ________socialization skills. Then, they returned to the main training center for another six months of further training with ________ instructors. When that’s completed, about half of the dogs ________with marks high enough to be ________with a person who needs its help.

To Michael, Ojai is ________the eyes, “Ojai and I are a(n) ________, so what I do he does, what he does I do. He is a loyal helper, a dedicated friend, and the ________companion.”

1.A.normally B.alone C.straight D.often

2.A.unfamiliar B.private C.public D.remote

3.A.wife C.friend D.stick

4.A.confused B.overwhelmed C.annoyed D.thrilled

5.A.once B.while C.until D.since

6.A.learn from up C.rely on D.take in

7.A.born B.trained C.bought D.observed

8.A.disabilities B.depression C.inconvenience D.injuries

9.A.set out B.pick out C.set up D.pick up

10.A.performance B.ambition C.adaptability D.curiosity

11.A.commands B.requests C.advice D.guidance

12.A.calm B.healthy C.small D.pretty turn B.out of the way chance D.on purpose

14.A.basic B.difficult C.standard D.mature

15.A.flexible B.enthusiastic C.responsible D.professional

16.A.stay B.reward C.return D.graduate

17.A.paired B.selected C.accompanied D.mixed

18.A.rather than B.more than C.other than D.less than

19.A.couple C.unit

20.A.amusing B.fascinating C.devoted D.touched


    Many experts are calling the growing problem of global waste a worldwide health crisis in since pollution from trash is not only harming the world’s oceans, air and soil but also endangering people’s health as well as the livelihood of all living creatures.

Reduce, reuse, recycle

Such a dilemma raises the question, is there a more responsible way of dealing with trash? Fortunately, there is. 1.One example of this is what’s often called the three Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle. Reducing the use of plastic containers as well as reusing and recycling bottles and cans decreases the amount of garbage being sent to landfills. As a result, less money is spent on waste management, and countries’ financial burdens are significantly relieved. Such positive effects on an economy are known as a circular economy.

Circular economy

Traditionally, manufacturers would make a product to be used and disposed of by consumers. This linear (直线型的) model of production offered no help in the fight against global waste. 2..

Once a product’s value is exhausted, the materials are recycled and returned to manufacturers. The outcome is less waste. One large-scale example of this is happening on the island of Taiwan.


In 1997, Taiwan established its signature 4-in-1 Recycling Program, consisting of communities, government cleaning teams, recycling companies and the Recycling Fund. Residents separate their recyclable waste. The local government collection teams collect it.4.. Importers and manufacturers who are responsible for the recyclable products pay a fee into the Recycling Fund. The Recycling Fund is an essential aspect of the program used to subsidize (补贴) the recycling disposal system, support education and research and development as well as finance recycling efforts in the future.

Turning garbage into gold

By following a circular system, more products than ever are being manufactured using recycled materials. Environmentally-friendly decisions like these help to conserve natural resources, reduce pollution, save landfill space and even create new job opportunities. 5..

A.Practices in Taiwan

B.4-in-1 Recycling Program

C.Recycling can truly turn garbage into gold

D.Living a zero-waste lifestyle is the way to go

E.Alternatively, a circular economy was introduced

F.The recyclable waste is recycled in many local factories

G.Recycling companies buy waste materials from them to make profits


    Winter plays a vital part in nature’s cycle teaching us through plants that “all good things must come to an end” over time. However, rebirth and restoration often brings a greater glory and appreciation for the natural beauty around us.

Each day when I take my bike for a spin around the city streets, I am reminded that technology also teaches us lessons, specifically when the bicycle chain unavoidably slips out of gear (齿轮), refusing to shift properly, the hand brake-lines keep reacting faulty and some man-made things need repair or replacement. “Winter is coming.” For many, this means a time to oil up, repair and adjust equipment. In the case of my two-wheel transportation, some people have suggested, “Why don’t you just get a new bike for safety’s sake?” My unwillingness, however, stems from loyalty, fond attachment. Also, I hold a belief that I should be a bit patient and resourceful, simply replacing worn-out parts when required.

However, as I try to swing my legs over the seat while getting on the bike, my legs and joint (关节) do not respond quickly and reliable like before. A few months ago, after hiking the Great Wall on an overnight camping trip, I realized I needed more rest and restoration than ever. My heart rate beat violently, and every muscle in my tired body screamed for relief. Admittedly, these pains were nothing like having a broken limb, or surgery. Yet, the world suddenly seemed to be very unfriendly. I keep telling myself “winter is coming.” and soon I can hibernate (冬眠) getting much needed rest.

Actually, we all need to take a break from training routines, hard jobs, and frequently repeated tasks, to restore (修复) our bodies and minds. Nature shows us the way. Patience pays off when you attend to your gardens with faithful attention to each of nature’s jewels. Hopefully, as we grow, each of us learns the art of repair, restoration, and patience. Perhaps, you will discover the glory of rebirth after winter, being reborn and restored to even more powerful magnificent glory.

1.Why does the writer refer to his shabby bike in the passage?

A.To introduce the topic.

B.To show he is so attached to it that he is unwilling to change it for a new one.

C.To show he has learned a lesson from it.

D.To inform he loves cycling it around the city.

2.What is conveyed by the word “winter” in the passage?

A.All good things must come to an end.

B.It is essential to keep a balance between work and life.

C.Patience pays off and what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

D.We should learn the art of repair, restoration and patience from nature.

3.How does the writer get his idea across to the readers?

A.By making comparisons. B.By giving examples.

C.By analyzing and summarizing. D.By using metaphor (暗喻).

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A.The Cycle of Nature B.The Vital Role of Winter

C.The Art of Nature D.The Lessons from Nature and Life


    Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it is possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child or even an animal, such as a pigeon can learn to recognize faces. We all take this ability for granted.

We also tell people apart by how they behave. When we talk about someone’s personality, we mean the ways in which he or she acts, speaks, thinks and feels that make that individual different from others.

Like the human face, human personality is very complex. But describing someone’s personality in words is somewhat easier than describing his face. If you were asked to describe what a “nice face” looked like, you probably would have a difficult time doing so. But if you were asked to describe a “nice person”, you might begin to think about someone who was kind, considerate, friendly, warm, and so forth.

There are many words to describe how a person thinks, feels and acts. Gordon Ports, an American psychologist, found nearly 18,000 English words characterizing differences in people’s behavior. And many of us use this information as a basis for describing, or typing, his personality. Book worms, conservatives, military types people are described with such terms.

People have always tried to “type” each other. Actors in early Greek drama wore masks to show the audience whether they played the villain’s or the hero’s role. In fact, the words “person” and “personality” come from the Latin word “persona”, meaning “mask”. Today, most television and movie actors do not wear masks. But we can easily tell the “good guys” from the “bad guys” because the two types differ in appearance as well as in actions.

1.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.People may have different personalities.

B.People differ from each other in appearance.

C.People can learn to recognize human faces.

D.People can describe all human features of others.

2.The reason that it is easier to describe one’s personality in words than ones face is that ________.

A.many words are available to describe personality

B.a person’s personality is easily distinguished

C.people’s personalities are very much alike

D.a person’s face is more complex than his personality

3.We learn from the passage that people are classified according to__________.

A.their way of wearing masks

B.their way of speaking and playing

C.their knowledge and behavior

D.their physical appearance and personality


    Dannis was waiting at the airline ticket counter when he first noticed the young woman with shiny black hair pulled tightly into a knot. She wore black boots of soft leather. Dannis struggled to see her face, she was ahead of him in line, but it was not until she bought her ticket and turned to walk away that he realized her beauty, which was fair-skinned and big-eyed. She seemed aware that he was staring at her and lowered her gaze abruptly.

When next he saw her, Dannis was buying a magazine and became aware someone was pushing him. At first, he was startled (受惊吓的) that anyone would be so close as to touch him, but when he saw who it was, he smiled.

“Busy place,” Dannis said.

She looked up at him and blushed. Wordlessly, she moved away and joined the crowds in the terminal.

Dannis was at the counter with his magazine, but when he reached into his pocket for his wallet, the pocket was empty. Where could I have left it? His mind was racing, the credit cards, the cash, the identification card... “The girl who was so near to me!” he said to himself. All at once he understood she had stolen his pocket. What shall he do?

Dannis gritted his teeth. When glancing around for the police, suddenly, he spotted the black-haired girl, seated against a front window of the terminal. She seemed absorbed in a book.

“Where is my wallet?” he yelled. The black-haired girl glanced up from her reading, with a confused look on her face. Dannis glared at her and shouted, “You stole my wallet!” The crowds began to gossip. The girl turned deadly pale, looking so restless that words failed her. A strange silence hung in the air. Abruptly, she leaped from the seat and tried to escape from the crowds.

Dannis grabbed her by the arm. At exactly that moment, a policeman approached them and asked about what happened. Dannis hastened to explain it while the girl frowned with a shake of her head. After further enquiries, the policeman took out a wallet and handed it to Dannis, adding that someone had found it in the toilet.

1.While waiting at the airline ticket counter, why did Dannis stare at the black-haired girl?

A.He suspected that she was a thief. B.He was attracted by her.

C.He was wondering if he had met her before. D.He wanted her to help him to buy the ticket.

2.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.The black-haired girl tried to escape from the crowd for fear of gossip.

B.The black-haired girl admitted the fact that she had stolen the wallet.

C.Dannis forgave the black-haired girl at last.

D.Dannis found his wallet in the toilet.

3.At the end of the story, Dannis may probably feel __________towards the black-haired girl.

A.sympathetic B.skeptical C.startled D.embarrassed



1.What was the destination of the speaker’s most recent trip?

A.Indonesia. B.Italy. C.The U.S.

2.What was the best-known eruption according to the speaker?

A.Krakatoa. B.Santorini. C.Vesuvius.

3.What is the speaker mainly talking about?

A.The history of a town. B.Travel experiences. C.His work.



1.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.A missing pet. B.A late package.

C.A wrong food order.

2.Who is Tommy?

A.The woman’s son. B.The woman’s pet. C.The woman’s boss.

3.What is wrong with the delivery drivers?

A.They are ill.

B.They are out for lunch.

C.They have left the company.

4.What will the woman get the money for according to the man?

A.Her lost item. B.Delivery costs.

C.Her time spent on the phone.



1.What has the woman’s aunt forbidden her to do?

A.See the dolls. B.Talk about the dolls. C.Touch the dolls.

2.What does the woman’s aunt think of the dolls?

A.They are uncomfortable. B.They are very valuable. C.They are old-fashioned.

3.How does the man probably feel at the end?

A.Very worried. B.Quite surprised. C.A little embarrassed.



1.What is David trying to do?

A.Watch a movie. B.Work on his studies. C.Listen to some songs.

2.Why is David annoyed about the last song?

A.Anna sang it very badly.

B.Anna sang it too much before.

C.Anna kept repeating the four words of it.

3.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Classmates. B.Brother and sister. C.Father and daughter.



1.What day is it today?

A.Thursday. B.Friday. C.Saturday.

2.What will Dr. Drew do if Steve fails in the exam?

A.Inform his parents. B.Talk with him again.

C.Refuse to accept him next term.


What is across from the new clothing store?

A.A bank. B.A movie theater. C.A bookstore.


Why does the woman advise the man to run?

A.To catch the postman.

B.To borrow some stamps.

C.To reach the post office before closing.


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