He has decided to settle _____ in France because he is fond of the romantic country.






The policeman’s______ traffic directions made all the drivers quite ______ .

A.confused; confused

B.confusing; confusing

C.confusing; confused

D.confused; confusing


 It doesn’t _____ if you are late to my party. I just want you to come.

A.make any difference

B.have no difference

C.make any sense

D.have any similarity


请你以“My Favourite Sports / MusicStar”为题,写一篇英文演讲稿,介绍你最喜欢的一位体育或音乐明星。你的演讲稿需要包括以下内容:

· 对你最喜欢的体育或音乐明星作一简单介绍;

· 你喜欢他/她的理由;

· 你从他/她身上学到了什么?

注意:1. 词数120左右;

      2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

      2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

The Siberian tiger is one of the most beautiful animal in the world. It is also one of rarest. Today only about 1,000 are left, some of them are in the Hunchun Nature Reserve. The Chinese government had created the reserve to help saving the tiger’s natural habitat. But the Siberan tiger is the only endangered species. Other famous animal in a danger is the giant panda, whose habitat is in China. The panda is the symbol of the World Wide Fund for Nature. Thanks of scientists’ hard work, the amount of the pandas living in the wild has increased to about 1590.


What is your favourite colour? Do you like yellow, orange or red? 71 Do you prefer greys and blues? Then you are probably quiet, shy and would rather follow the lead. You tend to be a pessimist. At least, this is what psychologists tell us, and they should know, because they have been seriously studying the meaning of colour preference, as well as the effect that colours have on human beings. 72 If you happen to love brown, you did so, as soon as you opened you eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly.

    73 A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one. And a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day. 74 A black bridge over the Thames River, near London, used to be the scene of more suicides than any other bridge in the area——until it was repainted green. The number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply. Perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue.

    75 It is an established fact that factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or grey.

A. On the other hand, black is depressing.

B. They tell us, among other facts, that we do not choose our favourite colour as we growup——we are born with our preference.

C. The rooms are painted in different colors as you like.

D. If you do, you must be an optimist, a leader, an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement

E. Light and bright colours make people not only happier but more active.

F. Life is like a picture or a poem, full of different colors.

G. Colours do influence our moods——there is no doubt about it.


6ec8aac122bd4f6eIf you will be cycling, you will need to know what these traffic signs and signals mean.

6ec8aac122bd4f6eA sign like this one means that there is a bike lane. If there is a bike lane, you are required to use it. If there is not a bike lane, you should ride with traffic as far to the right side of the road as possible.

6ec8aac122bd4f6eWhen the signal light turns green, cars go. When you cross the street at a signal light, you should wait for the walk signal. Be sure to look carefully to the left, right and left again, before crossing the street.

6ec8aac122bd4f6e6ec8aac122bd4f6eWhen the signal light turns yellow, car drivers should slow down and prepare to stop. You should not cross if the light is yellow. The light is about to turn red, and cars will enter the intersection.

6ec8aac122bd4f6eThis signal is the WALK sign. It has a picture of a person walking instead of using the word WALK.

This signal is the DON'T WALK sign. It is part of the signal with the picture of a person walking.This is a picture of a red hand, meaning you should stop. You should wait to cross the street until the green picture of the person walking is showing.

6ec8aac122bd4f6eCar drivers and bikers must come to a complete stop at STOP signs.

6ec8aac122bd4f6eA yield sign means to slow down and be ready to stop.

If there are pedestrians(行人)or vehicles in or nearing the intersection,you must stop.

If there is no traffic in or nearing the intersection and it is safe,you may go through.

This sign means you are coming to a crosswalk. Car drivers, anti­bikers must stop to allow people in the crosswalk to cross the street.

When people are working on the roads, parts of the road are often dug up or rough. Be careful when cycling. Rough roads could make you fall off your bike. If you must move into the road to go around a work area, you should stop and look carefully to be sure there is no traffic coming before going into the road.

A detour is a way of getting around a roadway that is closed. Roads are usually closed because of road work or dangerous conditions. If you must take a detour, be careful of roads you aren't used to.

1.The passage is intended for ________.

    A. car drivers     B. skaters      C. bikers      D. Pedestrians

2. If you see the sign6ec8aac122bd4f6ewhile riding a bike,you are required to ________.

A. take the bike lane                    B. stop your bike

C. ride close to the right side of the road    D. ride in the middle of the road

3.Cyclists may see the sign when ________.6ec8aac122bd4f6e

A. they come near a crosswalk

B. the bad weather is on the corner

C. they are about to pass a school

D. the road ahead is blocked because of the landslide (山崩)


Mark Ramirez, a senior executive at AOL, could work in the comfortable leather chair, if he wanted. No, thanks. He prefers to stand most of the day at a desk raised above stomach level.

   “I’ve got my knees bent. I feel totally alive,” he said. “It feels more natural to stand.”

   In the past few years, standing has become the new sitting for 10 percent of AOL employees at the firm’s Virginia branch. Part of a standing popularity is among accountants, programmers, telemarketers and other office workers across the nation.

   GeekDesk, a California firm that sells desks raised by electric motors, says sales will triple this year.

   Standers give various reasons for taking to their feet: It makes them feel more focused, prevents drowsiness(困倦睡意), and makes them feel like a general even if they just push paper. (Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfels works standing up. So does novelist Philip Roth.)

   But unknown to them, a debate (辩论) is spreading among ergonomics experts(人类工程学家) and public-health researchers about whether all office workers should be encouraged to stand—to save lives.

   Doctors point to surprising new research showing higher rates of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and even mortality among people who sit for long stretches. A study earlier this year in the American Journal of Epidemiology showed that among 123,000 adults followed over 14 years, those who sat more than six hours a day were at least 18 percent more likely to die during the time period studied than those who sat less than three hours a day.

   “Every rock we turn over when it comes to sitting is astonishing,” said Marc Hamilton, a leading researcher on inactivity physiology at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana. “Sitting is harmful. It’s dangerous. We are on the cusp (尖端) of a major revolution.” He calls sitting “the new smoking”.

    Not so fast, other experts say. Standing too much at work will cause more long-term back injuries. Incidences of varicose veins(静脉曲张) among women will increase. The heart will have to pump more.

    Hedge, the Cornell professor, isn’t a fan of all this standing. “Making people stand all day is dumb,” he said.

    The sensible and most cost-effective strategy(策略), he said, is to sit in a neutral posture(姿势), slightly reclined(下弯的), with the keyboard on a tray above the lap. This position promotes positive blood flow. Workers should occasionally walk around, stretch and avoid prolonged periods at the desk. The key, he said, is movement, not standing.

1.Marc Hamilton said “Every rock we turn over when it comes to sitting is astonishing” to show that________.

     A. the result of the study about sitting too long is shocking

     B. we need to remove many rocks

     C. we need to smooth away many difficulties

     D. sitting on a rock is necessary

2. The following are the reasons why some experts are against standing too long except       .

     A. It will cause more long-term back injuries

     B. it will raise the burden of heart

     C. incidences of varicose veins among women will increase

     D. standing too much at work per day is too tiring

3. According to the studies in the passage mentioned,       .

     A. it is better not to stand more than 6 hours

     B. sitting too long can arouse illnesses easily

     C. sitting long is specially harmful to adults

     D. standing much is better than sitting long

4.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

     A. Standing is not better than sitting

     B. Standing more does no harm to people

     C. Standing will promote the efficiency

     D. More office workers take standing against sitting


It's not a new phenomenon, but have you noticed how many nouns are being used as verbs? We all use them, often without noticing what we're doing.

   I was arranging to meet someone for dinner last week, and I said “I’ll pencil it in my diary”, and my friend said “You can ink it in”, meaning that it was a firm arrangement not a tentative one!

   Many of these new verbs are linked to new technology. An obvious example is the word fax. We all got used to sending and receiving faxes, and then soon started talking about faxing something and promising we'd fax it immediately. Then along came email, and we were soon all emailing each other madly. How did we do without it? I can hardly imagine life without my daily emails.

   Email reminds me, of course, of my computer and its software, which has produced another

couple of new verbs. On my computer I can bookmark those pages from the World Wide Web that I think I'll want to look at again, thus saving all the effort of remembering their addresses and calling them up from scratch. I can do the same thing on my PC, but there I don't bookmark; I favorite—coming from “favorite pages”, so the verb is derived from an adjective not a noun.

  Now my children bought me a mobile phone, known simply as a mobile and I had to learn yet more new verbs. I can message someone, that is, I can leave a message for them on their phone. Or I can text them, write a few words suggesting when and where to meet, for example. How long will it be before I can mobile them, that is, phone them using my mobile? I haven’t heard that verb yet, but I’m sure I will soon. Perhaps I’ll start using it myself!

1. “I’ll pencil it in my diary” in the second paragraph probably means          .

       A. it was a firm arrangement

    B. it was an uncertain arrangement

       C. the arrangement should be written as a diary

D. he prefers a pencil to a pen

2.A website address can be easily found if it has been______.

       A. emailed    B. messaged    C. favorited      D. texted

3.Which of the following has not been used as a verb, yet?

       A. message    B. page        C. email         D. mobile

4.The best title for this passage is____.

       A. New Verbs from Nouns

 B. The Development of the English language

       C. New Technology and New words

   D. Technology and Language.


A few years ago, I had the opportunity to play the character of Ronald McDonald for the McDonald's Corporation.

One day each month,we visited hospitals bringing a little happiness to the children there. But there were two rules placed on me during a visit. First, I could not go anywhere in the hospital  without permission. And second, I could not physically touch anyone within the hospital. They did not want me to carry germs(细菌)from one patient to another. Breaking either of these rules, I was told, I could lose my job. One day, as I was heading down a hallway and on my way home, I heard a little voice coming through a half­opened door,“Ronald,Ronald.”

I stepped in and saw a boy,about five years old, lying in his dad's arms, Mom with a nurse on the other side. I knew by the feeling in the room that the situation was grave. I asked his name. He told me it was Billy and that I did a few simple magic tricks for him. As I stepped back to say good­bye, he asked me “Ronald, would you hold me?”

At such a simple request, my heart was screaming, “Yes!”But my mind was screaming louder. “No!You are going to lose your job!”

 “Hold me” was such a simple request, and yet I searched for any reasonable excuses that allowed me to leave, but none. It took me a moment to realize that in this situation, losing my job may not be the disaster I feared. Then, I picked up this little boy. He was so weak and so scared. We laughed and cried for 45 minutes. With tears in my eyes, I left them. Less than 48 hours later, I received a phone call from Billy's mom that Billy had passed away. She and her husband simply wanted to thank me for making a difference in their little boy's life.

Billy's mom told me shortly after I left the room. Billy looked at her and said, “Momma, I don't care any more if I see Santa this year because I was held by Ronald McDonald.”

For the record, McDonald's Corporation did find it out, but, given the situation,permitted me to go on with my job. I continued as Ronald for another year before leaving the corporation to share the story of Billy and how important it is to take risks.

1. The underlined word “grave” in Paragraph 3 means “________”.

     A. weak     B. serious   C. interesting   D. exciting

2.When Billy asked the author to hold him, at first the author ________.

     A. was unwilling to do so      B. was glad to do so

     C. hesitated to do so          D. hurried to do so

3.What lesson did the author draw from his experience?

     A. To amuse others is enjoyable.       B. To take risks is important.

     C. To break rules is necessary.         D. To be fired is not fearful.

4. We learn from the story that ________.

     A.the author left the corporation because he broke the rules

     B.the author left the corporation because he didn't like the rules

     C.the boy was quite happy with the experience with the author

     D.the boy was quite happy with Santa at Christmas


It was a cold winter. The day my husband fell to his death, it started to snow, just 36 any November day. His 37 , when I found it, was lightly covered with snow. It snowed almost every day for the next four months, while I sat on the couch and watched it 38 . One morning, I walked slowly 39 and was surprised to see a snow remover clearing my driveway and the bent back of a woman clearing my walk. I dropped to my knees and crawled back upstairs, 40 those good people would not see me. I was 41 . My first thought was, how would I ever 42 them? I didn’t have the  43 to brush my hair, 44 clear someone’s walk.

Before Jon’s death, I felt proud that I 45 asked for favors. I identified myself by my competence(能力) and 46 . So who was I if I was no longer capable? How could I 47 myself if I just sat on the couch every day and watched the snow fall?

Learning to receive the love and 48 from others wasn’t easy. Friends cooked for me and I cried. Finally, my friend Kathy said, “Mary, cooking for you isn’t a 49 for me; it makes me feel good to be able to do something for you.”

Over and over, I heard 50 words from the people who supported me during those 51 days. One wise man told me, “You aren’t doing nothing because being fully open to your 52 may be the hardest work you will ever do.”

I am not the person I 53 was, but in many ways I have changed for the 54 . I’ve been surprised to learn that there is incredible freedom coming from 55 one’s worst fear and walking away whole. I believe there is strength, for sure, in accepting a dark period of our life.

1.A. on

B. in        

C. like       

D. for

2.A. body        

B. soul        

C. shoe       

D. footprint

3. A. sweep up    

B. drop off    

C. fall down   

D. pile up

4.A. upstairs    

B. downstairs

C. indoors 

D. outdoors

5.A. so        

B. yet        

C. and  

D. for

6.A. delighted   

B. disappointed

C. annoyed 

D. ashamed

7.A. pay        

B. award    

C. reward 

D. treat

8.A. courage    

B. strength    

C. spirit  

D. power

9.A. stand alone

B. leave alone

C. sit alone 

D. let alone

10.A. frequently    

B. gradually    

C. hardly 

D. uncertainly

11.A. intelligence

B. independence

C. excellence 

D. qualification

12. A. achieve    

B. praise

C. respect 

D. promote

13.A. supply    

B. support    

C. contribution

D. similar

14. A. burden    

B. job        

C. business 

D. sorrow

15. A. sensitive    

B. same        

C. considerate

D. similar

16. A. blue        

B. rainy        

C. bright 

D. snowy

17.A. despair    

B. difficulty    

C. pain  

D. regret

18.A. still        

B. once        

C. even  

D. never

19.A. worse    

B. less        

C. more  

D. better

20. A. facing    

B. noticing    

C. managing 

D. expressing


Jack got________kick out of going for________walk after dinner when he was young.

    A. a; 不填    B. a; a     C. 不填; the      D. the; a


—My daughter mastered English in less than two years.

   —Did she? She________have a gift for languages.

    A. can       B. would     C. should          D. must


On the surface of the water________, which spoiled the beautiful scenery of the park.

    A. some dead leaves did float      B. did float some dead leaves

    C. floated some dead leaves       D. did some dead leaves float


 —What about going swimming on such a hot day?


   A. It must be funny                  B. That's right

   C. Have a nice time                  D. Sounds great


 ---Do you mind if I smoke?


     A. I’d rather you not to         B. I’d rather not

     C. I’d rather you didn’t         D. I’d prefer not to


 Don’t ___a story. What I want to know is the whole truth about this matter.

     A. take up     B. give up     C. make up     D. pick up


 Do you wake up every morning ____energetic and ready to study English well?

     A. feel       B. to feel     C. feeling     D. felt


My aunt ____ my sister to marry Henry, but my sister married Frank at last.

     A. advised     B. persuaded     C. suggested     D. banned


I was so familiar with him that I recognised his voice ____I picked up the phone.

     A. while     B. the moment     C. after       D. in case


24. Local studies show that students from Liaoning Province Shiyan High School North School

   are more ____ to be admitted into key universities.

     A. sure      B. possible    C. probable     D. likely


24. None of us had expected Luo Yang, the production head of China's new J-15 fighter jet   passed away on the country's aircraft carrier ____ his mission successfully completed

     A. from       B. with       C .by        D. of


I used to go camping a lot, so it isn’t the first time I ____in a tent.

     A. have slept    B. had slept     C. was sleeping     D. slept


I’m sure that ____you have told him will make some ____to his decision.

     A. what; difference    B. that; difference     C. which; effect     D. what; effect


—Do you like Feng Xiaogang's latest movie 1942

  —________.I just watch it for fun.

   A. Of course     B. Not really    C. Not likely   D. Not a little








(5)评比办法:五位英语教师作为评审,最终10位参赛选手将进入决赛( finals)。







  增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词。

  删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限1词;

       2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Zhang Xiaowen, who is sixteen, a middle school student in     Northern China. She is one of the best student in her class and    she was won an award for young scientists last year. When sitting in the classroom she looks just like all her classmates and after class her life is obvious different. She was born without the    ability to use her legs and she has no feeling below the waist. She had to use a wheelchair to get around and it often takes her a little long to do everyday things, such as getting out of bed, getting dressing and going to the school. So far she has created many programmes and one of which received an award at her province’s science fair.


Although many Chinese students say that their knowledge of English grammar is good, most would admit that their spoken English is poor. Whenever I speak to a Chinese student, they always say, “My spoken English is poor.” __51__ I would like to suggest that there may be some reasons for their problems with spoken English.

   First, they fail to find suitable words to express themselves due to a limited vocabulary.__52__ However, you can speak with a limited vocabulary, if you choose a positive attitude. Others will follow you as long as you use the words that you know.

__53__ Sometimes they make mistakes when they are speaking because they are shy and nervous. Yet students should remember that their goal should be FLUENCY NOT ACCURACY. Your aim in writing is to be accurate following the rules for grammar and using the right words and spelling them correctly. However, in speaking your aim is fluency. You want to get your message across, to talk to someone in English, as quickly and as well as you can, even though sometimes you may use a wrong word or tense, but it doesn't matter.__54__

The third reason is that not enough attention is paid to listening. You have one mouth but two ears! All that hearing is necessary for you to start speaking.

Fourth, most Chinese students are reactive rather than proactive(主动的) language learners. Instead of actively seeking out opportunities to improve their spoken English they passively wait for speaking opportunities to come to them and wonder why their English always remains poor.__55__.

A.The person you are speaking to will understand you and make allowances for any mistakes he hears.

B. They may try to avoid making similar mistakes next time.

C. Obviously the better answer is to expand their vocabulary.

D. If you have this proactive outlook, then you will see English opportunities wherever you go.

E. However, their spoken English does not have to remain “poor”!

F. Second, they are afraid of making mistakes.

G. The second reason lies in the reluctance of using what has just been learned.



Two graduates from Cambridge University in the United Kingdom found themselves about to graduate, yet with loans to pay off. The pair decided to begin a strange, year-long project to battle their debt.

The men, Ross Harper and Ed Moyse, set up the site BuyMyFace.co.uk. last October as a way to get rid of the $80,000 they shared as student loans. The idea behind the project was to earn money by selling their faces as advertising space every day for a year. Each day, they advertise a different business on their site by painting the brand's logo or name on their faces and including a link to the company’s site. After they paint their faces and publish them on the site, Harper and Moyse go out to highly populated areas such as music festivals and theme parks to maximize their faces’ exposure.

At this time, Harper and Moyse have advertised their faces for over four months without skipping a day and they're more than halfway to their goal. Though they first started charging a minimum of about USD $1.60 per company, the prices have risen as their popularity increased. For advertising space during the remainder of April, they range between USD $250 and $750. 

Terri L. Rittenburg, associate professor of marketing at the University of Wyoming, said she had heard of people tattooing (纹身) logos on themselves before, but this idea is much better. According to her, at first the idea would be new and novel and attract attention, but she is unsure how long it would last.

At least for now, companies that have bought Harper and Moyse’s faces have written positive comments on the pair’s website. “We had a three percent increase in website traffic on the very day and for two days more afterwards,” said an alcoholic beverage company.

1.Which of the following was most possibly taken from the website BuyMyFace.co.uk.?


A.               B.                 C.                  D.

2. Harper and Moyse go to highly populated areas to _____.

    A. have fun B. make friends C. show their faces  D. find new customers

3.We can infer from the article that the two men _____.

    A. must have earned more than $40,000  

B. aren’t getting on well with their project

    C. may close their site next month     

D. always work hard except on holidays


There was one thought that air pollution affected only the area immediately around large cities with factories and heavy traffic.At present, we realize that although these are the areas with the worst air pollution, the problem is really worldwide.On several occasions over the past decade,a heavy cloud of air pollution has covered the east of the United States and brought health warnings in distant areas away from any industrial cities.In fact,the very climate of the entire earth may be infected by air pollution.Some scientists consider that the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the air resulting from the burning of fossil fuels(coal and oil)is creating a “greenhouse effect”—— keeping heat reflected from the earth and raising the world’s average temperature.If this view is correct and the world's temperature is raised only a few degrees, much of the polar ice cap will melt and cities such as New York,Boston,Miami,and New Orleans will be in water.

Another view, less widely held, is that increasing particular matter in the atmosphere is blocking sunlight and lowering the earth’s temperature—a result that would be equally disastrous.A drop of just a few degrees could create something close to a new ice age,and would make agriculture difficult or impossible in many of our top farming areas.Today we do not know for sure that either of these conditions will happen.Perhaps,if we are lucky enough,the two tendencies will offset each other and the world's temperature will stay about the same as it is now.Driven by economic profits, people ignore the damage on our environment caused by the “advanced civilization”.Maybe the air pollution is the price the human beings have to pay for their development.But is it really worth-while?

1.People used to think that air pollution_________ .

A.caused widespread damage in the countryside

B.affected the entire eastern half of the United States

C.had a very bad effect on health

D.existed merely in urban and industrial areas

2.As to the greenhouse effect, the author_________.

A.shares the same view with the scientists.

B.is uncertain of its occurrence

C.rejects it as being ungrounded

D.thinks that it will destroy the world soon

3.The underlined word “offset” in the second paragraph could be replaced by_______.

A.counter-act    B.break from     C.get along    D.communicate

4.This passage is primarily about________ .

A.the greenhouse effect                    

B.the burning of fossil fuels

C.the potential effect of air pollution        

D.the possibility of a new ice age


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