Only  when  one loses  freedom  _______its value  .

A.  does one know     B. one does  know   C. does  know one         D. know one does


Well  let  you  use  the  room  ______you  keep  it   clean  and  tidy  .

 A. even   though    B. on  condition  that   C.  if      D. however 


 Is    this   the  research   center   _____you   visited the lab  last   year  ?

A.  which    B.  the one   C.that   D. where


Don’t  believe   him  .He   is  just   _____  an   excuse  .

 A. making    out   B. making   up  of   C. making   up   D.  making from         


-Would you mind if I take the seat?

         -         .

A.Yes, sit down, please                                               B.Surely, never mind

C.No, not at all                                                    D.No, you can’t take it


The bell rang and came in Mr.Brown,    a book in his hand. Then the class began.

A.for                                  B.when                    C.with                      D.while


In the past 5 years a great deal of money _____ improving the environment of the school.

    A. is spent      B. has been spent   C. was spent     D. had been spent


China has been working very hard to stop the endangered animals ______ .

    A. dying out      B. dying away      C. dying down    D. dying hard


 I ______their   method   of   making   the  machine  .

     A. adopted    B.  voted   C.  elected   D.   commanded   


The blues has been _____part of African-American culture since then, and it is still ______ important part of American culture.

A. a; a       B. / ; an               C. the ; a           D. / ; a


写作(满分 25分)

4月22日是“地球日”,沈阳市将举办主题为“Protecting Mother Earth”的中学生英语作文比赛,你准备根据下列四幅图写一篇“Story of a Tree”的英语小故事参赛。





Story of a Tree

Once there was a family living in a cabin(小屋) under a huge tree._____________________


短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

      2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Jim,

         I am so exciting that you will come to China.I will free from December 18 and will have a plenty of time to be together with you.I'll meet you at the airport and then you will take Bus No.8 for my home.You worry about the weather here in your email.In fact, the weather here is quite different from it in your city.It isn't very cold, but you needn't bring many clothes with you.During your stay here, I'll take you to some places of interests and you can taste some local snacks.I am sure we will have greatly fun together.

         Looking forward to meeting you soon.






What is your favourite colour? Do you like yellow, orange, red? ___51___ . Do you prefer greys and blues? Then you are probably quiet, shy, and you would rather follow than lead. You tend to be pessimist(悲观的人). At least, this is what psychologists tell us, and they should know, because they have been seriously studying the meaning of colour preference(偏爱), as well as the effect that colours have on human beings. ___52___ . If you happen to love brown, you did so, as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly.

   ___53___ . A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one; and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day. ___54___ . A black bridge over the Thames River, near London, used to be the scene of more suicides(自杀) than any other bridge in the area until it was repainted green. The number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply(急剧地). Perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue.

   ___55___ . It is an established fact that factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or grey.


A. On the other hand, black is depressing.

B. They tell us, among other facts, that we do not choose our favourite colour as grow up --- we are born with our preference.

C. The rooms are painted in different colours as you like.

D. If you do, you must be an optimist(乐观的人), a leader, an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement.

E. Light and bright colours make people not only happier but more active.

F. Life is like a picture or a poem, full of different colours.

G. Colours do influence our moods (情绪)---there is no doubt about it


Why do we need friends? Well, having friends may well keep you healthier and help you deal with stress better. Some studies show that people with close friends have a greater ability to fight disease than people who are lonely. But never take a friendship for granted. Like a good marriage, friendship needs care and patience(耐心).Here is something to remember to maintain(维持)a friendship:

    Make friendship the most important thing. Find the time to be with your friends even if it means letting the grass go unmoved or the dishes unwashed for a while. When you can’t get together, use the phone to keep in touch.

    Open up to close friends. Don’t be afraid to express your inner fears and disappointments. Listen to your friends when they have problems, but offer advice only when it’s wanted.

    Have different friends for different activities, such as going to the movies, singing in a choir, or taking part in a bowling league.

    Don’t wait for a friend to ask a favor. When a friend has the flu, offer to go to the store to buy some pills or drive his / her children to their after-school activities.

    How to make new friends?

    You can start a group, such as a discussion group on gardening or books. Place an ad in a community newspaper to find people.

    Talk to strangers to find new friends. You should be cautious(谨慎的)and use your common sense, of course. Conversations started in museums, laundry rooms, or bookstores can lead to firm friendships.

    Enroll in an adult-education course. A classroom is a good place to meet others with similar interests.

48. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. How to make new friends.                B. Why do we need friends.

C. How to keep a friendship.                 D. How to gain friends’ trust.

49. We can learn from the passage that             .

A. We should not give advice to our friends anytime we want to

B. We should offer to help our friends even if they don’t need help at all

C. It’s impolite to have different activities with different groups of friends

D. People with friends can live longer than those who don’t have friends

50. According to the author, _______ are good places to find people sharing your interests.

A. libraries                        B. markets

C. laundry rooms        D. classrooms


Two thieves came to a house to steal something.They dug a hole in the wall of the house.There lived many mice in the house.The woman in the moonlight saw a mouse crawl(爬行)into the house.“Look!In comes one,”she said to the man in the house.The thief was so frightened that he hurriedly crawled out of the house and said to the one waiting outside,“She found me when I was just in.” But the thief outside didn’t believe him,so he said,“Let us two try to crawl into the house together.”At that time two mice happened to crawl into the house,too.The woman saw the mice and shouted,“In come two,catch them!” The two thieves were terribly frightened.The man in the house said,“You saw them come in but where are they? I will catch them tonight.”The two thieves started running away at once.

The two thieves wanted to make it clear whether they had been found or not the night before.The next day they acted as men selling sweet potatoes and came before the house.The man and the woman were ploughing in their fields.The rein(缰绳)broke and the woman came home for a rope.She saw two men selling sweet potatoes and wanted to buy some.She picked out two which looked like mice.At the time the man couldn’t wait for her any longer in the fields and he ran back from the fields to hurry her up.The woman showed the sweet potatoes to the man and said,“How they look like the two of last night.”The man said,“I asked you to fetch a rope,why don’t you hurry for it?”The two thieves ran away quickly without their sweet potatoes.

44.The two thieves failed to steal anything from the house because______.

A.they were found out

B.they were frightened by what they had heard in the house

C.they didn’t work together well with each other

D.mice stopped them from doing so

45.From the last paragraph,we know that ______.

A.the two thieves were famous selling sweet potatoes

B.the woman recognized the two thieves

C.the woman pretended to know nothing about the two thieves and made fun of them

D.the two thieves didn’t know that they were not found at all

46.“______”is the best title for this passage.

A.Two Clever Thieves                                                      B.Terrible Mice

C.Hit the Mark by a Fluke(歪打正着)                  D.A Clever Couple

47.Which of the following statements is WRONG?

A.The man let the woman go home for a rope,which would be used for catching the thieves.

B.Whenever they found mice,the people in the house would try to catch them.

C.The two thieves ran away at once,because they thought the woman had seen them.

D.The two thieves not only failed to steal things but also lost their sweet potatoes.



Captain Good Fellow

Do your children enjoy interesting stories, funny games, and exciting dances? Captain Good Fellow will be ready to teach all these things to children of all ages at the City Theatre on Saturday morning at 10:00, free.

Walking Tour of the Town

Forget your worries on Saturday morning. Take a beautiful walk and learn about local history. Meet at the front entrance of City Hall at 9:30. Wear comfortable shoes!

Films at the Museum

Two European films will be shown on Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theatre. See Broken Window at 1:30. The Workers will be at 3:45. For further information, call 4987879.

International Picnic

Are you tired of eating the same food every day? Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world. Delicious and not expensive. Noon to 5:00 pm.

Take me out to the Ball Game

It’s October, and tonight is your last chance to see the Redbirds this year. Get your tickets at the gate. It might be cold—don’t forget sweaters and jackets.

Do You Want to Hear “The Zoo”?

“The Zoo”, a popular rock group from Australia, will give their first US concert tomorrow night at 8:00 at Rose Hall, City College.

40. You can probably eat Chinese, Italian, and Arab food ______.

A. at the front entrance of City Hall        B. at the ball game

C. at 5:00 pm                          D. at Central Park on Saturday

41. You can see movies at ______.

A. the City College                     B. the Museum Theatre

C. the City Theatre                     D. the Central Park

42. If you are going on the Walking Tour, don’t forget ______.

A. your comfortable shoes               B. your beautiful walk

C. your learning about local history        D. your worries

43. The Redbirds ball games ______.

A. is in the afternoon                   B. is outside

C. is at the gate          D. might be cold


Some people were eating and drinking in a coffee house. A young woman was sitting alone at a table. She was wearing a beautiful diamond necklace. There was an ugly man at a table not far from her. He was looking at her necklace all the time.

Suddenly the lights went out. The coffee house was in darkness. The woman started to shout. She was very frightened. A few minutes later the lights came on again. The woman was crying. Her necklace was missing.

The manager quickly closed all the doors. He telephoned the police. No one could get out of the coffee house. The policemen soon came. The police inspector told his men to search everyone. The necklace was not on anyone. They then searched the whole coffee house. The necklace couldn't be found.

The police inspector then looked at the faces of all the people in the coffee house. He saw the ugly man and looked at the man carefully. He went up to the man and picked up the bowl of soup that was on his table. He then poured the soup into a glass. The necklace fell out. The policemen caught hold of the man and took him away. The young woman was happy to get back her necklace.

36. A young woman lost her necklace in ______________.

A. a hospital      B. a shop           C. a coffee house      D. a restaurant

37. The manager closed all the doors and _______________.

A. searched everyone in the coffee house     B. searched the whole coffee house

C. telephoned the police                  D. looked at all the people in the coffee house

38. The police inspector found the necklace in __________.

A. a bowl of soup  B. a bowl of rice    C. a glass of milk      D. a cup of coffee

39. The necklace was stolen by ___________.      

A. a beautiful girl  B. an old woman   C. a young student      D. an ugly man




Once there were two men, who lived in the same hospital room. One man’s bed was next to the room's only window. ___16__, the other man, since his illness was more  ___17__, had to spend all his time in bed. When the man in the bed by the window could  ___18__ up, he would tell his roommate all the things he could see ___19__ the window. He said the window ___20___ a park with a lovely ___21__. Ducks played on the __22___ while children sailed their model boats. Old trees grew and beautiful flowers were in bloom. What a fine ___23__! The man in the other bed would be  ___24__ by the beautiful colors of the world outside.

Days and weeks passed.One morning, the day nurse found the man by the window had ___25__ peacefully in his sleep. She called the hospital attendants to take the body ___26__. As everything was done, the other man asked if he could be  ___27__ next to the window.  The nurse said OK and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him ___28__.

Slowly and painfully, he tried to take his _29___ look at the world outside. He thought he would be ___30__ to see it by himself. But to his surprise, he saw nothing but a white ___31__. The man asked the nurse ____32   his roommate ___33__  to him and said there were wonderful things outside this window. The nurse told him his roommate was blind and could not even ___34__  the wall.

She said, "Perhaps he just wanted to ___35__  you. He only hoped you could live in a colorful world and got better quickly. "

16. A. Unluckily           B. Happily             C. Surprisingly      D. Angrily

17. A. common          B. occasional     C. serious                 D. light

18. A.come             B. sit                    C. jump             D. wake

19. A. across            B. above            C. behind          D. outside

20. A. built           B. stood                    C. faced           D. placed

21. A. hill            B. lake          C. house           D. tower

22. A. sand           B. grass         C. water           D. tree

23. A. look           B. sight            C. form                        D. view

24. A. impressed            B. moved          C. reminded        D. disappointed

25. A. missed         B. died          C. come           D. passed

26. A. up               B. away         C. off             D. on

27. A. moved           B. forced        C. brought         D. lifted

28. A. alike             B. alone         C. aloud           D. alive

29. A. single            B. last            C. first            D. only

30. A. pleased        B. excited         C. crazy           D. sad

31. A. wall               B. picture          C. river            D. window

32. A. when          B. why          C. how             D. where

33. A. led              B. got           C. lied             D. left

34. A. hear             B. touch         C. see           D. describe

35. A. please            B. encourage     C. control        D. advice


— How do you find this film, John?


A. I find it at the cinema              B. By chance

C. Oh, very interesting               D. I looked for a long time


.In front of me_______, where many athletes from all over the world will compete for Olympic gold medals.

A. stands the Water Cube              B. stand the Water Cube

C. the Water Cube stands              D. does the Water Cube stand


.Just as I was leaving the classroom, it ________ to me that I forgot to turn the lights off.

A. happened        B. occurred        C. hit               D. struck


.I’ll never forget the years______I lived in the country with the farmers,______ has a great effect on my life.

A.that;which                B.when;which             C.which;that                      D.when;who


By the time my parents reached home yesterday, I _____ the dinner already.

A. had cooked      B. cooked         C. have cooked        D. was cooked


You should make it a rule to leave things ______ you can find them again.

A. when           B. where          C. then              D. which


Heasked_______ any elephants in the zoo the day before.

A.if did you see     B.if you had seen   C.whether did you see  D.that you had seen asked


Kathy _______ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.

A. picked up        B. took up        C. made up           D. turned up


She wanted to go to the disco, _____, her parents told her not to.

 A. instead          B. but           C. however           D. while


Sandy could do nothing but _____ to his teacher that he was wrong.

A. admit           B. admitted       C. admitting          D. to admit


I’d like to buy a house —modern, comfortable and _____ in a quiet neighborhood.

A. in all          B. above all       C. after all        D. at all


Janet as well as the other young people who          sent abroad by the government        brought up in a small town.

A. was, was                 B. was, were           C. were, were        D. were, was


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