As part of his role in the Air Force Volunteer Reserve, John Lewis often visited military schools. But it was at a London school in 2014 that an accident happened. He had 11 operations in total and it was two years before he could walk again.

Although John improved physically, he couldn’t recover from what had happened. John was diagnosed with post -traumatic (创伤后) stress disorder (PTSD), but none of the treatment seemed to help. Then last year, at a hospital, a doctor told him a puppy  (小狗) could manage stress and might help with his anxiety.

In May 2019, they adopted a black puppy called Gibson. He says, “I'd never thought of it as a comfort. After just a few weeks, I could feel myself improving. If I was feeling anxious, he would jump up on the sofa and sit on my chest and I found that really relaxing and comforting. Wherever I go, he will follow me and it’s really helpful to my anxiety. We go out and play Frisbee (飞盘) and I now look forward to going out for walks while I would always make excuses to stay in the house before.”

His wife Anna has also noticed a difference. She says, “Gibson is an incredible dog that adores John. He is a fantastic companion. It has given him a focus and a lease on life.”

John is now. taking part in Generation Pup, a groundbreaking study that tracks puppies through adulthood to learn how their early experiences and environment affect their development. John says, “I really enjoy tracking this through the study, watching his personality begin to grow and support me on my road back to mental health, which he is playing a big part in.” “Gibson has done so much for me in a short space of time. I want to do something for him.”

1.What can we learn about John Lewis after the accident?

A.He couldn't bear the pain of the operations.

B.He soon stood up and returned to his post.

C.He suffered a lot from mental problems.

D.He still focused on the life in military schools.

2.What do John’s words in paragraph 3 show?

A.How to raise a puppy. B.How naughty Gibson was.

C.How to get on with a puppy. D.How Gibson comforted him.

3.What does the underlined part “a lease on life” in paragraph 4 mean?

A.More wisdom. B.Better life.

C.Great wealth. D.Lifelong ambition.

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.John is grateful to Gibson. B.John makes full use of Gibson.

C.John has recovered from PTSD. D.John has researched a lot on puppies.


    The trend is clear: more and more people are walking around with wireless headphones. Some of the best selling headphones are from Apple, which have a high price. This price is beyond many budgets and many of us are simply not willing to pay that amount.

We Have Found the Solution

We’re recently discovered a brand that is overtaking the famous one in many countries. It is iHeadphones. The iHeadphones have an attractive design that is very similar to the most recognized brand. They even top the competition in many aspects. The most important thing is that they are compatible (兼容的) with Android and IOS. They are currently only available to buy online.

Main Characteristics

Different colors: you can choose the one that goes best with your style.

Long battery life: more than 8 hours of your favorite music thanks to its powerful battery.

Better price: iHeadphones cost less than half of what you'd pay for AirPods, with characteristics that are similar or superior to the competition.

How Can You Buy It?

You can place your order online through the official website It will be sent to your home.

Only during the launch period, the company is offering a large promotion for this product through the website. And if that is not enough, they will also offer a discount for mass purchases.

Limited Sale

50% off only during the launch period on the website. Buy it now! Limited sale.

1.What's the iHeadphones’ advantage over headphones from Apple?

A.The lower price. B.The larger promotion.

C.The more attractive design. D.The adoption for everyone.

2.How can consumers save more when they buy iHeadphones?

A.By buying it in the company. B.By paying for it with cheque.

C.By purchasing it in a store after its promotion. D.By buying it on the official website during the launch period.

3.What’s the purpose of the text?

A.To compare iHeadphones with AirPods. B.To analyse the market of iHeadphones.

C.To advertise the product iHeadphones. D.To teach consumers to use iHeadphones.


阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为 150 左右。

In 1989, fresh out of high school, I had the difficult task of choosing a career path before college started in three months. In those days in Pakistan, there were limited options: becoming a doctor or an engineer, or entering the financial world after getting a business degree. I wasn’t interested in engineering, so that I was left with medicine or business. I couldn’t decide.

My uncle, an influential person in the family, suggested that I do a work placement to experience it for a month in an international company followed by a month in a hospital. After that, I could make a decision. It seemed like a brilliant idea.

I was accepted for a month’s placement at a foreign bank in Karachi. I got a feel for how the world of finance functioned, made new friends, and generally enjoyed the mostly easy-going work surroundings.

The month passed rapidly, and soon I began working at a leading hospital in Karachi. The experience couldn’t have been more different. The hospital had an intense environment. The days started early (at 7 am, compared to 9 am at the bank), and were filled with endless duties. And the night calls! This was crazy, working all day, through the night, and again the next day.

I began thinking about my two experiences. The bank had offered a more relaxing atmosphere, better working hours and less stress. The hospital was full of excitement and unpredictability, but the studying and training was difficult. It seemed that the business option was going to win out.

Near the end of my month at the hospital, I was driving home after an especially busy night call. In front of me was a public bus, with college students sitting on the top. As the driver weaved through (穿梭) traffic, I could see the boys shaking from side to side.

Paragraph1: Suddenly, a boy fell off the back of the bus.


Paragraph2: The next day, when I went to hospital to see the boy, all his family got up, with grateful smiles on their faces.



为推动中美文化交流,城关中学将组织一次赴美游学活动。参加的学生将通过选拔的形式产生。假设你是校学生会主席,请你以学生会的名义用英语写一则关于选拔活动的书 面通知。内容包括:




注意:1.词数 80 词左右

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



阅读下面材料,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Traditional earthen buildings

Listed as a World Cultural Heritage in 2008, tulou or earthen buildings are unique rural dwellings ( 住宅) in the 1. (mountain) area in east China's Fujian Province. The buildings 2. (appear) in the Song and Yuan dynasties, and took 3. (they) current shapes in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Some of the Hakka and Hoklo people still live in the tulou. The buildings were 4. (original) for Hakka families to live together and defend 5.the invaders. They evolved from local mountain camps, most of 6. took a circular structure. Most of the earthen buildings have been developed since it was  put on the List, and the number of tourists 7. (rise)dramatically. Lin Jianwen is currently the sixth generation owner of Zhencheng Building 8. (build) in 1912. Lin went back home and inherited the building, turning it into a homestay hotel. In peak time, there are 200 people from 27 families 9. (live) in it. He runs with his family and takes good care of the visitors. Welcoming tourists from all over the world makes Lin's life more colorful in the village.


    Jake and Max Klein are twin brothers who have a passion for volunteering. Their family have always done community _______ .At a young age, they chose to _______ family's gifts at their birthday parties, but asked them to donate money to a charity. When they were seven, Jake and Max were interested in _______ with a family friend at the local homeless shelter to help cook. _________, he turned them down because they were too _______ and they had to be fourteen to cook. This led them on an endless _______ to come up with a way to help other kids who were also facing a _______ challenging: wanting to help but _______ because of their age.

So, Kids That Do Good was _______ to "show ways to kids or adults, at any age, they could join the community and make a ________ .The small ________ has grown into a large website that brings thousands of ________ visitors each year. Jake and Max say that their website brings 35,000 unique viewers, of those viewers, Kids That Do Good has ________ kids to 16,000 organizations.

Jake and Max are ________ with school and after-class activities and other community service promises. Kids That Do Good also has blog posts that advise kids on ________ their own charitable event.

1.A.surveys C.duties D.businesses

2.A.sort out with C.give up D.put away

3.A.travelling B.volunteering D.recycling

4.A.Unfortunately. B.Happily C.Honestly D.Gratefully

5.A.shy B.awkward C.weak D.young

6.A.task B.ability C.chance D.determination

7.A.public B.similar

8.A.joked B.blamed C.denied D.praised

9.A.advised B.allowed C.named D.created

10.A.judgment B.difference C.comment D.decision

11.A.plan B.effort C.project D.experiment

12.A.pleased B.satisfied C.amazed D.interested

13.A.connected C.contributed D.attracted

14.A.familiar B.patient C.busy D.content

15.A.remembering B.describing C.celebrating D.building


    Spot lights are not just for rock concerts and Broadway shows. There are many ways to use them around your home's exterior as well. You can use them to add safety to a stairwell, prevent intruders from entering your home or show off your favorite rose hush 1. . Learning the advantages of this option will help you decide whether they are right for your home.

Solar spot lights are highly energy efficient. Since they are operated solely using power from the sun, they will save you money and help the environment over time. 2., so you do not need a large upfront investment prior to seeing savings once you are using them.

3.. Since they do not require direct electricity, there is no wiring to worry about and typically, no special tools required. You can install them virtually anywhere, staking them into the ground, hanging them from the eaves of your home or even attaching them to siding, brick or trees in your yard.

Solar spot lights are very safe to use, as well. 4. when installing the lights. You can confidently place them near a swimming pool or other water source with no qualms, and you do not need to be concerned about wires being struck or cut when pets dig, children play or you spend time gardening in your yard.

5.. You should wipe them regularly with a damp, soft cloth to remove dust and dirt that build up over time. They do require batteries, but they generally last a year or longer, and you can always buy a set of rechargeable batteries to make your lights even more frugal ( 约的) and environmentally friendly.

A.Finally, they are easy to maintain

B.They are extremely easy to install

C.Lastly, they do not require direct electricity

D.Solar energy is a free, inexhaustible resource

E.Again, they need no wiring, so there is no risk of electrical shock

F.In addition, they are not particularly expensive to purchase either

G.If you should decide to use them, consider installing solar spot lights


    There is an unforgettable beauty to the Karoo, a vast semi-desert, that seems empty save for the stars overhead and sheep eating grass below. Economic opportunities here are few.

But the Karoo’s clear skies also draw some of the world's best scientists. A radio telescope project called the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is under construction, with the latest group of 64 giant antennae(天线)due to be completed late next year. When finished, it will be the biggest radio telescope in the world and should allow scientists to peer into the origins of the universe.

Still, some sheep farmers are complaining. Because of the sensitivity of the telescope, the surrounding area must be kept free from radio interference(干扰)caused by everything from mobile phones to microwave ovens and some car engines. The SKA is buying up more farms than originally expected to ensure radio silence over an area of some 130,000 hectares. There will be no mobile phone signals allowed, except in the few towns in the area. Save the Karoo, an advocacy group, isn’t convinced by the bright future of groundbreaking astronomical discoveries. Its members fear the restrictions will make the Karoo “a cut-off and backward region”, and warn that people serving farms near the SKA site could face financial ruin. “I don't care about a black hole siting somewhere out in space,” says Eric Torr, an organiser with the group. “It does not put food on the table.”

Sky-high expectations in this down-at-heel area are also a problem. An SKA official complains that the locals expect the telescope to solve all their problems. Some jobs have been created, but few locals have the skills to find out the secrets of distant galaxies. Until recently the high school in Carnarvon, a nearby town, didn’t even have a maths and science teacher. The SKA organisation hired one, and is also offering scholarship to college students. Perhaps if the next generation's horizons are raised, they will be able to take advantage of the radio telescopes in their own backyard.

1.The project SKA is aimed at ______.

A.creating jobs for locals B.exploring the universe

C.protecting the sheep D.saving the Karoo

2.What most disturbs the locals’ life?

A.The shrinking of their farmlands. B.Restrictions of radio signals.

C.The construction of the project. D.Noises of car engines.

3.What can be inferred from Eric’s words?

A.Food should be put on the table. B.Eric faces financial difficulty.

C.The black hole is nowhere to be found. D.The project makes no sense to Eric.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Telescope in the Backyard B.Expectations of the Locals

C.Biggest Radio Telescope D.Great Astronomical Discovery


    British parents encourage their children to play musical instruments as part of a family tradition and not to raise their social status as Americans do, research says.

Dr. Aaron Reeves of the University of Oxford found that UK parents did not see musical achievement by their children as character building or useful in getting university places or jobs. Instead, it was usually only those parents who played instruments that encouraged their children to follow suit.

This contrasted with research carried out by other academics in America, he said. “Middle-class parents in the US appear to associate cultural practice with other benefits, such as developing specific characteristics and paving the way for educational success. Middle-class families are often marked by a pattern of ‘concerted cultivation’, where parents organize music-centred activities for their children, often in addition to school-based musical practice.”

Researchers had owed this to “parental anxiety over the declining fortunes of educated Americans. These parents have become increasingly worried about providing their children with skills and abilities enabling them to stand out from their competitors in the job market.”

By contrast, for British respondents, no such connection was made between what is considered as an overbearing parenting style and future educational or career possibilities. The parents interviewed here did not connect music with usefulness but rather they focused on the value of music as a family tradition and, to a lesser extent, as something valuable in its own right.

One Scottish parent, a chemist by profession, said during the interviews, “We’ve got two learning musical instruments. If we think it’s maybe worthwhile we try and encourage them, but we wouldn't force them.” A housewife said, “My son’s just turned five and I want him to do the guitar because his uncle does it, but it’s up to him.”

In some UK families, said Dr. Reeves, music was even “believed to be an obstacle to educational success, or at least secondary to it.”

1.What do British parents think of music learning?

A. Useful for job application. B. Helpful for character building.

C. Beneficial to further education. D. Worthwhile as a family tradition.

2.What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A. Cultural practice. B. Educational success.

C. Concerted cultivation. D. School-based musical practice.

3.What can be inferred from the text?

A. The future of American kids is not promising.

B. American parents hardly link music with success.

C. Music learning is a personal choice for British kids.

D. British parents show little concern about education.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A. Reasons for British music preference.

B. British parenting style in music education.

C. Americans’ attitude towards music learning.

D. Differences between British and American parents.


    John was part of my childhood growing up in the 1970s and a link to sunny, fun-filled days spent on the beach at Bangor in Northern Ireland where we went for our summer holidays. To many, he was a mystery. Every afternoon John would wander to the end of the pier (码头) where he fed the seagulls and delighted in the sound of their excited cries as they flew around his head.

Often I asked my family questions regarding John. Eventually I gave up as no one could tell me anything about him. As I grew up, my visits to the beach became less frequent, and my memories of John buried in a child's imagination.

Last year memories came flooding back as I walked along the coastline, where I noticed a lady feeding the seagulls on the pier, and I decided to introduce myself. Then I came to know that the lady was John's daughter, and after John left this world she carried out the ritual, which had held such importance for her father.

In some strange way I felt we shared a bond, each needing to remember. In return, Lucy told me of John's life, his days in the British Navy during World War I and how he almost lost hope when his ship was attacked by a German U-boat in the North Sea and he found himself in a lifeboat with five others.

Close to death, he thought he heard the sound of wings. He put up his hands, only to catch a seagull that had landed on the side of the boat. The seagull saved the lives of the six men as it was used to catch fish, which kept them alive until they reach land. This period of John's life was one he never talked about. But the ritual he first performed as a young man remained a part of him until he died.

Now I visit Lucy as often as I can, just to chat or very often walk along the beach to the pier end. We enjoy the comfortable silence, each lost in special memories.

1.Seeing John feeding the seagulls, the author might feel ______.

A.proud B.worried

C.curious D.guilty

2.The underlined word ''ritual" in the third paragraph can be replaced by ______. B.tradition

C.interest D.procedure

3.We can infer from the text that John ______.

A.once served in both World Wars B.was a man with a grateful heart

C.spent his childhood in Bangor D.joined the navy in the 1970s

4.What does the author mainly tell us in the text?

A.Her thanks to a seagull that saved her life.

B.The story of how she made friends with a lady.

C.Her childhood spent on the beach at Bangor.

D.Her memories of a man who fed seagulls.


As the sixth What Kids Are Reading report bemoans about a tendency among secondary  school students  to  read  books  that  are  too  easy—suggesting  that  teachers  and librarians aren’t pushing challenging titles strongly enough to older kids—the organizers of World Book Day have announced a list that might serve as a corrective, or at least a useful source of ideas.

Satellite by Nick Lake

Leo  was  born  in  space,  living  all  his  life  on  space  station  Moon  2  with  fellow space-children Libra and Orion. Now, at 15,he is almost due to go to Earth for the first time, but more awaits him there. An extraordinary science fiction, as diverse as lain M Banks at his best. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

A standout debut (首次创作), this US novel is the Black Lives Matter (BLM)-inspired story of Starr Carter, whose friend Khalil is shot dead by a police officer as she watches and whose divided life awakes in the fallout. Full of vivid detail and dry humour, with a charming narrator, it reads like a typical text.

Things a Bright Girl Can Do by Sally Nicholls

Nicholls’ exciting narrative follows May, the free-thinking daughter of a Quaker, and Nell, the tough, capable mainstay of her poor family. As the ghost of war appears ever closer, what will they sacrifice and what will be taken from them? An unforgettable historical novel.

The Book of Dust Vol 1:La Belle Sauvage by Philip Pullman

Pullman’s long-awaited return to the world of His Dark Materials is, at times, dark indeed. As Malcolm and Alice convey the baby Lyra down a flooded river in Malcolm’s boat, the coming threats are fierce and frightening. To the reader absorbed in it, whatever their age, it affords the enjoyment of watching a master storyteller at work.

1.Why do the organizers announce the book list?

A.To attract students’ attention to World Book Day.

B.To promote the sales of the books recommended.

C.To encourage secondary students to read challenging books.

D.To meet the requirements of teachers and librarians.

2.Which book might attract a history lover?

A.Satellite. B.The Hate U Give.

C.Things a Bright Girl Can Do. D.The Book of Dust Vo1 1:La Belle Sauvage.

3.What can be learned from the text?

A.Nick Lake is an expert in space exploration.

B.Angie Thomas stands out in writing textbooks.

C.May has an influence on Sally Nicholls’ writing.

D.It took a long time for Pullman to publish his new book.


近几年,很多外国人热衷学习中国文化。如学汉语、过中国节日等。自从2014年以来,有200多所孔子学院(Confucius Institute)相继在美国、英国、加拿大、韩国等国家建成使用。

1. 请简要报道上述现象;

2. 分析上述现象的原因;

3. 结合自身实际,谈谈你能为传播中国文化做些什么。

注意:1. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

2. 120词左右。




1.The twins are so much alike that even their parents have trouble d_________ them.

2. When electricity was cut off, all the people in the elevator(电梯)p_______.

It’s unnecessary, for the operator will surely come to help.

3.He was awarded a gold watch in r_____ of his service to his company.

4.The little girl was fortunate because she had a n______ escape from being run over by a car.

5.Hearing the dog barking fiercely, the thief f____ away.

6.G_______(抓紧) firmly her mother’s hand in the darkness, Lucy felt much better.

7.The bell indicating the end of the period rang, which _______(打断) our heated discussion.

8.You can come and have a chat with me whenever you feel it is ________(方便) to you.

9.______(有希望地) we’ll have finished the project by the end of this month.

10.What do you think of cloning? Is it harmful to human beings?

Well, e________ in a proper way, this technology can contribute to the development of mankind.


Happiness begins from appreciation

If you are feeling that life just cannot be any worse for you, it can be challenging to think positive. When stressed, depressed, upset or otherwise in a negative state of mind because you are aware that misfortune keeps occurring, it is important to shift those negative thoughts to something positive. 1.

It is often very hard to think positive when so many things are negative, but be sure that someone, somewhere is worse off than you. 2. If you start with one small, positive thing and appreciate it during the course of your day, you will begin to move into a more positive situation and people will start showing up in your life. With appreciation, you will find that over time, you will change your outlook and choose to be happy, regardless of the events around you. 3.

● Begin and end each day with a “Thank you for this wonderful, glorious day!”

● When you see the rise of gas prices, say “I am so glad to have a vehicle in which to get around.”

● When your boss is too hard on you, say “I am grateful for my job as I know that many don’t have one.”

● If you are having health problems, be grateful for what does work: “I really do appreciate it that my eyes see, my ears hear, my mouth tastes, my legs walk, my arms lift and my mind thinks and everything else works.”

● Write down what you’re grateful for each day. In moments when you’re feeling really down, read loud what you wrote previously. 4. If you practice this regularly, you will find your list getting longer and longer.

The key is to move yourself into a positive thought and keep it there long enough to make it a moment of appreciation. 5.

A. This will certainly help uplift your spirits.

B. If not, you will only attract more misfortune.

C. It is of great importance to learn to be grateful.

D. The more you appreciate, the happier you’ll be.

E. If you have made some achievements in your career.

F. Here are a few common examples for you to practice.

G. You can choose to think differently by beginning with the smallest of steps.


    Myth was born in childhood of human being. It is a product of ancient imagination, which can conquer nature, dominate nature and make the power of nature have its own image. It is a cultural phenomenon in civilized society.

China and Greece are birthplaces of Orient and Western civilizations. Prime Minister Constantine Caramanlis of Greece once pointed out: '' The civilization of China brought light to the Far East and the whole of Asia, as Greece thought, the cornerstone of European civilization, brought light to the West. '' However, for some reasons, there are many differences between Chinese and Greek myth, which show their own unique national spirits and moral principles.

The ancestors of Chinese nation lived on land before one million and seven hundred thousand years. After long uncivilized times, ancient Chinese gradually created civilization. In prehistory, ancient Chinese lived and struggled. Most ancestors’ achievements of tribes have been passed down orally. This is old myth. According to some archaeological materials, single myth, which has the meaning of totem(图腾), had appeared in the Late Palaeolithic Age. As the mental belief, totem is the holiest and the most beautiful symbol in ancient tribes’ mind. It is their aesthetic conception(审美观). On the contrary, the history of Greece is shorter, and Greek myth produced later than Chinese myth. It produced in about eleventh century BC, and it was far from the age of totem worship. That was the Age of Heroes. Human wisdom had been more and more important and totem worship had tended to disappear. So ancient Greeks thought that human being was the most beautiful in the world. They gave their deities(神灵) the most beautiful images. Those are images of human beings.

China lies in an isolated pocket in East Asia, surrounded by impassable mountains, deserts, seas and valleys. This environment develops a continental culture where people are only looking inward, a farming culture centers on soil, discouraging any adventurous seefaring people. In addition, Chinese myth produced in the Yellow River and the Yangtze River Valley. In both zones, the volume of rain is abundant all the year round. Because the soil is fertile and the resources are rich, both areas are suitable for agriculture. It became the typical continental agriculture. They would not like to take their own lives to struggle with terrifying waves, but would rather work hard in gentle land. Just the ancient Chinese who lived in this continent created this unique myth, ancient Chinese myth.

Contrary to China, Greece is a poor country, barren and dry. Unlike the rich river valleys Yellow River and Yangtze River, its rivers are too small to be navigable, and they dry up in the heat of the mostly rainless summers. The Greek landscape is dominated by high mountains, which occupy about three quarters of the land. As rich land was limited in Greece, to survive, ancient Greeks had to look outward. Sea is the greatest Greek natural resource. It plays a central role in the life of Greeks. The Chinese seas don’t look navigable, but the Greek seas look like swimming pools. The Chinese sailor, if he happens to be, sails for days without any land in sight. In fact, he can easily get drowned before he has a chance to get anywhere. The Greek sailor, who is always fortunate, can spot islands in all directions on clear days. With these steppingstones, he can reach any part of the Mediterranean to trade, to stay, to conquer and to colonize. They like to learn advanced technique and cultures from other countries. This provided living space for independence of Greek myth. Frankly speaking, marine civilization created the great Greek myth.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A.The differences between Chinese and Greek myth.

B.The definition of myths and why they came into existence.

C.The reasons for the differences between Chinese and Greek myth.

D.The factors resulting in Chinese myth being more advanced than Greek myth.

2.What can we know about the author according to what he writes in this passage?

A.He has a strong affection for his country’s civilizations.

B.He holds a positive attitude towards the study of myth.

C.He agrees with Constantine in terms of Greek myth.

D.He presents his main point of view in an objective tone.

3.What can we infer from the 3rd paragraph?

A.Chinese myth came into being 1.7 million years earlier than Greek myth.

B.The appearance of totem marked the birth of Chinese civilization.

C.Deities in Greek myth are wiser and more beautiful than Chinese ones.

D.The time when the myth produced has great influence on its images.

4.The author writes the 4th and 5th paragraphs mainly to _______.

A.display the geographical differences between China and Greece the agriculture civilization and the marine civilization how environment causes the differences of the two myths

D.reveal why Chinese are more conservative than western people

5.What does the underlined word ''marine'' in the last sentence probably mean?

A.of advanced level B.of or relating to the sea

C.independent of anything D.willing to make adventures

6.The differences mainly talked about in the passage between Chinese and Greek myths are ______.

a. aesthetic conception   

b.surviving skills

c.independent spirits        

d.adventurous spirits     

e.forming process

A.ace B.bcd

C.ade D.abd


    It is that time of the year again. Up and down the country, thousands of students stay in the library, attempting to cram(死记硬背)the information necessary to get through finals. I am one of them — a Cambridge finalist, attempting to deal with the Oxbridge stress in the only way I know: caffeine hits and reclusion(遁生活) Whether you love or hate Oxbridge, the fact that these two universities provide unique learning environments is something of a double-edged sword. On the one hand, students have access to some of the best education in the world; on the other hand, the pressure that comes with this can prove damaging to them and can't be swept under the carpet for they have to face it eventually.

Many Cambridge students find themselves trapped in a pressure of expectation, whether this comes from their supervisors or tutors, their director of studies or even from themselves. The drive towards achievement is either the key to success or to possible serious personal issues, as Mark Phippen, head of the University of Cambridge's Counseling Service said, ''There are plenty of perfectionists in Cambridge, but it can work two ways: it can push them to accomplish and to achieve, or it can get out of hand, disabling them. ''

Many students say that they can’t handle it any more while working in certain libraries which are filled with other students hard at work. The competition and paranoia(疑)are more common than what we realize or question: you can feel as if you are being judged for how much time you spend on Facebook or YouTube, or how little time you spend reading.

Too many students feel almost frustrated by the pressure to achieve but feel unable to speak about it. As everyone seems to be coping, they must also pretend to cope too. The only thing students have: tutors and supervisors regularly encourage students to avoid extracurricular activities, urging them to focus on their studies to such an extent that many find it hard to handle it. One current Cambridge tutor has been known for checking up on the activities of students involved in extracurricular theatre by searching for them on the website, which details who is involved in certain plays each term — just in case it affects the student’s work output.

Problems arise when the pressure produces mental health issues. Problems have been brought to attention in articles primarily from Oxford's Cherwell and Cambridge's The Tab. The attention has made the Cambridge University Student Union set up Students Deserve Better — a campaign to handle complaints about supervisors and tutors lacking the ability to provide proper spiritual support. ''When I told my supervisor about my problems with anxiety and therefore about my worries surrounding the workload she was suggesting, she said that I would probably feel less anxious once the work was done, '' a finalist student called Jane said. ''It shouldn't be an accepted response in one of the world's best universities. Their responses only worsened any feelings I had concerning my final year. ''

Phippen said, ''At this point the exams seem like the most important thing in the world. However, two years down the line you’ll realize that the exams you did at university aren't very important at all, as what then becomes more important is what you have done within those two years afterwards. Finalist exams can become depressing for students studying at any university. All you must remember is that you are not alone and you are good enough, and that a few years down the line, your ability to recount the plots of Euripides' nineteen plays will no longer matter. So why worry? ''

1.The underlined part ''be swept under the carpet'' in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ''______''. covered up dealt with given up figured out

2.What's Mark Phippen's attitude towards the pressure put on the students at Oxbridge?

A.Critical. B.Doubtful.

C.Objective. D.Ambiguous.

3.What can we know from Paragraph 4?

A.Extracurricular activities fail to appeal to most students.

B.Some tutors and supervisors push their students too hard.

C.There is a lack of communication between students and their supervisors.

D.Some students don't speak about the pressure because they think they can handle it.

4.What Jane said in Paragraph 5 suggests that she ______ .

A.didn't get her problems across to her supervisor

B.had expected better spiritual guidance from her tutors

C.was dissatisfied with her supervisor's delayed responses

D.was glad that Students Deserve Better was set up to help students like her

5.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A.Oxbridge pressure: the key to students' achievements

B.Oxbridge finals: the toughest exams in the country

C.Oxbridge graduates: the strongest competitors in the job market

D.Oxbridge success: the result of teacher-student interaction


    Cooperation at work is generally seen as a good thing. The latest survey by the Financial Times of what employers want from MBA graduates found that the ability to work with a wide variety of people was what managers wanted most. But managers always have to balance the benefits of teamwork, which help ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal, with the dangers of “groupthink” when critics are reluctant to point out a plan’s drawbacks for fear of being kept out of the group. The disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in 1961 was a classic case of groupthink. Skeptics were reluctant to challenge John F. Kennedy, the newly elected American president.

Modern communication methods mean that cooperation is more frequent. Workers are constantly in touch with each other via e-mail messaging groups or mobile calls. But does that improve, or lower performance? A new study by three American academics, tried to answer this question. They set a logical problem (designing the shortest route for a travelling salesman visiting various cities). Three groups were involved: one where subjects acted independently; another where they saw the solutions posted by team members at every stage; and a third where they were kept informed of each other’s views only intermittently.

The survey found that members of the individualist group reached the premier solution more often than the constant cooperators but had a poorer average result. The intermittent cooperators found the right result as often as the individualists, and got a better average solution. When it comes to ideal generation, giving people a bit of space to a solution seems to be a good idea. Occasional cooperation can be a big help: most people have benefited from a colleague’s brainwave or (just as often) wise advice to avoid a particular course of action.

Further clues come from a book, Superminds, by Thomas Malone of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He says that three factors determine the collective intelligence of cooperating groups: social intelligence (how good people were at rating the emotional states of others); the extent to which members took part equally in conversation (the more equal, the better); and the cooperation of women in the group (the higher, the better). Groups ranked highly in these areas cooperated far better than others.

In short, cooperation may be a useful tool but it doesn’t work in every situation.

1.The author cites the example of The Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in paragraph 1 to _______.

A.prove that team players are skilled at communication that teamwork cannot always be beneficial

C.prove that critics are unwilling to challenge anybody the danger of groupthink is not very serious

2.The underlined phrase “the intermittent cooperators” in paragraph 3 refers to _______.

A.those who do not cooperate but reach the best solution

B.those who are seldom informed of other’s views

C.those who cooperate with others occasionally

D.the constant cooperators with a poor average result

3.Which of the following factors makes a team cooperate better?

A.Group members cooperating all the time.

B.Group members in a good emotional state.

C.Equal distribution of men and women.

D.Equal participation in the communication.

4.Which can be the best title of the passage?

A.When Teamwork Works B.What Teamwork Is About

C.How Teamwork Operates D.A Useful Tool: Cooperation


    On a recent sunny, dry fall morning, I found the last outdoor table at my favorite café. Reading ______ I nibbled my breakfast, I was enjoying the feeling of the cool breeze and the warm sun when a table next to me ______. A woman who had been standing nearby, ______ waiting for a seat, stepped toward the table. But from the other ______, straight from the parking lot, came a man who got to the table first.

The woman, with a ______ on her face, explained that she’d been ______ that table for several minutes and had been on her way over. The man, also smiling but ______, told her she was out of ______; he had happened upon the table first. “You snooze(不注意), you lose!” he said cheerfully.

She stood off to the side, clearly disappointed, and ______ her friend with the frustrating news. I sat at my table, ______ the scene, when suddenly it occurred to me—I had a(n) ______ here to be kind.

I stood up and ______ her over to my table. Quietly, I told her I had seen what had happened, and I was happy to give her my table. I was only going to be there a few more minutes ______, so I was happy for her and her friend to have the ______.

“But where will you sit?” she asked. I was almost done eating, I said, and I would find a seat at the counter ______. She thanked me and beamed(堆满笑容) as she ______ for her friend to sit down.

Thinking about it as I finished up, I realized that whether or not the woman had fair ______ to the table was unimportant. The emotion of the situation—the look of hurt on her face—had ______ me, and I had the ability to do something about it.

That isn’t always the case with every feeling, situation, or injustice we ______ unexpectedly in our days. But as the early 20th century writer Orison Swett Marden once said, “Don’t wait for extraordinary opportunities. ______ common occasions and make them great.”

I just hope that woman’s morning at the café was great. I know mine was.

1.A.till B.after D.before

2.A.closed up B.opened up C.looked up D.showed up

3.A.hesitantly B.clearly C.seemingly D.steadily

4.A.entrance B.angle C.gate D.direction B.shock C.glare D.gaze

6.A.monitoring B.watching C.minding D.wandering

7.A.firm B.impatient C.elegant D.reluctant

8.A.order B.luck C.shape

9.A.served B.compared C.loaded D.greeted

10.A.taking down B.taking up C.taking in D.taking over

11.A.scene B.opportunity C.access D.passion

12.A.followed B.guided C.signaled D.rushed

13.A.anyway B.someway C.somewhere D.anywhere

14.A.floor C.moment D.kindness

15.A.downstairs B.upstairs C.outside D.inside

16.A.gestured B.headed C.waited D.sent

17.A.passage B.claim C.approach D.admission

18.A.shamed B.surprised C.struck D.scared

19.A.repeat B.hate C.tolerate

20.A.Mark B.Hold C.Celebrate D.Seize


I can’t get my car _____ on cold mornings, so I have to try ______ the radiator with some hot water.; to fill B.running; filling

C.running; to fill D.ran; filling


Alipay, which currently has over 520 million users, is a powerful ____ of payment tools, financial services and marketing platforms.

A.indication B.representation C.observation D.combination


____ the doctor was murdered?

It was in the art gallery _____ famous paintings were on display.

A.Where it was that; that B.Where it was that; where

C.Where was it that; where D.Where was it that; that


The number of road accidents and the deaths _____ those accidents _____ over the past years.

A.resulting in; has increased B.resulting in; have increased

C.resulting from; has increased D.resulting from; have increased


That preserved historic village connected to downtown by a highway is ________ many office workers spend their weekends.


C.where D.why


When the police came, the thief was ____.

A.nowhere to hide B.nowhere to be hiding C.nowhere to be hidden D.nowhere hide


Richard was called in by the police to answer questions         the disappearance of Thomas Riley, whose relatives were          his present situation.

A.concerning; concerning about B.concerning; concerned about

C.concerned;concerning about D.concerned; concerned about


The financial crisis(危机) and the suffering ________ has caused have a great influence on the whole world.

A.they C.which D.what


We are interested in the weather because it _____ us so directly --- what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.

A.confuses B.guides C.affects D.effects


_______ some of the most complicated questions of life while working under the shadow of a likely premature(过早的) death, Stephen Hawking died at 76.

A.having occupied to B.occupied with

C.having occupied with D.occupied to


People who can see with their eyes can’t understand        practical use Braille can be of for the blind.


C.that D.whether


Imagination grows by exercise and, ____ common sense, is more powerful in adulthood than in childhood. to B.according to C.due to D.contrary to


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