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Tom's father gave me a l________ this morning when I went to school.




For most people my age, it's hard to imagine life without a computer. It seems like almost everybody has one! In fact, there are 640 million personal computers in households around the world. Most people use them every day for work and play. Actually, the first personal computer was invented in 1975. Before then, people survived (生存) without computers and the Internet, so it must be possible!

I believe that there would be some advantages to life without a computer. We would probably do more exercise because we wouldn't be sitting in front of our screens all day. Maybe we would get better at remembering things because we couldn't always check facts online. I think we would also interact (互动) more with each other because computers wouldn't demand so much of our attention.

However, I think that it would also be very difficult for young people today to live without computers. We use them to communicate with our friends and family all around the world. We also use computers to research information about many different subjects. Computer technology has helped improve our lives in many different areas. For example, mechanics use computers to check our cars, doctors use computers to analyze (分析) health tests, and architects use computers to design modern, safe buildings.

All in all, I believe that, in today's society, we can't live without computers.


1.Most people use computers every day for_______.

2.When was the first personal computer invented?


3.What probably would we do if we wouldn't be sitting in front of our screens all day?






There is a young boy called Bill in my class who has a hard time saying certain words. Sometimes, kids make fun of him. Sometimes, he'll say the same word twice or he'll stutter(结巴). He's very shy and doesn't say much.

One day, there was a sign on the wall asking people to try out for the school play. We looked and saw Bill's name on the list. We wondered how he could possibly be in a play with his speech problem.

The rehearsals(排练)went on for weeks, and finally the time for performance arrived. Bill got on stage and spoke his first lines. He stuttered terribly. Then, the most amazing thing happened. When the music started, he began to sing. It came out perfectly. He had a beautiful voice and not a single stutter. Bill was a different person when he sang.

The next day at school, everyone congratulated Bill. He explained to us that it's common for people who stutter to be able to sing perfectly well. Science doesn't know why, but it's a fact.

We learned more than just a scientific fact that day. We learned that everyone has things they can't do, and things they can do. We all have to be understanding of that. As for Bill, he still stutters. But sometimes when he has a hard time giving an answer in class, he just stops and sings the answer. That's always the highlight of the class.

1.Whose story is this article about?

A.The writer's. B.Tom's. C.Bill's. D.Head teacher's.

2.Why do the students think Bill can't attend the play?

A.He has speech problem. B.He has no time.

C.He has no talent. D.He  doesn't like the school play.

3.How did the students think of Bill's performance?

A.Bad. B.Exciting. C.Boring. D.Perfect.

4.Which of the following can show the main idea of the text?

A.Think twice before acting. B.Everyone has his advantages.

C.Everyone is equal. D.Seeing is believing.


Wait a minute. We mustn't cross the street ________ the traffic lights turn green.

A.after B.until C.though D.if


Jeff must have got up late because he hasn't ________  for breakfast.

A.grown up B.stayed up C.woken up D.shown up


Lily, your face looks so ________. You should take a break right away.

A.easy B.kind C.happy D.pale


The old man having ________ hair is a famous writer who has created many works.

A.grey B.deep C.wide D.new


When we arrived at the cinema, the movie ________.

A.begins B.began C.has begun D.had begun


The little girl set the fish free and watched it until it ________  in the river.

A.swam B.flew C.disappeared D.walked


(2019沧州二模)Taking some exercise every day will ________  off the fat and make you fit.

A.show B.take C.burn D.put


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