I have to go now. My friends ______ for me outside.

A. wait             B. waited

C. are waiting       D. will wait


-- What will you do this weekend, John?

-- We ______ mountains.

A. climb              B. climbed

C. have climbed       D. will climb


She looked very kind and ______ a lot when I met her yesterday.

A. smile              B. smiles

C. is smiling         D. smiled


There’s lots of white snow but there aren’t ______ tourists.

A. some          B. any          C. much            D. little


Spring is the best season in Beijing. It usually comes ______ March.

A. in             B. on           C. at               D. to


-- Do you have time to go for a walk with ______?

-- Yes, of course.

A. I      B. me     C. my     D. mine





提示词语: house, classmates, sing, cakes, fun

Dear Tom,

How is it going? I’m writing to invite you to my birthday party. ___________________








Li Hua


阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题。

Adam Braun set up the organization (组织) Pencils of Promise in 2008. Its goal is to make sure all children can go to school. Now, Pencils of Promise is building a new school somewhere every 90 hours. It has helped more than 22,000 children in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Adam Bruan had this idea of helping poor children go to school when he was a college student. He was visiting India when a boy stopped him and asked for money on the street. Mr. Bruan asked the boy what he would want, if he could have anything in the world.

“I thought the answer was going to be ‘a house’ or ‘a car’ or ‘a boat’. His answer was ‘a pencil’. So I gave him my pencil and he was just happy and excited. His answer made me understand the truth that he had never been to school before, and that was also the real life for 57 million children around the world,” Bruan said.

Adam Bruan started working in finance (金融) after he finished college. But he never forgot the boy and the true life for the poor children.

“We live in a world in which every child should have a chance(机会) to go to school, because we already have everything we need to give them good education. We are able to educate every child. So I decided to help change that world,” Bruan said.

Mr. Bruan collected money for his project. He paid for building the first Pencils of Promise school in Laos five years ago. Since then, his organization has helped pay for more than 200 schools in the countryside of Laos, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Ghana.

1.What is the goal of Pencils of Promise?

2.How many children has Pencil of Promise helped?

3.When did Adam Bruan start to have the idea of helping children?

4.What truth did the boy’s answer tell him?

5.What does this passage mainly talk about?




Go is called Weiqi in China. It is an old Chinese board game for two players. It has a long history of over 3,000 years. 1.     So people didn’t think AI (人工智能) would win before. However, things have changed because of a special match that caught many people’s attention. Le Se-dol is from South Korea. 2.     In March, 2016, he played against a computer program called Alphago. Their game was seen as a competition between humans and AI. But unluckily, Le Se-dol lost the game.

People were so surprised that they couldn’t believe the result. 3.    They remembered the saying that robots would control the world in the future. In fact, we needn’t be afraid of it. Robots could never think by themselves. Even though some robots can do some things as well as humans, or even better, they are just acting from their programs. 4.    For example, they could never use words to talk about their own opinions. So robots won’t control the world.

5.    Are you preparing for the changes? The first problem we should deal with is how we humans put robots to good use.

A. He is the world’s top Go player.

B. And some even became worried.

C. It is probably the most difficult game.

D. Besides, no robots could really act like human.

E. However, robots will bring great changes to the world.


Every time you go online you leave a digital (电子的) footprint. This is just like a real footprint. It tells where you have been, how long you stayed on line and what you have been doing there. It’s easy to get the information and show your digital footprint every time when you send an email, messages and photos. You shouldn’t worry about it too much but it is better to be careful about your digital footprint when you are online. There are five tips for taking care of your digital footprint.

Don’t forget to close the pages with your information when you leave a website, especially if you are using a shared computer.

Don’t tell anyone your password and don’t write them down in a place that everybody can see. Make them more difficult by using both letters and numbers.

Remember your favourite websites by looking over the history and the bookmark on your computer or your mobile phone. This is a way that your digital footprint can work in your favour, remember to clear your history from time to time.

If you want to post some words on line, you don’t have to use your own name. You can use a nickname instead. You can also use a picture instead of a real photo.

Protect your personal information online. Be careful about who you share your own information with and always think twice before sharing email, home address, school or phone number with someone.

All kinds of people are interested in your digital footprint. It’s now quite common for people to look over some personal information online before they offer someone a job. There are cases of people having missed out on jobs and places because their digital footprint didn’t make them look good. So remember: keep safe, don’t put too much personal information online and always think carefully before you post something. Ask yourself, ‘would I be happy for everyone to see this?’

1.How do you leave a digital footprint?

A. By walking.                  B. By using internet.

C. By writing letters.          D. By talking to people.

2.What’s the writer’s attitude (态度) towards digital footprint?

A. We should not get online at all.

B. We should not share computers.

C. We should not use our own names online.

D. We should be very worried about our digital footprint.

3.In paragraph four, ‘work in your favor’ means _______.

A. history is part of your digital footprint

B. you can do your favourite work online

C. digital footprint can sometimes do good things to you

D. you can work for websites with the help of digital footprint

4.According to the passage, why are people interested in digital footprints?

A. Because it gives you more information.

B. Because it’s a good way to find a job.

C. Because it makes people look good.

D. Because people miss each other.


Lots of kids hate school, a new study found. Usually this kind of feeling doesn’t last long. School is a fact of life and getting a good education can help you build the kind of future life you want. So let’s talk about school and what to do when you don’t like it.

The first step is to find out why. You might not like school because you don’t have enough friends, or maybe you don’t get along with your teachers. Sometimes it’s a big problem with your classes and school work. You may be getting further and further behind, and it may seem like you’ll never catch up.

When you know why you don’t like school, you can start taking steps to make things better. It’s a good idea to talk to someone about your problems with school. Your mom, dad, or teachers will be able to help you. Another good idea is to write down your feelings about school in a notebook. It’s a great way to let out emotion(情绪). Remember, you don’t have to share what you’ve written with others.

And here are some ways to give you the best first day of school. The night before school starts, you can do something quiet and peaceful to calm yourself down, like reading a book with your parents, taking a walk or taking a photo of your smiling face. By doing these, you will have a nice day at school.

1.According to the new study, we can find that ______.

A. lots of kids go to school every day

B. lots of kids don’t like going to school

C. lots of kids don’t have enough friends

D. kids can get a good future if they like school

2.If a student wants to like school again, what’s the first step?

A. To get along with teachers.

B. To catch up with others.

C. To find out the reasons.

D. To make more friends.

3.What can we learn from the third paragraph?

A. Students can write down their feelings as homework.

B. There is no good way for students to let out emotion.

C. Students have to let everybody know their feelings.

D. There are ways to help you like school again.

4.The night before the first day of school, what can students do?

A. Listen to some music and relax.

B. Finish all of the homework.

C. Try to make new friends.

D. Do some exciting sports.

5.This passage can probably be seen ______.

A. in a story book

B. in a sports magazine

C. in a student’s notebook

D. in a student’s guide book


There are a lot of things you can do to help in your community, whether with your mom’s chores, or if a friend is upset. Here are some little things you can do to give a helping hand.

Be a volunteer. Being in charitable(慈善的)organizations is a great way to help the poor, like giving away food or money. You can also donate money on some charitable website like Tencent Charity.

Put yourself in another person’s shoes. It can give a strong reason to help someone else if you show your sympathy. It is the best way to show people that you really care about someone. Try to offer first. When people need your help, they’ll probably ask you first. But if you have the chance, try to offer to help before they ask you. This will show that you are willing to help from the start.

Think about what might happen if you don’t help. More people will feel sad if you just leave them when they need you, you don’t want to see people unhappy, do you? It’s always nice to lend a hand.

1.According to the passage, if you want to help the poor, you can ______.

A. be a volunteer                     B. offer them jobs

C. buy shoes for them                 D. help them with chores

2.You should offer help first because _______.

A. people don’t ask for help

B. you can get more chances

C. people need help from the start

D. it shows you are willing to help

3.If you don’t help your neighbors, they might feel ______.

A. surprised                  B. sad

C. sympathetic                D. angry

4.What is the best way to show people that you really care about them?

A. Put yourself in another person’s shoes.

B. Try to talk to them about their feelings.

C. Get a job in charitable organizations.

D. Try to help in the community.




A beautiful smile

When I was thirteen years old, a girl gave me an important gift. It was a smile.

It was the early autumn of my ______ year at a new school. It’s also the first year of middle school. No one knew me. I was very ______  , and afraid to make friends with anyone.

Every time I ______ the other students talking and laughing, I felt even more lonely. I could not talk to anyone about my problem, and I didn’t want my parents to worry about me.

One day, my classmates were ______ with their friends, but I sat in silence(沉默) and felt so down that everything didn’t sound real. At that moment, a girl entered the classroom. I did not know who she was. She passed me and then turned back. She looked at me and, without a word, ______  .

Suddenly, I felt the ______ of something bright and friendly. It made me feel happy, lively and warm. It was like a hidden treasure(宝藏).

That smile   ______ my life. I started to talk with other students. Day by day, I learnt to trust people, and they included me in their circle of friends. The ______  with the bright smile has become my best friends now, and we stick together like glue. I can talk to her about my study, feelings and hobbies, pretty much everything. I am so lucky that I met such a nice girl.

One day, I asked her ______ she smiled at me that day. She said she could not remember!

Now I believe that the world is like a ______ . It is just what you think it is. If you think you are lonely, you might always be alone. But if you smile at it, it will always smile back!

1.A. first B. second     C. third      D. last

2.A. happy B. lonely    C. friendly   D. excited

3.A. looked   B. felt       C. heard      D. missed

4.A. eating   B. talking     C. drawing     D. dancing

5.A. left     B. laughed     C. played    D. smiled

6.A. touch B. surprise   C. talk        D. experience

7.A. broke B. found       C. hit        D. changed

8.A. teacher B. volunteer   C. girl       D. boy

9.A. why      B. when        C. how         D. what

10.A. lesson B. friend     C. game       D. mirror


Could you please tell me ______ now?

A. where do you live                  B. where did you live

C. where you live                     D. where you lived


He used to ______ table tennis, but now he is getting interested in tennis.

A. play             B. playing

C. be playing       D. have played


How much time does he ______ on his computer a day?

Well, all his spare time.

A. take             B. spend        C. cost           D. use


However, it is not possible for humans ______ some of the sounds.

A. hear          B. listen        C. to hear          D. to listen


You won’t be healthy ________ you eat less sugar and exercise more.

A. unless          B. when        C. after            D. if


Little Emma ______ speak any English yet because she is only five months old.

A. can’t        B. mustn’t      C. can             D. must


If you do one thing at a time and stick to your plan, you ______ successful.

A. be              B. are         C. will be           D. were


I ______ my homework at nine last night. How about you?

I was watching TV. I finished my homework early.

A. am doing       B. will do

C. have done        D. was doing


Do you want to go to Fragrant Hills Park this weekend?

No, I don’t. I ______ there twice this year.

A. went             B. will go

C. was going        D. have been


I _____ in the hospital yesterday. I had to look after my grandfather.

A. am            B. was          C. are              D. were


Sheila often goes to school ______ bus. She lives a little far from school.

A. for            B. from          C. by              D. with


Autumn is the best season ______ Beijing.

A. at             B. in            C. on              D. near



假设你是Li Ming, 以下是你的美国笔友Tina发给你的一封电子邮件,请你根据该邮件内容Tina回一封邮件。




Li Ming


I am coming!

Hi Li Ming,

How is everything? I’m very happy that the holidays are coming. I want to go to your hometown to visit you in September. Is this good? What’s the weather like in your hometown? And what should I take with me?

I know Mid-autumn Festival comes in September, and it is a very important festival for you celebrate it I’m looking farward to your reply.

Best wishes to your parents!


















Danny has a hobby--playing games online. He is interested 1. solving puzzles. He particularly enjoys chatting to other gamers.

Now Danny 2. (sit) quietly in front of his computer. His mother thinks he is doing his homework, 3. she is wrong. Danny is actually surfing the Internet, solving puzzles and “chatting” to other gamers around the world. 4. funny it is! Danny thinks.

Why are game online so interesting?“5. I can pretend to be a different person. There also many different 6. (kind) of games for me to play,” says Danny. “Other people love to play these games because they can play at any time. They do not need to organize a group. Someone in the world always wants 7. (play).”

Starting a game online is not easy. Some gamers 8. (not) welcome new gamers. They will become angry when new gamers ask them questions, Other gamers are helpful. They want to make new friends. When Danny has 9. question, he always says, “Excuse me, are you busy? I am new at this game and I need some help.” Sometimes this 10. (work). At other times, however, the gamer at the other end makes you feel like fool.



Charles Darwin was a scientist. And he changed our understanding of the 1. (自然的) world.

Darwin was born in 1809 in England. At school he didn’t do well and got poor marks. He was a good athlete though and loved studying nature. He also kept doing chemistry 2. (实验).

His father was a doctor and expected Charles to become one too. Charles started studying 3. (医药) at Edinburgh University, but soon gave up his studies there. He went on to study religion at Cambridge University 4. (代替).

In1831, Darwin went on a five-year journey to South America, Australia and South Africa by ship. He was often seasick, but the things he saw on this trip changed his life. He 5. (收集) many animal and plant specimens. He spent the 6. (剩余) of his life studying what he had seen and he wrote many books.

In 1839, Darwin 7. (结婚) his cousin, Emma Wedgwood, with whom he had ten children! He was a loving father and enjoyed family life, which was always more 8. (重要的) to him than his research. In spite of having many health 9. (问题) throughout his life, Darwin lived until he was 73.

Darwins most famous bookOn the Origin of Species came out in 1859 and sold out in a day. It said that all living things were related. His ideas were not popular at first, but now most people 10. (同意) with them and admire Darwin as great scientist.



pollute     proper    six     powerful      they

1.Schools should do something to help students protect _______ .

2.If a river is _____ , farmers can’t use the water for their crops.

3.The Internet is more _____ than books. It is influencing our lives a lot.

4.The students who are good at writing can always use words ______ .

5.Children usually attend a primary school at the age of _____ in China.



There are world records at the Olympic Games. But what are the word records in animal kingdom?

The largest and heaviest animal on earth is the blue whale. It weighs between 110 and 120 tons. Its heart is the size of a Mini Cooper, It’s got the biggest mouth in the world as well. About 100 people can fit inside it. But it doesn’t eat people! In fact, the biggest thing it can eat is the size of an apple.

The giraffe is smaller than the blue whale but it is also a record breaker. It’s the tallest living land animal. It’s got the longest neck-about 2 metres long, and it’s got the longest legs-about 1.8 metres long. Drinking is difficult, but eating from the top of trees is easy! And its tongue is 50 cm long!

The most dangerous animal in the world isn’t a lion or a bear. Its an insect! The mosquit-oes (蚊子) that carry malaria kill over 1 million people a year. After that, the most dangerous animal is the venomous snake. They kill 50,000 to 125,000 people a year.

A. the mosquito

B. the giraffe

C. the blue whale







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