
A gentleman once advertised(登广告)for a boy to help him in his office, and nearly fifty persons asked for the place. Out of the whole number he in a short time chose one, and sent all the other boys away.

I should like to know," said a friend, "on what ground you chose that boy. He didn't even have a recommendation(推荐信)with him.

You are mistaken,said the gentleman, "he had a great many: -

He made his shoes clean when he came in, and closed the door after him; showing that he was orderly(井然有序的).

"He gave his seat to the disabled old man; showing that he was__________

"He took off his cap when he came in, and answered my questions quickly and respectfully c恭敬地) ; showing that he was polite.

"He lifted up the book which I had purposely (故意地) laid on the floor, and put it on the table, while all the others stepped over it or pushed it aside; showing that he was careful.

"And he waited quietly for his turn, instead of pushing the others aside; showing that he was modest  (谦逊的 ) .

"When I talked with him, I noticed that his clothes were carefully brushed, his hair in nice order, and his teeth as white as milk. When he wrote his name, I noticed that his fingernails were clean; instead of having some untidy personal habits.

"Don't you call these things letters of recommendation? I do; and the things that I can discover a boy by using my eyes for ten minutes, is worth more than all the fine letters that he can bring.”

1.Choose the right word to complete the sentence in paragraph 5 according to the context(上下文).

A. kind             B. smart

C. lovely              Dhealthy

2.How did the gentleman know the boy was polite?

A. He made his shoes clean when he came in.

B. He took off his cap when he came in.

C. He waited quietly for his turn.

D. His teeth and fingernails were clean.

3.The gentleman laid the book on the floor because_________.

A. he used to be like this

B. he wanted to know who was orderly

C. he tried to know who had tidy personal habits

D. he wanted to test the people who asked for the job

4.How many reasons made the gentleman choose that boy?

A. Five.             B. Six

C. Seven.             D. Eight.

5.What can you learn from this passage?

A. The gentleman is a wise man.

B. All gentlemen can choose the right person by using their eyes.

C. Good behaviors c行为) and good habits ae important for a person.

D. One should pay more attention to his recommendation than to his behaviors.


-Could you please tell me________ , Sonia?

-It's on the first Tuesday of May. We hold special parties and give teachers thank-you notes that day.

A. if you had Teachers' Day in America

B. when Teachers' Day is in America

C. what you did on Teachers' Day

D. how do you show your thanks to your teachers


-A recent survey shows that 35 0ut of 45 students in my class will save their phones first in a fire.

-About _______ of the students made such a choice? Life is far more important, isn't it?

A. half                B. one third

C. two thirds         D. three quarters


At the farewell party, Kobe Bryant said, "________  the support of my fans, it would be hard for me to achieve such great success.

A. With              B. Under

C. Through          D. Without


-Why didn't you cry for help when you were robbed  (被抢劫)?

-If I opened my mouth, they might find my four gold teeth. That would be ______!

A. bad                B. much worse

C. worst              D. the worst


-Are you sure this is a photo _______, the famous comedy actress?

-It surprised you, didn't it? But she was once really thin.

A. Jia Ling             B. Jia Ling's

C. of Jia Ling           D. of Jia Ling's


-Excuse me, sir, visiting hours are over.  You ___________  leave.

-Pardon me, nurse. I didn't hear the bell.

A. may                 B. can

C. must                D. need


_________ running after success, we have a lot of other interesting things to do in our lives.

A. By                  B. On

C. Besides             D. Except


Great ______ for football lovers-more than 50,000 soccer schools will be built in our country by the end of 2025.

A. news               B. message

C. situation          D. information


On my way home, I saw a granny fall down. I offered help first and then _____ the police.

A. called up           B. cared for

C. cheered up         D. found out


-Your son used to be a homebody but he now likes outdoor activities. How did you do that?

-I tried many ways over and over again. _______  ,I made it.

A. Next               B. Then

C. Finally          D. Suddenly


-Good morning. I'd like a birthday gift for my mother.

-What about this scarf? It is beautiful and it______ soft and smooth.

A. feels              B. looks

C. seems               D. becomes


-Have you read the book Harry Potter?

-Sure. Eric is also _______ it and we become friends because of that.

A. proud of            B. afraid of

C. serious about       D. interested in


Stephen Hawking got more than 380, 000 followers in two hours _____first message on Weibo.

A. before             B. since

C. after               D. until


If we just think about _____,the boat of friendship will be overturned anytime.

A. myself             B. himself

C. yourself          D. ourselves


“重要的事情说三遍。”can be translated into "Important things must be _____ again and again.”.

A. spoken            B. repeated

C. described         D. introduced


How do you get on with______ little brother? I’ve just had a baby sister I'm worrying about it.

Amy                Bhis

Cher               Dyour


-Why do people never cut up the _______________ on their birthdays?

-Because they are a symbol of long life.

A. eggs             B. cakes

C. noodles           D. dumplings


-__________is your father?

-He's an engineer in a big factory.

A. Who            B. What

C. Which             D. Where


-Will you stay for _________ supper with us?

-Sure, I'd love to.  Home cooking is just what I like.

A. a                B. an

C. the            D. /




注意:1. 词数90左右。短文的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;

2. 短文须包括所有要点,不要逐词解释,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺;

3. 短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。

参考词汇:theme n.主题;   firework n.烟火

Good morning , children !

As a volunteer from Shanghai Disneyland , I’d like to say something about the park and tell you how to behave well in it .






The park is worth your visit . I hope you will have fun .



“Jamila , I just found one dollar sitting on the coffee table ,” said Mrs . Johnson . “Is that your money ?”

Jamila looked up from the book she was reading . “Oops , it’s mine . I emptied my jacket pockets before I left for basketball practice yesterday . I was running late , so I didn’t have time to take it up to my room .” Jamila placed it quickly in the back of  her book and went back to reading .

“Jamila , you just put that money into the back of your book . I’m quite sure that you’re not going to be able to find it when you need it .” her mother said . “You see , some of your money is in the pencil case on your desk . Some is in the glove hanging behind the door . I think you might also have a few dollars in your bag . You are such a careless girl .”

“Mom . I’m too busy to take care of my money .”

Mrs . Johnson smiled , “It looks like it’s time for you to get your own bank account (账户).”

“My own bank account ? Is it necessary ? Kids know little about it .” Jamila replied .

The next day , Mrs.Johnson took Jamila to a bank and opened an account for her . The banking manger explained how the money in the account would increase . “The longer the money stays in the account , the more it will earn(获利) ,” he added .

Jamila was surprised to learn that she could earn money just by keeping her money in a bank account . “I wish I had done this a long time ago .”

1.Where did Mrs.Johnson find Jamila’s one dollar ?

2.Why was Jamila thought a careless girl ?

3.Do you want to have your own bank account ? Why or why not ?












1.Although you are young , you can          (仍然) make the world more beautiful in your own way .

2.Our government has made laws to          (限制) air and water pollution .

3.The artist always           (表达) his world view in his works .

4.Now is the time for all Jazz           (迷) voices to be heard .

5. As the saying goes , “God helps those who help           (他们自己) .”

6.Early this morning I was busy           (挖) in the garden to plant trees .

7.Toni Morrison is considered as one of the best writers of the           (第二十) century .

8. —Do I look nice in this fur coat , Millie ?

— Mom , please don’t buy it , We should have         on wild animals .

9.—What did you do to celebrate Halloween last year ?

— I          up as Superman and played “trick or treat” .

10.—How much did you spend on your trip to South Korea ?

The          of it was 3,500 yuan in all .



Your body is special no two people in the world are alike , Although you are different from everyone else , you have exactly the same body parts as the people around you , doing different jobs that keep all of us alive .

What is inside my head ?

Your head houses the most valuable part of your body your brain . As you are reading , your eyes send pictures to your brain which makes meaning from what you see . Your brain helps you to remember and think , and makes sure your body is doing what it should .

What is my skin(皮肤) for ?

Your skin covers your body . In most parts of your body , the skin is just as thick as half a centimeter . If you have your skin cut , it will have a quick cure and stop viruses from getting into your body . Your skin also helps you feel the heat and coldness of the environment around you . Hair grows from inside the skin . When you feel hot , extra heat comes out through your skin . As a result , your body temperature drops .

How do I move ?

Muscles(肌肉) are found in most parts of your body . They work with your bones to help you move whenever you cry or smile , eat or speak , walk or dance , etc .

Why do I breathe ?

Your body needs to take in oxygen from the air and give out the unwanted carbon dioxide in the body . When you breathe , air comes through your nose and mouth into your lungs(肺) where oxygen flows to different parts of your body .

What makes me sneeze ?

When dust or a strong smell gets into your nose , you sneeze . This is the way your body cleans up the dust in your nose . Your lungs push out the air and try to clear your nose .

What does my heart do ?

Your heart is a very special muscle . It is slightly bigger than your fist (拳头) and grows bigger as you do . If you place your hand on your heart , you will feel your heart beating which forces blood to move around your body .

1.The underlined word “houses” in the passage probably means          .

A. stores                B. locks

C. creates               D. builds

2.If you have no skin covering your body , what would happen ?

A. Extra heat can only stay inside our body .

B. Viruses can’t get into our body easily .

C. We can’t feel the changes in temperature .

D. Our body can be guarded by our hair .

3.What is the true fact about your body ?

A. Our heart is the same size from birth .

B. We take in carbon dioxide to stay alive .

C. Our muscles stop working when we nod .

D. Sneezing is a way to clear our nose .

4.Which is the best title for this passage ?

A. What Your Body Needs       B. How Your Body Works

C. Why Your Body Grows        D. When Your Body Moves



During my first two weeks at the University of California , Berkeley , I experienced some unexpected , funny , and sometimes embarrassing(令人尴尬的) situations . Allow me to share some with you .

But first , let me give advice to other foreign students who plan to study in the United States . Check the weather before coming ! I was very sure that California was sunny all year around so I left all my jackets and sweaters in Paris . It was a huge mistake ! It rained almost every day during the first week in Berkeley .

I have to say that I quickly forgot these unlucky events . Life in Berkeley is very pleasant and everything is so easy compared to Paris . For example , in only 24 hours I bought a mobile phone and made the lease(租约) agreement for a flat . What’s more , almost all the shops are open on Sunday , which is very practical for me .

The first thing that surprised me is that students may come late to class . They freely enter and leave the classroom many times during class , In France , students respect the teacher’s lesson , so they are never late and they leave the classroom only at the end of the class .

The local people in California are in general very nice , open and active , However , I am not totally used to their habits yet . Indeed , I was used to shaking my friends’ hands every day in France . During my second day at Berkeley , I shook the hand of one of my classmates whom I had met the day before and he told me “I think we already met !”

Another funny story happened during the first party I attended : A girl that I meet before came to hug me . I thought she wanted to kiss me like we usually do in France to say hello . So I kissed her and she seemed a little bit embarrassed .

I live a great experience at present , and I would just encourage any student to become a member in  a program at UC , Berkeley .

1.According to the writer’s advice , before students study in America , they should           .

A. make a lease agreement for a flat

B. leave their warm clothes at home

C. pay attention to the local weather

D. prepare a phone as early as possible

2.When the writer’s classmate said “I think we already met !” , he meant          .

A. he and the write had known each other in France

B. Americans needn’t shake hands when they met again

C. he was not used to shaking hands with others

D. the write had forgotten about their last meeting

3. What does the writer mainly want to tell us ?

A. His experience at UC , Berkeley .

B. The relationship between classmates .

C. His advice on studying abroad .

D. The difference in attending a class .




1.The material above is        .

A. a book report            B. a book list

C. a book review           D. a book cover

2.Which of the following is NOT included in the Detective Charlie’s series ?

A. The Case of a Murder in the Neighbourhood

B. The Secret of the Floating House on the River

C. The Mystery at the Mill in North Village

D. The Truth of Prince Richard’s Kidnap

3.What can we learn from the material ?

A. The writer of the book is Lenny Pinkaton.

B. Charlie didn’t find any clues till the end of the story.

C. The book was published by Marvellous News Press.

D. Charlie’s series are popular with young readers.





Our dad’s just bought a coffee machine ,

The most unusual thing you’ve ever seen .

It grinds(碾碎) the beans and it heats the milk .

The coffee comes out as smooth as silk .

He makes cappuccino with chocolate on top .

The coffee he makes is as good as the shop .

He can make short black as well as long .

Dad likes his coffee hot and strong .

Mum says that coffee’s not good for me ,

If I want something hot to have Milo or tea .

But in summertime when the weather is hot .

Dad makes iced coffee —I like that a lot !

1.Whenever Dad makes a cup of coffee , he       .

A. goes to the coffee shops

B. plays with the machine

C. grinds beans with the machine

D. buys a new coffee machine

2.Which word best describes how Dad feels when he makes a cup of coffee ?

A. Satisfied           B. Tired

C. Excited             D. Touched


—I’d like to choose yellow as the colour of our bedroom .

         . The colour brings me a warm and comfortable feeling .

A. No way                B. Sounds great

C. In your dreams         D. I can’t decide


—Daniel , could you tell me          ?

—Certainly , in Brazil .

A. when the 2016 Olympics will be held

B. when will the 2016 Olympics be held

C. where the 2016 Olympics will be held

D. where will the 2016 Olympics be held


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