I ______ to music when my father came in.

A.listen          B.will listen

C.am listening    D.was listening


This box is too heavy. Can you help me carry it upstairs?


A. No problem     B. Yes, please

C. That’s right  D. No, thanks


—Could I use your ruler?I left mine at home.

—Yes, you______.

A.must          B.can         C.need          D.should


I can’t do my homework now. I ______ my homework in the classroom this morning.

A.leave    B.forget    C.forgot   D.left


—Where is your grandfather?

—My bike is broken.He is ______it.

A.making      B.playing        C.buying       D.repairing


Call me ______you arrive at the train station.

A.so that          B.because       C.as soon as       D.but


The man was______ surprised _______he couldn’t say a word.

A. so, that         B. too, to

C. such, that       D. too, that


______ he didn’t have breakfast, _____ he was late for school.

A.Although; but  B. Although;/

C./; although    D. But; /


What were you doing      the rainstorm?

A. at that time    B. in time    C. at the time of    D. when


My father was reading a newspaper while my mother ______ dinner.

A. is cooking     B. cooks

C. was cooking     D. will cook


Excuse me, may I ______ your bike?

Sorry, I ______ it to Tom yesterday.

A. lend; borrowed          B. borrow; lend

C. lend; lent              D. borrow; lent


Would you mind  ___________ more slowly ,I cant follow you.

A.speak        B.spoke          C.spoken          D.speaking


The math problem is too difficult for us to _______.

A. work out  B. work it out C. work out it   D. work on


.After school he didnt go home____he went to the Internet café.

A.but           B.while         C.instead        D.instead of


—Did you use to _________ in the river?

Yes. But now I’m used to __________ in the swimming pool.

A. swimming; swim         B. swim; swimming

C. swim; swim             D. swimming; swimming



1.He didn’t allow the children   ___________ (play)in his garden.

2.Why don’t you  ______ (sleep)a little earlier today?You look tired.

3.Shall we tell him the _______(true) now?

4.Did you find the little boy __________(lie) on the ground when you passed by .

5.We were climbing up the mountain when it began to rain ___________(heavy).

6.He had a fight with his best friend, and they walked home in_______ (silent).

7.Could you please  ___________(not smoke) in the library?

8.I don’t like speaking English , because I am afraid of___________      (make) mistakes.

9.You are always __________ (kid). If you do the same thing again, I’ll be angry.

10.It was six. The Greens _______________ (have) supper.



1.David is new here and he has few friends.So he sometimes feels l______.

2.There are four w______  in a car.

3.Please don't t_______ waste paper everywhere. It is not a good habit.

4.You should c_____________ with your parents if you have time.

5.My a_______ doesn't work. It didn't go off this morning.

6.We need to visit the s______ kids in the hospital.

7.My maths teacher is patient. He often e_________ the problem to us again and again.

8.It's wrong to c______other’s homework, you should do it by yourself.

9.We use m________ to make a fire.

10.—What’s the _________today?

—It’s April 29th, 2016.






3.每年有很多游客到芜湖来参观, 并且玩得很开心;

4.在这里你可以吃到各种美味的中西餐,还能欣赏精彩的芜湖梨簧戏(Lihuang Opera);







1.Most of us want to be _______(工程师) when we grow up in the future.

2.We don’t have enough _______(长椅) for so many people to sit on.

3.---Why are you late again, Millie?

---Because there is too much t _______ in the street.

4.You need to answer all the questions right before you open the _______(宝藏) box, Jane.

5.We want to plant some trees in the _______(南部) of our school.


When we talk about red packets, the most important question is “What are you going to do with it?” One thing you could do is to put your money in the bank.

Maybe you don’t know, some students in Hubei began to use the Xiaogui Dangjia bank card this year. This is a card for children. It is from China Minsheng Bank in Wuhan.

Wang Ming is a junior student in Wuhan. He said “All my pocket money has a place to go now. I can pay my own school fees(学费).”

Zhu Yu, a manager(经理) of Minsheng Bank, said that they knew lots of students who didn’t know how to use their money. So they wanted them to know how to use it carefully. Parents worry that children don’t know how to take care of the money by themselves. Shen qiangqiang’s mother like the card very much. Shen was asking his mother for a computer for a long time, but his mother didn’t buy it for him. She said, “We want him to use his card to save money for the computer. If we buy everything he asks for, he will think money comes too easily, and he won’t work hard for it.”

Today, there are many different kinds of bank cards. They are from different banks. People put their money in them. Then they can use their money at any time. People can do many things with bank cards. They can wash cars, go shopping, eat delicious food and travel to other places with the money in their bank cards.

The most important thing is not “How much did you get?” It is necessary for everyone to learn how to save your money and use your money correctly.

1.In Wuhan, Xiaogui Dangjia bank card is for _______.

A. some teachers

B. some parents

C. some students

D. some managers

2.Why does Shen qiangqiang’s mother like the bank card?

A. Because she can put lots of money in the card.

B. Because she wanted her son to work hard for study.

C. Because she wanted her son to buy things easily.

D. Because she wanted her son to save money for the computer.

3.What can’t people do with different bank cards?

A. Get more money

B. Travel to other places

C. Buy many things

D. Eat tasty food

4.Which of the following is Not right?

A. Not all the students use money correctly.

B. People use bank cards to do lots of things.

C. Students can put their money in banks.

D. All the children know how to look after money.

5.What is the best title of this passage?

A. Money from different banks

B. How do people use bank cards

C. Learning how to save money

D. Learning how to spend money


Hi, dear boys and girls! Do you know how to be a healthy kid? Here are some rules you should follow.

First, eat different foods, especially(尤其) fruit and vegetables. You may have a favourite food, but you'd better eat something different, if you eat different foods, you will probably get more nutrients(营养物质) your body needs.

Second, drink water and milk as often as possible. When you're really thirsty, cold water is the No.l choice(选择). Milk is a great drink that can give you more calcium(钙) your body needs to grow strong bones(骨头).

Third, listen to your body. How do you feel when you are full? When you are eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach(胃) feels comfortably full. Eating too much will not make you feel comfortable and make you fat.

Fourth, limit(限制) screen time. Screen time is the time you watch TV, DVDs and videos, or using computers. It is good to take more exercise such as basketball, bike riding and swimming. You can't watch TV for more than two hours a day.

Fifth, be active. One thing you'd like to do as a kid is to find out which activity you like best. Find ways to be active every day.

Follow these rules and you can be a healthy kid.

1.You have to eat different kinds of foods especially _______

A. meat

B. hamburgers

C. sweets

D. fruit and vegetables

2.Which kind of drinks can give you more calcium?

A. Juice

B. Milk

C. Cold water

D. Tea

3.According to(根据) the passage, you should follow _______ rules if you want to be healthy.

A. five

B. nine

C. fifteen

D. thirteen

4.Which is the best title(标题) of the passage?

A. How to make yourself important

B. How to be a healthy kid

C. How to be a popular kid

D. How to make your parents healthy


The weekend is usually a time of rest. But today’s Chinese teenagers can’t rest during the weekends. According to a survey(调查), 24% of the Junior students in Beijing have classes at the weekend. Over 40% of the Junior 3 students have less than eight hours of sleep each night.

Ji Ping, a Junior student in Guangzhou, has to get up at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday. Then she has a whole day of classes. On Sunday she gets to extra(额外的) classes for Maths and English. But she doesn’t complain(抱怨). She says that all her classmates work hard on Sunday.

Liu Yang is from Dalian. As a Junior 2 student, his weekends are less busy. But he always spends Saturday in school. On Sunday, after finishing homework, he plays basketball. He feels happy because he still has time to do the things he likes.

A few students are lucky. Yang Qing, a Junior 3 student from Zibo, Shangdong, is one of them. At weekends, she usually gets up at 8:00. Then she spends some time doing homework. After that she is free to do what she likes. “Don’t push(逼迫) yourself too much. Learning well at school is easy,” she said. And she is a top student in her class.

1.How many hours do 40% of the Junior 3 students in Beijing sleep each night?

A. Less than 6 hours.

B. Less than 7 hours.

C. Less than 8 hours.

D. More than 8 hours.

2.Why does Ji Ping get up early on Saturdays?

A. Because she doesn't sleep well.

B. Because she has a whole day of classes.

C. Because she has to play computer games.

D. Because her parents ask her to do so.

3.What does Liu Yang do after finishing homework on Sunday?

A. He plays basketball.

B. He plays football.

C. He reads books.

D. He does housework.

4.Which of the following in NOT true?

A. 24% of the Junior students Beijing have classes at weekends.

B. Ji Ping gets up at 6:30 a.m. on Saturdays.

C. Liu Yang feels sorry about his busy weekend.

D. Yang Qing has enough time for her hobbies at weekends.


Alice needs some money for a Mother’s Day present. She tells her father about her problem.

“I’ll pay you to do some housework. You can clean up the yard(院子),” her father says.

“You can also wash my car and Mum’s. Both of them need to be washed because they’re really dirty.”

Alice works on the yard and washes her father’s car.

“Too bad! You didn’t have time to wash Mum’s car,” Dad says when he pays her.

The next morning Alice wakes up early. First she washes her mother’s car. Then she goes to the flower shop. She also buys her mother’s favourite bread on her way home. After breakfast Alice asks her mother to go to the garage(车库). She opens the gate.

“Wow!” Alice’s mother says. “My car is gleaming.”

“Open the door,” Alice says.

Alice’s mother opens the door. There on the seat she sees a bunch of flowers.

“Happy Mother’s Day!” Alice says.

1.In the story, the word “gleaming” means “_______” in Chinese.

A. 闪闪发光

B. 跑得像飞一样

C. 重新漆过了

D. 锁上了

2.Which of the following is the right order(次序)?

a. She buys her mother a bunch of flowers.

b. She washes her father's car.

c. She cleans up the yard.

d. She buys bread for her mother.

e. She washes her mother’s car.

A. cabde

B. bacde

C. cbead

D. cbeda

3.What do you think of Alice?

A. She is good at making pocket money.

B. She doesn’t love her father.

C. She is very nice to her parents.

D. She is a lazy girl.

4.What is this story about?

A. It is about what Alice buys for her mother on Mother’s Day.

B. It is about what Alice does for her mother for Mother’s Day.

C. It is about why Alice’s father gives her money to buy presents.

D. It is about what Alice does at home each week for her mother.



Take a look at the following ads! You may find some useful information you need here!

Guitar lessons

Experienced(有经验的) musician(音乐家) from Australia. Good at teaching kids for 5 years!

For more information, please visit Larry’s website: www.music.com.

Taxi driver wanted

Full time or part time. Experience and a good knowledge(知识) of the city are necessary(必要). English is also a must.

Under 45 years old.

Call Mr. White at 5132683.

Apartment(公寓) for sale

Two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom.

Hot water 8:00-18:00.

Beautiful sights out of the windows.

E-mail: sdgt@yahoo.cn.


1.If you want to have a guitar lesson, you may _______.

A. call Susan at 7328059

B. surf the website:www.music.com.

C. telephone Mr. White at 5132683

D. e-mail sdgt@yahoo.cn

2.If you want the job as a taxi driver, you should _______.

A. master at least three languages

B. know the city very well

C. be an experienced driver

D. both B and C

3.How can you contact(联系) the owner of the apartment for more information?

A. By sending an e-mail.

B. By going to visit it.

C. By telephoning it.

D. By talking with him face to face.


You like surfing the Internet(浏览网页) in your free time, don’t you? But do you know “Happy Farm”? If you ______  “ Happy Farm” is a farm in the countryside(农村), you are wrong. “Happy Farm” is a computer ______ . Players have their own farm and do things ______ farmers do on a farm  They plant seeds(播种), water plants, pick worms(捉虫) and harvest crops(收庄稼).

I have a farm, too. Every night after ______ my homework, I turn on my computer to look after my farm. Every player takes care of their farms often First, I harvest my crops ______ they are fully grown(成熟). ______ , I sell(卖) the crops. Third, I go shopping and buy the seeds. Fourth, I plant the seeds and wait for   ______ harvest. In “Happy Farm”, players can steal(偷) the crops   ______ other people’s farms. To protect(保护) the crops, some players have a ______ on their farm. I don’t have enough money to buy a dog. ______ I have a plan. First, I will save(存) money by selling my crops, and then I will have enough money to get a dog.

1.A. thinkB. takeC. bringD. want

2.A. farmB. classC. sportD. game

3.A. onB. aboutC. likeD. for

4.A. didB. doingC. doD. does

5.A. beforeB. whereC. ifD. who

6.A. FirstB. SecondC. ThirdD. Fourth

7.A. otherB. anotherC. othersD. the other

8.A. withB. aboutC. fromD. after

9.A. dogB. catC. monkeyD. tiger

10.A. ButB. IfC. AndD. Then



People like dolphins because they are both lovely and clever. They have an   ______ IQ (智商).

Dolphins can ‘talk’. Scientists try to ‘talk’ with dolphins, and the results make them ______  . They find that dolphins   ______ understand them so well.

______ animals enjoy playing, but dolphins like to make their games different. On a beautiful day in 1997, scientists on a beach ______  a little dog going into the sea. They were surprised to see the dolphins come up to the dog and then start throwing(扔) it into the air. The dog ______  the ‘game’ and kept playing with the dolphins for over an hour.

Dolphins live in a very different world from ______  , but they are very good at our ‘IQ tests(测试)’. For example, in the picture above, a dolphin jumps ______ the water when he hears a whistle noise(哨声). He does this because he will get a fish ______ an award.

There is   ______  much to learn about these lovely friends.

1.A. interesting   B. important  C. usual      D. amazing

2.A. surprise    B. surprised   C. surprising D. interesting

3.A. must         B. may        C. can         D. should

4.A. Very few    B. No          C. Most       D. None

5.A. looked       B. saw        C. learnt     D. watched

6.A. disliked    B. hated      C. missed     D. enjoyed

7.A. theirs     B. ours       C. his         D. mine

8.A. into         B. out of      C. onto        D. across

9.A. with         B. as          C. for         D. without

10.A. still       B. sometimes   C. never       D. seldom


The _______ man’s son is only _______.

A. 50-year-old; 5-year-old

B. 50 years old; 5 years old

C. 50 years old; 5-year-old

D. 50-year-old; 5 years old


Everyone is _______ to hear the _______ news.

A surprising; surprised  B. surprising; surprising

C. surprised; surprising   D. surprised; surprised


If you are asking the way to the post office, which sentence can't be used?

A. Could you tell me the way to the post office?

B. Excuse me, how can I get to the post office?

C. Could you tell me how to get to the post office?

D. Show me the way, please.


There are _______ in the building, and Tom lives on _______.

A. twenty floors, the twentieth floors

B. twenty floors, twentieth floor

C. twenty floors, the twentieth floor

D. twenty floor, twentieth floors


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