
Do you know Roma people? They were called Gypsies(吉普赛人)by Europeans because they thought they came from Egypt(a country in Africa). About a thousand years ago, the Roma people left their homeland. They are known as nomads because for hundreds of years many of them have lived in large groups that travel from place to place. They have no real homeland.

Today, the Roma are now living all over the world. They have kept their language and many customs. For example, its important for Roma to marry other Roma. Its also a custom for parents to choose the person their children will marry. Roma people get married when they are young, sometimes even as young as 14.

Romany is the language of the Roma people, which was written down only recently. Because the Roma are nomadic and have moved all over the world, their language has developed in many different ways. It is sometimes hard for Roma in one part of the world to understand Roma from another part.

Roma music is famous all over the world, because many Roma throughout history have been musicians. Their music has influenced many other kinds of music, like classical and jazz.

Roma dont usually assimilate(同化) into host countries. Over many centuries, governments have forbidden them to marry each other, travel or wear their traditional bright clothes. They have their gold taken away from them-treasures(财富) from their parents and grandparents. They have been taken as slaves(奴隶), and have been forced to change their names.

But today, the Roma are finding ways to live in peace with others while keeping the treasures of their culture. There is a will within us to continue to live as a people, says George Kaslov, whose family arrived in New York from Russia a hundred years ago. All the other ethnic(种族) groups who came to America assimilate gradually with time going; they lose their customs and language. But not the Roma, We hold out.

1.What does the underlined word nomads in the 1st paragraph mean?

A. People who move from place to place.

B. People who come from Roma.

C. People who have their own homeland.

2.Whats the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. George Kaslov has a strong will to live on.

B. The Roma still keep their customs and language.

C. The Roma are finding ways to keep the gold of their own.

3.What can we infer(推断) about the Roma according to the passage?

A. Most of the Roma live in very unusual houses.

B. Most Roma get married either when they are very young or very old.

C. Their culture is very different from other European cultures.

4.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To tell readers about an interesting culture.

B. To tell us why the Roma need our help.

C. To show us how all people are similar.

5.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Brave Roma Travelers

B. Famous Roma Music.

C. The Roma: Past and Present



North China has suffered serious smog(雾霾)recently, especially in big cities like Beijing. What are the reasons for the problem? One of the reasons is the car emission(汽车尾气排放). With more and more cars on the road, theres no doubt that the climate(气候)is becoming more and more terrible.

As we know, more and more people like driving in China. On one hand, some people think that they should have a car when they have enough money, and then its easy to go out and they can feel comfortable. On the other hand, a growing number of people hope to use their cars to show off(炫耀). Whats more, years of research has show that one of other reasons for the traffic problem is the driving habit. For example, many young people enjoy driving very fast, so they can feel excited. Most of them only care about the speed rules.

Many governments are working at how to make the traffic better. In my opinion, the governments should educate those people who have cars or plan to buy cars. The governments must make them know that the climate is very serious and set up a much more perfect traffic control system to solve the traffic pressure.

1.Where has suffered serious smog these days in China?

A. in the north of China

B. in the south of China

C. in the northeast of China

2.Why is traffic jam getting more and more serious?

A. Because there are not enough ways of transportation.

B. Because many governments are working at how to make the traffic better.

C. Because there are more and more cars on the roads.

3.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The reason for the traffic jam is that people have too much work.

B. Some people think that they should have a car when they have enough money, and then its easy to go out and they feel comfortable.

C. The reason for the traffic jam is that some people want to show off.

4.What should the governments do to make the traffic better?

A. They should educate those people who are young.

B. They should set up a much more perfect traffic system.

C. They shouldnt allow people to buy so many cars.

5.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Reasons why people want to buy cars.

B. How drivers should drive.

C. The traffic jam, reasons for it and solutions.



10% Off

Show this voucher(优惠券) at the Book Store to get a 10% discount(减价) on any books you buy. We have lots of books to choose from, including children’s books, novels, travel guides and hobbies. You’ re sure to find something that you will enjoy.

Assistant Wanted

For a busy restaurant work on weekends. All meals are free. Call at 4323577 for more information.

Lost Cat

Help me find my pet cat! She is 4 years old. She has long white hair and a long tail. Her name is Cathy. Call Carrie at 2853527.


1.If Marry wants to be an assistant, she can phone the number.

A. 2853527             B. 4323577             C. 4332577

2.You can get a 10% discount on any books if you      at the Book Store.

A. show this voucher     B. buy some tickets    C. buy some gifts.

3.There are several kinds of books on sale except      .

A. children’s books     B. travel guides     C. magazines

4.     lost the white cat.

A. Cathy                B. The assistant     C. Carrie

5.The assistant has lunch at the restaurant, she should      .

A. pay nothing        B. call 4323577       C. work on Monday



I could clearly remember my first day in the 5th grade. I was a new _______there, having transferred(转学)to a local school for boys. Life was really_______for my parents because the new school cost much more money. So we had to _______as much money as we could. My parents worked   _______than before to earn money.

At school, we should wear a white shirt with the schools _______ on its upper left pocket that could be bought in the school shops. And at the top of this pocket a name tag(签条) should be worn to show your _______ .This tag was _______ at the shops, too. To save money, mom decided to make the tag herself. _______ I was not ready to wear it, because I thought _______was different and irregular(不合常规的).

At school, some boys _______and said, “Your helper surely did a terrible job.”And another said, “How strange it is! At least it caught our_______ .” I knew it. At first, I tried to cover it. I tried many ways to do it. _______, put a small cartoon paper on it. At last I realized it should not stop me from doing my best, although it was different _______others. But I know mom _______spent much time making it possible to give the best to me. I should be proud of it. And I did. I wore this mom-made tag for the rest of the school years. I thought it was the deep love_______ my mother showed to me. Whether the tag was new or old, I used to wear it until I finished my schoo1.

1.A. worker        B. doctor         C. student

2.A. difficult      B. interesting   C. boring

3.A. spend          B. save            C. waste

4.A. harder        B. better         C. higher

5.A. 1anguage      B. shape           C. sign

6.A. paper         B. name           C. clothes

7.A. borrowed       B. sold            C. made

8.A. But            B. And            C. So

9.A. they          B. he             C. it

10.A. laughed       B. cried          C. sat

11.A. idea          B. attention       C. safety

12.A. After all     B. At once        C. For example

13.A. of            B. to              C. from

14.A. ever          B. always         C. seldom

15.A. that         B. where          C. what


I wonder      .


A. what they call these animals?

B. what do they call these animals?

C. how they call these animals?


I remember      him once. But I cant remember      .

A. to see; how I met him

B. seeing; where I saw him

C. see; when did I see him


     that I couldnt see the magicians performance myself. My parents dont allow

me to go outside alone.

A. Be sure             B. Its a pity           C. Make sure


My father plans      a beautiful bowl      from wood.

A. to buy ; that makes       B. buying; which are made     C. to buy; made


     pet cat is this?

It must      . Because I often hear it mew in our next-door room.

A. what; be my neighbor

B. who; belong to my neighbor

C. whose; be my neighbors


There may be a bad accident       over there.

A. happening             B. to happen          C. happen


The dictionaries may       for three weeks, but the books in this section cant

out of the reading room.

A. borrow; take         B. be borrowed; be taken       C. be kept; be taken


Most students like teachers      understand them well.

A. those               B. who            C. /


We are here to      the pubic      best service.

A. provide; for          B. provide; with         C. provide; to


The old scientist told us      we do in the future, we should try our best to do it well.

A. whatever            B. whenever         C. wherever


I prefer      some shopping to      camping since the weather isn’t lovely.

A. do; going             B. doing; go           C. doing; going


The whole classmates wont be back home until the project

A. is done            B. will be done         C. was done


Im sure Cindy will be able to find the hotel. She has a pretty good      of direction.

A. experience            B. feeling           C. sense


Smoking and drunkenness are both harmful for peoples health.

     , so we should      cigarettes and alcohol

A. So they are; shut down

B. So they are; stay away from

C. So is it; put away


You shouldnt park your car here, or it will get in      way of the traffic.

A. a              B. the           C. /



音乐在我们的日常生活中扮演着很重要的角色,请根据以下提示以“The role of music”为题写一篇100字左右的文章。







The roles of music








We all dream about things that we would like to do we hope to achieve in the future. But are everybody’s dreams the same? Here are some of the findings of a survey about hopes and dreams, in which thousands of students across China took part in it.

What are the hopes of teenagers?

We received several different answers to the question: what would you like to do after finishing your education? It seems some students would like to start work as soon as possible, so that they can help provide better lives for their parents. Other students hope to continue studying after finishing school and to go to university. Although money is important, many teenagers said they want to do jobs they enjoy. According to the survey, the most popular choice of job is computer programming.

What are the dreams of teenagers?

Teenagers have all kinds of dreams. Some are more realistic than others. For example, many students said they would like to be volunteers if Beijing could hold the World Cup, maybe working as translators or tour guides. And some said they dream of going to the moon one day.

According to the survey, less realistic dreams are also common, but many students reported that they were willing to work hard to achieve their dreams. Quite a few dream of becoming famous, perhaps famous sports people or singers. Some said they’d like to go on exciting trips; one student said she’d love to sail across the Pacific Ocean. And then there are dreams that are impossible; three students said they’d like to be able to fly!

Conclusion: It was clear from the survey that teenagers have similar hopes. It seems that most stude  nts hope to have a good education and find a good job. On the other hand, students dream of very different things: good things, and even crazy things. It is very important to dream, so hold on your dreams; one day they may just come true.

1.What is the most popular choice of job. ?


2.Why would some students like to start work as soon as possible?


3.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.


4.Are teenagers hopes different or similar, according to the survey?


5.What’s the title of the passage?




Why do I want to go to college? 1.But many times I have asked myself. I have come up with a whole variety of reasons. 2.

Many things make human beings different from or better than or even superior to animals3.

If I fail to receive higher education, my education will not finish. As I want to be a fully developed man, I must get a well-rounded education, which good colleges and universities are supposed to provide. 4. But colleges and universities are among the best ways to teach me how to educate myself.

5.Then I will be a better human being and be able to better fit into society.

A. No one has ever asked me such a question.

B. I know one can get educated in many ways.

C. The most important reason is that I want to be a better man.

D. One of the most important things is education.

E. The young should always respect the old.

F. In a word, I must be well-educated.




Museums have changed. They are no longer places that one “should”go but to e1.. At a s2. museum in Canada, you can feel your hair stand on end as harmless electricity passes through your body. At the Children’s Museum in New York,you can play an African drum. There are no “Do Not Touch” s3.in some other museums in the USA.

More and more museum directors have realized that people learn beat when they can become part of what they are seeing. In many science museums, the visitors are encouraged to t4., listen,operate and experiment so as to discover scientific rules for themselves.

The p5. is not only to provide fun, but also help people feel at home in the world of science. If people don’t understand science, they will be afraid of it; and if they are afraid of science, they will not make the best use of it. One cause of all these c6. is the increase in wealth and spare time. A7. cause is the growing number of young people. Many of them are college students or college graduates. They see things in a new and different w8.. The old museums have been changing and the government is e9. the building of new, modern museums. In the States and Canada, there are more than 6 000 museums, almost twice as m10. as there were 25 years ago



Some people believe that schools will no longer be necessary in the near future. They said that because of the Internet and other new technology, there is no longer any need for school buildings, classes or teachers. Perhaps this will be true one day, but if the world has no schools, I can’t imagine(想像) how our society will be, In fact, we should learn how to use new technology to make schools better. We should invent a new knid of school that is linked to libraries, museums, science centers, labs and even companies. Technological companies should create(创造) learning programs for schools. Scientists or professors could give talks through the Internet. TV networks and local stations could develop programs about things students are actually studying in school. Labs could set up websites to show new technology so students could see it on the Internet.

Is this a dream? No. There are already many cities where this is beginning to happen. Here the whole city is linked to the Internet, and learning can take place at home, at school, and in the office. Businesses provide programs for the schools and the society. The schools provide computer labs for people without their own computers at home. Because everyone can be on the Internet, older people use it as much as younger ones. And everyone can visit distant(远处的) libraries and museums as easily as nearby ones. How will this new kind of school change the usual way of learning? It is too early to be sure, but it is very exciting to think about it. Technology will change the way we learn; schools will change as well; and we will all learn something from the Internet.

1.In the writer’s opinion,       .

A. more schools should be built

B. schools are necessary

C. schools are not necessary

D. there should be fewer schools

2.What does “a new kind of school” mean?

A. A newly built school.

B. There are many new students in the school.

C. There are many new teachers in the school.

D. A school, which is linked to Internet.

3.On the Internet, you       .

A. can view the new technology

B. can see everything except new technology

Can learn everything

D. can do whatever you like

4.Which of the following sentences is NOT true?

A. The schools provide computer labs for those who have no personal computers.

B. If you are not a student, you cannot view the new technology on the Internet.

C. On the Internet, you can visit another city’s library as easily as the local people.

D. Technology will change our way of learning.

5.What is the best title for this passage?

A. Internet

B. School

C. New Technology

D. will Technology Take the Place of Schools?



Though chopsticks are used in many Asian countries, they have their beginning in China. Chinese history says that the Chinese had chopsticks as far as the Xia Dynasty(朝代)(about 4, 00 years ago). In the Spring and Autumn Period(时期) copper and iron chopsticks appeared. With the Han Dynasty lacquered(上漆) chopsticks came, followed by gold and silver chopsticks still later. Today we have chopsticks made of plastics. The most expensive are made of part of tusks of elephants and hard green stone.

Chopsticks tell Chinese tradition in their way. In ancient (古代的) times the rich used hard green stone or gold chop-sticks to show their wealth(富有). In history many kings used silver chopsticks to take their food to see if it was poisonous(有毒的). It was said that if it was, the silver chopsticks would turn colour. Chopsticks are traditionally given to a daughter when she marries to show that they should have a son very soon, for “Chopsticks” in Chinese is pronounced like “quick a son”!

Tianzhu chopsticks from Hangzhou, wooden chopsticks from Shanyang of Shanxi Province, and Beijing’s chopsticks are well-known.

Many westerners, businessmen, tourists put aside(一边) their knives and forks in favour(爱好) of chopsticks in China. Chopsticks appeared in the old Chinese story: an old man teaches his sons a lesson by showing how he could easily break a single chopstick but not a number of them. In China, chopsticks are connected with good luck. So on the country’s New Year’s Eve many families will lay out new chopsticks at dinners as a way of making requests for luck.

1.Chopsticks have their beginnings in       .

A. China                   B. many Asian countries

C. African countries        D. all over the world

2.Copper and iron chopsticks appeared in      .

A. the Xia Dynasty         B. the Spring and Autumn Period

C. the Han Dynasty          D. the Tang Dynasty

3.The history of chopsticks can tell us       .

A. something about Chinese food

B. nothing but how many kinds of chopsticks are used in China.

C. about the lives of Chinese kings

D. much about Chinese way of life in the past

4.Many Westerners in China like to use       .

A. chopsticks

B. their knives

C. their forks

D. chopsticks and knives and forks at the same time

5.Chinese use chopsticks       .

A. to lift food to the mouth only

B. to teach others a lesson only

C. in many other ways besides taking food

D. in many other ways except taking food


The fish smells       , you can’t eat it.

A. badly                 B. well

C. terribly             D. Bad


I am sorry to have kept you       for a long time.

A. wait                  B. to wait

C. waiting               D. to wait


Mr Green is very strict       his students, and he is also strict       his work.

A. in; with             B. with; in

C. with; with           D. in; in


Instead of       a letter, Tom made a telephone call to her mother.

A. wrote                B. writing

C. write                D. to write


If I were       , I would buy       to read.

A. enough rich; enough books      B. rich enough; books enough

C. enough rich; books enough     D. rich enough; enough books


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