Jimmy was 2 years old. One day his mom was out and his dad took care of him. Someone gave Jimmy a little tea set (茶具) as a gift and it was one of his favorite toys.

Dad was in the living room watching the evening news. Then Jimmy brought his dad a little cup of “tea”. In fact, it was just water. After some cups of tea, his dad said to him, “Jimmy, you are a nice good boy. I love you.” Later, Jimmy’s mom came home. His dad made her wait in the living room to watch Jimmy bring him a cup of tea. “It’s the cutest thing,” he said to his wife. Mom waited. Jimmy came down the hall with a cup of tea for his dad. She watched him drink it up and laughed. Then she said: “Did you know that the only place he is tall enough to get water from is the toilet(厕所)?”

1.___________ looked after Jimmy when his mom went out on that day.

A. Nobody       B. Jimmy’s dad

C. Someone      D. Jimmy’s grandparents

2. Jimmy’s dad was___________ before Jimmy’s mom came home.

A. in the toilet      B. watching TV

C. in the bedroom     D. washing clothes

3.Why did Jimmy’s mom laugh at last? ___________.

A. Because Jimmy brought his dad a cup of tea

B. Because Jimmy brought his dad a cup of water

C. Because Jimmy brough her a cup of tea, too

D. Because in fact Jimmy’s dad drank some cups of water from the toilet



根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选 出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。

It was a sunny Saturday afternoon in Oklahoma City. My friend Bobby was taking his _________  little boys to play golf(高尔夫). He walked _________  to the man at the ticket counter (柜台). “_________  is it to get in?” he asked.

“Three dollars for you and three for any kid older than 6,”replied the young man. “We allow them  _________in free _________ they are 6 or younger. How old are they?”

“The younger one is 3 and the older one is 7, so I guess I will give you $6,” said Bobby.

“Hey, did you just   _________ Tiger Woods(泰格.伍兹,著名高尔夫选手) in the game and get too much money?” asked the man at the ticket counter. “You could save yourself $3. You should just tell me that the older one is 6.   _________    , You know it is almost _________  for anyone to tell kids of 6 from kids of 7.”

“Yes, that may be true, but the kids would know the _________  between them,” Bobby said. “And that is the most important thing.”

As the famous writer Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “Who you are speaks _________ loudly that I can’t hear your words.” In modern times, being an honest man is more important than ever, You should set a good example for everyone you work and live with.

1.A. one             B. two             C. three              D. four

2.A. lone            B. lonely          C. alone              D. quiet

3.A. How much      B. How many       C. How soon            D. How often

4.A. going           B. go             C. went               D. to go

5.A. the minute     B. after          C. unless              D. as long as

6.A. win             B. beat            C. won                D. beats

7.A. Instead        B. Anyway         C. However             D. Be a result

8.A. helpful        B. impossible      C. necessary           D. popular

9.A. difference     B. kindness        C. development         D. independence

10.A. too           B. so            C. very               D. Really


Before the stars are able to be real zoo keepers, they need to learn           .

A. to do what to care for animals

B. what to care for animals

C. how should they care for animals

D. how to care for animals


Could I get a ride to Long for Paradise Walk?

         .There’s no more empty seat in my car.

A. Yes, you can                         B. I am afraid you could

C. I am sorry to hear that              D. Sorry, you can’t


The school makes         a rule(规定) for the students to turn off lights at 10 p.m.

A. one                  B. it             C. this               D. that


Wow, iphone 6! I like to buy one.

Well, I think there is no          . It is similar to your iphone 5.

A. way                 B. answer         C. need             D. Idea


I’m not going outside tonight.

         . I have to help out with my son’s homework.

A. So am I             B. So do I

C. Neither am I       D. Neither do I


I will tell him the good news          he __________ home from work.

A. when, will come     B. if, will come

C. until, comes        D. as soon as, comes


         become taller, Jack drinks three boxes of milk every day.

A. So that            B. In order not to

C. Since             D. In order to


The _________ the clouds are, the _________ it will rain.

A. heavily, heavy          B. heavy, heavily

C. more heavily, heavier   D. heavier, more heavily


He          a book when I saw him in the library yesterday.

A. will read          B. is reading

C. was reading        D. reads


When your mom is busy and tired, you should          to help around the house.

A. offer             B. refuse             C. guess              D. Cause


When the little boy went into the bedroom, he found _____________ in bed in pain.

A. she lies            B. she lying

C. her lay              D. her lying


Ethan      in Spain(西班牙), but he is        Chinese food since he moved to China.

A. is used to live, used to eating

B. used to live, used to eat

C. used to live, used to eating

D. is used to live, used to eat


I had so much trouble          her Wechat (微信)number. You should thank me.

A. to get             B. getting           C. gets              D. get


Competing          players from foreign countries made me ___________.

A. with, exciting     B. with, excited

C. to, exciting         D. about, excited


Mom, I have too many after-school classes. Some are really unnecessary.

—I get it. I will          . See, I am an understanding mom.

A. cut out it          B. cut it out

C. cut out them        D. cut them out


__________! I want to see the joy on your faces.

A. Give up           B. Call up           C. Cheer up          D. Put up


It was getting harder and harder ___ money for the poor kids, because the price(物价) kept_____,

A. to raise ; to rise     B. to raise ; rising

C. to rise ; to raise      D. to rise ; raising


         , what happened next changed their friendship forever.

A. To she surprise        B. To her surprised

C. To her surprise       D. To she surprised


           ?  He has a sore throat.

A. What does he look like   B. What’s the matter with him

C. What does he do         D. What is he


Bob and I had        quick breakfast and then went to get        X-ray in the hospital.

A. / ; /               B. a ; an             C. / ; an              D. a ; /


---How do you usually come to school?

--- I usually go to school __________ .

A. take a bus     B. in a bus            C. by bus



目前,“骑行”这一低碳的休闲运动受到越来越多年轻人的青睐。请你以“Enjoy Cycling”为题写一篇英语短文,介绍“骑行”的好处及注意事项。




Enjoy Cycling

Nowadays, cycling is becoming more and more popular with young people. ______________









1.not, turn


2.often, play


3.like, play


4.heavily, now


5.work, yesterday





Mr. Black lived in a small town, but last Saturday he moved to a big city with his wife and two 1.  .

On the next day, Mr. Black took his new car out . And when a friend came, he was washing it. The friend stopped and      2.   at the new car for a minute. Then Mr. Black turned and saw him.

The friend said, “That’s a new car. Is it    3.   ?” “Sometimes,” Mr. Black answered.

The friend was surprised. “Sometimes?” he said. “What do you mean?” Mr. Black answered slowly, “Well,       4.  there’s a party in the town, my daughter Linda drives it. When there’s a football game, it’s my son Mike’s turn. When I have washed it and it looks really nice and   5.  , my wife Susan uses it. And when it needs cleaning, it’s mine.”



1.Beijing lies to the ____________(south / north) of Hainan.

2.—The sweater is too expensive. I can only_________ (cost / spend) 80 yuan on it.

—OK. Here you are.

3.—The best way to be _____________ (safety / safe) is to be careful.

4.—Thank you for helping me. —It’s a _____________ (pleasant / pleasure).

5.—I am so ______________ (worried / worry ) about the math test tomorrow.

—Take it easy. I am sure you can do it.源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K]



I. 根据汉语或音标提示写出单词或词组的适当形式,使句意完整、准确。

1.—Which is the____________ (第三) day of the week? —It is Tuesday.

2.—What’s the ____________ (价格) of the dress? —It’s 280 yuan.

3.There are a few____________ (尺子) on the desk.

4.—Shall we have a food festival to ____________ /reiz/ money for the school?—Good idea!

5.We are ____________/praud/ of our great country because it’s becoming stronger now.


I think smiling is as important as sunshine(阳光). Smiling is like sunshine because it can make people happy and have a good day. If you aren’t happy, you can smile, and then you will feel happy. Someone may say, “But I don’t feel happy.” Then I would say, “Please smile when you are unhappy or play with your friends happily, then you will be happy again.” Smiling will let people forget everything unhappy. Every day we see teachers or students and say, “Hi! How are you?” At the same time, you are smilingright?

Smiling can let you have more friends. With a smile, people will know you are a kind person. They will talk with you, so you will have more and more friends. Smiling is like a flower, the sunshine, and warmth(温暖). It will give you happiness.


1. Smiling can make people __________ and have a good day.

2.If you are unhappy, you can ___________.

3.Please smile when you play with your friends ___________.

4.Smiling will make people __________ everything unhappy.

5.If you smile, people will know you are a __________ person.

6.Smiling is like a ___________, the sunshine, and warmth.



Food is very important. Everyone needs to eat well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food.     1.   We begin to get knowledge even when we are very young. Small children are interested in everything around them.    2.  When they are getting older, they begin to read story books, science books…,anything they like. When they find something new,      3. What is the best way to get knowledge?    4.,we will get the most knowledge. If we are always getting answers from others and do not ask why,     5.    When we study in the right way, we will learn more and understand better.

A.they love to ask questions and try to find out answers

B.If we learn by ourselves

C.we will never learn well

D.This kind of food is knowledge(知识)

E.They learn something while they are watching and listening



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