Many people like watching TV. TV brings the outside world closer to people’s lives. Some people say the world is smaller than before because of TV.

How do people live in places far away? Is there a good sports game anywhere? What’s life in the deepest part(最深处)of the sea like? If you want to answer these questions, just turn on the TV. Turn it on and watch, You can see a lot and learn a lot. Of course, people can also learn much from reading or listening to the radio. But though TV they can learn better and more easily. Why? Because they can both hear and watch.

TV helps to open our eyes. It also helps to open our minds(想法 ). TV often gives us new ideas so that we can learn newer and better ways of doing some things. But we shouldn’t spend too much time in watching TV. It is not good for our health.

1.Some people say the world is smaller than before because_________.

A. people don’t like watch TV

B.TV brings the outside world closer to them

C. the earth is smaller and smaller

2. We can _________when we watch TV.

A. go to live in other countries

B. get a lot of information

C. ask TV some questions

3.“TV also helps to open our minds” means__________.

A. TV can help us improve our knowledge

B. something is wrong with our minds

C. TV often gives us old ideas

4.Why can people learn better and more easily through TV?

A. Because they can both hear and watch.

B. Because TV sets are big.

C. Because it’s easy to turn on the TV.

5.From the passage, we know__________.

A. TV can let us get up

B. TV can let us go to the other countries.

C. TV helps to open our eyes.


Liu Mei,13,is pretty and smart. But many students try to stay away from her because Liu’s mom has AIDS(艾滋病). Liu’s father has died of AIDS. Luckily Liu doesn’t get it.

AIDS means “fear”(惧怕) for most people. “Nobody wants to play games with me. They call me names behind my back. Even a teacher turns her back on me now,” said Liu.

Liu’s mother didn’t know what happened to her daughter until one day Liu came home with her nose bleeding(流血的). “She fought with one of her classmates who said something bad about her father,” Liu’s mother said, “My heart really hurt. My daughter did nothing wrong!”

“People are afraid of AIDS because they know little about it,” said Wang Chongrun,Wang went to the village and gave lessons about AIDS to the people there.

“Many of these children are just as healthy as others, “Wang said, “Even if they have AIDS, it’s still safe to eat and play with them. They need our love and understanding. A friendly smile means a lot to them!”

1.Who wants to play games with Liu Mei?

A. Her classmates          B. Her teachers.          C. Nobody

2.Why do many students try to stay away from Liu Mei?

A. Because her parents got AIDS.

B. Because she got AIDS.

C. Because she isn’t friendly.

3.Who fought with Liu Mei?

A. Her mother

B. Her father

C. One of her classmates

4.What did Wang Chongrun do in the village?

A. He gave lessons about AIDS to the people there .

B. He did nothing.

C. He visited the village.

5.What should you do if you meet a man who has AIDS?

A. Run away

B. Give a friendly smile.

C. Fight with him


Being safe at school and in your everyday life needs knowledge(知识). Here is some advice.

Always notice(注意) the environment around you. You shouldn’t walk alone outside at night. Make sure where the public phones are. Don’t use earphone when running in the school or riding on the street. Or you will keep yourself away from the outside world and can be easily hurt. Never break the traffic rules. Don’t ride your bikes too fast or play on the street. If you are followed by a stranger, cross the street and go in the other direction, let the stanger know that you know he or she is there. Get help from others. Don’t go home directly. You are safer on the street than you are in your home or in the lift alone. Call 110 or ask police for help if anything dangerous happens, never try to fight it yourself.


1.You’d better not go out alone at night in a new environment.

2.It’s good for you to use earphones while running outside.

3.It’s not safe for you to ride bikes too fast or play on the street.

4.If you find a stranger following you, go home right away.

5.If anything dangerous happens, try your best to stop it yourself.



A: Hi! Is that Sam speaking?

B: Yes, speaking.

A: This is Jane. You didn’t come to school yesterday.      1.

B: I had an accident on my way to school.

A:       2.  How did the accident happen?

B: A car driver didn’t obey the traffic rules.

The car hit me and a girl.

A:      3.

B: Yes. I’m lying in the hospital bed.

A:       4.

B: Her leg was hurt but she is OK now.

A:      5.

B: The driver.

A: Hope you will be better soon. I’ll go to the hospital to see you tomorrow. Good night!

B: Thanks! Good night!


A. Were you badly hurt?

B. What about the girl?

C. Who took you to the hospital?

D. What was wrong with you?

E. Im sorry to hear that.





Tom was unlucky last week. He wanted to travel in the country by   ________   . A traffic accident happened and he had to wait    ________   three hours. Before he started again, it rained. It was wet on the country roads. He had to ________ slowly. The bridge over the river was broken. His car broke down in the   ________   and he had to ask some people   ________   it out of the river. Of course, he had to ________    for it. When he   ________ to a small town, night fell. He stopped his car near a small restaurant.

There were few people in it. In the poor light, he found ________    was dirty. He knew it was difficult to find a clean restaurant. He had to sit down and told the waiter to bring some food to him. About forty minutes later, the waiter brought a fried chicken to him. He had a look ________   it and found it had only one leg.

“Why does this chicken have a leg missing(不见了)?” Tom called out________    .

“It was beaten(被打败) in a fight.” answered the waiter.

“Well, take it back and bring me a winner” said Tom.

1.A. bus           B. car          C. train

2.A. in           B. for          C. with

3.A. drive        B. walk       C. run

4.A. water        B. forest       C. mountain

5.A. pull         B. pulling     C. to pull

6.A. spend       B. cost       C. pay

7.A. gets         B. got          C. get

8.A. everything   B. nothing     C. anything

9.A. up           B. at          C. from

10.A. happy       B. happily     C. angrily


My sister is reading books while I ___________ to music.

A. am listening    B. listened C. Listen


Jim didn’t go to bed __________he finished his homework .

A. because    B. as soon as     C. until


—What’s on TV tonight?

—There’s ___________. It’s boring.

A. nothing interesting

B. something interesting

C. interesting anything


—He fell off his bike. 属于简单句的哪种句型?

A. S+V+P.           B.S+V.        C. S+V+O.


—What do you think of Maria?

—She isn’t __________ Jane.

A. as taller as    B. so tall as    C. as tall so


She used to watch TV after supper, but now she is used to__________ a walk at that time.

A. taking     B. take     C. took


—Where is Taiwan?

—It is __________ the southeast of China.

A. on      B. in      C. to


You can work ___________ and do better next time.

A. hard     B. hardest       C. harder


—Why was Jim late ?

—He was late for school __________ the heavy rain.

A.    B. because of    C. because for


—___________ is difficult for me __________ math well.

—You can ask Leo for help.

A. It , to learn    B. This , learning   C. It , learning


—How does Kangkang feel?

—He feels __________.

A. happily B. exciting  C. excited


—What’s your plan during the holidays?

—I want to go on a __________visit to Guilin.

A. six days     B. six-day    C. six day


—What’s your dream?

—My dream is __________ an English teacher.

A. to be     B. being        C. be


—__________ is it from your home to the park?

—It’s about twenty minutes’ walk.

A. How long B. How many C. How far


—We will go out for a picnic if it ___________ .

—Wow! That’s great!

A. will rain     B. rains     C. doesn’t rain





提示词语:Spring Festival, new clothes, lucky money, clean, get together, fireworks





Mike was a good and well-trained boy. His parents loved him very much. He did everything well, but Mike had one bad habit. He ate a lot of sweets and chocolates. Those were his favorite. He just couldn't refuse. His mother always told him, "Mike doesn’t eat so many sweets. You will get toothaches. "

His mother used to keep all the sweets in a glass jar(罐子). It had a narrow mouth and a tight lid on it

One day when his mother went to the market, Mike saw that his father was asleep. So he walked carefully and slowly to the kitchen and got the sweet jar. With great effort, he opened the tight lid and put his hand in narrow mouth. Mike picked a fist(拳头) full of sweets. But when he tried to pull his hand out, it got stuck(卡) in the jar.

Mike's father was awake and watching. He said to Mike, "You have picked up too many sweets in your fist. it's more than your little hand can keep. Your fist cannot come out of the jar. Let go of the sweets and pick only one sweet in your two fingers and you can pull your hand out easily. Always take as much as you can control."

Mike pulled out his hand from the jar easily and he learned a lesson for his life, too.

1.Was Mike a well-trained boy?

2.What was Mike's bad habit ?

3.Where did his mother use to keep the sweets ?

4.What happened when Mike wanted to pull his hand out of the jar?

5.What lesson did Mike learn?



Once, two birds named Cici and Nick lived in a nest.   1.  They always found excuse for not doing any work.

On a cold winter day, a strong wind was blowing. There was some snowfall too. By chance, a hole was made in their nest(巢).The cold wind blew in through the hole and got away the warmth from the nest. 2.  Nick thought, "I wonder why Cici is so lazy? Why is she not repairing the hole?"

On the other hand, Cici thought that Nick would fill the hole. Both of them were depending on each other.   3.  .

Soon snow started to fall and the wind nearly blew off the last warm air from the inside of their nest. The snowflakes entered the nest through the hole. The lazy birds started shivering (颤) with cold. 4. .

In the morning both the birds were dead in their nest. They had shivered to death but because of laziness they had not got up to repair the hole.

Life is the same. Some people never get success. 5.  .Do you think so?

A. Because their laziness blows out the chances.

B. But no one was active enough to work.

C. Both of them were very lazy.

D. Both the birds started feeling cold.

E. So no one repaired the hole.


Happiness is a feeling that lights up your eyes, makes your steps light and makes you want to sing for no reason. Everyone wants to be happy. But sometimes, a guest comes in without invitation. It's unhappiness. Don't let it get you down. Send it away!

When you feel happy, the world feels like a better place. As the saying goes: When you smile, the world smiles with you; when you cry, you cry alone. Wearing a smile will make you more charming (迷人的) and help you to win lots of friends. A good mood always gives you hope, which makes trouble and problems easier to handle.

No matter how happy you are, it's normal to feel angry, sad or gloomy once in a while. Life is full of ups and downs. We can't change the way life is, but we can do our best to change a bad situation into a good one. To help us do this, it's good to know some of the factors (因素) that influence happiness.

One of the biggest factors is social relationships. People who are close to family and friend are happier than people who don't have those relationships. Talking and sharing is a good way to relax and build confidence (信心). Knowing someone is there for you will make you braver and more outgoing.

Another factor is work or school. If you enjoy school, even if you have lots of homework or extra classes, you will still feel that your school life is meaningful and happy. But if you hate school, your negative attitude may cause you to feel bored and upset that you have to do so much work.

A third factor is your attitude towards life. How do you feel if you fail in an exam? Maybe you think it's unfair because you always study hard and should get a good mark. You can't stop blaming yourself. Or, maybe you accept it. You go through the paper carefully, find out why you made stupid mistakes, and tell yourself, "Take it easy! I'll do better next time!" Your attitude makes a big difference.

1.The writer tells us ______ factors that influence happiness.

A. two     B. three       C. four    D. five

2.If you fail in an exam you should ______ .

A. blame yourself

B. complain about others

C. work harder than before

D. go through the paper again

3.Which of the following is probably the best title for the passage?

A. Make Trouble Easy To Handle

B. Your School Life Is Happy

C. The World Smiles With You

D. You Make Your Own Happiness


Street Ping Pong— Ping!

Do you like table tennis? If you had traveled to cities in the UK like London or Birmingham last summer, you might have seen one of the dozens of free tables that were there as part of a project (项目) called Ping!.

What is Ping!?

Ping!is a three-year table tennis project. It has been running since 2010 and this year, 2012, is the final year. The idea is to put free table tennis tables in eight different towns in the UK for four weeks during the summer. Each table comes with its own bats and balls and is free to play. You can find the tables outdoors.

What does Ping! hope to achieve?

It would be great if Ping!helped find a new Olympic table tennis star but what Ping! really hopes to achieve is just to get people playing and having fun together. "Putting a ping pong table on the street gives people a chance to connect with other people," said Meera Sodha , Ping! Project Manager.

One of the towns that took part in the project was Hull, a city in England. Forty-five tables were put into the city. Jakob Adamski, an ESOL student learning. English, said, "I really enjoyed playing table tennis in the park. It was also a good way for me to practice my English and meet people."

1.When did the Ping! project start?

A. Last summer.      B. Last winter.

C. In 2010.         D. In 2012.

2.What's the Ping! project?

A. Choosing table tennis stars.

B. Holding table tennis matches.

C. Teaching people how to play table tennis.

D. Putting free table tennis tables in some towns.

3.The purpose of the Ping! project is

A. to help people practice English

B. to invite people to visit the UK cities

C. to get people to play and have fun together.

D. to encourage people to take part in the 2012 Olympics


One day, my mother and I went shopping at a Chinese supermarket. We found that the crucian carps(鲫鱼)in the seafood counter were very fresh, as a result we chose four crucian carps and handed them over to the seller. As it would take some time to clean the fish and dispose of their internal organs(处理内脏), we decided to look around the other places first. When we came back to the seafood counter, I asked the seller for my fish. He raised one, which was being cleaned, to let me have a look and tell me he was still working on the fish. I hurriedly said, "Go ahead. Go ahead." I meant for him to go on.

To my surprise, the seller stopped his work, looking at me with puzzled (困惑的) expression, and asked me," Go ahead?”“Yes," I said, "go ahead". He pointed at the fish in all seriousness, and repeated very seriously, "Head?" Paying no more attention to him, I turned back to chat with my mother. Suddenly," Bang, bang, bang," was heard from the counter. Quickly, the seller passed the four fish without heads to me.

I asked loudly, "Why did you cut all the heads off?" The seller was also very angry and said, "Didn't you tell me to go ahead again and again?"On hearing what he said I felt funny as well as angry. It turned out that he considered "go ahead" as "cut the head off". No wonder he asked me several times about it!

1. The writer went to ____ with her mother that day.

A. a restaurant   B. a beach

C. a supermarket D. a park

2.What does "Go ahead" mean in this passage?

A.Go on cleaning the fish.

B. Continue walking.

C.Cut off the heads of the fish.

D. Go around.

3.The seller cut all the heads off because ____.

A. the writer asked him to do so

B. he was angry with the writer

C. he wanted to cut off the heads

D. he didn't understand what the writer said



Lisa’s Gym

Keep fit! Lose weight!

Price:¥40/hour     Tel: 2133730

Open time: Saturdays and Sundays

Play basketball, do yoga(瑜伽), dance and meet many new friends!

A Concert

Do you like classical music?

Come to the concert on Friday evening.

The concert will begin at 6:30 in the Children’s Palace.

Ticket price: Adults:¥120    Children(under 15):¥60

Star Wars

USA wonderful movie at Huachen Cinema.

Ticket price:¥80

Time: 6:00 pm —— 8:00 pm

Dates: July 24 to July 27

Winter Job

Do you like to talk with people?

Do you like to work late?

Do you like to work for a restaurant?

Then come and work for us as a waiter.

Please call Jenny at 8124697 for more information.



1.You can ______ at Lisa’s Gym. a movie       B.find a job

C.listen to a concert basketball

2.Mr. and Mrs. Smith and their 14-year-old son want to go to the concert. They have to pay ______ for the tickets.

A.¥120       B.¥180        C.¥300    D.¥240

3.Linda wants to find a job during her winter holiday. She can ______ for more information. 8124697  B.go to Huachen Cinema 2133730  D. to the Children’s Palace




It’s not easy to be an astronaut’s son. Everybody expects you to be perfect, but I’m just a fourteen-year-old kid, and I’m not a special ________ too, when it comes to math, geography, music, and baseball.

Well, to be honest, I often dream about being some kind of ________ or doing something special—like saving a child from a burning building. or discovering a new star. I was daydreaming at school one morning when my teacher said there would be a Father’s Day writing competition for the whole school. “I ________ we can have a winner right here in my class.”

When I got home, I started to think about what to write. My father is an astronaut. No, I wouldn't start like that. The whole country and maybe even the whole world saw my father as an astronaut, but that wasn’t the way I saw him.

How did I see my  ________ ? Hmm.

I saw him sitting with me in the dark when I had a terrible dream. I ________ how he hugged me for hours when my dog Spotty was________  by a car. Yes, to me, he wasn’t just a world-famous astronaut. He was my dad.

My parents and I went to school on Thursday night. There were so many people in the big hall! My dad looked at me, and I shrugged(耸肩). The third prize was announced and it was not me. I was relieved(释然)and disappointed at the same time. The second prize was announced. It was me ________  .

I went up to the stage and read what I had written, “My father’s son”. When I finished, the people ________ and cheered. I saw my father blowing his nose. Dad cleared his throat and put his hand on my shoulder. “Son, this is the ________ moment of my life.”

It was the proudest moment of my life, too. Maybe I’ll never be a great hero or win a Nobel Prize, but it was ________ just to be my father’s son.         B.son         C.student         D.person

2.A.astronaut B.hero  

3.A.think       B.guess       C.know           D.hope

4.A.father      B.mother       C.teacher       D.son

5.A.felt        B.thanked    C.remembered     D.noticed

6.A.killed      B.stopped    C.thrown        D.carried

7.A.really     B.surprisingly C.easily         D.especially

8.A.stood up    B.sat up    C.walked away     D.walked down        B.luckiest    C.happiest      D.proudest

10.A.right     B.special     C.enough       D.different


—Do you know _________ the posters tomorrow?

—Near the school gate.

A. where they will put up          B. where they put up

C. where did they put up           D. where will they put up


My uncle is a famous writer. He _______ many books since he was young.

A. writes   B. wrote      C. is writing     D. has written


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