
A man made a nice talking machine(机器).It could weigh people’s weight .The man wanted to try the machine before he could make a lot of machines.

He put the machine into the waiting room of a station. There were always lots of people in and out.

The first one who used the machine was an Indian woman. She stood on the machine, the machine thought for a few seconds to decide which language to speak. “Good morning, Madam.” it said in Indian. “Your weight is 72 kilograms. That’s three kilograms more .If you eat more fruit and vegetables, you will be soon all right .Please have a nice day.”

The second one to use the machine was a Chinese girl .She stood on the machine and waited to hear her weight. “Good morning, Miss.” the machine said in Chinese. “Your weight is 45 kilograms. It’s all right for your age. Keep eating what you eat every day .Please have a nice day.”

The third one to use the machine was a very fat American woman. She thought for a long time to stand on the machine. The machine spoke quickly in English, “Good morning .Will one of you get off?”

1. The machine in this passage could _______ .

A. make people laugh

B. tell people what they should eat

C. speak all kinds of languages

D. weigh and talk to people

2. The man put his first machine _______ .

A. in the station

B. in a train

C. in the doctor’s waiting room

D. in the women’s room

3. The machine told the Indian woman _______ .

A. she was a little heavier

B. she was a little lighter

C. it couldn’t speak Indian

D. to eat what she wanted to eat

4. How was the American woman?

A. She was healthy.

B. She was too heavy

C.. She liked thinking.

D. The machine didn’t like her.



We can not live a modern life without travelling. The fastest way of, travelling is by air. With a plane one can travel in one day to places which it takes a month or more to get to a hundred years ago.

Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but one can see the country while he is travelling through. Modern trains have comfortable seats and dining-cars. They make even the longest journey enjoyable.

Some people prefer to travel by sea when possible, There are large luxury liners(客轮) or  river boats. They are not as fast as trains or planes, but travelling by sea is a' very pleasant way to spend a holiday.

Many people like to travel: by car. They can make their own timetable. They can travel hundreds of miles a day, just as their wish. They can stop wherever they want to see something interesting or to enjoy a good meal at a good restaurant, or to spend the night at a hotel. That is why people choose travelling by car for pleasant trips, while they usually take trains or planes for business.

1. According to the passage, the fastest way of travelling is_______________.

A. by car         B. by train

C. by sea          D. by plane

2. If we travel by car, we can_______.

A. enjoy the longest journey

B. travel only fifty miles a day

C. travel to a very far place in a few minutes

D. make our own timetable

3. When people travel on business, they usually take_______________.

A. a train or a plane         B. a car or a train

C. a plane or a car          D. a boat or a train

4. If possible, people like travelling by sea because_______.

A. it is as fast as trains and planes

B. it can stop wherever they like

C. it is very cheap

D. it is a pleasant way to spend a holiday



We know that many animals do not stay in one place. Birds, fish and other animals move from one place to another at a certain time. They move for different reasons: most of them move to find food more easily, but others move to get away from places that are too crowded.

When cold weather comes, many birds move to warmer places to find food. Some fishes give birth in warm water and move to cold water to feed. The most famous migration (迁移) is probably the migration of fish, which is called “salmon”. This fish is born in fresh water but it travels many miles to salt water. There it spends its life. When it is old, it returns to its birthplace in fresh water. Then it gives birth and dies. In northern Europe, there is a kind of mouse. They leave their mountain homes when they become too crowded. They move down to the low land. Sometimes they move all the way to the seaside, and many of them are killed when they fall into the sea.

Recently (近来), scientists have studied the migration of a kind of lobster (龙虾). Every year, when the season of the bad weather arrives, the lobsters get into a long line and start to walk across the floor of the ocean. Nobody knows why they do this, and nobody knows where they go. So, sometimes we know why humans and animals move from one place to another, but at other times we don’t. Maybe living things just like to travel.

1. Most animals move from one place to another at a certain time to _______.

A. give birth                B. find food more easily

C. enjoy warmer weather       D. find beautiful places

2. The fish called “salmon” spends a long time in ______.

A. fresh water               B. rivers

C. salt water                D. its birthplace

3. The mice in northern Europe move when _______.

A. they give birth           B. they haven’t enough food

C. the weather is bad      D. the place gets too crowded

4. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Animals move to find food more easily.

B. The migration of the fish called “salmon” is the most famous migration.

C. Sometimes we know why and how living things move from one place to another, but     sometimes we don’t.

D. Living things move from one place to another because they like to travel.




Black wallet with some money.

Come to Room 502 in the evening, or call 9796788.


A boy or a girl to deliver newspapers   Pay: $ 10 per day

Hours: 3:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. from Mon. to Sat.

For more information: Call Mr. Jones on 8947659     Call Jeff on 3338651


A club for single people looking for new friends. Ages: 25-40

Activities: parties, swimming, concerts, dances, etc

We meet every Friday at 8:30 p.m.

28 Garden Street        Tel: 7026449    E-mail: singleclub@yahoo.com
















1. If you have lost a black wallet, you can call ________ to ask for it.

A. 3338651             B. 8947659

C. 9796788            D. 7026449

2. Who can join the Singles’ Club?

A. A 29-year-old single lady.

B. A 28-year-old married (已婚的)woman

C. A 24-year-old young man.

D. A 50-year-old single man.

3. If you get the job of delivering newspapers, how much can your get every week?

A. $ 50                B. $ 70

C. $ 60               D. $ 80



Each of us makes mistakes from time to time. In fact, we can learn a lot from  ________.

Donnie was a ________ student and never answered questions in class. He was ________ to make mistakes. He never finished his homework ________he didn’t want to make any mistakes. Nothing changed ________ Marry Anne, a teacher, came to our ________ .

One morning , Marry Anne asked Donnie to ________ some questions. After a while Donnie was in tears because he made a mistake. ________ Marry Anne got a box full of erasers from the desk.

“Look, Donnie,” she said standing  ________ him. “I’ve got something to show you.” She ________ the erasers, one at a time, and put them on the desk.

“See these erasers, Donnie?” she continued. “Do you know  ________ the erasers become smaller and smaller? That’s because we make mistakes. But we erase the mistakes and try ________ . That’s what you must learn.”

“Here,” she said, “I’ll ________ one eraser on your desk, so you will remember that ________

may make mistakes.” Donnie looked at Marry Anne and smiled.

Donnie ________ a lot from then on. He knew that everyone had the permission to make mistakes as long as you learned them and tried again.

1.A. it          B. their       C. them           D. one

2.A. shy         B. good         C. clever         D. small

3.A. glad         B. afraid       C. surprised     D. excited

4.A. but          B. so           C. if            D. because

5.A. after      B. until        C. while          D. when

6.A. row         B. classroom    C. team           D. class

7.A. ask        B. answer       C. give           D. have

8.A. Suddenly    B. Quickly      C. Luckily        D. Carefully

9.A. on           B. with         C. to            D. beside

10.A. put out    B. took out   C. took away      D. took off

11.A. when      B. how          C. why            D. what

12.A. again      B. more         C. another        D. one

13.A. forget     B. carry        C. give           D. leave

14.A. everybody  B. somebody     C. no one        D. nobody

15.A. learned    B. got         C. changed        D. Thought


Why don’t we go climbing tomorrow? 


A.  What a good idea!       B. That’s right

C. No, I don’t             D. You’re great.


—Could you tell me ___________________________? 

--- It will start at 4:00p.m.

A. when will the meeting start

B. when the meeting will start

C. when would the meeting start

D. when the meeting would start


—You’d better keep the secret to ______, Millie and Lily.

—OK, Amy. You should keep it for ______,too?

A. yourself; you        B. myself; yourself

C. you; ourselves       D. yourselves; us


Is there ________in today’s newspaper?

Aspecial nothing           B anything special

Ceverything special         Dspecial anything


__________good time they had playing games in the park!

A. What a          B. How

C. What           D. How a


—He was chosen to be a volunteer of the Olympic Games.

—Great! No one speaks English _______ him.

A. as beautiful as      B. better than

C. worse than           D. as badly as


_______ exercising, ________ you'll be healthier.

A. Keeping, or      B. To keep, and

C. Keep, and        D. Kept, or


Everyone should do something        wild animals.

A. protect           B. protecting

C. to protect        D. to protecting


The trip from the school ________ about two hours by bus. It was too _________.

A. spent, boring       B. cost, bored

C. took, boring        D. took, bored


I don’t know if he _______ tomorrow. If he   _________, please let me know.

A. will come; comes           B. will come; will come

C. comes; comes              D. comes; will come


I’d like to buy Guo Jingming’s Tiny Times.

You had better __________his books. The stories he tells are far from real life.

A. don’t read      B. not read

C. not reading       D. not to read


The box is too heavy to carry. What’s in it?  Oh, I ________ it ________books.

A.  filled, with         B. am full, of

C. am filled, with       D. filled of


Shanghai is bigger than ______in China and bigger than ______in Japan.

A. any city, any city

B. any other city, any city

C. any other city, the other cities

D. any city, any other city


The American English for “autumn” is____________

A. fall              B. movie

C. eraser            D. vacation


—Do you know ______ man on TV?

Yes, he is _______ honest person. Now he is planning ____ one-day trip.

A. a, an, an           B. an, the, a

C. the, a, an         D. the, an, a



My friend Bruce isn’t tall enough but he likes doing sports. He’s good at running and p1. basketball, s2. he is stronger than us all. Last summer, Bruce went to see his grandpa. The old man lives on a farm. He likes a_3. and has three dogs, two cats and a horse. Bruce wanted to l_4._ to ride a horse. He a_5._ his grandpa to teach him. The old man agreed. At first he rode carefully and soon he enjoyed h_6. there. One afternoon Bruce rode the horse a7._. When it walked by a house, a large dog ran out. The horse very afraid and began to run away q_8._. Bruce fell down and hurt his leg. The horse p_9._ him to a tree and then ran to call a doctor. “What a c_10. horse!” I said after my friend told me about it half a month later. “I don’t think so,” said Bruce. “It came back with a vet(兽医)!”



1.He reached the park at ______ one hour earlier than us.  (little)

2.Many people care about their diets in their ________ life. (day)

3.Mr. Gao can speak not only English but also _________. (France)

4.Chinese basketball team won the match, all Chinese felt excited and ____. (cheer)

5.__________, Simon passed the exam with the help of his English teacher.(lucky)



Do you like traveling? How can you make your trip interesting? Here’s some advice.


Before you leave, you should find some information about the place, such as its geography, history and people. You can understand that place better by reading.

Take photos!

If you want to take some photos, don’t forget to choose the most special sights. Choose different sights you can see in other places. For example, Qingdao and Ningbo are coastal cities, so don’t only take photos of the sea. You should take photos of something else too.


You’d better taste some specials in that area. Food in some places is very delicious. So why not taste it? Maybe you have just one chance to taste it in your life.


When you visit a place, you should take a pen and a notebook, so you can write down what you see and what you think during the trip.

1. to make your trip interesting


Before you leave, you should find some 2. about the place, such as its geography, 3. and people. You can understand that place 4. by reading.

Take photos!

If you want to take some photos, 5. to choose the most special sights. Don’t choose the 6. sight you can see in 7. places.


·You’d better taste some special and 8. food in that area.

·You 9. have just one chance to taste it in your life.


When you visit a place, you should write down what you see and what you think 10. the trip.




Do you know Su Bingtian? He is a Chinese runner. He was born in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province on August 20th, 1989.

When he was a child, he liked running in the school running team. His parents supported him in practicing running and they often encouraged him to run. Though it’s very hard for him to win every race, he never gives up. He tries his best to run well every day. He took part in the regular match in November, 2004 for the first time. After that, he won many first prizes in all kinds of matches.

On May 31st, 2015, in Saturday’s Eugene Grand Prix, the 1.72 meters-tall runner finished third in 9.99 seconds, behind American Tyson Gay in 9.88 seconds and Mike Rodgers in 9.90 seconds. Su Bingtian becomes beats 10-second barrier as the first Asian-born.

China’s Zhang Peimeng, who raced to his personal best of 10.00 seconds in 2013, is considered the closest to beating the barrier. Now Su Bingtian broke his record.

“I am so proud of my result. I can write my name into history now and I will work harder and run faster,” said Su Bingtian.

Now let’s congratulate to Su Bingtian! We hope Su Bingtian will have a better future and good luck to him!

1. Where was Su Bingtian born?

A. Beijing.            B. Shanghai.

C. Guangdong           D. Jiangsu.

2. What did Su Bingtian like when he was a child?

A. running            B. swimming

C. dancing             D. drawing

3. How old was Su Bingtian when he first took part in the regular match?

A. Eleven.             B. Thirteen.

C. Fourteen.          D. Fifteen.

4. Who becomes beats 10-second barrier as the first Asian-born?

A. Zhang Peimeng.         B. Su Bingtian.

C. Tyson Gay.             D. Mike Rodgers.

5. Where can we most probably find the above reading?

A. In a storybook.         B. In a travel magazine.

C. In a health report.     D. In a PE magazine.



Dear Linda,

I have got your letter. I know that you want to have your own club, but you don’t know how to start one. Do you know what makes a club, such as an English Club or a Basketball Club, successful? Here is some advice.

◆Decide what kind of club to have, and come up with a nice name. Since you are interested in music, why not start a Music Club? A club is to bring people with common interests together.

◆Look for members. You can start with your friends, but it isn’t really a club until people you don’t know want to join.

◆Make rules. Get together with the members and agree on rules. Make sure that if someone breaks any rule(违反规定), he or she should be punished.

◆Have regular meetings. For the first time, you should make sure that all the members attend. Call the members to remind(提醒) them of it, and use the meeting to organize future meetings and other activities. I hope that these ideas may help you and that you can have your own club soon.


Mrs. Smith

1. What does Linda want to do?

A. To play basketball.

B. To have her own club.

C. To be a successful musician.

D. To give people advice.

2. A club isn’t really a club if ________.

A. its members aren’t interested in music

B. there are only ten people in it

C. only your friends want to join it

D. activities are organized once a week

3. Mrs. Smith gives Linda _______ pieces of advice.

A. one           B. two

C. three       D. four

4. What does the underlined word “punished” mean?

A. 惩罚          B. 表扬

C. 鼓励          D. 拘留

5. Which of the following is NOT true about the members of a club?

A. They have common interests.

B. They should have regular meetings.

C. They have the same dream jobs.

D. They should be punished if they break the rules.



What do you think robots will be like in the future? Do you think robots will work better than humans? Now come and see the movie Robots.

Showing hours: 11th March~17th March

Mon. ~Fri.: 10:00 a.m., 7:00 p.m.

Sat. ~Sun.: 10:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m. , 7:00 p.m.

Each show will last for 3 hours.

Place: Town Cinema

Ticket price: $30 (day shows)

$40 (evening shows)

Children under 3 years old: free

Family package: $110 for 4 tickets (10:00 a.m. , 2:00 p.m. shows)

$130 for 4 tickets (7:00 p.m. shows)

Tel: 0633-8795365


1. How long will the movie be on?

A. Five days.       B. Six days.

C. Seven days.       D. Eight days.

2. Jim is a high school student. When can be go to see the movie?

A. At 2:00 p.m. on Sunday.

B. At 2:00 p.m. on Monday.

C. At 5:00 p.m. on Saturday.

D. At 5:00 p.m. on Friday.

【小题】 How long does each show last?

A. For 2 hours.      B. For 3 hours.

C. For 4 hours.     D. For 5 hours.

3. The Greens want to see the movie with their 5-year-old daughter and 7–year

-old son on Sunday morning. How much will they pay?

A. $110.           B. $120.

C. $130.            D. $140.

4. What cannot people find in the ad?

A. The name of the movie.

B. The name of the cinema.

C. The telephone number.

D. The email address of the cinema.



Mary was happy to take a seat in the plane. Then _________ air hostess(空姐) came up to her and asked, “Can you change your __________? A man would like to sit with his wife.” The only available seat in the plane was next to a boy _________ his arms broken, a black-and-blue face, and a sad expression(表情). “It’s _________ to sit there,” Mary thought at first. But a quiet voice from her heart said, “He __________ help.” Finally, Mary __________ to that seat.

The boy _________ David had been in a car accident and was on his way to another __________. When the snacks and juice arrived, Mary found that he could eat _________food by himself. Mary wanted to feed him __________ hesitated(犹豫), because it didn’t seem proper.

But then Mary believed that helping others was more _________. She started to help him eat. Although David was uncomfortable to accept(接受), he _________. They became _________in a short time. __________ the five-hour trip, Mary felt glad to sit next to David and help him.

When we reach out our hands __________ others, we get to live in a bigger and more loving world.

1.A. a                  B. an                C. the              D. /

2.A. food                B. chair             C. plane            D. seat

3.A. of                B. in                 C. with             D. about

4.A. terrible          B. funny              C. good             D. interesting

5.A. has                B. gets              C. sees              D. needs

6.A. worked             B. moved              C. bought          D. cared

7.A. won                B. expected          C. called            D. planned

8.A. cinema              B. hospital          C. school          D. library

9.A. some               B. any               C. no                D. all

10.A. but               B. or                C. and              D. so

11.A. careful           B. exciting          C. possible        D. important

12.A. agreed            B. refused            C. shared           D. replied

13.A. farther and fartherB. closer and closer C. more and more   D. less and less

14.A. Before             B. Across             C. During           D. Between

15.A. help               B. to help            C. work              D. to work


---Shall we take Linda to the Summer Palace?        --- _________.

A. That sounds good           B. Thank you

C. That’ all right          D. I don’t know


Two days ago,__________ people came to our town to watch the car race.

A. hundreds           B. hundred

C. hundreds of        D. hundred of


Many people like DIY because they enjoy making ___________.

A. something new            B. nothing new

C. new something           D. new nothing


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