Jane is one of the students in the class   have ever been to China.

A. who               B. whose

C. which              D. whom


In many places in China, the old over 90 are taken good care of   by their family   by the government.

A. either; or             B. not only; but also

C. neither; nor           D. not; but


—Who is the little girl in the picture?

—It’s me. The picture   10 years ago.

A. took                  B. is taken

C. has taken            D. was taken


—Who’s singing in the bathroom?

—It must be Mr Brown. Nobody sings like that   him.

A. except             B. besides

C. but                D. beside


—Could you give me some   on how to learn English   ?

—Sure. Practice makes perfect.

A. advice; good

B. suggestions; good

C. advice; well

D. suggestion; well


—It’s too hot today.

—Yes. Why don’t you   your jacket?

A. put on            B. put up

C. take off            D. take after


Don’t ask Jim to stay up late to study.    , he is only 8 years old.

A. As a result       B. After all

C. Best of all       D. For example


—What a heavy rain!

—So it is. I prefer   rather than   on such a wet day.

A. go out; stay at home

B. go out; staying at home

C. going out; stay at home

D. to stay at home; go out


This kind of suit will be sold for $ 600, which is far more than its real   .

A. value              B. cost

C. money            D. price


In France you   put bread on the table instead of on the plate.

A. shouldn’t            B. suppose

C. are supposed to      D. would like to


Tommy couldn’t stop thinking about the boy   made him a fool in front of the whole class.

A. whom             B. which

C. what            D. who


—There was a basketball match between our class and Class 3 yesterday afternoon.

   . I missed it.

A. Certainly            B. I’m sorry to hear that

C. What fun             D. What a pity


We all miss the school   we studied 3 years ago.

A. where           B. when

C. how              D. why


Do you prefer coffee   tea?

A. than                B. to

C. or                 D. with


The shop   sells flowers is at the end of the street.

A. who         B. where      C. which


The students ought to wear school uniforms when they’re at school.

A. are supposed to       B. are allowed to

C. would like to        D. love to


—This is quite a new phrase.

—Right. It has already   the language.

A. spoken               B. used

C. entered              D. covered


—I’m sorry, sir. I can’t finish the work on time.

—Never mind.    , the work is quite difficult.

A. At least          B. For instance

C. After all           D. First of all


—It’s difficult for me   the homework in such a short time.

—Come on! I’m sure you can.

A. finished               B. to finish

C. will finish           D. finishes


—Let’s do something for our dad.

—Good idea. We should always   father’s love for us.

A. explain                   B. suppose

C. wonder                   D. value


I   my father’s wet shoes and washed his feet.

A. took out        B. took off     C. took place


—Look! It   be David in the classroom.

—It   be him. Because I saw him in the library a moment ago.

A. may; mustn’t              B. must; can’t

C. can; can’t                D. mustn’t; can


—Why are you looking   in class all day?

—Because I can’t finish my homework until eleven every night.

A. awake               B. asleep

C. sleeping            D. sleepy


—He always appears to   .

—That’s because he’s really knowledgeable and experienced.

A. make an effort          B. have a point

C. pull together            D. take place


Tourists’ bad behavior   by the government in our country from now on.

A. will record            B. will be recorded

C. records                D. is recorded


—How clean your car is!

—Thank you. It   very often.

A. is washed           B. washes

C. was washed           D. washed


—Are all the students from   in your class?

—No, there are only 3   in our class. The others are from other countries.

A. Germany; Germen        B. Germany; Germans

C. German; Germans       D. German; Germany



We moved into a beautiful two-story old house. The house was built in 1956. It was repaired in 2003.

At first, really small things began to happen. They didn’t make me believe that something was wrong, but as time went on, things started becoming stranger and stranger. Early something was missing, and later on it would be found somewhere else. I just thought I had forgotten where I put it, or perhaps my daughter was playing around with things. Then later on I would hear strange sounds when nobody was at home but me. . . yet it was an old house, and sometimes old houses did make little noises, so again, I didn’t really mind.

Then things that I couldn’t explain started happening. It was last November and I was at home alone cleaning the house. When I was sweeping the kitchen floor, I felt a very cold wind blowing my hair. I thought the kitchen window must have been opened, but when I checked it, it was closed. The windows were new, and there was no way any cold air came in.

We all felt very strange and moved away from there in October, 2014. I was never really frightened. It was just strange, like something or someone was trying to get my attention or something.

1. The house is    years old.

A. about 97           B. over 100

C. over 200           D. about 60

2. According to the passage, the things that were missing in the old house    .

A. would never be found

B. can’t be explained by the writer

C. would be seen in another place

D. were put somewhere else by the writer

3. At first the writer didn’t mind the strange sounds happened because    .

A. the house was very old

B. someone made them

C. her daughter made them

D. the cold wind was blowing

4.    when the writer was sweeping the kitchen floor last November.

A. Lights turned on suddenly

B. A very cold wind blew in from the open window

C. A very cold wind blew her hair

D. The windows were opened

5. What’s the writer’s attitude(态度)to the old house?

A. Strange.                B. Frightened.

C. Surprised.              D. Loving.



When you are a teenager, it seems that every time you say, “Mum and Dad, I want to. . . ”, your parents answer, “No, you can’t. ”or“You can’t do. . .

Young people further complain that their parents do not __________ them. When something goes wrong, most parents just don’t believe in their children. __________ asking why, they think their kids are wrong. And not many parents allow their children to make a decision for __________.

Yes, __________ is true that your parents always treat you as a little child. You __________ to do what you like. But remember that not long ago you were really a child. Your parents still remember the childish mistakes you used to __________ . They want to protect you __________ you don’t want them to do so.

So, if you want to get __________ freedom, please try to understand your parents and don’t lie to them. Try a more friendly way. If you want them to allow you stay out late, don’t just say, “All __________ kids in my class can stay out late. ”Tell them as much as you can about what you want to do and where you will be and __________ it is important for you to stay out late. Then they will say, “Yes, but be more careful and give us a call if possible.

1.A. enjoy         B. prefer            C. understand          D. decide

2.A. Except        B. Instead             C. With                 D. Without

3.A. they           B. their               C. themselves            D. theirs

4.A. it              B. this               C. that                 D. one

5.A. don’t allow   B. aren’t allowed    C. weren’t allowed      D. didn’t allow

6.A. take          B. make                C. do                    D. try

7.A. if              B. though             C. because              D. since

8.A. most            B. least              C. more                  D. less

9.A. another        B. the other           C. others              D. the others

10.A. which         B. what                C. when                 D. why


It is a pity that you didn’t    the lecture by Qian Zhiliang. It is wonderful!

A. attend               B. take part in

C. join in               D. join


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