My _______ sister is 2 years _______than me .

A. elder; older     B. elder; elder

C. older; older     D. older; elder


Jim with his brother ________ in the garden when the rainstorm came.

A. is playing      B. are playing

C. were playing    D. was playing


--_________ call your best friend up? That’s a good idea.

A. How about       B. Why       C. Why not       D. How


________ careful you are _______ mistakes you will make.

A. The more; the more           B. The fewer; the more

C. The more; the fewer          D. The less; the less


I think _________ is necessary among family members.

A. organization     B. satisfaction

C. communication  D. Situation


Could you ___________ a good way to solve the problem?

A. get out of      B. come up with

C. run out of      D. get on with


You can’t get good grades _____ you study harder than before.

A. if           B. unless        C. when      D. So


Though the old man is _________ he doesn’t feel ________.

A. lonely alone  B. lonely lonely

C. alone alone   D. alone lonely


Tom doesn’t like writing letters. ______________.

A. Neither don’t I B. Neither I don’t

C. Neither do I    D. Neither I do


--Could you move the desk? --________________.

A. No I needn’t  B. No I can’t

C. No I couldn’t   D. No I can


The rain was beating heavily ___________ the window at that time.

A. on           B. at         C. against        D. with


My mother offered me a cup of hot tea _____ I got home.

A. so that        B. as soon as    C. until    D. while


It’s a Clean-Up Day tomorrow. Let’s help _________ signs.

A. give up    B. fix up    C. come up    D. put up


Could you mind _________ out with me when you finish _________ the homework?

A. going; doing      B. go; doing

C. go; do            D. going; do


Parents always try to provide us __________a good environment.

A. to       B. for        C. with       D. /


--Could I ________a dictionary from you David?

-- Sorry I _______ it to Mary yesterday.

A. borrow; lend     B. lend; borrowed

C. borrow; lent    D. lent; borrowed


Lucky is a ______ dog. It can help disabled people to do lots of things after 2 years’_______.

A. train; trained     B. trained; training

C. train; training    D. trained;train


Tom is ________ unusual student in ________ university. He often has different opinions from others.

A. a/ an          B. an/ a         C. a/ a         D. an/ an



1.They kept on_______________(talk) in calss so their teacher was very angry.

2.He spends an hour________________(watch)TV every day.

3.To her_________________(surprised), Jim passed this exam.

4.Can you help me to find the______________(own) of the bag?

5.We all___________________(complete) forget your birthday. We should buy a gift for you.



1.Last week Miss Green___________________(邀请)me to her birthday party.

2.Let’s go to the hospital to c____________the sick kids up.

3.My mother______________(允许)me to watch TV for an hour every day.

4.Maybe you have a stomachache, you should l_______ ___ down and rest.

5.He was very tired. He fell a___________ as soon as he was in bed.





a field trip




East Park


by bike


see animals , go boating , have a picnic , take photos


tired , glad


短文填词 根据短文内容和以下提示:1)首字母提示,2)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词。所填单词要求意义正确,拼写准确。

I’m Peter, 1.             office worker. I was2.             (忙碌的) with my work for the whole day yesterday. When I came out of my office, it was already (已经) 10:00 p.m. To get home 3.e              ,I drove my car fast.

There were4.f               cars along the way. On such a cold winter night, people preferred to stay in their 5.             (温暖的) houses. When I came near a traffic light on a lonely car, it turned 6.r               . I stopped my car and sat there, looking outside. I looked left, right and behind me. There was nothing7.                (除了) me and my car. I started to wonder why I refused to run the red light. There were no policemen and no one could know it. Also, it wasn’t 8.d              at all at that moment.

While I was lying in my bed at midnight, the thought (想法) came back to me. I didn’t break the rules, 9.t              no one could know. I felt very10.            of myself.


词汇应用 根据中文提示完成下列句子


I’ll call you                          I  reach Beijing


an  accident ,drivers should know how to give first aid.


You’ll                         traffic in Beijing soon.


He               raise his head             someone called him.


Bicycle riders must                              the traffic around them.


                    is it from here to your home?


He often                      our headmaster .

8. 我不同意你的看法,我认为我是对的。

I               you. I think I’m right.


任务型阅读  根据短文内容完成所给任务。

More and more young students have mental(心理的) problems. Some fall in love with computer games. Some can’t agree with their parents all the time. Some are tired of their study. And the situations(情况) are becoming more and more serious.

Li Gang, a boy from Xi’an, did badly in his study. One night he cut himself on the arm badly because he thought the teacher and friends often laughed at him. Yang Hong, a 15-year-old girl from Shanghai, left home without telling her parents. She spent all her free time on the Internet and her parents were quite angry with her.

A research report(调查报告) says about 20% young students have mental problems. They won’t go and ask for help. They think they will look stupid if they go to see a doctor. The report also gave some advice:

Join in group(团体) activities.

Talk to your parents about your everything often.

Tell others about your feelings when you’re unhappy.


1.The article is about mental problems of                                                .

2.Li Gang was worried because he thought                                              .

3.Yang Hong’s parents were                         her because she lose herself in the Internet.

4.Students who have mental problems won’t go to see a doctor because they think it’ll make them


5.If we’re unhappy we should                                                          .



Boys and girls,

Attention, please! Do you know how to keep safe in our everyday life? Today I’d like to tell you some ways to keep safe.     1.

2.   A park is a safe place because there are no cars or buses in it.

Second, obey the traffic rules, please! Before crossing a road, stop and look both ways—look left and right. You should walk on the right side of the road.     3.

Third, never put your head or hands out of a car, a bus or a train.


Fourth, don’t talk to strangers or go with them, especially for the children.    5.  That will be dangerous.





A king often felt unhappy and he asked a clever old man how he could be happy. “That’s very easy,” said the old man. “You just need to put on a happy man’s shirt and you’ll be happy.”

The king believed the old man and began to look for a happy man. He visited many countries and met kings, professors(教授) and others. But they all said they were not happy.

One day he saw a poor farmer working in the field. The farmer was singing all the time and looked very happy. The king came up to him and asked, “Are you happy, my good man?”

“Yes, quite happy,” the farmer answered.

“Can you sell me your shirt?” asked the king.

“My shirt?” the farmer answered in surprise. “But I don’t have a shirt. In fact, I never have one.”


1.The king felt very unhappy. He wanted           .

A. to buy a shirt        B. to be a clever man

C. to be a happy man      D. to find a happy man

2.The clever old man said the king should         if he wanted to be happy.

A. look for a happy man

B. put on a happy man’s shirt

C. buy a shirt for a happy man

D. give a shirt to a happy man

3.The king           the clever old man’s words.

A. believed         B. didn’t believe

C. didn’t agree to  D. was angry with

4.The king thought the farmer was happy because the farmer            .

A. worked very hard and looked tired

B. was sleeping under a tree

C. was singing all the time

D. had a beautiful shirt

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The king always felt happy.

B. The clever old man began to look for a happy man.

C. The poor farmer had only one shirt.

D. The farmer didn’t sell any shirt to the king.








1.Betty is worrying about               .

A.her lessons                 B.her weight

C.her parents’ rules          D.her house

2.Lance is worrying about               .

A.his height and weight       B.his exam

C.his age and lessons         D.his friends

3.Nick wants Betty to               .

A.ask her teacher for help

B.have meals with her parents

C.write a letter to her parents

D.lose her weight

4.Lance should               according to Nick’s suggestions.

A.take more exercise

B.understand his parents with more teenagers his parents do some housework

5.These passages are               .      C.novels      D.letters


We all know that food gives us energy, but sometimes it can make us much happier when we feel bad. Studies show that foods such as sea fish, bananas, pumpkins and chicken can help fight against bad moods. How can they affect our moods?

Studies show that people living by the sea appear much happier than other people, because the fresh sea air helps them clear their minds and they eat a lot of sea fish.

Bananas have something that is full of Vitamin B6. Having more bananas can help us make a quick decision, and become more confident.

Eating pumpkins can also help people get into a good mood because it’s rich in Vitamin B6 and iron (铁) and it will make us happier.

Are you in a bad mood? If you are, don’t sit alone. Go to eat such happy food with your friends. Maybe you’ll be better.


1.Food gives us energy and sometimes          . can affect our moods can make us feel sad can make us become fat can make us look healthier

2.Why do people living by the sea look happier?

A.Because they have fresh air and eat sea fish.

B.Because they can often swim in the sea.

C.Because they often go boating.

D.Because they drink sea water.

3.What food can make us more confident?

A.Sea fish.    B.Chicken.    C.Pumpkins.   D.Bananas.

4.The underlined word “Vitamin” means          in Chinese.

A.维生素     B.矿物质     C.小麦        D.氯化钠

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Chicken can do nothing for us.

B.Vitamin B6 and iron can make us happier.

C.Eating a lot of fish can make us unhealthy.

D.Fresh air can help us become more confident.



I was not a confident girl before. I _________ spoke in front of the class because I was afraid of making mistakes. My family went to Mount Tai last summer holiday. Something important _________ there and it changed me greatly.

We _________ there early in the morning and began to climb. Soon all of us felt tired _________ the stairs were really steep (陡峭的). An hour later, we stopped to have a rest. While we were having a rest, my mother changed her _________ and decided not to climb any more. I couldn’t decide whether to stay there or go on_________ with my father. “No matter how hard it is, I am   _________ you can get there,” said my father. So again we _________ the hard journey. We were very tired, _________we kept going on and on. Another hour later, we reached the top. It was really beautiful. My father and I were so excited that we couldn’t help _________ happily. What an interesting trip!

1.A.never        B.always       C.often         D.sometimes

2.A.left        B.continuted    C.went         D.happened

3.A.arrive       B.arrived       C.arrive at     D.arrived at

4.A.because      B.because of that        B.speed        C.road          D.mind

6.A.climb climb      C.climbing      D.climbed

7.A.sorry         B.afraid        C.sure          D.worried

8.A.ended         B.finished      C.started      D.stopped

9.A.and           B.but          D.though

10.A.jumping up  B.jumping into  C.jump up     D.jump into


口语应用 从方框中所给的选项中选择正确的句子补全以下对话。

A: What are you going to do this Sunday?

B: Let’s go to play computer games. It’s very exciting.

A:    1.  Why don’t we go to see a film instead? There is a film on at the cinema called Lost in Thailand.   2.

B: Good idea!

C: I would rather do something outdoors. 3.

B: No, not cycling.   4.   Why don’t we go to the seaside instead?

C: Great!

A: No. I prefer to see the film.

C:    5.

A & B: That’s wonderful.




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