Daniel is one of the exchange students from Britain. He is in a new school in China this term. And he is writing to his parents in his new school now. He tells his parents that his new school is big and nice. There are one thousand and four hundred students one hundred and forty teachers in his school. He likes the teachers. They are very kind to him. His classmates are friendly and become his friends. The teachers and classmates teach him Chinese and he teaches them English.

There’re trees flowers and green grass in his new school. They’re very beautiful. Behind his school there’s a small river. There’s no pollution in it. The water in it is quite clean. They can swim in it in summer when it’s hot.

They have no classes on Saturdays or Sundays. Sometimes he goes to play football or basketball with his classmates. Sometimes he stays at school and watch TV in the classroom. Sometimes he goes to shops with his friends Tommy and Helen. They all like China.

1.Daniel is studying and living in a ________ school now.

A. English            B. Chinese             C. small          D. Japanese

2.There are ________ students and ________ teachers in Jack’s school.

A.1400; 104          B.1040; 104

C.1400; 140          D. 1040; 140

3.Daniel’s teachers ________.

A. teach him English      B.are friendly to him

C. don’t like him at all  D. are bad to him

4.Daniel ________ his new classmates.

A.don’t get on well with

B.don’t like

C.makes good friends with

D.is going to learn English from

5.Which is right according to the passage?

A. Daniel goes to school every day.

B. Daniel doesn’t have classes every day.

C. Daniel has no classes only on Saturdays.

D. Daniel has no classes only on Sundays.


完形填空 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Mr. Evans lived in a city. He was a math _____ three years ago. He taught well and his students ______ him. So he decided(决定) to work in the middle school all his life. But a terrible accident(可怕的事故) _____ his life.

One spring he took his class to _______ an interesting place. The children saw a lot of ____ things and had a good time there. But on their way to school a truck hit their ____ because the young driver was drunk(酒驾). Five students _____ and more than half the students were hurt(受伤)in the accident. He didn’t know how it had happened and was very ____ it and after he came out of hospital. He left school and became a ____. He tried his best to stop the drivers from breaking the traffic laws(交通规则). He worked hard and was strict(要求严格) with the ______. So they were afraid of him.

One afternoon it was very hot. Mr. Evans was ____. He was standing at the crossing and watching the traffic. Suddenly he saw a car____fast towards the crossing. It ran so fast that it almost hit a man ___ a bike. He stopped it at once and saw a girl in it.

“____ your license (执照) to me Madam” said Mr. Evans.

The girl gave her bag to him and said “Please look for it in the bag yourself. I can’t see anything _____ glasses.”

1.A. worker     B. teacher         C. doctor      D. farmer

2.A. liked      B. wished          C. helped       D. answered

3.A. hit        B. won             C. lost       D. changed

4.A. build      B. break         C. visit        D. find

5.A. terrible  B. dangerous      C. safe        D. interesting

6.A. bus        B. train          C. car          D. ship

7.A. left      B. lived           C. died(死亡)   D. fell

8.A. sad about  B. afraid of      C. interested in D. worried about

9.A. shopkeeper B. policeman      C. cleaner     D. driver

10.A. students  B. drivers        C. teachers    D. buses

11.A. at home   B. in the office   C. at work     D. at school

12.A. ran       B. to run         C. run          D. running

13.A. on      B. in             C. by          D. with

14.A. Send      B. Sell           C. Show         D. Lend

15.A. haven’t  B. with           C. without      D. have


This question is too difficult so __________ of them can work it out.

A. a few            B. few              C.a little            D. little


He_____ down the hole and ________ very sad.

A. fell feels        B. felt fell

C. fell felt           D. felt felt


It__________Mary’s book .____________yours is in your desk.

A. may be Maybe     B.may be May be

C.maybe May be    D. maybe Maybe.


A: _____ go to the park on Sundays?

B: Good idea! Let’s go!

A.What about      B. Do we            C. Why not         D.Why don’t


---Would you like to have supper with us?


A. That’s all right.   B. Yes I’d love to

C. Yes I like.        D. Yes I would.


It         my mother half an hour __________ to the shopping mall.

A. spends; walking      B. spends; to walk

C. takes; to walk       D. takes; walking


-Why can’t Simon see the words on the blackboard?

-Because two tall boys are sitting ______ him.

A. next to            B. in the front of

C. beside            D. in front of


_______ carefully! Someone is singing next door.

But I can’t _______ anything.

A. Hear; listen    B. Listen; listen

C. Listen; hear   D. Hear; hear


The two schoolbags are the            . They are                 .

A.twins Lucy and Lily’s

B.twin’s Lucy’s and Lily’s

C.twins’ Lucy’s and Lily’s

D.twins’ Lucy’sand Lily


-What’s your new home like?


A.I like it very much

B.It’s very expensive

C.It’s far from my school

D.It’s big and bright


Behind my house there is a _____________. I often grow flowers in it.

A. garden           B. bedroom          C. balcony           D. river


With the help of the Internet news can       every corner of the world.

A. arrive            B. reach             C. go               D. get


Sandy lives on the1st floor and Mary lives on the3rd floor so Mary lives       her.

A. above            B. over              C. below            D. under


--- Shall we go shopping on Hunan Road this evening?

---         but I have to stay at home and look after my younger sister.

A. I can’t            B.Sounds great

C.That’s right        D.No I’m very sorry


—When did you go to visit Nanjing?  —_______________________.

A.This coming June  B. Next week

C. Tomorrow         D. One month ago


There is a bridge            the river. Be careful when you walk         it.

A. across; over      B. across; cross

C. over; across       D.over; cross


---Ohhow nice! A picture of the White House?

--- Yes.I take it in____________.

A.London          B.Washington D.C.

C.Paris          D.Tokyo


--- Excuse me. May I speak to Jill please?    ---________________.

A. Yes I am         B. Who are you?

C. I am speaking.     D. This is Jill speaking.


There ________________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.

A.is going to have     B.will have

C.is going to be        D.shall be


It's________unusual thing for us to find________UFO.

A. a a        B. an an     C. an a   D. a an


Sharks (鲨鱼) are the most frightening animals in the sea. Sometimes we can see sharks swimming in the sea around Hong Kong. People put nets around some beaches to protect swimmers. When there is a "shark's flag", people must stay on the beach. It will be too late if a shark can swim sixty kilometers an hour to you.

There are 30 kinds of sharks and 25 kinds of them are dangerous. The whale sharks are very big. They can grow to 18 meters long, but they are not dangerous to people. The jaws (大白鲨) and the tiger sharks are the most dangerous kinds of sharks.

Do you know all sharks must keep swimming, or they will go down? All sharks can feel everything that happens around them. We must keep calm and don't make any noise when a shark is swimming near you.

If a shark loses a tooth, a new one will grow out very quickly. So sharks always have many sharp teeth.

1.Why do people put nets around some beaches?

A. To keep swimmers running.

B. To keep swimmers swimming.

C. To keep swimmers safe.

D. To keep sharks swimming.

2._________ of sharks are dangerous in all kinds of sharks.

A. Less than 80%    B. More than 80%

C. More than 90%    D. Less than 20%

3.What are the most dangerous kinds of sharks?

A. The jaws and the tiger sharks.

B. The whale sharks and the tiger sharks.

C. The jaws and the whale sharks.

D. The whale sharks and the blue sharks.

4.What does the underlined word mean in Chinese?

A. 安静     B. 吵闹   C. 沉默   D. 任性

5.Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A. It will be late if a shark can swim sixty kilometers an hour to you.

B. There are 30 kinds of sharks in the sea.

C. All sharks must keep swimming to go down in the sea.

D. Sharks' teeth can grow out very quickly.


There are 50 students in Class 7. Now they are doing a survey about how they spend their pocket money. Some spend it on books, and others spend it visiting. What about you? Please read the form and answer the questions.






Buy some CDs and computer games.

Buy some snacks and drinks.

Buy some books in the bookshop.

Save it up and spend it traveling on holiday.

Buy some gifts for friends.


1.How many students will spend money on CDs and computer games?

A. 10.       B. 12.     C. 13.    D. 5.

2.What do the most students do with their pocket money?

A. Buy some CDs and computer games.

B. Buy some snacks and drinks.

C. Buy some gifts for their friends.

D. Buy some books in the bookshop.

3.How many students spend their pocket money traveling?

A. 10.       B. 5.      C. 12.    D. 13.

4.Which students are more than the students who spend money on gifts?

A. The students who buy CDs.

B. The students who buy some books.

C. The students who buy some snacks and drinks.

D. The students who spend money traveling.

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Students who spend money on CDs and computer games are more than those who spend money on snacks and drinks.

B. 10% students save up their pocket money and spend it traveling on holiday.

C. There are 60 students in Class 7 and no one wants to save up their pocket money.

D. Students in Class7 spend their pocket money mainly in four ways.




Many years ago there was a poor man. He had____his garden, an orange tree. On the tree there were many fine oranges. ____he found one ____his oranges was much bigger____the others. It was as ___ as a football. Nobody had ever seen____orange. The poor man took the orange to the king(国王). The king was so happy____he gave the man a lot of money for it.

When a rich man heard of it, he said to himself, "It's only an orange. Why has the king given so much money____it? I'll take my gold (金子) cup to the king. He'll give me____money."

The next day when the king received the gold cup, he said to the rich man, "What a beautiful cup! I'll show you ____ , please take this great orange."

1.A. on         B. in            C. over            D. with

2.A. One day    B. Yesterday       C. When             D. This morning

3.A. for        B. in              C. of              D. among

4.A. of         B. than            C. like            D. as

5.A. big        B. bigger          C. smaller        D. smallest

6.A. so big     B. such big        C. such a big       D. such an big

7.A. when      B. that            C. as               D. while

8.A. to         B. buy           C. get              D. for

9.A. many     B. lots of         C. a little        D. more

10.A. the cup   B. beautiful thing C. something beautiful D. nice something


- Please stop smoking. Our hotel doesn't        smoking here.

- Sorry. I won't.

A. forget           B. allow             C. finish


If you want your dream to come true, you should never ______.

A. get up           B. take off          C. give up


When you are in trouble, you can ask your family for help and______.

A. support          B. practice          C. greetings


Her mother ____her studies and checks(检查)her homework every day.

A. is afraid of

B. is strict about

C. is good at


If you study hard and get everything ready, you will be ___________ .

A. successful        B. terrible          C. bored


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