
My pencil case. Blue and white. Call Tom at 8863-5691.


A bike, black. At the school gate. Call Bill at 8548-5546.


My school library card. My name is Tina. Please call 8875-4309.


A set of(一系列)keys. Please call Lucy at 8334-0965.


Is this your black handbag? Please call Mary at 8634-9635.


A book. Its name is Harry Potter. Please call at 8875-4309.


1.If you have a blue and white pencil case, it may be ______.

A. Bill’s.           B. Tom’s.

C. Tina’s.           D. Lucy’s.

2. According to(根据)the Lost and Found board, we know Tina lost ______.

A. a black handbag.     B. a library card.

C. a set of keys.       D. a book.

3.Li Ming lost a set of keys. He can call _________.

A. 8875-4309   B. 8634-9635     C. 8863-5691    D. 8334-0965

4.Mary found ______.

A. a black bike         B. a pencil case

C. a black handbag      D. a set of keys

5.There are ______ notices(公告)on the Lost and Found board.

A. four     B. five     C. six          D. eight


完形填空  请认真阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项,并将其字母代号填入题前括号内。

Dear Liu Gang,

I’m very glad to come to a new school. I hope you are _________ , too. My teachers and classmates are very _________ to me. I go to school _________ days a week. On weekends I have no classes. On _________ I often go to school _________ about half past seven. What about you? How _________ classes do you have? I have six _________ every day. I have Chinese, English, math, computer science, geography, biology, art, P.E. and so on. We have Chinese, English, math _________ morning. We have geography twice   _________ week.

_________ we have computer science and art only once a week. _________ favorite _________ is English. It’s _________ . After school, I often _________ basketball or soccer on the playground. My school life is very interesting.

Write to me about _________ soon.



1.A. happy      B. good     C. boring     D. nice

2.A. well        B. better     C. best       D. kind

3.A. four       B. five       C. six       D. seven

4.A. every day   B. weekdays   C. weekends D. free days

5.A. in         B. on        C. at        D. under

6.A. much        B. long       C. often    D. many

7.A. classes     B. subject  C. class      D. lesson

8.A. in          B. on         C. every      D. one

9.A. one         B. a         C. an       D. first

10.A. And       B. But        C. Or        D. Also

11.A. My        B. Your       C. Me        D. You

12.A. book      B. class      C. subject    D. teacher

13.A. boring    B. hard       C. difficult  D. interesting

14.A. like       B. love     C. with     D. play

15.A. yours      B. your      C. he         D. she


What are they doing?

They’re ______ my bike.

A. finding      B. looking for         C. are finding


The Great Wall is wonderful.

I hope I can visit it ______.

A. any day      B. one day      C. a day


He usually ______ English books in the morning. But now he ______ basketball.

A. reading; playing

B. reads; is playing

C. reading; is playing


Lily’s new bike is very nice. I ______ want to buy one like hers.

A. else          B. too         C. also


The girl is from ______, but she can speak Chinese very well.

A.the Japan    B. Japanese          C. Japan


—______ politics lessons do you have every day?

—Only one.

A. How long       B. How often        C. How many


Tom, what classes do you have every day?

Well, Mom. We have English, politics, math and some ______ subjects.

A. the other   B. others   C. other


Tina thinks history is boring. She doesn’t like it ______.

A. a little     B. at all      C. a lot


Would you like ______ a movie?

Good idea.

A. to see  B. seeing    C. see


Mike often plays ______ soccer on ______ playground.

A. the; the     B. /; the      C. /; /


What time do you usually get up ______ weekdays?

______ seven o’clock.

A. on; On         B. on; At       C. in; It’s


Physics ______ my favorite while politics ______ her favorite.

A. is; is           B. are; is           C. are; are


It’s twelve o’clock. It’s time ______.

A. have lunch           B. go to school           C. for lunch


—What day is it today?

______ We have a P. E. class in the afternoon.

A. It’s fine.

B. It’s Wednesday.

C. It’s May 15th.


Miss Black goes ______ every day. She often ______ in the gym near her home.

A. swim; swims

B. swimming; swimming

C. swimming; swims




























1. swim  can  you


2. why  like  you  do  pandas


3. are  listen   they  a  to  CD


4.in  we  the  have  be  to  quiet  library


5.what  do  eat  breakfast  Rick  time




1.I want to           the music club.(参加)

2.He           plays basketball for half an hour.(总是)

3.Don’t leave the            dishes in the kitchen.(脏的)

4.Good        to you.(运气)

5.There are many animals in the           .(动物园)



story   quick   long     you      be

1.I usually eat lunch        .

2.He is very good at telling         .

3.How         does it take to get to school?

4.What           they doing?

5.How far is it from        home to school?


读短文,按要求完成1-5题。 1完成句子,23判断正误(正确写T,错误写F),4回答问题,5把文中划线句子译成汉语。

The Smiths live at 87 King Street. In the morning, Mr. Smith goes to work and the children go to school. Their father takes them to school every day. Mrs. Smith stays at home every day. She does the housework. She always eats her lunch at noon. In the afternoon, she usually sees her friends. They often drink tea together. In the evening, the children come home from school. They arrive home early. Mr. Smith comes home from work. He arrives home late. At night, the children always do their homework, Then they go to bed. Mr. Smith usually reads his newspaper, but sometimes he and his wife watch television.

1.Mrs. Smith always eats lunch at          .

2.Mr. Smith does housework every  day.(   )

3.Mrs. Smith takes the children to school.(    )

4.Who does Mrs. Smith drink tea with?



There is a supermarket called Shopping Center near my house. It’s open from 8:00am to10:00pm.The supermarket is very new and big with four floors. If you want to go shopping, please come to this supermarket. You can buy all kinds of things. Look! On the first floor, you can buy vegetables, meat, eggs, juice, and so on. If you want to buy gloves, scarves(围巾), T-shirts, shoes and all kinds of clothes, you can come to the second floor. There are all kinds of TV sets and fridges(冰箱)on the third floor. Children like the fourth floor a lot, they can buy their favourite books, CDs and beautiful toys.

The things in the supermarket are not expensive(贵的), sometimes the things are on sale, so there are always a lot of people. The workers in it work hard. They are very friendly and helpful.

1.How long is the supermarket open every day?

A. 2 hours         B. 12 hours

C. 14 hours        D. 16 hours

2.How is the supermarket

A. It’s very big.

B. It’s very new and big.

C. It’s not big but nice.

D. It’s modern with a long history.

3.If you want to buy something to eat and drink, you may go to_____.

A. the first floor             B. the second floor

C. the third floor             D. the fourth floor

4.The things in the supermarket are ______.

A. expensive        B. cheap(便宜的)

C. bad             D. old

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The supermarket is far from my house.

B. Often there is a sale in the supermarket.

C. People don’t like shopping here.

D. The workers in it are very friendly.


Bob has a good friend, Caesar. He is a brown dog. He is not very old. Bob gets him from Mr. Mason.

One day Bob’s father, mother and Bob go to the Mason’s farm (农场) for lunch. After lunch, Mr. Mason says, “I’m going to a big city. So I can’t take him there. You can’t have a young dog in a big city.”

“ Let me have him, Mr. Mason.  He knows me well and we have no dog, ” Mr. Mason looks at Bob’s mother and father.

“Please , Mother, let me have him,” says Bob.

“Ask your father,” says she.

“Please, Dad?”

“Yes, you can have him.”

“Thank you, dear dad. Thanks, Mr. Mason. Come here, Caesar.”

“See! The dog is his now,” says Mr. Mason.

1.What color is Caesar? It’s        .

A. black         B. yellow      C. brown         D. white

2. How old is the dog? It’s       .

A. very old          B. not very old

C. half a year       D. one year and a half

3.Mr. Mason works        .

A. in a school      B. in a factory

C. with Mr. Green    D. on a farm

4. Mr. Mason wants to        .

A. take the dog to a big city

B. give Bob the dog

C. leave (离开) home with the dog

D. sell the dog

5.Caesar is Bob’s        .

A. friend        B. brother        C. teacher          D. name


It' s Sunday morning. There are many people in the park, some boys are playing basketball. There are some girls under a big tree. They' re singing and dancing. What are those women doing? They are drinking tea. Look at the woman in a blue coat. Who' s she? She' s my mother. She is talking to Edward. Edward is her student. He is a good student. He studies hard . He' s good at all the subjects. And he' s friendly to all his teachers and his friends.

1.The boys are

A. singing       B. playing basketball

C. dancing       D. drinking

2.My mother is        .

A. a teacher     B. an office

C. a doctor      D. a woman

3.Edward is in       .

A. my home      B. the classroom

C. the zoo       D. the park

4.Who' s under a big tree? —— .

A. Some people.   B. Some women.

C. Some girls    D. Some boys.

5. What color is my mother' s coat? ——It's          .

A. blue         B. white     C. red       D. yellow



How do you get pocket money(零花钱)from your parents? In the western countries(国家), many _________do housework to get pocket money. They_________start to do this at the age of seven.

Jimmy is seven years old. Now he_________the dishes. He can only do this, so he can’t get _________money. But that’s all right. He only wants to _________candy.

Jenny is twelve _________old. She is older(更大) than Jimmy. She wants to buy many things. They are more expensive(更贵) than candy. _________she has to work harder! Now she is washing the car. If she has_________time, she will cut grass, walk the dog or cook dinner.

Doing housework can _________ kids learn new things. For example(举例), you can learn how to cook. Of course, your _________will help you at the beginning.

1.A. old men      B. women         C. children        D. workers

2.A. usually       B. never         C. don’t          D. can’t

3.A. is washing  B. wash         C. to wash         D. washes

4.A. many         B. much         C. a few           D. few

5.A. buy          B. send          C. carry           D. sell

6.A. months      B. weeks         C. days          D. years

7.A. Because      B. So            C. And             D. But

8.A. a            B. good          C. free            D. shy

9.A. order         B. help         C. take           D. to take

10.A. students     B. teachers      C. friends         D. parents



—They are playing basketball.

A. What are they doing           B. What do they do

C. How are they                  D. Where are they playing


It’s ten o’clock in the morning. Dale _______ for a test.

A. study             B. studies

C. studying           D. is studying


Why ______ you go to the zoo with us?

A. don’t               B. aren’t                 C. not              D. no


—What ______ does Tina like?

—She likes dogs and tigers.

A. subjects             B. colors             C. sports           D. animals


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