We, Patty and I, had been best friends since Grade Four. Just about everywhere we went, people____we were best friends. We____secrets about popcorn(爆米花)and soda year after year. The best part about having a best friend was taking____sleeping over on Friday nights.

Then in Grade Eight everything changed. Suddenly, my interest in make-up and clothes____my mom. I____believe Patty started the first day of school____the same pigtails(辫子)she had worn forever. What was happening? Other girls seemed more____than Patty.

I started avoiding her and making excuses____, during the middle of the year, as we were sitting in the backyard, the____broke out. I said, “Go home, Patty, and don’t come back.” Then I ran into the house crying. Mom sat me down and I told her____I’ll never forget her words. She said, “____will come and go in and out of your life forever. You are____and it’s okay for both of you to make new friends____is happening is hard but perfectly____.”

Time healed(治愈)a lot of the____, and over the next few years we clearly walked along____paths. Still, when I saw her in the halls of high school, I____a strange sadness. I thought if I went back and “fixed” everything between us, we could somehow start all over____friends. But that was a fantasy(幻想). Our differences were too great, and I could only____she understood.

I’ll always remember the years when Patty and I were best friend, but Mom was right____can change, and we have to let them go when it’s time.

1.A.realized B.believed C.knew D.understood

2.A.shared B.spared C.kept D.remembered

3.A.beds B.places C.turns D.sides

4.A.surprised B.scared C.frightened D.satisfied

5.A.wouldn’t B.shouldn’t C.couldn’t D.needn’t

6.A.wearing B.dressing C.keeping D.staying

7.A.boring B.interesting C.pleased D.exciting

8.A.Finally B.Naturally C.Generally D.Especially

9.A.tears B.words C.anger D.hate

10.A.matter B.everything C.trouble D.nothing

11.A.Interests B.Friends C.Sadness D.Childhood

12.A.changing B.studying C.quarreling D.imagining

13.A.What B.Which C.Why D.When

14.A.common B.ordinary C.regular D.normal

15.A.unhappiness B.loneliness C.memory D.emotion

16.A.different B.same C.hard D.separate

17.A.remembered B.thought C.felt D.lost

18.A.like B.as C.with D.on

19.A.suppose B.believe C.hope D.suggest

20.A.Environments B.Opinions C.Friendships D.Attitudes


    1.If you’re looking for a challenging situation to practice your English, just pick up the telephone. Not being able to see the person you’re talking to and the body language they’re using can make chatting on the phone one of the most difficult forms of communication.Never fear, though! Here are some tips to guide you through an average telephone conversation in English.


2.Even if you’re calling a business contact for a specific purpose, it’d be rude to jump right into business without a little small talk at the beginning.

Getting to the point

There always comes the point, however, where you want to move on from friendly banter and get down to business. 3.If you are waiting to find out why someone called you, you can guide the conversation by saying, “So what can I do for you?”

Interrupting without insult (冒犯)

If you happen to be speaking with a very talkative person, and you’d like to interrupt, be sure to do it politely. For example, begin with “I would like to say something here, if I may” or “Allow me to make a point”.

Closing the call

4.Sometimes it’s easiest to just say you enjoyed speaking to the other person. Also, keep in mind that strategically (策略地)saying the word “well” at the beginning of a sentence can indicate that you are ready to end the conversation: 5..

A. It may be the time to offer some good wishes, such as “good luck on that interview”.

B. Believe it or not, talking on the phone can improve your English.

C. You should pick up the phone and say “Hello”.

D. Every phone call should begin with a polite greeting, such as “Hi, how’ve you been?”

E. You can also make friends by talking to others on the phone.

F. For this situation, use the phrase “I’m just calling to”.

G. Well Jone, it’s been a pleasure talking to you.


    I will always remember my mother's last few days in this world.

On February 14th,2000my class went on a field trip to the beach.I had so much fun.When we returned to schoolmy teacher told me to go to the headmaster's office.When I got into the officeI saw a police officer.Suddenly I realized something was wrong.The police officer told me what had happened and we went to pick my sister up.After thatwe went to the hospital and waited.Time went slowly.Finallywe got to see our mother.It was terrible.

The next daythe headmaster came and told my two teachers what had happened.I was taking a test that day.I knew it had something to do with my mother.I kept thinking that she either died or had gotten better.How I wished that she had gotten better.When my teacher took me outsidemy sister ran up to me.she started crying“She's goneTeresamommy's gone.She's dead.”I couldn't believe it.We jumped into the car and drove straight to the hospital.Most of my family were there.The silence was terrible.I knew I had to say goodbye.

Today when I look backI still miss my mother very muchbut I know that I will live.My mother was a strong motherwho had the biggest heart.My mother was an angel walking on the earth.I will always remember her as living.When someone is asked who their hero(英雄)isthey usually say someone famouslike Michael Jordan or Britney Spears.When someone asks me who my hero isI tell themmy mother.My mother lives every day.That is what makes her a true hero.

1.Where was the writer when she learned her mother was very ill?

A.On the beach. B.At the hospital.

C.At school. D.At home.

2.Who brought the writer the bad news that her mother was ill?

A.Her sister. B.The headmaster.

C.Her teacher. D.The police officer.

3.What did the headmaster tell the two teachers the next day?

A.Her mother had been very ill.

B.Her mother had been dead.

C.Her mother had gotten better.

D.Her sister came to see her.


    Qiao is a sixth grader at Yuhui Primary School.He is only 12 years old but has been smoking for three years.Liu,15is a Junior 2 student at Chicheng No.2 Middle School.He began smoking four years ago.“Smoking is part of my life” Liu said.Qiao and Liu are not those boys' real names.But their problemsmokingis a very real problem.In many countriessmoking is becoming a bigger problem for young people.Most smokers start in their teens (years of a person's age from 13 to 19) or earlier.

A study of 8,000 Beijing students last May told us that smoking is a problem for many Chinese kids.More than 21% of middle school students and 6% of primary school pupils said they smoked.

“If young people start smoking earlythey will probably get addicted to nicotine.And it will be very hard to give up later on” said a professor.

Every yearabout four million people die because of smoking.And if people keep smokingthat number will go up to about 10 million a year by 2030the World Health Organization (WHO) says.So we have to learn and tell others about the dangers of smoking.

1.The sentence “Smoking is part of my life” in paragraph 1 probably means “________”

A.I don't smoke very often

B.Smoking is very important to me

C.I don't smoke at all

D.I'm going to give up smoking

2.What will probably happen if a person starts smoking early?

A.He will surely die early. B.He cannot stop smoking.

C.It will be difficult for him to give up smoking. D.He will become lazy soon.

3.The study in the passage shows that ______.

A.smoking is a serious problem among Chinese students

B.there are more and more smokers in China

C.some student smokers have already been seriously addicted

D.most of smokers are young students

4.The main idea of this passage is that ______.

A.smoking is becoming a bigger problem for young people

B.many people die because of smoking every year

C.WHO asks young people to give up smoking

D.nicotine makes people addicted


Thomas Alva Edison (迪生)was awarded more patents(利) on inventions than any other American. When he died in 1931,Americans wondered how they could best show their respect for him .One suggestion was that the nation observe a minute or two of total blackout . All electric power would be shut off in homes,streets,and factories. Perhaps this suggested plan made Americans realize fully what Edison and his inventions mean to them. Electric power was too important to the country. Shutting it off for even a short time would have led to complete confusion. A blackout was out of the question.

On the day of Edison’s funeral(葬礼),many people silently dimmed their lights. In this way they honored the man who had done more than anyone else to put the great force of electricity at his countrymen’s finger tips.

1.This selection says that Thomas Edison________.

A. was the only important American inventor

B. received the first American patent

C. received more patents than any other American

D. was the first American inventor

2.People decided to honor Edison when______.

A. he made the first electric light

B. electric power was 100 years

C. the country realized electricity’s importance

D. he died in 1931

3.The suggested plan was to________.

A. turn off the lights in factories and schools

B. observe a few minutes of total silence

C. dim all electric lights

D. shut of all electricity for a short time

4.Americans fully realized what Edison’s inventions meant when they________.

A. heard of his death

B. heard of the plan to honor him

C. first used electric power

D. tried to carry out the plan


Without proper planning, tourism can cause problems. For example, too many tourists can crowd public places that are also enjoyed by the inhabitants居民of a country. If tourists create too much traffic, the inhabitants become annoyed and unhappy. They begin to dislike tourists and to treat them impolitely. They forget how much tourism can help the country’s economy. It is important to think about the people of a destination country and how tourism affects them. Tourism should help a country keep the customs and beauty that attract tourists. Tourism should also advance the well-being (health and happiness) of local inhabitants.

Too much tourism can be a problem. If tourism grows too quickly people must leave other jobs to work in the tourism industry. This means that other parts of the country’s economy can suffer.

On the other hand, if there is not enough tourism, people can lose jobs. Businesses can also lose money. It costs a great deal of money to build large hotels, airports, air terminals航空集散站, first-class roads and other support facilities needed by tourist attractions. For example, a major international-class tourism hotel can cost as much as 50 thousand dollars per room to build. If this room is not used most of the time, the owners of the hotel will lose money.

Building a hotel is just a beginning. There must be many support facilities设施as well, including roads to get to the hotel, electricity, sewers下水道to handle waste, and water. All of these support facilities cost money. If they are not used because there are not enough tourists, jobs and money are lost.

1.Which of the following has most probably been discussed in the paragraph that goes before the passage?

A.It is extremely important to develop tourism.

B.Building roads and hotels is essential.

C.Support facilities are highly necessary.

D.Planning is of great importance to tourism.

2.Too much tourism can cause all these problems EXCEPT

A.a bad impact on other industries

B.a change of tourists’ customs

C.over crowded of places of interest

D.pressure on traffic

3.Not enough tourism can lead to

A.an increase of unemployment

B.a decrease in tourist attractions

C.the higher cost of support facilities

D.a rise in price and a fall in pay

4.It is good for local people to be well aware that tourism will

A.use up large amount of water

B.weaken their economy

C.help establish their traditions

D.help improve their life



1. 困难:词汇量有限,不懂语法;

2. 做法:背单词,看英文电影,效果不佳;

3. 希望:给出具体建议。

注意:1. 词数:100词左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Mike,

How is everything going?



Li Hua



1.He is the only person who ________ (幸存) after the explosion.

2.We need ________ (流利) English speakers as translators.

3.Her worried ________ (表情) on her face suggested that she was very frightened.

4.All is going well; indeed, we are ahead of ________ (时间表).

5.Lorry drivers are ________ (运输) goods every day.

6.You know it is not easy for a ________ (顽固) person to change his mind.

7.You know good ________ (律师) are always in demand.

8.This modem building is well-known for its special ________ (设计).

9.You should not only pay attention to your ________ (身体) health, but to your mental health.

10.We do meet now and then, but not ________ (定期地).


    It happened when our grandchild, Anne, was three years old. My husband, Paul, asked her if there was anything she wanted to plant in our garden. She had an answer—Fritos (油炸玉米饼).

“Anne, Fritos might not _________ in this soil,” he said. But Anne looked at her grandfather and said that if the other _________ could grow, so would Fritos. Paul _________ this in the simplest way possible. He sent Anne running to the house for Fritos.

That evening, I asked Paul, “Are you _________?”

“She will forget it,” he _________. The next day, Anne asked again. To gain time, Paul said it would _________ two weeks for Fritos to come out. That should be plenty of time for her to forget, he thought.

For the next two weeks, she arrived every evening to _________ her “Frito land”. Anne grew more _________. But with each passing day, Paul became more and more _________. By the 13th day, he had __________ a plan, and the next morning we began to work.

We planted two plants where the Fritos were __________. Then we began the difficult task of tying Fritos around the leaves of the plants. At last, that was quite a __________ off our mind. Anne ran straight to the garden as __________. We were shocked when she shouted, “Grandpa! They’re up! The Fritos came up!”

The story was repeated several times. When Anne was in second grade, it was finally __________ until the day her teacher talked about the topic of __________. As part of the lesson, the teacher asked each child to __________ something that grows in a garden. You can __________ what Anne said!

Anne’s parents __________ it was time to tell the truth. Their daughter sat very still while they talked, and when they finished, she remained __________. Suddenly, Anne burst out __________ and said, “That’s the best joke Grandpa ever played on me.”

1.A.exit B.grow C.make D.work

2.A.animals B.vegetables C.families D.fruits

3.A.dealt with B.made up C.cut down D.took away

4.A.kind B.humorous C.crazy D.foolish

5.A.questioned B.doubted C.ignored D.promised

6.A.pay B.spend C.cost D.take

7.A.check B.move C.decorate D.value

8.A.lonely B.excited C.beautiful D.smart

9.A.frightened B.shocked C.worried D.puzzled

10.A.come across B.picked up C.broken down D.worked out

11.A.swept B.burnt C.tied D.buried

12.A.peace B.thought C.weight D.anger

13.A.normal B.usual C.ordinary D.common

14.A.forgotten B.forgiven C.discussed D.punished

15.A.gardening B.working C.sighting D.painting

16.A.buy B.plant C.name D.sell

17.A.order B.judge C.guess D.offer

18.A.managed B.realized C.imagined D.wondered

19.A.brave B.afraid C.popular D.silent

20.A.laughing B.crying C.shouting D.burning


    Do you have a place you’ve always wanted to visit? If the answer is yes, have you ever considered taking a trip alone there just for a few days?

1. Although seeing the world on their own has always been a dream in their hearts since childhood, most people have repeatedly been told that the outside world is dangerous. The thought of going on a trip alone excites and terrifies them at the same time. Few end up stepping out of their comfort zone and going on meaningful adventures.

It is normal to have some trouble traveling alone. 2. For example, being alone on the road, you might have to ask strangers to take your photo wherever you go. If you join a tour halfway, you may be asked why you don’t have friends or family around. 3.

First, traveling alone gives you a good opportunity to do everything you wish to do without worrying about others’ needs and wants. If you want, you can read on a bench beside a river for the whole afternoon without being disturbed (打扰). You are free to walk around on different streets. 4. You can also remove that dull daily routine (常规) that always makes you feel tired.

If you make good use of it, traveling alone can also be a wonderful journey of self-discovery, as you’ll finally have time to think about your life.

5. All you need to do is pack your bags, take your passport, gather up your courage and go somewhere. Go out and enjoy being alone, explore the unknown, make some friends, read a book, and get to know more about yourself and the world.

A. Traveling by yourself is also quite easy.

B. You can go to shopping malls and explore the city.

C. For many people, traveling alone can be frightening.

D. There are also some unpleasant moments one might run into.

E. It is important to take some time off and think about the methods.

F. But anyhow, I still suggest that you travel alone at least once in your life.

G. Traveling alone helps us figure out what we really want to fight for in this big world.


    Did you ever have to say “no” to somebody? Such as a classmate who asks to go to lunch with you? New research suggests that, at least socially, a rejection (拒绝) should not include an apology. In other words, saying you are sorry does not make the person being rejected feel any better. In fact, it might make the rejected person feel worse. That is surprising. Many people consider it to be good manners to say they are sorry when they turn down a request.

Gili Freedman is doing some related research at Dartmouth College. For her research, she asked over 1,000 people to respond to different examples of social rejection. In one example, the researchers asked people for their reaction (反应)after a person named Taylor asked to join a co-worker who went out to lunch every Friday. And Taylor was told “no”. But in some cases, the person rejecting Taylor offered an apology. In other cases, the people doing the rejection did not say they were sorry. People were asked how they would feel if they were being turned down, just as Taylor was. Most said they would be more hurt by a rejection with an apology than a rejection without an apology.

Freedman said the reason is that apologies make people feel like they need to say that the rejection was okay— even when they felt like it was not okay. Rejection without an apology lets them express their feelings of disappointment, hurt or anger more easily. Freedman also said that an apology often makes the person doing the rejection feel better—even as it makes the person being rejected feel worse.

Her research deals only with social communication. A business situation might be very different. “If a manager rejects a job interviewee or a boss must tell an employee that he or she is being fired from a job,” Freedman said, “reactions to apologies may be different.”

1.Why do people say they are sorry when they express rejection?

A.Because they think it is more polite.

B.Because they think it helps them express their dislike better.

C.Because they think apologies are the basis of communication.

D.Because they think it sounds more comfortable for the listener.

2.In Gili Freedman’s research, over 1,000 people ________.

A.rejected others without an apology

B.offered an apology when rejecting others

C.would be more hurt by a rejection with an apology

D.were asked to answer the question in different situations

3.What role does an apology play in rejection?

A.It makes the rejection more acceptable.

B.It makes a good impression on the listener.

C.It makes the communication more pleasant.

D.It makes the person doing the rejecting feel better.

4.What will be mentioned next according to the last paragraph?

A.The effect of an apology during a rejection.

B.Gili Freedman’s research on business situations.

C.A rejection with an apology in a business situation.

D.The difference between a social situation and a business one.


    Ask any new college graduate about his immediate goals, and it is likely that he will tell you he wants a job. But it turns out that today’s students are not going to be satisfied with any job. According to the latest survey, making a difference through their work is essential (必要的) to young people’s happiness.

The survey found that 72 percent of graduating college seniors believe being able to have a positive social influence through their work is essential to their happiness. Making a difference is so important to them that 45 percent say they would take a 15-percent pay cut to work at an organization that has a social or environmental influence, and 58 percent say they would take a pay cut to work for an organization whose values are the same as their own.

Besides this, the survey found that female students are far more likely to put social influence in first place than their male classmates, echoing the results of a former study showing that female maths and science majors are more likely to say they go into those fields to make a difference.

One reason for the emphasis (强调) on improving the world probably has to do with the culture of colleges, which encourages students to connect their studies back to real-world problems. Students are used to discussing important social issues (问题) with their friends and professors, and doing something about them in class or through volunteer activities. Once students develop those habits, they don’t shut them off when graduation rolls around.

1.What does the underlined word “echoing” in paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.Learning . B.Repeating.

C.Believing. D.Creating.

2.What is one of the reasons for the emphasis on students wanting to improve the world?

A.The habits students develop in society.

B.The appearance of important social issues.

C.The encouragement of the culture of colleges.

D.The effect parents’ education has on their children.

3.What can you learn from the passage?

A.Young people will surely gain happiness if they can make a difference in their work.

B.Less than half of the college seniors will take a pay cut to work with the same values.

C.Most college graduates believe it important to have a positive social influence in work.

D.Female graduates are all putting more social influence in first place than male graduates.

4.Which could be the best title for the passage?

A.Female Students Are Concerned about Society

B.Young People’s Happiness Doesn’t Depend on Money

C.Graduates Become More Interested in Challenging Jobs

D.Many Graduates Would Take a Pay Cut to Make a Difference


    Peter Damon produces about 30 paintings a year and sells them for between US$250 and US$1,500. That’s not enough to make ends meet, but it has made him whole again. He lost both arms in an accident.

“Having this skill that even normal people find difficult was something that really helped me and made me feel like I fit in more in the world,” Damon said.

He was a worker in a car factory. One day when he was working, there was a gas explosion (爆炸), killing one worker and injuring him.

“I lost my right arm above the elbow, about three inches above the elbow, and my left about six inches below,” he explained.

“How am I going to make a living and take care of my family? I had always worked with my hands,” he said.

Then with a simple little drawing, a new future opened up for him.

“I thought it was wonderful in a way,” Damon said. “Something was telling me to focus on this and everything will be alright.” Damon doesn’t have a perfect prosthetic arm (假肢)—just a hook (钩子), which he finds works best.

He and his wife Jen run True Grit Art Gallery in Middleboro, Massachusetts, where he shows the works of local artists. With his disability check from the government, he can afford to be an artist. He is a man doing what he wants with his life, and doesn’t look at his situation as a hard time.

“I don’t see it that way,” Damon said. “Suffering an injury like this has a way of making you focus on what’s important in life.”

He believes his best work is still ahead of him. But with his pictures of simple American scenes, Damon has already produced his best work.

1.How did Damon lose his arms?

A.A gas explosion injured his arms.

B.He was attacked when he was driving a car.

C.His arms were trapped by a worker by accident.

D.He was knocked down by a car when he was working.

2.What do we know about Peter Damon when he started taking up painting from the text?

A.His hope for life was brought back.

B.He felt a lot of pressure at the beginning.

C.He didn’t earn enough to support his family.

D.His paintings were so expensive that few people wanted to buy them.

3.What is Damon’s attitude towards his suffering?

A.Wonderful. B.Positive.

C.Pitiful. D.Uncertain.

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Winners do what losers don’t want to do.

B.Nothing is impossible if you try your best.

C.God closes a door and another will open for you.

D.Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.


Central Park

Explore Central Park, one of the largest city parks in the world and one of the most famous symbols of New York. Let’s have a look at its main sights.

Central Park is New York’s largest city park and one of the biggest in the world, with an area of 843 acres (about 3.4km2). This park is home to man-made lakes, waterfalls, grass and wooded areas. You will also find the Central Park Zoo, among other attractions in this greenspace of New York.

Besides being the city’s primary green lungs, Central Park is also a favorite spot for many New Yorkers. It is perfect for sunbathing, going for walks, or doing any outdoor sports. Something that we found curious is seeing so many people running with their babies in prams (婴儿车).

On Foot or by Bicycle

To get to know some of the wildest parts of Central Park we suggest walking. However, to get a general feel for the whole park, the best thing to do is hire a bicycle and enjoy the scenery.

If you decide to hire a bike, you will find lots of bike rental stores around Central Park that are not very expensive.

Open Time

From 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekends.

From 6 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. on weekdays.


Entry to the Park is free. But if you visit some parts like Central Park Zoo, you need to buy a ticket.


Subway: Line 5, 6, 7, A, B, C and D.

Bus: Line M1, M2, M3, M4 and M10.

Nearby places

Metropolitan Museum of Art (447 m)

Guggenheim Museum (564 m)

American Museum of Natural History (688 m)

Whitney Museum of American Art (1 km)

The Frick Collection (1.3 km)

1.What can we learn about the Central Park from the text?

A.It is home to lakes and waterfalls.

B.It is perfect for doing outdoor sports.

C.It is the largest city park in the world.

D.It is the most famous symbol of New York.

2.Which one of the following things is free?

A.Hiring a bicycle.

B.Entrance to Central Park.

C.Visiting Central Park Zoo.

D.Going to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

3.Where can we find this text?

A.In a science report. B.In a geography book.

C.In a fashion magazine. D.In a travel guide.


圣诞节即将来临,你的好友 Tom 正在为如何度过假期而苦恼。假如你是李华请你给他写一封信, 谈谈你的看法。要点如下:

1. 你的建议旅行等。

2. 你的理由。

注意:1. 词数 100 左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。作文中共有 10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

I am Li Hua, that is chairman of the Student Union, from Xinhua High School. On behalf of our school, I’d like to tell you that if our school is going to organize series of English Club activities in the coming summer holiday. Ten students from your school is needed to work as volunteers to help us organize and carry out these activity. Through it, we can promote the friendship among our two schools.

If you are interesting in the position, please apply for it. In my application, you’d better make a self-introduction first. Additional, the reason why you want this job should be included, too.

Send your application to the Student Union. If you had further questions, contact us at 0797-1234567.


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

I am Adam Rouse. I first 1.(buy) cannabis(大麻) from a man in the street and continued to buy cannabis from him for six months and as a result, I got addicted to it. One day, the man offered 2.(I) some crack cocaine, a more 3.(power) addictive. When I went back to the man for more crack cocaine, he asked me 4. a lot of money. 5.(terrible), I was in pain when I couldn’t afford to buy any drugs. 6.(get) money, I broke into a house and stole something to sell for money. The more drugs I took, the more addicted I became. So I had to steal something every day to pay for the drugs. One day, I 7.(catch) stealing and sent to the police station. The next day, 8. doctor came to see me and told me that I could die 9. I could stop taking drugs. I took his advice and stopped immediately. Now I work in a center for drug addicts, helping others to stop 10.(take) drugs.


    Long long time ago, in a small and distant _______, there was a place known _______ the House of 1000 Mirrors. A small, happy little dog learned of this place and _______ to visit it. When he arrived, he _______ happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail _______ as fast as it could. To his great _______, he found himself staring at 1000 other _______ little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his. He smiled a great smile, and was _______ with 1000 great smiles just as warm and friendly. As he _______ the House, he thought to himself, “This is a ________ place. I will come back and visit it often.”

In the same village, ________ little dog, who was not quite as happy as the first one, was determined to visit the house. He ________ climbed the stairs and ________ his head low as he looked into the door. ________ he saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at him, he growled at them and was ________ to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him. As he left, he thought to himself, “That is a terrible place, and I will ________ go back there again.”

All the faces in the world are ________. When you smile at the world, the whole world will ________ at you, and vice verse (反之亦然). ________, it is you who can choose to be happy or to be upset. And what kinds of reflections (思考) do you see in the ________ of the people you meet?

1.A.province B.village C.county D.city

2.A.as B.for C.in D.to

3.A.decided B.chose C.pretended D.devoted

4.A.lay B.escaped C.sped D.jumped

5.A.shaking B.running C.wagging D.hanging

6.A.relief B.comfort C.joy D.surprise

7.A.upset B.happy C.scared D.angry

8.A.concerned B.offered C.answered D.charged

9.A.left B.visited C.entered D.approached

10.A.terrible B.wonderful C.common D.beautiful

11.A.other B.others C.another D.the other

12.A.slowly B.gradually C.immediately D.finally

13.A.seized B.lifted C.hung D.touched

14.A.Although B.If C.While D.When

15.A.excited B.frightened C.disappointed D.surprised

16.A.ever B.already C.just D.never

17.A.guidances B.magazines C.mirrors D.machines

18.A.cry B.smile C.stare D.weep

19.A.Therefore B.Besides C.However D.Instead

20.A.identities B.eyes C.opinions D.faces


    Learning a foreign language is more than just a help to your CV(简历) or convenient for travelling. It will make you smarter, more perceptive(透视的) and even better at English. 1.

You become smarter

Speaking a foreign language improves the ability of your brain by challenging it to recognize, understand meaning, and communicate in different language systems. Students who study foreign languages will score better on standardized tests than their monolingual (单语的) classmates, particularly in maths, reading, and vocabulary.

You become more perceptive

A study from Spain shows that multilingual(多种语言的) people are better at observing their surroundings. They are better at focusing related information and editing out the unrelated. 2. Is it any surprise that Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot know several kinds of languages?

You build multitasking skills

Multilingual people, especially children, are skilled at switching between two systems of speech, writing, and structure. 3. The research found that people who spoke more than one language made fewer errors in their driving.


Educators often compare the brain to a muscle, because it functions better with exercise. Learning a language involves memorizing rules and vocabulary, which helps strengthen that mental “muscle.” This exercise improves overall memory, which means that multiple language speakers are better at remembering lists or sequences.

If you haven’t spoken a foreign tongue since your A levels, your brain might not be gaining these bilingual benefits. 5. People who begin language study in their adult lives can still achieve the same levels of fluency as a young learner, and still gain the same mental benefits, too.

A. However, it’s never too late to learn a foreign language.

B. In one study, participants used a driving simulator(模拟器) while doing separate, distracting tasks at the same time.

C. Your muscle improves.

D. Below are several advantages of learning a foreign language.

E. They’re also better at discovering misleading information.

F. Language speakers also develop a better ear for listening.

G. Your memory improves.


    Over the past 40 years, China has helped more than 700 million rural residents out of being poor, and the poverty rate — the proportion of people living below the Chinese poverty line — had fallen among the rural population from 97.5 percent in 1978 to 3.1 percent at the end of 2017, official figures shows. China’s achievements in poverty alleviation (扶贫) made the world look at China with admiration.

“For me, it is unbelievable that over 40 years, that is, over the course of one working lifetime, China has gone from one of the poorest countries in the world to one that is about to eliminate(消除) absolute poverty,” said Craig Allen, president of the US-China Business Council.

Varaprasad Sekhar Dolla, a professor of Chinese studies at India’s Jawaharlal Nehru University, also spoke highly of China’s achievements in poverty reduction. “If global poverty came down greatly in the last three or four decades, it’s partly because of the Chinese contribution to reducing poverty within its own national boundaries,” said the Indian scholar.

In the eyes of Khairy Tourk, a professor of economics with the Stuart School of Business at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, “many countries look up to China to learn from its experience.” “The Chinese experience is based on building a modern infrastructure (基础设施) and then on setting up special economic zones that would help underdeveloped countries to become more industrial,” he added.

In the government work report delivered at the opening of the annual NPC session (全国人大会议) on March 5, China promises to reduce its population of rural poor by over 10 million this year.

1.What’s the purpose of the numbers given in the first paragraph?

A.To show China has helped many rural residents out of poverty.

B.To imply many Chinese are suffering from poverty.

C.To show the great changes of China in the past 40 decades.

D.To indicate all Chinese will eliminate poverty this year.

2.What’s the attitude of Craig Allen to China’s achievements in poverty alleviation?

A.surprised. B.interested. C.upset. D.indifferent.

3.Which is the meaning of the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3?

A.The global poverty has come down except China.

B.China should try its best to help the world out of poverty.

C.China has made great contributions to world poverty alleviation.

D.China has eliminated poverty completely.

4.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.China will make more progress in poverty alleviation.

B.China has done a lot in poverty alleviation.

C.China has realized its dream to help its people out of poverty.

D.The world speak well of China’s achievements in poverty alleviation.


    A large number of people enjoy listening to various types of music while they paint, write, or draw. Many believe that music helps creativity.

However, an international study conducted by English and Swedish researchers is challenging that opinion. Psychologists from Lancaster University, The University of Gävle, and The University of Central Lancashire say that their findings show music actually blocks creativity.

To come to their conclusions, researchers had participants(参与者) complete verbal insight problems designed to inspire creativity while sitting in a quiet room, and then again while music played in the background. They found that background music “badly affected” the participants’ ability to complete tasks related to verbal creativity.

The tasks were simple word games. For example, participants were given three words, such as dress, dial, and flower. Then, they were asked to find a single word related to all three that could be combined to form a common phrase or word. The single word, in this case, would be “sun” (sundress, sunflower, etc).

Participants completed the tasks in either a quiet room, or while exposed to three different types of music; music with unfamiliar words, instrumental music, or music with familiar words. “We found strong evidence of damaged performance when playing background music in comparison to quiet background conditions,” says co-author Dr. Neil McLatchie of Lancaster University.

To conclude, the findings challenge the popular view that music encourages creativity, and instead prove that music consistently disrupts creative performance in dealing with problems.

1.What’s the main idea of this passage?

A.A new idea about music while working. B.Music encourages creativity while working.

C.Music does harm to creativity while working. D.We’d better not listen to music while working.

2.The underlined word “block” in the 2nd paragraph probably means “________”

A.lift B.strengthen C.raise D.limit

3.How did the researchers get the conclusion according to the paragraph 5?

A.By comparing. B.By following time order. C.By analyzing causes and effects.              D.By presenting the process.

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.While working, we can listen to some familiar music.

B.Music has no effect on our creativity while working.

C.To improve our creativity, we should choose to work in quiet background conditions.

D.Music does more good than harm to our health.


    It is every kid’s worst nightmare(噩梦) and six-year-old Jaden Hayes has lived it twice. First he lost his dad when he was only at the age of four and then last month his mom died unexpectedly in her deep sleep.

“I tried and I tried and I tried to get her awake , but... I just couldn’t,” said Jaden.

No one could imagine how heartbroken Jaden was.

But there’s another side to his sadness. A side he first made public a few weeks ago when he told his aunt, Barbara DiCola, and now his guardian(监护人) after both his parents died, that he was sick and tired of seeing everyone sad all the time. And he had a plan to fix it.

“And that was the beginning of it,” said Barbara. “That’s where the adventure began.”

Jaden asked his aunt Barbara to buy a bunch of little toys and bring him to downtown Savannah, Georgia near where he lives, so he could give them away to anyone who will smile to him. “I’m trying to make people smile,” said Jaden.

Jaden targets people who aren’t already smiling and then turns their day around. He’s gone out on four different occasions now and he is always successful. Even if sometimes he doesn’t get exactly the reaction he was hoping for.

It is just so overwhelming to some people that a six-year-old orphan would give away a toy expecting nothing in return except a smile.

“I’m depending on it to be 33,000,” said Jaden. When asked if he thinks he can make that goal, he answered: “I think I can.”

1.What happened to Jaden when he was 6 years old?

A.He had a nightmare one night. B.His father died unexpectedly.

C.He lost both his mother and his father. D.His mother died suddenly in her deep sleep.

2.Who is Barbara DiCola?

A.She is Jaden’s new mother. B.She is Jaden’s aunt and his guardian as well.

C.She is Jaden’s aunt. D.She is Jaden’s neighbour.

3.Why did Jaden ask Barbara DiCola to buy him toys?

A.To sell them to the people in Savannah, Georgia. B.To make some money.

C.To help those who were in trouble. D.To make people smile.

4.Which of the following words can be used to describe Jaden?

A.Caring and confident. B.Rich and hopeful.

C.Pitiful and kind. D.Hardworking and kind.


Welcome to Holker Hall & Gardens

Visitor Information

How to Get to Holker

By Car: Follow brown signs on A590 from J36, M6. Approximate travel times: Windermere20 minutes, Kendal25 minutes, Lancaster45 minutes, Manchester1 hour 30 minutes.

By Rail: The nearest station is Cark-in-Carmel with trains to Carnforth, Lancaster and Preston for connections to major cities & airports.

Opening Times

SundayFriday (closed on Saturday) 11:00am4:00pm, 30th March2nd November. Admission Charges


Hall & Gardens



£ 12.00

£ 8.00


£ 9.00

£ 5.50


Special Events

Producers’ Market  13th April

Join us to taste a variety of fresh local food and drinks. Meet the producers and get some excellent recipe ideas.

Holker Garden Festival  30th May

The event celebrates its 22nd anniversary with a great show of the very best of gardening, making it one of the most popular events in gardening.

National Garden Day  28th August

Holker once again opens its gardens in aid of the disadvantaged. For just a small donation you can take a tour with our garden guide.

Winter Market  8th November

This is an event for all the family. Wander among a variety of shops selling gifts while enjoying a live music show and nice street entertainment.

1.In which period can you pay a visit to Holker Hall & Gardens during the summer holiday?

A.11am-2pm, Saturday B.7am-9am, Friday

C.1pm-3pm, Sunday D.5pm-7pm,Wednesday

2.How much should a tour group of 5 members pay to visit the Gardens?

A.£45.00 B.£27.50 C.£40.00 D.£17.50

3.Which event will you go to if you want to enjoy some street performance?

A.Winter Market B.Holker Garden Festival

C.National Garden Day D.Producers’ Market



1.When will the first trip start?

A.In June. B.In April. C.In March.

2.How will the group travel to Birmingham?

A.By train. B.By bus. C.By plane.

3.What does the speaker advise the group not to take during the first trip?

A.Their cameras. B.Their student cards. C.Their mobile phones.

4.When can the group get copies of an information sheet?

A.Over the weekend B.On Friday. C.This afternoon.



1.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Colleagues. B.Classmates. C.Husband and wife.

2.Where does the man expect to go during the one-month vacation?

A.To Europe. B.To the town. C.To the countryside.

3.When will they start their vacation ?

A.Tomorrow afternoon. B.Tomorrow. C.Next Monday.

4.What does the woman remind the man to do before they leave?

A.Fill the car up with gas.

B.Check the weather forecast .

C.Make a list of things to bring.



1.What does the man’s terrible day begin with?

A.Picking up his dry cleaning. B.Taking a bus downtown. C.Having breakfast with Nina.

2.Who cut the man’s ear while having a haircut?

A.Jack. B.Nina. C.Tony.

3.In the office, what happened to the man that day?

A.He was fired by his boss.

B.He missed an important meeting.

C.He was too early for work.



1.How long is the movie?

A.Four hours. B.Three hours. C.Two hours.

2.Why did the man stay up late yesterday?

A.To play games. B.To watch a movie. C.To work on his school paper.



1.What is the woman doing?

A.Waiting for a tennis star. B.Queuing up for a tennis match. C.Watching a tennis match.

2.What does the woman do?

A.A tennis player. B.A visitor from London. C.An English student.


How did the man think of his experience in Carbbean?

A.Exciting. B.Terrible. C.Wonderful.


When will the next bus to downtown leave?

A.At 8:00. B.At 8:10. C.At 8:15.


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