Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.




Directions: Translation the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.






Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

The Zeigarnik Effect

Have you ever found yourself thinking about a partially finished project for school or work when you were trying to focus on other things? Or perhaps you wondered what would happen next in your favorite TV show or film series. If you have, you’ve experienced the Zeigarnik effect. You tend to remember unfinished tasks better than finished tasks. Knowledge of the Zeigarnik effect can be put into use in everyday life.

The effect is especially well suited for helping overcome procrastination or delaying an action to a later time. We often put off big tasks that seem overwhelming. However, the Zeigarnik effect suggests that the key to overcoming procrastination is to just get started. The first step could be something small and seemingly insignificant. In fact, it’s probably best if it’s something fairly easy.

The Zeigarnik effect can be useful for students who are studying for an exam. The effect tells us that breaking up study periods can actually improve recall. So instead of cramming for an exam all in one sitting, breaks should be scheduled in which the student focuses on something else. This will cause intrusive(侵入的)thoughts, enabling students to rehearse and consolidate the information that must be remembered, leading to better recall when they take the exam.

The Zeigarnik effect also points to reasons why people may experience mental health problems. If an individual leaves important tasks incomplete, the intrusive thoughts that result can lead to stress, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and emotional distress. Conversely, completing a task can give an individual a sense of accomplishment and lead to a feeling of closure that can improve psychological well - being.

The Zeigarnik effect can actually be used to positively impact your work productivity.


Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Is Multitasking Always Good?

Not only do smart-phones provide unrestricted access to information, they provide perfect opportunities to multitask. Any activity can be accompanied by music, selfies or social media updates. Of course, some people pick poor times to tweet or text, and lawmakers have steeped in. 1. In Honolulu, it’s illegal to text or even look at your phone while crossing the street, and in the Netherlands they’ve banned texting while biking.

2. You need to self-regulate. Understanding how the brain multitasks and why we find multitasking so appealing will help you realize the danger or pulling out your phone.

Multitasking feels like doing two things at the same time, so it seems the danger lies in asking one mental process to do two unrelated things -- for texting drivers, watching the screen and the road.

Twenty states have instituted bans on driving using a hand - held phone while still allowing hands - free calls. Yet hands - free or hand - held makes no difference. 3. The real problem is the switch of attention between the conversation and road, and that affects performance.

Please sense this, and when on the phone they drive slower and increase their following distance, but they are far too confident that these measures reduce risks. This overconfidence extends to other activities. A 2015 survey showed that a majority of students who use social media, text or watch TV while studying think that they can still comprehend the material they’re studying.

People multitask merely because they see no harm in it; they see benefits.  4. Most people will still choose to multitask. But they should, at the very least , be fully aware of how that choice affects them and the potential consequences for themselves and others. They need to pay attention to how much -- or how little -- they are paying attention.

A. But legislation(法律)won’t ban all situations in which multitasking is unwise.

B. They multitask for efficiency, to fight boredom or to keep up with social media.

C. Forty - eight states have banned texting while driving.

D. However, texting while biking seems so undemanding as to be harmless.

E. They damage driving equivalently as far as external dangers go.

F. Instead of multitasking, they take more rest breaks and get a social media fix during a break.


    For several decades, there has been an extensive and organized campaign intended to generate distrust in science, funded by regulated industries and libertarian think tanks(自由主义智囊团)whose interests and beliefs are threatened by the findings of modern science. In response, scientists have tended to stress the success of science. After all, scientists have been right about most things, from the structure of the universe to the relativity of time and space.

Quoting successes isn’t wrong, but for many people it’s not persuasive. What is typically declared to be the scientific method -- develop a supposition, then design an experiment to test it -- isn’t what scientists actually do. Science is active so that new methods get invented and old ones get abandoned. The scientific method doesn’t always work. False theories can produce true results, so even if an experiment works, it doesn’t prove that the theory it was designed to test it true.

If there is no identifiable scientific method, then what is the guarantee for trust in science?

The answer is the methods by which those claims are evaluated. A scientific claim is never accepted as true until it has gone through a long process of examination by fellow scientists. Until this point, scientific feedback is typically fairly friendly. But the next step is different: once the paper is ready, it is presented to a scientific journal, where things get a whole lot tougher. Editors deliberately send scientific papers to people who are not friends or colleagues of the authors, and the job of the reviewer is to find errors or other inadequacies. We call this process “peer review” because the reviewers are scientific peers but they act in the role of a superior who has both the right and the obligation to find fault. It is only after the reviewers and the editor are satisfied that any problems have been fixed that the paper is accepted for publication and enters the body of “science.”

Does this process ever go wrong? Of course. Scientists are human. But if we look carefully at historical cases where science went wrong, typically there was no agreement reached by all. Some people argue that we should not trust science because scientists are “always changing their minds.” While examples of truly settled science being overturned are far fewer than is sometimes claimed, they do exist. But the beauty of this scientific process is that it explains what might otherwise appear paradoxical(矛盾的): that science produces both novelty(新颖性)and stability. New observations, ideas, interpretations introduce novelty: trans-formative questioning leads to collective decisions and the stability of scientific knowledge. Scientists do change their minds in the face of new evidence, but this is a strength of science, not a weakness.

1.Distrust in science has been found because _________.

A.scientists’ citing successes isn’t persuasive for many people to some extent

B.most scientists have tended to lay too much emphasis on the success of science

C.a wide - ranging and organized campaign has been founded in some industries and think tanks

D.someone’s benefits and beliefs are endangered by the findings of modern science

2.Which of the following statements will the author agree with about a scientific method?

A.A scientific method doesn’t necessarily take effect because science is changing.

B.A scientific method is not right because it isn’t what scientists actually do.

C.A successful experiment can guarantee the truthfulness of a claim by a scientific method.

D.True theories can produce false results because the scientific method doesn’t work.

3.What purpose does “peer review” in evaluating a scientific claim mainly serve?

A.The scientific claim can be completely accepted by the reviewers in the same field.

B.The scientific peers can draw right conclusions by finding its faults or other inadequacies.

C.The scientific claim can be published and recognized as true in science.

D.The scientific paper can be successfully submitted to a scientific journal.

4.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _________.

A.Not all the claims about the falsehood of well-established science lead to its being overturned

B.It is inevitable that science sometimes goes wrong because it appears paradoxical

C.The beauty of science lies in the paradox of being both novel and stable

D.Science is not trustful because scientists always change their minds.


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Your new HearClear HCR3 hearing aids work at a fraction of the cost of name - brand hearing aids, and you won’t have to keep changing the batteries! You will love the comfortable and lightweight Open - fit design. The HCR3 is pre-programmed for most moderate to significant hearing losses, so you won’t need professional appointments to make costly adjustments. It is shipped directly to you and will help you hear better right out of the box!

You can spend thousands for an expensive hearing aid, or you can spend just $249 for hearing aid that is great for most hearing losses (only $229 each when you buy a pair). We are so sure you will love your hearing aids that we offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee - Risk Free if you are not satisfied for any reason.

1.How much will you pay if you want to buy a pair of HCR3 hearing aids?

A.$229. B.$249

C.$458 D.$498

2.Which of the following features can be added to the section “HCR3 Features”?

Built - in programs for different listening situations.

Easy access to changing batteries.

Digital sound processing chip.

Simple adjustments without professional help.

A.①③ B.①③④

C.②③④ D.①②③

3.One reason why buying a pair of hearing aids is recommended is that _________.

A.the HCR3 guarantees 100% refund if bought in pairs will save consumers up to $20 for a pair of hearing aids

C.humans are pre - programmed to better hear with two ears

D.people can hear triple better in various situation with two hearing aids


    People worry that developments in Artificial Intelligence, or A.I., will bring about a point in history when A. I. overtakes human intelligence, leading to an unimaginable revolution in human affairs. Or they wonder whether instead of our controlling artificial intelligence, it will control us.

The situation may not arise for hundreds of years to come, but this doesn’t mean we have nothing to worry about. On the contrary, The A. I. products that now exist are improving faster than most people realize and promise to fundamentally transform our world, not always for the better. They are only tools, not a competing form of intelligence. But they will reshape what work means and how wealth is created.

Unlike the Industrial Revolution and the Computer Revolution, the A. I. revolution is not taking certain jobs and replacing them with other jobs. Instead, it is believed to cause a wide - scale elimination of jobs -- mostly lower - paying jobs, but some higher - paying ones, too.

This transformation will result in enormous profits for the companies that develop A.I., as well as for the companies that adopt it. We are thus facing two developments that do not sit easily together; enormous wealth concentrated in relatively few hands and enormous numbers of people out of work. What is to be done?

Part of the answer will involve educating or retraining people in tasks A.I. tools aren’t good at. Artificial intelligence is poorly suited for jobs involving creativity, planning and “cross - field” thinking. But these skills are typically required by high - paying jobs that may be hard to retrain displaced workers to do. More promising are lower - paying jobs involving the “people skills” that A.I. lacks: social workers, barmen, doormen -- professions requiring human interaction. But how many barmen does a society really need?

The solution to the problem of mass unemployment will involve “service jobs of love.” These are jobs that A. I. cannot do, that society needs and that give people a sense of purpose. Examples include accompanying an older person to visit a doctor, helping at an orphanage and serving as a sponsor at charity organization. The volunteer service jobs of today, in other words, may turn into the real jobs of the future.

Other volunteer jobs may be higher - paying and professional, such as compassionate medial service providers. In all cases, people will be able to choose to work fewer hours than they do now.

1.In what aspect is the

A.I. revolution different from the Industrial or the Computer revolution?

A. The A.I. revolution will finally become one beyond human’s control.

B.A. I. is believed to lead to a point in history when it takes over human intelligence.

C.Higher - paying jobs will take the place of lower-paying ones in the A.I. revolution.

D.It may bring about mass unemployment to matter how much employees are paid.

2.The underlined word “promising” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to _______.

A.promotional B.demanding

C.guaranteed D.potential

3.What does the author suggest in the face of the A.I. revolution?

A.It is sensible to encourage people to take volunteer jobs.

B.People should be instructed to do less demanding jobs.

C.The problem of job loss can be solved by creating lower-paying jobs.

D.Jobs requiring knowledge in different fields are suitable for displaced workers.

4.Which of the following may serve as the best title of the passage?

A.The A.I. Revolution Creates New Job Opportunities.

B.Challenges the A. I. Revolution Brings to Job Market.

C.A Double - edged Sword: the A.I. Revolution.

D.Interrelationship between A.I. and Unemployment. Inc. is checking out of China’s fiercely competitive domestic e-commerce market. The company told sellers on Thursday that it would no longer ______ its third - party online marketplace or provide seller services on its Chinese website, ________,domestic companies will no longer be able to sell products to Chinese consumers on its e-commerce platform.

The decision marks an end to a long ________ by America’s e-commerce giants in the Chinese market. The firms entered the Chinese market with great attention in the early 2000s, only to ________ in the face of competition from China’s faster - moving Internet giants.

Amazon has been in talks to ________ its e-commerce business for goods imported into China with a Chinese competitor, NetEase Inc.’s Kaola, in a stock - for - stock transaction(交易), according to a person familiar with the matter. That would remove the Amazon name from ________ e-commerce in China. Neither company would confirm the progress or details of those ________, nor would they say if they are continuing.

In a written statement, Amazon said it remained ________ to China through its global stores, Kindle businesses and web services. Amazon China’s president would leave to take on another role within the company, the company said. The China consumer - business team will report ________ to the company’s global team.

When Amazon first entered China in 2004 with the _________ of, it was the largest online seller for books, music and video there. Most Chinese consumers were using cash - on - delivery as their to form of ________. Today, Amazon China chiefly caters to customers looking for imported international goods such as cosmetics and milk powder and is a(n) ________ player in the booming Chinese e-commerce market.

Amazon China commanded just 6% of gross market volume in the niche(细分的)cross - border e-commerce market in the fourth quarter of 2018, versus NetEase Kaola’s 25% ________ and the 32% held by Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.’s Tmall International

Chinese consumers are becoming more fascinated with ________ brands. In 2011, 85% of Chinese consumers said they would always buy a foreign brand over a domestic one. By 2016, 60% of respondents said they preferred domestic over foreign brands. Shaun Rein, China Market research’s founder, said American e-commerce giants ________ obstacles in China because they didn’t offered the products or user experience that consumers were looking for.

1.A.assist B.expand C.operate D.tailor

2.A.As a result B.By contrast C.For example D.In addition

3.A.criticism B.negotiation C.struggle D.resolution

4.A.interact B.withdraw C.split D.survive

5.A.associate B.combine

6.A.time - consuming B.long - suffering C.ever - lasting D.consumer - facing

7.A.talks B.businesses C.competitions D.instructions

8.A.related B.accustomed D.committed

9.A.automatically B.directly C.regularly D.secretly

10.A.breakdown B.improvement C.purchase D.participation

11.A.refund B.payment C.sponsorship

12.A.complicated B.critical C.original D.insignificant

13.A.share B.budget C.volume D.maximum

14.A.foreign B.luxurious C.domestic D.fashionable

15.A.dealt with B.forgot about through D.came across


Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Innovations that will change the classroom

American schools are going high - tech. Many symbols we still associate with classrooms and learning, like chalkboards, pens, notebooks - even classrooms 1. --- are quickly becoming outdated.

As this week marks The Huffington Post’s 10th anniversary, we’ll take a look at some products that 2. (introduce) to classroom in the past decade and have the potential to change the educational landscape in the years 3. (come).

1. Remote Learning

Some schools are cutting down on snow days, thanks to technology. Rather than giving kids the day off 4. weather conditions are too dangerous for commuting, these schools are asking students to follow classroom lessons online.

Although kids 5. (hope) for a snow day may not particularly appreciate these advancements in digital learning, online lessons allow these kids to complete their coursework and still interact with peers. Some students with medical conditions 6. “go” to school via video conferencing or even with the help of robots enabled with video chat that they can control remotely.

2. eBooks

Discovery Education has been replacing traditional textbooks with original “techbooks” for six years. These “techbooks” can also be switched to Spanish or French, Kinney said, 7. allows some parents who don’t speak English to help their kids with their homework.

3. Educational Games

In-class gaming options have evolved to include more educational options. GlassLab creates educational games that are now being used in more than 6,000 classrooms across the country. Teachers get real-time updates on students’ progress as well as suggestions on 8. subjects they need to spend more time perfecting.

The Internet and other digital tools have some drawbacks. They’re often distracting, 9. most developments have exciting implications for the future. Over the last 10 years, technological innovations have made education more interactive, immediate and 10. (personalize), -- and have shown us the potential for more accessible and effective classrooms.












注意:1. 短文必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥;

2. 词数:100左右。

3. 参考词汇:监控 monitor  vt. ;了解 get\be informed of ;  行为得体 behave oneself

On whether it is necessary to create a parents’ WeChat group, the students’ opinions________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号 (), 并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线 ( \ ) 划掉。

修改: 在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

As is known to all that millions of graduates crowded into the job market each year. But because of the financial crisis, the situation of the employment have become very serious. Consider this, some people suggest graduates should have a lower career expectation, such as working in the western areas of China. I in favor of this idea. Firstly, compared with the big cities, the competition is not very fierce there, but graduates can easy get a job. Secondly, the lower position may offer graduate more space. All in all, going to the west may be bring more benefits. Devote yourself to the west, for it is good for both our personal development and our country at present.


    Two brothers decided to dig a deep hole behind their house. As they were working,a couple of older boys1. (stop) by to watch.

“What are you doing?” asked one of the 2. (visitor) curiously.

“We plan3. (dig) a hole all the way through the earth!”one of the brothers said 4. (excited).

The older boys began to laugh,telling the 5. (young) ones that it was impossible.

After a long 6. (silent), one of the diggers picked up 7. box full of spiders and insects. He showed the wonderful things 8.  the older boys.

Then he said confidently, “Even if we don’t dig all the way through the earth, look at what we found along the way!”

9. (they) dream was far too big,but it did cause them to dig. And that is what a dream is for—to cause us to move in the direction we have chosen.

Not every dream will be realized. But when you couldn’t get what you wanted, perhaps you can say, “Yes,but look at the wonderful things 10. have come into my life because I tried to do something! ”



1.Life is like a long race where we ______ with others to go beyond ourselves. (to try to be more successful or better)

2.I shall be very likely to be _________ to my dream university.(allow somebody to become a member of a school)

3.They ________ their beloved old cars with expensive new sports cars.(put something new in the place of the old one)

4.He is a responsible writer, and _________to be respected.(get something because of what you have done)

5.The________ of Olympic Games is “Swifterhigher and further.”(short sentence or phrase expressing the beliefs of a person or group)

6.It is __________ visiting the art museum. (be useful, helpful, interesting, enjoyable etc.)

7.My father's ship was ______ in World War II.( goes below the surface of the water or sea, etc.)

8.She was upset that the valuable necklace __________ to her was lost yesterday.  (be the property of)

9.Her parents died in the accident,but she _______.(to manage to live or continue in difficulties)

10.During the spring festival, you can see different kinds of _________.(the thing that makes something look more attractive on special occasions)


    As she waited at the edge of the ice for her music to start, Peggy took a quick look at her father standing nearby with a group of parents and teachers. He smiled at her. Then she ____ out at the audience, ____ to see her mother. These two, Alvert and Doris Flemint, had ____ all the way from California more than 2,000 miles away, to see their ____ compete in this sports meet in Cleveland, Ohio.

The music ____ and Peggy moved onto the ice, letting the music ____ her along into her turns, and she began skating with much ____ in herself. The cold fear she always had in the ____ seconds before skating onto the ice was ____. She was feeling the movement of the ____ and letting it carry her. She skated easily, ____ did some jumps, a final turn and her performance was _____.

The crowd loved it and cheered ____ she skated off the ice. “Nice job,” said one of the other ____. It was the remark that ____ came after a free-skating performance. But what should the ____ say? Standing beside her father, Peggy ____ for the scoring to be finished. On all sides were other young skaters, some waiting _____ alone, others with a parent. Shortly before 10 o’clock the results were ____. The new United States Women’s Figure Skating Champion was Peggy Fleming of Passdena, ____.

1.A.looked B.watched C.found D.stepped

2.A.failing B.looking forward C.wanting D.hoping

3.A.bicycled B.driven D.walked

4.A.friend B.children C.son D.daughter

5.A.started B.played C.developed D.sang

6.A.allow B.set out C.carry

7.A.thought B.belief C.success

8.A.following B.last C.recent D.past

9.A.lost B.present C.strong D.gone B.fear D.audiences B.or C.before D.then

12.A.satisfied B.unsatisfactory C.finished D.welcome

13.A.because B.until C.before

14.A.skaters B.parents C.judges D.parents

15.A.always B.seldom C.again D.hardly

16.A.players B.audience C.judges D.parents

17.A.waited B.looked C.wished D.asked

18.A.comfortably B.hurriedly C.happily D.anxiously

19.A.cried out B.let out C.announced D.declared

20.A.England B.Cleveland C.Ohio D.California


根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。The pine tree is a special kind of tree.   1. This is because many people put pine trees in their homes at Christmas time. They decorate the tree with colored lights, and put Christmas presents under the tree.Pine trees are different from other trees because most other trees lose their leaves in winter.  2.So pine trees are also called evergreens.3. They have hard, thin leaves called needles. Pine trees also have pine cones. Pine cones look like hard berries. If you walk in a forest, you will see many pine cones on the ground.   4.  When the seeds fall to the ground, a new tree starts to grow.5. The wood is used to make furniture and boats. Many kinds of birds build their nests in pine trees. The seeds of pine trees are food for small animals such as squirrels and mice and for bigger animals such as rabbits and black bears. The needles are good food for large animals such as deer and moose when they cannot find anything to eat in the winter.If you walk in a forest of pine trees, the air has a wonderful smell. In winter, the white snow on the dark green trees looks very beautiful.

A. Pine trees stay green all year long, even in winter.

B. Pine trees do not have soft leaves like the maple tree.

C. Some people call the pine tree a Christmas tree.

D. Pine trees are very beautiful all year round.

E. Pine trees are valuable for many reasons.

F. Inside the pine cones are seeds.

G. The seeds inside the pine cones are the favorite food for some animals.




Sport is not only physically challenging, but can also be mentally challenging. Criticism from coaches, parents and other teammates, as well as pressure to win can create too much anxiety or stress for young athletes. Stress can be physical, emotional, or psychological and research has indicated that it can lead to burnout. Burnout has been described as dropping or quitting of an activity that was at one time enjoyable.

The early years of development are critical years for learning about oneself. The sport setting is one where valuable experiences can take place. Young athletes can, for example, learn how to cooperate with others, make friends, and gain other social skills that will be used throughout their lives. Coaches and parents should be aware, at all times, that their feedback to youngsters can greatly affect their children. Youngsters may take their parents and coaches’ criticisms to heart and find faults in themselves.

Coaches and parents should also pay attention that youth sport participation does not become work for children. The outcome of the game should not be more important than the process of learning the sport and other life lessons. In today’s youth sport setting young athletes may be worrying more about who will win instead of enjoying themselves and the sport. Following a game many parents and coaches focus on the outcome and find faults with youngsters’ performances. Positive support should be provided regardless of the outcome. Research indicates that positive support motivates and has a greater effect on learning than criticism. Again, criticism can create high levels of stress, which can lead to burnout.

1.An effective way to prevent the burnout of young athletes is_____________. make sport less competitive increase their sense of success reduce their mental stress make sport more challenging

2.According to the passage, sport is positive for young people in that_____________. can help them learn more about society enables them to find faults in themselves can provide them with valuable experiences teaches them how to set realistic goals for themselves

3.Many coaches and parents are in the habit of criticizing young athletes_____________.

A.believing that criticism does good to their early development

B.without realizing criticism may destroy their self­confidence order to make them remember life’s lessons as to put more pressure on them

4.According to the passage parents and coaches should_____________. more attention to letting children enjoy sport children to win every game

C.train children to cope with stress

D.enable children to understand the positive aspect of sport


    Americans wear black for mourning (哀悼) while Chinese wear white. Westerners think of dragons as monsters. Chinese honor them as symbols of God. Chinese civilization has often shown such polarities (对立)with the West, as though each stands at extreme ends of a global string. Now in the University of California, Berkeley, a psychologist, has discovered deeper polarities between Chinese and American cultures—polarities that go to the heart of how we reason and discover truth.

His findings go far toward explaining why American cultures seem to be aggressive and Chinese cultures so passive, when compared to each other. More importantly, the research opens the way for the peoples of the East and the West to learn from each other in basic ways. The Chinese could learn much from Western methods for determining scientific truth, said Kaiping Peng, a former Beijing Scholar, who is now a UC Berkley assistant professor of psychology. And Americans could profit enormously from the Chinese tolerance for accepting contradictions in social and personal life, he said.


“Americans have a terrible need to find out who is right in an argument,” said Peng. “The problem is that at the interpersonal level you really don’t need to find the truth, or maybe there isn’t any.” Chinese people, said Peng, are far more content to think that both sides have advantages and disadvantages, because they have a whole awareness that life is full of contradictions. They do far less blaming of the individual than do Americans, he added.

In studies of interpersonal (人际的) argument, for example, when subjects were asked to deal with contradictory information resulting from conflict between a mother and a daughter or a student and a school, Peng found that Americans were “non-compromising (折中), blaming one side—usually the mother—for the causes of the problems, demanding changes from one side to attain a solution and offering no compromise” in dealing with the conflict. Compared to this angry, blaming American method, the Chinese were paragons (模范) of compromise, finding fault on both sides and looking for solutions that moved both sides to the middle.

1.In Paragraph 1, the author sets examples in order to ____.

A.expose the contradiction between Chinese and Americans the differences between Chinese culture and American culture

C.find the reason for the differences

D.generalize the main idea of the passage

2.In the opinion of Peng, compared with Americans, Chinese are____.

A.likely to find the truth in life

B.unwilling to admit their own failure

C.unwilling to have a general idea of things

D.likely to know advantages and disadvantages of things

3.The studies show___. American treats his or her mother badly

B.different ideas of treating the aged

C.different personality of Chinese and Americans

D.different hobbies of Americans and Chinese

4.The main idea of the passage is___.

A.polarities between American and Chinese cultures

B.extreme ends of the string

C.different attitudes towards the aged

D.different manners in social occasions


    Dearborn Heights, Michigan—2.7 million children under 18 have a parent in prison, and women put in local prisons are the fastest growing population. Shawna Reynolds has seen some of those women up close while working in the corrections system(劳教所) for 17 years, and she was encouraged to try something different.

After seven years of education and collecting as much money as she could, Shawna created About Face Course Correction—a one-year rehabilitation program(康复项目) that offers a more personal way to help non-violent women prisoners. The program includes classes for women to finish their education, find a job and So on. “You can’t expect people who have been in prison to stay in prison,” Shawna says. “YOU want them to be helpful people but if you are not going to help them, it’s not going to happen.”

The women live free for a year in a house in Dearborn Heights, Michigan. Women like 20-year-old Jennifer Douglas, who dropped out of school, took drugs(吸毒), and has spent years in and out of prison. She says,“I was doing things I would never have thought I would do in my whole life. Because of About Face, Jennifer’s life is changing. ” “Everyone is starting to trust me again and proud of me and what I’m doing,” she says. “It’s helped me a lot. It has kept me on the right track.”

There are many other women like Jennifer. Every woman’s story is different, but each woman is important. And Shawna is determined to break the cycle and help them turn their lives around. She is using her own money and donations to pay for the house and this program. If you would like to donate, please visit their Go Fund Me account here.

1.Shawna set up About Face to help women who have been in prison ________. more happily

B.become non-violent

C.escape from prison

D.go on the right track

2.Shawna Reynolds can be described as ________.





3.This passage most probably comes from ________.

A.the Internet

B.a magazine

C.a newspaper

D.a poster

4.What’s the writing purpose of the passage?

A.To collect suggestions for the program.

B.To tell a story about Jennifer Douglas.

C.To introduce Shawna and her program.

D.To show Shawna has been in trouble.


    A Canadian woman who lost her diamond ring 13 years ago while cleaning her garden on the family farm is wearing it proudly again after hew daughter-in-law pulled it from the ground or a carrot.

Mary Grams, 84, said she can’t believe the lucky carrot actually grew through and around the diamond ring she had long given up hope of finding. She said she never told her husband, Norman, that she lost the ring, but only told her son. Her husband died five years ago.

“I feel glad and happy, ”Grams said this week . “I grew into the carrot. I feel it amazing”,

Her daughter-in-law, Calleen Daley, found the ring while getting carrots in for supper with her dog Billy at the farm near Armena, Alberta, where Grams used to live. The farm has been in the family for 105 years. Daley said while she was pulling the carrots and noticed one of them looked strange She almost fed it to her dog bu decided to keep it When she was washing ;the carrots she noticed the ring and spoke to her husband, Grams’son, about what she had found.

They quickly called Grams. “I told her we found her ring in the garden She couldn’t believe it, ”Daley said. “It was so strange that the carrot grew perfectly through that ring. ”

Grams said she wanted to try the ring on again after so many years With her family looking on, she washed the ring with a little soap to get the dirt off. It moved on her finger as easily as i did when her husband gave it to her.

“We were laughing, ” she said. “It fits. After so many years it still fits perfectly.”

1.How old was Grams when she lost her diamond ring?

A.13. B.71.

C.84. D.105.

2.Who found the woman’s long-lost diamond ring?

A.Mary Grams, B.Norman.

C.Colleen Daley. D.Billy.

3.This passage mainly tells us that         .

A.a Canadian woman lost her ring

B.a long-lost ring was found

C.the family farm has a long history

D.a strange carrot was pulled








On the journey of my growth, there are many people who have cared about me and helped me when I'm in trouble.




增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号 (∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词.

删除:把多余的词用斜线 \ 划掉.


注意:1 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词.

2 只允许修改10处,多者 (从第11处起) 不计分.

My grandpa is a retired teacher He used to teaching in the school of his village At that time he was only teacher in the school which taught all the grades all the subjects He worked there for nearly forty years He was so busy that he hardly had time for his families During those years grandpa was willing devoted to his work Since his retirement great changes have been taken place in his village but a new school building has been completed Today the students will move into the new building For the invitation of the school grandpa will give a talk to the teachers and students as a guest of honor Grandpa is exciting about it He will give a gift to the school which is a name list of all the students he teaches


阅读下面短文,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式Now and then you are not satisfied with yourselfthinking you're short of beautyshort of money or short of friendship.Actuallyall these are not necessary.Why not learn to love yourself?

Loving yourself means loving everything in youyour heightyour voiceyour eyesyour haireven  1.(include) the mistakes that you have made.2.  we knowno one is perfect.Always ask yourself“Am I getting unhappy just because of the mistakes I made” or “Do I have the courage to correct my mistakes”  3.  the answer is yes or nohaving a positive attitude is the most important.Bravely face the mistakes that  4.(make) yesterday and try your best to encourage yourself to learn 5.  them.They might be your best teachers.When correcting the mistakes and making your own 6. (decide)you will find that you are getting 7. (strong) and more optimistic with each day passing.Don't expect everybody to like you.8.  is still OK if someone doesn't like you.Being 9.  you are is the best way to show your love for yourself.

My dear friendsget 10. (start) from now on.Love yourself and smile every day!


    After having a child, I found my regular exercise interrupted. I was not only busy: I also lacked the motivation. Solo gym sessions or some quick______following the DVD while the baby sleeps didn’t______me at all. So I decided to sign up for a hiking______in Peru, hoping that it would get me______again.

Looking over my travel arrangements before I left. I______phrases such as “3-hour hike______primitive forests” and “sliding with a rope down waterfalls”, and I started to feel a little______.

However, as we made our way through the forests and were______with amazing views of______waterfalls, this team of strangers______me to go on. Being physically active with a group motivated me to reach the______or the valley below-rather than simply lying down on the forest floor and giving up,______I might have done if I were alone.

____confirm my experience: Group exercise can really start a new attitude toward fitness. “People get a better______in a group than they do on their own,” said Allison Kimmel, a group______instructor. That’s because other people______both support and competition. “Humans are______animals and the shared experience of facing a challenge______is compelling(不可抗拒的),” said David Ezell, the CEO of fitness provider Darien Wellness.

With the______of a group, I'm slowly getting back into a______lifestyle.

1.A.summary B.addition C.exercise D.1ecture

2.A.contribute to B.appeal to C.cater to D.object to

3.A.trip C.award D.speech

4.A.acting B.flying C.studying D.moving

5.A.examined B.scanned C.copied D.deleted

6.A.across B.over C.through D.beyond

7.A.convinced B.disappointed C.delighted D.worried

8.A.rewarded B.crowded C.covered D.equipped

9.A.awful B.awesome C.accessible D.still

10.A.begged B.forced C.permitted D.inspired

11.A.summit B.foot C.destination D.waterfall

12.A.that B.which C.where D.when

13.A.Victims B.Tourists C.Strangers D.Experts

14.A.position B.workout C.income C.flight

16.A.offer B.consume C.receive D.ignore

17.A.natural B.traditional C.practical

18.A.alone B.alike C.together D.close

19.A.popularity B.development C.increase

20.A.wealthier B.healthier C.higher D.richer


    You may have grown up living with lots of siblings, or this may be your first time sharing your living space with someone else. 1. Follow these tips to make sure you and your roommate keep things pleasant and supportive throughout the year (or even years)!

Be clear about your expectations from the beginning. Do you know in advance that you hate it when someone hits the snooze button (贪睡闹铃) fifteen times every morning? That you’re a neat freak (怪人)? That you need ten minutes to yourself before talking to anyone after you wake up? 2. It’s not fair to expect him or her to pick up on them right away, and communicating what you need is one of the best ways to avoid problems before they become problems.

Address problems when they’re little. Is your roommate always forgetting her things for the shower, and taking yours? 3. Addressing things that annoy you while they’re still little can help your roommate be aware of something she may not otherwise know. And addressing little things is much easier than addressing them after they’ve become big.

4. This may seem simple, but it’s probably one of the biggest reasons why roommates experience conflict. Don’t think he’ll mind if you borrow his shoes for a quick soccer game? For all you know, you just stepped over an uncrossable line. Don’t borrow, use, or take anything without getting permission first.

Be mindful of who you bring into your room-and how often. 5. But your roommate may not. Be mindful of how often you bring people over. If your roommate studies best in the quiet, and you study best in a group, can you alternate who hits the library and who gets the room?

A. Be open to new ideas and experiences.

B. Respect all the things that belong to your roommate.

C. You may love having your study group into your room.

D. Expect to learn, grow and change during the time in the college.

E. Are your clothes being borrowed faster than you can wash them?

F. Let your roommate know as soon as you can about your little preferences.

G. Having a roommate can be both a challenge and a great part of your college experience.


    In many countries, authority is seldom questioned, either because it is highly respected, or because it is feared. Because rank has been important in certain societies for a long time, people have been trained never to question those in authority. For example, children are not expected to question their teachers in school. It may be considered improper for young businessmen to suggest ideas that differ from those of older, more experienced members of the business.

In other countries, including America, children are trained to question and search for answers. When a child asks a question, he will often be told to go to the library and find the answer for himself. By the time students reach the age of 14 or 15, they may be developing exciting new ideas in all fields of science and arts. To encourage such creativity, there are many national prizes offered to students every year for their scientific discoveries and artistic accomplishments.

This interest in questioning and searching may be considered by some people as bad for young people’s manners, that young people lack respect for authority. This impression may be created when visitors notice young Americans asking questions and arguing with older people. However, this is because many Americans have a different attitude toward authority than may exist in other areas of the world. In a work or business situation, ideas are freely and openly discussed and argued. It is important to remember that it is the person’s ideas that are being questioned, not the individual himself. The two are quite separate. The purpose of the searching, questioning, and arguing is to find the facts in a particular situation, and therefore a solution, so that the work of the business can progress in the most effective manner possible.

As was mentioned earlier, you may notice the same questioning in social conversations. Although some individual may think that Americans are rude because of the direct manner with people, they are merely trying to learn more about your ideas.

1.In many countries authority is seldom questioned for the following reasons EXCEPT that _________.

A.people show great respect for it

B.people are afraid of it

C.people don’t care about it

D.people are not trained to question those in authority

2.National prizes are offered to students in America every year because _________

A.the students of this age are very curious

B.the students often go to the library and find the answer to a question for themselves

C.the students may be developing exciting new ideas in all fields of science and arts

D.the students are encouraged to develop their creativity

3.From the text we can infer that _________ .

A.young people lack respect for authority in America

B.what matters is that the questioning of authority leads to an effective solution

C.questioning a person is impolite and his ideas as well

D.American young people always give the impression of being rude to others

4.What is possibly the best title of the text?

A.Developing the Quality of Questioning

B.Rude or Honest?—True Americans

C.Questioning the Authority Is Impolite

D.Bad Manners or Good Ways


    Many of you may have used Siri, a voice assistant of US tech company Apple. You only have to say “hey Siri” and it will answer to your command. However, we may be sacrificing our privacy to enjoy this convenience.

According to a recent report by the Guardian, Siri can be accidentally triggered and start recording private conversations, such as discussions between doctors and patients. Some of these recordings are then given to workers outside the company to review.

Apple claimed the data was used to help Siri improve, but users were not informed of this measure in the first place.

Apple’s Siri is not the only voice assistant to come under fire.

In 2018, Alexa, a voice assistant developed by US tech company Amazon, recorded a private conversation between a couple and sent it to a stranger without their permission.

These issues deepened concerns that tech companies are infringing users’ rights of privacy.

Many people have long feared that tech companies are listening and collecting data from private conversations, reported Forbes. Using this data, third party companies could then paint an accurate picture of users’ habits and preferences in order to serve them more targeted advertisements, or even worse, sell this private data.

Despite this risk, the popularity of voice assistant seems to be unstoppable.

“In the near future, everything from your lighting to your air-conditioning to your refrigerator, your coffee maker, and even your toilet could be wired to a system controlled by voice,” commented The Atlantic.

Colin Horgan wrote on the blog site Medium that he believed people’s daily lives will soon become a source of data.

“The sounds of our homes, the symphony of life — laughing, crying, talking, shouting, sitting in silence — will no longer be considered memories, but data,” he wrote.

To deal with the issue, Blake Morgan, reporter for The Atlantic, believed that the answer is transparency.

“All companies need to have messaging ready to explain to customers what they do with private data,” she wrote on The Atlantic.

1.What does the underlined sentence mean?

A.There are other fire-proof voice assistants.

B.Other voice assistants are also being developed.

C.There are other voice assistants being criticized.

D.Other voice assistants also need improvements.

2.What seems to be people’s biggest concern about voice assistants?

A.Invading their privacy. B.Sending their message.

C.Making no improvements. D.Serving them targeted advertisements.

3.What should companies do to solve the problem, according to Blake Morgan?

A.To stop collecting data through voice assistant.

B.To explain their use of the data to customers.

C.To make their data more transparent.

D.To slow down the pace of technology advancement.

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To show visions of a data world in the future.

B.To inform people of what tech companies are really up to.

C.To draw attention to the privacy issue voice assistants bring about.

D.To criticize companies’ invading customers’ privacy by collecting data.


“A bird with a broken wing will never fly as high. ” I’m sure T. J,  Ware was made to feel this way almost every day in school.

By high school, T, J. was the most celebrated troublemaker in his town. Teachers literally cringed when they saw his name posted on their classroom lists.

I met T. J. for the first time when all the students at school were attending ACE training.  At first, he showed no interest in the discussion.  But slowly, the interactive games drew him in.  T. J.  had some brilliant thoughts on those situations, which were welcomed by his group.  By the end of the activity, the other students on the team were impressed with his concern and ideas and elected T. J.  co-chairman of the team.

When T. J. showed up at school on Monday morning, a group of teachers were expressing their disagreements to the school principal about his being elected co-chairman. The principal reminded them that the purpose of the program was to uncover any positive feeling and strengthen its practice until true change can take place. The teachers left the meeting, firmly convinced that failure was unavoidable.

Two weeks later, T. J.  and his friends led a group of 70 students to collect food  They collected a school record: 2,854 cans of food in just two hours.  The local newspaper covered the event with a full-page article the next day. That newspaper story was posted on the main bulletin board at school, where everyone could see it. 

T. J. ,s picture was up there for doing something great.

T. J. started showing up at school every day and answered questions from teachers for the first time.  The event he started now yields 9,000 cans of food in one day, taking care of 70 percent of the need for food for one year.

T, J. reminds us that a bird with a broken wing only needs mending.  But once it has healed, it can fly higher than the rest.  T. J.  got a job.  He became productive.  He is flying quite nicely these days.

1.What do we know about T.J. before he attended the training?

A. He was talkative in class.

B. He didn't have a good fame.

C. His ideas were quite impressive.

D. He showed up at school every day.

2.Why did the team members elect T.J. co-chairman?

A. He promised them a bright future.

B. They wanted to offer him a chance.

C. They thought the job was quite easy.

D. He was considered qualified for the job.

3.What do we know about people's attitude towards T. J. 's being elected?

A. Uncaring.    B. Favorable.

C. Controversial.    D. Doubtful.

4.What does the author try to convey with this story?

A. No pain, no gain.    B. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

C. Don't judge a book by its cover.    D. Treat others as you want to be treated.


Chester is one of the best cities in the UK. As soon as you arrive in Chester you will appreciate the city’s unique atmosphere and sense of history. Founded by the Romans over 2,000 years ago, much of the Roman influence remains and Chester’s city walls are the most complete in Britain. Combined with history and heritage(遗产), Chester is a dynamic city full of bars, pubs, clubs, hotels and restaurants for you to discover, tempting you to visit again and again.

Travelling to Chester?

Chester is easily accessible by many means of transport — whether you are travelling by rail, car, bus or plane. Please check our route planner below to help you plan your journey to Chester. Once you arrive in the city there are numerous car parks; however, during rush hours the easiest way to travel in Chester city centre is via park and ride facilities, which are parking lots with public transportation.


From bed & breakfasts to the luxury of Chester’s only five star hotel, Chester has all covered. Whether your trip is for business or pleasure your room is just a click away!

Sightseeing and Tours?

One of the best ways to see Chester is by a guided tour and you have a variety to choose from. Whether you choose the traditional guided walk, to be guided around Chester’s historical landmarks by bus or to take a boat down the River Dee, you will sure enjoy the delights of Chester.

1.What can we know about Chester from the first paragraph?

A. It is a newly built city.

B. It is the best city in the UK.

C. It is rich in the deep culture and modern touch.

D. Many of its city walls were completed by British people.

2.What is the most convenient way to get around Chester city centre during rush hours?

A. By bus.    B. By bicycle.

C. By rail.    D. By taxi.

3.What had you better do to have a better understanding of Chester?

A. Choose a bus tour.    B. Join a guided tour.

C. Take a traditional walk.    D. Swim down the river.


假如你是李华,想邀请你的朋友John在周六晚上去观看科幻电影 The Wandering Earth,请用英语给他写一封邮件,内容包括:








Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua




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Dear Bill,

I’m glad to receive your letter. Thank you for your caring for the weather or my health. Now I’d like to tell you anything about the smog.

Since last winter, the smog has been occurred a lot of times. It has done great harm to our daily life—a great number people got sick; many traffic accidents happened and quite lots of flights had to be put up. Luckily, people have realized the serious harm causing by the smog and the importance of protecting the environment. People all over the country are taking measure to reduce the smog. As for me, I will go to school by bike or on foot, and I would not throw the waste anywhere. Beside, I will tell people around to try their best to protect the environment. Would you like to tell me some other good ideas?

Looking forward to receive your reply.


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