One of the most inspiring quotes I ever heard was by Brian Tracy. He said: “The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people fail many more times than unsuccessful people.” I personally experienced the wisdom of that understanding right after my first book was published. Like many authorsI expected hundreds of bookstore customers lining up for me to sign copies for them. I’m afraid to say, it didn’t quite happen like that.

My first signing was arranged at the largest bookstore in the city. Filled with anticipationI was put into a private signing room in the beautiful store. Despite a nice sign placed outside the room exhibiting images of both me and my book, not a single customer entered the room. As each minute passed, I became increasingly anxious.

Do they not like the title? I wondered. Do they not like the book cover?

After 90 minutes of this torture, I was absolutely distraught.

For the four years writing the book, I had felt a sense of mission and purpose like never before in my life. Working a full 8-hour day in my clinic, I had to get into bed by 9:30 pm every day, so I could wake up at 5:30 in the morning and have two hours of writing before heading into my clinic. Before I ever began each writing session, I would close my eyes for 10 minutes and then whisper, “Please grant me the words to touch just one person’s life”

Now, sitting there alone at my first book signingI wondered if my entire life wasn’t just a big joke. At that moment, just when I couldn’t feel any worse, a middle-aged couple walked into the room. I managed to hide my emotions and introduced myself and my book. There was something different about the way they were looking at me that I couldn’t quite identify. But I didn’t know what else to say. The couple turned to each other, and the husband nodded to his wife. She then told me, “I think we’ll get the book.” My heart began to pound. But I realized the woman was trying to say something else.

“The reason we’re buying it” she said hesitantly, “is because our son committed suicide two years ago. Maybe your story will help us get over it.”

At that moment, I knew if I never sold another copy of the book, my four years of writing it had served its purpose. Although I would have many more challenging years until my book caught on and sold well, this couple’s story was all the motivation I needed at that point to keep me moving ahead. Thanks to them, I would come to the realization that the greatest of lives are made all in the same way: One challenge... one hurdle... one step... and one small victory at a time.

1.The writer quotes Brian Tracy to emphasize the importance of _________.

A.conscience B.success

C.confidence D.perseverance

2.The word “distraught” (paragraph 4) probably means ________.

A.bored and impatient B.cheerful and proud

C.upset and disappointed D.miserable and ashamed

3.What can be inferred from paragraph 5?

A.The writer had to quit his job to make time for his writing.

B.The writer was not sure about the purpose of his writing at first.

C.The writing was completed with great self-discipline and efforts.

D.The process of writing the book was full of pains and frustration.

4.By saying “my four years of writing it had served its purpose”, the author probably means that _________.

A.he had succeeded in selling his first book to the couple

B.he had managed to touch someone’s life with his book

C.he was quite satisfied with the feedback of his readers

D.he had found someone who appreciated his writing


    Like a tired marriage, the relationship between libraries and publishers has long been dull. E- books, however, are causing heartache. Libraries know they need digital wares, but many publishers are too cautious about piracy(盗版) and lost sales to co-operate. Among the big six, only Random House and Harper Collins license e-books with most libraries.

Publishers are wise to be nervous. Owners of e-readers(电子阅读器) are exactly the customers they need: book-lovers with money. If these people switch to borrowing e-books instead of buying them, what then? Electronic borrowing is awfully convenient. Unlike printed books, which must be checked out and returned to a physical library miles from where you live book files can be downloaded at home. The files disappear from the device when they are due.

E-lending is not simple, however. There are lots of different and often incompatible(不兼容的) e-book formats, devices and licenses. Most libraries use a company called OverDrive, which secures rights from publishers and provides e-books and audio files in every format. Yet publishers and libraries are worried by Over Drive’s global market dominance(优势), as the company can control fees and conditions. Publishers were annoyed when OverDrive cooperated with Amazon, the world’s biggest online bookseller, last year. Owners of Amazon’s Kindle e-reader who want to borrow e-books from libraries are now redirected to Amazon’s website, where they must use their Amazon account to secure a loan.

According to Pew, an opinion researcher, library users are a perfect market for Amazon. Late last year Amazon introduced its Kindle Owners’ Lending Library, which lets its best customers borrow free one of thousands of popular books each month.

Library supporters argue that book borrowers are also book buyers and that libraries are vital spaces for readers to discover new works. Many were cheered by a recent Pew survey»which found that more than half of Americans with library cards say they prefer to buy their e-books.

So publishers keep adjusting their lending arrangements in search of the right balance.

Random House raised its licensing price’s earlier this year, and Harper Collins limits libraries to lending its titles 26 times.

1.It can be inferred from Paragraph 1 that ________.

A.several big publishers have sold e-books to libraries

B.most publishers are hesitant to cooperate with libraries

C.libraries are eager to keep strong relationship with publishers

D.libraries and publishers face the same problem of e-books’ piracy

2.Why are publishers worried that people will switch to electronic borrowing?

A.E-books must be checked out and returned to libraries regularly.

B.There is no time limit for the book files downloaded on the device.

C.There are lots of different and incompatible e-book formats available.

D.Book sales may drop sharply because of convenient electronic borrowing.

3.We can learn from the text that ________.

A.Amazon is adopting measures to win more customers

B.e-books can be lent at libraries as many times as you like

C.Over Drive distributes e-books and audio files to publishers

D.over half of Americans are borrowing e-boo from libraries

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.The Hopeful Future of Publishing Business

B.The Uncertain Economics of Lending E-books

C.The Dull Relationship between Libraries and Publishers

D.The Close Cooperation between OverDrive and Amazon


    Essentially, everyone has two ages. a chronological(按时间计算的)age, how old the calendar says you are, and a biological age, basically the age at which your body functions as it compares to average fitness or health levels.

“Chronological age isn’t how old we really are. It’s merely a number,” said Professor David Sinclair at Harvard University. “It is biological age that determines our health and ultimately our lifespan. We all age biologically at different rates according to our genes, what we eat, how much we exercise, and what environment we live in. Biological age is the number of candles we really should be blowing out. In the future, with advances in our ability to control biological age, we may have even fewer candles on our birthday cake than the previous one.”

To calculate biological age, Professor Levine at Yale University identified nine biomarker(生物标志) that seemed to be the most influential on lifespan by a simple blood test. The numbers of those markers, such as blood sugar and immune(免疫的) measures, can be put into the computer, and the algorithm(算式;算法)does the rest.

Perhaps what’s most important here is that these measures can be changed. Doctors can take this information and help patients make changes to lifestyle, and hopefully take steps to improve their biological conditions. “I think the most exciting thing about this research is that these things aren’t set in stone,” Levine said. “People can be given the information earlier and take steps to improve their health before it’s too late.”

Levine even entered her own numbers into the algorithm. She was surprised by the results. “I always considered myself a very healthy person. I’m physically active; I eat what I consider a fairly healthy diet. But I did not find my results to be as good as I had hoped they would be. It was a wake-up call,” she said.

Levine is working with a group to provide access to the algorithm online so that anyone can calculate their biological age, identify potential risks and take steps to improve their own health in the long run. “No one wants to live an extremely long life with a lot of chronic(慢性的)diseases,”

Levine said. “By delaying the development of mental and physical functioning problems, people can still be engaged in society in their senior years. That is the ideal we should be pursuing.”

1.By saying “we may have even fewer candles on our birthday cake than the previous one” in Para. 2, the author means   .

A.we don’t have to celebrate our birthday every year

B.we are chronologically older than last year

C.we might be less happy than the previous year

D.we may be biologically younger than the year before

2.According to Prof. Levine, what is the most exciting thing about her research?

A.The measures are not fixed.

B.Health services can be set up.

C.The problems are not that serious.

D.The research results are written in stone.

3.What does the author want to tell us by Levine’s example in Para. 5?

A.It is necessary to change our diet regularly.

B.The test results may give us wrong information.

C.Waking up early in the morning is good for our fitness.

D.The algorithm can reveal our potential health problems.

4.The ultimate goal of Levine’s research is to   . people from chronic diseases out a solution to genetic problems

C.keep people socially active even in old age

D.provide people with access to scientific theory


    Choosing where to live may be one of the biggest decisions you’ll make when you move to Sydney, but you’ll have plenty of help.

Temporary arrival accommodation

Before you move to Sydney, we recommend that you book a temporary place to stay. Once you get here, you can look for longer-term accommodation.


On-campus-residential colleges (fully catered饮食全包的)

The University has eight residential colleges on the Camperdown/Darlington Campus, including International House, a residential community of global scholars. Colleges provide comfortable, fully furnished single rooms and daily meals, along with sporting, cultural, leadership and social programs. They also include on-site tutorials(辅导课) in addition to campus-based classes.

On-campus residences (self-catered饮食自理的)

The University has two self-run residences—Queen Mary Building (QMB) and Abercrombie Student Accommodation—on the Camperdown/Darlington Campus. Both just under a year old, they house up to 1000 students. These residences provide modern single-study rooms with large common living, learning and study spaces, shared kitchens, a theatre, gyms, soundproofed music rooms, art studios, sky lounges and rooftop gardens.

Off-campus living

More than 90 percent of our students live off campus. The University is close to many dynamic and multicultural suburbs such as Annandale, Newtown, Chippendale and Glebe. A great place to search is our large online database of properties.

1.Where can you find a place to live temporarily?

A. On “”.

B. On “”.

C. On “”.

D. On “”.

2.What do students living in QMB have access to?

A. Their own kitchens.

B. On-site tutorials.

C. Daily meals.

D. Gyms.

3.What is the most popular choice among students?

A. Living off campus.

B. Living in host families.

C. Living in self-catered flats on campus.

D. Living in fully catered houses on campus.


为了激发同学们的想象力和对未来生活的猜想,你校的英语报开办了专栏Future Life。请你根据以下提示为专栏撰稿,介绍一下你想象中的未来的汽车:















The first time I went to the zoo was several years agowith parents.Yesterday I went to the zoo with some classmates.Arriving herewe got a guidebook and started walking round a zoo.We all got pretty exciting about visiting the animals.But something in their eyes made me to think they might enjoy live in the wild rather than be kept in a cage.One classmate might have guessed what had come in my mindas he tells me at least in this way we had a good chance to know more about the animals.I don’t know.Maybe some days there will have a better way to see and study them.



One morninga bus was runningin which were some people 1. (go) to work. Suddenlya car rushed out  from  a  nearby  roadthe  bus 2. (force) to stop. It was a car taking pictures of a wedding (婚礼)3. (follow) by a line of slowmoving   wedding cars.The passengers started to complain that they would be late 4. workbut the  bus  driver just  sat  in  his  seat 5. (quiet) and rang the horn (喇叭) from time to time.

Someone said to the driver“No use ringing the hornthey won’t make way for you.You’d better rush through the line.”

The driver turned back and said with 6. smile“I’m ringing the horn not to urge them to make way for 7. (I)but to wish them happiness.”After a secondhe added“Marriage is a happy thingso we have a chance 8. (make) way for others’ happiness.Isn’t it a happy thing

The passengers on the bus calmed down.

9. is a happy thing to make way for others’ happiness.The one 10. has such a feeling is certainly a happy person.


    Success doesn’t begin until you start the walk down the pathway towards your goals.Andyour walk ______ begins with a baby step.Why do we ______  them baby steps? Are they really more important than our ______ steps down life’s pathway?

Baby steps are the first steps we take as an act of faith.We ______ others stepping out and we claim (声称) our ability to ______ by following them.As we growwe ______ our development by taking additional baby steps.Sometimes we fallsometimes we fail.Thereafterall ______ become an act of faithwe just become more practiced.______ you say to yourself“I don’t want to ______ myself” or “I won’t try unless I’m sure I will succeed” you’ll ______ never take the baby steps towards your ______ and end up wallowing in (沉湎) your own selfpity.

In societywe focus on (关注) results.We ______ every risk that must be taken to reach our goals.There are ______ people who are skilful performers of any tasks the first time they ______ them.They fail and succeed.Thenthey build upon the ______ they have learned from each successive step.They practice their skills and use their talents through baby steps ______ they are ready to show them to the world.

So______ to take those baby steps to achieve the goals before you.As you become more ______your baby steps become a walkthen a jog (慢跑)and ______ a race.That’s how our baby steps ______ us through the marathon of life.

1.A.even B.always C.still D.also B.make D.keep

3.A.last B.first C.past

4.A.suggest B.imagine C.see

5.A.walk C.jump D.ride

6.A.change B.continue C.finish D.choose

7.A.dreams B.chances C.risks D.steps

8.A.Until B.Though C.If D.Unless

9.A.make a fool of B.take pity on jokes on D.make a secret of

10.A.especially B.immediately C.recently D.probably

11.A.acts B.goals C.results D.problems

12.A.consider B.repeat C.recognize D.face

13.A.many B.enough C.few

14.A.reach B.remember C.complete D.try

15.A.hopes B.abilities C.patience D.courage

16.A.although B.because C.before D.when

17.A.learn B.expect C.decide D.agree

18.A.important B.pleased C.popular D.skilled

19.A.suddenly B.finally C.usually D.frequently

20.A.lead B.train C.serve D.pass


New kinds of tourism

People are travelling more than ever before.The World Tourism Organisation says that by 2020 the number of international travellers will be more than 1.6 billion people per year.1. Here are four different kinds of tourism that have appeared recently.

Medical tourism can be for a lot of thingsfrom operations to visits to the dentist.2. A few of the popular countries offering medical tourism are IndiaCubaThailand and Jordan.

Nearly all tourists eat in restaurantsand dining is one of the top three tourist activities.But if you were in a country famous for its foodwould you learn how to cook it? Welcome to the unusual form of culinary (烹饪的) tourismwhere people go to another country to learn how to prepare its food.3.

4. Examples include tours to New Orleans after Hurricane  (飓风)  Katrinato  parts  of Thailand after the tsunami (海啸) or tourist visits to ground zero in New York.This kind of tourism is  not  very  popular  with  local  people  for understandable reasons.

Another growing area of tourism is literary (文学的) tourism.5. It can be connected to the life of an authorfor examplevisiting the author’s home or favourite placesor connected to the lives of characters in a story.It can also be a visit to a place where a film was made.

A.Cooking holidays are growing in popularity now.

B.It is known that few sites of disasters can be visited.

C.Many people enjoy these historical tourist attractions.

D.Disaster tourism is the act of visiting the site of a disaster.

E.This is a kind of cultural tourism and there are several types.

F.This kind of tourism includes going to a different country for health care.

G.The increase in the number of tourists also means an increase in the kinds of tourism.


    Whether in the home or the workplace, social robots are going to become a lot more common in the next few years. Social robots are about to bring technology to the everyday world in a more humanized way, said Cynthia Breazeal, chief scientist at the robot company Jibo.

While household robots today do the normal housework, social robots will be much more like companions than mere tools. For example, these robots will be able to distinguish when someone is happy or sad. This allows them to respond more appropriately to the user.

The Jibo robot, arranged to ship later this year, is designed to be a personalized assistant. You can talk to the robot, ask it questions, and make requests for it to perform different tasks. The robot doesn’ t just deliver general answers to questions; it responds based on what it learns about each individual in the household. It can do things such as reminding an elderly family member to take medicine or taking family photos.

Social robots are not just finding their way into the home. They have potential applications in everything from education to health care and are already finding their way into some of these spaces.

Fellow Robots is one company bringing social robots to the market. The company’ s “ Oshbot” robot is built to assist customers in a store, which can help the customers find items and help guide them to the product’ s location in the store. It can also speak different languages and make recommendations for different items based on what the customer is shopping for.

The more interaction the robot has with humans, the more it learns. But Oshbot, like other social robots, is not intended to replace workers, but to work alongside other employees. “ We have technologies to train social robots to do things not for us, but with us,” said Breazeal.

1.How are social robots different from household robots?

A.They can control their emotions.

B.They are more like humans.

C.They do the normal housework.

D.They respond to users more slowly.

2.What can a Jibo robot do according to Paragraph 3?

A.Communicate with you and perform operations.

B.Answer your questions and make requests.

C.Take your family pictures and deliver milk.

D.Obey your orders and remind you to take pills.

3.We can learn from the last paragraph that social robots will ______.

A.train employees our workmates

C.improve technologies

D.take the place of workers

4.What does the passage mainly present?

A.A new design idea of household robots.

B.Marketing strategies for social robots.

C.Information on household robots.

D.An introduction to social robots.


    When planning a vacationmany people consider the popular tourist sites they want to visit.But that’s not what my husband and I did when we planned our vacation to Japan.We thought about the kind of farm we wanted to visit.

Ours was far from a typical(典型的)vacation.We were WWOOFing! WWOOF stands for World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms.The organization connects people interested in organic   farming.Volunteersknown as WWOOFershelp their hosts with daily activities.These include everything from baking bread to picking vegetables.Hosts provide volunteers with food and provide a place for them to stay.

My husband and I certainly felt like family when our host met us at the train station.She told us to call her Okasan—Mom.Likewisewe called her husband Otosan—Dad.Okasan and Otosan own an organic vegetable farm that tries to provide the local people with freshhealthy food.When no WWOOFers are around to helpthe farm work is done only by Otosan and Okasan.As part of the familywe were able to enjoy the fruits of our labor at every meal.Eating fresh vegetables three times a day combined with six hours of farm workcertainly  did  our  bodies  good.We  planted vegetables and cleared rocks from fields.We also packed the vegetables so they could be sold at the market.

Perhaps the most challenging thing we did was weeding a rice field.It was quite challenging because the leaves and roots of the weeds look very similar to the rice.It’s not until both plants are mature (成熟的) that you can clearly tell them apart—only one produces rice.

WWOOFing is unlike anything I’ve ever done beforeand I can’t wait to do it again! Let’s WWOOF!

1.What do we know about WWOOF?

A.It belongs to a Japanese farm.

B.It helps the poor do farm work.

C.It provides tourists with hotels.

D.It is an organization connected with farming.

2.What can we infer from Paragraph 3 about Okasan and Otosan’s farm?

A.It benefits both the locals and WWOOFers.

B.It attracts many visitors every day.

C.It provides free food for the locals.

D.It is supported by the government.

3.What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?

A.The method of producing rice.

B.The hard time of the farm family.

C.The difficulties in weeding a rice field.

D.The most challenging thing for WWOOF.

4.The author would most likely describe her WWOOFing as ________.

A.satisfying B.worrying

C.boring D.tiring


    When people think of working animalswhat often comes to mind are dogs that watch sheephorses that work on farms and animals that perform in movies.But there are lots of other jobs animals have had over the years.

Dogs have greater sense of smell than humans.This made dogs the traditional hunting partnersmaking their owners able to follow foxes and other animals.Police departments have taken advantage of this skill to help find missing people and escaped criminals.Recentlydogs have been trained to find drugs and explosives (爆炸物).

The honeyguide lives in the southeast African nation of Mozambique.It has developed a winwin relationship with a group called the Yao.If a Yao member makes a certain soundthe honeyguide will fly from tree to tree directing him to a hidden bee box.Once the box is discoveredthe person breaks open the box for honeyand the honeyguide could enjoy the honeytoo.

Ferrets (雪貂) are cute and furry animals that are from 1.5 to 4 pounds.People  have taken advantage of a ferret’s natural ability to run through tiny space.Ferrets wear a special harness(甲胄) that makes them able to pull a string through hundreds of feet of tiny spacewhich is then used to pull computer wires through tiny space.

Baby flies are called maggots.The job of a maggot is to eat and grow until it turns into a fly.This is similar to how a caterpillar eats and grows until it becomes a butterfly.Howeverthere is a big difference between these insects.Caterpillars feed on plantswhile maggots eat meat.Actuallythey only enjoy bad meat.Maggots are used with patients who get serious infections that can’t be treated with antibiotics (抗生素).The maggots are used to the infected area for a number of days.They eat the dead part but leave the living part alonethereby helping patients recover from the infection.

1.From the passagewe can learn that dogs ________.

A.are the friendly friends of sheep

B.have developed a winwin relationship with people

C.have greater sense of smell than foxes and other animals human beings a lot in many areas

2.With the help of the honeyguidethe Yao member can ________.

A.find the hidden bee box

B.develop a great relationship with bees attention to dangerous things

D.stay away from criminals

3.What can we know from the passage?

A.The honeyguide can be used as medicine.

B.People can learn much from dogs and horses.

C.Ferrets are good at running through tiny space.

D.The baby fly is  always called the caterpillar.

4.People can take advantage of the baby flies to treat ________.

A.burns caused by explosives

B.terrible cancers

C.harm caused by bees

D.serious infections


Body Language Game

Three Games in One

Includes an Online Body Language Training

Play 3  different games with  the  Body Language  Cards  and  improve  yourself.This product contains 90 Body Language Interpretation Cards and 18 Task Cards.

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Company gifts:

For orders of 50 Body Language Games we can print your company logo (标识) on the box and on the cards.

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Delivery takes 710 business days.

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Discount possible  for orders of 100 Body Language Games.

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For any questions or bookingsplease contact us directly from this website using the contact form or phone:1 (310) 4022536.

1.How should people use the Body Language Game?

A.By playing cards together.

B.By watching the video games.

C.By receiving facetoface training.

D.By asking live presenters questions.

2.What benefit can a company get from a 50 order?

A.It will get free shipping.

B.It will receive a discount.

C.Its logo will appear on the product.

D.Its package will be delivered at once.

3.How much will a man in England pay to get a Body Language Game?

A.73.1. B.63.49.

C.57.60. D.47.99.



1.What does the speaker’s father do?

A.An engineer. B.A soldier. C.A doctor.

2.What’s the relationship between Simon and Diana?

A.Husband and wife.

B.Brother and sister.

C.Uncle and niece.

3.Where  does  the  speaker’s aunt live now?

A.In Australia. B.In Germany. C.In China.

4.How old is Tom now?

A.Six months old. B.Two years old. C.Three years old.



1.What did the man buy at the new market?

A.A volleyball. B.A suitcase. C.Some shorts.

2.Who bought a silver phone?

A.David. B.Betty. C.John.

3.What did Anna get?

A.A CD. B.A schoolbag.

C.A magazine.

4.How many people are there in the man’s family?

A.Five. B.Six. C.Seven.



1.What was the good news about?

A.A school B.A match. C.A painting.

2.How long will the show last?

A.Six hours. B.Seven hours. C.Eight hours.

3.What will the man do next?

A.Call his parents.

B.Go to the show.

C.Meet the head teacher.



1.What day is it today?

A.Wednesday. B.Thursday. C.Friday.

2.What will the man do this afternoon?

A.Clean the blackboard.

B.Clean the windows.

C.Sweep the floor.



1.When will the man travel to Boston?

A.In March. B.In April. C.In May.

2.Why will the man go to Boston?

A.To watch a sports event.

B.To receive some training.

C.To take part in a marathon.


What are the speakers talking about?

A.Their homework. B.A teacher. C.History.


When is the train leaving?

A.At 10:15. B.At 10:30. C.At 10:40.


What does the man think of Mary?

A.Hardworking. B.Popular. C.Strong.


How does the man suggest the woman go to the station?

A.By bus. B.On foot. C.By taxi.


What color is Jim’s hair?

A.Black. B.Gray. C.Brown.



Early in the morning I went to the ocean beach to play my guitar. The usually crowded beach was deserted except for two people. On one side of the boardwalk (木板人行道) was a woman who was cleaning the beach with a broom; on the other side was a lone figure sitting and staring to sea. I chose a spot between them and began to play.

As I played, the woman with the broom swept her way right next to me. She stopped sweeping and leaned on her broom, smiling at me. She appeared to be homeless with dirty mismatched clothes.

“You sure play beautiful music.” she said. “I think my friend would like you music. I want to hire you to play for her.” She pointed to the lone figure staring out at the ocean, then produced a few coins from her pocket. “I don’t have much, and I know you’re worth a lot, but if I give this to you, will you play a song for her? She’s going through a lot. I know the music will make her feel better.”

I told her I’d be happy to play for free.

As we walked over to her friend, the Broom Lady told me that her friend had not talked for weeks.We approached, and the Broom Lady introduced me, “Annie, I got you a present to cheer you up. It’s a guitar man who is going to play a song specially for you.”

Annie didn’t move. She was wearing dark sunglasses and had an old coat pulled up to cover most of her face.

I sat next to Annie and played. As I played I put every thought into having good things happen for this woman. I played for quite a while.

Suddenly, Annie turned toward me and said, “You make it so beautiful. I can feel it inside my heart.”


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

She took off her sunglasses.


Paragraph 2:

When I stopped playing and looked up, I was shocked to see a small crowed around us.



假设你是晨光中学高二(1)班的班长李华,得知美国学生Chris 作为交换生下学期将到你班学习。请根据提示给他写封邮件:







Dear Chris,



Li Hua



The world’s first 5G-enabled railway station is 1. its way! China Mobile Shanghai and tech giant Huawei jointly made an 2. (announce) on Monday that they will start the construction of 5G network in Shanghai Hongqiao Railway station, 3. (make) the station the world’s first to build upon a 5G system. It 4. (expect) to realize a deep indoor 5G coverage inside the station by the end of 2019 when 5. (traveller) will be able to enjoy various 5G network-based services. Using the super fast 5G WiFi, people can download a movie in less than 20 seconds in the 6. (crowd) station.

A 5G network in the railway station will be part of the effort 7. (promote) the digital economy development in Shanghai. Just 8. Peter Zhou, chief marketing officer for Huawei Wireless Network Product Line, said, “The railway stations of the future may be more intelligent than we can 9. (possible) imagine.

While 4G changes our life, 5G will change the society, 10. means using 5G technology to connect everything, such as robotics, cars, and so on. It will make the world fully digitalized and intelligent.


    I had driven home to celebrate my 38th birthday with my mother. When I arrived, I found her _______ proudly at the kitchen table, a chocolate cake and two boxes wrapped orange ribbon (丝带) in front of her. “Happy birthday!” she said, _______ at the boxes. “Open them.”

As she knows me _______ than anyone, she’d gotten me exactly what I wanted—running clothes. I _______ her and thanked her and proceeded(接着) to eat the cake.

“Too many _______,” I said, not really caring.

“You’ll run them off tomorrow,” Mom said.

Many adult children with a parent suffering from _______ memory will tell you there was one day that _______ to them that their relationship with their mother or father would be forever changed.

For me that day _______ two weeks later, when I drove back for another short _______. I came upon exactly the same ________: my mom sitting at the kitchen table; a chocolate cake resting next to two ________ wrapped in curly ribbon. The ribbon was green this time. That was the only ________ “Happy birthday!” my mom said.

I was totally ________. “What’s going on?” I asked.

Mom smiled. “Can’t I celebrate my daughter’s birthday?”

This was no ________. This was real life, and since my mother clearly only wanted to make me ________, I pushed aside my fear and fulfilled my role as the ________ daughter. I hugged her, thanked her and ________ the clothes... I did not mention to her that we’d done all this two ________ ago.

My house is her world now. My mother and I have the ________ conversation roughly 10 times a day. ________, I consider it a pleasure, because every minute is new for her. B.sitting C.singing D.dancing

2.A.shouting B.running C.staring D.gesturing

3.A.earlier B.longer C.better D.less

4.A.paid B.hugged C.comforted D.ignored

5.A.calories B.presents C.decorations D.candles

6.A.sad B.lasting C.failing D.past

7.A.signaled B.added C.appealed D.contributed

8.A.ended B.came C.changed D.disappeared

9.A.memory B.birthday D.visit B.idea C.scene D.celebration

11.A.boxes B.bags C.dresses D.hats

12.A.color B.choice C.attraction D.difference

13.A.moved B.confused C.embarrassed D.excited

14.A.pleasure B.trouble C.trick D.end

15.A.happy B.shocked C.puzzled D.upset

16.A.friendly B.successful C.forgetful D.grateful

17.A.admired B.washed C.declined D.wrapped

18.A.days B.weeks C.months D.years

19.A.previous B.annoying C.only D.same

20.A.Therefore B.Instead C.However D.Moreover


    “Cash is king” is an age-old saying. 1. When in Berlin, do not count on getting around easily with just a credit card. “Cash only” signs hang on front doors of shops and restaurants across the city.

2. After all, Germany is Europe’s leading economy and famous technological know-how. But, even while some of its neighbors in Europe and elsewhere are quickly swapping physical money for new pay technologies, many Germans prefer their euro bills. Cash is quick and easy to use, they argue. It provides a clear picture of personal spending, keeps transactions (交易) more private and is widely accepted in the country.

A study by the country’s central bank said Germans carried an average of 107 euros in their wallet. 3. Three-quarters of Americans in a U.S. bank survey said they carried less than $50, and one-quarter said they kept $10 or less in their wallet.

4. In 2008, for the first time, Germans used plastics for payments more than bills. According to a report, in Cologne, 48.6% of sales took place with a debit or a credit card, compared with 48.3% in cash.

Still, Germany has one of the highest rates of cash use in the European Union. The most important reasons for the close relationship of Germans to cash are their needs for protection of personal data, security and confidentiality (保密) of payments. 5. But the average German’s need for security will be sure to slow the process.

A. This may be surprising to some.

B. It’s far more than what Americans carry.

C. Change may happen in future generations.

D. Germany is not the only country that prefers cash.

E. For much of Germany, however, the phrase is still up to date.

F. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never heard of the saying.

G. That’s not to say that Germans rule out other modern payment methods.


    Being bored, lazy and disconnected from physical work leaves lots of time and space for your body and mind to fill with negative substitutes. Just as an old saying goes, idle hands are the devil’s playground.

Neuroscience (神经科学) actually supports this theory. Or at least, research shows that the opposite is true − active hands stimulate your brain to produce chemicals that balance emotions and lower anxiety.

In the 19th century anxious women were often given the prescription to knit (编织) because doctors sensed that it kind of calmed them down. That is not to say that anxiety can be cured by knitting. But it does highlight how repetitive hand movements involved in the craft combine with the satisfaction of casting off a finished product to wear or give. It carries mental health benefits at a deep, biochemical level.

Other research has focused on knitting’s emotional benefits. One study showed that knitting lowers the heart rate by 11 beats per minute. Another linked knitting with a decreased chance of developing cognitive impairment (认知障碍) and memory loss.

And still others point to positive benefits in managing chronic (慢性的) pain and depression. Of course, knitting is not the only way to take your emotional well-being into your own hands. Woodworking, gardening, pottery and painting will also benefit your mental health. And they all involve putting your two hands to work.

What do you do with your hands to keep them busy and keep yourself calm and happy?

1.What does the underlined word “idle” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A.Inactive. B.Occupied. C.Flexible. D.Awkward.

2.Why did doctors in the 19th century advise anxious women to knit?

A.To satisfy their need. B.To reduce their anxiety.

C.To help them make money. D.To equip them with a new skill.

3.Which of the following best expresses the key point of the text?

A.The advantages of active hands.

B.The effects of repetitive knitting.

C.The reliability of the scientific research.

D.The benefits of keeping positive.


    I.M. Pei, the Chinese-American, who was regarded as one of the last great modernist architects, has died at the age of 102.

Although he worked mostly in the United States, Pei will always be remembered for a European project: His redevelopment of the Louvre Museum in Paris in the 1980s. He gave us the glass and metal pyramid in the main courtyard, along with three smaller pyramids and a vast subterranean (地下的) addition to the museum entrance.

Pei was the first foreign architect to work on the Louvre in its long history, and initially his designs were fiercely opposed. But in the end, the French — and everyone else — were won over.

Winning the fifth Pritzker Architecture Prize in 1983, he was thought as giving the 20th century “some of its most beautiful inside spaces and outside forms. His talent and skill in the use of materials approach the level of poetry.”

After studying architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard, Pei set up his own architectural practice in New York in 1955.

Designing the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum in 1964 established him as a name. His East Building of the National Gallery of Art in Washington in 1978 changed people’s ideas of a museum. The site was an odd trapezoid (梯形) shape. Pei’s solution was to cut it in two. The resulting building was dramatic, light and elegant — one of the first crowd-pleasing cathedrals of modern art.

Though known as a modernist, and notable for his forms based on arrangements of simple geometric (几何的) shapes, he once urged Chinese architects to look more to their architectural tradition rather than designing in a western style.

In person, I.M. Pei was good-humored, charming and unusually modest. His working process was evolutionary, but innovation (创新) was never an intended goal.

“Stylistic originality is not my purpose,” he said. “I want to find the originality in the time, the place and the problem.”

1.What can we learn about the result of redevelopment of the Louvre Museum?

A.It was criticized by the French.

B.It turned out to be a success.

C.It made the Louvre Museum look strange.

D.It changed the function of the Louvre Museum.

2.What can we learn from the underlined sentence in paragraph 4?

A.He is a master in applying materials.

B.He is skilled in writing poems.

C.He often combines poetry and construction.

D.He gets inspiration from poetry in designing.

3.What’s the correct order of the following events?

a. Design the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum.

b. Study architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard.

c. Design the National Gallery of Art.

d. Win the fifth Pritzker Architecture Prize.

A.abcd B.bacd C.bcad D.dacd


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