Listed here are four of the thousands of impressive museums around the world.

The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao in BilbaoSpain

Built in 1997the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is one of the newest in the world.It has transformed the industrial city of Bilbao into a travelers' desired destination.The beautiful architecture of the museum has provided a dramatic background for movies and commercials.

The Louvre in ParisFrance

Probably the most famous Louvre also holds the most famous painting in the worldthe “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci.Crowds can be found any day surrounding the smallbut mysterious painting of the smiling woman.Butthe Louvre is much more than a home to the “Mona Lisa”The Louvre is visited by more people each year than any other museum in the world.

The Barnes Foundation in PhiladelphiaAmerica

Just opened in its new downtown location in 2012the Barnes Foundation is “unique”in that it is a completely reproduced display from one man's private collection.Dr.Albert CBarnes started collecting art in the early 20th century and collectedamong othersthe largest number of original Renoir paintings in the world.

The Uffizi Gallery in FlorenceItaly

Walking on the marbled floors feels like stepping back in time.The building itself is a beautiful palace—like structure with frescoes(湿壁画) decorating the ceilings and walls.Viewers are bowled over(印象深刻) by the works by Botticellisuch as “The Birth of Venus”Classic artworks from nearly 1000 years ago describe religious events of the time.

1.Which of the following is the most popular?

A. The Louvre.

B. The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.

C. The Barnes Foundation.

D. The Uffizi Gallery.

2.What makes the Barnes Foundation particular?

A. Its structure. B. Its collection.

C. Its location. D. Its history.

3.What type of writing is this text?

A. An activity poster.

B. An exhibition announcement.

C. An art show review.

D. A travel guide.


假如你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom听说在中国通过扫描二维码(scan QR codes)就可以轻松实现移动支付(mobile payment),感到不可思议。请你写封邮件告知移动支付在中国的相关情况。内容包括:

1. 移动支付在日常生活中的功能;

2. 移动支付对我们生活的影响。


1. 词数100左右。

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Tom,



Li Hua




删除:把多余的词用斜线(  )划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last term an English speech contest is held in our school. Seen the notice, many students took interest in it. My English teacher Miss Li thought it was a good chance for me to improving my English and encouraged me to take part. So I decided to have a try. During the prepare, my teacher offered me great help. She not only polished with my speech draft and also corrected my pronunciation. As a result, my speech improved great. Then the day for the competition came, and I did good job and got first prize! I owed it all to my teacher. Without his help, I wouldn’t have got so a good result.



1.Give the speakers clues about your listening, such as a nod of a__________ (赞成) or a smile.

2.This kind of animal lives between the surface of the ocean and a d__________ (深度) of about 3,300 feet.

3.Astronauts in flight must a___________ (适应) to weightlessness..

4.Alice, if you meet the following r____________ (要求), you can apply for the post as a shop assistant.

5.The prison was ordered to tighten s__________ (安全;保障) after a prisoner escaped yesterday.

6.The document contains sensitive information and is not suitable for free d_____________ (分发).

7.Amanda complained to the company about its awful service and they sent her a written a__________ (道歉).

8.Drive along the road which is p____________ (平行的) to the coastline, and you will enjoy the beautiful scenery.

9.This activity is o____________ (可选择的), so you can choose not to take part in it.

10.The activity was impressive and all the young people p_____________ (参加) in it learned valuable lessons from it.

11.On my way home last night, I heard a baby crying desperately ahead of me, which made me s__________ (害怕的) to death.

12.When I approached and saw a little cat, I was a__________ (意识到的) that it was the cat that produced the sound.

13.It is strongly r____________ (推荐;建议) that the machines should be checked every day.

14.She c__________ (安慰) herself with the thought that it would soon be spring.

15.The young couple always quarrel with each other after they got married. I think they will d__________ (离婚) sooner or later.



In recent years, a new idea 1. is called a “naked marriage” has arisen as the cost of living goes up. It has become a new trend for many young people in China. With a small marriage certificate in hand, they get married. And for the couples in a “naked marriage”, this certificate also contains other  2. (meaning).

A resident from Chengdu said, “There are many people like us born in 3. 1980s. Our families cannot afford 4. (buy) us new apartments, cars, let alone diamond rings. I think that's very normal for regular families. We must make a better future on 5. (we) own.”

A graduate of Sichuan University said, “The most important element in a marriage 6. (be) love. I believe our living conditions will 7. (gradual) get better.”

A professor says a “naked marriage” is in direct contradiction to China's 8. (tradition) marriage customs. However, as living costs continue to rise, this phenomenon may become more popular in the future.

But not all people have a positive opinion about a “naked marriage”. According to a survey  9. (conduct) by, only about 40% of the 3, 500 people surveyed like the idea of a “naked marriage”. About 80% of men support a “naked marriage”, 10. there are also 70% of women not supporting the idea because they think these marriages are not stable.


    I always hear about brave people on social media. If bravery is as simple as showing ______ during a time of fear, I ______ a time when I had a scary experience.

My family had just arrived at our Christmas holiday house when the ______ came to drop off the keys and ______ us to watch out for wild mice running around his house. My parents ______ and said they would ______ the situation if they appear. The thought of ______ something like a mouse ______ entered my mind. Besides, my father always came to my ______ if I needed him.

While my parents ______ our bags, I decided to watch a movie in my room. Everyone else was ______ so I had to take care of my brother. Halfway through the movie, I really needed to take a bathroom ______ so I stepped out of my room, leaving him alone in his baby bed. He disliked it, but I would only be ______ for a moment. “What's the ______ that could happen?” I thought.

When I left the room, my brother began to cry ______ he usually did. However, his crying grew louder and more fearful, so I hurried back, and was greeted by an ______ furry visitor.

“Dad!” I cried, “There is a rat in my room!”

“Kill it!” he ______.

“But dad, I can’t.”

My mind ______; I was so frightened. The first thing I saw was an umbrella, so I ______ it. I began to hit the rat until it stopped moving.

My parents were ______ that I put my fears aside to protect my brother. That day, I felt brave.

1.A. strength B. progress C. intelligence D. skill

2.A. waste B. recall C. spend D. appreciate

3.A. neighbor B. agent C. stranger D. owner

4.A. warned B. begged C. allowed D. encouraged

5.A. sighed B. nodded C. coughed D. shook

6.A. ignore B. handle C. overcome D. challenge

7.A. observing B. playing C. teasing D. killing

8.A. almost B. gradually C. never D. suddenly

9.A. life B. hand C. mind D. aid

10.A. unpacked B. unfolded C. unlocked D. uncovered

11.A. occupied B. excited C. hurried D. frightened

12.A. leave B. walk C. break D. chance

13.A. available B. brave C. lost D. gone

14.A. least B. worst C. most D. best

15.A. when B. if C. as D. until

16.A. unreasonable B. unexpected C. unconscious D. unqualified

17.A. complained B. informed C. yelled D. signed

18.A. froze B. broke C. wandered D. changed

19.A. kicked B. handed C. seized D. threw

20.A. afraid B. awkward C. overjoyed D. proud


Easy Ways to Expand Your Vocabulary

Why expand your knowledge and use of words? 1., people will understand you more easily, and you will increase the concept that you are an intelligent person. Besides, learning new words is a fun activity.

Read, read, and read. The more you read — not only novels and literary works, but also magazines and newspapers — the more words you’ll be exposed to. 2., attempt to derive meaning from the context of the words as well as from looking up the definition in a dictionary.

Keep a dictionary handy. 3.. When you uncover a new word, look it up in the dictionary to get both its pronunciation and its meaning. Next, go to the dictionary and find similar words and phrases — and their opposites — and learn the slight differences among the words.

4.. Simply talking with other people can help you learn new words. Once you hear a new word, remember to take it down so that you can study it later — and then slowly add the new word to your vocabulary.

Learn a word a day. Using a calendar or website — or developing your own list of words to learn — is a great technique many people use to learn new words. 5..

A. Get involved in conversations

B. As you read and uncover new words

C. By using the tips outlined in this article

D. Use whatever versions you prefer

E. Because you’ll be able to communicate (speak and write) more clearly and precisely

F. Plus, keeping a journal of all your new words can provide motivation for learning even more words

G. This approach may be too rigid (死板的;僵硬的) for some people, so even if you do use this method, don't feel you must learn a new word every day


    Vinegar is great. It makes salad, fries and dumplings taste better, and you can even clean your windows with it. And now, according to scientists, it may even help the plant’s population survive climate change. Researchers from the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science (CSRS) in Japan proved that. They found growing plants in vinegar makes them more resistant to droughts. This could mean that in the future, worries about climate change affecting the world’s supply of food will be much lower.

The discovery was made after the researchers studied the Arabidopsis, a plant known for its ability to survive in dry weather. It was found that when the plant was placed in drought—like conditions, it produced a chemical called acetate (醋酸盐) — the main component of vinegar.

After discovering this, the scientists experimented further by adding acetate to the soil of other plants before they stopped giving them water completely. After leaving the plants for 14 days, they found that the ones treated with acetate had survived, while the untreated plants had dried up and died.

It’s hoped that this simple method of survival could soon be used to help farmers in dry countries keep their crops alive. “In the experiment, we targeted the staple foods of the world-rice, wheat and maize… and proved successful” Jong Myong Kim, co-author of the study, told Popular Science magazine.

Kim has already been in touch with people around the world who are interested in trying this simple and cost-effective method out for themselves from farmers to companies and amateur gardeners. “Now we are trying to cooperate with them to make a method to apply this system, and make the process as simple as possible,” he said. Hopefully, this means the end of hunger caused by bad weather in the future.

1.What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 1 refer to?

A. Vinegar may help creatures survive bad weather.

B. Vinegar is found in plants by Japanese scientists.

C. Vinegar is very useful for cooking a good meal.

D. Vinegar is mainly used by people to clean houses.

2.Scientists in Japan find from their studies that        .

A. the Arabidopsis could survive in dry weather because of the shape

B. soil condition could be changed by pouring vinegar continually

C. the acetate can be used by farmers to substitute the soil

D. the plants treated with acetate could survive dry conditions

3.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. It’s too difficult for farmers to accept the method.

B. How to decrease the cost is the main issue.

C. The method is promising especially in agriculture.

D. Keeping plants alive means a lot for scientists.


    US scientists say they have poured cold water on the theory that washing hands with hot water kills more germs (细菌) than unheated water. The small study of 20 people found using water at 15 (59F) left hands as clean as water heated to 38 (100F).

National Health Service (NHS) recommends that people wash their hands in either cold or warm water. In this study, scientists at Rutgers University — New Brunswick wanted to find out if popular assumptions about the benefits of warm or hot water and official guidance on hot water — given to the food industry in the US — held true. They asked 20 people to wash their hands 20 times each with water that was 15 (59F), 26 (79F) or 38 degrees (100F). Volunteers were also asked to experiment with varying amounts of soap. Before they started the tests, their hands were covered in harmless bugs. Researchers say there was no difference in the amount of bugs removed as the temperature of the water or the amount of soap changed.

Prof Donald Schaffner said, “People need to feel comfortable when they are washing their hands but as far as effectiveness goes, this study shows us that the temperature of the water used did not matter.”

However, the researchers accept their study is small and say more extensive work is needed to determine the best ways to remove harmful bacteria.

In the UK, NHS experts say people can use cold or hot water to wash their hands. They say hands should be washed for at least 20 seconds and stress the importance of using enough soap to cover the whole surface of the hands. Their guidance focuses on rubbing hands together in various ways to make sure each surface of each hand is clean.

1.What does the underlined phrase “poured cold water” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A. Proved.

B. Contradicted.

C. Created.

D. Accepted.

2.After they washed their hands with either hot or cold water, _______.

A. volunteers all didn't feel very comfortable

B. volunteers all talked about American food industry

C. volunteers still had much germ on their hands

D. volunteers nearly had the same amount of germ removed

3.How do researchers feel about their study?

A. It is popular.

B. It is convincing.

C. It is incomplete.

D. It is abstract.

4.Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A. Using Cold Water Instead of Hot Water

B. How to Use Cold Water to Wash Hands

C. It’s Better to Wash Hands in Cold Water

D. Washing Hands in Cold Water as Good as in Hot Water


    I visited Copenhagen for the first time last Easter. As a student, I’m always strapped for cash, so I assumed I could only afford to breathe the air — but luckily everything about Copenhagen is breathtaking.

I was staying in an Airbnb, and rented a bike so I could cover more ground. One of the first places I visited was the Rundetaarn, or “round tower” built in the 17th century as an astronomical observatory. It has an equestrian staircase (a wide set of stairs big enough for horses to use) that went on and on. As I was going up, I stopped to visit the tower’s library hall. At the top, there’s a glass platform that gives a view 80-foot straight down, as well as a bell loft. Luckily, the views over Copenhagen from the top were well worth the climb.

After coming down, I hiked up to the Kastellet Fortress to see the famous Little Mermaid statue. Taking a photo with her was almost impossible with all the tourists crowding around — but sitting there and hearing the lapping waves of the deep blue Baltic Sea, waiting for the sun to set, was an unforgettable and calming experience.

The next day, I visited the Glyptotek art museum, exploring the grand exhibits. I looked into the marble eyes of many Roman gods, and walked down dimly lit staircases to see mummies from Egypt.

Before I unwillingly boarded the train back to the airport, I told myself that I must visit again — to experience the thrills of Tivoli Gardens, try more of the street food and everything else from this amazing city.

1.Why did the author rent a bike?

A. Because she loved to ride a bike.

B. Because she didn’t afford to rent a car.

C. Because she found nowhere to rent other vehicles.

D. Because she wanted to see as many attractions as possible.

2.What did the author find difficult at the Kastellet Fortress?

A. Finding a sitting place.

B. Having a photo taken with a statue.

C. Listening to the sound of waves.

D. Waiting for the sun to set.

3.Which of the following didn’t the author visit?

A. Rundetaarn.

B. Tivoli Gardens.

C. Glyptotek art museum.

D. Little Mermaid Statue.

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A. To remember a holiday.

B. To introduce a new attraction.

C. To share her travel experience.

D. To show her love of Copenhagen.


Summer Camps in Season!

STEM Camp July 10 to August 14, Cost: $180

90% of the jobs in the future will require STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) education. We find ways to make learning fun and exciting for students to help ensure their futures. Campers take part in fun and engaging STEM activities! Register: www. stemcamp. ca or call 519-475-6600.

Kandalore June 15 to 28, Cost: $2,340

The finest traditional camp in Canada, provides the best of both canoe (独木舟) adventures and in-camp activities. For more than 65 years, Kandalore has given campers the opportunity to know and be themselves. We create a warm and supportive environment where kids can express their unique self, grow in self-confidence and build lifetime friendships. Register: www. kandlore. com or call 416-322-9735.

ESL Summer Camp June 25 to July 21, Cost: $5,500

Pickering College has an exciting ESL summer camp for students aged 12-18 who want to learn English and experience the wonders of summer at our 42-acre campus; students enjoy the excellent dormitory, dining, academic, and social facilities of one of Canada’s oldest independent schools. Register: www. pickeringcollege. on. ca or call 905-175-8900.

DEEP Summer Academy August 16 to 26, Cost: $465

We provide highly motivated high school students from across the world with the opportunity for advanced study in a variety of engineering, technology, business and science subjects. Organized by University of Toronto, DEEP is one of the most diverse pre-university engineering programs all over the world with scholarships. Register: www. outreach. engineering. utoronto. ca or call 416-946-0816.

1.Which number should you call if you want to improve your English?

A. 519-475-6600.

B. 416-322-9735.

C. 416-946-0816.

D. 905-175-8900.

2.When will the shortest camp start?

A. On July 10.

B. On June 15.

C. On June 25.

D. On August 16.

3.Where can you go if you are interested in the experience of adventure?

A. Kandalore.

B. STEM Camp.

C. ESL Summer Camp.

D. DEEP Summer Academy.

4.How similar are STEM Camp and DEEP Summer Academy?

A. They both offer scholarships for students.

B. They provide the same courses for students.

C. They both prepare students for their development.

D. They are both designed for international students.


假定你是李华.你的英国笔友Jenny询问你进人高中后的学习和生活情况。请用英语给他 回一封信,主要内容包括:










1.人们过度砍伐森林,结果许多动物已经灭绝.(as a result die out,介词+which______


3.当你违反法律时,别期望能逃脱惩罚.(expect escape,状语从句)______


5.去年署假,李华充分利用时间学习烹饪,发现烹饪很容易.(make use of;动词不定式)______



My little boy is 5 and goes to Kindergarten He's at that age1.he is a little selfish and isn't always2.will to share especially with girls! We've had many talks with him lately3.nothing seemed to get through to him which really upset me Maybe there was something parenting skills

We've had a few problems with one little girl he rides to school with But last week5.surprise), he did something that moved me I had bought him some matchbox cars as a reward for cleaning his room He really loved them and told me they were his favorite One day I picked him up from school along with6.little girl When I got there the little girl7.cry and one of the teachers said she had fallen off the slide I got her in the car and my son could see she was really in pain I wanted8.comfort her so I decided to take her home While I was driving I heard my son say "It's OK Katie It's going to be 9.well soon Have one of these You can keep10." Looking in my rearview mirror(后视镜)I saw him passing one of his beloved cars to her


    When I was a kid I loved to sing and showed a talent for the drama I told my parents that I wanted to go to New York and_______Broadway one day and they always_______me My voice_______"pretty good" wasn't really Broadway quality and the life of a Broadway singer wasn't an_______one they never said no to me They_______told me I could be something I wanted to be They_______me to join a church choir(唱诗班)at times and take_______lessons_______I realized that Broadway wasn't going to be my thing but I always_______my parents told me it was possible Even now as an adult they push me to accept new__________

Now that I am a__________ the idea of having a child who is motivated seems amazing and__________, a little bit worrying What if she foils Will it defeat her What if she performs in front of an audience and forgets the__________to a song or what if she is__________

But perhaps the most worrisome__________are what if she succeeds how I would parent a child that is __________successful than I was at that age and how I would encourage my children and teach her

I don't have the answers lo any of these questions__________I will encourage my children to follow their__________ Having a young child do something that is so extraordinary might seem__________ But if your child has a dream do your very best to help him or her follow it Who knows You might just have the__________great world-changer on your bands

1.A. sing B. dance C. run D. drive

2.A. funded B. supported C. refused D. misunderstand

3.A. also B. yet C. ever D. though

4.A. honest B. interesting C. easy D. exciting

5.A. always B. sometimes C. seldom D. never

6.A. demanded B. encouraged C. persuaded D. promised

7.A. voice B. piano C. history D. dance

8.A. In the end B. At first C. At the moment D. In a hurry

9.A. hoped B. doubted C. agreed D. appreciated

10.A. decisions B. favors C. challenges D. tasks

11.A. singer B. teacher C. mum D. student

12.A. merely B. honestly C. fortunately D. shortly

13.A. meanings B. posters C. names D. words

14.A. knocked over B. laughed at C. waken up D. referred to

15.A. times B. news C. questions D. conditions

16.A. more B. less C. just D. little

17.A. before B. so C. but D. since

18.A. dreams B. examples C. teachers D. parents

19.A. misfortunate B. unimportant C. misleading D. unlikely

20.A. first B. next C. last D. only


    It's 435 pm You feel like the bottom of a marathoner's shoe Flat and sore It's been a day of fighting anxiety racing to meetings staying awake endless work and trying to get stuff done1.It causes you unwilling to stay for one more minute at the office But how to improve your productivity of your entire work on the end of the day

The biggest step in this end-of-day process is to respond to as many emails as possible in thirty minutes of time The majority of emails hit your inbox during workday hours By responding to 80% of these or so you can effectively reduce tomorrow's workload2.If you can get this done before tomorrow begins you'll be ahead of the game

If you use your computer or mobile phone for scheduling your day or taking notes you'll want to keep them on But please close whatever programs are allowing email or chat messages to ruin your end-of-the-day productivity Before turning off your computer you should also exit your Internet browser and close the web pages you had opened If you start your new day by seeing that articles you were reading you are starting in the wrong frame of mind3.

It's important to plan your day before it starts4.A day that starts without a plan is like an engine that needs to warm up before it's safe to drive Perform your planning the day before because a day planned in advance allows you to jump in fully prepared fully planned and fully ready to get stuff done

Your office space is known as an "environmental factor"5.As Inccom reported dirty office can actually ruin your job performance Then tiding up your office you will become more productive It's just that simple By doing so you feel good with a peaceful slate of mind a sense of refreshment and energy which will be enough for the following day

AEach day deserves a fresh start

BSo it is important to have a cleaner

CThe condition of it changes the way you think and work

DYou can be less effective when finishing dealing with them

EWrite down everything that's on your mind that you need to do

FYou are so upset and disappointed about your whole day's productivity

GThis is one of the biggest gains you can make towards your productivity


    Two weeks ago a 5-year-old girl named Sunshine Oelfke emptied out her piggy bank (存钱罐)onto the living room floor and immediately started counting Her grandmother, Jackie Oelfke thought she was playing as she carefully lined up the coins but then she saw the girl put the coins into a plastic bag and place it in her backpack

"That aroused my curiosity" Jackie told CBS News "Nobody messes with the piggy bank" After observing Sunshine at work a few minutes longer Jackie decided to find out why the little girl broke into her savings

"What are you doing with that money" Jackie asked her granddaughter

"I'm taking it to school" Sunshine replied The little girl finally stated the real reason why she needed the money "I'm going to take it for milk money My friend Layla doesn't get milk-her mom doesn't have milk money and I do"

Jackie's heart melted at Sunshine's words Choked with strong feelings Jackie held her sweet granddaughter tightly in her arms

Last weekJackie and Sunshine met with her teacher Rita Hausherand handed her the30 the kindergartner had saved There are 20 kids in Sunshine's class and about half don't get milk It costs 0.45 a carton(纸盒).The total adds up to about180 a month for every child in the class to have milk every day

After dropping Sunshine off at school Jackie posted a tearful video on Facebook to explain her granddaughter's plan To her surprise dozens of people offered to donate toward the cause Within a week Jackie raised more than 1000 Now every student in Sunshine's class can get free milk for the rest of the year

Jackie said Sunshine doesn't see her kind act as a big deal She was just trying to look out for her friends "She doesn't understand the effect she's brought about" Jackie said "But now she knows she can do whatever she puts her mind to"

1.Why did Sunshine empty her piggy bank

A. She wanted to play with the coins

B. She needed to train her counting skills

C. She intended to pay for her friend's milk

D. She hoped to show off her savings in class

2.How did Jackie feel upon hearing Sunshine's words

A. Touched B. Curious

C. Proud D. Relieved

3.In Jackie's eyes what did Sunshine learn from the experience

A. Many hands make light work

B. Two heads are better than one

C. A friend in need is a friend indeed

D. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart

4.What is the best title for this passage

A. Jackie's Piggy Bank B. Small Coins Big Deeds

C. A Moved Grandmother D. Piggy Bank and Carton Milk


    Loneliness is an unpleasant feeling in which a person experiences a strong sense of being alone resulting from low levels of social contact and relationships

There are two types of loneliness emotional loneliness and social loneliness Emotional loneliness is concerned with the relationship between parents and their children When children are separated from their parents they show separation pain such as crying and trying to search for their parents Therefore emotional loneliness is caused by a lack of a person that one is normally emotionally attached to such as a parent Social loneliness on the other hand is the loneliness one experiences through a lack of a wide social network One does not feel that he or she is a member of his or her community and one does not have friends that he or she can rely on in times of pain

One way of thinking about loneliness is from the difference between one's desired and one's achieved levels of social interactions while being alone is simply a lack of contact with people Loneliness is therefore a subjective experience if people think they are lonely then they are lonely People can be lonely when they are alone or in the crowd What makes people lonely is the fact that they want more social interaction People can be in a party and feel lonely because they don't get to talk to enough people On the other hand one can be alone and not feel lonely even though there is no one around That person is not lonely because he or she has no desire for social interaction at that time

1.Which of the following description to social loneliness is correct

A. It is a mental illness

B. It is separation from one's parents

C. It is a high level of social interaction

D. It is caused by the lack of a person to depend on

2.What are they in common a person with emotional loneliness and one with social loneliness

A. They have no friends to talk to

B. They feel a sense of being alone

C. They have a limited social network

D. They have a bad relationship with their parents

3.What does the underlined part in the last paragraph mean

A. A hot topic B. A special event.

C. A pain in the body D. A feeling in one's mind.


    Many people over 60 years of age in the UK are spending their later years taking up new hobbies and activities according to research from Age UIC 71 percent of those over 60 years old are meeting new challenges like learning a foreign language taking lo the dance floor or even taking part in outdoor activities like bungee jumping and mountain climbing

The new survey looks at attitudes towards later life in people aged 18 and above and has been conducted to mark the start of a new TV advertising campaign With the positive attitudes of many of those aged 60 and above who describe their lifestyle as interesting 38 percent), varied42 percent), fun20 percent and satisfying24 percent), it shows the nation that growing older does not mean that interests and hobbies should stop

It features people doing what they enjoy celebrating later life and all that it can offer This is in sharp contrast to some younger people's ideas of old age as boring and slower-paced Among those featured arc a Tai Chi group dancers a 91-ycar-old bodybuilder and an 81-year-old singing leading lady Many of them are people who have been directly helped by Age UK The advertisement aims to show the different services and products that Age UK offers and how it can help people to make the most of later life

Michelle Mitchell Charily Director at Age UK said "Through our research and the exciting new TV advertisement we hope to show another side of growing older and encourage people of all ages to take up some hobbies One in five says that they have felt more comfortable in their own skin since they reached 60 years of age and this confidence helps to give people the drive to try the activities they have always wanted to try"

1.How many people aged 60 and above describe their lifestyle as varied

A. 38 percent B. 42 percent

C. 20 percent D. 24 percent

2.What can be learned in Paragraph 3

A. Many old people lead a positive life

B. Age UK has organized a Tai Chi group

C. Old age is not boring but a little slow-paced

D. Age UK offers products to old people for free

3.From where is the passage most probably taken

A. A life magazine B. A textbook

C. A fashion website D. A health handbook



1. 主题:全球气候;

2. 举办时间和地点;

时间: 510-511


3. 指导老师的任务。






模拟联合国大会: MUN

Dear Mr. Smith,


Yours sincerely

Li Hua






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改 10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分

Dear Jenny,

Welcome to my school! When you arrive, there will be a party for you organizing by my classmates. You may attend to English classes to feel a differently learning style. After that, you can go to your host family that you can experience the Chinese way of life. You can have meals together chatting anything that interests us.

The host family will also show you around some famous scenic spot. You can see people selling kites everywhere because our city was home to kites. There are many kinds of kites to choose from. So isn’t it the good idea to buy some for your friends? Write to me unless you have any questions about the schedule.

Best wishes.


Zhang Ming



Many people believe that they will be happy once they 1.(arrival) at some specific goal they set for 2.(oneself). However, more often than not, once you arrive "there", you will still feel 3.(dissatisfy), and move your "there" vision to yet another point in 4.future. By always chasing after another "there," you are never 5.(real) appreciating what you already have right "here."  It is important for human beings 6.(keep)sober-minded (沉着冷静的) about the age-old drive to look beyond the place now stand. On one hand, your life is enhanced by your dreams and aspirations.

8.the other hand, these drives can pull you farther and farther from your enjoyment of your life right now. By 9. (learn) the lessons of gratitude and abundance,you can bring yourself closer to fulfilling the challenge of living in the present,10.can help you enjoy the moment you have.



1.D________ violence, the violence between members of the same families, can lead to psychological problems.

2.Hamlet, a t________ by William Shakespeare, made me cry every time I watched it.

3.Students should aim to become more i________ of their parents.

4.Ms Lee left me in c______ of the children for a week when she was away on business.

5.It is ________ fashionable not to eat meat in the interests of animal rights. (目前地)

6.With exams a________, it is a good idea to review your class notes.

7.Thousands of passengers got ________ at the airport because of the heavy fog. ( 被困,卡)

8.Healthy food and regular exercise can_______ to good health and a long life. (促成)

9.Our value is not what we _______, but what we contribute.(拥有)

10.The heart is often c _______ to a pump, which supplies blood to every part of the body.(比作)


A Call to Action

We are here today because we want to stop global warming. Like me, you are trying hard to ________ your own personal carbon footprint. And these small, _____ changes do have an impact, do help ________our carbon emissions.

But it is not________ for individuals to change. We need governments to change. We need industry to change. We need big changes if we want to prevent global warming ________ destroying our planet.

One third of our global carbon emissions---35 percent---comes from_____ electricity. As a result, we need government and industry to work together to lower these ________, more importantly, to develop new, cleaner technology to heat our homes,________ our factories, and to keep lights ________.

Another 20 percent, 20 percent of our emissions comes from transportation. _____, We need government and industry to work together to build more energy _______ cars and trucks. Good ________ public transportation will allow us to ________ our cars and the pollution they produce forever.

Another 20 percent of all emissions comes from industry---our factories and businesses. They ________ tons upon tons of carbon into the air every_____minute. It is time to say enough! We need these businesses to lower their own_____ carbon footprints.

So my ________to you today is: keep trying to reduce your personal carbon footprint. But also stand up, stand up and ________ that government and industry do their ________, because that is what will make a _______ .

1.A. increase B. decrease C. fall D. dominate

2.A. individual B. public C. collective D. united

3.A. promote B. undertake C. lower D. assist

4.A. fair B. tough C. rough D. enough

5.A. to B. with C. from D. on

6.A. generating B. creating C. completing D. differentiating

7.A. admissions B. permissions C. emissions D. transmissions

8.A. make B. power C. destroy D. maintain

9.A. out B. within C. beyond D. on

10.A. Therefore B. However C. Nonetheless D. Besides

11.A. primitive B. hazardous C. uneven D. efficient

12.A. commercial B. polluted C. quality D. fragile

13.A. get rid of B. count on C. do damage to D. get exposed to

14.A. assault B. release C. diminish D. spray

15.A. few B. single C. another D. each

16.A. flammable B. vocational C. personal D. recreational

17.A. data B. information C. news D. message

18.A. convert B. demand C. digest D. renew

19.A. part B. role C. standard D. characteristics

20.A. living B. point C. deal D. difference


Alternative Sources of Energy

The world's number one energy source is not man-made. It is much bigger than anything that Man could ever dream of designing or manufacturing, and in fact produces all the energy needs of everybody on Earth.1.. Apart from it, other energy sources are being exploited by Man to facilitate the development of the modern civilization.

Solar Energy

Solar energy is a simple and already familiar source of more direct renewable energy production. Its use is on the increase as technology improves.2.. In India there are plans to power 100,000 villages and install 500,000 solar powered telephones. During the course of one year, Europe receives approximately 1000-kilowatt hours of solar energy each square meter.

Water Energy

Water power is used in countries that have a lot of natural rivers and streams.

3., because in order to generate hydroelectric power, engineers must first build a dam to block a river and create a reservoir. Power is generated as the water flow from reservoirs is directed to turn turbines and electric generators.

Wind Energy.

4.. Many countries have also traditionally used wind as a source of power by building windmills. Some windmills even have been used for more than a century, but there has been a significant increase since the 1970s. They are already a familiar sight in Netherlands, Denmark and on windy islands such as Las Palmas in the Canary Islands.

Of course there are many other alternative sources of energy (geothermal power, tidal power, etc.), which are currently being researched and used in countries around the world. These sources often create less pollution than traditional sources of power and are becoming more economical to use as technology improves.5..

A. Solar energy is said to keep down the costs of maintenance and energy.

B. It is happening in both developed countries and emerging economies like India.

C. The best source of energy is wind energy.

D. They are the logical choice towards a more environmentally conscious planet.

E. That energy source is by all means the Sun.

F. Another form of energy with us for centuries is the use of wind power.

G. Some environmentalists claim that this type of power can be hazardous to local ecosystems.


    One day, “supercharged plants” may help feed people around the world. Supercharged plants are ones that grow faster than normal plant life. Scientists can speed up the growth by modifying, or changing, the structure of plants' genes. The modifications make them react quickly to changes in light. This all has to do with photosynthesis(光合作用), the process in which plants turn sunlight, carbon dioxide and water into food.

Plants grow fastest in the sun. That is when they make the most food for themselves. But their rate of growth can slow when things like clouds or trees block sunlight. But when the sun returns, it can take many minutes for growth to speed up again.

This can be a problem because it means some of our most important crop plants are not as productive as they could be. Researchers say demand for food is expected to increase up to 70 percent by the middle of the century. They also note rising temperatures on Earth's surface. That is why they are looking for ways to improve photosynthesis and make plants more productive.

Steve Long is a plant biologist at the University of Illinois. He wanted to find a way to help plants get back up to speed quickly after a period of darkness. So he and his team added genes that shortened the recovery time. It also increased the speed at which the plants grew. His modified plants grew up to 20 percent more than untreated ones.

In Long's study, his group used a form of genetic engineering called transgenics (转基因). It means taking genes from one plant, then putting them into another. Now they are experimenting soybeans, rice, cowpeas and cassavas.

1.What is the advantage of supercharged plants?

A. They can grow more quickly.

B. They can grow in severe conditions.

C. They can offer high-quality grains.

D. They can replace normal plants.

2.What can make plant growth slow down?

A. Too hot weather. B. Old farming methods.

C. Lack of sunlight. D. Too much sunlight.

3.What was Steve Long's goal in his study?

A. To find out what makes plants grow slowly.

B. To create a new plant that can grow with weak sunlight.

C. To find another way to help plants benefit each other.

D. To make plants recover quickly when the sun returns.

4.How can researchers shorten the recovery time of plants?

A. By changing their nature. B. By adding new genes to them.

C. By developing new plants. D. By supplying more sunlight.


    When I was watching some children attempting to catch butterflies on a hot July afternoon, an incident in my own childhood occurred to me. When I was 15, something happened to me, which forever cured me of desiring to put any wild life in a cage.

We lived on the edge of a wood, and every evening at dusk the mockingbirds would come and rest in the tree and sing. There isn't a musical instrument made by man that can produce a more beautiful sound than the song of the mockingbird.

I decided that I would catch a young bird and keep it in a cage and that way have my own private musician.

I finally succeeded in catching one and put it in a cage. At first, in its fright at being captured, the bird fluttered about the cage, but eventually it settled down in its new home, I felt very pleased with myself and looked forward to some beautiful singing from my tiny musician.

I had left the cage out on our back porch(门廊), and on the second day of the bird's captivity my new pet's mother flew to the cage with food in her mouth . The baby bird ate everything she brought to it. I was pleased to see this. Certainly the mother knew better than I how to feed her baby.

The following morning when I went to see how my captive was doing, I discovered it on the floor of the cage, dead. I was shocked! What had happened? I had taken excellent care of my little bird, or so I thought.

Arthur Wayne, the famous ornithologist, happened to be visiting my father at the time and, hearing me crying over the death of my bird, explained what had occurred: “A mother mockingbird, finding her young in a cage, will sometimes bring it poisonous berries. She thinks it better for her young to die than to live in captivity.”

Never since then have I caught any living creature and put it in a cage. All living creatures have a right to live free.

1.Why did the writer catch a mockingbird when he was a boy?

A. He had just got a new cage.

B. He liked its beautiful feather.

C. He wanted it to sing for him.

D. He wanted a pet for a companion.

2.Why did the mocking bird die?

A. It was frightened to death.

B. It drank the poisonous water by mistake.

C. It ate the poisonous food its mother gave it.

D. It refused to eat anything.

3.What is an ornithologist likely to be?

A. A specialist in birds. B. A religious person.

C. A headmaster. D. A considerate person.

4.What is the most important lesson the author learned from the incident?

A. Be careful about the food you give to baby birds.

B. All birds put in a cage won't live long.

C. You should keep the birds from their mothers.

D. Freedom is very valuable to all creatures.


    The Digital Revolution, also known as the Third Industrial Revolution, is the shift from mechanical and analogue electronic technology to digital electronics which began anywhere from the late 1950s to the late 1970s. Central to this revolution is the mass production and widespread use of digital logic circuits, and its derived technologies. These technological innovations have transformed traditional production and business techniques.


In developed nations, computers achieved ubiquity during the 1980s as they made their way into schools, homes, business, and industry. Automated teller machines, industrial robots, CGI in film and television, electronic music, bulletin board systems, and video games all fueled what became the zeitgeist of the 1980s. Millions of people purchased home computers, making household names of early personal computer manufacturers such as Apple, Commodore, and Tandy. To this day the Commodore 64 is often cited as the best selling computer of all time, having sold 17 million units (by some accounts) between 1982 and 1994.


The first public digital HDTV broadcast was of the 1990 World Cup that June; it was played in 10 theaters in Spain and Italy. However HDTV did not become a standard until the mid-2000s outside Japan.

The World Wide Web became publicly accessible in 1991, which had been available only to government and universities. In 1993 Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina introduced Mosaic, the first web browser capable of displaying inline images and the basis for later browsers such as Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer. Stanford Federal Credit Union was the first financial institution to offer online internet banking services to all of its members in October 1994.


Cell phones became as ubiquitous as computers by the early 2000s, with movie theaters beginning to show ads telling people to silence their phones. They also became much more advanced than phones of the 1990s, most of which only took calls or at most allowed for the playing of simple games.


By 2012, over 2 billion people used the Internet, twice the number using it in 2007. Cloud computing had entered the mainstream by the early 2010s. By 2015, tablet computers and smart phones were expected to exceed personal computers in Internet usage. By 2016, half of the world's population was connected.

1.According to the passage, which one of the following statements is true?

A. The digital revolution only focuses on the mass production.

B. The World Wide Web became available to government and universities in 1991.

C. Phones of the 1990s merely made calls.

D. The number of people using the Internet in 2007 is approximately 1 billion.

2.What does the underlined word in Paragraph Two refer to?

A. Wide existence. B. Abrupt disappearance.

C. Quick movement. D. Abundant amount.

3.How does the writer develop the whole passage?

A. By presenting times. B. By making comparisons.

C. By listing data. D. By drawing conclusions.

4.What is the best title for this passage?

A. The Traditional Production B. The Digital Revolution

C. The Connected Population D. The World Wide Web


    With the advance of human society, along with the development of modern science and technology, people are faced with an increasing number of pollutions. One of the severe pollutions is noise pollution. Many parents express their complaints over noise pollution, especially car alarms.


Almost anyone who has lived in a big city can tell you how irritating it is to be awakened in the middle of the night by the wail of a car alarm. The loss of sleep can drive you crazy, but this is just one in a long list of problems that such high decibel noises can cause.


People in this noisy neighborhood in upper Manhattan are fed up with car alarms. They're angry enough at being jolted awake several times a week, but more than that they worry about what effect these alarms will have on their children. Already studies have shown that continuous exposure to high-decibel noise can cause an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.


By the time my child can read, he will already have been exposed to the constant roar of the traffic, but the intense siren of a car alarm is way above the level of safety.


I have a valid concern. According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), exposure to noise above 85 decibels for 8 hours or more is a danger to your health. City traffic and trucks are about 90 decibels. The siren of a car alarm is about 120 decibels, about the same as a plane taking off.

The parents here are sick and tired of listening to the shrill siren of car alarms. However, it's for their children that they are most concerned. They've started a group called Parents to Silence Car Alarms. They don't think that making the owner of a car pay a fine is enough. These parents have started a campaign to have car alarms banned.

1.According to the passage, which one of the following statements is true?

A. Anchor thinks the high decibel noises only causes the loss of sleep.

B. Jonathan holds the view that exposure to decibel noises can give rise to heart disease.

C. According to NIOSH, exposure to noise above 85 for 8 hours or more threatens people's health.

D. Andrea believes the intense siren of a car alarm is acceptable.

2.According to the passage, what is the parents' attitude towards car alarms?

A. Neutral. B. Critical. C. Favorable. D. Indifferent.

3.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. People in modern society is faced with noise pollution.

B. Anyone who lives in a big city is tired of car alarms.

C. A car alarm is out of control and beyond the level of safety.

D. Parents complain about car alarms, trying to fight against them.



1.What is the speaker mainly talking about?

A. School routines. B. Travelling plans. C. Outdoor courses.

2.What place will the listeners visit?

A. A lake. B. A forest. C. A beach.

3.What will the students learn to do?

A. Make a birdhouse. B. Build a house. C. Design a backpack.

4.How many hours will the students spend on the courses?

A. 12. B. 15. C. 36.


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