
1.Why does Rusty think the new student is poor?

A. Her jeans have pieces of cloth on them.

B. Her jacket is not fashionable.

C. Her mother gave her old clothes.

2.What does Sally think of Rusty?

A. He is helpful.    B. He is too curious.    C. He is a little behind the times.


Who might Freddy be?

A. The speakers’ son.    B. The speakers’ pet.    C. The speakers’ house owner.


What does the man w ant to know ?

A. What time it is.    B. When his train is supposed to leave.    C. Where he can find the boarding hall.


Why is the w oman sad?

A. She lost her homew ork.

B. She didn’t finish her essay.

C. She forgot to reply to her teacher’s email.


What is the girl doing?

A. Making the bed.    B. Fixing the chair.    C. Driving to school.


What did Kate do?

A. She sang a song.    B. She listened to some music.    C. She took a nap in her room.


Most people follow others blindly just under the effect of peer (同辈) pressure or because they feel it safe to follow a large number of people. In some rare cases it might be right to follow the crowd, but in most cases this can be a big mistake. Actually there are reasons why we shouldn’t follow the crowd blindly.

According to a study, people often follow the crowd when they aren’t sure about the direction they should take. This means a large number of people could be following others without understanding what’s right and what’s wrong! This makes more people follow and as a result most people move in a certain direction even if it isn’t right.

A man who wants to be successful always hopes for others’ guidance and he usually follows the same path of most people, but the question this man never asks himself is: Are all of those people successful? Of course not! If you want to follow a crowd, then follow a successful one. However, in real life you’ll only find one successful person among hundreds of people, and that’s why following the crowd makes no sense at all.

Most people act emotionally without thinking wisely. If you always follow others because they’re greater than you in number, then sooner or later you’ll discover that you’re taking emotional decisions you might regret later.

However, should we never follow the crowd? No. I’m not trying to say you should never follow the crowd, but instead I’m just asking you to think wisely before you take a decision. If you find others are right, there is no problem in following them, but if you have doubts about the direction they’re moving in, don’t follow them blindly.

1.According to the text, most people like to follow others partly because______.

A. they don't know what to do

B. they believe they take the right direction

C. they are affected by their peers

D. they want to make good impressions on people

2.What do many people who want to succeed do before making a decision?

A. Do what most people do.

B. Follow a successful man.

C. Think twice about it.

D. Sum up the mistakes they have made.

3.What opinion does the author hold?

A. It is wrong to follow other people.

B. It takes time to think wisely.

C. You shouldn’t be sorry for what you have done.

D. You should use your brain before following others.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A. Effects of following others.

B. Reasons for not following others blindly.

C. Advantages of making wise decisions.

D. Ways of finding successful people to follow.

5.Which of the following best shows the structure of the text?

(=Para 1, =Para 2, =Para 3, =Para 4, =Para 5)

A.     B.     C.     D.


People often ask which is the most difficult language to learn, and it is not easy to answer because there are many things to take into consideration. Firstly, in a first language the differences are unimportant as people learn their mother tongue naturally, so the question of how hard a language is to learn is only relevant in learning a second language.

A native speaker of Spanish, for example, will find Portuguese much easier to learn than a native speaker of Chinese, because Portuguese is very similar to Spanish, while Chinese is very different, so first language can affect learning a second language. The greater the differences between a second language and our first language, the harder it will be for most people to learn a second language. Many people answer that Chinese is the hardest language to learn, possibly influenced by the thought of learning the Chinese writing system and the pronunciation of Chinese does appear to be very difficult for many foreign learners. However, for Japanese speakers, who already use Chinese characters in their own language, learning writing will be less difficult than for speakers of languages using the Roman alphabet.

Some people seem to learn languages easily, while others find it very difficult. Teachers and the circumstances (环境) in which the language is learned also play an important role, as well as each learner’s purpose for learning. If people learn a language because they need to use it in work, they often learn it faster than people studying a language that has no direct use in their day-to-day life.

No language is easy to learn well, though languages which are related to our first language are easier. Learning a completely different writing system is a huge challenge, but that does not necessarily make a language more difficult than another. In the end, it is impossible to say that there is one language that is the most difficult language in the world.

1.Why do many people think Chinese is hard to learn?

A. Its writing system is strange.

B. Its pronunciation is challengeable.

C. Its characters are difficult to understand.

D. It has great differences from many other languages.

2.What can we learn from the text?

A. People will learn a language faster if they use it daily.

B. There are many languages that are the most difficult in the world.

C. All the languages can be easy to learn with good teachers and circumstances.

D. The writing system of a language is more difficult to master than its pronunciation.


Ruth Simmons was born in a very poor family. Today, she’s the president of a famous American university. How did she do it?

The story begins on a farm in Grapeland, Texas, in 1945. Ruth was born that year. Her parents were farm workers, and she was the youngest of their twelve children. They weren’t able to give the children many things, and Ruth never had any toys. For Christmas, she didn’t receive any presents at all except a shoebox with an apple, an orange, and some nuts. However, in Grapeland, Ruth wasn’t really aware of being poor. Then the family moved into Huston. In the city, being poor was much harder.

At the age of five, Ruth fell in love with school. She was a bright child, and she was lucky to have some excellent teachers. No one in Ruth’s family had much education, but her teachers encouraged her to go to college, and Ruth was brave enough to try. They also gave her money and even a coat to wear.

At first, Ruth studied theater. Then she studied language. Later she married, had two children, and began a career as a college teacher and administrator. Soon people began to notice her and respect her abilities.

In 1995, Ruth became president of Smith College, a famous American college for women. Ruth was the first African American to lead a college like this one. Six years later, she accepted another challenge. She became the president of Brown University.

Ruth believes in the power of education. “Learning can be the same for a poor farm kid like me as it is for the richest child in the country. It’s all about cultivating one’s mind, and anybody can do that. So it doesn’t matter what color your skin is, it doesn’t matter how much money your father has, it doesn’t matter what kind of house you live in. Every learner can experience the same thing.”

1.Which of the following words can best describe Ruth Simmons?

A. Poor but honest.    B. Generous but unlucky.

C. Brave and strict.    D. Intelligent and hard-working.

2.What does the underlined word “cultivating” mean?

A. organizing.    B. challenging.

C. developing.    D. establishing.

3.What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A. Ruth’s feelings about success.

B. Ruth’s opinions about education.

C. Ruth’s suggestions on studying.

D. Ruth’s expectations of learners.


I was on my way home when a man came up to me excited, shouting out, “Gil! Gil Gadson!” I said “Yes?” He gave me a big hug. Seeing the ____ look on my face, he stepped back. Then he went on to explain how he ____ me.

I work in the field of mental health and ____ give lectures at different places. He said that I’d once given a(n) _____ about the power of gratitude and that it had ____ his life. He said we’d even talked for a while after my speech and that my ____ had made him re-evaluate (再评估) everything in his life. He ____ by saying that he started ____ the things he had, stopped feeling sorry for himself and others and had become ____ in his life.

He said that he’d made amends (赔罪) to those he had ____ before and opened his eyes to all who had always showed him ____ and love. He then hugged me again ____ and, with tears in his eyes, said he would be forever ____ as I had influenced his life. We _____ telephone numbers and then he was gone, ____ to stay in touch with me. I didn’t remember this man but I will surely ____ him.

I tell this story because when it ____ kindness, it often happens from complete ____who prove our very existence with just a few words when they’re only saying thank you. It is my ____ that we as human beings should help and encourage each other. The more we   ___ it, the more united we will be.

1.A. tired    B. serious    C. surprised    D. caring

2.A. knew    B. noticed    C. trusted    D. wanted

3.A. forever    B. sometimes    C. often    D. never

4.A. interview    B. speech    C. excuse    D. lesson

5.A. changed    B. destroyed    C. saved    D. enriched

6.A. acts    B. efforts    C. decisions    D. words

7.A. nodded    B. continued    C. ended    D. proved

8.A. protecting    B. doubting    C. appreciating    D. considering

9.A. active    B. busy    C. honest    D. friendly

10.A. taught    B. punished    C. met    D. hurt

11.A. happiness    B. kindness    C. wisdom    D. courage

12.A. quietly    B. gently    C. tightly    D. suddenly

13.A. grateful    B. cheerful    C. hopeful    D. careful

14.A. corrected    B. copied    C. dialed    D. exchanged

15.A. agreeing    B. trying    C. offering    D. promising

16.A. call    B. admire    C. thank    D. treat

17.A. refers to    B. comes to    C. happens to    D. speaks to

18.A. workmates    B. friends    C. relatives    D. strangers

19.A. plan    B. belief    C. hope    D. dream

20.A. say    B. get    C. do    D. create


With the development of the intelligent robot technology, people _______ the importance of cooperating among robots, and the challenge in practice.

A. have been noticed    B. are noticing

C. will notice    D. have noticed


_______ working experience and ability, I believe Tom is equal to this job.

A. In terms of    B. As a result of

C. At the heart of    D. In favour of


The number of foreigners learning Chinese has been growing in recent years, _______ that China has a greater effect on the world.

A. indicated    B. indicating    C. having indicated    D. to indicate


“_______ more time, we will be able to do the task much better,” John said to his manager.

A. Given    B. To give    C. Giving    D. Give


You _______ set out now because the meeting won’t begin until three hours later.

A. mustn’t    B. can’t    C. needn’t    D. shouldn’t


Make yourself at home, Lucy. You can take _______ book you would like to read.

A. however    B. whenever    C. whoever    D. whatever


There are several theories about why dinosaurs suddenly died out, one of which says their disappearance _______ by the climate change.

A. might have caused    B. should have caused

C. might have been caused    D. should have been caused


I glanced sideways and noticed that the previous author was standing silently, with his eyes          on me.

A. fixing B. fixed

C. to be fixing D. to be fixed


He hurried to the railway station out of breath, only _______ that the train leaving for Shanghai had been away for half an hour.

A. to tell    B. to be told

C. telling    D. being told


His efforts didn’t pay off, but they _______ him playing a small role in the movie Endless Love.

A. led to    B. applied to

C. appealed to    D. devoted to



1.What can people do in the center?

A. Play tennis.    B. Play basketball.    C. Play football.

2.How much will it cost to come to the center for a day?

A. $15.    B. $18.    C. $25.

3.What is the maximum of the group booking?

A. 5.    B. 8.    C. 18.

4.Who is Peter Wright?

A. A manager.    B. An operator.    C. A coach.



1.How many times does the man travel a month?

A. 1.    B. 2.    C. 3.

2.Where is the man going this time?

A. Hawaii.    B. Portland.    C. Austin.

3.Why does the man like traveling?

A. He dislikes staying in the office.

B. He wants to try new things.

C. He likes visiting friends.



1.Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a bank.    B. In the post office.    C. In a shop.

2.What does the man want to do?

A. Buy a mobile phone.    B. Change some money.    C. Draw some money.

3.Where will the man go next?

A. A shop.    B. A bank.    C. A park.


What problem does the man have?

A. He has some pain in the ears.

B. His glasses aren't suitable.

C. His back hurts.


What does the man say about the necklace?

A. It suits the woman.    B. It doesn't look expensive.    C. It looks really old.


Why does the man make the call?

A. To make an appointment.

B. To do some experiments.

C. To ask about his test results.


What does the woman mean?

A. She agrees with the man.

B. She doesn't know Mrs.Kim.

C. Mrs.Kim shouldn't be on the committee.


Where does the woman live now?

A. In the dorm.    B. In the hotel.    C. In an apartment.


An audio book is a recording of a text being read. Audio books are considered a valuable tool. Digital innovation isn’t just changing the way audio books are created, packaged and sold. It’s starting to reshape the way readers consume literature.

Like many young people, Tony Chou, a 25-year-old software engineer in Shanghai, never used to read much. He barely cracked a book in college and would read one or two a year on vacation, at most. But in the past year, he’s finished 10 books. He listens to audio in pieces throughout the day on his iPhone during his morning workout, on his 20-minute-trip to work, and while he’s cooking dinner or cleaning up. Before he falls asleep, he switches to an e-book of the same story on his Kindle, and starts reading right where the narrator left off.


1.用约 30 个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;







(评分标准) 内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。



Lindsay Renwick, the mayor of Deniliquin, a country town in New South Wales, misses the constant whir of the rice mill whose giant fans dried the rice. The Deniliquin mill, the largest rice mill in the Southern Hemisphere, once processed enough grain to meet the needs of 20 million people globally. But six years of drought have had a destructive effect, reducing Australia’s rice crop by 98 percent and leading to the mothballing of the mill last December.

Drought affects every agriculture industry based in Australia, not just rice – from sheep farming, the country’s other backbone, to the cultivation of grapes for wine, the fastest-growing crop there, with that expansion often coming at the expense of rice. The drought’s effect on rice has produced the greatest impact on the rest of the world, so far. It is one factor contributing to skyrocketing prices, and many scientists believe it is among the earliest signs that a warming planet is starting to affect food production.

Researchers are looking for solutions to global rice shortages – for example, rice that blooms earlier in the day, when it is cooler, to fight against global warming. Rice plants that happen to bloom on hot days are less likely to produce grains of rice, a difficulty that is already starting to emerge in inland areas of China and other Asian countries as temperatures begin to climb. “There will be problems very soon unless we have new varieties of rice in place,” said Reiner Wassmann, climate change director at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). The recent reports on climate change carried a warning that could make the news even worse: that existing models for the effects of climate change on agriculture did not yet include newer findings that global warming could reduce rainfall and make it more variable.

Meanwhile, changes like the use of water to grow wine grapes instead of rice carry their own costs, as the developing world is discovering. "Rice is an essential food," sail Graeme Haley, the general manager of the town of Deniliquin. "Wine is not."

Yet the effects of climate change are not uniformly bad for rice. Rising concentrations (浓度) of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, can actually help rice – although the effect reduces or disappears if the plants face unnecessary heat, inadequate water, severe pollution or other stresses. Still, the flexibility of farmers here has persuaded some climate experts that, particularly in developed countries, the effects of climate change may be relieved, if not completely avoided. “I’m not as negative as most people,” said Will Steffen, director of the Fenner School of Environment and Society at Australian National University. “Farmers are learning how to do things differently.”


Six years of drought has reduced Australia’s rice crop by 98%, leaving the largest rice mill 1.

2.of climate change on agriculture

◎Every Australian agriculture industry is affected, sheep farming 3.

◎The cultivation of grapes for wine may stop 4. owing to a shortage of rice.

◎Rice prices are rising 5. .

◎Food production will be reduced for a recent report reveals that global warming may reduce rainfall and cause it to 6. more often.

7.to global rice shortages

8. old types with a new variety of rice that blooms earlier when it is cooler.

◎Use water instead of rice to grow wine.

Some good news

◎Rice can actually 9. by the rising concentration of carbon dioxide and the main greenhouse gas.

◎Though the effects of climate change are 10., farmers are flexible and can do things differently .




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