When my wife, Jane, and I were 16, we were in the same class. About a week before Thanksgiving Day, we found out our teacher Edward was having some_______challenges. We wanted to do something to help, so as a class we_______to gather food, clothing and gifts to_______ his family had a good Thanksgiving Day.

When Jane told her family about our plan, her mother was_______. Together they searched their house for things they could_______. Her mother went to the kitchen,_______a big turkey and saying, “Thanksgiving Day won’t be_______without a turkey dinner.” To this day, Jane remembers how moved she was by her mother’s_______.

Before making our_______, we said a prayer of appreciation for the wonderful__________to help others. I will never forget the surprised__________of our teacher and his wife when they__________the door; their four children gathered around them as we handed out the gifts. It was a cold night; we all felt warm inside__________.

Last month while I was in a meeting, my secretary informed me, “Your high school teacher Mr. Edward is wondering if you could__________him a few minutes. He’s sitting in your office right now!”

I left my meeting and went to my office__________. My teacher and I hugged and began to__________ the last 42 years. He told me he__________remembered that cold winter night when we brought the__________of Thanksgiving Day to his family. The food and gifts were certainly__________, but what warmed his heart that night was to see a group of teenagers who understood the__________of Thanksgiving Day.

1.A. personal    B. financial    C. academic    D. typical

2.A. determined    B. applied    C. attempted    D. preferred

3.A. figure out    B. make sure    C. make sense    D. point out

4.A. satisfied    B. puzzled    C. touched    D. amazed

5.A. separate    B. collected    C. distribute    D. donate

6.A. pulling out    B. breaking down    C. breaking up    D. pulling down

7.A. traditional    B. complete    C. usual    D. basic

8.A. honesty    B. pity    C. generosity    D. curiosity

9.A. delivery    B. contact    C. decision    D. contribution

10.A. memory    B. gift    C. deal    D. opportunity

11.A. sorrow    B. expression    C. impression    D. laugh

12.A. pushed    B. reached    C. answered    D. dragged

13.A. again    B. anyhow    C. enough    D. though

14.A. spare    B. wait    C. spend    D. save

15.A. nervously    B. hurriedly    C. proudly    D. worriedly

16.A. catch up on    B. come up with    C. keep up with    D. get hold of

17.A. just    B. already    C. even    D. still

18.A. warmth    B. excitement    C. pleasure    D. experience

19.A. accepted    B. offered    C. appreciated    D. consumed

20.A. symbol    B. spirit    C. history    D. intention


Protecting your eyesight is one of the most important things you can do to help maintain your quality of life. 1. Consider these simple guidelines:

Protect your eyes from harmful UV(紫外线的) light. When you stay outdoors during daytime, always wear sunglasses that protect your eyes from 100 percent of the sun’s harmful UV rays. 2.

Look for warning signs of changes in your vision. 3.Some trouble signs to look for are double vision, hazy (模糊的) vision and having difficulty seeing in low light conditions. Other signs and symptoms of potentially serious eye problems that require immediate attention include red eyes, frequent flashes of light, eye pain and swelling.

4. A comprehensive eye exam, including enlarging your pupils (瞳孔), can determine your risk for major eye diseases that have no early warning signs or symptoms. An eye exam also can make sure that your prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses (隐形眼镜) is up to date.

5. But keeping a healthy lifestyle and having regular eye exams will certainly decrease your risk of developing a sight-stealing eye problem that otherwise might have prevented.

A. This may help reduce your risk of cataracts(白内障) and other problems.

B. Test your eyesight for free in an online eye exam.

C. In a word, eye care is very important, no matter how old a person is.

D. With a little careful and loving care, you can keep your eyes healthy as you age.

E. Get your eyes checked at least every two years.

F. It’s true that following these steps is no guarantee of perfect vision through your lifetime.

G. If you start noticing changes in your vision, see your eye doctor immediately.


When Columbus‘sailed the ocean blue in 1492’ he wasn't looking for America, he was searching for a route from Spain to China; America just got in the way.

The Spanish were after the riches of Asia: silk, dates,spices.Until later adventurers discovered how to sail to the Far East, trade with China depended on the Silk Road.The trade between China and Europe brought huge wealth, so the Spanish had a strong desire to find a new way to the East.Eventually a way appeared; as sea traffic developed from the 17th century onwards, the overland route diminished.

Now China is seeking to revive(复兴)the Silk Road and is preparing to invest 4 trillion pounds in new roads, rail links, oil pipelines and other basic facilities.It is hoped that goods can be shipped westwards by land far more quickly and economically than by sea.

But the plan is also to attract more tourists.Actually, China does pretty well for tourists already; it's the world's fourth most visited country.Two cities—Beijing and Shanghai—possess the tourism business, with significant interest in destinations such as Xi'an and Chengdu.While Beijing is modern,cities such as Lanzhou and Dunhuang have one foot planted firmly in old China.

Other places featured include Xi'an,the former capital of China,where you can come face to face with the Terracotta Army built to protect China's first emperor in the afterlife.From Lanzhou tour members take the train to Jiayuguan, China's western gateway and a key location on the Silk Road.

There is also a four­day coach journey along the original Silk Route through the Xinjiang region to Kashgar.Along the way, at Kurla, you can visit the ruins of the Iron Fortress.

1.What does the underlined word“diminished” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. Discovered.    B. Disturbed.

C. Disappeared.    D. Displayed.

2.What is the purpose of reviving the Silk Road?

A. To make transportation westwards faster and cheaper.

B. To construct new roads and other basic structures.

C. To rebuild the ruins of the Iron Fortress.

D. To draw more inland tourists' attention to the western gateway.

3.What is the best title for the text?

A. The function of the Silk Road.    B. The charming of the Silk Road.

C. The origin of the Silk Road.    D. The future of the Silk Road.


Sometimes people call each other“scared­cat”. But have you ever thought about this expression? When a cat is frightened, its heart starts beating faster,its muscles get tense and there are changes in the chemicals in its bloodstream.Although the cat doesn't realize this, its body is getting ready for action.If the danger continues, the animal will do one of two things.It will protect itself, or it will run away as fast as it can.

Something like this also happens to people.When we are excited, angry or scared by other feelings,our bodies go through many physical changes.Our hearts beat faster,and our muscles get tense.All of these changes make us more alert and ready to react.We, too, get ready to defend ourselves or run.

Human beings, however, have a problem that animals never face.If we give way to our feelings and let them take over, we can get into trouble.Have you ever said something in anger or hit somebody and regretted it later? Have you ever shouted at a teacher, told somebody you were lonely, or said you were in love, and then wished later you had kept your mouth shut?It isn't always clever to express your feelings freely.

Does this mean that it's smarter to always hide our feelings?No!If you keep feelings of anger, sadness hidden away or bottled up inside, your body stays tense.Physical illness can develop, and you can feel disturbed badly inside.It can actually be bad for your health.It isn't good to keep pleasant feelings inside either; all feelings need to be expressed.

Feelings that you keep all bottled up inside don't just go away.It's as if you bought some bananas and put them in a cupboard.You might not be able to see them, but before long you'd smell them.And if you opened the cupboard, chances are that you'd see little fruit flies flying all over them.They are bad.

You can try to treat feelings as if they were bananas in the cupboard.You can hide them and you can pretend they don't exist, but they'll still be around.And at last you'll have to deal with them, just like those bananas.

1.When people and animals are aroused by fear,________.

A. they may get ready to attack or run away

B. their muscles get neither tense nor relaxed

C. their hearts beat either faster or slower

D. they feel very regretful immediately

2.Why do human beings get into trouble according to the passage?

A. They are usually not as alert as animals.

B. They always do something wrong to other people.

C. They sometimes can't control their feelings.

D. They don't pay attention to their physical changes.

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Feelings will gradually disappear when you hold them in.

B. Bananas stay fresh longer when they are in a cupboard.

C. Holding in your feelings may lead to unpleasant results.

D. It's good for your health to keep pleasant feelings inside.

4.What is the purpose of this passage?

A. To tell us that people's feelings are like bananas in a cupboard.

B. To give us some advice on how to express our feelings.

C. To prove that it isn't always wise to express our feelings freely.

D. To help us deal with feelings in a wise and proper way.


Mark felt that it was time for him to take part in his community, so he went to the neighborhood meeting after work.The area city council(委员会)woman was leading a discussion about how the quality of life was on the decline.The neighborhood faced many problems.Mark looked at the charts taped to the walls.There were charts for parking problems, crime, and for problems in vacant buildings.Mark read from the charts, “Police patrols(巡逻)cut back, illegal parking up 20%.”People were supposed to suggest solutions to the council woman.It was too much for Mark.“The problems are too big,”he thought.He turned to the man next to him and said,“I think this is a waste of my time.Nothing I can do would make a difference here.”

As he neared the bus stop on his way home, Mark saw a woman carrying a grocery bag, and a baby.As Mark got closer, her other child, a little boy, suddenly dashed into the street.The woman tried to reach for him, but as she moved, her bag shifted(滑落), and groceries started to fall out.Mark ran to take the boy's arm and led him back to his mother.“You gotta stay with Mom,”he said.Then he picked up the fallen groceries while the woman smiled in relief.“Thanks,”she said.“You've got great timing.”“Just being neighborly,”Mark said.As he rode home, he glanced at the poster near his seat in the bus.Small acts of kindness add up. Mark smiled and thought,“Maybe that's a good place to start.”

1.Why did Mark go to the neighborhood meeting?

A. To join in the neighborhood patrols.

B. To collect suggestions for the community problems.

C. To voice his complaints to the city council.

D. To do something for his community.

2.What was being discussed when Mark arrived at the neighborhood meeting?

A. The increase of police patrols at night.    B. The worsening in the quality of life.

C. The rebuilding of vacant buildings.    D. The violation(违反)of community regulations.

3.What did Mark think of the community's problems?

A. They have to be dealt with one by one.

B. They need to be solved with the assistance from the city.

C. They may take a long time to be solved.

D. They are too big for single efforts.

4.Why did Mark smile on his ride home?

A. He had done a small deed of kindness.    B. He had read a funny poster near his seat.

C. He had got some groceries at a big discount.    D. He had caught the bus just in time.


Soon enough, we will lose some of the most amazing sites on Earth!

The Great Barrier Reef

Rising air temperatures will cause sea temperatures to rise as well.All life supported by the oceans will be affected with this shock to their ecosystem.Coral are some of the most vulnerable marine animals and we are already watching whole reefs disappear.The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is no exception and will continue to shrink as the temperatures rise!These reefs are some of the best in the world for diving, but they will soon disappear!


Sprawling across(横跨)hundreds of small islands in Northeast Italy,Venice is at extreme risk of sinking into the Adriatic Sea.Rising sea levels are in fact a serious threat to many coastal cities located at sea level.Lucky for us,however,Venice is developing a series of sea walls to protect the city in times of high tide.

Glacier(冰川)National Park

Glacier National Park was once covered by over 150 glaciers, but by 2005 it only had about 27!Located in Montana, Canada, this park is over a million acres and has a huge plant and wildlife population.As temperatures rise, the glaciers and ice melt, which will upset the ecosystems sustaining over a thousand plant species and hundreds of animals.

The Amazon

The cause behind the disappearance of these fantastic places ultimately comes down to humans.Our expansion usually requires cutting down forests for land, fuel and materials,but rarely considers the consequences.These forests are sources of food and medicine for just about everyone on the planet!

What will happen if we lose these valuable places and beautiful destinations?!

1.According to the text,what is causing coral's death?

A. Rising sea levels.    B. Rising sea temperatures.

C. Humans' diving activities.    D. The shrinkage(缩小)of their habitats.

2.What can we infer from the part of “Venice”?

A. Many places are in the risk of sinking below the sea level.

B. Venice is the only coastal city of Italy.

C. Venice will never sink because of the protection of sea walls.

D. Italy consists of hundreds of small islands in the Adriatic Sea.

3.What can we learn about Glacier National Park from the text?

A. It doesn't support any living thing for its cold.    B. It iscovered by over 150 glaciers.

C. Plant species and animals in it have died out.    D. It covers a large area in Montana.

4.Which site's shrinking reason differs from the other sites?

A. The Great Barrier Reef.    B. Venice.

C. The Amazon.    D. Glacier National Park.



1.What does the Golden Rule ask people to do?

A. Develop personal rules

B. Respect their families and ancestors

C. Treat others as they wish to be treated

2.Which is Confucius’ teaching?

A. Governments should be moral    B. Husbands should respect wives

C. People should memorize rules of behavior.

3.How did Confucius teach lessons?

A. Through arguments.    B. Through reasoning    C. Through personal examples

4.What does the speaker say about Confucius?

A. He used to be even more important.

B. He has influenced many cultures.

C. He has little effect on people today.



1.Which decorations are on the sofa?

A. The Christmas ones    B. The Halloween ones    C. The Thanksgiving ones

2.What did the man use to get the box out?

A. A pole    B. A chair    C. A ladder

3.Where might the conservation take place?

A. In the basement    B. In the bedroom    C. In the living room



1.How old was Jonathan’s mother when she started doing laundry?

A. 8 years old    B. 10 years old    C. 16 years old

2.Which temperature will Jonathan use for now?

A. Hot    B. Cold    C. Warm

3.What is the “light ” spin cycle used for?

A. Jeans and towels    B. Most of Jonathan’s clothes    C. Sheets and pillow cases



1.What is Anna’s chemistry grade now?

A. B    B. B+    C. D

2.When does Anna’s study group meet?

A. After school    B. On the weekends    C. During lunch hour

3.Who is Anna speaking to?

A. A studying group member    B. Her teacher    C. Her father



1.When will the man start his new job?

A. Tomorrow    B. Next week    C. Next month

2.Why is the man paying for the woman’s lunch?

A. She helped him a lot    B. It is his turn to pay    C. He wants to congratulate her


What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Young people lose their jobs easily.

B. Young people are too quick in making decisions.

C. Young people seldom stay long in the same job.


How does the woman feel about the zoo?

A. Sad    B. Impressed    C. Disappointed


What is the woman doing now?

A. Baking cookies    B. Making a list    C. Shopping for groceries


What happened to the woman?

A. She woke up late    B. She got to work late    C. She stayed up late


Where does the man want to go?

A. To a railway station    B. To a Post Office    C. To the seaside


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Dear Peter,

I have received your e-mail to telling me that you are worried about your weight. Be overweight can affect one’s health, so it is not anything you should ignore. If you want to lose weight, I am happy to give you some advices.

First, set aside time to exercise regular. This can be difficult unless you have a busy work schedule, as this may involve getting up hour early to go running. Second, eat less healthy food and stay away from junk food. There are stores where particularly sell healthy food, which is a little more expensive and can make a big difference.

I hope you can start doing better soon.


Li Hua


However, the 1. of scientists towards this rise are completely different. On the one hand, Dr Foster thinks that any 2. in which the temperature increases 3. 5 degrees would lead to a catastrophe. She says, “We can’t predict the climate well enough to know 4. to expect, but it could be very serious.” Others who agree with her think there may be 5. rise of several metres in the sea level, or predict severe storms, floods, droughts, famines, the 6. of diseases and the disappearances of 7.. On the other hand, there are those, like George Hambley, who are 8. to this view and believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air. They predict that any warming will be mild with few bad environmental  9.. In fact, Hambley states, “More carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing. It will make plants grow quicker; crops will produce more; it will 10. a greater range of animals, all of which will make life for human beings better.”


By the way, did you know that this is because you become addicted in three different ways? First, you can become 1. addicted to nicotine, which is one of the hundreds of 2. in cigarettes. This means that after a while your body becomes 3. to having nicotine in it. So when the drug leaves your body, you get withdrawal 4.. I remember feeling bad-tempered and sometimes even in pain. Secondly, you become addicted 5. habit. As you know, if you do the same thing over and over again, you begin to do it 6.. Lastly, you can become 7. addicted. I believed I was happier and more 8. after having a cigarette, so I began to think that I could only feel good when I smoked. I was addicted in all three ways, so 9. was very difficult to quit. But I 10. finally manage.



1.The boy felt a_____________ of himself that he had fainted when the doctor drew some blood from his arm.

2.If you p_____________ lots of money, would you buy the house you always like?

3.T_____________ as much as the shaking ground, I was sweating and dared not move my feet.

4.Smoking in public places must be b_____________, as it is a great danger to non-smokers.

5.As the weather got hotter and hotter, she had her room e_____________ with an air conditioner.

6.She was grateful that the company offered her a p_____________ training opportunity before she started her job.

7.It was a(n) _____________ (绝对地) fantastic sight to watch a volcanic eruption though it causes great damage.

8.This machine _____________ (消耗) less energy and produces less pollution than that one.

9.Don’t take _____________ (冒险) of getting infected with HIV to share your needle with anyone else.

10.Located downtown, this restaurant has a good _____________ (名声) for the good food and service among its customers.


Many people used to consider art to be paintings of fields with flowers, portraits of old- fashioned men in top hats, or pictures of bowls of fruit. 1., art has changed greatly in the last century. Now, computer game art and graffiti (涂鸦) 2. (accept) as types of art forms, too. There are 3. (exhibit) of these contemporary types of art in famous art galleries. Let’s discover some famous contemporary artists.

Damien Hirst is an English artist. He became famous after 4. (attend) Goldsmiths University in London, and was very popular in the 1990s. He has used a lot of dead animals in his work, including dead sharks, sheep and cows. He is famous 5. his diamond-covered skull, which was shown in an art gallery for a limited amount of time.

Marcel Duchamp, a French-American painter and sculptor, is considered one of 6. most important artists of the 20th century as he has influenced many artists. He changed 7. was the “normal” idea in the art world. Perhaps his best 8. (know) piece of work is simply a men’s urinal that he decided to label as art.

William Eggleston is an American photographer 9. made modern colour photography acceptable as an art form. Before him, black and white photography was much 10. (popular). Eggleston’s photographs are very “American”. They contain lots of images of “Coca-Cola, No Parking signs and palm trees”.


In the past, boredom was just part of life. You didn’t have a phone to ______ you in the car. You sat in the back seat and stared out of the window. But today, boredom is easy to ______. You can fill ______ time with apps, Xboxes and computers.

In fact, being bored can get you into real _______.

Boredom can lead to worry (Should I be doing something?). It can lead to bad ______ (I’ll ride my bike down the stairs --- what could go wrong?). People who are bored may ______ be more likely to abuse alcohol or drugs.

According to some experts, however, it turns out boredom can be ______ for you. Why? It has to do with the ______, which has two ways of paying attention.

The first way of paying attention is what helps you with what’s ______ around you. It helps you listen to your teacher, catch a ball, and joke with your friends. That’s the part of the brain you use ______ you text, play games and watch TV.

The other way of paying attention helps you think about how you ______. It helps you sort out your feelings about a fight with your brother. It helps you ______ the joy of baking cookies with your grandma. That’s the part of the brain you use to be ______, daydream and imagine your future.

But these two parts of your brain can’t both ______ at the same time.

So what happens if you’re always ______? You’ll only use the first part of your brain. You’ll ______ use the thoughtful part. If this part of your brain doesn’t work well, you may not know what you really feel. You can be ______ of what you really want.

That’s why it’s ______ to learn to be bored. Being able to do ______--- happily --- is an important skill. It’s something you have to practice, ______ it will feel much more rewarding than computer games.

1.A. educate    B. support    C. help    D. entertain

2.A. have    B. avoid    C. start    D. forget

3.A. spare    B. long    C. limited    D. local

4.A. pain    B. business    C. trouble    D. challenge

5.A. situations    B. concerns    C. decisions    D. performances

6.A. just    B. even    C. still    D. only

7.A. fit    B. good    C. hard    D. simple

8.A. habit    B. heart    C. brain    D. life

9.A. continuing    B. disappearing    C. hiding    D. happening

10.A. when    B. since    C. before    D. though

11.A. react    B. speak    C. feel    D. relax

12.A. tell    B. learn    C. explain    D. remember

13.A. creative    B. active    C. attractive    D. competitive

14.A. exist    B. work    C. spread    D. move

15.A. free    B. real    C. busy    D. normal

16.A. always    B. ever    C. never    D. once

17.A. shy    B. unsure    C. tired    D. careful

18.A. ordinary    B. impossible    C. difficult    D. important

19.A. nothing    B. something    C. everything    D. anything

20.A. so    B. but    C. or    D. if


Questions to ask yourself before making a big decision

Life is packed with decisions, big and small. If you feel a big decision is appearing in your life, don’t hide! Ask yourself these questions to get clear on what’s the right choice for you.

How committed am I to this change?

Rate your level of commitment on a scale out of 10. 1. Is your level of commitment higher than a 7? That’s great data for your decision!

Is this decision in line with my long-term goal?

2. Write down your goals. Then think about how this decision plays into that longer-term plan.


This is one of my favorite questions! If something is stirring(搅动) within you --- a creative idea, a calling to move somewhere new, a desire to end a relationship --- what are you giving up when you don’t do it? What might you be missing out on in your life if you do nothing?

Is now the right time?

Bear in mind: 4. But there are few real reasons we ever need to delay making a big one when it presents itself. Remember, life is always uncertain and time waits for no one.

Making a big decision doesn’t have to be so difficult. There are no right or wrong answers, or right or wrong ways to live your life. 5. Your inner wisdom has the answers. So get busy asking the person who knows best --- you.

A. What is the risk of not doing it?

B. How long have I been thinking about his?

C. Not all decisions need to be made immediately.

D. Think about the amount of work, effort and time you’d have to put in.

E. We always want to know what we need to do next.

F. You don’t have to ask other people what they think.

G. Ask yourself: What do I want five even ten years from now?


The fashionable technology of virtual reality (虚拟现实) (VR) --- the wonderful world created by computers --- is finally here, but before you rush out to buy the headset, you’ll want to take notice of experts’ warnings.

“These devices are designed mostly for adult use,” said Dr. Justin Asgarpour, Vancouver optometrist (whose job is to examine people’s eyes and to sell glasses).

Little research has been done about the long-term effects of VR on children, but makers have not designed the VR headsets for young eyes.

VR headset maker Oculus Rift states that younger users may suffer from discomfort or ill health effects, and they are in a very important period of visual development.

“What a study has suggested is that a VR device can actually cause what we call amblyopia, potential lazy eyes, in these children with pre-existing visual conditions,” Dr. Asgarpour said.

Even children without underlying eye conditions could experience problems, like temporary double vision.

Adults should be careful too, according to the doctor, who says longer virtual reality experiences can lead t balance problems. You should be careful of your surroundings and be careful not to trip over wires. Those with heart conditions are advised not to play.

But there are some positive health uses of virtual reality. The technology has been used to treat conditions like fear of heights, and it’s also being used to help treat addictions.

“What we’re trying to do is take people into a drug-related setting and let them experience cravings (extremely strong wishes for something,)” Dr. Zach Rosenthal with Duke University said. He and his team take addicts inside a virtual house and use a series of tones to condition them to reduce their cravings.

A lot more research needs to be done about the long-term health effects of VR, but in the meantime you had better spend only a limited time on VR and make sure your children use it as little as possible.

1.What may be Oculus Rift’s attitude to children’s use of VR?

A. Discouraging.    B. Uninterested.    C. Doubtful.    D. Curious

2.What did Asgarpour say about VR?

A. It could help to improve users’ balance.

B. It was badly in need of improvements.

C. It could be used to treat heart disease.

D. It might cause kids’ sight problems.

3.Why does the author mention Rosenthal’s study?

A. To explain the harm of addictions.    B. To prove VR’s beneficial effects.

C. To comment on VR’s medical uses.    D. To discuss people’s cravings for VR.

4.What are scientists expected to find out?

A. Why children are showing much interest in VR.

B. How people can use VR to improve their health.

C. Why VR is getting more popular at the present time.

D. How VR influences users over a long period of time.


The sun rises above the Artic Ocean (北冰洋). Across the frozen sea, a white bear moves slowly.

The bear stops and sways (摇晃) his head from side to side. There is nothing to see but endless ice and red sky. Then his powerful nose senses what his eyes cannot: a beluga whale is nearby.

The bear follows the smell and spots a large hole in the ice where a small white whale is swimming. He silently walks towards the hole, then stops, standing still. The whale does not see the bear, whose white fur makes him appear invisible (看不见的) against the ice.

Finally, the whale swims close to where the bear is waiting. With terrifying speed, the bear comes to life and moves towards the whale. In a moment it is over, and the bear eats his first meal in nearly a week.

Polar bears rule the frozen sea, but their ancestors weren’t always built for ice and snow. The first Arctic bears were brown bears, a species that includes grizzly bears. They came to the icy north over a hundred thousand years ago.

No one knows for sure why these bears traveled to such a cold place. Scientists think they might have wandered north looking for food. Maybe they became trapped by glaciers and couldn’t leave. Whatever the reason, the bears never should have survived.

But they did. They got used to their new environment. Their bodies changed. Their behavior changed, too. Eventually, the bears developed into an entirely new species: the polar bear. You can see some of the characteristics that polar bears developed to survive.

Sadly, these characteristics may now threaten the polar bear’s survival. As sea ice melts due to global warming, polar bears are frequently forced to come ashore (在岸上). They are poor hunters on land, which means they often go a long time between meals. The polar bear, king of the Arctic, is now classified as a threatened species.

Although the future of the polar bear is unknown, the tale of two bears continues. As temperatures rise, grizzly bears have been spotted moving north into polar bear territory (领地). These long-lost cousins, once forced apart by nature, are coming back together again.

1.What can be inferred about the white bear mentioned in the first four paragraphs?

A. It is noisy.    B. it is smelly.    C. It is starving.    D. It has good eyesight.

2.Why are polar bears struggling to survive?

A. They are threatened by other animals.

B. They are losing their hunting ground.

C. They are spending little time on land.

D. They have difficulty reaching the shore.

3.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. The climate change

B. The polar bear’s favorite meal

C. The dark past of the polar bear

D. The mysteries of the Arctic Ocean


“Hey, how are you doing? I’m Courtney. What grade are you in? What’s your favorite book? Elephant and Piggy? Yeah, I got it.”

If you thought you’d walked into a library with a greeting like that, you wouldn’t be too far off. In fact, you’ve entered the workplace of Courtney Holmes, the Storybook Barber.

Two years ago, Dubuque, Iowa, held its first yearly Back to School Bash, offering needy families an opportunity to learn about free resources in the community. Holmes agreed to participate. Saturday was his busiest haircutting day, but he chose to donate his time and give free haircuts to underprivileged kids so they’d look sharp on that first day of classes. But then he had a lightbulb moment(突然醒悟的一瞬): “The kids should earn their free haircut by having to read a book to me,” Holmes said.

The idea was so popular that he continued it for the next two years. Five-to ten-year-old boys would grab a favorite book, settle into the barber chair, and read aloud while Holmes cut their hair. If they stuttered(结结巴巴) over a word, Holmes was there to help.

After the haircut, they’d review the book, from the characters and vocabulary to the themes --- just like in school, only more fun.

Holmes admits he, too, benefits from the free snip-and-reads.

“There was this seven-year-old Bob, who struggled through his book, stuttering over words even though he didn’t have a stutter,” said Holmes. He had the boy take the book home and practice. When the child came back a few days later, “He read it with no problems. That inspires me.”

Holmes and his family have recently moved from Dubuque to a Chicago suburb. When they get settled, he plans to continue his role as the Storybook Barber. “The way the world is today is with guns and violence,” he says, “it’s a safe haven for the kids, to come to the barbershop and read books.”

1.What does the underlined word “underprivileged” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. Unruly.    B. Poor.    C. Intelligent.    D. Unusual.

2.What did Holmes say about Bob?

A. He fired his enthusiasm.    B. He gifted him a new book.

C. He preferred to read alone.    D. He had a language disability.

3.What can we infer about Holmes from the last paragraph?

A. He showed great concern for kids.    B. He faced serious money problems.

C. He had an excellent sense of humor.    D. He built a shelter for homeless kids.



1.What do we know about Paul Bunyan?

A. He was a small-sized man.

B. He was a British folk hero.

C. His job was to cut down trees.

2.What is said to be created by Paul Bunyan?

A. The Great Canyon.

B. The Mississippi River.

C. The Niagara Falls.

3.What color was Paul Bunyan’s pet?

A. Black.    B. Gray.    C. Blue.

4.What does the speaker do most probably?

A. A radio host.    B. A folklore expert.    C. A TV producer.



1.What does the man think about eating sushi with hands?

A. Unhealthy.    B. Rude.    C. Acceptable.

2.How does the man like to eat sushi?

A. Eat it directly.

B. Eat it with sauce.

C. Eat it with vegetable.

3.What does “wasabi” always make the woman?

A. Uncomfortable.    B. Starved.    C. Good.

4.What’s the relationship between the speakers?

A. Guide and tourist.

B. Chef and customer.

C. Colleagues.



1.Who is the letter written to?

A. The man.

B. The man’s father.

C. The woman’s father.

2.Why does NOT the woman use e-mail?

A. Her computer is broken.

B. She likes writing on paper.

C. She doesn’t know how.

3.Where does the woman find the stamp?

A. In her phone case.

B. In her purse.

C. Under her keyboard.


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