Throughout most states of the USA, there are countless secret swimming holes, and following are 4 of them.

Havasu Falls (Arizona)

This attractive waterfall in the Grand Canyon is undoubtedly a destination spot requiring a 10-mile walk to the falls. You can take a guided tour to the falls, or make it on your own. The Havasu Falls are on the Havasupai Indian Reservation, which means you'll need to get a permit to visit — this has become increasingly difficult as more people discover this hidden place.

Hamilton Pool (Austin)

Hamilton Pool was created when an underground river's roof fell down suddenly; exposing what is now the swimming hole and creating a 50-foot waterfall that flows over the above limestone(石灰岩). You'll have to reserve beforehand to gain entry to the Hamilton Pool Preserve.

Chutes and Ladders (Maui)

To get to this secret swimming hole, you'll have to take a rope 40 feet down the face of a cliff, and then climb down about 8 feet of lava rock to the pool. Once there, however, you'll be glad you made the journey. The swimming hole is on the edge of the ocean — a natural pool, you could say — with a depth that invites you to jump in without crowds of people around to watch.

Homestead Crater (Utah)

The Homestead Crater is hidden under a rock dome(圆顶) with an opening at the top that allows for sunlight and air. It was once only accessible by that top opening, but there is now easy access through a side path for visitors. Go for a swim in this beautiful mineral water spring.




1.People need an official written statement to visit _________.

A.Havasu Falls B.Hamilton Pool

C.Chutes and Ladders D.Homestead Crater

2.What do you need to get to Chutes and Ladders?

A.A tour guide. B.An invitation.

C.More outdoor skills. D.Reservation in advance.

3.Which of the following can best describe the four places?

A.They are hidden in remote areas. B.They are shaped by limestone.

C.They are created by local people. D.They are accessible through a hole.



1. 过去家乡树木成林:如今人们毁林种地建房;

2. 气候变化,土地沙漠化;

3. 植树造林,人人有责。

注意:1. 词数100左右:开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头语已为你写好。

Dear Editor,

I’m a student at a middle school of Beijing.



Li Hua


Monkeys surprise us

Humans are the most intelligent animals on Earth. 1.But sometimes, our way of thinking can become an obstacle (障碍).

Julia Watzek, a graduate student in psychology at Georgia State University, US, recently did some research on the problem-solving abilities of both monkeys and humans.2.They intended to test their ability to change their strategies(策略) in the game. In this game, each player was shown four squares on a computer screen: one striped square, one spotted square and two blank squares. While being trained to play the game, they learned that clicking the stripedsquare and then the spotted square would cause a blue triangle to pop up in one of the blank squares. Clicking on the blue triangle would give them a reward. 3. But partway through the game, the researchers introduced a shortcut (捷径). Suddenly, the blue triangle started appearing at the start of gameplay, alongside the striped and spotted squares.4.Remarkably, about 70 percent of the monkeys figured out this shortcut immediately. 5. Only 1 out of 56 human players figured out the shortcut right away.

Watzek’s conclusion was that humans tend to get “stuck in their ways” when it comes to strategic thinking. Things such as standardized testing and formal schooling might cause humans to use the same strategy over and over, even when it doesn’t work very well.

A.Monkeys never did better than human.

B.She and her team had them play a simple game.

C.The spotted square didn’t appear at all till the end.

D.Humans, on the other hand, were slow to figure it out.

E.We have mental abilities that other animals don’t have.

F.If a player clicked on the blue triangle, they’d receive their reward right away.

G.Human players would hear a “woop!” sound and monkey players would receive a snack.


    Wal-Mart is not just the world’s largest retailer(零售商). It’s the world’s largest company, which sells in three months what number-two retailer Home Depot sells in a year.

Wal-Mart exercises its power for just one purpose: to bring the lowest possible prices to its customers. At Wal-Mart, that goal is never reached. The retailer has a clear policy for suppliers: On basic products that don’t change, the price Wal-Mart will pay, and will charge shoppers, must drop year after year. But what almost no one outside the world of Wal-Mart and none of its 21,000 suppliers know is the high cost of those low prices. To survive in the face of its pricing demands, makers of everything from bikes to jeans have had to close US plants in favor of obtaining products from abroad.

Indeed, the real story of Wal-Mart, the story that never gets told, is the story of the pressure the biggest retailer constantly applies to its suppliers in the name of bringing us “every day low prices”.

The giant retailer’s low prices often come with a high cost. Wal-Mart’s pressure can crush the companies it does business with and force them to send jobs overseas. Are we shopping our way straight to the unemployment line? Of course, US companies have been moving jobs offshore for decades; long before Wal-Mart was a retailing power. But there is no question that the chain is helping accelerate the loss of American jobs to low-wage countries such as Thailand.

People ask, “How can it be bad for things to come into the US cheaply?” Sure, it’s great to have bargains. But you can’t buy anything if you’ re not employed.

There is no question that Wal-Mart’s drive to squeeze out cost has benefited consumers. By now, it is accepted wisdom that Wal-Mart makes the companies it does business with more efficient and focused. Wal-Mart itself is known for continuous improvement in its ability to handle, move, and track goods. It is legendary for forcing its suppliers to redesign everything from their packaging to their computer systems. It is also legendary for quite straightforwardly telling them what it will pay for their goods.

1.Wal-Mart’s low-price policy results in            .

A.more high-paying jobs B.worse designed packages

C.bigger profit of its partners D.more jobless American workers

2.What does the underline word “offshore” in the passage mean?

A.In abroad. B.In the Ocean.

C.On the beach. D.On an island not far from shore.

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Still more quality goods will be provided. B.The food you get at Wal-Mart costs least.

C.The value of Mal-Mart is over assessed. D.Wal-Mart is a very demanding company.

4.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.The Fortune Wal-Mart Makes B.The Wal-Mart you don’t Know

C.The Biggest Retailer—Wal-Mart D.The Money Saving Tip in Wal-Mart


Sort trash, save Earth

You might not think much about where your garbage goes. But now you might want to know. On July 1, Shanghai introduced a new garbage-sorting policy (垃圾分类政策). People there need to put different kinds of garbage into different bins. Other cities in China will do the same soon.

Why is garbage sorting a big problem? It’s because there is too much garbage these days. It is bad for our soil, air and water. Actually we can make use of some garbage again.

And first, we need to sort our garbage. For example, if you put an old battery into the “harmful waste” bin, people can use it to make new batteries. But if you don’t, the battery will end up somewhere else. Then, it will pollute the environment.

Can’t factories sort garbage for us? Yes, they can. But it takes many workers to do this and costs lots of money. If we all sort our own garbage, things will become much easier.

Garbage sorting and recycling around the world

• Germany: There are big machines in supermarkets. You can put bottles in the machines and get money back. You can get one to two yuan per bottle. People like this because they can get money and protect the environment at the same time.

• Japan: A trash truck comes to people’s doors to pick up their garbage. It plays music when it’s coming. There are eight or more kinds of garbage. If you sort any of them wrong, you will get a notice on your door.

• Indonesia: People can take buses for free if they give plastic bottles to bus stations. An hour-long bus ride costs three large bottles, five medium bottles or 10 plastic cups. But the bottles must be clean.

• Shanghai: Four kinds of garbage in Shanghai

Recyclable garbage includes paper, books, boxes, newspapers, and glass bottles.

Harmful garbage includes lamps, batteries, nail polish (指甲油 ), and other things with harmful chemicals.

Wet garbage usually comes from the kitchen, such as food, vegetables, flowers, leaves and eggshells.

Dry garbage is anything you cannot put into the other three bins. It includes pens, toilet paper, tape, hair, and towels.



1.What can we learn from Paragraph 1?

A.Many other cities in China have garbage-sorting policies.

B.Many people don’t like Shanghai’s garbage-sorting policy.

C.Shanghai is the first city in China to make a garbage-sorting policy.

D.China is the first country in the world to make a garbage-sorting policy.

2.With the battery example, the writer tries to tell us            . to sort our garbage

B.the importance of sorting our garbage

C.what harmful waste is

D.the difficulty of sorting our garbage

3.Why can’t we ask factories to sort garbage?

A.Because we don’t have this kind of factory.

B.Because factories ask for too much money.

C.Because it takes too many workers to do it.

D.Because not all garbage can go to factories.

4.In which country can people take buses for free if they give plastic bottles to bus stations?

A.Germany. B.Indonesia. C.Japan. D.China.


Some Facts about Britain

School-leaving age

Children have to stay at school until the age of 16. There is no upper age limit.


You have to be 18 to buy alcohol in a shop, but if you’re 16 and you’re having a meal in a pub, you can drink beer or wine with it.

Motor vehicles

16-year-olds can ride a motorbike of up to 50 cc. At 17 you can ride any bike or drive a car.


You can smoke cigarettes at any age, but you can’t go into a shop and buy them until you are 18.

Armed forces

Men can join the army at 16, women at 17. If you’re under 18, you need your parents’ permission.


You can get married at 16 with your parents’ permission. Otherwise you have to wait till you’re 18.

Paid employment

You can take a part-time job at 14, and a full-time job at 16 (i.e. when you’ve left school).

Entering Parliament(议会)

The minimum age for becoming a Member of Parliament is 21.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A.People and employment. B.Children and smoking.

C.Age and the law. D.Safety and traffic.

2.When a British boy is 14 years old, he can probably          .

A.take a part-time job B.drink beer or wine a car cigarettes

3.The minimum age for entering Parliament in Britain is           .

A.16 B.17 C.18 D.21

4.According to the passage, we may know that in Britain           .

A.people can get married at 18

B.people can buy alcohol in a shop at 16

C.children have to study at school until 18

D.a girl of 17 can join the army without asking her parents


    Tired, I came back home from work. I found the front door was_____________and I felt a little scared.

Did I carelessly forget to lock it after I left? I looked around to_____________what could be___________ Why would someone come into my home only to___________with nothing? After searching every inch, I realized that everything was_______ I had left it. Feeling much eased, I looked out the window of my dining room at Ms. Sullivan’s___________. Jimmy, the little boy next door was visiting her. Jimmy cared a lot about Ms. Sullivan’s___________after she became ill. She used to_____________Jimmy when he was just a baby.

Forgetting about the___________with my front door, I decided to walk over to Ms. Sullivan’s house to see how she was __________. With a warm hello, she invited me into her home. I noticed twelve beautiful roses on the table next to her bed. They looked exactly like the____________on my dining room table. With a pleasant smile, she told me Jimmy brought them to her as a “get-well gift”. Suddenly Jimmy______________ out of his seat and said that he had to go home for a while to do some homework but he____________ to be back to check up on Ms. Sullivan.

Talking for a while, Ms. Sullivan began to get very tired____________I gave her my phone number in case she needed____________, and left her home. I thought about how__________it was for little Jimmy to be so concerned for Ms. Sullivan. I got home, laughing at how __________I was about what had happened over__________. I walked passed the dining room and noticed my roses____________in the vase were missing. Without a second____________, I glanced out of the window at Ms. Sullivan’s house and with a smile on my face.

The next morning my doorbell rang. I opened the door Jimmy was there.

1.A.locked B.covered D.closed

2.A.see B.hear C.feel D.get

3.A.burning B.shining C.lacking D.missing C.steal D.leave

5.A.what B.where C.that D.letter

7.A.idea C.dream B.notice C.follow D.visit

9.A.price B.experience C.incident D.condition

10.A.working B.doing C.sleeping D.walking

11.A.lamps B.vases C.roses

12.A.stood B.ran C.stepped D.jumped

13.A.called B.wrote C.promised D.refused

14.A.but C.when D.though B.time D.bread B.harmful C.sweet D.careless

17.A.strange B.nervous C.careless D.wrong

18.A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing

19.A.growing B.sitting C.lying D.arranging

20.A.thought B.intention C.expectation D.delay



Hello, I’m Mike. I live in my own flat with a cat. Actually, my cat thinks I’m a hero because I1.(save) her from the street. I love pizza if it’s Italian,’s white, and football if it’s the World Cup. I read a lot, especially true life3.(story), but most of my books live on  4.(I) phone. I love to travel and I prefer an active holiday like hiking, skiing or watersports. I post lots of photos on the Internet and I’d really love to share the holiday with someone. Maybe you 5.(take) photos on the next trip if you see mine.



1.I began to think how wonderful it was ________(see) the power of nature.

2.Captain Scott left a record, for honesty, for sincerity, for bravery, for everything that________(make) a man.

3.People in Amsterdam___________(enjoy) the benefits of cycling for years.

4.He engaged in a wide range of exercises ___________(design) to rebuild muscle, and made remarkable progress.

5.Tu Youyou is a scientist________work is internationally renowned.



1. 活动时间及地点;

2. 活动目的及内容。

注意: 1.词数100左右;


参考词汇:三苏文化节 Three Sus Culture Festival 书法 calligraphy







注意:1. 每处错误及修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从11处起)不计分。

I’ve learned from the newspaper that your company is looking for assistant. I’m very interesting in the job and I’d like to apply to the position. First of all, allow me to introduce myself. I had just graduated from high school and taken the University Entrance Examination. I want to find out a part-time job in the summer. I am 18 year old and have a good command of English, especial in terms of speaking and listening. In fact, I once won the first prize in an English speech contest holding in our school. Furthermore, I’m quite easy-going but therefore very popular among my classmates. I sincerely hope you can give us a chance. I’m looking forward to your early reply.



A 35-year-old Australian mother makes around $58, 000 a year by hugging total strangers.

Jessica O' Neill started her unusual job six months ago. “As human beings, one thing we often ignore in our daily lives 1.(be) physical touch. Without it, we can fall into depression(抑郁)and other mental health 2.(problem). To meet this need, I’ve become a professional hugging therapist(理疗师).”said Jessica.

Jessica thinks her hugs can help those 3.(suffer) from loneliness, depression or low self-confidence. “When I hug my customers, I could see their tension and 4.(anxious) disappear. Then I could get to their heart and do what I can 5.(cure) them.” Jessica said. “Everyone has the desire to connect with someone. I believe my hug helps 6.(I) and my customers connect on a spiritual level.” Jessica says the majority of her customers are male, but she has 7.surprising number of female customers as well.

8.many people think she must be crazy to do such work, Jessica is9.(confidence) that she’s made the right choice. “In today’s digital age, many people are lonelier than ever before. Hugging therapy can have an apparent effect 10.their mental health,” said Jessica.


    A woman operated a daycare for children. As she ______ the children in her car one day, a fire truck rushed by. The kids were ______ to see a Dalamatian (大麦町犬)on the front seat. They began a conversation about the______ of the dog. One child said they used the dog to keep the ______ back. Another said the Dalmatian was just for good luck. But young Jamie brought the ______ to an end when he said, “They use the dog to find the hydrant(消防栓)!”

He ______us that we all have useful______. Some of our skills are clear. Some are ______. But all of us can contribute, and usually in more ways than we ______.

There was a good example: the football player William Floyd, who injured his knee halfway through his 1995 season with the San Francisco Forty-Niners. The gifted ______ could no longer do the thing he believed he did best until his knee recovered. But he ______ not to stay at home. Nor did he allow ______ feelings about his worthlessness to the team to control his thinking. ______, he stood on the sidelines at every workout ______he could encourage his teammates with enthusiasm and optimism. He still wanted to ______— if not on the field, then off it. For the rest of the season he ______his team, both at practices and during every game. At the end of the year, his ______made him the player “who best exemplifies(例证) inspirational and courageous play.”

William Floyd ______ developed one of his greatest gifts—an ability to encourage others. This life skill may yet prove to be more ______ than even his athletic ability.

You, too, are gifted at something. ______it, develop it and do something beautiful with it.

1.A.transported B.discovered C.recognized D.threatened

2.A.disappointed B.excited C.satisfied D.frightened

3.A.habits B.owners C.characters D.duties

4.A.dogs B.trucks C.crowds D.firefighters

5.A.lesson B.argument C.explanation D.conference

6.A.promises B.tells C.reminds D.warns

7.A.experience B.information C.resources D.abilities

8.A.hidden C.perfect D.useless

9.A.realize B.repeat C.refuse D.remember

10.A.artist B.athlete C.journalist D.writer

11.A.chose B.began C.agreed D.pretended

12.A.deep B.negative C.warm D.different

13.A.Besides B.Thus C.Instead D.However though B.even if that case

15.A.insist B.challenge C.change D.contribute

16.A.encouraged B.managed C.protected D.instructed B.teammates C.competitors D.relatives

18.A.patiently B.normally C.rapidly D.fully

19.A.rare B.professional C.useful D.complex

20.A.Accept B.Check C.Design D.Discover


    Today’s families are busy. Mom and Dad are both working, the kids are busy with a variety of activities, and there is little time to enjoy being a family. What can you do to build some family unity(和睦)How can you prevent those you love from not knowing each other?1. It takes time and patience but it is certainly possible!

2. If it’s not possible to have them every night, make sure that you eat together as a family at the dinner table at least twice a week. If you need to cut something out of your schedule to achieve this, then do it.

Make a rule that all members of the family are treated with respect. 3. Speaking disrespectfully with others in the family should be forbidden.

Talk to your kids, and really listen. Busy parents are often sorry for not listening to their kids.4. During your family dinners and game nights, let everyone talk and make the others listen.

Forgive when necessary. 5. If someone has done something wrong, get it out in the open, and then forgive that person. Teach your children how to do this with each other.

A.Have family dinners.

B.Plan a family night now and then.

C.Keep physical contact with your family members.

D.Nothing breaks up family unity faster than a grudge(怨恨).

E.Start by modeling this as a parent, and then apply the rule to your children.

F.With creativity and effort, you can build a closely united family although you are busy.

G.When children know their thoughts or opinions are valued, they will feel closer to their family members.


    There are many gardening tips. Some suggest playing music for your house plants, having conversations with them, or even giving them a gentle touch now and then. Most of these practices are probably more for the benefit of the gardener than the garden, and generally harmless enough but except the last one. Your plants really dislike it when you touch them.

A new study out of the La Trobe Institute for Agriculture and Food has found that most plants are extremely sensitive to touch, and even a light touch can significantly stunt(阻碍) their growth. “The lightest touch from a human, animal, insect, or even plants touching each other in the wind, can cause a huge gene response in the plant,” Jim Whelan, who led the new study, said. “Within 30 minutes of being touched, 10% of the plant’s genome(基因组) is changed. This involves a huge expenditure(消耗) of energy which is taken away from plant growth. If the touching is repeated, then plant growth is reduced by up to 30%.”

Whelan and his team are still trying to find out why plants respond, at the genetic level, so strongly. They do have some theories, however. We know that when an insect lands on a plant, genes are activated(激活) preparing the plant to defend itself against being eaten ,” said Dr. Yan Wang, co-author of the study.

Until more research is done, it’s just a guess at this point. Still, the findings might already lead to new methods for how agriculturalists deal with their crops, to best promote healthier growth.

It’s worth noticing that while the study found that plants often respond to just a single touch in negative ways, it’s really repeated touching that causes lasting stunted growth. That’s because the plants are looking for patterns in the touching, to tell harmful touch from random touch. So it doesn’t matter if you accidently brush up against a bush during a walk through the woods.

1.How is the passage mainly developed?

A.By comparing

B.By giving examples

C.By listing numbers

D.By showing results of studies

2.Why can touching stunt a plant growing according to the study?

A.It leads to the plant’s energy expenditure.

B.It makes the plant sensitive to threats.

C.It causes a genetic disorder in the plant.

D.It prevents the plant absorbing nutrients.

3.What’s the importance of the study by Whelan and his team?

A.It gives us more useful gardening tips.

B.It helps find ways to ensure plants’ healthy growth.

C.It contributes to the further study on genes.

D.It uses data to warn people not to touch plants.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.Something is done to help plants grow.

B.Plants’ genome can be changed easily.

C.Plants don’t really like to be touched.

D.What we do every day may destroy plants.


    Typically, a person sitting in the driver's seat of a car opens the door with the hand closest to it. It makes sense since doors are designed to be opened that way. Pull the handle(把手) and immediately the door is open. But if you happen to do that at the wrong time, you may create an obstacle(阻碍) for a passing cyclist without knowing it. Then the cyclist will be sent falling off the bike, and the car door is likely to be damaged by the fast-moving bicycle.

The car door design and long-time habits have made the process instinctual but clearly the solution is for the person getting out of the vehicle to check for traffic. Luckily, there's a simple way to solve the problem: the Dutch reach. In other words, instead of using your left hand, reach for the door latch(门锁) with your right hand. This will force you to turn your body and look into your side view mirror to see whether any car or bike is coming.

''It's just what Dutch people do,'' said Fred Wegman, the former managing director of the National Institute for Road Safety Research in the Netherlands. ''All the Dutch are taught it. It's part of regular driver education.''

The technique dates back about 50 or 60 years, and it was very popular between the 1960s and the 1980s. But it didn't really become known as the Dutch reach until American physician named Michael Charney started the Dutch Reach Project in 2016 in an effort to popularize the practice in the United States. According to The Times, he was motivated by the death of a 27-year-old who rode into an open car door and died just five blocks from his home in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Charney's efforts may be paying off. Both Massachusetts and Illinois now include the Dutch reach in their drivers’ manuals(手册).

1.What is the first paragraph intended to show?

A.The poor design of the car door and handle.

B.A common conflict between cars and bicycles.

C.A main cause of traffic accidents related to cyclists.

D.Possible risks connected with opening the car door.

2.What does the underlined word ''instinctual'' in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.Difficult B.Possible

C.Natural D.Dangerous

3.How does the Dutch reach help to reduce traffic accidents?

A.By making the person open the car door more easily.

B.By forcing the person to check for approaching traffic.

C.By reminding the person of the traffic lights frequently.

D.By helping the person see the side view mirror more clearly.

4.What made Charney introduce the Dutch reach into America?

A.Its popularity among Dutch people.

B.Its appearance in drivers’ manuals.

C.A project started in the year 2016.

D.The death caused by a traffic accident.


    It was my first year of teaching. I was young and inexperienced, and had class after class of twenty kids just waiting for me to make a mistake.

After a particularly long night of grading papers and thinking about how many weeks I'd left until I could breathe, I had one of those mornings when I began to question my job choice. I'd become a teacher to help kids. Instead, I felt like I couldn't even help myself anymore. It was just Mother's Day, and as I sat at my desk surrounded by lesson plans, I wondered how I'd ever have enough energy to have children of my own.

That was when I heard a knock at my door. One of my students came in — the cool basketball-playing country boy who had accidentally broken my favorite snow globe so that I couldn't display nice things in my classroom. He handed me a large flower that probably came from his family's farm. He'd stuck a bird feather in it.

''I got you a Mother's Day gift,'' he said in a low voice. Most middle school and high school teachers don't receive presents. Christmas and Teacher Appreciation Day had already come and gone without any gifts. I was so shocked that I just stared.

Made nervous by my silence, he said, ''You know…since you're like a mother to us, I thought you should get a present, too.''

I smiled and told him he was the sweetest person in the entire world, and that I just loved it. Based on his smile, I knew I'd done enough work of making him feel quite proud of himself. What made that twelve-year-old bring me a homemade present? I'll never know. Once he left the room, I locked the door. And I cried. That moment helped me get through the rest of the school years.

1.What did the author think of her job as a teacher at the beginning?

A.Interesting. B.Tiring.

C.Rewarding. D.Demanding.

2.How did the boy feel when he gave his teacher the present?

A.Excited. B.Shocked.

C.Unwilling. D.Shy.

3.How did the author react when she was given the flower?

A.She was moved to tears.

B.She didn't accept the present.

C.She was too surprised to say anything.

D.She stared at the boy in puzzlement.

4.Which of the following encourages the author to continue teaching?

A.The sincere love from students.

B.Her positive attitude to life.

C.Her strong interest in teaching.

D.The achievements in her work.


    Lancaster Castle is open daily for guided tours, special events and group bookings. Visitors can enjoy the courtyard spaces, external (局部的) views of the historic building, two small exhibition spaces, and the gift shop without charge, but public access to the interiors(内部) of the castle buildings is for guided tours only.

Please note that dogs are not allowed inside the Castle, but assistance dogs are the exception to this rule. All areas are also smoke-free.


We are open 7 days a week (except for the Christmas/New Year period) from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with guided tours running throughout the day. Tours last about 60minutes.

Please note: While every effort is made to open these buildings up for public viewing, Lancaster Castle is still used as a Crown Court. If the Court is sitting, it may not be possible to view all rooms.


Adult: 8

Concessions(优惠) ( children, students and people aged over 65): 6.5

Family: 20 (Our family tickets are flexible(灵活的): two adults and two concessions, one adult and three concessions, or a group consisting of four concessions, all qualify)



Due to the fact that these rooms are still used as a working court, photography is not permitted anywhere in the Shire Hall/ Crown Court complex. Photography is permitted in those areas of the Castle not classified as court buildings.


For security reasons we are not able to store any luggage on site.


The gift shop closes at 4:30 p.m. Visitors can explore our gift shop and buy special souvenirs designed according to their own preference. The designs are done by professional designers without charge.


Unfortunately we’re unable to provide visitors parking on site. However, if you have a disability, please call 01524 64998 to arrange access to the Castle.

1.What do we know about Lancaster Castle?

A.Admission to two small exhibition spaces is free.

B.Castle buildings are accessible to all visitors.

C.Smoking is allowed in the courtyard spaces.

D.Pet dogs are allowed into the Castle.

2.How much will a couple and their 10-year-old twin sons save if they buy a family ticket?

A.2.5 B.29 C.9 D.20

3.Which service does Lancaster Castle provide for its visitors?

A.Free professional photography.

B.Free souvenir designing.

C.Free luggage storage.

D.Free parking.


The twins, who ______ their homework, were allowed to play badminton outside.

A.will finish B.finish C.have finished D.had finished


Two fifths of the highway ________ so far.

A.has been completed B.was completed

C.have been completed D.has completed


John and I___friends for eight years.We first got to know each other at a Christmas party.But we_____ each other a couple of times before that.

A.had beenhave met B.have beenhave met

C.had beenhad met D.have beenhad met


It was difficult to get a word in. Everyone ______ so excitedly about the new film.

A.had talked B.talked C.was talking D.would talk


--- Good afternoon! By the way, has Billy finished his homework today?

--- I have no idea. He ___  it this morning.

A.was doing B.has been doing C.has done D.had done


With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good land ______ each year.

A. is washing away B. are washing away

C. is being washed away D. are being washed away


A lot of new wooden furniture, as well as some latest household appliances, ________ by the Smiths for their new house a week ago.

A.has been bought B.have been bought

C.was bought D.were bought


A brief history of time, written by Stephen Hawking,________  in 1988 and has been translated into more than 40 languages ever since.

A.published published

C.was published D.has been published


The teacher told us the other day that light ______ faster than sound.

A. travelled    B. is travelling

C. travels    D. had travelled


—Ron, I congratulate you on your success.

—Thanks, but the honor _____ to all the people here. belonged B.belongs belonging D.belonged


    “A bird with a broken wing will never fly as high.” I’m sure that John would agree with this saying, _______ he felt this way almost every day in school.

By high school, John was the most famous _______ in his town. He was always absent, didn’t answer questions and got into _______. He had failed almost every exam by the time he entered his senior year, yet was _______ each year to a higher grade level. Teachers didn’t want to _______ him again the following year. John was moving on, but definitely not moving _______.

I met John for the first time at a weekend leadership training program since John was one of 405 students who _______. At the start of the training, John was just standing _______ the circle of students, against the back wall. He didn’t _______ join the discussion groups. But slowly, the interactive games ________ him in.

The ice really melted when the groups started building a list of ________ and negative things that had occurred at school that year. John ________ some constructive ideas on those situations. The other students in John’s group ________ his comments. All of a sudden John felt like a ________ of the group, and before long he was ________ like a leader. By the end of the training, he had joined the Homeless Project team. The other students on the team were ________ with his passionate concern and ideas. They ________ elected John co-chairman of the team.

John started ________ at school every day and answered questions from teachers for the first time. He led a second project, ________ 300 blankets and 1,000 pairs of shoes for the homeless shelter from house to house.

A bird with a broken wing only needs ________. Once healed, it can fly higher than the rest.

1.A.if B.until D.though

2.A.storyteller B.troublemaker C.dream-seeker D.peace-lover

3.A.fights B.debt C.difficulties

4.A.driven away B.left out C.kept in D.passed on C.have B.up C.away D.back

7.A.signed up B.ran away C.fell down D.went by

8.A.around B.onto C.among D.outside

9.A.hurriedly B.easily C.readily D.warmly

10.A.drew B.led C.sent D.put

11.A.useless B.meaningful C.strange D.positive

12.A.changed B.expressed C.reserved D.noticed

13.A.refused B.ignored C.welcomed D.gathered

14.A.founder B.heart C.leader D.part

15.A.dressed B.treated C.born D.shaped

16.A.impressed B.patient C.disappointed D.familiar

17.A.still B.again C.hardly D.even

18.A.showing up B.dropping out C.going down D.walking around

19.A.buying B.collecting C.donating D.making

20.A.raising B.feeding C.mending D.replacing


—It is said that Mr. White will have to stay in hospital for a good while.

—Don't worry. His son, Henry, will________ his duties.

A. take over B. take up C. take off D. take in


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