假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除 或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧ ),并在其下面写出该加的词。





Patsy Smith has raised ducks for many years. One of her ducks, Peg, losing one of his legs from a fight with a tortoise. Mrs. Smith calls for help to see if anyone could create new leg for Peg. Three students thought they would probable use their 3D printer to create a leg for him! They spent several months creating and testing different model. It turned out to be a lot more difficult than they had thought! Luckily, their hard work was paid off and they created a model who fitted Peg's leg perfectly! Now, Peg can walk or even run just like her duck partners! And Mrs. Smith is very thankful for them.



Coronaviruses(冠状病毒)are a large family of viruses that cause disease in mammals and birds. Coronaviruses can cause illnesses that range 1. the common cold to many more severe illnesses.

The 2. (new)identified viruscalled COVID-19is thought to have spread to humans from wild animals sold at a market in Wuhanin 3.(centre)China’s Hubei Province. But it is now spreading between people. Chinese officials say 4. disease is able to spread from one person to another even before any actual signs appear5. makes it especially hard to contain.

Signs of some patients 6. (affect)by the disease have included fevercoughshortness of breath and general breathing difficulities. In some more severe 7. (case)the virus can cause pneumonia(肺炎). Some people report few or no signswhile others have gotten very sick or even died. There is no special 8.(treat)for the new coronavirus at present. Howevermany of its effects are treatableas long as a patient is in fair health.

Last week the US Centers for Disease Control also 9. (publish)prevention tips. It sayswash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and wateravoid 10. (touch)your face with unwashed handsstay home when you are sickclean objects and surfaces that are touched often.


    Most people get rid of their leftover foods, but in Nigerian-born visual artist Haneefah Adam’s kitchen, they’re put to good use.

Adam, 28, is famous for _______ food in creative ways, using it to make portraits and other works of art. She has _______ been artistic. Her mother said she had a _______ for art.

Now, she's building a career out of changing food into art. “I do _______ portraits and also often sew and paint, but what _______ me the most is food,” she says.

Adam is inspired by_________ things, including life experiences and culture. She _______ everything around her as something that can be made into art.

In 2016, she _______ the TechMeetsArtNG exhibition, which was_______ and funded by Samsung Nigeria and Rele Gallery. The __________ was a culinary (烹饪的) exhibition aimed at __________ the artistic presentation of some of Nigeria’s local __________.

Her winning entry was__________by one of her favorite childhood meals — Ogbono soup which was__________ the dried seeds of mangoes. “Before the competition, my art was mostly random, and I was just __________ food art on social media. But after winning, I started to think about __________ making a living from food art,” she says.

Winning the competition kick-started Adam’s __________ and her full-time job is now __________ art for food brands such as Maggi and Dangote Salt. “I want to __________ in more exhibitions. I currently live in Kwara, northern Nigeria; it is difficult to make a __________in the country’s art scene from here,” she says.

1.A.distributing B.mixing C.presenting D.selling

2.A.always B.hardly C.never D.usually

3.A.dilemma B.reputation C.standard D.talent

4.A.alternative B.regular C.compulsory D.specific

5.A.excites B.puzzles C.rejects D.presses

6.A.artificial B.modest C.random D.visual

7.A.collects B.devotes C.inspects D.sees

8.A.competed B.held C.won D.performed

9.A.sponsored B.donated C.expanded D.possessed

10.A.background B.competition C.discovery D.victory

11.A.avoiding B.exploring C.protecting D.sorting

12.A.meals B.goods C.styles D.works

13.A.finished B.inspired C.submitted D.selected

14.A.attached to B.occupied with C.made from D.linked to

15.A.selling B.preserving C.exporting D.recording

16.A.actively B.frequently C.mildly D.roughly

17.A.view B.space C.reward D.career

18.A.learning B.creating C.advertising D.developing

19.A.give B.bring C.result D.participate

20.A.profit B.promise C.difference D.decision


    Fishing is a great family sportand a fun summertime activity. 1.. If you have never fished before it can seem very complicated. Expert fishers know when and where to find certain fish and the best technique to catch each fish. Expert knowledge comes from years of experience.2..

As a beginner you will want to use a technique called“Bait(鱼饵)Fishing”. This type of fishing is probably the easiest technique for catching fish. You will need some basic fishing equipmentwhich you can get at almost any outdoor gear store. You will have to have a rod and fishing linehookssome bait and if you are planning on keeping the fishyou will need something to store the fish.

The best way to learn how to fish is to learn from someone who already knowsso when planning your fishing tripbe sure to bring along someone who has fished before. 3.you will need to decide where to go fishing. Probably for the first time you will want to go to a local lakewhere the water is calm and there are plenty of fish. You should also try to research the different types of fish that live in the place you decide to fishso you know what types of bait they like to eat and what you want to do with the fish once you have caught it.

 4.you probably want to clean the fishthen store it before continuing fishing. If you want to release the fishbe extra careful when removing the hookso it doesn’t get hurt too badlythen gently hold the fish in the water and allow it to swim away out of your hands.

5. Take some time to learn from an expert and you will be able to catch all types of fish using a wide variety of methods.

A.If you want to keep the fish

B.After you have decided to go fishing

C.Once your hook and bait is in the water

D.Now you have a very basic understanding of fishing

E.There are many different species of fish and types of fishing

F.Here are a few simple and basic fishing tips to get you started

G.At this point you will need to determine if you want to keep the fish


    A new device works like a solar panelexcept that it doesn’t harvest energy from the sun. It absorbs energy from the cold night sky.

A prototype(原型)of the device produced enough electricity at night to power a small light bulb. A bigger version might one day light rooms or charge phones. It also could power  electronics in remote or low-resource areas that lack electricity.

The device makes use of the temperature difference between Earth and outer space. It then uses that difference to create electricity. As long as one side of it is cooler than the otherthe generator can produce electricity. The cooler side faces the sky and is attached to an  aluminum plate. That plate is sealed beneath a transparent cover and surrounded with insulation(隔热材料) to keep out heat. The bottom of the generator is attached to an exposed aluminum plate. That plate is warmed by the local air. At nightthe top plate can get a couple of degrees Celsius cooler than the bottom of the generator.

Researchers tested a 20-centimeter prototype one clear December night in StanfordCalifornia. The generator produced up to about 25 milliwatts of power per square meter of device. That was enough power to light a small light-emitting diodeor LED bulb. Further improvements might increase its production to at least 500 milliwatts per square meter. To do thatthe system might need more insulation around the cool top plate.

The device also could help power remote weather stations or other environmental devicessays Aaswath Raman. He is a materials scientist who worked on the device at the University of CaliforniaLos Angeles. This may be useful in polar regions that don’t see sunlight for months at a timeRaman says. “If you have some low-power load and you need to power it through three months of darknessthis might be a way. ”

1.What can we know about the new device?

A.It gains energy from the sun. B.It’s been widely used in life.

C.It is cooler than a solar panel. D.It’ll be popular in special areas.

2.What does the author mainly talk about in Paragraph 3?

A.Application fields of the device.

B.The developing process of the device.

C.The working principle of the device.

D.Significant effects of the device.

3.How can the device produce more electricity?

A.By putting more insulation around the top plate.

B.By using it in extremely cold and clear nights.

C.By attaching the bottom plate to a warm plate.

D.By covering the top plate with a transparent lid.

4.What could be a suitable title for the text?

A.A Device Using the Cold Night Sky to Produce Electricity

B.A Device Bringing New Hope for Those in the Cold Night

C.The Difference Between a Solar Panel and a New Device

D.The Temperature Difference Between Earth and Outer Space


    Sam is a fourth-year student at Harvard Medical Schoolbut poetry is still a big part of his lifenow with a new teacherRafael Campowho believes poetry can benefit every doctor’s education and work. Rafael is a physicianprofessor and a highly respected poet.

“Poetry is in every encounter(邂逅)with my patients. I think healing is really in a very great way about poetry. And if we do anything when we’re with our patientswe’re really immersing(使沉浸于)ourselves in their storiesreally hearing their voices. Andcertainlythat’s what a poem does”he said.

Rafael worries that something important has been lost in medicine and medical education todayhumanitywhich he finds in poetry. To end thathe leads a weekly reading and writing workshop for medical students and residents(住院医生).

He thinks medical training focuses too much on distancing the doctor from his or her patientsand poems can help close that gap.

Third-year resident Andrea Schwartz was one of the workshop regulars. She said. “I think there’s no other profession other than medicine that produces as many writers as it does. And I think that is because there’s just so much power in doctors and patients interacting when patients are at their saddest. ”Not everyone believes that’s what doctors should dothough.

Rafael said“I was afraid of how people might judge meactually. In the medical professionas many people knowwe must always put the emergency first. Butyou knowthat kind of treatmentif it’s happening in the hospitalvery regrettablysadlyresults in a bad outcome. The family is sitting by the bedside. The patient hasn’t survived the cancer. Don’t we still have a role as healers there?”

In a poem titled“Health”Rafael writes of the wish to live forever in a world made painless by our incurable joy. He says he will continue teaching studentshelping patients and writing poemshis own brand of medicine.

1.What do we know about Rafael Campo?

A.He works as a doctor. B.He is under medical care.

C.He is a literature professor. D.He knows little about poetry.

2.What does the author try to show in Paragraph 2 ?

A.The importance of medical training.

B.The effect of poetry in medical treatment.

C.The similarity involved in poetry and medical work.

D.The present relationship between patients and doctors.

3.What does Andrea Schwaflz think of poetry?

A.It comforts patients’family.

B.It contributes to medical work.

C.It has nothing to do with doctors.

D.It keeps doctors away from patients.

4.What is Rafael Campo’s view on poetry?

A.It requires a lot of spare time.

B.It can provide a useful tool for doctors.

C.It has little effect on patients’conditions.

D.It should be included in emergency treatments.


    When the young donkey Daisy May came to usshe was pregnant. With no donkey experience. I was unprepared for what might come next.

After some difficultyDaisy’s baby was born. I thought the poor thing was dead. I planned to put the loss behind us and make sure she never got pregnant again. Just thenI heard a little noise. I couldn’t believe that baby was breathing and looking at me!We called him Samsonand of course I became his mother as much as Daisy was.

When Samson was nine months oldI had to separate Daisy and Samson for a few hours a day to wean(使断奶)himbut otherwise he went wherever she did. I think she would be lost without him. His donkey stepdad Bernard taught him to always be ready to have fun. They enjoy playing football together and going for a roll on a hot summer day.

I asked a worker to make a harness(马具)for my three little donkeys. When I brought it home I taught them one by one how to pull a cart. Samson watched and freely followed Daisy. When he was threeI put the harnness on him and he knew exactly what to do.

That was 15 years ago. Nowthe most exciting thing about Samson is that he has become a little renowned. People come from all over to see him perform. The neighbors bring their grandchildrenand my sons bring their friends.

Samson shakes handsunties my shoepicks up a hat and more. And when I ask him if he has any bad habitshe tries to pick my pocket!He surprisingly learned these tricks himself. I just ask him to do them and he understands.

The relationship I have with my“baby”Samson has been an amazing experience. Every day is a fun day with this superstar donkey.

1.Why was the author at a loss for what might happen next at first?

A.She wasn’t ready to be a mother.

B.She never raised a donkey before.

C.The donkey was pregnant by accident.

D.The donkey gave birth to a dead baby.

2.What can we learn about Samson when he was little?

A.He was surrounded by love.

B.He was separated from his family.

C.He was unwelcome to the neighbors.

D.He was skilled in entertaining people.

3.Which of the following can best describe Samson?

A.Friendly and courageous. B.Intelligent and lively.

C.Carefree and creative. D.Patient and fortunate.

4.What does the underlined word“renowned”in Paragraph 5 probably refer to?

A.Strange. B.Proud.

C.Humorous. D.Famous.


    Since it first opened after four years of construction in 1937 at a cost of $27 millionthe Golden Gate Bridge has made its appearance in films and poetry.

CNN Travel spent a day climbing into and ground the bridgelearning these secrets from the people who know and love it best.

Why is it called the Golden Gate Bridge?It’s not golden.

“The Golden Gate Bridge gets its name because it spans what is called the Golden Gate Strait”said Paolo Cosulich-Schwartzspokesman for the Golden Gate BridgeHighway and Transportation Districtwhich operates the bridge. It’s a three-mile-long and one-mile-wide body of water that connects the Pacific Ocean to the San Francisco Bay.

What color is the bridge?It looks red.

“It’s not redalthough you’re not crazy to think so. Visitors all call it red”said Russell. “Back in the daythe US Navythen part of the War Departmentoversaw the waterways and wanted to paint this bridge black and yellow for high visibility”said fellow painter Jarrod Bauer. “They ended up mixing paint to create the color International Orangewhich is similar to the color of red lead”he said.

Does the bridge get entirely painted every year?

Noand it doesn’t need to be. It’s true that the top coat has been fully repainted over time with new and environmentally-improved International Orange top coats.

Who performs bridge rescues?

McVeigh and his fellow ironworkersthe so—called“Cowboys of the Sky”have that responsibility. McVeigh has lost count of how many troubled souls he’s been called to rescue over the past 17 years.

In September in 2018the bridge started constructing a suicide(自杀)prevention systemalso known as the safety netto keep people from jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. It’s expected to be completed in 2021.

1.What’s the true color of the Golden Gate Bridge?

A.Red. B.Red lead.

C.Black and yellow. D.International Orange.

2.Who can probably be called a hero on the Golden Gate Bridge?

A.McVeigh. B.Jarrod Bauer.

C.Russell. D.Paolo.

3.What can we know about the Golden Gate Bridge?

A.It is safer now because of the safety net.

B.It got its name because of its color.

C.It took much time and money to be built.

D.It needs to be repainted once a year.


假如你是李华,因为新冠疫情( the COVID-19 epidemic))的影响,你的英国笔友May家开办的农场农产品滞销,写信向你求助。请你给她回封信,鼓励她参照中国的经验,自己做网络主播( network anchor),在家直播带货( promote goods sales through live streaming)

内容包括:1.直播推销的设备;  2.直播推销的优势; 3.直播推销的建议。




参考词汇:1.直播live streaming        2.拼单share the bill   

3.秒光   sell out within seconds           4.网红营销   social Influencer marketing

Dear May,



Li Hua




Dear Henry,

I am writing to invite you to attend the Chinese paper-cutting art exhibition to held in the art gallery from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm the next Saturday in the City Museum.

Paper-cutting is a traditionally art form in China, which had a history of more than 1,500 years. People often decorate their homes with paper-cutting during festivals and weddings. In this exhibition, you can see paper-cutting with various pattern. In addition, they are famous artists who will perform how to cut paper in the spot. I hope that you can seize this opportunity to learn much about traditional Chinese culture.

The exhibition is well worth attended. Looking forward to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



It's common to see food delivery workers riding electric bikes in a hurry through big cities in China. Some of them even risk 1. (run) red lights to deliver their meals in time. However, such careless behavior often causes serious problems.

The reason for the rise of such a careless behavior is that there is 2. large demand for food delivery workers, and many companies offer high salaries 3.(attract) new workers.

In fact, food delivery workers are often under high 4.(press) from their employers. They face company fines for delivering food late. Moreover, the more orders they take, the more money they can earn, 5. leads to some workers checking 6.(they) mobile phones for new orders while they are riding their bikes

While most companies require delivery workers to follow traffic rules, it remains a problem whether these requirements and rules are 7.(strict) obeyed

To solve the problem, some cities 8.(take) action since last year. Shanghai required the delivery workers should9.(train) on traffic rules and safety. Now in Shenzhen, if a delivery worker gets caught breaking traffic rules more than twice, he or she will be banned 10. driving food delivery vehicles for a whole year.


    I was excited to take my dog Georgie to the river the other day, as it’s within walking distance of our new home. Having spent her first six years in a cage, George had never seen a body of _________, and I wanted to get there before sunset to watch her _________ it.

I was growing increasingly _________ about all the stops. She _________ the grass, dirt and trees, and licked whatever was stuck to the road. These were all new _________ for her and she took her time studying them.

When I accepted that it was _________ to hurry her along, I _________ my cell phone and began texting. I thought that I needed something to do while Georgie was _________ us down.

Then, I heard the cicadas (), and I remembered that the sound of cicadas is my favorite sound in the world. That awakened something buried within me that _________ for the simple pleasures that had been ____________ by technology.

I made a __________ decision to be present, and to enjoy the ____________ to the river, just like Georgie. The journey was just as ____________ as the final destination would be, and it took that Georgie to ____________ me.

Now. I ____________ the wonder of the winding plants on our path. I felt the occasional warm raindrop on my skin from a gray sky ____________ to burst at any moment. I smelled the grass, the flowers, the dirt and the air. I treasured each one ____________, as if discovering them for the first time.

As we neared our destination. I realized something even more ____________ It didn’t matter whether we even reached the river. Why must there always be a ____________? Georgie had no idea that we had a destination. She was present for the journey, and she ____________ every bit of that sweet experience.

1.A.water B.land C.work D.people

2.A.drink B.experience C.waste D.clean

3.A.worried B.curious C.upset D.impatient

4.A.protected B.removed C.inspected D.damaged

5.A.discoveries B.gifts C.jobs D.problems

6.A.necessary B.fruitless C.wise D.better

7.A.picked up B.turned off C.looked for D.took out

8.A.letting B.turning C.slowing D.breaking

9.A.paid B.longed C.applied D.planned

10.A.replaced B.determined C.required D.followed

11.A.curious B.flexible C.panic D.conscious

12.A.journey B.freedom C.cycling D.swimming

13.A.hard B.dangerous C.wonderful D.long

14.A.give B.leave C.remind D.convince

15.A.admired B.expressed C.discovered D.worked

16.A.beginning B.continuing C.threatening D.leading

17.A.equally B.secretly C.greatly D.absolutely

18.A.interesting B.serious C.useful D.important

19.A.difference B.destination C.change D.reason

20.A.provided B.used C.lacked D.enjoyed


The Value of Tears

Tears can ruin make-up, bring conversation to a stop, and give you a runny nose. Tears leave you embarrassed and without energy. Still, crying is a fact of life, and your tears are very useful. Even when you’re not crying, they make a film over the eye’s surface.1.

When tears fall, they reduce stress. But we tend to fight them for all sorts of reasons. “People worry about showing their emotions, afraid that once they lose control they’ll never get it back.”2. After we cry, the feelings that caused the tears often disappear.

Sometimes people become much stressed and can’t cry. Whatever emotion they are feeling—shock, anger, fear, or sadness—is being held back.

But everyone has the need to cry. Psychologist Vera Diamond explains that her treatment often consists of giving people permission to cry. 3.Patients practice crying just to become used to expressing emotions. She suggests safe, private places to cry, like under the bedcovers or in the car. Crying is a way of reducing tension, but people don’t like it when others cry because it makes them tense.4. And they’ll do just about anything to make you stop.

In certain situations, such as at work, tears are not appropriate. It’s good not to cry during a tense business discussion.5.You should also act out the whole situation again and be as noisy and angry as you like. It will help you feel better. “And,” she adds, “Once your tears have taken away the stress, you can begin to think calmly of ways to deal with the problem.”

Tears are a sign of our ability to feel. If you find yourself near someone crying, deal with it. And never be afraid to cry yourself.

A.They too may be holding back a need to cry.

B.They cry for different reasons.

C.She gives crying exercises.

D.It contains a chemical against infection.

E.The fact is that no emotion lasts forever.

F.It forms in response to the stress on the surface of the eye.

G.But once you’re safely behind closed doors, don’t just cry.


New App Helps People Remember Faces

Large gatherings such as weddings and conferences can be socially overwhelming. Pressure to learn people’s names only adds to the stress. A new facial-recognition app could come to the rescue, but privacy experts recommend proceeding with caution.

The app, called SocialRecall, connects names with faces via smartphone cameras and facial recognition, potentially avoiding the need for formal introductions. “It breaks down these social barriers we all have when meeting somebody,” says Barry Sandrew, who created the app and tested it at an event attended by about 1,000 people.

After receiving an invitation to download SocialRecall from an event organizer, the user is asked to take two selfies and sign in via social media. At the event, the app is active within a previously defined geographical area. When a user points his or her phone camera at an attendee’s face, the app identifies the individual, displays the person’s name, and links to his or her social media profile. To protect privacy, it recognizes only those who have agreed to participate. And the app's creators say it automatically deletes users’ data after an event.

Ann Cavoukian, a privacy expert who runs the Privacy by Design Center of Excellence praises the app’s creators for these protective measures. She cautions, however, that when people choose to share their personal information with the app, they should know that “there may be unintended consequences down the road with that information being used in another context that might come back to bite you.”

The start-up has also developed a version of the app for individuals who suffer from prosopagnosia, or “face blindness,” a condition that prevents people from recognizing individuals they have met. To use this app, a person first acquires an image of someone’s face, from either the smartphone’s camera or a photograph, and then tags it with a name. When the camera spots that same face in real life, the previously entered information is displayed. The collected data are stored only on a user’s phone, according to the team behind the app.

1.SocialRecall is used to ________.

A.take photos B.identify people

C.organize events D.make friends

2.Paragraph 3 is mainly about ________.

A.how the app works

B.how the app was created

C.what makes the app popular

D.what people can do with the app

3.SocialRecall helps people with prosopagnosia by ________.

A.giving names to the photos kept in their smartphones

B.collecting information previously entered in the phone

C.providing the information of a person when they first meet

D.showing the person’s information when it spots a stored face

4.What can we learn about SocialRecall from the passage?

A.It may put people’s privacy at risk.

B.It has caused unintended consequences.

C.It can prevent some communication disorders.

D.It is praised by users for its protective measures.


    Maple syrup (枫糖浆) is a sweetener from maple tree sap (树汁). Many people use it in baking in place of sugar or other sweeteners, some use it in tea instead of honey and it is frequently used as a topping for pancakes, waffles, and other breakfast foods. Since true maple syrup is rather expensive, a wide range of false maple syrup exist.

This sweetener originated in the northeast region of North America, and it is in this region that most of the world’s maple syrup is still produced. Vermont, New Hampshire Maine, and the eastern portion of Canada are all known for their fine syrup, each with slightly different flavor qualities.

This sweetener is produced by tapping maple trees to release and collect their sap. A tree's sap is the liquid that, much like blood in animals, carries water and food to different parts of the tree to keep it nourished. A mature maple produces about ten gallons of sap in a given season, after which the tree will wall off the channel that has been tapped, so that a new tap has to be drilled the next season. Maples are not tapped for syrup until they are at least 40 years old and have reached a certain size, to ensure that no harm comes to the tree through the tapping process .

An immense amount of sap is required to produce maple syrup because the watery sap must be reduced to achieve the proper thickness and taste. Although the exact amount depends on the sweetness of the sap, in general it takes about 40 times as much maple sap to produce a portion of syrup. This may be further reduced to create thicker delicacies, such as maple butter, maple cream , and maple sugar.

In the Us, there are grade A and Grade B syrups, with three sub-divisions of Grade A: light amber, medium amber, and dark amber. Grade B is even darker than Grade A dark amber. Many people assume that the grading system is also indicative of quality, but in reality, it only helps to differentiate the color and taste of the syrup, which is a matter of personal preference. The tastes are different, but to say one is objectively “better” than another would be incorrect.

1.What do we know about the maple syrup from the first two paragraphs?

A.It can be a substitute of sugar and honey.

B.It varies greatly in flavor qualities.

C.It is produced in the northeast of the US.

D.It is too expensive to gain popularity.

2.The underlined word "nourished" in paragraph 3 can be replaced by “__________”.

A.warm. B.healthy.

C.complete. D.mature.

3.Why is a large amount of sap needed?

A.Because it is widely used in most delicacies.

B.Because it helps to protect old trees from harm.

C.Because it needs to be concentrated to make maple syrup.

D.Because the more sap is used, the better maple syrup tastes.

4.What's the main purpose of writing the text?

A.To teach people how to make maple syrup.

B.To attract more people to buy maple syrup.

C.To introduce basic knowledge of maple syrup.

D.To help people choose maple syrup of good quality.


    I am in my 40s,but today I look more like a teenage girl. Not because I'm wearing the  latest fashion or having a wild hair day. It's because I have a pimple(青春痘) that looks like a volcano getting ready to erupt on my chin.

“Mom, what is that?” my 8-year-old daughter Lucy exclaimed, pointing at the ugly bump on my face.

My in-laws were visiting and brought me a box of chocolates-one of my favorite foods. Eating properly seemed like a good idea until I was alone with that box of chocolates! I enjoyed them greatly, and my pimple proved my enthusiasm clearly.

Food can be a large block for me. Broccoli(西蓝花)seldom appeals to me, but baked goods with sugar or crispy chips certainly do. I have no problem dipping a large spoon into a jar of peanut butter or frosting to satisfy my desires. But you won't catch me tasting a  spoonful of cottage cheese for a late-night snack.

Please don't misunderstand me. There is certainly a place for celebration foods such as cake and ice cream. But a regular serving of daily junk food robs me of the nutrition offered in the foods I eat.

I know I feel better after eating an apple than I do after eating a candy bar. It's so easy in  our society to eat processed food out of boxes, bags, and at the drive-thru. But that ease comes at a cost: We suffer physically. Our taste buds may be very, lack nutrition, which opens the door to diseases, I'm trying to ask myself a few questions before reaching for a snack or making a meal: Is this really food?    

Is there something God made in it? Am I really hungry? Will I feel satisfied, but our bodies better after eating this?

1.What made the author feel she looked like a teenage girl?

A.Her wild hair. B.Her ugly face.

C.Her facial features. D.Her fashionable clothes.

2.What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?

A.The author eats chocolates as food.

B.Chocolates may cause her pimples.

C.The author's parents-in-law often visit her.

D.The author eats chocolates to cure pimples.

3.What do you think of the author's eating habit?

A.It lacks protein. B.It isn't delicious.

C.It makes her healthy. D.It isn't a balanced diet.

4.What is the author's attitude towards processed food?

A.Favorable. B.Optimistic.

C.Positive. D.Critical.


National Zoo in Australia


9: 30 am-5: 00 pm every day of the year, except Christmas Day.


Children: 3-15 years $26

Students: 16 years or above with student card $40

Seniors Card: $40

Adults: $47

Family: 2 adults and up to 3 children: $130


Carers for visitors with disabilities are admitted free of charge. Carers ID is required upon entry.

COMPANION CARD holders receive free entry, as well as their carers.

Please note, we aren’t a government funded zoo and don’t receive a subsidy (补贴) to accept many of the government concession (减价票).


If you are visiting the zoo in a group of 10 or more, you may qualify for our Special Group rates on General Entry prices.


Make the most of your zoo visit and check out our daily keeper activities. There are great opportunities to see animals in action. Watch them enjoy a treat and interact with their keepers as they receive a feed.

On weekends and during school holidays, additional Keeper Talks are added to the schedule and visitors have the chance to meet or even feed some of our wonderful animals!


Become a zoo keeper for a day with the ultimate all day wildlife experience.


Hand feed a tiger, and pat a rhino, which may be your most unforgettable experience.



We are located on Lady Denman Drive, next to Scrivener Dam. Find us on Google Maps.


Unfortunately, there are no bus services running to the zoo at present.

1.How much will a 70-year-old man pay ?

A.$ 40. B.$ 47.

C.$ 26. D.$ 130.

2.Which of the following may be the most unforgettable experience?

A.Being a zoo keeper. B.Feeding the tiger.

C.Talking with the keepers D.Watching animals in action.

3.What can be learned from the text?

A.People can take a free bus to the zoo.

B.Keeper Talks are available every day.

C.People caring for disabled people can visit for free.

D.Senior people have a free visit.



Arthur was messy. He didn’t try to make messes, but he didn’t try to clean up much, either. There were always small pieces of food on the table when he was done eating. His socks never made it into the hamper (洗衣篮). And he only picked up his toys when Mom threatened to throw them away. Most days, Mom followed Arthur around the house and cleaned up after him. She brushed the crumbs (碎屑) into her hand and threw them away after meals. She picked up his socks and made sure they got washed, dried and folded neatly before going back in the drawer. She often picked up his toys when he left them to do something else.

One day, Mom asked Arthur to pick up his toy trains. “Not right now,” Arthur said. He was reading a comic book. The trains had been on the living room floor since the morning.

“You know what, Arthur? I’m not going to ask you again. I’m done cleaning today.” And with that. Mom put her feet up on the sofa and picked up a book to read.

At dinner time, Arthur noticed that there was a big pile of crumbs at his place at the table. Mom’s spot was nice and clean. Arthur didn’t like the crumbs very much. After dinner, Arthur’s feet felt cold. He went to his room and opened his drawer, but the drawer was empty. “Mom, where are my socks?” Arthur called.

“There weren’t any socks in your hamper, so I didn’t wash them,” Mom said. Arthur felt unhappy. Now his feet would be cold, unless he wanted to wear dirty socks from the floor. He decided to stay barefoot.

When it was time for bed, Arthur said good night to Mom and turned to go upstairs. Arthur stepped right on his toy train in his bare feet. “Ouch!” cried Arthur. “That really hurt !”

Paragraph 1:

However, Mom was still reading and said nothing.


Paragraph 2:

“Mom?” said Arthur. “Tomorrow can you show me how to do the washing so I can wash my socks?”








参考词汇;self-recommendation letter自荐信

Dear Sir/Madam,


Best Wishes!


Li Hua


    How to prevent being infected with the virus? There are a number of standard hygiene (卫生) practices 1. have been recommended to protect against infection and 2.(far) spread. These include covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing with a medical mask, tissue or flexed elbow; avoiding contacting with those who are unwell 3.(close); the appropriate use of masks and personal protective 4.(equip), especially in a healthcare setting; washing hands regularly with water and soap, 5. alcohol-based hand sanitizer (洗手液). 6.(action) that can be taken to prevent infection from an animal source include: avoiding unnecessary unprotected contact with animals; washing hands after contact with animals or animal products; and ensuring that animal products are cooked thoroughly before they 7.(consume).

It is important8.(stay) home if you’re feeling unwell. But if you have a fever, cough, and difficulty 9.(breath), seek medical care early and share your previous travel history 10. your healthcare provider.


    You just can’t imagine what a brave mother is like. She was a mother of three, who just _______ an earthquake, couldn’t tell if her children were _______ for help. Or what if you knew you couldn’t yell at her for help because she couldn’t _______ you? That was what happened to Connie and her three children _______ the 6.1-magnitude earthquake rocked Napa, California. Connie is _______ and communicates with her children using sign language.

At midnight, Connie and her three children were _______ on the first floor of their two-story home. She and her 16-year-old son, Juan, were shaken awake. Instantly, they realized there were no disaster supplies downstairs. Connie, also _______ one-month-old Raul and 8-year-old Adriana, called Juan to come close to her in the darkness and _______ for him to go upstairs to get a _______.

Juan slowly __________ the stairs. He heard a loud creak (嘎吱声). Arriving on the top floor, he moved quickly but __________ to get what he needed. Using the flashlight to guide his steps back __________ the stairs, the family was able to take a few items from the first floor and __________. Their home was almost in ruins.

Being deaf was not deterrent (妨碍物) for this __________ mother. The family made it to the __________ safely, which comforted everyone.

1.A.experienced B.dreamed C.avoided D.reported

2.A.turning around B.standing by C.running away D.crying out

3.A.see B.hear C.forgive D.reach

4.A.when B.after C.unless D.before

5.A.blind B.deaf C.old D.sick

6.A.alone B.awake C.alive D.asleep

7.A.chatting to B.playing with C.focusing on D.running after

8.A.signed B.phoned C.shouted D.explained

9.A.helper B.flashlight C.box D.suitcase

10.A.mopped B.examined C.climbed D.left

11.A.carefully B.regularly C.bravely D.hurriedly

12.A.up B.above C.under D.down

13.A.stay B.return C.flee D.cry

14.A.famous B.skillful C.ordinary D.determined

15.A.darkness B.shelter C.ruins D.stairs


    Making other people feel good feels good, and, best of all, it requires little more than a generous heart. Studies show that people feel happier when they do something kind for another person, and both recipients and good deed-doers can get the benefits. It can't be smarter idea to create this World Kindness Day.1.

Learn a friend's language. You care and take an interest in their experiences. Making someone feel included and respected will feel a greater sense of belonging, an essential component of happiness.

2.. Reaching out to someone for the first time in a long time can be an instant remedy( ) for whatever trouble you. It's as simple as a text, a note or a Face Time call. Let someone know you're thinking of them, even after some time apart. Studies suggest strong bonds can improve physical health, too.

Genuinely compliment(赞扬) someone. A respectful comment that comes from the heart about someone's unique hair style, excellent performance in a conceit or their great solution to a problem at work might be all it takes to improve someone's mood. 3.

Collect trash you see around your neighborhood. Picking up trash and recyclables off the street beautifies your community and benefits the environment. 4. The environment can't clean itself, after all!

Thank the people in your life.They are the security guard outside of your workplace, the supermarket worker you see every day, your mom. 5. Thank people for the things, big and small, that they do that improve your life. Gratitude is priceless.

A.Others' positive words could help some people be a bit kinder to themselves, too.

B.If your friends are overweight, that too ups the odds you'll pack on pounds.

C.Open your heart with some small, free ways to make someone's day.

D.Without their help, your world might not rim as efficiently.

E.It might even inspire others to take up the task with you.

F.Reconnect with a friend or family member.

G.Have an eye contact with friends.


    Instagram(图片分享社交应用程序)is about to take its biggest step toward removing likes from its platform. After months of testing an option to hide likes in select international markets, Instagram, which is owned by FacebookFB, has already been testing hiding likes in seven other countries, including Canada, Ireland and Australia. For years, likes have been central to how celebrities, brands, politicians and everyday users experience Instagram and Facebook. It's a way of measuring popularity and success. But in recent months, Instagram has been rethinking how likes contribute to making its platform more toxic. Now it's considering a change.

The total number of likes on posts — which appear as hearts on the app ——will disappear from Instagram's main feed, profile pages and permalink(永久链接)pages. The owner of the account can still see their own likes, but their followers won't know the count.

CNN Business previously spoke with users in countries with the test. The majority felt this move would improve well-being on the app. Instagram is the most detrimental(不利的,有害的)social networking app for young people's mental health, such as negatively impacting body image, according  to one study.

But other users and psychologists said hiding likes won't fix everything. The test doesn't address some of the key ways that activity on Instagram can impact the well-being of users, including bullying, feeling left out and thinking other people's lives are better than their own.

Renee Engeln, a psychology professor at Northwestern University, voiced his opinion that the biggest impact of Instagram is the content and the exposure to this constant stream of perfected images is what seems to hurt psychologically. Plus, users can still see their own likes ——and feel badly if their posts don't perform well.

1.How do users experience Instagram in this passage?

A.By giving likes. B.By hiding likes.

C.By selecting platforms. D.By showing off talents.

2.The underlined word “toxic” in Paragraph 1 most probably means “      ”.

A.profitable B.poisonous

C.popular D.positive

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Instagram has affected youngsters' mental health.

B.The account owners won't know the count o£ likes.

C.Instagram tested hiding likes in seven countries first.

D.The majority think Instagram has been a well-being app.

4.What could be the best title of the passage?

A.Instagram Misuses Likes

B.More People Are Against Likes

C.Likes Cause Mental Problems

D.Likes will Be Hidden on Instagram


    Playing tennis regularly could help keep people off death, but football, rugby and running may not help people to live longer, a study suggests.

A study followed more than 80,000 people for an average of nine years to find out if certain sports protected them against early death. It found that people who played racket sports regularly were the least likely to die over the study period, reducing their individual risk by 47 percent compared with people who did no exercise. Swimmers also reduced their chance of death by 28 percent, aerobics (有氧运动) fans by 27 percent and cyclists by 15 percent. Yet running appeared to have no impact at all on dying early, and neither did playing football or rugby.

Scientists say the difference may lie in the social aspect which goes alongside sports like tennis and squash (壁球), which often involve clubs and organized activities outside of the game. It means that people often have larger social net-works and tend to keep up activities into later life, both of which are proven to be good for health.

In contrast, people who play team sports often do not move onto a new sport once their teams break up for family, or injury reasons. They become watchers rather than participants in their chosen activity.

The researchers found that playing racket sports was associated with a 56 percent lower risk from heart death. Similarly, swimmers lowered their heart disease or stroke risk by 41 percent, and people who took part in activities like aerobics, dance or gymnastics lowered their risk by 36 percent. But again running, football and rugby had no significant impact on heart deaths.

However, other experts argue that this study must not be misinterpreted as showing that running and football do not protect against heart disease. In this study both runners and footballers had a lower rate of death from heart disease.

1.Which sport has hardly any impact on protecting people against early death?

A.Cycling. B.Swimming.

C.Rugby. D.Tennis.

2.According to the study, which makes a big difference in keeping healthy?

A.Playing basketball with their friends occasionally.

B.Watching football games every day.

C.Taking up gymnastics and joining a club.

D.Doing running in the park every day.

3.What is considered more important to people's health?

A.Social networks. B.Staying at home.

C.Physical examinations. D.Setting up families.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Thousands of people participated in a 9-year research.

B.Study finds playing tennis helps people live longer.

C.It is wrong to say running has no impact on heart disease.

D.There are differences between racket sports and team games.


    George Nakashima always insisted that he was a simple woodworker, not an artist. Even though major museums exhibited his works and the director of the American Craft Museum called him a national treasure, Mr Nakashima rejected the label of artist. For almost fifty years he simply went on shaping wood into beautiful chairs, tables, and cabinets.

Nakashima had a clear goal. He intended each piece of furniture he made to be as perfect as possible. Even making a box was an act of creation, because it produced an object that had never existed before. Initially Nakashima used local wood, sometimes from his own property. Later, he traveled to seek out English oak, Persian walnut, African zebra wood and Indian teak. He especially liked to find giant roots that had been dug out of the ground after a tree was taken down. Nakashima felt that making this wood into furniture was a way of allowing the tree to live again.

Most furniture makers prefer perfect boards, but Nakashima took pleasure in using wood with interesting knots (节疤)and cracks. These irregularities gave the wood personality and showed that the tree had lived a happy life.

He never failed to create an object that was both useful and beautiful. One early piece Nakashima designed was a three-legged chair for his small daughter, Mira, to use when she sat at the table for meals. The Mira chair became so popular that Nakashima later made both low and high versions. Another famous piece, the Conoid chair, has two legs supported by bladelike feet. Always, Nakashima's designs were precise and graceful, marked by a simplicity that revealed his love for the wood.

As the years passed, Nakashima's reputation grew and his work received many awards. His children Mira and Kevin, now adults, joined the team of crafts - people in their father's studio. Nakashima's dream of integrating work and family had come true.

1.Which of the following best describes Nakashima?

A.Generous and outgoing. B.Honest and simple.

C.Capable and friendly. D.Creative and modest.

2.Why was Nakashima called a national treasure?

A.His art work made trees live again.

B.He used precious wood materials.

C.His chairs were beautifully designed.

D.He was devoted to making furniture.

3.What can we learn about Nakashima from the last two paragraphs?

A.He loved his work and family.

B.He made chairs of the same style.

C.He sought for a simple life and art.

D.He was lost in researching the wood.

4.What can be inferred about Mira and Kevin?

A.They had an art studio of their own.

B.They still lacked the ability to create art works.

C.They had a common interest with their father.

D.They enjoyed the same reputation with their father.


National Park Association of Queensland Activities Vegetation Management Group

Saturday 14th March 2020

Location: Jolly’ s Lookout carpark, D’Aguilar National Park

Leader: Angus McElnea (0429854446 or gus mcelnea@hotmail.com)

Get your hands dirty! Come and spend a couple of hours to help with lantana(a type of flowering plant) control and revegetation(植被再造) work in the Boombana and Jolly’s Lookout areas of D’Aguilar National Park, west of Brisbane.

Wynnum North Boardwalk

Sunday 15th March 2020

Location: Wynnum North Boardwalk Leader: Jocelyn Dixon (0733788486)

Fee: $5(members) $10(non-members)

Join with us to view the water and bush birds of this area. A track from Wynnum North Road leads to a secret place for viewing a diverse mix of birds walking around in water. From there we will take a short walk to the Mangrove Boardwalk.

May Long Weekend Camp

Saturday 2nd May to Monday 4th May 2020 Leader: Tony Parsons (0433224544)

Join us for a long weekend in Border Rangers National Park, camping at Sheep Station Creek campground. Spend the days exploring the national park, and evenings around the campfire. We will have the chance to view Mt Warning from the Pinnacle at sunrise and sunset. Bring your family and stay for the weekend or come down for a day. It will be enjoyable.

Central West Qld National Parks

Saturday 29th August to Sunday 6th September 2020 Leader: Wendy Bell(0733002473)

Exciting opportunity to visit and explore at least six national parks in the comfort of a big coach and be accommodated, rather than camping. Basic cost of the tour is $3, 400 per person. Total cost includes all transport, all meals, and activity fees.

1.Who will you call if you are interested in bird-watching?

A.Angus McElnea. B.Jocelyn Dixon. C.Tony Parsons. D.Wendy Bell.

2.In which of the activities will a fire be built?

A.May Long Weekend Camp. B.Wynnum North Boardwalk.

C.Vegetation Management Group. D.Central West Qld National Parks.

3.How is Central West Qld National Parks different from the other activities?

A.It is a weekend activity.

B.Lots of walking is involved.

C.The organizer provides the transport.

D.Visitors have to bring their own food.



Dear Professor Smith, boys and girls,







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Many parents have bought their children their own computers, hope that they will use them sensible for their schoolwork and have the latest skills. Schools teach information technology as an essential part of the school curriculum. But some people feel they have a lot of disadvantage. Teenagers don’t have a balanced life and computers are turning them into “geeks” which no longer take exercise or even know how to have a conversation. An expert also warned the dangers of “chatting” to people one doesn’t know over the Internet. “ I strongly recommend that the government ban all Internet cafes as such many teenagers are wasting their time on games and Internet chatting which has nothing to do with their schoolwork. But, some teenagers can be seen as good examples as they put the enthusiasm for computers to good use. Computers help him organize the schoolwork and learn a future career as well as.



It’s 1. long-term question for teachers: 2. do you get children who hate physical activity to take part in PE lessons? A Northampton primary school believes it has the answer.3.(Design) to make the least active pupils take an interest in their fitness, a program 4.(introduce) at Lings Primary School recently. And not only have the pupils developed an interest in activities ranging from football to ballroom dancing, according to the school, but their school work has also improved 5.(significant).

The students also turn up on time—Ling now has the best 6.(attend) record in the country at 98 percent.  The turnaround had been achieved by simply making PE fun. Instead of 7.(climb) wall bars and running on the spot, the pupils practice exercises such as moving like animals. One routine involves crawling around the floor like a bear and moving around like gorillas. In 8., the children try to maintain their balance on the boards made of rubber, all of which stretch their muscles and improve fitness.

Baroness Campbell, who chairs the Youth Sport Trust, which designed the program, said, “We want 9.(show)young people that physical activity is fun and a great way to learn skills which will stay with them 10. life.”


    In March of 2019, Peter Tabichi, a 36-year-old teacher from a remote village in Kenya, was voted the best teacher in the world out of 10,000 applicants and won Varkey Foundation’s Global Teacher Prize of $1 million.

For the past 12 years, Tabichi has worked as a math and science teacher hoping that his lessons will give students a chance to _______ their situations. However, working at a Secondary School in a remote village in Kenya hasn’t been _______. The school only has one computer and unreliable Internet _______. As a result, he is often forced to travel to a cyber café to download _______ for his science classes. The school also has no library or laboratory. To make matters worse, there are not enough _______ for all the students.

Unfortunately, the semi-arid(半干旱的) village experiences droughts and famines _______. “Most of the students come from very poor families. They’re not able to _______ because they haven’t had enough meals at home,” Tabichi said. Thus, he also teaches students and locals about famine-resistant _______. To help those in poverty afford food, uniforms, and books, he _______ 80 percent of his salary.

One of the other major ________that Tabichi faces is trying to keep kids in school as long as possible. According to Tahichi, 95 percent of his students live in poverty and around 30 percent are either orphans or are being ________ by single parents. As a result, Kids are easy to__________out of school.

With great efforts, he has also ________ to set up science clubs, addressed food insecurity issues, and helped bring ________ between several ethnic groups and religions.

________ his tireless work, his students have ________ for the 2019 INTEL International Science and Engineering Fair in Arizona, USA. He said “I’m ________ of my students. We lack facilities that many school ________ for granted, so as a teacher, I just want to have a ________ impact not only on my country but on the whole of Africa.”

Tabichi plans to use the prize money to improve the school and feed the ________. He also hopes his accomplishment will inspire other to push past all the obstacles.

1.A.check B.control C.improve D.realize

2.A.normal B.easy C.short D.hard

3.A.access B.barrier C.relation D.source

4.A.programs B.approaches C.comments D.resources

5.A.subjects B.chances C.books D.teachers

6.A.naturally B.suddenly C.frequently D.gradually

7.A.distinguish B.calculate C.strengthen D.concentrate

8.A.crops B.habits C.areas D.signals

9.A.called off B.gave away C.dropped in D.put out

10.A.expectations B.challenges C.characters D.performances

11.A.paid B.raised C.earned D.adopted

12.A.drop B.make C.get D.move

13.A.happened B.promised C.managed D.arranged

14.A.peace B.share C.talent D.target

15.A.In response to B.Regardless of C.In honor of D.Thanks to

16.A.qualified B.preserved C.approved D.mentioned

17.A.fond B.proud C.ashamed D.tired

18.A.turn B.get C.take D.view

19.A.immediate B.practical C.general D.positive

20.A.rich B.young C.old D.poor


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