If you look outside, you probably will see some kind of insect. If your first instinct is to kill it, take a moment to think about all of the benefits insects provide to the environment.

Entomologists, scientists who study insects, estimate that there are more than 800,000 species of insects found throughout the world. Only a few hundred of these insects are considered harmful. Mosquitoes, for example, are considered harmful. They bite humans and other animals, and their bites can cause skin pain and spread disease. Desert locusts also are considered harmful because they destroy crops causing billions of dollars in damage each year.

However, the number of helpful insect species far outweighs the number of harmful species. Some insects make up a vital part of the food chain. Many different birds, reptiles, fish and even plants eat insects. There are also about 500 insects that people in various parts of the world eat. These insects are considered delicious food and prized for their high protein, mineral, and vitamin content. Other insects produce valuable commercial products such as silk, wax, and honey.

Of all the insects, perhaps the most important are those that travel from flower to flower and pollinate(授粉) the plants they visit. Agriculture around the world would be very different without the bees, butterflies, moths, flies and wasps that pollinate many crops. In fact, nearly one-third of the food you eat depends on plants that are pollinated by insects!

While it is true that some species of insects harm or annoy us,you should not automatically reach for the bug spray when you come across an insect. You may be destroying one of the hundreds of thousands of insects that provides many benefits to human beings.

1.According to the passage, the most important type of insects are ________.

A.insects that are eaten by birds, reptiles and fish

B.insects that travel around and pollinate plants

C.insects that harm mosquitoes and stop the spread of disease

D.insects that are eaten by people in many countries

2.According to the passage, insects are eaten in some parts of the world because ________.

A.they are nutritious

B.they are available to cook

C.they are easy to breed

D.they are free

3.According to the author, the sentence in the last paragraph “you should not automatically reach for the bug spray.” means ________.

A.you should not keep insects as pets

B.you should not breed insects for their benefit

C.you should not catch insects for pleasure

D.you should not kill insects without thinking

4.The main purpose of this passage is ________.

A.to explain why it is cruel to kill bugs

B.to convince people that insects are nutritious

C.to describe the beneficial contributions of insects

D.to make people aware of endangered insect species


    When the sand began kicking up and hitting our faces, I started to worry that maybe we had made a mistake.

That afternoon, my dad had stood on the deck (露台) of our home and laughed as our neighbors packed up their cars and headed inland. They left to spend the night in motels or at friends’ homes that were out of range of approaching summer storm.

Challenging the weather that threatened to damping our spirits, we lit a fire on the beach. Dad told jokes and we had a good time. When it was 6:30 p.m., all laughter disappeared. Our eyes were drawn to the sky. A tornado (龙卷风) was headed straight for us! In a flash, we were all on our feet. The wind started screaming and now we were running to the cottage. My mom stopped next to the front door. “Where can we go?” She shouted at my dad.

Most cottages on this part of Lake Michigan had been built without basements. Ours was no exception. The huge windows and the cottage itself wouldn’t offer safety from high wind.

“Follow me!” my dad yelled. We crawled () beneath the deck, pressing ourselves against the foundation of the cottage. Between the deck supports, we watched the approaching storm in silent terror.

My dad shouted, “Hold on!” and something else I couldn’t hear over the screaming wind. I think he was praying. By the time it reached our cottage, it was nothing more than a strong wind. The rest of the storm lasted for an hour and then simply blew away.

“Next time, we’ll stay inland at Grandma’s. Okay?” my dad said.

1.What did the family do before the storm came?

A.They left the motels. B.They packed up the cars.

C.They stayed on the beach. D.They visited their neighbors.

2.What was the family’s immediate action when they saw the tornado approach?

A.Closing their eyes tightly. B.Praying in silent terror.

C.Crawling on the ground. D.Running away at once.

3.Where did the family stay in the storm?

A.Under a deck. B.In a basement.

C.Inside the car. D.Behind a door.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Life on the beach B.An Unusual Cottage

C.Surviving a Storm D.My Admirable Family


Still seeking a destination for your weekend break? There are some places which are probably a mere wall away from your college.

King’s Art Centre

A day at the Centre could mean a visit to an exhibition of the work of one of the most interesting contemporary artists on show anywhere. This weekend sees the opening of an exhibition of four local artists.

You could attend a class teaching you how to ‘learn from the masters’ or get more creative with paint–free of charge.

The Centre also runs two life drawing classes for which there is a small fee.

The Botanic Garden

The Garden has over 8,000 plant species; it holds the research and teaching collection of living plants for Cambridge University.

The multi-branched Torch Aloe here is impressive. The African plant produces red flowers above blue-green leaves, and is not one to miss.

Get to the display house to see Dionaea muscipula, a plant more commonly known as the Venus Flytrap that feeds on insects and other small animals.

The Garden is also a place for wildlife-enthusiasts. Look for grass snakes in the lake. A snake called ‘Hissing Sid’ is regularly seen lying in the heat of the warm sun.

Byron’s Pool

Many stories surround Lord Byron’s time as a student of Cambridge University. Arriving in 1805, he wrote a letter complaining that it was a place of “mess and drunkenness”. However, it seems as though Byron did manage to pass the time pleasantly enough. I’m not just talking about the pet bear he kept in his rooms. He spent a great deal of time walking in the village.

It is also said that on occasion Byron swam naked by moonlight in the lake, which is now known as Byron’s Pool. A couple of miles past Grantchester in the south Cambridgeshire countryside, the pool is surrounded by the fields. The cries of invisible birds make the trip a lovely experience and on the way home you can drop into the village for afternoon tea. If you don’t trust me, then perhaps you’ll take it from Virginia Woolf, a famous writer,—over a century after Byron, she reportedly took a trip to swim in the same pool.

1.The main idea of the passage is ________.

A.interesting stories of Lord Byron

B.an approach to becoming creative in art

C.the colorful life in the countryside

D.some places for weekend break

2.If you are a wildlife enthusiast, you’d better go to ________.

A.Byron’s Pool B.the Botanic Garden

C.King’s Art Centre D.Cambridgeshire

3.According to the passage, the following statements are wrong except ________.

A.there is a small charge for attending the masters’ class

B.Byron liked swimming naked in the lake

C.Byron seemed to like keeping pet bears

D.Hissing Sid and Flytrap are impressive animals

4.The author’s purpose in mentioning Virginia Woolf is to show ________.

A.she was a famous writer

B.she was keen on swimming

C.she was Byron’s admirer

D.Byron’s Pool is a pleasant place









参考词汇:绿色出行 green travel









Dear Peter,

I'm glad to hear from you. Thank you very much for inviting me to America in this summer. I'd like to accept your warm invitation, and I'm sorry that I can't go to your hometown and visit you.

I refuse your invitation just due to the following reason. First of all, it cost a lot to travel abroad, which will add an extra burden to my family. Beside, I plan to do part-time job in the summer vacation. I can not only earn some money to cover my expenses but improving my social skills. For the reasons mentioning above, I believe you can understand how I can't accept your invitation. I hope this won't affect our friendship from the bottom of your heart.


Li Hua



Traveling down the Yangtze River for 3 nights was 1. (complete) the most relaxing part of our China journey. When we arrived at the ferry terminal early in the morning, it was 2. (crowd) with people waiting to board the cruise boat. We watched the mountains go by when we 3. (travel) down the river. It was hot and foggy outside but was still one of the most beautiful 4. (landscape) I have ever seen.

During the cruise the dinner was delicious. There 5. (be) lots of different dishes. I enjoyed the food although the fish was so filled with bones that it was hard 6. (eat).

One of the sweet thing about the cruise was the morning alarm 7. was a beautiful Chinese tune. 8. started playing at 6:30am and continued for a whole hour. It was a lovely way to wake up on this 9. (peace) cruise.

The scenery down the Yangtze River is 10. unforgettable experience. I would do this again if I ever had the chance.


    “What is the meaning of life?” This is a _______ that we all ask ourselves at one point or another of our _______ here. It is a question that I have asked myself many times over the years.

The best answer that I ever _______ was written by the great psychologist, Viktor Frankl who had _______ the Nazi Concentration camps in World War II. Frankl wrote that “The meaning of life is to give life meaning.”

When I was a young boy I gave my life meaning by _______ playing, running, jumping, swimming _______ and riding my bike. When I went to _______ I gave my life meaning by learning, studying hard, getting good _______ and trying to make my Mom and Dad _______ . When I was a teenage boy I found meaning in playing sports, hanging out with my friends, and trying to ________ girls. In college I found my meaning by deciding what I wanted to study and what ________ I wanted to prepare for. When I was working ________ a teacher I found meaning in helping to open young ________ to new ideas and old wisdom. When I ________ and had children I found meaning in protecting providing for, and ________ those I loved.

As I got older, I began to realize that meaning isn't something that ________ and goes.

We can give meaning to every moment of our lives here. We can bring meaning to the thoughts we ________. We can bring meaning to the things we do. We can bring meaning to the hearts we ________ . All we have to do is love. It is love ________ gives life meaning and makes life ________ living.

1.A.question B.choice C.decision D.advice

2.A.society B.dream C.existence D.conditions

3.A.came across B.came out C.came up D.came to

4.A.worked B.escaped C.managed D.survived

5.A.actually B.simply C.fully D.lonely

6.A.crying B.laughing C.complaining D.worrying

7.A.work B.university C.school D.camp

8.A.friends B.books C.grades D.behavior

9.A.anxious B.sad C.optimistic D.proud

10.A.impress B.observe C.respect D.support

11.A.major B.position C.purpose D.career

12.A.with B.as C.against D.for

13.A.minds B.ideas C.opinions D.feelings

14.A.graduated B.married C.changed D.grew

15.A.looking over B.going over C.watching over D.taking over

16.A.runs B.stands C.comes D.flies

17.A.provide B.imagine C.suggest D.think

18.A.feel B.touch C.meet D.share

19.A.that B.what C.whether D.which

20.A.by B.for C.like D.worth


    Earthquakes strike without warning and are among the most destructive natural disasters. Keeping calm and proper reaction can sometimes save your life. To ride out an earthquake, remember the phrase “drop, cover, and hold on.” 1.

1. Move away from buildings, street lights, power lines, and bridges.

2. As soon as the ground begins shaking, try to get as far away as possible from any nearby structures. Do not seek shelter under a bridge or overpass.

2. Crouch down low in a wide open area until the shaking stops.

Once you've made your way away from nearby structures, get on your hands and knees and cover your head. See if there are any objects nearby to use as a shield (遮蔽物), such as a trash can lid. 3.

3. 4.

As you go out after the earthquake, be careful of broken glass, rubble, downed power lines, fallen trees, and any other potential danger. Check yourself and anyone nearby for injuries. If necessary,perform first aid and call emergency services.

4. Get to higher ground if you're on the shore or near a dam.

Earth quakes can cause tsunamis, so put distance between yourself and the coast. If a shaking lasts more than 20 seconds, 5. Get to ground that's at least 100 ft (30 m)above sea level or 2 miles (3.2 km)from the shore.

A.Drop to your hands and knees under a table or desk.

B.Watch out for danger as you observe your surroundings.

C.If possible, grab a pillow, sofa cushion, or another object to cover your face and head.

D.Here are four tips helping you survive an earthquake if you are outdoors.

E.Don't wait for an alarm or warning to escape.

F.The most dangerous locations during an earthquake are areas immediately around buildings.

G.If none are available, cover your head and neck with your hands and arms.


    Body language is a part of non-verbal language. It includes things like the way you stand, gestures, facial expressions, and even small things like a nod of the head. We frequently communicate both bodily and verbally and about 70% of what we communicate may be non-verbal.

There are many ways to learn to understand body language but we must be aware that it is frequently connected to a culture. Still, since most of us live in one area where body language may be similar among people, it's important to know that you can communicate a lot by how you gesture. A person in much of the US who sits with hands crossed over the chest, and with legs crossed,may be sending a message that they're really not open to talking.

Eye contact is another key element of non-verbal contact in much of the Western world. Looking someone in the eyes enough but not too much may indicate that you're direct and frank.

How we gesture can tell people the level of confidence we have, or if we're a little too insistent on our opinions. Huge gestures may mean we have something to prove. Moderate gestures may simply suggest we're involved and confident in what we have to say.

Even the way you turn your head, shrug, yawn, look at your watch may all be forms of non-verbal communication that send clear signals to other people. Looking at your watch when you're in a meeting with your boss can send the message that you're bored.

If you really think your body language is improper or needs improvement, opening this book on non-verbal communication can help. You can also compare your gestures with those in the video to see if you are sending right messages.Confident body language common to a culture can be learned and may make you appear more confident or direct.

1.Which of the following is not included in body languages?

A.Eye movement. B.Facial expressions.

C.Gestures. D.Accent.

2.What should you do in a job interview?

A.Crossing your arms while standing. B.Looking at your watch frequently.

C.Using moderate gestures. D.Always staring at the interviewers.

3.What can we know about body languages?

A.Body language is cultural.

B.Body language is equal to nonverbal language.

C.People from different places have the same meaning of a gesture.

D.Body language plays a slightly important role in our communication.

4.What's the purpose of this passage?

A.To give some suggestions on body language.

B.To advertise a book on body language.

C.To list some body language types.

D.To introduce something about body language.


    BEIJING-China has seen reduced desertification and increased forest coverage since 1978, thanks to the Three-North Afforestation Program (TNAP).

Constructed in the northeast, north and northwest China, TNAP is a national program fighting against soil erosion and wind-sand damage by planting sand-fixing forests. The area of sand-fixing forests has increased by 154 percent in the past 40 years, contributing to the reduction of desertification by around 15 percent, according to a report jointly released by the National Forestry and Grassland Administration (NFGA)and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Over the past 40 years, TNAP increased the forest area by 30.14 million hectares and raised the forest coverage rate from 5.05 percent to 13.57 percent in the regions it covers, said Liu Dongsheng, deputy head of the NFGA.

“China's desertification area has obviously reduced since 2000 due to the construction of the Three-North affor-estation and people's increasing awareness of environmental protection,” said Zhu Jiaojun, head of the Institute of Applied Ecology in the northeastern city of Shenyang. Three-North protective forests helped reduce sandstorms by fixing the sources of sand on the ground, Zhu said.

The program also played a role in preventing sandstorms in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Official data showed the time of sandstorms per year dropped from 5.1 days in 1978 to 0.1 days in 2015.

1.How much desert has been reduced in the past 40 years?

A.154%. B.15%.

C.5.05%. D.13.57%.

2.Which of the following has the similar meaning to the underlined word “erosion” in paragraph 2?

A.Loss. B.Increase.

C.Exploration. D.Production.

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A.The desert in the north has been replaced by forest.

B.The sand-fixing forest is effective in reducing desert.

C.The sandstorm has completely disappeared in China.

D.People haven't realized environmental protection.

4.Which is the best title of the passage?

A.Sand-fixing forests protect soil. B.Forests in China has increased.

C.Beijing say goodbye to sandstorms. D.China sees reduced desertification.


    Imagine this: you are twenty-one years old and a promising graduate student at one of the top universities in the world. One day, your doctor tells you that you have an incurable disease and may not have more than twelve months to live. How would you feel? What would you do? Here is what Stephen Hawking thought:

There did not seem) much point in working on my PhD-I did not expect to survive that long. Yet two years had gone by and I was not that much worse. In fact, things were going rather well for me and I had got engaged to a very nice girl, Jane Wilde. But in order to get married, I needed a job,and in order to get a job, I needed a PhD.

Instead of giving up, Hawking went on with his research, got his PhD and married Jane. Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he had always dreamt of. He continued his exploration of the universe and travelled around the world to give lectures. As his disease has disabled him, Hawking has to sit in his now-famous wheelchair and speak through a computer. He talked about his theories and thoughts on some of the greatest questions: What is time, how did the universe begin,and what exactly are black holes?

Hawking became famous in the early 1970s, when he and American Roger Penrose made new discoveries about the Big Bang and black holes. Since then, Hawking has continued to seek answers to questions about the nature of the universe. In 1988, he wrote A Brief History of Time, which quickly became a best-seller. Readers were pleased and surprised to find that a scientist could write about his work in a way that ordinary people could understand. The book sold more than 5.5 million copies in 33 different languages.

1.According to the quote in paragraph 2, when was Stephen Hawking told about his disease?

A.Twelve months earlier. B.When he was getting married.

C.Two years earlier. D.When he met Jane Wilde.

2.Why did Stephen Hawking think: “There did not seem much point in working on my PhD?”

A.Because there was no point in being a PhD. B.Because he thought he would die soon.

C.Because there was no hope of being PhD. D.Because he had no place to work.

3.What made Hawking known to the world in 1970s?

A.His book A Brief History of Time. B.His discovery about the Big Bang and black hole.

C.His fighting against the disease. D.His lectures to university students.

4.What can we learn from Steven Hawking?

A.Where there is a will,there is a way. B.Every road leads to Rome.

C.Practice makes perfect. D.Better late than never.


    Asia is the birthplace of the world's three ancient civilizations: ancient China, ancient India and Babylon. Each

gave the world different architectural styles and global landmarks. Let's take a look at the architecture of Asian civilizations.

1. The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is an ancient defense project with the longest construction time and the largest workload put into a landmark, extending to a total length of more than 50,000 kilometers. Only when you have been to the Great Wall and experienced its majesty can you truly say you have visited China.

2. Angkor Wat, Cambodia

The Angkor Wat in Cambodia is one of the largest religious (宗教的)sights in the world, built on a site measuring 162.6 hectares. It was built by the Khmer King Suryavarman II in the early 12th century in Yasodharapura (present-day Angkor), the capital of the Khmer Empire, as his state temple and eventual mausoleum(陵墓)。

3.Taj Mahal, India

The Taj Mahal is an ivory-white mausoleum on the south bank of the river Yamuna in the Indian city of Agra. It was constructed in 1632 by Mughal emperor Shah as the tomb of his favorite wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983 for being “the jewel of Muslim art in India and one of the universally admired masterpieces of the world's heritage”.

4.The Senso-ji, Japan

The Senso-ji is an ancient Buddhist temple in Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan. It is Tokyo's oldest temple, and one of its most significant. Close to the temple is a five-story pagoda, Shinto shrine, the Asakusa Shrine, as well as shops with traditional goods in the Nakamise-dori. The Sensoji temple is dedicated to Kannon Bosatsu(观音菩萨), the Bodhisattva of compassion.

1.Of the four sites,which one is NOT related to religion?

A.The Great Wall. B.Angkor Wat.

C.Taj Mahal D.The Senso-ji.

2.What do Angkor Wat and Taj Mahal have in common?

A.They both cover large areas. B.They both date back to 17th century.

C.They are both Muslim art. D.They are both mausoleums.

3.What can't tourists do in The Senso-ji?

A.Know about Muslim culture. B.Appreciate Japanese ancient architecture.

C.Buy some souvenirs. D.Admire Kannon Bosatsu.


Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.






参考词汇:1.熬夜 stay up 2.锻炼身体 take physical exercise 3.营养食物 nutritious foods



Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and required words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Miss Joan enjoyed picking apples with her students. She smiled as she led her students to the bus that would take them to the Greenly Apple Orchard(果园).

The bus stopped in front of the Greenly Apple Orchard and the class got off quickly and quietly.

Mr. Greenly was there to greet them. "Let's see! There are eighteen children and two adults at three dollars each. That will be sixty dollars, please."

Miss Joan held the brochure(小册子) in her hand. "It says that the price is two dollars each," she pointed out.

"We've had to raise the price," Mr. Greenly stated.

"You sent me this brochure after we made our reservation(预订)," Miss Joan complained, "and it says two dollars!"

"Miss Joan, if you look at the bottom of this brochure," Mr. Greenly said, "you'll notice a very important statement."

Sure enough, in very tiny letters, it said, "Prices are subject to change without notice."

Miss Joan was determined to keep her good mood. She took three twenty-dollar bills out of her own purse and handed it to Mr. Greenly.

"Now children, do you all have your baskets?" Miss Joan called out. "Remember, each of you can pick as many apples as possible."

Mr. Greenly said, "You can't pick as many apples as possible."

Miss Joan was not smiling now. "The brochure says, 'ALL YOU CAN PICK'!"

Mr. Greenly pointed to the tiniest letters Miss Joan had never seen. It also said, "Terms and conditions of group reservations are subject to change without notice."

Miss Joan's good mood was now history, so she said in a calm and quiet voice, "We are going home, give me our money back, please."

1.How much did Miss Joan think she should pay for picking apples at first? (no more than 3 words)

2.Why couldn't children pick as many apples as possible?(no more than 9 words)

3.What did Miss Joan do at last? (no more than 8 words)

4.How did Miss Joan feel from at first to at last? (no more than 8 words)


Directions: Read the following passage. Complete the diagram by using the information from the passage.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Working women with young children often face a dilemma(进退两难的困境) of whether to keep working or to quit to take care of their children. Though the fact that married women work outside the homes has become a social trend, many people still expect mothers to stay home until their children are two or three years old. In my opinion,it’s unfair to deprive(剥夺) mothers of their right to keep working only for the reason of childcare.

Women also need a sense of achievement just like men. Working women often find it difficult to give up the chance of self-fulfillment(自我实现) and go back home to play the traditional role. The times that women should stay at home passed and we should not neglect(忽视) mothers’ desire to seek further goals outside the home.

Besides, taking care of children is both parents’ responsibility(责任) rather than only mothers’. Children belong to the father and the mother. So it is unreasonable to ask mothers to give up their jobs for childcare because it is also fathers’ duty.

Practically speaking, working mothers can help improve family finances. Though there’ll be extra expense for childcare service, working mothers have a steady income to help the family. Therefore, mothers’ working outside is good for the family, especially to those low-income ones.

In a word, to expect mothers to put childcare before everything is not practical in today’s society. Only if fathers and mothers cooperate can the problem be solved.

Title: 1.mothers


Whether working women should keep working or 3.the jobs to look after children.


Mothers should stay home until children are two or three years old.


The author’s 5.

A mother has right to 6..

Women need a sense of achievement just like men.

Taking care of children is 7..

Mothers can help 8.the family



Parents’ 10.is the solution to this problem.





    If you were on the street in Mexico today you might think you were in an operating room, surrounded by doctors. You could see many concerned people with masks (口罩) trying their best to stop the swine flu (猪流感). And the masks aren’t only being used in Mexico. A friend of mine traveling from New York City to Florida was given a mask and a pair of gloves just after he reached the airport. And another friend went to get a haircut only to be faced with a hairdresser wearing a mask!

But do the masks really work? Is covering your nose and mouth the key to stopping the swine flu? To find out the truth, ABC’s reporter Sharyn Alfonsi talked with germ (细菌) expert Dr. Elaine Larsen. It turns out that when you sneeze (打喷嚏) the air coming out of your mouth at a speed of one hundred miles per hour carries germs which can travel anywhere around you and make people around you infected (被感染).

However, whether you become infected actually depends on the weather. As Sharyn reported, when you sneeze, the germs leave your body in small drops of water coming out of your mouth. If the weather is wet, the wet air will make the small drops bigger and heavier and they drop down towards our feet. If this happens, we won’t become infected. But if the air is dry, those small drops can float higher up, making it possible for them to touch someone else’s nose, mouth or their mask.

Larsen says the masks can stop the germs well but after a few hours, they start to get wet, holding a lot of germs they come across and causing you to breathe them in. The masks do work, but the key to stopping the germs is changing your masks often.

1.According to Para.1, in Mexico you can see that ____.

A.the patients are treated in the open air

B.some doctors work in the street

C.people speak little to each other in the street

D.many people wear masks in the street

2.According to the passage a patient spreads germs mainly through ____.

A.breathing B.Speaking

C.touching others D.sneezing

3.We learn from the passage that on a wet day ____.

A.sick people will be infected B.germs can spread very far

C.germs spread very quickly D.few people will be infected

4.If you keep wearing a mask for a long time, ____.

A.the mask will be old and worn out B.you’ll love the feeling of wearing it

C.germs will be kept away from you D.it will be easy for you to be infected

5.What should we pay attention to when wearing masks?

A.Keeping the masks dry. B.Changing the masks often.

C.Choosing very thick masks. D.Wearing big masks.


Brenda Bongos was a happy, artistic girl. She had one big ambition—to play the drums in a band. But one big problem lay in her way. To be good enough to play in a band, Brenda had to practice a lot, but she lived next-door to a lot of old people. Many of them are sick. She knew that the sound of beating drums would really get on their nerves. So, she had tried playing in the strangest places: a basement, a kitchen, and even in a shower. But there was always someone it would annoy.

One day, while watching a science documentary on TV, she heard that sound cannot travel in space, because there's no air. At that moment, Brenda Bongos decided to become a sort of musical astronaut.

With the help of a lot of time, books and work, Brenda built a space bubble. This was a big glass ball connected to a machine which sucked out all the air inside. All that would be left inside was a drum kit(成套设备) and a chair. Brenda got into the space suit she had made, entered the bubble, turned on the machine, and played those drums like a wild child.

It wasn't long before Brenda Bongos came very famous. Many people came to see her play in her space bubble. Shortly afterwards she came out of the bubble and started giving concerts. Her fame spread so much that the government suggested that she be part of a unique space journey. Finally, Brenda was a real musical astronaut, and had gone far beyond her first ambition of playing drums in a band.

Years later, when asked how she had achieved all this, she thought for a moment, and said: ''If those old people next – door hadn't mattered so much to me, I wouldn't have found a solution, and none of this would have ever happened.''

1.Why did Brenda try to play in the strangest places?

A. Because she didn't want others to hear her play.

B. Because she didn't mean to disturb others.

C. Because she didn't have her own room.

D. Because she didn’t like her neighbors.

2.Brenda started to give concerts _______.

A. after she practiced in her space bubble

B. when she became part of the unique space journey

C. after she became a real musical astronaut

D. when people came to see her in the space bubble

3.Brenda became famous because _______.

A. she was good at music and science

B. she became a real musical astronaut

C. she invented a special way of practice

D. she played well and had a talent

4.Which of the following can be used to describe Brenda?

A. Kind, hardworking and clever.

B. Brave, kind and hardworking.

C. Lovely, brave and kind.

D. Nervous, kind and clever.

5.It can be inferred from the text that: " _______".

A. He laughs best who laughs last

B. It's never too old to learn

C. Two heads are better than one

D. One good turn deserves another


Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.

On very rare occasion can you manage to do something perfectly the first time you do it. So when you do something for the first time, it is time to give 1.the idea of perfection.

I remember the first time I drove a car after getting 2. driver’s license, I drove very slowly. I was so nervous 3.big drops of sweats rolled down my check. My driving style showed that I wasn’t4.very confident driver. Now I’m much more experienced as a driver.  5.I still don’t consider myself a perfect one, I’m much more confident behind the wheel 6.what I was when I started.

Perfection is a long process, so trying to be perfect is just a waste of time. If you set your goal7.high, you will feel discouraged when you fail to meet the goal you have set. So set an achievable goal when you do something for the first time. 8. example, if you run in your first marathon, your goal is just to pass the finishing line, rather than break a new world record.


    Once upon a time there lived a king. One day, the king _______ some of his servants to dig a pond outside his palace. As soon as the pond was dug, he made a(n) _______ to his people who gathered around him, _______ that one person from each _______ should bring a glass of milk during the night, and pour it into the pond _______ the pond would be full of milk by the next morning. When hearing the order, everyone present said yes and then went home. One man was _______ to take the milk during the night, but suddenly he came up with a good idea. Since everyone would_______milk, he would just take a glass of water and pour it inside the pond. He thought it would be so _______ that no one else would _______ it. So he just poured the water into the pond and went back home. He felt rather ________, because he saved a glass of milk for his family.

The next morning, the king came to ________ the pond outside his palace with all his ministers. But much to their surprise, they saw the pond only filled with water! What had happened was that everyone was ________ just like others: "I don't have to put in milk, someone else will do it." So when it comes to helping poor people, do not think that others will take care of it. Instead, it starts with you. If you don't do it, no one else will do it. Whatever you do, be true to your words. And it will make a big difference.

1.A.encouraged B.ordered C.invited D.advised

2.A.effort B.deal C.announcement D.note

3.A.suggesting B.requiring C.supposing D.expecting

4.A.group B.school C.village D.family

5.A.so that B.even though C.as though D.now that

6.A.pleased B.determined C.eager D.prepared

7.A.bring B.drink C.add D.buy

8.A.fast B.dark C.easy D.noisy

9.A.hear B.believe C.discover D.like

10.A.worried B.surprised C.disappointed D.satisfied

11.A.visit B.dig C.decorate D.fill

12.A.imagining B.deciding C.thinking D.reminding


With economy rapidly _______,people are more and more concerned about health.

A.increased B.to increase C.increasing D.having increased


There is a lot of poisonous gases in the hall. If ____in, they can result in illness and  even death.

A.breathed B.breathing C.to be breathed D.breathe


______the phone call, the construction site is crowded with workers full of joy and excitement.

A.On receiving B.As soon as receiving C.The Moment he received D.Receiving


Shall we ask Bob to help us do the work ?

Sure . Time _____and we have a lot to do tonight .

A.is run out B.is running out C.has been run out D.was run out


Was it in the beautiful park ___was located at the foot of the mountain ___we first met our foreign teacher?

A.which; where B.which; that C.which; which D.that; where


His expression suggested that he ____the invitation and he suggested full preparations _____.

A.had accepted; would be made B.accepted; be made

C.has accepted; make D.had accepted; be made


What’s the matter with you, Jane ? You look so anxious.

Oh, nothing much. In fact ,I ____the result of the test.

A.have just considered B.was just considering

C.would just consider D.will just be considering


He seldom shows his family around his company, _________?

________. And he also talks with them about the production frequently.

A.doesn't he, Yes, he does B.does he, No, he doesn't

C.doesn't he , Yes ,he doesn't D.does he, Yes ,he does


Your digital camera is very nice. Where did you buy_____? I’d like to buy _____, too.

A.it; one B.it ; it C.one ; one D.one ; it


—I am sure Johnson will be admitted to a key university.

—I believe so. He _________ for the entrance examinations for years.

A.was struggling B.struggles C.had been struggling D.has been struggling


The commander got a chance to visit the mountain_____ top was covered with thick snow ,____ he had been dreaming of for years.

A.that; which B.whose ; which C.of which ; what D.of whom ;that


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