
1.Who will pay for the lunch?

A.The man. B.The woman. C.The man’s boss.

2.How will the speakers go for the lunch?

A.By car. B.On foot. C.By taxi.


What does the man think of the movie?

A.Exciting. B.Boring. C.Just so-so.


What are the speakers talking about?

A.The Chinese New Year. B.Holiday plans. C.The weather.


Where does the conversation take place?

A.In the bedroom. B.In the kitchen. C.Outside the house.


What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Family members. B.Classmates. C.Colleagues.


What does the man think the woman should do?

A.Talk to her husband.

B.Get an eye operation.

C.Buy a new pair of glasses.



When the pandemic started, some people were wondering if the internet could stand up to the rise in demand. The answer is not only a clear “yes” but this whole period made it even stronger.

How would our world survive without Internet in pandemic situation? The answer is simple: differently but not better or worse. We know that the internet available is changing a lot of things. Thanks to it, people were able to keep on working from their home, others were able to keep contact with their loved ones and friends and most found their entertainment relief through it. Had it not ever existed, people would have stayed at home and enjoyed their family or created more since they would have had more time on their hands.

But in today’s world, the internet has become the one link that unites us all. It is the reason why people were able to forget for minutes and hours at a time through the use of Internet. It is the reason why so many companies will survive and most probably grow stronger afterwards, since they were able to plan through Skype and Zoom. It is the reason why lovers did not fall into full depression, having to live away from their partner for a few months, since they were at least able to talk and see each other while sharing moments of their lives. There cannot be any doubts anymore: The internet is the one link that unites us all.

In the first three months of this year, internet use has grown by 25% in most major cities around the world. This number is reflected in the use of various applications and websites. One of the clearest jumps up is the use of video calls. This should not be surprising since it is used both for business and for personal purposes. PC Game stores have also seen a huge increase in their sales during this period. A bit more surprising maybe, is the increase of online grocery stores usage as the stores were breaking down under the demand.




1. 表示安慰;

2. 提出建议;

3. 表达祝愿。

注意:1. 词数80 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




Graffiti is writings, drawings or marks made on walls in public places. In most cases, it is often 1. mixture of writing and pictures, usually 2. (mark) with a tag, which is unique 3. an artist or a group. Graffiti is now popular all over the world.

Graffiti is believed to become popular in the United States in the 1960s. Young adults in cities like New York would use paint to spray their tag on walls.4., New Yorkers used to see graffiti as something 5. (disturb). Up to the 1970s, most people hated graffiti and painting graffiti was illegal and graffiti artists 6. (punish) by fines.

Later, the image of graffiti and graffiti artists changed a lot and graffiti was no longer only found in the subways or the poor areas of cities but also in the 7. (gallery) of Manhattan art world. In the late 1980s the popularity of hip-hop music helped to spread the culture of graffiti, first at home in the United States and then 8. (international).

Recently, graffiti 9. (gain) the reputation of “street art” and it has become a movement expressing the street culture of young people. You can even find graffiti in places 10. you least expect to see it-in advertisements, on clothes, on toys and even in newspapers.


    You may have heard of Osceola McCarty, who worked for 75 years as a washer woman. After she retired, she went to the bank and _________, to her surprise, that her small monthly savings had _________ to over $150,000. She donated $150,000 to the USM for a scholarship fund for students with financial _________.

What you have not heard is how Osceola’s gift has _________ my life. I was a ___________ student and I had my heart set on going to USM. But I _________ a regular scholarship by one point on my entrance exams, and a scholarship was the only way I could attend. One Sunday, I ___________ the story about Osceola and her generous _________ in the newspaper, and went to the financial aid office and became the first _________ of an Osceola Scholarship.

I first __________ Osceola at a press conferencemeeting her was like finding family. Osceola __________ married and lived alone, so my family has since become her family. My grandma and she talk __________on the phone and she __________ us in family gatherings. It was amazing that I used to cycle right by a __________ every day on my way to school and I did notice how everything was clean and neat there, but I didn’t know it __________ to be where she lived.

Osceola gave me much more than a scholarship. She taught me about the gift of __________. She worked her whole life and gave to others, which reached deep inside of me and fueled my ____________ to give back when I can. Eventually I plan to add to her scholarship fund. I want to give Osceola the __________ she’s always wanted, so I’ve adopted her as another grandma. And when I graduate from USM, she’ll be sitting in the audience __________ my mother and my grandmother-right where she __________.

1.A.believed B.discovered C.checked D.collected

2.A.grown B.arrived C.added D.gathered

3.A.interest B.support C.need D.limit

4.A.meant B.served C.affected D.infected

5.A.curious B.worried C.concerned D.devoted

6.A.missed B.lost C.ignored D.wasted

7.A.got across B.came across C.went across D.looked across

8.A.donation B.money C.reputation D.message

9.A.user B.helper C.learner D.receiver

10.A.found B.knew C.saw D.got

11.A.ever B.never C.once D.just

12.A.randomly B.fluently C.suddenly D.regularly

13.A.joins B.attends C.contacts D.touches

14.A.restaurant B.house C.library D.shop

15.A.appeared B.seemed C.occurred D.happened

16.A.doing B.working C.giving D.helping

17.A.conclusion B.preparation C.attention D.passion

18.A.position B.fund C.family D.job

19.A.around B.between C.above D.under

20.A.belongs B.lives C.expects D.likes


    Whether you're learning English as a second language or are a native speaker who's never had the habit of writing, improving your English composition skills is very important. Knowing your shortcomings and practicing will allow you to write essay that is at first simply grammatically correct, and eventually sparkling with style.1.

2.Look up the definitions of words with which you are unfamiliar. The more words you can use successfully, the more often you'll be able to find the right one for the task at hand -- and the less likely your writing will be simplistic and repetitive.

Ask a friend with good English skills to criticize and correct your writing.3.Rewrite your paper or letter after listening to her advice, making the necessary changes.

Use your word processing software spelling and grammar-check tools to fix simple errors. Whenever you misspell a word, replace it with the correct suggestion and then look at it carefully, noting the differences from how you thought it was spelled.4.Use them.

Think in English while writing if you're a native speaker of a different language. Having to translate in your head slows you down, and can easily lead to errors. Study English grammar if you are having difficulties. Look up the rules whenever you're having difficulties or read a grammar book all the way through. It may be boring, but it's extremely helpful.

Practice writing!5.Every skill requires regular repetition to achieve mastery, whether playing a musical instrument, flying a jet or writing good English prose.

A.The more you write, the better writer you'll become.

B.Broaden your vocabulary by reading as much as possible.

C.Most modern Web browsers also include spell-checking tools.

D.Knowing what you're doing wrong is necessary before you can improve.

E.The more aware you are of your writing, the better your handwriting will be.

F.To achieve this you'll need to read more, ask friends for help, and continually write.

G.Put the symbols on flashcards and memorize them, then write them again and again.


    “Shine in the dark” dolphins may seem like something straight out of a science fiction movie. However, that is precisely what Newport Coastal Adventures' Captain Ryan Lawler and professional videographer Patrick Coyne witnessed, when they set out to explore the spectacular blue tides that have been lighting up the waters off Southern California's coast since mid-April.

The partner scanned the ocean for hours and was returning to shore when they spotted the “electric” dolphins swimming through the bloom of shining plankton(浮游生物). The videographer, who had seen the phenomenon only once before in a Netflix show, says catching the scenes proved to be a lot harder than he had expected. “For starters, the shining plankton has sweet spots to where it shows up and then fades away, so while on the water, it's impossible to just find it,” Coyne says. “Also, conditions have to be absolutely perfect for the shining plankton to show and for animals to swim through it so we can film it.”

Though witnessing shining sea life is rare, the electrifying blue ocean scenery is a fairly common sight around Southern California between February and September. The phenomenon can be attributed to the presence of millions of plankton, which tend to gather and reproduce in large quantities in the warm coastal waters during this time.

Though a majority of California's red tides are caused by plankton species that do not produce deadly poison, some algal blooms(藻花)can be dangerous for sea animals, especially when they stay for long periods of time. In 2018, an almost year-long “red tide” along Florida's Gulf coast caused by the excessive growth of microalgae Karenia Brevis, killed hundreds of fish and other sea animals.

1.What does the underlined phrase “sweet spots” in paragraph 2 mean?

A.A sea plant. B.A lost world.

C.A perfect moment. D.A missing camera.

2.What is the main reason for the sea life shining?

A.They absorb the light in the ocean and then reflect it.

B.They are surrounded by millions of shining plankton.

C.They swim through the ocean with electricity in large quantities.

D.They benefit from the warm water to power themselves.

3.What caused the death of some sea animals according to the text?

A.Red tides. B.Human exploration. C.Warm water. D.Algal blooms.

4.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A.Science. B.Health. C.Entertainment. D.Education.


    If you cut in line, you might just be a bad person. The queue is a regulation where the reward (the ice-cream stand/dining room/ticket booth) is earned through patience. Your choice to avoid this time-honored process will be bound to draw the anger of those you pass by, drawing remarks like “Whoa there, Chief,” the passive-aggressive “There’s a line, you know!” and of course, the incredibly common “Hey, Copernicus, why don’t you guide yourself to the back of the line?”

But, in the moment in which you really cannot wait, for example, the entire royal family has prepared a dinner party upon you last minute, then there is a way to cut the line correctly.

There are a few different ways to consider and a few different methods to employ. The regularity of the situation is very important. If you’re waiting to use the photocopier at work, you might be more likely to manage a successful cut than if you were waiting for a lifeboat on the Titanic. Sure, that might be an extreme example. But the importance of the event does matter.

For those requests in normal situations, emphasizing either the urgency of your task or the simplicity of your task proved to be effective: experimenters who said “Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the photocopier?” had a cut rate of 60 percent and experimenters who said “May I use the photocopier because I need to make copies?” saw a success rate of 90 per cent when queuing for the copy machine.

If you have a couple of extra dollars lying around, bribing members of the line also proved to be effective. And most of the time, the person being bribed didn’t end up accepting the money, because even the offer showed that the briber had a sense of desperation.

1.Why does the author use the remarks about Chief and Copernicus in paragraph 1?

A.To illustrate the reaction from members in line. B.To encourage those who want to cut in line.

C.To praise the behavior of cutting in line. D.To provide advice which helps cut in line.

2.Which of the following is not a wise way to cut in line?

A.Giving the members in line money. B.Stating the emergency of the event.

C.Considering the regularity of the situation. D.Defending the right of cutting in line.

3.What is the best title for the text?

A.Be Patient When Queuing. B.Acceptable Ways to Cut in Line.

C.Time and Tides Waits for No Man. D.Special Rights under Emergency.


    Khalifa joined the Roots & Shoots in 2007. But her involvement began much earlier when she was inspired by a video shown in a school classroom of Dr. Jane Goodall doing research in Tanzania. “I think it was the third grade,” she says. “I was like, ‘Wow, I want to be like her.’”

That drive led her to participate in Roots & Shoots and several other youth programs. As a member of the Roots & Shoots in high school, she was involved in many service projects, to make the world a better place for people, animals, and the environment. She travelled to national youth summits, to gatherings with other students from around the world, and to Tanzania where she met youth leaders there and saw Jane’s work in Gombe.

Reflecting on the many Root & Shoots projects she was involved in, Khalifa says a favorite was called Peace Through Art. During the Iraq War, she and her peers made and collected art from students in the United States and sent them to Iraqis. The project tapped into both her passion for expression through art and her commitment to helping others. “Art is very special,” she says, “in that art is kind of a universal language. You don’t have to really speak the same language as someone to get a message across.”

She hopes to be an inspiration to women, to people of color, and to others who “have that little seed”-who want to ask questions, seek answers, have an impact on their communities. “So people pull you up, right, but the idea is that you should pull someone up too,” she says.

“The mountain top, for me at least,” she says, “is making a positive impact in my community, knowing that I helped change not only my life but other people’s lives.” She hopes that her story will motivate others. Ultimately, she says, “I want to do the same for others that Jane has done for me. That’s the long-term goal.”

1.Why did Khalifa join Roots & Shoots?

A.To collect art to help other people in Iraq.

B.To follow Jane Goodall to build a better world.

C.To travel to meet different students and youth leaders.

D.To be an inspirational woman to encourage weak groups.

2.Which of the following best describe Khalifa?

A.Clever and determined. B.Brave and outgoing.

C.Aggressive and strict. D.Caring and ambitious.

3.What can we learn from Khalifa’s words in the last two paragraphs?

A.People should get involved in social activities.

B.People should try their best to change their own life.

C.People should make a difference to others.

D.People should never give up their dreams.



1.What does the speaker suggest people do at the beginning of the week?

A.Stay indoors.

B.Put their summer clothes away.

C.Get out to enjoy the beautiful weather.

2.When should the storm be over?

A.By Tuesday evening.

B.By Friday morning.

C.By next Monday.

3.What usually happens in late September and early October?

A.There are a lot of storms.

B.The weather gets hot again.

C.It is always quite cold.



1.What do we know about the area?

A.Lightning strikes mostly in December.

B.The people there worry about getting hit.

C.The area is near the Andes Mountains.

2.What did NASA call the area?

A.The Never-Ending Storm of Catatumbo.

B.The Lightning Capital of the World.

C.The Light of Venezuela.

3.How many people are struck by lightning near the Catatumbo River?

A.One in three per year.

B.One in 12,000 per year.

C.80% of people who live there.

4.What does the man say in the end?

A.He’s scared of storms.

B.He’ll never visit Venezuela.

C.He’d be careful if he lived in the area.



1.What is the man doing?

A.Giving suggestions. B.Offering information. C.Asking for help.

2.What does the woman think of her father?

A.Stubborn. B.Understanding. C.Warm-hearted.

3.What will the woman probably do next?

A.Quit the play.

B.Talk with her father.

C.Take her father to the show.



1.According to the article, what’s wrong with smoothies?

A.They contain too many calories.

B.The man doesn’t make his properly.

C.They take too long to drink.

2.What did the man put in his smoothie?

A.Vegetables. B.Sugar. C.Milk.

3.What does the man imply in the end?

A.He’ll read the article.

B.He’ll stop drinking smoothies.

C.He’s still going to make smoothies.



1.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At a clothing store.

B.At a work event.

C.At the cleaner’s.

2.When will the woman return?

A.Tomorrow morning. B.This afternoon. C.Tonight.


What does the woman tell the man?

A.Shoes are 15% off.

B.He should come back next month.

C.Winter jackets are the only items on sale.


What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Mother and son. B.Brother and sister. C.Husband and wife.


Why isn’t the Internet working?

A.The power went out.

B.The woman disconnected it.

C.The man didn’t pay the bill.


What is the most expensive thing that the woman orders?

A.Her drink. B.Her bread. C.Her vegetable.


Where did the man meet Shelley?

A.At summer camp. B.In a writing class. C.In a college.



The most delicious memories seem to happen during the holidays. And like a squirrel preparing for winter, I put them away to enjoy slowly during the long winter months. Sometimes, I enjoy them for years.

Among them are sweetest recollections: my little girls at the church play and the moment they got their first angel wings; a pink dolly stroller(手推车) wheeled into the bedroom with a tiny voice declaring, ''Look what Santa Claus brought me! ''; or New Year's snowmen wearing bright scarves borrowed from a grandma's fragrant drawer.

But there is one memory that is a little bittersweet -- sort of like 80% dark chocolate, but still good for you.

This story brings to mind a colorful candy dish and a very little boy. The occasion was somewhere between Christmas and New Year's when a few candies in a dish remained behind, a bright spot in dull winter gray.

Wrapped in December's chill, my then 3-year old grandson, Justin, and I had dashed from the warmth of my parked car into the building where I planned to take care of a few work-related tasks.

A smiling secretary greeted us as we brushed the snowflakes and rubbed our hands to chase the cold. Then with my grandchild close to my side, I busied myself, finishing the items of business that had brought us there. But while his hand remained in mine, his eyes fell on the candy dish sitting nearby.

As we turned to leave, the thoughtful and very observant woman behind the desk asked the question all children wait to hear.

''Honey, '' the kindly woman said, peering over her glasses at Justin. ''Would you like a candy bar? '' she asked, her hand pushing the dish close for an easier reach.

The boy looked up questioningly, his eyes meeting mine, permission hanging in the air. A slight nod from me and then a hurried beeline to the candy dish followed. One candy bar was already in his hand.

Para 1: ''Justin! '' I said from the doorway.


Para 2: In the humor of the moment, I felt something hard to swallow.



假定你是李华,你校将举办外国学生中文演讲比赛,请给你的英国朋友 George 写封邮件邀请他参加。内容包括:

1. 比赛时间;2. 演讲话题;3. 报名方式。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


Dear George,


I’m looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua



The novel coronavirus(新型冠状病毒)outbreak forced Belgian pianist Jean-Francois Maljean who had planned to go to Wuhan in February 1. (postpone) the trip. The musician decided to write a song 2. (immediate) after discussing the idea with his Chinese business partner, He Liu.

“I have been playing concerts around China for almost 20 years. I have so many friends in Wuhan. I want to show my 3. (consider) to those people affected by the virus and those who are fighting in the hospitals in the face 4. the disaster, especially the doctors and nurses who are protecting others but thinking little about 5. (they),” says 67-year-old Maljean.

It 6. (take) the musician about three days to finish the song Chime of The Down Bells, 7. has become popular online since Feb 10. He Liu invited 15 local people from all walks of life in Wuhan to sing the Chinese version of the song. Maljean’s daughter, Noemie Maljean, an 8. (excellence) singer, performed the lead vocals(主唱).

Maljean put Wuhan’s landmark buildings and famous scenery into 9. music. “I hope that my music can comfort the people suffering in Wuhan and in China. I’m always deeply moved by the great sacrifice 10. (make) by the people of Wuhan,” says the pianist.


    I joined the army as an infantryman (步兵) instead of as a helicopter pilot because I only had the literacy (读写) level of an 11-year-old. I had no idea that I had a reading level that_______; I had just _______words when I didn’t know them, and usually ended up getting them wrong.

It was just before I turned 19 that I _______ my very first book. I can vividly remember the sense of _______and achievement I felt. It was meant for primary school children but I didn’t _______. I had read a whole book, and I was _______. From then on I read anything and everything I could get. I just wanted to get as much_______ as I could.

I learned in those days at the _______education centre. There are always people looking forward to helping you and _______you stuff. But you are never going to progress __________you keep learning. The unbelievable educational__________that the army offers make it one of the few places that can help you climb up the ladder of social classes in the UK.

For me, improving my literacy level had another more surprising__________. When I left the army, I was asked to write a(n)__________of the Bravo Two Zero Mission and that led to the unexpected career change of becoming a(n)__________.

I have spent quite a bit of time over the past few years__________schools, and workplaces, as well as army bases and businesses, to talk about my past and__________others to start reading and writing like me. The__________I give to all the people that I chat to is that if I can do it, anyone can. If that is a message that even one of them accepts and__________, then it has been__________. My experience shows that the best soldier out there is the one with a __________card.

1.A.high B.new C.low D.senior

2.A.gone over B.made up C.put down D.taken back

3.A.wrote B.received C.bought D.read

4.A.pride B.beauty C.duty D.security

5.A.panic B.care C.doubt D.agree

6.A.depressed B.puzzled C.trapped D.hooked

7.A.wealth B.knowledge. C.support D.freedom

8.A.community B.nursery C.army D.health

9.A.showing B.selling C.lending D.teaching

10.A.unless B.until C.though D.since

11.A.expenses B.backgrounds C.opportunities D.requirements

12.A.trouble B.burden C.outcome D.challenge

13.A.email B.diary C.scheme D.account

14.A.athlete B.typist C.author D.reporter

15.A.visiting B.attending C.constructing D.inspecting

16.A.permitting B.encouraging C.commanding D.preferring

17.A.message B.story C.impression D.influence

18.A.changes B.uses C.questions D.ignores

19.A.controversial B.arbitrary C.ridiculous D.worthwhile

20.A.library B.credit C.business D.fitness


    Let's take a minute to think about the water we use. The human body is 60% water and we need to drink lots of water to be healthy. When we are thirsty we just go to the kitchen and fill a glass with clean water.

1.For example, farmers, who produce the food we eat, use water to make the plants grow. When we turn on a light or switch on a TV or a computer we use energy and we need water to produce this energy.

The truth is that we are lucky enough to have clean water whenever we wantbut this is not the case for many people around the world.2.That's around one in 10 people in the world. If we drink dirty waterwe can catch diseases from the bacteria and become ill. Every year over 500000 children die from diarrhea(腹泻)from dirty water. That's around 1400 children every dayAlsoin some countries children walk many kilometres every day to get water.3.Thereforethey don't have time to learn how to read or write and don't get an education.

4.On this day every yearcountries around the world hold events to educate people about the problems of dirty water and that clean water is something that everyone should have around the world. At one school in the UKchildren between the ages of 10 and 15 walk 6km with six litres of water.5.People give them money to do this and all the money helps get clean water to as many people as possible around the world.

A.We use water indirectly too.

B.Every system in our body depends on water to function.

C.It is to inspire people to learn more about water-related problems

D.If children walk many hours a day to get waterthey can't go to school.

E.Did you know that around 750 million people do not have clean water to drink

F.In 1993 the United Nations decided that March 22nd is the World Day for Water.

G.In this waythey know how it feels to walk a long distance carrying heavy bottles.


    Grab an ice cube from the freezer and place it on a table. Watch closely enough and you will see, well, not much at all. The ice cube is absorbing heat, but it is still an ice cube. Before it melts, it will draw heat from the environment to change from solid to liquid. Only then will it begin to slip and slide in a puddle(水坑) of its own making.

And so to A Word Without Ice by Henry Pollack, retired professor of geophysics at the University of Michigan and a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that shared the 2007 Nobel peace prize with Al Gore.

The book gets off to a slow start. You may have to work a little before being rewarded. But given time, Pollack's account warms up and really takes off. The story he has to tell is fascinating, frightening and important.

Despite the title, this is not a book about the world without ice. Much is given over to the impact of ice in Earth's long history, as an important force that shaped our planet's landscape, controlled migrations and influenced cultures. Pollack takes us through Antarctic and Arctic explorations, the natural cycles that bring us ice ages and milder periods without extremes of heat or cold, and the rise of climate science which, among other achievements, can recreate a history of the temperature on Earth from kilometers of ice core drilled from the polar caps.

Pollack’s intellectual power and clarity of phrase are invaluable in describing the scientific evidence for global warming, the ways in which it will affect the world, and the all-too-probable consequences. Pollack is not one to brush awkward issues under the carpet. There is serious discussion about uncertainties in climate science, and in particular, the computer models used to forecast future warming. For its forensic analysis (取证分析) and strong destruction of climate sceptic (怀疑论者) arguments alone, A World Without Ice is worth keeping on a nearby shelf.

Some readers may find Pollack's US-centric approach occasionally grating (刺耳的). He tells of intense irrigation in southwestern Kansas, IPCC reports as big as several New York City phone directories and school-day stories from Omaha. But this is forgivable. The US is uniquely placed to act on climate change but faces a significant barrier in the shape of the outdated, influential, oil-funded anti-climate change lobby (游说议员的团体).

Thoughtful throughout, Pollack occasionally delivers paragraphs that stay with you long after closing the book. On the subject of the book itself, he writes: "Nature's best thermometer (温度计), perhaps its most sensitive and unambiguous indicator of climate change, is ice. When ice gets sufficient warm, it melts. Ice asks no questions, presents no arguments, reads no newspapers, listens to no debates. It is not burdened by ideology and carries no political baggage as it crosses the threshold (门槛) from solid to liquid. It just melts."

A World Without Ice is a call to arms. Debates about which mitigation (减缓) strategies might give us the best chances of reducing our emissions miss the point, Pollack says. If we want to avoid the worst that climate change may bring, we need "every hose in the stable pulling together and as hard and as fast a possible".

Pollack's argument is attractive, persuasive and deeply upsetting, no matter the climate change tiredness that unavoidably sets in as a consequence of endless media coverage of global warming. The author's final warning comes from Lao Tzu, an ancient Chinese philosopher: “If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.

Pollack leaves us in no doubt as to where that is.

1.We can learn that A World Without Ice      .

A.brings us to the core of the issue at the very beginning

B.convinces skeptics of the truth about climate change

C.gives an in- depth analysis of global warming

D.gets funded by anti -climate change lobby

2.Why does Henry Pollack think ice is nature's best thermometer?

A.Ice is a reminder of peaceful co- existence.

B.Ice is a common topic of the media coverage.

C.Ice is a controversial issue in political debates.

D.Ice is a clear indicator sensitive to climate change.

3.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 8 probably means the book     .

A.urges us to make joint efforts to fight climate change

B.advocates addressing climate change by armed forces

C.recommends debating on strategies to reduce emission

D.calls for separate and tough actions in a timely manner

4.What does the underlined word “that" in the last paragraph refer to?

A.Warning from Lao Tzu. B.Destination of a journey.

C.Effect of global warming. D.Argument on climate change.

5.What's the author's attitude toward A World Without Ice?

A.Ambiguous. B.Positive. C.Cautious. D.Sceptical.


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