Choosing the Right Path to Be a“Better”Person

Life is a constant exercise in self-improvement.In the rush to achieve,the idea of being“better”can become lost sometimes.You may always wonder how to improve yourself and fulfill your dreams in an easier way. 1.

Explore your talents.

Everybody has some outstanding skills or interests.So it’s often necessary to be patient and try many things before you find one that suits you.

2. For example,people loving adventure may not be interested in the quiet chess club,but someone who enjoys other quiet activities might be.Determining who you enjoy being around may help you know what you’11 enjoy.


No matter how much money you will not be happy if you spend your entire life doing something you hate.It’s important to at least devote some of your time to what makes you happy.

If you’re particularly unhappy at your job,consider why.4. If you feel your job isn’t meaningful,or isn’t in line with your values,consider finding another job.

Experience something new.

Research has shown that when we’re in our comfort zone,we aren’t as productive as we are when we step just beyond it.5.  Because of that,we may react slowly to our own positive experiences and interactions with others,even when those are little scary.Doing so can help you achieve more.

A.Do what you love.

B.Here are some tips for you.

C.Register in a class you’re interested in.

D.Humans adapt very quickly to positive events.

E.It’s possible that some changes may change your feeling.

F.Similar types of people may be attracted to the same activities.

G.Try not to allow yourself to focus so much on a certain aspect of your life.


    China's largest search engine Baidu has said it will make its latest artificial intelligence (AI) technology accessible to developers and businesses as part of the company's latest move into AI, big data and cloud computing.

AI solution "Tianzhi" was launched at a cloud-computing summit held in Beijing Wednesday. It includes services in three fields: sensing technology, such as image and voice processing, machine learning, and deep learning, an advanced form of machine learning, said Zhang Yaqin, CEO of the Nasdaq-listed company, at the summit.

Developers can access facial or voice recognition, algorithms(演算法) for data analysis and projections, and deep learning applications, Zhang said, adding that the technology could help users innovate in their sectors.

"With more devices connected to the cloud, enterprises will use cloud computing and AI more frequently," said Wu Hequan, an academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, "Open AI technology can play a bigger role."

The company also revealed a plan to invest 10 billion yuan (1.45 billion U.S. dollars) in cloud computing in the next five years and establish an innovation center, which will serve 10 million enterprises.

1.What is the main idea of paragraph one?

A. Baidu will further develop its latest AI technology.

B. Baidu has attracted developers’ and businesses’ attention.

C. Users will be able to access Baidu’s latest AI technology.

D. A company will move to AI, big data and cloud computing.

2.“Tianzhi” includes services in the following fields EXCEPT _____.

A. sensing technology

B. voice processing

C. machine learning

D. deep learning

3.What does the underlined sentence in paragraph four probably mean?

A. It’s important for AI technology to be open.

B. AI technology is more important than the cloud.

C. People aren’t aware of the importance of AI technology.

D. Enterprises will hardly benefit from open AI technology.

4.What is Baidu’s next move according to the last paragraph?

A. Reveal a plan to invest in cloud computing.

B. Invest 10 billion yuan to serve enterprises.

C. Get invested from enterprises in the next five years.

D. Invest in computing and build an innovation center.


    In the past two decadesthe Chinese economy has undergone many reforms in an effort to compete more effectively on the international market.These reforms included allowing foreign banks to offer credit cards to Chinese citizens.Nowresearchers at the University of Missouri (MU) have found about 30 percent of Chinese urban households now own at least one credit card and the growth rate of credit card adoption has been an average of 40 percent per year between 2004 and 2009.

Rui Yaoan assistant professor of personal financial planning at MUsays that this large growth in such a small amount of time has positive and negative implications for the Chinese economy.

''With more and more people taking advantage of credit cards in Chinait certainly increases potential consumer buying  power''Yao said.'' Howeverwe found that more than 90  percent of credit card users were unaware of safety issues existing in credit card use and more than 60 percent had little knowledge of the consequences of credit card debt.This lack of knowledge could create problems as credit card ownership is expected to grow at a rate of 11 percent a year. ''

Yao found that while 72 percent of Chinese credit card  holders were never late on their paymentonly 55 percent were  able to pay the full balance.She also found that 70 percent of Chinese credit card holders said that credit cards contributed to overspending.

Yao believes the Chinese could benefit from financial education designed to help them plan for their financial future and encouraging the Chinese to take advantage of debt in a responsible fashion is important for the Chinese economy. ''Appropriate use of debt can help households improve their quality of life as well as spur economic growth through an increase in market purchases'' Yao said.

1.Why did China allow foreign banks to offer credit cards to Chinese citizens?

A.To increase Chinese citizens’ confidence in economy.

B.To respond to the urgent demand for financial reforms.

C.To improve competitiveness in the international market.

D.To persuade more Chinese citizens to accept credit cards.

2.What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 3?

A.The potential market purchases in the future.

B.Weaknesses caused by lack of knowledge of credit cards.

C.The rapid growth in credit card ownership.

D.Advantages and disadvantages of using credit cards.

3.A lot of figures are used in the text in order to________.

A.record the valuable data B.provide concrete evidence

C.introduce a research method D.give a detailed description

4.The underlined word ''spur'' in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ''________''.

A.control B.delay

C.promote D.discourage


    I always believed that my parents had a good marriage, but just before I, the youngest of four children, turned sixteen, my belief was painfully tested. My father, who used to share in the chores around the house, gradually started becoming downhearted. From the time he came home from his job to the time he went to bed, he hardly spoke a word to my mom or us kids. The strain on my mom and dad’s relationship was very evident. However, I was not prepared for the day that Mom told us that Dad had decided to leave. All that I could think of was that I was going to become a product of a divorced family. It was something I never thought possible, and it grieved me greatly. I kept telling myself that it wasn’t going to happen, and I went totally numb when I knew my dad was really leaving. The night before he left, I stayed up in my room for a long time. I prayed and I cried and I wrote a long letter to my dad. I told him how much I loved him and how much I would miss him. I told him that I was praying for him and wanted him to know that, no matter what, Jesus and I loved him. I told him that I would always and forever be his Krissie...his Noodles. As I folded my note, I stuck in a picture of me with a saying I had always heard: “Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a daddy.”

Early the next morning, as my dad left our house, I sneaked out to the car and slipped my letter into one of his bags.

Two weeks went by with hardly a word from my father. Then, one afternoon, I came home from school to find my mom sitting at the dining room table waiting to talk to me. I could see in her eyes that she had been crying. She told me that Dad had been there and that they had talked for a long time. They decided that there were things that the both of them could and would change and that their marriage was worth saving. Mom then turned her focus to my eyes.

“Kristi, Dad told me that you wrote him a letter. Can I ask what you wrote to him?”

I found it hard to share with my mom what I had written from my heart to my dad. I mumbled a few words and shrugged.

A few days later my dad was back. We never talked about the letter, my dad and I. I guess I always figured that it was something that was a secret between us.

1.What happened to the author’s parents when she was sixteen?

A.They left her alone. B.They got divorced.

C.They shared in the chores together. D.They had a good marriage.

2.What is the meaning of the underlined word “grieved” in Para.1?

A.made sb. Angry B.made sb. delighted

C.made sb. sad D.made sb. greedy

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.The author handed the letter directly to her father.

B.Her father wrote back to the author when he finished reading the letter.

C.The author’s letter made a difference to her father.

D.The author shared what she wrote with her mother.

4.What might be the best title for the passage?

A.A Promise Kept B.A Letter

C.A Broken Family D.A Great Daddy


Have you ever noticed advertisements which say “Learn a foreign language in 6 weeks, or your money back! From the first day your pronunciation will be excellent. Just send…” and so on? Of course, it never happens quite like that. The only language that is easy to learn is one’s mother tongue. And think how much practice that gets! Before the Second World War people usually learnt a foreign language in order to read the literature of the country.

Now speaking a foreign language is what most people want. Every year millions of people start learning one. How do they do it? Some people try at home, with books and records of tapes; some use radio or television programs; some use computers and network; others go to evening classes. If they use the language only 2 or 3 times a week, learning it will take a long time, like learning a foreign language at school. A few people try to learn a language fast by studying for 6 or more hours a day. It is clearly easier to learn the language in the country where it is spoken.

However, most people cannot afford this, and for many it is not necessary. They need the language in order to do their work better. For example, scientists and doctors chiefly need to be able to read books and reports in the foreign language. Whether the language is learnt quickly or slowly, it is hard work. Machines and good books will help, but they cannot do the student’s work for him.

1.According to some advertisements, you ______.

A. have to pay your money if you cannot master a foreign language in 6 weeks

B. needn’t pay your money if you cannot learn a foreign language in 6 weeks

C. must pay your money if you cannot master a foreign language in 6 weeks

D. will be paid much money if you cannot learn a foreign language in 6 weeks

2.Now most people try to learn a foreign language in order to ______.

A. read the literature of the country

B. read books and reports

C. do their work better

D. go to foreign countries

3.Learning a foreign language is a hard job ______.

A. only for scientists and doctors

B. only for the students at school

C. for those people at home

D. for most people
















Since the dead virus broke out, I have stayed at home for more than two and a half month. Then came the day when we were dying to return to school. Take my temperature, my headteacher welcomed me back at the door. How exciting I was see my classmates and teachers again! Although we wear breathing masks, I recognized each other immediately. To fight the virus, our class was divided into two groups, one of which still had classes online in a turn. But it didn't matter. After all, we were not asked to do exercises and hand in our homework through QQ, that is bad for our eyes. The virus has changed our life, and meanwhile strengthened our union.



The Chinese have a saying, "Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are the seven 1. (necessity) lo begin a day." 2. tea is the last one on the list, we still can see 3. plays an important role in our daily life. For the Chinese, tea drinking and tasting are not the same. Tea drinking is for refreshment, while tea tasting 4. (carry) more cultural meaning. It stresses more about the ultimate goal, 5. (value) highly in Chinese culture: the 6. (harmony) unity of human beings with nature. Because of the fact that the fragrance of tea is not aggressive, tea is often compared to personal character. Its characteristics of being pleasant, low-keyed, and lasting 7. (associate) to a personal character as well as a friendship between gentlemen. Wherever you are,8. a cup of tea in hand, you can get closer to peace and relaxation. While 9. (enjoy) the green leaves in the cup, you will find fame, wealth and other earthly concerns are 10. (entire) far away. Tea is the symbol of elegance.


    It was only a dollar. Belscher _________ it on the floor. He could easily have _________ it without thinking twice._________, he brought it to his English teacher, Mattison. She suggested that he tape it to the _________ at the front of the classroom. _________ the dollar was lunch money or bus fare for the _________.

Hunter Joe spotted the dollar on the whiteboard. There was a _________ to it, he thought. He asked Mattison why it was there. With nobody _________ it, she replied, "I don't know." Then Joe stuck a second dollar to the board.

That got it rolling. The _________ of the two dollar bills triggered(触发)something in Mattison's students. More began to __________ dollar bills.

The effort __________. Even with no specific __________, many students wanted to be part of whatever this was, for they __________ that the eventual plan for the dollars would be for "something __________" and that their teacher "wasn't going to do anything stupid with the money."

The amount continued to __________ over several weeks. That left Mattison to __________ the best resolution. She kept thinking about Jack Hains, a wonderful human being. He had died of ALS(肌萎缩), a __________ disease. Jack' wife, Terry raised money for the ALS Therapy Development Institute, which was established to seek a __________ for the disease. Mattison told this to all her classes. By the end of the term, they'd raised over $1,300. They made the __________.

"A group of kids, who were motivated by the mystery of what was __________, have more power than I realize," Mattison said.

1.A.threw B.took C.noticed D.stepped

2.A.ignored B.pocketed C.lost D.put

3.A.Instead B.Otherwise C.Therefore D.Moreover

4.A.wall B.floor C.table D.whiteboard

5.A.Maybe B.Certainly C.Thus D.Obviously

6.A.student B.teacher C.worker D.owner

7.A.truth B.mystery C.phenomenon D.fact

8.A.finding B.claiming C.taking D.seeking

9.A.view B.look C.scene D.sight

10.A.tape up B.take away C.peel off with

11.A.snowballed B.doubled C.stopped D.dropped

12.A.wish B.determination C.purpose D.appointment

13.A.decided B.doubted C.figured D.worried

14.A.interesting B.fantastic C.wise D.good

15.A.remain B.grow C.decline D.fall

16.A.decided upon B.worked out C.agreed to D.put forward

17.A.dead B.common C.rare D.ordinary

18.A.treatment B.cure C.heal D.test

19.A.difference B.preparations C.donation D.offering

20.A.uncovering B.exposing C.showing D.unfolding


    Asymptomatic infections(无症状感染)of the COVID-19 can be hard to track and chances of such virus carriers spreading the virus are simply equal. 1. Therefore, to protect yourself from those potential infections, you need some basic protective measures to take care of your health and the others' as well.

Wash your hands frequently.

Cleaning your hands regularly and thoroughly with an alcohol-based hand rub or washing them will soap and water can help kill viruses that may be on your hands.

Maintain social distancing.

Maintain at least I meter (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. 2. Being loo close, you expose yourself to the risk of breathing in the droplets, including the COVID-19 virus.


Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated(弄脏), hands cam transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. 4.

Seek medical care early if you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing.

If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health authority who may have the most up to date information on the situation in your area. Calling in advance will allow your health care provider to quickly direct you to the right health facility. 5.

A.This will also protect you and help prevent spread of viruses and other infections.

B.Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.

C.Thus, the goal of preventing the possible spread of COVID-19 can be easily achieved.

D.From there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick.

E.Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze.

F.Many people who are infected experience mild illness or no symptoms at all, but it can be more severe for others.

G.When people cough or sneeze they spray small liquid droplets from their noses or mouths which may contain virus.


    “There’s no place like home.” This English saying has much truth in it: the best place to be is surrounded by our treasured possessions and our loved ones and with a roof over our head. And for many young adults, it’s the only affordable place to stay; some place where they can receive first- class service from mum and dad. But this comes at a price!

In some countries, it’s quite traditional for people in their late teens and early 20s to live at home with their parents, but in other places, flying away the nest to start their own independent life is very desirable. But there’s been a growing trend, in the UK at least, for young people to return home to live —or not to leave home at all.

According to the UK’s Office for National Statistics, about a quarter of young adults aged 20-34 live at home, and that figure has been growing. A survey by a price comparison website found that 18% of adult children in the UK said they were moving back home because of debt, compared with 8% last year. More young people had lost their jobs, and others couldn't afford their rent compared with the previous year. So, it’s easy to see why they’re increasingly becoming home birds.

The BBC’s Lucy Hooker explains that many returning adult children enjoy home comforts. These include cooked meals, a full fridge and cleaning, as well as their bills being covered by what is commonly called “the hotel of mum and dad”. But for the “hoteliers”, that’s mum and dad, the survey found the average cost to them has gone up sharply, and that they are sacrificing luxuries and holidays to look after their “big kids”. Emma Craig from Moneysupermarket says “they’re trying to look after their children more. If your child comes home and you see them struggling financially, you feel more awkward asking them for rent or lo contribute.

With parents splashing out(花费)around l,886 on takeaway food, buying new furniture and upgrading their Wi-Fi for the benefit of their children, it’s easy for the returning children to put their feet up and make themselves at home. That's before they learn a home truth that one day it might be their own kids who'll be checking into the hotel of mum and dad!

1.Which of the following statements is true according to the text?

A.The main reason for their moving back home lies in parents' service.

B.Different countries have different traditions.

C.More and more young people live with parents in the UK.

D.Young people desire to live independently in all countries.

2.Why do more young people choose to stay at home?

A.They are struggling financially.

B.They want to keep their parents company.

C.They can't afford to buy their own house.

D.They want to enjoy home comforts

3.What influence does the trend have on parents?

A.They have difficulty making ends meet.

B.They feel happy with their children around.

C.They feel awkward asking their children for rent.

D.They give up their own life to take care of their kids.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.A new trend in the UK.

B.The hotel of mum and dad.

C.There’s no place like home.

D.Everything comes at a price.


    Running or walking after dark, backpacking in an unfamiliar city, even taking a taxi alone in the middle of the night, can all be dangerous activities, especially for women. To offer better protection, some technology companies are looking for a way to develop or expand tools that highlight women’s safety.

In Beijing, on Jun 10, China's smart jewelry brand Totwoo launched a kit called Safety, which is expected to prevent attack on women in the country.

If the user feels threatened, pressing the button for four seconds will activate the device that will start recording for 10 seconds. Within 50 seconds, the device will telephone and send text messages to three emergency contacts to inform them, providing a location, first-aid information and audio recordings. Once a contact responds, the device shakes and lights up to inform the user. The user can disable the alarm by pressing the button three times in succession.

Around the diameter of a bottle cap, the waterproof piece of jewelry can be attached to a bag, a key or even worn as a necklace. “In Chinese culture, certain jewelry is sometimes worn as a symbol of safely. Our product brings some truth to that,” says Wang Jieming, who founded Totwoo in 2015. It makes sense that the company decided to model the jewelry in the shape of an apple, the name of which in Chinese is “ping guo”, sharing the same pronounced ping as “ping’ an”, the Chinese word for “safety”.

Cooperating with China Mobile, the small core module uses a remote SIM, by passing the need for a physical SIM card. It has certified wireless-charging technology similar to the system used by Apple. Supporting navigation systems such as GPS, Beidou and GSM base station positioning, it car provide accurate location information.

Xin Yang, head of the International Security Defense College in Beijing, a private security training school established in 2011, says an independent device can enhance women’s safety in an emergency, because “mobile phones are often the first item an attacker will attempt to grab or destroy”.

1.Which of the following is right about the device?

A.The user can make video and audio recordings with the device.

B.The device can be switched on and off within minutes.

C.The user can confirm a contacts response without text messages.

D.The device is technically supported by big companies such as Apple.

2.What is the advantage of a smart jewelry over other devices according to Xin Yang?

A.It’s easy to carry and operate. B.It looks beautiful on women.

C.It symbolizes safety in Chinese culture. D.It avoids being targeted by an attacker.

3.What is the author’s attitude towards the future of the device?

A.Doubtful. B.Favorable. C.Uncertain. D.Objective.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.Women can be fashionable and safe.

B.A smart jewelry promotes women’s safety.

C.Women’s safety raises widespread concern.

D.Technology companies find a new way to save women.


    Last year, I went WWOOFing (Willing Workers on Organic Farms) at a beautiful organic farm in the south of La Reunion. With WOOFing, volunteers exchange their time and work for food and board. I slept in a cabin in the woods with hedgehogs (刺猬) digging about in the bushes, all different coloured birds singing in the morning and endless rows of palm trees offering shade from the sun.

For me, one of the best ways to get to know a new place is to work with the land, live with the locals and share meals together. It has got to be one of the best ways to travel. It is a mutually beneficial exchange where everyone involved prioritizes people and our planet above profit. You get the time and space to deepen a connection with local communities and nature.

There is a lot to learn and each farm has its own unique way of doing things, depending on the environment, climate and soil. At the farm in La Reunion we planted palm trees to harvest the core of the trunk which can be eaten in salads. Before staying with the farm I had only eaten heart of palm from cans which were nothing in comparison to the real thing, fresh from the ground. When potting up the very beginnings of the palm trees, I felt grateful to be a part of the start of the trees’ cycle. I was filled with awe that something so small could grow into something so big and strong.

Of course, not everyone is able to travel far afield, due to various restrictions or responsibilities back home. The great thing about the skill-share philosophy behind WWOOFing, which prioritizes people above profit, is that it’s something we can all do from our own backyard. That can be swapping French lessons with a neighbour for babysitting, or cooking a meal in exchange for a yoga class. The focus shifts from money to how we can best support each other in our communities. A fair exchange can make a big difference in the world.

1.The author loves WWOOFing mainly because       .

A.he can get to know new places and people is one of the best ways to travel

C.he can make profits at the beautiful organic farm

D.he can connect with local communities and nature

2.What does the underlined word “prioritizes” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.Take something more seriously.

B.Treat something more carefully.

C.Consider something more important.

D.Take something for granted.

3.Why does the author mention “palm trees ’’again in Paragraph 3?

A.To show that he learns a lot by volunteering on the farm.

B.To introduce the growing process of palm trees.

C.To express his interest in growing plants on the farm.

D.To show his amazement at the growth of palm trees.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.We should exchange what we have with our neighbors.

B.We can save money by swapping labor with our neighbors.

C.We can benefit each other by exchanging our time and work.

D.We should volunteer to work on a farm to experience nature.


A volunteering or gap year trip

Safe, Supported Volunteering and Gap Year Trips for First-Time Travelers

A volunteering or gap year trip is a great opportunity to explore other countries, to help make a difference, and to further a future career. Frontier aims to provide an authentic volunteering experience in many of the world’s most spectacular countries, while making sure that safety, support and accountability are of primary importance. With more than 20 years’ experience in running and supporting volunteering projects worldwide, and with dedicated teams of staff in the UK and the USA, we are able to provide peace of mind for volunteer and their parents, as well as unforgettable experiences.

How does Frontier support its volunteers and their families? We take the safety and security of our volunteers extremely seriously. With this in mind, here are just a few of the policies we follow:

All field staff trained in health & safety procedures

We offer a 24-hour, 7-day-a-week, emergency phone line

Weekly “Situation Report” emails for Frontier group projects, to keep friends and families of volunteers informed of news and developments on our camps.

Before accepting a volunteer onto a placement, we require them to undergo an interview with one of our travel advisers, to ensure that the volunteer understands the project, and is comfortable with all of the responsibilities required.

Travel Buddies

Volunteers often feel more confident (and their parents more reassured) when travelling with someone from their own county and/ or of their own age. If requested, we will find a placement on which there are volunteers of similar ages and backgrounds. If both parties wish, we can put them in contact with each other so that they can gel lo know each other before leaving, and even arrange to fly out together.

1.What is special about Frontier?

A.It attaches great importance to volunteers’ safety.

B.It has well trained and dedicated staff worldwide.

C.It provides volunteering experience in most countries.

D.It provides peaceful and unforgettable experiences.

2.If parents want to track their children, they can       .

A.ask their travel companions

B.make emergency phone calls

C.check “Situation Report” emails field staff or travel advisers

3.What type of writing is this text?

A.An announcement. B.An advertisement.

C.An exhibition guide. D.A travel brochure.
















I was born as poor boy and grew up in the street without the care, guidance and supervision of your beloved parents. I have been experienced a hard life, being almost naked(赤裸的) with an empty stomach and exist without secure shelter and proper education. Now, as a young man with some sadly experiences of early life, I have a dream. I want to become a great man who have power and authority, like Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, Winston Churchill or so on. Yes, I dream to be like these great man. I want to change and developed my beloved country, when people in need can live a happy and peaceful life.



I do something called homeschooling. It’s like going to a regular school, but you what you want to study, and you do your studying at home. But some basic subjects like math, history, and English2.require.

My home school friend’s mom and dad are writers. They love everything3.relateto reading and writing. Once, I wanted to please my friend’s dad on his birthday by4.givehim a book which I thought he would love.

I wanted to bring it to a learning session at their home but I forgot it. When my father came to pick me up from class, he brought the book along with himHow thoughtful my!I got all excited and left the book at my friend’s dad’s work table. What6.lucky chance that my friend’s dad wasn’t in his office at the time

After that, my friend who I study with came to my house along with me and we played together. When my friend’s7.parentcame to pick her up, her dad said “I don’t know who left a book, but I’d like to offer my thanks”. As my heart was, my friend’s mom and I winked at each other because she knew about my plan. After that9.wonderexperience, I think that doing something10.makes other people happy, makes me happy, too


    As I was getting in my car today after picking up more school supplies in preparation of my 24th year as a teacher, I saw a homeless man from a distance with a blanket covering him, walking along the sidewalk. Immediately I_______that he was barefoot and walked_______. I wanted to_______him some shoes from a store nearby, but there were no shoe_______around.

I was on a tight_______having to pick my wife up from the doctor’s office soon for a medical_______. I was not going to buy_______and return in such a short time. Then I_______I had socks in my last bag, the bag I keep in my_______for those in need. I grabbed the________and walked up to him.

“Hey, Brother,” I________to him. “I am sorry. I don’t have any shoes for you, but could you________these socks” He turned to me and________. “That would be great.” He said “God bless you” as I________him the socks. I wished him the best and got back into my car.

I________that the rest of the________of the bag might be of use as well; a bottle of water, jerky, sunflower seeds, etc. I________alongside the sidewalk. Cars were________behind me. I called to the man, “I got these cars behind me. Are you good if I just________the bag on the sidewalk” He nodded. “Take care,” I yelled. As he pulled on the last sock, the man________to me “I love you

1.A.concluded B.noticed C.condemned D.decided

2.A.purposely B.delighted C.elegantly D.cautiously B.make C.sell D.donate

4.A.factories B.offices C.companies D.shops

5.A.schedule B.experience C.position

6.A.discovery B.argument C.procedure D.achievement

7.A.clothes C.hats D.gloves

8.A.complained B.covered C.doubted D.remembered C.classroom

10.A.glasses B.socks C.trousers D.pants

11.A.apologized B.pointed C.called D.switched B.observe C.learn D.use

13.A.ignored B.smiled C.approved D.disagreed

14.A.promised B.awarded C.handed D.threw

15.A.realized B.advocated C.obtained D.permitted

16.A.containers B.coverings C.contents D.surroundings

17.A.pushed B.jogged C.wandered D.pulled

18.A.lining up B.holding on C.making up D.taking over B.leave C.fetch D.expose

20.A.objected B.drove C.yelled D.whispered


The Types to Live Below Your Full Potential

Human potential is unlimited, but unfortunately, many do not use their true potential.1.Here are some types to live below your true potential.

Let yourself be affected by minor issues.

Sometimes we may be affected by small issues.2.One way to check if something is worth thinking over is to ask yourself this question: “Will this matter in one year’s time” If not, then it’s probably not worth your energy to think about these things, Focus on things that do matter in the long run instead.

Blame others for your difficulty.

Is there anything you’re blaming others for in your life3.For example, if you blame your parents for your obesity, you’ll continue to remain obese because in your mind they are the reason why you’re obese. You’ll never have the power to change the situation un-til you take responsibility for it.

Try to do everything by yourself.

Are you someone who likes to do everything yourselfSo do I, but over the years I’ve re-alized that this prevents me from achieving more.4.Start by removing the less important tasks and doing the more important ones, and you’ll notice a big difference.


Many people set small goals because they’re afraid to fail. Actually what they’re really afraid of is to realize what they’ve always had the power to achieve. So set your highest goals today. You should try to achieve them because they are what you deserve.

A.Set small goals.

B.Believe that you can make it.

C.You give others power over that part of your life.

D.While these emotions are normal, often these issues aren’t important in the long run.

E.Trying to do everything means you’re not able to do the higher level, important things.

F.Still worse, they waste it by carrying out tasks that are a poor use of their time and energy.

G.In fact, when you blame someone for what you’re going through, you refuse responsibility.


    There’s something satisfying about volunteering. Studies have shown that volunteering helps people who donate their time feel more socially connected, thus warding off loneliness and depression. But a growing body of evidence suggests that people who give their time to others might also be rewarded with better physical health, including lower blood pressure and a longer lifespan.

Evidence of volunteerism’s physical effects can be found in a recent study from Carnegie Mellon University, published this month in Psychology and Aging. Adults over age 50 who volunteered on a regular basis were less likely to develop high blood pressure than non-volunteers. High blood pressure is an important indicator of health because it contributes to heart disease, stroke, and premature death.

It’s impossible for this study to prove that volunteering was directly responsible for the lower blood pressure. People who volunteer may be more likely to do other things, like eating a healthy diet or exercise, which lower blood pressure. But the results are in line with other findings on the topic.

How might volunteering contribute to lower blood pressurePerforming volunteer work could increase physical activity among people who aren’t otherwise very active, says leading study author Rodlescia Sneed, a doctoral candidate in social and health psychology at Carnegie Mellon University. It may also reduce stress. “Many people find volunteer work helpful with respect to stress reduction, and we know that stress is very strongly linked to health out-comes,” she says.

A 2012 study in the journal Health Psychology found that participants who volunteered with some regularity lived longer, but only if their intentions were truly altruistic. In other words, they had to be volunteering to help others-not to make themselves feel better.

The Greek philosopher Aristotle once guessed that the essence of life is “To serve others and do good.” If recent research is any indication, serving others might also be the essence of good health.

1.Which can replace the underlined phrase “warding off” in paragraph 1

A.getting rid of. B.keeping up with.

C.running out of. D.putting up with.

2.Why does the author mention the study from Carnegie Mellon University

A.To prove the benefit of volunteering to health.

B.To find out volunteerism’s physical effects on heart.

C.To explain the connection between exercise and health.

D.To warn readers the danger of volunteering to blood pressure.

3.What can we learn from what Rodlescia Sneed said

A.Volunteers are supposed to be more outgoing.

B.Volunteer work can make people lack sports.

C.Taking appropriate exercise can strengthen social connection.

D.Performing volunteer work contributes to reducing stress.

4.What’s the text mainly about

A.Volunteering can lower blood pressure.

B.Volunteering is beneficial to mental health.

C.Volunteering may be good for body and mind.

D.Volunteering can avoid suffering from heart disease.


    In space, there is no up or down. Without the gravity that we experience on Earth, as-tronauts and everything else on a spaceship float freely.

Humans can experience the sense of zero gravity without going into space. HowA zero-gravity flight. When an airplane flies in a lot of parabolas(抛物线), a man-made zero-gravity environment is set up. Everything in the plane floats, even passengers.

Gravity has an effect on everything from the human body and mind to the behavior of plants and the way machines run. Space travel is expensive and dangerous. But zero-gravity flights let scientists conduct experiments in an environment that mimics(模拟) the conditions of space. On each of its research trip, Zero-G flies about 30 parabolas, each of which creates a period of weightlessness that lasts about 30 seconds. Nikolaus Kuhn of the University of Ba-sel, in Switzerland, flew with Zero-G. He was conducting an experiment about soil and the flow of water on Mars. The Red Planet has about one-third of the gravity that Earth has. This means water flows more slowly on Mars. By making the parabolas less steep, zero-gravity flights can make the feeling of Martian gravity. Flying with Zero-G has been necessary for Kuhn’s research. “It is the only chance, other than going to Mars, to mimic movement of water as it would be on Mars,” he told TFK.

For years, NASA used zero-gravity flights to prepare and train astronauts. “I have not been to space,” Peters of Zero-G says, “But I have been told by astronauts that zero-gravity feels exactly the same.” As humans continue to explore the universe beyond Planet Earth, zero-gravity flights will remain an important and fun tool. “It never gets old,” Peters says “I would do it every weekend for the rest of my life if I could.”

1.Why do scientists set up man-made zero-gravity environment

A.To study the water on the earth.

B.To offer weightlessness as a business.

C.To take scientists to any other planets.

D.To mimic the condition of space for experiments.

2.How much time of weightlessness can a Zero-G light offer

A.About 30 seconds. B.About 90 seconds.

C.About 15 minutes. D.About 30 minutes.

3.What feature do the parabolas in Zero-G flights have

A.The gentler parabolas are, the more satisfied the researchers are.

B.The steeper parabolas are, the less weight the passengers feel.

C.The steeper parabolas are, the more successful the experiments are.

D.The gentler parabolas are, the more quickly water on Mars flows.

4.What can be inferred about the Zero-G flight from the text

A.It is useless for training astronauts.

B.It has no side effect on human body.

C.It creates a substitutable environment of zero gravity in space.

D.It is cheaper but more dangerous than space travel.


    Many people don’t have a home because of an illness or because they lost their jobs. They have bad health and can’t start working, and because of that, they can’t pay for a doctor, so it’s a never-ending circle. Homeless people don’t have anywhere to go, so they have to sleep on the streets, covering themselves with newspapers and looking through the rubbish cans to find some food or warmer clothes.

Seeing these horrible living conditions, the Australian charity Beddown decided to help these people in need. They came up with an amazing idea to make shelters in places that are vacant at night-like parking lots! The organization asked one of the largest car park-opera tors, Secure Parking, and they agreed upon it.

“It was great to start with a group of our volunteers to help us and set up some beds. Although as expected we had a few challenges to overcome, it was good to start bringing Bed down to life. Beddown will provide an immediate response for those who can not sleep well to access safe, find shelter-and access to a real bed and a great night’s sleep. We will work with our other partners to provide long-term solutions to providing our guests with accommoda-tion, education and employment opportunities.” The founders of Beddown said in one of their Instagram posts.

The charity also provided other services to the guests, like doctors, nurses, dentists, hairdressers. They gave them new clothing, a place to clean themselves and helped provide social services. “After spending the week here, having a good sleep at night, it reminded me of life and I want to begin my life again,” one homeless man said.

1.What can we learn about the homeless in Australia

A.They live a hard life. B.They lost their families.

C.They don’t want to work. D.They like to live on the street.

2.What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 2 refer to

A.Making beds for the homeless. B.Using the parking lot to get money.

C.Using the parking lot to help the homeless. D.Inviting the car park operators to organize the activity.

3.What did the founders of Beddown say about setting up beds for the homeless

A.It is only a part of their help. B.It helps the volunteers greatly.

C.It makes the Beddown get more reputation. D.It gives the homeless a chance to return to real life.

4.What can be the best title for the text

A.The Homeless Get Good Diet Now.

B.Beddown Shelters the Homeless in Car Parks.

C.Beddown Helps the Homeless Find Jobs in Car Parks.

D.Australian Charity Beddown and the Homeless in Australian.


    It often happens that problems blow into our lives. For some of us it may be a temporary period, but for others, it’s a lifetime change. Here are stories of ordinary people who had to face unpleasant events and managed to overcome them with dignity.

Bill Porter

Even though Bill Porter had a damaged brain, he wanted to work in sales. He achieved his goal, and later he became one of the best salesmen in America. The movie Door to Door is about him, and it’s recommended to those who think something will hold them back from achieving a desired career.

Evgeny Smirnov

There’s nothing worse for a dancer than losing the ability to dance. But Evgeny Smirnov, Russian break dance champion, went on dancing, despite the fact that he had to learn to dance again. His performance became a great example of the fact that someone can dance incredibly cool even without a leg.

Olesya Vladykina

Even though she’s only 20, Olesya Vladykina has suffered a lot; an accident in Thailand took not only her left hand, but also her close friend. The moment changed the girl’s life, but she didn’t give up. After the accident, she took part in the Paralympic Games twice, having won first place and having set a world record.

Andrea Bocelli

Blindness takes away the ability to see the world, but not to feel it. Perhaps this helps Italian Andrea Bocelli, a popular blind classical singer, to share fascinating and inspiring energy with the audience through his songs.

1.Whose story is the movie Door to Door about

A.A singer’s. B.A dancer’s.

C.A sportsman’s. D.A salesman’s

2.What disadvantage does Evgeny Smirnov have

A.He has one arm. B.He has only one leg.

C.He has no ability to see. D.He has a damaged brain.

3.Whose performance will you enjoy if you like classical music

A.Bill Porter’s. B.Andrea Bocelli’s

C.Evgeny Smirnov’s. D.Olesya Vladykina’s








参考词汇:中国结Chinese knot

Dear Lily,

How are you doing?



Li Hua


假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中 共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






As Grandma gets older, she is getting more and more forgetful. I went to a nearby supermarket with her on last week. I pushed the shopping cart around to load it with what we want to buy. I was looking at some snacks while I realized Grandma was missed. I looked for her everywhere and she was nowhere to be found. So I turned to security guard who was on duty with tear in my eyes. He comforted me patient and told me to wait by the apple stand when she and other guards were searching for Grandma. It was not long before Grandma was found and brought to me. I was very grateful that I decided to put it forward and help others whenever possible.



The annual Dalian International Sand Cultural Festival ended in September and 1. three-month festival attracted 3.1 million tourists both from home and abroad to Dalian Jinshitan National Tourist Resort(度假胜地).

According 2. the organizing committee, the festival promoted tourism consumption by 1.55 billion yuan for the national 5A-level resort in Dalian Jinpu New District, Northeast China's Liaoning province. “We're promoting the tourism industry 3. (build) Jinshitan into a world-famous tourist resort," said Shang Shuchen, 4. (direct) of Dalian Jinshitan National Tourist Resort.

5.(know) as Golden Pebble Beach, Jinshitan is famous for its beautiful 6.(nature) scenery. During the festival, 18 themed activities 7. (hold) , showing international youth culture and art exchange, seafood cuisine, beach volleyball match, model contest, environmental protection and so on, 8. provided more choices for citizens and tourists to enrich the beach life.

Over the years, Dalian Jinpu New District has 9. (successful) held a number of special tourism festivals with its rich culture and tourism resources. The International Sand Cultural Festival at Jinshitan 10. (become) a well-known brand in Northeast China and even Northeast Asia.


    I almost can’t believe my eyes. Here in Majorca, Spain, my husband and three kids are playing in the Mediterranean, splashing and diving and floating in the picture-perfect sea! How did the five of us _______ here, many kilometers from our home in Victoria?

For as long as I can remember, my husband and I _______ taking our kids on a trip around the world. It was something we _______ wanted to do one day after our kids came into the world. The dream was _______. We would pack a few things, get on a flight across the Atlantic and just _______ the sun and our interest. Putting the plan into _______, however, was a little more complicated.

In the blink(眨眼)of the eye and 14 years later, we have three delightful boys who are growing up fast. It was time to _______ those plans. We spent dozens of hours discussing, researching, planning, and booking flights and cars and places to stay. We planned a _______ around Europe and South Africa, to Australia, around Asia and then, for the last few months, to South America. We had to arrange time off from work. We _______ how many children’s necessities we need, went to the ________ to have the boys' teeth checked, renewed our passports, and then ________ our luggage. By July, we were as ________ as we could be.

Of course, dreams never turn out ________ as planned. Our first week, after being a little too ________ in our camper vehicle in Iceland, we miscalculated and ________ our flights to Ireland by a day. We didn't want to pay too much to rebook our ________, so we got on another plane to Paris, and had a(n) ________ weekend there, right ________ for the World Cup. It was almost as if we had ________ it that way.

After having been traveling for two months, we are learning as we go, and we seem to be finding our travel ________ as we journey together.

1.A.break up B.end up C.stay up up

2.A.dreamed about B.insisted on C.avoided D.enjoyed

3.A.rarely B.sometimes C.always D.once

4.A.accurate B.unique C.simple D.amusing

5.A.follow B.admire C.avoid D.explore

6.A.power B.use C.heart D.action

7.A.make B.perform C.change D.improve

8.A.flight C.path D.process

9.A.figured out B.made up C.brought out D.thought up

10.A.agent B.grocer D.teacher

11.A.posted B.packed C.delivered D.carried

12.A.adventurous B.curious D.ready

13.A.regularly B.exactly C.separately D.directly

14.A.surprised B.relaxed C.concentrated D.satisfied

15.A.missed B.booked C.canceled D.caught B.tables D.trips

17.A.unfortunate B.unexpected C.long D.quiet search love time exchange

19.A.planned B.enjoyed C.made D.guessed

20.A.companion B.destination C.enjoyment D.restriction


How to Make Your Email Really Secure

Email is the most used communications medium for business and for many of us at home too, but few people outside IT know how to truly secure their email. Here's a quick look at some of the ways you can carry on encrypted(加密的) conversations.1.

Your Gmail messages being sent are encrypted. However, unless the receiver is reading email using a Google browser(浏览器) or Gmail app, they don't stay encrypted. And, of course, Google itself freely admits that its software reads all of your email for advertising purposes. Some programs, like the paid version of Outlook, offer an encryption feature. 2. It requires that you and your receiver exchange something called a digital signature.

3. The disadvantage—and you knew there would be one—is that your receiver must also subscribe to that service, or enter a password to open each message you send. They're fine if your only secure conversations are with one or two people. 4.

Another option for those wishing to send secure text correspondence: Don't use email at all. 5. These apps encrypt your messages on both ends and throughout their sending. Here again, though, they limit your communication to people who also have and use those same apps.

A.Protect the machine you use email on.

B.Free accounts limit the size of your messages and attachments.

C.But setting it up takes much trouble, and surely not for the masses.

D.Instead, use a chat program like CryptoCat, ChatSecure, or PQChat.

E.But you're never going to persuade the whole world to sign up to get your emails.

F.Email providers like Tutanota, and Protonmail automatically encrypt all the mail you send.

G.The concern that your words could be stolen and used against you someday will be solved.


    A UK supermarket has become the first in the world to let shoppers pay using just the veins (纹理)in their fingertips. Customers at the Costcutter Store, at Brunel University in London, can now pay using their unique vein pattern to identify themselves.

The firm behind the technology, Sthaler, has said it is in "serious talks" with other major UK supermarkets to adopt hi-tech finger vein scanners at pay points across thousands of stores. It works by using infrared(红外线)to scan people's finger veins and then links this unique biometric map to their bank cards. Customers' bank details are then stored with payment provider Worldpay and in the same way you can store your card details when shopping online. Shoppers can then turn up to the supermarket with nothing on them but their own hands and use them to make payments in just three seconds.

Previous studies have found fingerprint recognition, used widely on mobile phones, is likely to be hacked and can be copied even from fingerprint left on phone screens. But Sthaler claims vein technology is the most secure biometric identification method as it cannot be copied or stolen. The technology uses an infrared light to create a detailed map of the vein pattern in your finger. It requires the person to be alive, meaning in the unlikely event a criminal hacks(非法侵入)off someone's finger, it would not work.

Sthaler said it takes just one minute to sign up to the system firstly and, after that, it takes just seconds to place your finger in a scanner each time you reach the supermarket checkout. Simon Binns, commercial director of Sthaler, told the Daily Telegraph, ''This makes payments so much easier for customers. There are no known occurrences where this security has been broken. ''

1.Which supermarket in the world can now use the vein-recognition technology?

A.Grocery stores in London.

B.Thousands of stores in the UK.

C.University supermarkets in the UK.

D.Costcutter Store at Brunel University in London.

2.What message does Sthaler intend to convey according to Paragraph 3?

A.The system is safe. B.Hacker attacks are unlikely.

C.Vein patterns can be copied. D.The technology is convenient.

3.What should customers do before using the system?

A.Copy the fingerprint. B.Protect against hacking.

C.Contact the supermarket. D.Register on the system.

4.What do we know about the vein-recognition system?

A.It has been hacked.

B.It will be adopted by more shops.

C.Its company is optimistic about it.

D.Its technology needs further improvement.


    If someone is crying in an attempt to fake sorrow, we say they are shedding “crocodile tears”. But how and why did we start relating insincere displays of feelings to crocodiles?

The origin may have become popular around the 14th century when a bestseller, The Voyage and Travel of Sir John Mandeville, referenced a kind of snake who drops tears while eating their human victims.

In the centuries since, crying crocodiles have been related to fake sorrow. The expression has been used as a story to teach sincere regret, by Shakespeare and, more recently, by media mocking tearful politicians or murder suspects.

In 2007, University of Florida zoologist Kent Vliet actually proved that the animals do drop tears while snacking. But because crocodiles eat while in the watermaking a study of their meal-time tears difficulthe studied their close relatives, alligators, who might dine on dry land. Out of the seven he filmed eating at a Florida alligator park, five teared up before, during, and after eating.

Vliet’s theory is that when the animals enthusiastically hit their jaws, the movement forces air through the crocodiles’ sinuses and finally empties tears into their eyes. Their eyes not only water but can bubble, as Vliet witnessed at the alligator park, where some even teared up in expectation of their meal of chicks and other food.

Vliet was asked to investigate the biology behind this phenomenon by Malcolm Shaner, a doctor, about why facial palsy sufferers cry when they chew. Findings suggest that this is similar to the case of crocodiles.

1.What does “crocodile tears” express?

A.False sadness. B.Sincere apology.

C.Untrue suffering. D.Faithful concern.

2.Who has studied humans’ shedding tears while chewing?

A.John Mandeville. B.Shakespeare.

C.Kent Vliet. D.Malcolm Shaner.

3.What's the meaning of the underlined word “mocking” in Paragraph 3?

A.Teasing. B.Reporting. C.Fooling. D.Comforting.

4.What's the author's purpose in writing the passage?

A.To describe the physical appearance of crocodiles.

B.To give a biological explanation of crocodile tears.

C.To clarify a misunderstanding of political leaders.

D.To introduce results of research on human feelings.


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