Many college students want to look for seasonal, short-term or part-time jobs to get extra cash, to stay busy or to get working experience.


The job is a great opportunity to build your fitness, keep people safe and be outdoors to enjoy some fun on the beach in the sun. The average hourly wage for lifeguards is $ 9.31, but those with certifications or previous experience may be able to earn a bit more.

Nanny (保姆)

Students can find plenty of positions as parents scramble (争抢) to arrange activities and find care for their children. Students who enjoy spending time with kids, staying active and being outdoors can spend their leisure time making money without even feeling like they’re working. Nannies make $ 14.56 per hour.

Camp Consultant

Students who enjoy spending their time with children, being a leader and monitoring fun outdoor activities are perfect for camp consultant positions. The average hourly wage for camp consultants is $9.28, but those with many years’ experience or specific academic backgrounds may be able to earn more.

Food Server

Although it may not seem like the most attractive way to spend a weekend, working as wait staff allows students to build up their social skills, stay active, enjoy free meals at work and posily educate themselves about different cuisines. However, food servers need to be on their feet for hours at a time and must be able to multi-task like professionals, so take this into account before submitting an application. The average salary is $ 9.00 hourly, but trips can raise that number.

1.Who are the two jobs nanny and camp consultant most fit for?

A.Students who want to develop their social skills.

B.Students who love staying with children.

C.Students who love traveling.

D.Students who love camping.

2.What should you take into consideration before applying to be a food server?

A.The way of cooking.

B.The food you can enjoy.

C.Long standing time at work.

D.Skill in getting tips from customers.

3.What job can you do if you’re good at swimming?

A.A lifeguard. B.A nanny.

C.A camp consultant. D.A food server.




2. 解释原因;


注意:1. 词数100左右;


Dear Mr Smith


Yours sincerely

Li Hua









The first time I heard the expression "Know yourself" by Socrates, I didn't realize its meaning until I go to university. I started my university life unwillingly, because I didn't want to leave my parents and university of engineering was not my dream school, too. However, I changed my mind complete after a semester. My schoolmates are from different place, some of which are really outstanding. This makes me realized there is always someone much more better capable. Since then, to know myself has become an importance part of my life. Only by knowing who I am or where I am can I really follow the right path.



English playwright Arthur Wing Pinero said, “Where there’s tea, there’s hope.” Similarly, in China, it is said 1. firewood, rice, cooking oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are the seven necessary items which begin a day. Tea is much more than just a hot drink. It’s a big part of many cultures around the world. You 2. (probable) know people in China use top-grade tea3.(show) respect when receiving important guests. Meanwhile,4. British tradition of afternoon tea is an important part of that country’s identity. As an 5.(express) of Moroccan hospitality and tradition, mint tea—a mix of green tea, spearmint (绿薄荷) leaves and sugar –6.(serve) during gatherings and negotiations. Apart from its 7. (culture) significance, tea is also a medicine, 8. (use) from ancient times to modern day. “Tea is cold and lowers the fire,” Chinese herbalist (草药医师)Li Shizhen once9.(say). The health benefits of tea are still being discovered today: preventing heart disease, obesity and cancer have all been linked 10.drinking green tea.


    I was 11 years old when I asked my mom for piano lessons in 2010. We were badly off in the recession (经济衰退). She said a ______ “no”.

That didn’t stop me. I Googled the ______ for a keyboard, drew the keys on a piece of paper and ______ it on my desk. I would click ______ on an online keyboard and “play” them back on my paper one—keeping the ______ they made on the computer in my ______. I spend six months playing without ______ a real piano. Once my mom saw that I was ______, she got into debt to buy me ten lessons.

In the first lesson I was ______ by how real the sound of the piano was. I set my grade one after eight lessons. ______ we couldn’t afford lessons again. I ______ grade three, then grade five, ______ only on my piece of paper. When I was about 13, my mom said she had a ______ for me: it was an electronic keyboard, bought with more ______ money.

My school didn’t offer music A-level. I found the Purcell School for young ______. The tryouts (选拔) were ______. Some of the questions involved a judgment on the composer or when it was written. I felt stuck. To my amazement I was offered a ______. There, I worked as hard as I could to improve my performance and save enough money to buy my _____ piano.

I feel proud: it’s been 10 years since I drew my paper piano, and now I’m at one of the world’s leading music schools. However, the irony(讽刺) is that I ______ doing a lot of my practice away from the piano: what we call ______ practice. The paper piano helped spark my curiosity about how music works, the building blocks that form the pieces.

1.A.grateful B.polite C.distant D.reliable

2.A.measurements B.colors C.system D.principle

3.A.laid B.stuck C.wrapped D.folded

4.A.links C.notes D.symbols

5.A.noise C.image D.sound

6.A.gesture B.sight C.head D.chest

7.A.touching B.seeing C.buying D.hearing

8.A.cautious B.serious C.entertained D.optimistic

9.A.occupied B.confused C.addicted D.struck

10.A.Lately B.Meanwhile C.Instantly D.Afterwards

11.A.passed B.missed C.organized D.quit

12.A.operating B.focusing C.practicing D.experimenting B.surprise C.reward D.chance

14.A.borrowed B.hidden C.earned D.raised

15.A.students B.artists C.musicians D.performers

16.A.tough B.various C.common D.formal B.mark C.class

18.A.delicate B.favorite C.first

19.A.set about B.keep on C.turn to D.jump at

20.A.junior B.casual C.regular D.mental


    The world is full of distractions. Unfortunately, the world also requires us to work. Coping with the first while still doing enough of the second is … sorry, where am I?

Ah, yes, the world is full of distractions. If you work in an office, it might be emails, phone calls or colleagues with questions to ask. If you are at home, it might be the contents of the fridge or a sudden fixation on dust mites (尘螨) under the sofa. Sometimes it takes even less. If you are sitting and doing work and someone near you says something particularly interesting, that can pull your focus. 1.

So, how can we stay focused in our wandering minds? 2. And put your smartphone and other irrelevant screens away—they attract our attention even if they are off. If you tend to pop on headphones and use music to shut out distractions, avoid listening to anything familiar. Knowing the words or tune well will distract you even more.

3. If you are doing something repetitive like stuffing envelopes or laying bricks, being distracted by listening to music or a podcast or engaging in a conversation with a co-worker can ultimately boost productivity. 4. Jihae Shin, now at the university of Wisconsin-Madison, has found that when people played Minesweeper for five minutes before coming up with new business ideas, they were more creative than those who didn’t play.

5. In general, this is the enemy of productivity: it encourages mistakes, stops us from completing things, promotes forgetfulness and lowers the quality of writing. But when we are trying to come up with creative solutions, task-switching distractions can help prevent "cognitive fixation" on ineffective approaches. So if you are a creative type, try lining up two or more tasks and spend your day switching between them. Or if that doesn’t work, just go play with your phone.

A.Not all distractions are bad, however.

B.Switching between tasks can also help.

C.Creativity can benefit from distraction too.

D.Switching off email or messaging services helps.

E.But you are not good at dealing with distractions.

F.If you have trouble concentrating, I suggest you try the following ideas.

G.If you are not careful, you will end up your day with nothing accomplished.


    The chief problem in dealing with foreign motorists is not so much remembering that they are different from you, but that they are largely variable. Cross a frontier(边境) without adjusting and you can be in deep trouble.

One of the greatest gulfs separating the driving nations is the Atlantic Ocean. Or rather, it is the mental distance between the European and the American motorist, particularly the South American motorist. Compare, for example, an English driver at a set of traffic lights with a Brazilian.

Very rarely will an Englishman try to anticipate(预先准备) the green light by moving off. You will find the occasional someone who watches for the yellow light to come up on the set of lights. However, he will not go until he receives the lawful signal. Brazilians view the thing quite differently. If, in fact, they see traffic lights, they regard them as a kind of roadside decoration.

The natives of North America are much more disciplined. They show this in their addiction to driving in one lane(车道) and sticking to it—even if it means settling behind some great truck for many miles.

To prevent other drivers from falling into wrong ways, American motorists try always to stay close behind the vehicle in front which can make it impossible to make a real lane change. European visitors are always falling into this trap. They return to the Old World still waving their arms in disappointment because while driving in the State in their cars they kept failing to get off the highway when they wanted to and were swept along to the next city.

However, one nation above all others lives cautiously by its traffic regulations — the Swiss. In Switzerland, if you were simply to anticipate a traffic light, the chances are that the motorist behind you would take your number and report you to the police. There are slight regional variations among the French, German and Italian speaking areas, but it is generally safe to assume that any car bearing a CH sticker will be driven with a high degree of discipline.

1.How do American drivers behave on the road according to the passage?

A.They run the red light sometimes.

B.They drive close behind other drivers.

C.They care little about the traffic light.

D.They start their car at the yellow light.

2.Which people take the traffic light most seriously?

A.The Swiss. B.The Brazilians.

C.The English. D.The French.

3.The passage is mainly developed by ____.

A.analyzing causes B.describing changes

C.making comparisons D.pointing out similarities

4.Which part of a newspaper is the passage probably taken from?

A.Culture. B.Business.

C.Entertainment. D.Geography.


    I was 16 years old the day I skipped school for the first time. It was easily done: Both my parents left for work before my school bus arrived on weekdays, so when it showed up at my house on that cold winter morning, I simply did not get on. The perfect crime!

And what did I do with myself on that glorious stolen day, with no adult in charge and no limits on my activities? Did I get high? Hit the mall for a shoplifting extravaganza (狂欢)?

Nope. I built a warm fire in the wood stove, prepared a bowl of popcorn, grabbed a blanket, and read. I was thrilled and transported by a book—it was Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises—and I just needed to be alone with it for a little while. I ached to know what would happen to Jake Barnes and Lady Brett Ashley and Robert Cohn. I couldn’t bear the thought of sitting in a classroom taking another biology exam when I could be traveling through Spain in the 1920s with a bunch of expatriates (异乡客).

I spent that day lost in words. Time fell away, as the room around me turned to mist, and my role—as a daughter, sister, teenager, and student—in the world no longer had any meaning. I had accidentally come across the key to perfect happiness: I had become completely absorbed by something I loved.

Looking back on it now, I can see that some subtle things were happening to my mind and to my life while I was in that state of absorption. Hemingway’s language was quietly braiding itself into my imagination. I was downloading information about how to create simple and elegant sentences, a good and solid plot. In other words, I was learning how to write. Without realizing it, I was hot on the trail of my own fate. Writing now absorbs me the way reading once did and happiness is their generous side effect.

1.Why did the author skip school on that day?

A.Because her parents left home early. B.Because it was a cold winter morning.

C.Because she was fascinated by a novel. D.Because she hated to take the biology exam.

2.What did the author think is the source of true joy?

A.Reading by the fire. B.Travelling in Spain.

C.Breaking the regulations. D.Being occupied by one’s passion.

3.Which can best replace the underlined phrase “braiding itself into” in the last paragraph?

A.Entering. B.Destroying.

C.Mending. D.Blocking.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.I was tired of my real-life roles.

B.I learnt how to write on the internet.

C.Hemingway skipped school when he was young.

D.Becoming a writer was my childhood dream.


    Has the volume in a restaurant ever made you finish your meal early? If so, you're not alone. Restaurants handle diners in various ways to influence food choices and consumption, from lighting to menu to server presentation. Unfortunately for those headache-prone restaurant goers, some places also choose to turn up the tunes and the background noise.

Chef Mario Batali is often blamed for the phenomenon of very loud or noisy restaurants in the 1990s, when he decided to flood the dining room with the same loud tunes he was playing in his kitchen. And other chefs followed suit. Some restaurateurs felt a "livelier" atmosphere encouraged more customers to dine there, and a side "benefit" was quicker table turnover, thus increasing the number of people who could dine in a specific evening.

A 1985 study out of Fairfield University looked at how chewing speed varied according to the type of music being played. Although the volume level was kept the same for both musical situations, it's important to note that fast-tempo (节奏) music often gives the impression of being louder than slower music.

"A significant increase in the number of bites per minute was found, and the effect was largest for fast music," the researchers wrote in the study. So, the faster, louder music gets people to down their food more quickly, relieving the table for future customers.

There are opinions about whether or not this is a sound practice. "A restaurant that places profit above dining experience often plays loud music with a fast tempo that puts diners under pressure to eat more quickly, even if that means they're less able to enjoy their meal," writes Dr. Neel Burton in Psychology Today, adding that loud, fast music reduces appetite.

What's more, some would-be repeat diners will shy away for fear of another very loud meal. The non-profit group Action on Hearing Loss found in a 2016 survey of nearly 1,500 people that 91% of those who view a restaurant as too noisy would choose not to return.

1.Why did some bosses of the restaurants favour loud music?

A.It might help attract more customers.

B.It was the favorite kind of music of them.

C.It made the restaurants softer and sweeter.

D.It could increase the popularity of their chefs.

2.What plays the most important role in the effect of music on diners according to the passage?

A.Its content. B.Its length.

C.Its speed. D.Its quality.

3.What is Dr. Neel Burton's attitude towards flooding restaurants with noisy music?

A.Doubtful. B.Disapproving.

C.Positive. D.Objective.

4.What could be a suitable tile for the text?

A.What People Think of Loud Restaurants?

B.Are Customers to Blame?

C.How Restaurants Improve Themselves?

D.Does Loud Music Really Benefit Restaurants?


    The Walkmeter Walking & Hiking GPS has characteristics that are excellent for fitness walkers who want to improve their speed and distance. It uses your phone's GPS to measure the distance of your walks and hikes. It includes audio and voice integration(集成)so you can not only be informed of your workout statistics, but you can also listen to replies your friends send about your workout posts from Facebook and Twitter while you walk. Upgrading is less than $10 per year, far less than with some other apps, such as Endomondo.

Argus packs a lot into one lifestyle app. It functions as an all-day pedometer app. Your daily step count updates from your phone and includes active time, distance, calories, steps. and an hourly graph, It can also measure your heart rate at any time. You can easily take your heart rate during exercise and at rest. Besides, you can use the app’s food diary and sleep timer. A wide range of fitness and diet plans are also provided on it.

Charity Miles gives your walking a purpose, because it turns your exercise into donations to a certain cause, which offers a fresh donating means. Open up this free appiOS or Google Playand choose a charity. Start a workout, choosing walking, running, or cycling. For each completed mile, you’ll have earned a donation for your chosen charity. The basic rate is 25 cents for walking and running miles and 10 cents for cycling miles, subject to a periodic cap(最高限额). When you finish your walking, you must post to Facebook or Twitter to earn money for your charity.

1.What can users do with the Walkmeter Walking & Hiking GPS while exercising?

A.Upgrade the app for $10. B.Check comments of friends.

C.Reply to friends’ posts online. D.Make personalized fitness plans.

2.What is special about Charity Miles?

A.It measures your heart rate. B.It can earn you money.

C.It offers a new way of donating. D.It is connected to social software,

3.Where is the text probably taken from?

A.A website on app ratings. B.An online fitness course.

C.A medical report. D.An advertisement for phones.



Last year, I spent my holiday in an unfamiliar neighborhood in Lakewood, New Jersey. We rented a house so that some of our children and grandchildren could join us. Everyone in the area was super friendly, offering to come to introduce themselves to us and to ensure that we would make full use of their hospitality, whether to borrow something or to send the kids to play in their yards. We were excited and impressed and immediately began to see if there were any houses for sale in the neighborhood!

The next door to us was particularly fascinating (to visit not to buy). In the yard, there was a tennis court, a swing set and various toys and games that were particularly popular with young children. The owner was also very friendly and invited the kids to come over and play.

They didn't have to be asked twice. They played for hours on end. While we relaxed in our yard, perhaps a little too comfortable, perhaps enjoying each other's company a little too much, perhaps forgetting that young children can't be left too long without adults looking after them.

Apparently, a small fight broke out between the boy of the next door and one of my five-year-old grandsons. My 10-year-old grandson immediately jumped to his cousin's defense and pushed the other boy. At this point, the mother next door was forced to intervene (调停).

And the neighbor came over to speak to us. Now when I try to imagine myself: in that position, I imagine all sorts of negative and aggressive ways to deal with it --- I would have been very angry and complained about the bad behavior of these visiting children, and definitely sent them home.

Paragraph 1: What she did was quite opposite. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2: Honestly, I owed my thanks to the neighbor. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Tang Tianyuan from Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region was viewed as a lucky dog, for he succeeded 1. building a business based on a passion.

Tang, 2. majored in ceramics (制陶艺术)and decorative sculpture design at college, set up a workshop after his studies to make Ningxi pottery, which is considered one of the top four 3. (variety) of pottery in China.

4. (initial), the pottery business was hard, as he had to make pottery himself while also 5. (take) care of management and sales. But the past five years of efforts have earned him many more orders, 6. (compare) to none at the very beginning.

Up to now,7.28-year-old has been engaged in making Ningxi pottery for five years, and the most impressive thing for Tang is the happiness he 8. (achieve).

He said that 9.was worthwhile starting a business based on his own interest that could support himself as well as gain public 10. (recognize).


    Pennsylvania is full of mysterious places! One of those is an old turnpike (收费高速公路) _______ for decades. My dad loves history, and he learned it was open to the public. _______, when I was 14, we took a bike trip to _______ this road!

My dad chose a 16-mile _______ of the road for us to ride. Part of it included an old tunnel called Sideling Hill which is over a mile long! To _______, we checked our tires and made sure our lights had batteries. In the morning, we loaded our bikes into the car and set off. As we approached the tunnel, I felt _______ as it was absolutely black inside! But Dad encouraged me. He said he would be beside me. He reminded me to stay _______ and keep my light on!

When we _______ the tunnel, the sound of our bikes was heard through the darkness. I shined my flash light around and saw walls _______in graffiti (涂鸦).And I felt like I was being __________! I was pretty scared, but __________ on following Dad helped me relax. After riding half-way through, I could see light coming from the other end, motivating me to keep going. And I was so delighted to ride out into the bright afternoon!

Whenever going through __________ in life, I remember this trip. It reminds me that my father is always beside me. He turns on the light of hope in my __________, as well as gives me __________ to keep riding through life's  __________ tunnels.

1.A.designed B.destroyed C.abandoned D.locked

2.A.However B.Otherwise C.Therefore D.Meanwhile

3.A.explore B.construct C.protect

4.A.tunnel B.section C.block D.course

5.A.participate B.register C.cooperate D.prepare

6.A.excited B.nervous C.annoyed D.exhausted

7.A.silent B.curious C.cautious D.positive

8.A.approached B.observed C.constructed D.entered

9.A.covered B.buried C.absorbed D.dressed

10.A.forced B.watched C.abused D.judged

11.A.depending B.surviving C.calling D.focusing

12.A.accidents B.hardships C.regulations D.incidents

13.A.chest B.trip D.heart

14.A.courage B.pride C.excitement D.enthusiasm

15.A.difficult B.distant C.dark D.long


    Choosing the right career can be hard. Many people graduate from school or college not knowing what to do with their lives, and get a job without really thinking about it. For some, things work out fine. 1. Your working life lasts an average of forty years, so it's important to find a job you like and feel enthusiastic about. Luckily, there are many ways you can get help to do this.

The Australian website,, compares choosing a career with going to the movies. Before you see a movie, you find out what films are showing. 2.— find out what jobs are available and what your options are. Next, decide which movie you like best; if you're not a romantic person, you won't want to see a love story. In other words, with your career, you should decide which job will suit your personality. 3. Meanwhile, you should find out where the theater is before you go. With your career, you need to find information about where you can work, how much you will earn, and how to get a job in that profession.

So, how do you start? Begin by asking yourself some questions. 4. Have you travel overseas? Do you have any extra certificates besides your degree, such as a first aid license, for example? Your physical state and build can also affect which jobs you can do. A person, for example, who is allergic to cats would probably never become a veterinarian. Flight attendants, firefighters, and police officers have to be over a certain height, and be physically fit. 5. Are you outgoing and extroverted, or shy and introverted? If you like working alone, a job that requires lots of teamwork might not suit you.

A.Your personality matters, too.

B.Finally, decide how to get movie tickets.

C.The site suggests you do the same with your career.

D.Choosing a career can take time and a lot of thought.

E.Some jobs require you to have certain life experiences.

F.But others often find themselves stuck in a job they hate.

G.When you know you can work in your dream job, you'll be glad.


    Why should most of us hate spiders when we know deeply how much good they do? Is it because they somehow seem so alien? After all, what other land creatures on earth have eight legs? What other creatures spin silk webs in which to catch and wrap their prey to preserve it for the future, much as we put food in the fridge to eat later? I do not personally suffer from arachnophobia, the name given to an abnormal fear of spiders, but I can't say that I like the little beasts. However, some people do, and they actually keep them as pets!

There is a wide variety of spiders in the world. In fact it has been estimated that there are some 35,000 species——from little "money spiders" that live in your back garden, to the "black widow spider", and the “tarantula” the spider that is now sometimes kept as a pet.

A tarantula can be any one of a large hairy spiders family and there are about 800 species of them. While experts can tell the difference between species at a glance, most are usually described in reference books as “rather slowly" with “a strong bite which may be poisonous”. They are covered with hairs which can cause a rash (皮疹)if they are handled.

No one has calculated the number of human deaths caused by a bite from a tarantula perhaps because it has never happened, or happened so rarely, and indeed a tarantula will do no harm to anyone if handled correctly. Their disgusting image cannot belie their gentle nature but experts tell us not to handle a tarantula without expert advice.

Tarantulas are popular as pets and it requires very little space to maintain them in excellent condition. They should be kept singly in a glass container, which need not be very large but should have a layer of stones in the bottom. They feed on insects, and while young tarantulas eat twice a week, adults will often eat no more than once every 10 days.

You might like the idea of keeping a tarantula, but personally I am content with just watching them at a distance.

1.According to the text, why do most people dislike spiders?

A.They are abnormal beasts.

B.They take food from fridges.

C.They have unpleasant appearance.

D.They make people suffer from arachnophobia.

2.What do we know about the tarantula?

A.It must be kept in groups.

B.It feeds on poisonous insects.

C.It doesn't belong to hairy spiders.

D.It has mild nature if handled properly.

3.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.The death caused by a tarantula.

B.The number of human deaths.

C.The bite from a tarantula.

D.The rash caused by hairs.

4.What's the best title for the text?

A.Never judge a book by its cover.

B.Nothing seek, nothing find.

C.No sweet without sweat.

D.Once bitten, twice shy.


    For years, the U.S. has experienced a shortage of registered nurses. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that while the number of nurses will increase by 19 percent by 2022, demand will grow faster than supply, and that there will be over one million unfilled nursing jobs by then.

So what's the solution? Robots.

Japan is ahead of the curve when it comes to this trend. Toyohashi University of Technology has developed Terapio, a robotic medical cart that can make hospital rounds, deliver medications and other items. It follows a specific individual, such as a doctor or nurse, who can use it to record and access patient data. This type of robot will likely be one of the first to be implemented in hospitals because it has fairly minimal patient contact.

A robot's appearance affects its ability to successfully interact with humans, which is why the RIKEN-TRI Collaboration Center for Human-Interactive Robot Research decided to develop a robotic nurse called Actroid F. It is so human-like that some patients may not know the difference. This conversational robot companion has cameras in its eyes, which allow it to track patients and use appropriate facial expressions and body language in its interactions. During a month-long hospital trial, researchers asked 70 patients how they felt being around the robot and "only three or four said they didn't like having it around."

It's important to note that robotic nurses don't decide courses of treatment or make diagnoses, though robot doctors and surgeons may not be far off. Instead, they perform routine and laborious tasks, freeing nurses up to attend to patients with immediate needs. This is one industry where it seems the interaction of robots will lead to collaboration, not replacement.

1.What does the author say about Japan?

A.It ranks top in future robotics technology.

B.It takes the lead in offering robotic nursing.

C.It is in desperate need of registered nurses.

D.It provides the best medication for the elderly.

2.Which of the following best explains “implemented'' underlined in Paragraph 3?

A.Cancelled. B.Constructed. C.Improved. D.Applied.

3.What do we know about the robot Actroid F?

A.It has no difference from a human nurse.

B.It gets favorable remarks from all the patients.

C.It interacts with patients like a human companion.

D.It uses body language even more effectively than words.

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.Cooperation will not be replaced.

B.Nurses will still play their roles.

C.The robotics industry will be promising.

D.Robots can meet patients' immediate needs.


    I was seven when I first questioned my imagination. I remember watching the first Harry Potter film and my friend was complaining that the characters weren't how she imagined them to be. I couldn't understand what she meant because, in my mind, they had never been images at all, just concepts. When l shut my eyes, I see nothing. I have no visual imagination.

I thought everyone's minds worked this way until about two years ago, when I came across a text about aphantasia, a condition where you lack a functioning mind's eye. I was 23, and it blew my mind to learn that others could visualize things. It was clear I had aphantasia, too, and a lot of things started to make more sense. For me, imagination had always been impossible. If someone asked me to close my eyes and picture myself by the sea, I would see nothing.

I am currently studying for a PhD in biology at college. A good little test for me is drawing. I can copy things almost like for like if they are in front of me, but if I were to draw from my imagination it would look terrible. It doesn't mean you cannot be creative; you just have to adapt. Regardless of how many times I read a technique, it didn't make sense. But when I came to do it in the lab, I understood it immediately. If you have a visual imagination, you can look at a diagram and it triggers your memory; but I learn by repetition or physically doing something.

I'd love to experience life with a mind's eye. I think it'd be cool and beneficial to imagine things so vividly. If you offered me a day with a visual imagination, I'd be excited. I think it'd be so brilliant that I wouldn't want to give it back.

1.After watching the first Harry Potter film, the author ______.

A.misunderstood what her friend said

B.became a huge fan of the Harry Potter film

C.found it impossible to picture its characters in her mind

D.complained its characters different from what she imagined

2.How did the author know she had aphantasia?

A.Her friend told her the fact.

B.She read about aphantasia.

C.She had a medical examination.

D.Her life experience made it clear.

3.What can we learn about the author?

A.She lacks creativity.

B.She always draws terribly.

C.She learns by hands-on practice.

D.She gets benefit from techniques.

4.What is the author's attitude towards her disability?

A.Uncertain. B.Uncaring. C.Upset. D.Positive.


    Four things that you can't miss in Macao.

Macao Tower AJ Hackett Bungee Jump

The Macao Tower, 338 meters tall, is the world's 10th highest tower, with a variety of activities, such as gambling, eating and entertainment. One of the acclaimed activities is the bungee jump. The AJ Hackett Macao Tower Bungee Jump is 233 meters high, making it the highest commercial bungee jump in the world. Raise your arms and off you go! If you are not daring enough to jump that height, you can try the skywalk on the 57th floor --- it's still remarkable.

Grabbing a traditional Portuguese dinner

Macao was colonized by Portugal before 1999. As a result, Portuguese culture is deeply immersed into many comers of Macao. Many Portuguese settled and opened Portuguese restaurants in the special administrative region, but the flavor is more adaptable to Chinese people.

Marking at the Ruins of St. Paul

The Ruins of St. Paul is the signature landmark of Macao. The ruins consist of the St. Paul's College and the Church of St. Paul, built in 1583. However, after three intense fires in 1595, 1601 and 1835, the church was seriously damaged. It is beyond belief that after the vigorous cycles of rebuilding and fires, the huge surface and the front stairway remain unburned.

Visiting a museum

Macao, as a tiny city with only an area of 30.5 square kilometers, has 23 eye-catching museums. Due to its unique history, both Eastern and Western historical sites can be found. Many of them are preserved for cultural heritage, tourist spots or museums, such as the Grand Prix Museum, Maritime Museum and Wine Museum.

1.Which activity will be popular with adventurous visitors?

A.Going Bungee Jumping.

B.Grabbing a traditional Portuguese dinner.

C.Marking at the Ruins of St. Paul.

D.Visiting a museum.

2.What is incredible about the Ruins of St. Paul?

A.It has a unique culture.

B.It serves as a symbol of Macao.

C.It partly stays undamaged after fierce fires.

D.It is a combination of a college and a church.

3.What do "'Grabbing a traditional Portuguese dinner" and "Visiting a museum" have in common?

A.Taking a selfie in it.

B.Finding historical sites.

C.Enjoying a breathtaking experience.

D.Feeling both eastern and western cultures.



A video showing a traffic police officer pretending to be blind being denied permission to get on a bus with a guide dog has been drawing public attention and has led to heated online discussions about the lack of support and care for the visually impaired(视觉障碍人士). As shown in the video, wearing a blindfold, the officer wasn't allowed on the bus with the guide dog, and was told no dogs are allowed whether they're guide dogs or not. Some passengers also scolded the officer for making a scene and wasting their time, while the dog appeared very distressed.

The guide dog's owner Gao Zhipeng, who is visually impaired, told media Monday that this has been happening almost every day since he brought Taobao home in 2014and it is the same when catching a cab. And each time they were refused, Taobao would sink into depression for days.

The guide dog being denied boarding is just the tip of the iceberg, compared to the various difficulties faced by the country's visually impaired population every day when they leave their home.


1. 用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;2. 用约120个单词发表你的观点,内容包括:(1) 表达你对此事件的看法,并说明理由;(2) 关于如何帮助视觉障碍人士,请你提出23个建议。


1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3. 不必写标题。






Make the most of networking opportunities

Get to those networking events and talk, talk, talk. “There is value in every conversation you have, you never know where your next piece of work may come from. Changing the mindset to professionalism and saying, ‘I am a graphic designer’ rather than ‘I am a graduate’ is very important, ” says Lydia Wakefield, education and training manager at the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self­Employed.

Know your worth

It's hard to persuade people to pay for your work if you're willing to give it away. “Value your worth from the beginning. A lot of people feel the pressure to work nothing or charge a really low rate if they've been studying. Clients are willing to pay for the quality of the work that you do, ” says Wakefield.

Set up with the tools to get paid

Register for self­assessment and file those tax returns. “Make sure you have contracts and invoice templates(发票模板) in place, ” says Wakefield. It doesn't hurt to get some advice from a professional, says Jeff Skinner, of the Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the London Business School. “Find an accountant or someone doing something similar and ask them for commercial advice, ” he says.

Manage expectations

Know the limits to your capabilities. “You can feel the need to say yes to every project. Have a self­awareness of how much work you can take on at any time and manage expectations, ” says Wakefield.

Build resilience (韧性)

Wakefield highlights the importance of having a thick skin. “If you get a no, don't take it to heart. Keep going, you will find your next client, ” she says, “ask for feedback, you can always use it for testimonial.” And, remember that you're not alone. “It really is emotional highs and lows for any entrepreneur in early stages. But you're in a network with other people on the same journey as you, ” says Skinner.

Tips for New Graduates Who Want to Be Their Own 1.

Take 2. of networking opportunities

●Every conversation is valuable as it may 3. to your next piece of work.

●It matters a lot to change the 4. you think of professionalism.

Know your worth

●If you cannot 5. your own value, how can you expect others to pay for your work?

●You can charge a relatively 6. rate for your work of good quality.

Set up with the tools to get paid

●Register for self­assessment and file those tax returns.

●It is always helpful to consult 7..

Manage expectations

●Be aware not to take on too much work 8. your capabilities.

Build resilience

●Keep going instead of taking a refusal too 9.

●It is not 10. for entrepreneurs to experience emotional highs and lows in early stages.




    I am a parent of a disabled teenager. My son is in and out of hospital and school. His learning disabilities and behaviour issues are a barrier for him, and he is teased on campus. At home, he swears and punches me.

He is on a waiting list for his disorder which contributes to his anxiety. Meanwhile, there are hospital appointments to manage, at least four consultants on the go, and an imminent transfer to adult services. The bureaucracy of caring keeps me busy.

I used to work in the theatre industry but had to quit when my son kept getting excluded from school. I never expected that my life would turn out like this. But now, amazingly, I am doing a PhD at a Russell Group universitylooking at non­white protagonists in historical drama. It is fascinating: under­represented characters!Hidden histories! Diversity!

I am starting to win awards for my research and I feel like a success story. Almost. There's just one problem: I can't get funding. I keep missing out on studentships and scholarships. These awards—which are mainly funded by research councils or universities directly—are worth about 14000-£16000 a year and usually include a fee waiver (saving a further 5000). That's a lot of money.

But the funding tends to go to students half my age with straight­A academic results—not to people like me, who have taken an unusual path to academia. When I was turned down for the last studentship I applied for, I asked why. The decision maker—a professor in my department and the head of a research institute—told me “it all comes down to excellent academic results”

They don't say this on the application forms: it's all about the originality of your project, your research statement, your supervisor's supporting statement, the panel that considers you, the level of competition. But when it comes down to it, this is clearly what they want. Someone with my background is never going to get a studentship if the decisive criteria are undergraduate and master's results.

When I started my PhD and realised that I would need financial help, I went to the student advice office and told them that I am a carer. They asked what that meant and then offered me advice on benefits, but not funding. I went to the student union advice service—they referred me back to student advice. I went to the graduate school. Same response. I spoke to a vice dean and a chaplain. I had to tell them what a carer is. You get the picture. I was invisible. So I gave up, decided to apply annually for the studentships and kept my part­time job.

UCAS announced this year that young carers will now be able to identify themselves in their applications, so that universities will be able to support them. But how is this going to happen if staff at these institutions don't even know what a carer is?

The student welfare vice­president at the union has finally agreed with me that carers are an under­supported and under­represented group on campus. We are going to ask student records to add an option to the equality and diversity monitoring section, so that we can identify as carers and hopefully raise awareness. Wish us luck.

1.Put the following events in the correct order.

a. The author won awards for her research.

b. The author spoke to a vice dean and a chaplain.

c. The author decided to apply annually for studentships.

d. The author started her PhD.

A.dabc B.dcba

C.cdab D.cdba

2.According to the decision makerthe writer's application for funding was turned down mainly because ________

A.she has a disabled son B.her academic results were not good enough

C.the bureaucracy of caring kept her busy D.the competition was too fierce

3.It can be inferred from the passage that ________

A.the writer likes reading success stories

B.the writer is a non­white woman

C.carers deserve our attention and help

D.carers are favored in the process of application and enrollment

4.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Only undergraduates and masters can get the studentship.

B.In spite of her son's illness, the writer continued to work to feed her family.

C.The writer shows great interest and enthusiasm in her academic research.

D.The writer's disabled son does not respect his mother.

5.The writer's purpose is mainly to ________ on more people to care about disabled teenagers

B.complain about the barriers she met in getting funding

C.inform the readers of a carer's difficulties

D.give advice on how to get a studentship


    Are you aware that every single person on this planet who has ever lived, lives now or will live, has a different perception of reality? The way each of us perceives the world is to some degree different than any other person's perception of reality. ____ What is absolutely real and right for you may be an illusion, or nonexistent, or completely false for another!

It's important to know this. ____ For example, the news media loves to create drama, and one of their favorite methods is to elicit(引起) fear: fear of other people, fear of the weather, fear of the economy, etc. The news media tells us how to perceive the world—and if a person takes the newscasters at their word, they perceive the world to be very dangerous and hostile. To that personthe mental images and emotions suggested by other people create a version of reality that is completely different from the reality perceived by someone who does not watch the news.

Things are not always what they seem. For most people, seeing is believing, which is why magicians, artists and marketers are so successful. Just like the TV news, they show you only what they want you to see and it is perceived as reality. But how would that reality change if you saw what went on behind the scenes or what was left out?

What's your story?

We all have a story. Over time, your story takes on a life of its own and you become your story. But who's the author and why did him put so much crap in there? All that unnecessary suffering, struggle, heartache, worry and pain... wouldn't it be better to live a story without all that? Who wants to live in a story with that much boredom and unfulfilled longings?

The story got its start when you were born, and was co­authored by you along with the influences in your life. ____ Anytime you were influenced by someone or something, you unconsciously handed your pen over and said “Here, you write this about me.” So you are not even writing your OWN story! No one does—until they recognize that fact, and make a conscious decision to take control of the pen. You CAN write your story the way you want it to play out.


It is helpful to understand how the brain takes reality and filters it to create your unique perception of reality. It's an automatic unconscious action that is based on

● Physical experiences (which is why some optical illusions are extremely unsettling)

● Past conditioning (how you are programmed to see the world)

____ When you become aware of the fact that you are constructing your own reality, you can take charge and build one that is more pleasing. If you change your mind, your vibration and your intentions, you can change your circumstances! Instead of, “I am a victim of circumstance” imprint in your mind,  “I am the co­creator of my life” Instead of, “I am sick and tired of...” imprint in your mind“I am in control and enthusiastic about what I do”

Raise your vibration by thinking, talking and acting more positively. As positiveness becomes a mental habitthat change will become your new inner reality, which will soon manifest in your outer reality.

The power of perception is immense. Choose to see more good than bad, more abundance than lack, more love than indifference and more success than struggle.

1.How does the author present his viewpoints in the first three paragraphs?

A.By answering questions. B.By giving examples.

C.By making comparisons. D.By drawing conclusions.

2.The sentence “Because if you are not aware, your perception, world view and reality are created by other people.” should be put in ________

A. B. C. D.

3.Which of the following subtitles can be filled in the blank?

A.Seeing is not believing

B.Live up to your expectations

C.Change your perception and create a new reality


D.Physical experiences and past conditioning really count

4.What is the tone of the passage?

A.Instructive. B.Humorous.

C.Critical. D.Ironic.


    Rivers are earthly arteries(要道) for the nutrients, deposits and freshwater that sustain healthy, diverse ecosystems. Their influence extends in multiple dimensions—not only along their length but below­ground to aquifers(蓄水层) and periodically into nearby floodplains.

They also provide vital services for people by fertilizing agricultural land and feeding key fisheries and by acting as transportation corridors. But in efforts to ease ship passage, protect communities from flooding, and draw off water for drinking and irrigation, humans have increasingly constrained and broken these crucial water ways. “We try to control rivers as much as possible,” says Gunther Grill, a hydrologist at McGill University.

In new research published in May in Nature, Grill and his colleagues analyzed the barriers to 12 million total kilometers of rivers around the world. The team developed an index(指数) that evaluates six aspects of connectivity—from physical fragmentation (by dams, for example) to flow regulation (by dams or levees) to water consumption—along a river’s various dimension. Rivers whose indexes meet a certain threshold(临界值) for being largely able to follow their natural patterns were considered free­flowing.

The researchers found that among rivers longer than 1,000 kilometers (which tend to be some of those most important to human activities), only 37 percent are not blocked along their entire lengths. Most of them are in areas with a minimal human presence, including the Amazon and Congo basins and the Arctic. On the contrary, most rivers shorter than 100 kilometers appeared to flow freely—but the data on them are less comprehensive, and some barriers might have been missed. Only 23 percent of the subset of the longest rivers that connect to the ocean are uninterrupted. For the rest, human infrastructure is starving estuaries(河口) and deltas (such as the Mississippi Delta) of key nutrients. The world's estimated 2.8 million dams are the main cause, controlling water flow and trapping deposits.

The new research could be used to better understand how proposed dams, levees and other such projects might impact river connectivity, as well as where to remove these fixtures to best restore natural flow. It could also help inform our approach to rivers as the climate changes, says Anne Jefferson, a hydrologist at Kent State University, who was not involved in the work. Existing infrastructure, she says, “has essentially been built to a past climate that we are not in anymore and are increasingly moving away from.

1.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a function of rivers?

A.Easing ship passage. B.Fertilizing agricultural land.

C.Transporting people or goods. D.Sustaining healthy ecosystems.

2.What does the underlined word “constrained” in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?

A.Exhausted. B.Restricted.

C.Consumed. D.Expanded.

3.The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 4 refers to “________”

A.earthly arteries B.human activities

C.entire lengths D.unblocked rivers

4.What does Anne Jefferson mean by the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?

A.Existing infrastructure has been perfectly built.

B.Existing infrastructure doesn't depend on the past climate.

C.Existing infrastructure determines the future climate.

D.Existing infrastructure doesn’t fit the changing climate.



Keep Shower Doors Spotless Longer

Water­repelling sprays (such as Rain­X) aren't just great for your car. Applying a coat to your shower doors will prevent the buildup of mildew(霉菌) and other residue.

Pick Up Glass Fragments Easily

Collecting the larger pieces of a broken glass or dish is usually easy enough, but picking up those tiny slivers and shards can be tricky. One way to do it is to press a slice of soft bread over the area. Just be careful not to cut yourself when you toss the bread in the garbage.

Sweeten Your Yogurt Without Sugar

Flavored yogurts often contain dozens of grams of sugar, but plain yogurt can be pretty blah. Add flavor without many calories with a few drops of vanilla, mint, or almond extract. You can also microwave your favourite into a compote(蜜饯) and, once it's cool, swirl it into the yogurt.

Spend Less on Hotel Rooms

Weekend bookers tend to luck out when it comes to snagging the best rate. Prices are lowest on Fridays and Saturdays, according to the most recent data from travel site Absolutely avoid booking on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, when prices are highest.




1.We can learn from the passage that ________.

A.covering the shower door with your coat keeps it spotless longer

B.soft bread can be used to pick up tiny glass fragments

C.yogurt can be made sweeter if you add your favourite fruit and microwave it

D.prices of hotel rooms are the lowest on Fridays and Saturdays

2.In which newspaper column can the article most probably be found?

A.Drama in real life. B.Everyday miracles.

C.Tell your stories. D.We found a fix.


    South Carolina is my home state and I am the aunt, granddaughter, daughter, and sister of Baptist ministers(牧师). The church was a center of Black children's social _______ and caring Black adults were buffers(缓冲) against the segregated(种族隔离的) and hostile outside world that told us we weren't _______. But our parents said it wasn't so, our teachers said it wasn't so, and our ministers said it wasn't so. The _______ of my childhood was clear: let no man or woman _______ on you, and look down on no man or woman.

We couldn't play in public playgrounds or sit at drugstore lunch counters and _______ a Cokeso Daddy built a playground and canteen behind the church. In fact, whenever he saw a need, he tried to _______. There were no Black homes for the aged in Bennestsville, so he began one across the street for which he and Mama and we children cooked and _______ and cleaned.

We learned early what our parents and extended community “parents” valued. Children were _______—not by sermonizing(说教), but by personal example—that _______ was too lowly to do. I remember a debate my parents had when I was eight or nine as for ________ I was too young to go with my older brother, Harryto help clean the bed and bedsores of a very sickpoor woman. I went and learned just how much the ________ helping hands and kindness can mean to a person in need.

The adults in our churches and community made children feel ________ and important. They took time and paid attention to us. They tried to find ways to keep us busy. And ________ life was often hard and resources ________we always knew who we were and that the ________ of our worth was inside our heads and hearts and not outside in our possessions or on our backs. We were told that the ________ had a lot of problems; that Black people had an extra lot of problems; but that we were able and ________ to struggle and change them; that being poor was no ________ for not achieving; and that extra intellectual and material gifts brought ________ them the privilege and responsibility of sharing with others less ________

1.A.attitude B.existence C.background

2.A.friendly B.powerful C.important D.intelligent

3.A.advantage C.direction D.message

4.A.come down B.look down C.catch up D.give up

5.A.order B.share C.make D.find

6.A.research B.reply C.respond D.reflect

7.A.played B.ate C.helped D.served

8.A.rewarded B.disciplined C.taught D.assessed

9.A.nothing B.something C.everything D.anything

10.A.why B.whether C.where

11.A.greatest B.smallest C.strongest D.weakest

12.A.impressed B.accomplished C.valued D.protected

13.A.since B.unless C.before D.while

14.A.scarce B.precious C.necessary D.available B.defense C.description D.measure C.people

17.A.contented B.obliged C.relieved D.delighted

18.A.condition B.exception C.reason D.excuse

19.A.for C.with

20.A.fortunate C.wealthy D.kind


—We are going to have a picnic this afternoon. Are you excited?


A.You know B.You bet C.You name it D.You mean it


Today is a day of celebration, a day for you to be proud of all the hard work that ________ you to this place where you can sit.

A.gets B.would get C.had got


China is playing a key role in controlling the virus. However, it will take long and much effort ________ it is under control.

A.until B.after C.before D.unless


All the information available has been checked, but ________ is directly relevant to this murder case.

A.nothing one D.none


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