




1.词数不少于 100



提示词:垃圾分类 garbage sorting

Good morning, everyone! It’s my honor to be here to share my opinions on garbage sorting.


Thank you!


    Bert Kate, my grandfather, celebrated his 90th birthday in November 2016. Bert loved sports and was an enthusiastic Yankees (an American professional baseball team based in the New York City) fan, so it was no wonder that over the years, he was an avid (热切的) listener to WFAN radio and, in particular, the afternoon show hosted by Mike Francesa.

Bert had health issues in his later years that limited his mobility, and when he lost his vision three years ago, his attachment to his radio and Francesa became more pronounced. He just loved listening to Mike talk about sports and his Yankees each afternoon. Those hours brought him so much pleasure.

Of course, Mike will be leaving Dec.15,2017 after 30 years at the station. Mike lives in the same community where I work on Long Island, and I have gotten to know him over the past 20 years. So when my grandfather was approaching his special birthday the year before last year, I asked Mike for a favor: to call Bert and wish him a happy birthday.

Mike agreed without hesitation. Two days before the special day, Mike stopped at my workplace. I called Bert at his nursing home and put Mike on the phone. It was a complete surprise to Bert. Mike spent more than 10 minutes wishing Bert a happy birthday and, of course, talking about the Yankees.

When my family celebrated Bert’s birthday two days later, he couldn’t stop talking about the phone call. Over his lifetime, he said it was one of the nicest things anyone had ever done for him.

Unfortunately, Ben’s health declined last year and he passed away July 13,2017. But even in his final months in the hospital and nursing home,he always had a radio set to WFAN to listen each afternoon to Mike Francesa.And he also had the memory of that special phone call for his 90th birthday.

1.Why did Bert listen to WFAN radio for many years? ( no more than 10 words)


2.What does the underlined word mean in Paragraph2? (1 word)


3.What happened two days before Bert’s birthday? ( no more than 10 words)


4.What is the best title for the text? (no more than 5 words)


5.What do you think of the author? Please explain. (no more than 20 words)



    An introduction to this book is as superfluous as a candle in front of a powerful searchlight. But a tradition of publishing seems to require that the candle should be there, and I am proud to be the one to hold it. About ten years ago I picked up from the pile of new books on my desk a copy of Sons and Lovers, and I started to race through it with the immoral speed of the professional reviewer. But after a page or two I found myself reading, really reading. It is a masterpiece in which every sentence counts, a book packed with significant thought and beautiful, attractive phrases, the work of a remarkable genius whose gifts are more richly various than those of any other young English novelist.He is Lawrence.

To appreciate the rich variety of Mr Lawrence, we must read his later novels and his volumes of poetry. But Sons and Lovers reveals the range of his typical power. Here are combined and blended(混合的) sort of “realism” and almost lyric(抒情的) description and rhythm. The speech of the people is that of daily life and the things that happen to them are normal adventures and accidents; they fall in love, marry, work, fail, succeed, and die. But of their deeper emotions and of the relations of these little human beings to the earth and to the stars, Mr Lawrence makes something near to poetry and prose(散文) without violating its proper “other harmony”.

Take the marvellous paragraph on next to the last page of Sons and Lovers(Mr Lawrence depends so little on plot in the ordinary sense of the word that it is perfectly fair to read the end of his book first):

Where was he? One tiny upright speck of flesh, less than an ear of wheat lost in the field. He could not bear it. On every side the immense dark silence seemed pressing him, so tiny a spark, into extinction, and yet, almost nothing, he could not be extinct. Night, in which everything was lost, went reaching out, beyond stars and sun, stars and sun, a few bright grains, went spinning round for terror, and holding each other in embrace, there in the darkness that outpassed them all, and left them tiny and daunted(气馁). So much, and himself, infinitesimal, at the core a nothingness, and yet not nothing.

Such glorious writing lifts the book far above a novel which is merely a story. I beg the reader to attend to every line of it and not to miss a single one of the many sentences that await and surprise you. Some are enthusiastic and impressive, like the paragraph above; others are keen, “realistic” observations of things and people. In one of his books Mr Lawrence makes a character say, or think, that life is “mixed”. That indicates his philosophy and his method. He blends the accurately literal and trivial(琐碎的) with the extremely poetic.

To find a similar blending of tiny daily detail and wide imaginative vision, we must go back to two older novelists, Hardy and Meredith. I do not mean that Mr Lawrence derives(源于) directly from them or, indeed, that he is clearly the disciple(弟子) of any master. I do feel simply that he is of the elder stature(名望) of Hardy and Meredith. When I first tried to express this comparison, this connection, I was opposed by a fellow­critic, who pointed out that Meredith and Hardy are entirely unlike each other and that therefore Mr Lawrence cannot resemble both. To be sure, nothing is more hateful than forced comparisons, nothing more boring than to discover similarities between one work of art and another. An artist's mastery lies in his difference from other masters. But to refer a young man of genius to an older one, at the same time pronouncing his independence and originality, is a fair, if not very superior, method of praising him.

1.The underlined word “superfluous” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.





2.What is typical of Lawrence's works?

A.They reveal his genius power.

B.They contain lots of great lyric poetry.

C.They focus on relations between humans.

D.They present some real living situations.

3.What does the author want to illustrate by including one paragraph from Sons and Lovers?

A.The language in Lawrence's books is elegant.

B.It is wise to read Lawrence's books from the end.

C.Lawrence is not capable of telling good stories.

D.The plot of the novel has little to do with daily life.

4.Who were Hardy and Meredith?

A.They taught Lawrence literature when he was young.

B.They were the realistic novelists of Lawrence's time.

C.They were novelists who resemble each other in writing.

D.They were novelists combining details with imagination.

5.According to the author, what does an artist's mastery mean?

A.He must be happy to be compared.

B.He must have personal diversity.

C.He must have the critical spirits.

D.He must be a man of genius.

6.What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?

A.To introduce Lawrence's novel Sons and Lovers.

B.To show his experiences of reading classics.

C.To analyze Lawrence's writing characteristics.

D.To compare the styles of different novelists.


    People have grown taller over the last century, with South Korean women shooting up by more than 20cm on average, and Iranian men gaining 16.5cm. A global study looked at the average height of 18-year-olds in 200 countries between 1914 and 2014.

The results reveal that while Swedes were the tallest people in the world in 1914, Dutch men have risen from 12th place to the top with an average height of 182.5cm. Latvian women, meanwhile, rose from 28th place in 1914 to become the tallest in the world a century later, with an average height of 169.8cm.

James Bentham, a co-author of the research from Imperial College, London, says the global trend is likely to be due primarily to improvements in nutrition and healthcare. “An individual's genetics has a big influence on their height, but once you average over whole populations, genetics plays a less key role,” he added.

A little extra height brings a number of advantages, says Elio Riboli of Imperial College. “Being taller is associated with longer life expectancy,” he said. “This is largely due to a lower risk of dying of cardiovascular disease among taller people.”

But while height has increased around the world, the trend in many countries of north and sub-Saharan Africa causes concern, says Riboli. While height increased in Uganda and Niger during the early 20th century, the trend has turned backwards in recent years, with height decreasing among 18-year-olds.

“One reason for these decreases in height is the economic situation in the 1980s,” said Alexander Moradi of the University of Sussex. The nutritional and health crises that followed the policy of structural adjustment, he says, led to many children and teenagers failing to reach their full potential in terms of height.

Bentham believes the global trend of increasing height has important implications. “How tall we are now is strongly influenced by the environment we grew up in,” he said. “If we give children the best possible start in life now, they will be healthier and more productive for decades to come.”

1.What does the global study tell us about people's height in the last hundred years?

A.There is a remarkable difference across continents.

B.There has been a marked increase in most countries.

C.The increase in people's height has been quickening.

D.The increase in women's height is bigger than in men's.

2.What does James Bentham say about genetics in the increase of people's height?

A.It counts less than generally thought.

B.It outweighs nutrition and healthcare.

C.It impacts more on an individual than on a population.

D.It plays a more significant role in females than in males.

3.What does Elio Riboli say about taller people?

A.They tend to live longer. B.They enjoy an easier life.

C.They generally risk fewer fatal diseases. D.They have greater expectations in life.

4.What do we learn about 18-year-olds in Uganda and Niger?

A.They grow up slower than their peers in other countries.

B.They are actually shorter than their earlier generations.

C.They find it hard to bring their potential into full play.

D.They have experienced many changes of government.

5.What does James Bentham suggest we do?

A.Watch closely the global trend in children's development.

B.Make sure that our children grow up to their full height.

C.Try every means to protect our environment.

D.Ensure our children grow up in a more ideal environment.


    All through the long summer vacations, I sat on the edge of the street and watched enviously the other boys on the block play baseball. I was never asked to take part even when one team had a member missing — not out of special cruelty, but because they took it for granted I would be no good at it.

I would never forget the wonderful evening when something changed. The baseball ended about eight or eight thirty when it grew dark. Then it was the custom of the boys to sit at a little stoop (门廊), mostly talking about the games played during the day and of the game to be played tomorrow. Then long silences would fall and the boys would wander off one by one. It was just after one of those long silences that my life as an outsider changed. I can no longer remember which boy it was that summer evening who broke the silence with a question; but whoever he was, I nod to him gratefully now. “What’s in those books you’re always reading?” he asked casually. “Stories,” I answered “What kind?” asked somebody else without much interest.

Nor do I know what drove me to behave as I did, for usually I just sat there in silence, glad enough to be allowed to remain among them; but instead of answering his question, I told them for two hours the story I was reading at the moment. The book was Sister Carrie. They listened bug-eyed and breathless. I must have told it well, but I think there was another and deeper reason that made them so keen an audience. Listening to a tale being told in the dark is one of the most ancient of man’s entertainments, but I was offering them as well, without being aware of doing it, a new and exciting experience.

The next night and many night thereafter, a kind of unspoken ritual (仪式) took place. As it grew dark, I would take my place in the center of the stoop and begin the evening’s tale. Some nights, in order to taste my victory more completely, I cheated. I would stop at the most exciting part of a story by Jack London or Bret Harte, and without warning tell them that that was as far as I had gone in the book and it would have to be continued the following evening. It was not true, of course; but I had to make certain of my new-found power and position. I enjoyed the long summer evenings until school began in the fall.Other words of mine have been listened to by larger and more fashionable audiences, but for that tough and athletic one that sat close on the stoop outside the candy store, I have an unreasoning love that will last forever.

1.Watching the boys playing baseball, the writer must have felt _____.

A.special and different

B.bitter and lonely

C.pleased and excited

D.disturbed and annoyed

2.The writer feels grateful even now to the boy who asked the question because the boy _____.

A.broke the long silence of that summer evening

B.liked the book that he was reading

C.invited him to join in their game

D.offered him an opportunity that changed his life

3.According to Paragraph 3, story-telling was popular among the boys basically because _____.

A.the story was from a children’s book

B.the boys had few entertainments after dark

C.listening to tales was an age-old practice

D.the boys didn’t read books by themselves

4.Sometimes the writer stopped at the most exciting part of a story to _____.

A.experience more joy of achievement

B.play a mean trick on the boys

C.add his own imagination to the story

D.help the boys understand the story better

5.What is the message conveyed in the story?

A.Reading is more important than playing games.

B.Friendship is built upon respect for each other.

C.One can find his position in life in his own way.

D.Adult habits are developed from childhood.


Here are four pieces of news from China Daily.

SHANGHAI — The Huachen Group recently held a meeting in Shanghai to show the use of its newly opened tourism business payment network. The network aims to serve tourists from all over the world, but especially from Europe and the United States where credit cards are popularly used. After opening the www.chinaecnet.com website, netizens can get information about hotels and tourism services on tourism page. Hotels and services can be reserved and payments made through credit cards. The network opened in February in Beijing.

SYDNEY — The Sydney Olympic flame will travel underwater on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef during the torch relay following a successful test. Scuba diver Wendy Craig, a marine biologist, will carry the torch on a three-to-four-minute underwater journey at Agincourt Reef on June 27, creating Olympic history, organizers said yesterday. Burning at 2000 degrees, the torch is expected to remain a light three meters underwater because of the special technology which creates a fierce flame that can not be drowned out by water.

Charles Tegner, managing director of torch creator, said the flame would burn like a flare (照明弹) from oxygen-producing chemicals.

BEIJING — The election of a new leader in Taiwan can not change the fact that Taiwan is a part of Chinese territory. “Taiwan Independence” in whatever form will never be allowed, according to a statesman of China’s central government.

“We should listen to what the new leader in Taiwan says and watch what he does. We will observe where he will lead cross-Straits (海峡两岸) relations. We are willing to exchange views on cross-Straits relations and peaceful reunification with all parties, organizations and personages in Taiwan who favor the one China principle,” says the statesman, which was released by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee.

HAIKOU — Customs officers in Haikou recently stopped a boat loaded with 781 cases of foreign-brand cigarettes being smuggled (走私) into China. The smuggled cigarettes cases, packed into two containers, were disguised to avoid being examined. The boat was registered in the coastal city of Xiamen in East China’s Fujian Province. All eight suspects aboard the boat were kept by the police in Haikou.

1.Why does the network aim to serve tourists especially from Europe and the USA?

A.Because they are from developed countries.

B.Because the payments of hotels and services should be made through credit cards.

C.Because people in these countries travel much more than other countries.

D.Because it is more convenient for them to surf the Internet.

2.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the second piece of news?

A.The whole torch relay will be held three-four metres underwater.

B.The underwater journey of the torch will play an important part in Olympic history.

C.A test has been made before this activity.

D.Some chemicals will help the flame burn by producing oxygen.

3.Which is the best title for the third piece of news?

A.Ready to Fight

B.No Good End

C.Wait and See

D.Peace Comes First

4.Which of the following best explains the underlined word disguised in the last piece of news?

A.made different from normal

B.designed for a good purpose




    Some of the greatest problems we face today are concerned with the gradual destruction of our environment. Brown clouds; wildlife ____; polluted water. These ____ all seem so huge. So my family does what we can. We take cloth bags to stores instead of using plastic bags. We walk where we don’t have to ____.

But does it do any good?

I recently learned something about flamingos (火烈鸟). These beautiful birds gather in   ___ groups of a thousand or more. Every year, when the time ____ for migration, a few flamingos start the process by taking off from the lake. But ____ of the others seem to notice, so the tiny group returns.

However, the next day they ____ again. This time a few more struggle along with them, but the vast majority still ____ no attention, so these pioneers come back.

The ____ continues for several more days. Every time a few more birds join in but, _____ the thousands of others still take no ____, the great migration plan is once again ____.

Then one day something ____. The same small group of birds takes wing and a tiny number more join in, just as before. And this time their total number, though still quite ____, is enough to tip the balance. As one, the whole group takes flight and the migration ____. What a ____ sight it must be – thousands of flamingos taking to the sky at once!

A few can make a ____. It’s true that all of the great problems of the world have been solved because of the ____ efforts of a few.

If you believe in a cause (事业), don’t ____! Others will someday take notice and together we will ____ even our greatest problems.

1.A.protection B.extinction C.migration D.separation

2.A.questions B.costs C.examples D.problems

3.A.drive B.run C.cycle D.stand

4.A.tiny B.different C.huge D.similar

5.A.comes B.passes C.varies D.moves

6.A.all B.any C.none D.most

7.A.gather B.try C.sing D.appear

8.A.attract B.require C.escape D.pay

9.A.plan B.trend C.activity D.movement

10.A.since B.though C.unless D.while

11.A.responsibility B.notice C.chance D.measure

12.A.put off B.cut off C.carried out D.worked out

13.A.approaches B.works C.changes D.disappears

14.A.significant B.reasonable C.adequate D.small

15.A.continues B.delays C.finishes D.begins

16.A.familiar B.strange C.magnificent D.unrealistic

17.A.point B.decision C.difference D.mistake

18.A.useless B.tireless C.extra D.special

19.A.give up B.give in C.give away D.give out

20.A.identify B.understand C.predict D.solve


________ the quickening pace of life, competition goes increasingly fierce in all respects of life, bringing great pressure as well as plentiful chances to everyone.

A.In spite of B.By means of

C.On account of D.In terms of


—Do you think I should have a record of the medical workers who risked their lives to come to the aid of Hubei, Mary?

—If I were in your shoes, I certainly would.

A.None of your business. B.It depends.

C.Why not? D.I don’t think so.


Dr. Andrew Morgan, _____headmaster of the school, told us, “_____fifth of students here go on to study at first-class universities.”

A.不填; A B.不填; The C.the; The D.a; A


Many countries have a Mother’s Day, ________ they don't always fall on the second Sunday in May.

A.when B.though C.as D.once


In his daily life, the student ________ ignore work, study, and other activities to check his phone for messages.

A.fluently B.frequently C.immediately D.practically


5G is an exciting mobile technology, ________ will give a massive boost to smart cities and vehicles.

A.where B.when C.that D.which


Because society ________ so rapidly during the last few years, the gap between the generations has become larger.

A.changed B.had changed

C.has been changing D.was changed


Anyone with common sense is able to make the proper decision and do ______ suits the occasion best.

A.no matter what B.no matter how C.whatever D.however


__________ Beijing Opera to the basic education in China is a big step to promote traditional art.

A. Adding    B. Added

C. Add    D. Having added


In order to lose weight, the young lady prefers to ______ regularly rather than take expensive weight-losing pills.

A.hang out B.leave out

C.work out D.figure out


You can imagine Li Ziqi, a Chinese woman in a field, ________ in traditional clothing, and picking flowers to create makeup for her cheeks.

A.to dress B.dressing C.was dressing D.dressed


— The girl became the first Chinese signer to stand on the famous international stage.

— She _____ put a lot of work into it.

A.must have B.should C.must D.should have


After work I went to the box office to buy the tickets for My People, My Country, only to be told there was ___left.

A.nothing B.none C.no one D.neither


Students will have their temperatures measured at school gates and must show a "green" health code on a special app that a person's infection risk.

A.celebrates B.cancels C.calculates D.combines


—I have something urgent to do. Can I borrow your car?

—Yes, ________!

A.I like it B.with pleasure C.by all means D.I quite agree





假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。母亲节要来了, 你的美国好友Jim想知道你准备如何庆祝母亲节,请你给他回复邮件,内容包括:





Dear Jim,




Li Hua


    How to Find Time to Read?

That everyone’s too busy these days is ordinary. But one specific complaint is made especially sadly1. 

What makes the problem worse is that the usual time-management techniques don’t seem efficient. The web’s full of articles offering tips on making time to read: “Give up TV” or “Carry a book with you at all times”2.Sit down to read and the work-related thoughts keeps going on and on or else you’re so exhausted that a challenging book’s the last thing you need. The modern mind, Tim Parks, a novelist and critic, writes, “Most people tend to communicate…It is not simply that one is interrupted; it is that one actually tends to interrupt”. Deep reading requires not just time, but a special kind of time which can’t be obtained merely by becoming more efficient.

3.Thinking of time as a resource to be maximized means you approach it on purpose, making any given moment as well spent only in so far as it advances progress toward some goal immersive reading, by contrast, depends on being willing to risk inefficiency, goallessness, even time-wasting. Try to slot it as a to-do list item and you’ll manage only goal-focused reading-useful, sometimes, but not the most fulfilling kind. “The future comes at us like empty bottles along an unstoppable and nearly infinite conveyor belt,” writes Gary Eberle in his book Sacred Time, and “we feel a pressure to fill these different-sized bottles(days, hours, minutes)as they pass, for if they get by without being filled, we will have wasted them”.4.

So what does workPerhaps surprisingly, scheduling regular times for reading. You’d think this might fuel the efficiency mind-set, but in fact, Eberle notes, such usual behaviour helps us “step outside time’s flow” into “soul time”.5.         

“Carry a book with you at all times” can actually work, too-providing you dip in often enough, so that reading becomes the default state from which you temporarily surface to take care of business, before dropping back down. On a really good day, it no longer feels as if you’re “making time to read,” but just reading, and making time for everything else.

A.How do we make reading easy?

B.There’s never any time to read.

C.In fact, “becoming more efficient” is part of the problem.

D.No mind-set could be worse for losing yourself in a book.

E.Most people don't pay more attention to physical book reading.

F.You could limit distractions by reading only physical books, or on single-purpose e-readers.

G.But in my experience, using such methods to free up the odd 30 minutes doesn’t work.


    Shortage of Primary Care Threatens Health Care System

Increasing health care bills, long emergency-room waits and the inability to find a primary care physician just scratch the surface of the problems that patients face daily.

Primary care should be the support of any health care system. Countries with appropriate primary care resources score highly when it comes to health outcomes and cost. The U.S. takes the opposite approach by emphasizing the specialist rather than the primary care physician.

A recent study analyzed the providers who treat Medicare beneficiaries. The surprising finding was that the average Medicate patient saw a total of seven doctors - two primary care physicians and five specialists - in a given year.

Contrary to popular belief, the more physicians taking care of you doesn't guarantee better care. Actually, increasing fragmentation of care results in a corresponding rise in cost and medical errors.

How did we take little care of primary care? The key is how doctors are paid. Most physicians are paid whenever they perform a medical service. The more a physician does, regardless of quality or outcome, the better he's reimbursed. Moreover, the amount a physician receives leans heavily toward medical or surgical procedures.

A specialist who performs a procedure in a 30-minute visit can be paid three times more than a primary care physician using that same 30 minutes to discuss a patient's disease. Combine this fact with annual government threats to randomly cut reimbursements, physicians are faced with no choice but to increase quantity to boost income.

Primary care physicians who refuse to compromise quality are either driven out of business or to cash-only practices, further contributing to the decline of primary care.

Medical students aren't blind to this action. They know how heavily the reimbursement is against primary care. The recent numbers show that since 1997, newly graduated U.S. medical students who choose primary care as a career have declined by 50%. This trend results in emergency rooms being overwhelmed with patients without regular doctors.

How do we fix this problem?

It starts with reforming the physician reimbursement system. Remove the pressure for primary care physicians to squeeze in more patients per hour, and reward them for optimally managing their diseases and practicing evidence-based medicine. Make primary care more attractive to medical students by forgiving student loans for those who choose primary care as a career and reconciling the marked difference between specialist and primary care physician salaries.

We’re at a point where primary care is needed more than ever. Within a few years, the first wave of the 76 million Baby Boomers will become eligible for Medicare. Patients older than 85, who need chronic care most, will rise by 50% this decade.

Who will be there to treat them?

1.The author’s chief concern about the current U.S. health care system is _________.

A.the ever-rising health care costs B.the declining number of doctors

C.the inadequate training of physicians D.the shrinking primary care resources

2.We learn from the passage that people tend to believe that _________.

A.the more doctors taking care of a patient, the better

B.visiting doctors on a regular basis ensures good health

C.seeing more doctors may result in more diagnostic errors

D.the more costly the medicine, the more effective the cure.

3.Faced with the government threats to cut reimbursements randomly, primary care physicians have to __________.

A.make various deals with specialists B.improve their expertise and service

C.see more patients at the expense of quality D.increase their income by working overtime

4.What suggestion does the author give in order to provide better health care?

A.Extend primary care to patients with chronic diseases.

B.Recruit more medical students by offering them loans.

C.Reduce the tuition of students who choose primary care as their major.

D.Bridge the salary gap between specialists and primary care physicians.


    A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer’s showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted.

As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped gift box. Curious, but somewhat frustrated, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man’s name embossed in gold. Angrily, he raised his voice to his father and said, “With all your money you give me a Bible?” He then stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible.

Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful home and a wonderful family, but realizing his father was very old, he thought perhaps he should go to see him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make the arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of things.

When he arrived at his father’s house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to search through his father’s important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. As he was reading, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer’s name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words… “PAID IN FULL”.

How many times do we miss blessings because they are not packaged as we expected? Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.

Sometimes we don’t realize the good fortune we have or we could have because we expect “the packaging” to be different. What may appear as bad fortune may in fact be the door that is just waiting to be opened.

1.What’s the best title for this passage?

A.A Kind Father. B.A Key of a Car.

C.A leather-bound Bible. D.An Unforgettable Graduation Ceremony.

2.What does the underlined word “frustrated” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Disappointed. B.Unconcerned. C.Puzzled. D.Bored.

3.What does the last paragraph want to tell us?

A.There is no fence for ill fortune.

B.Good fortune favors the brave and courageous.

C.We must not look only at the surface of things.

D.A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate.

4.From the passage, we can learn that _________.

A.the young man accepted the gift at first

B.the young man regretted what he’d done to his father

C.the young man accompanied his father for a long time

D.the young man was successful in business with the help of his father


    More than half the young children and teenagers in China are nearsighted, according to a survey by top government agencies, which called for intensified efforts to prevent and control the condition.

The survey, which was conducted last year, found that eight of 10 senior middle school students were nearsighted, compared with 71.6 percent in junior middle school, 36 percent in primary school and 14 percent of 6-year-olds in kindergarten. Overall, 53.6 percent were nearsighted. The prevalence (流行程度) of a high degree of myopia also became alarming as the percentage of senior students in high school, who wear glasses stronger than six diopters, has mounted to 21.9 percent. Up to 80 percent of the country’s young adults suffer from nearsightedness, according to a report in the medical journal Lancet. In contrast, the overall rate of myopia in the UK is about 20-30 percent. If you walk the streets of China today, you’ll quickly notice that most young people wear glasses. In Shanghai, for instance, 86 percent of high school students suffer from myopia, or nearsightedness, according to Xinhua News Agency.

The growing prevalence of myopia is not only a Chinese problem, but it is an especially East Asian one. According to a study published in The Lancet medical journal in 2012, by Ian Morgan, of the Australian National University, South Korea leads the pack, with 96 percent of young adults (below the age 20) having myopia; and the rate for Seoul is even higher. In Singapore, the figure is 82 percent. To say that Asia is having an eye problem is an understatement.

Several factors are associated with the high rate of nearsightedness in China's children and teenagers, including lack of outdoor physical activity, lack of adequate sleep due to heavy work and excessive use of electronics products. And some biologists compared Singaporeans living in Singapore to those living in Australia. They found that 29 percent of the Singaporean students had myopia compared with just 3 percent in Sydney. The main correlation was once again, time spent outside.

“The big difference was the Chinese children in Australia were outdoors a lot more than their matched peers in Singapore,” says Ian Morgan, a retired biologist at Australian National University, who coauthored the 2008 study. “This was the only thing that fit with the huge difference in prevalence.”

1.From paragraph 2, according to the survey we can know that ____________.

A.the rate of myopia in Shanghai is the highest

B.the rate of myopia in the UK is higher than that in China

C.the rate of junior middle school students who suffer from myopia is the highest

D.the rate of senior middle school students who suffer from myopia is the highest

2.Which of the following is not the reason associated with the high rate of myopia in China?

A.Time of reading books. B.Lack of adequate sleep.

C.Lack of outdoor physical activity. D.Excessive use of electronics products.

3.The author writes the passage to __________.

A.introduce some methods to protect our eyes

B.tell us why so many people have an eye problem

C.compare the myopia figures of different countries

D.call on everyone to pay attention to the myopia among the young people

4.Where is the passage most probably from?

A.A literary essay. B.A historical novel.

C.A science report. D.A travel magazine.


    Many people want to travel around the world and enjoy new cultures, especially the different festivals. There are festivals going on somewhere in the world every day of the year. These range from very large events which involve whole cities to local celebrations in tiny villages or neighborhoods of towns or cities. We have selected a few of the more unusual, colorful festivals from around the world. You can choose anyone you like best!

The Million Ringgit Charity Duck Race: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Thirteen years ago, Eric Schechter and his friends were brainstorming to find new ways of raising money for local charities when they came up with the idea of rubber duck races. The event, crazy as it may sound, involves racing "cool" rubber ducks down a local waterway and having members of the community "adopt" the ducks for a chance to win valuable donated prizes, possibly even $1 million bucks.

La Tomatina: Bunol, Spain

"The tomato battle is in honor of Saint Luis Beltran, the patron saint of Bunol. Residents and visitors take part in a tomato-throwing battle that decimates more than 88,000 pounds of tomatoes. This crazy event began with a serious aim as a symbolic protest against Franco. But the Tomatina is now celebrated as an amusing way to end the summer."

Mighty Mud Mania: Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

"Children's dreams really do come true in the City of Scottsdale. Children aged 1 to 13, get to participate in a mud race to end all mud races. During the running of the Mighty Mud Obstacle(泥坑) course, several mud pits strategically placed, provide wet and really dirty obstacles as kids compete for the fastest time in each heat. There are also mud puddle pools for the tiny tots, and a mini mud course for those six and younger. In addition, Mighty Mudway features water and mud games. There are also water slides, sandcastle buildings and fun for all ages. Moms and dads, remember to send your kids out with old clothes and shoes. And have no fear, Rural Metro Fire Department is on hand to offer plenty of water for the muddy children."

Canberra Sled Dog Classic: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Dog sledding is one of the fastest growing sports on the east coast of Australia. As there's no snow (the trail is earth and sand and is smooth and wide with a few hills and turns), the sleds have wheels instead of runners, but the excitement is the same.

1.Which of the following means the summer is over?

A.Mighty Mud Mania. B.La Tomatina.

C.Canberra Sled Dog Classic. D.The Million Ringgit Charity Duck Race.

2.What can you enjoy in all the four festivals mentioned?

A.Fantastic activities. B.Beautiful beaches.

C.Delicious food. D.Amazing sceneries.

3.The main purpose of the passage is to _______.

A.share personal experiences B.compare cultures in different countries

C.introduce favorable festivals D.offer practical tips on choosing activities


    On Friday afternoon Class Seven had an Art lesson. It was their favourite lesson of the week. Everyone ______ Trudy Hubble looked forward to it. Trudy had arms that stuck out and always knocked things over.

When Trudy came into the classroom, Rob Mason said, “Look out, here comes Trouble!” All the kids ______. Trudy had to smile and pretended she didn’t mind. How she wished she could be more like Lisa Gibbs, who had small hands and feet and never ______ things over!

That day, they were going to paint animals. Again, Trudy knocked over the jam jar. Dirty water spread in a pool across the table and ______ Lisa’s dragon. Every time Trudy tried to do Art, it was always a ______.

“I hate Art,” Trudy thought as she went home on the bus, wishing never to go to school again.

As soon as she got home, Mum asked her to take a ______ to Mrs. Willow.

Trudy knocked on the door and the door opened. There stood an old lady, so tall and elegant, like her house, which was full of ______ china.

“My mum’s your home help. She won’t be able to come tomorrow. She’s got a cold.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. What she needs is my special cold ______. Come inside and I’ll give you some. ” Mrs. Willow opened the door wider.

Keeping her arms pressed to her sides, Trudy stood ______, much like a statue, afraid to move in.


“I am the clumsiest person in our school! I know something will get broken when I’m ______.”

“I used to be clumsy too, a real ugly little duck,” Mrs. Willow smiled. “But I grew up to be a swan(白天鹅).”

“But I don't think I shall,” Trudy doubted. “I’ll just grow up to be an ugly ______.”

“Not if you do as I did. You have to keep telling yourself that inside, where it matters, you’re really a swan.”

“I’m a swan,” Trudy ______ her throat and took the medicine, heading for home.

Next morning Mum’s cold was much better. “If Mrs. Willow’s cold cure is a kind of ______, then her swan cure must work as well.” Trudy couldn’t wait to try it out.

In the school playground some children stood looking up into the chestnut tree. Lisa was in tears.

“What’s the matter?” asked Trudy.

“It’s my kite,” Lisa said, wiping her eyes. “Rob let go and it’s got ______ up the tree.”

“I’ll get it down for you,” Trudy said kindly.

“No, you’ll tear it!” Lisa looked ______. “It’s a special Chinese kite! I got it for my birthday.”

For a moment Trudy felt like her old ______ self. But then she remembered what Mrs. Willow had said. It didn't matter how she looked outside. Inside, she was really a swan.

She jumped up and grabbed the lowest ______ and began to climb. “Swans never rush,” she told herself. It took her ages, but she didn't rush. At last she managed to ______ the kite. But now she had to climb down again using only one hand. Very, very ______ she swung herself down to the ground. The kite was safe!

“Thanks, Trudy.” Lisa showed it to the others. “Look, it’s all right!”

Trudy felt very, very proud and different. Smiling at everyone, she walked swan-like across the playground and into school, so tall and ______.

1.A.except B.besides C.including D.behind

2.A.danced B.sang C.laughed D.jumped

3.A.took B.turned C.rolled D.tripped

4.A.drew B.drowned C.marked D.colored

5.A.success B.masterpiece C.failure D.disaster

6.A.gift B.textbook C.message D.letter

7.A.delicate B.ugly C.cheap D.messy

8.A.care B.leave C.concern D.cure

9.A.straight B.still C.by D.tall

10.A.around B.apart C.ahead D.away

11.A.dragon B.swan C.tiger D.duck

12.A.touched B.cleaned C.cleared D.wiped

13.A.imagination B.magic C.cheating D.creation

14.A.stuck B.crashed C.torn D.damped

15.A.satisfied B.disappointed C.frightened D.delighted

16.A.beautiful B.clumsy C.dishonest D.smart

17.A.root B.trunk C.branch D.leaf

18.A.fly B.design C.make D.free

19.A.carefully B.doubtfully C.confidently D.anxiously

20.A.eager B.elegant C.enthusiastic D.energetic


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