
1.Dressed in dark glasses and old clothes, they had taken special _____ so that no one should  recognize them. But as they soon discovered, ______ can sometimes be too perfect.

2.Meanwhile, two other actors, Rockwall Slinger and Merlin Greeves, had carried two large food baskets to a _____ spot under some trees. When they had all made themselves ____, a stranger appeared.

3.When it grew dark, she turned a suitcase into a bed and put the children inside it, _____ them with all the clothes she could find. During the night, it got ____ cold.

4.It was not long before a _____ arrived on the scene to rescue the _____ of the plane crash.

5.''To end our special news _______,'' said the voice of the television _____, ''we are taking you to the macaroni fields of Calabria. ''


    As graduation day approached, excitement increased. Being out of high school meant I was finally coming of age(成人).Soon I would be on my own, making my own decisions, doing what I wanted without someone looking over my shoulder and it meant going to school with boys-a welcome change coming from an all-girl high school.

There was never any question in my mind that I would go to a college away from home. My mother's idea, on the other hand, was just the opposite. Trying her best not to force her preferences on me, she would subtly ask whether I had considered particular schools, all of which happened to be located in or near my hometown of Chicago. Once it was established that, as long as it was financially affordable, I would be going away anyway, my family's perspective changed. Their concern shifted from whether I was going away to how far. The schools I was considering on the East Coast suddenly looked much more attractive than those in California.

But which college I would attend was just one of what seemed like a never-ending list of unknown! What would college be like? Would the other students like me? Would I make friends easily? Would I miss my family so much that I wouldn't be able to stand it? And what about the work --- would I be able to keep up? (Being an A student in high school seemed to offer little assurance that I would be able to survive college.) What if the college I selected turned out to be a horrible mistake? Would I be able to transfer to another school?

The panic set in. My feelings took a 180-degree turn. I really didn't want to leave high school at all, and it was questionable whether I wanted to grow up after all. It had been nice being respected as a senior by the underclass students for the past year; I didn't enjoy the idea of being on the bottom rung of the ladder again.

Despite months of expectation, nothing could have prepared me for the impact of the actual day. As the familiar must of ''Pomp and Circumstance'' echoed in the background, I looked around at the other students in white caps and gowns as we solemnly(庄严地) filed into the auditorium(礼堂). Tears welled up uncontrollably in my eyes, and I was consumed by a rush of sadness. As if in a daze, I rose from my seat when I heard my name called and slowly crossed the stage to receive my diploma(毕业证书). As I reached out my hand, I knew that I was reaching not just for a piece of paper but for a brand-new life. Exciting as the prospect of a new life seemed, it wasn't easy saying goodbye to the old ones --- the familiar faces, the familiar routine. I would even miss that chemistry class I wasn't particularly fond of and the long commute each day between home and school that I hated. Good or bad, it was what I knew.

That September, I was fortunate to attend a wonderful university in Providence, Rhode Island. I needn't have worried about liking it. My years there turned out to be some of the best years of my life. And as for friends, I still treasure some of the friendships I formed there today. Years later, financial difficulties forced my high school to close its doors for good. Although going back is impossible, it's comforting to know I can revisit my special memories any time.

1.Which of the following is NOT the reason for the author's feeling excited about graduation?

A.Making her own decision. B.Doing whatever she wants.

C.Having schoolmates of both sexes. D.Getting away from parents.

2.The author's mother __________.

A.did not care which college her daughter went to.

B.tried her best to tell the author which college was her favorite.

C.preferred the colleges on the Est Coast to those in California

D.was willing to allow the author to make her own choice.

3.Why did the author worry about her schoolwork in college?

A.Good performance in high school doesn’t necessarily mean success in college.

B.Feeling lonely in an entirely new school may have a negative influence.

C.Unbearable homesickness may stop the author from focusing on study.

D.Peer pressure in a good university makes it hard to keep up.

4.What does the underlined part ''being on the bottom rung of the ladder'' mean?

A.Being a freshman. B.Being an unpopular student.

C.Being a loser. D.Being a childish person.

5.What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?

A.The author was eager to say goodbye to the old school days.

B.The author found she was attached to her old school.

C.The author missed her chemistry lessons because they were her favorite.

D.The author felt comforted because she could revisit her old school.

6.What does the author mainly describe in this article?

A.Her happiness to be admitted to a wonderful university.

B.Her eagerness to go to a wonderful university far away from home.

C.Her excitement during the months leading to the graduation ceremony.

D.Her mixed feelings during the months before and on graduation day.


    It’s 3 o’clock and you’ve been hard at work. As you sit at your desk, a strong desire for chocolate overcomes you. You try to busy yourself to make it go away. But it doesn’t. Here is another situation. Perhaps you are not feeling well. The only thing you want to eat is a big bowl of chicken soup, like your mum used to make when you were sick as a child. Food cravings are a strong desire for a specific type of food. And they are normal.

Scientists at the website How Stuff Works compare hunger and cravings this way. Hunger is a fairly simple connection between the stomach and the brain. They even call it simply “stomach hunger”. When our stomachs burn up all of the food we have eaten, a hormone (激素) sends a message to one part of the brain for more food, which regulates our most basic body functions such as thirst, hunger and sleep. The brain then produces a chemical to start the appetite and you eat. Hunger is a function of survival.

A craving is more complex. It activates brain areas related to emotion, memory and reward. These are the same areas of the brain activated during drug-craving studies. Because of this, some scientists call food cravings “mind hunger”. People often crave foods that are high in fat and sugar. Foods that are high in fat or high in sugar produce chemicals in the brain. These chemicals give us feelings of pleasure.

In a 2007 study, researchers at Cambridge University found that dieting or restricted eating generally increases the possibility of food cravings. So, the more you deny yourself a food that you want, the more you may crave it. However, fasting (禁食) is a bit different. They found that eating no food at all for a short period of time lessened food cravings.

So, the next time you crave something very specific, know that your brain may be more to blame than your stomach.

1.What is the function of the first paragraph?

A. To deepen the understanding of hunger.

B. To lead to the topic of the whole passage.

C. To report the discovery of craving study.

D. To remind readers of their own special food.

2.What do we learn about food cravings?

A. It means the stomach functions well. B. It ensures a person survives hunger.

C. It shows food is linked to feelings. D. It proves the brain decides your appetite.

3.What’s the likely result of dieting?

A. The increase of food desire. B. The decrease of chemicals.

C. The refusal of fat and sugar. D. The disappearance of appetite.

4.What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The findings of food cravings. B. What hunger is all about.

C. The functions of brain areas. D. What dieting may bring us.


    Ten years ago, a doctor told me something was wrong with my lung and I had to give up work at once and went to bed. I was totally ________ and felt I was suddenly placed under _______ of death with an indefinite reprieve(缓刑). After careful thought,I____my affairs;then I went home and got into bed.But 2 years later,I left my bed and____the long climb back.It was another year____I made it.

I speak of this experience because these past years have____me what to value and what to believe.I____now that this world is not my oyster(牡蛎)to be opened but my____to be grasped.

I've also learned that it's necessary to,____those little,all important things I never thought I would____before: they music of the wind in my favorite pine tree,the____of sunlight on running water.I seem now,with some of the ____freshness of childhood,to hear and see.How well,____,I recall the touch of the earth the day I first stepped upon it after the years in bed.It was like____one's citizenship in a world one had nearly lost.

Frequently,I____myself that I need make notes of this____I'm living in now,because in it I'm well,____,doing what I like best.It won't always be like this,____I'll make the most of it and be _______.I owe all this to that long time spent in bed.Wiser people come to this____without having to acquire it the hard way.But I wasn't wise enough.I'm wiser now,a little,and happier.

1.A.confused B.shocked C.inspired D.annoyed

2.A.trial B.pressure C.sentence D.control

3.A.made up B.set up C.took up D.cleared up

4.A.recalled B.began C.avoided D.accepted

5.A.when B.after C.since D.before

6.A.occupied B.taught C.treated D.ensured

7.A.admit B.demand C.expect D.realize

8.A.knowledge B.opportunity C.attention D.point

9.A.dismiss B.list C.define D.appreciate

10.A.notice B.record C.remember D.track

11.A.shadow B.shake C.play D.feeling

12.A.damaged B.recovered C.faded D.changed

13.A.thus B.in return C.for example D.by chance

14.A.founding B.regaining C.discovering D.forgetting

15.A.remind B.promise C.advise D.convince

16.A.country B.moment C.memory D.inspiration

17.A.pleased B.courageous C.confident D.strong

18.A.meanwhile B.otherwise C.however D.therefore

19.A.puzzled B.grateful C.cheerful D.embarrassed

20.A.awareness B.agreement C.comment D.statement


—Oh, no! I failed my math test again!

— ______. Practice makes perfect.

A.It’s hard to say. B.It’s up to you. C.You’re not alone. D.I’m afraid not.


To those of you who received honors, awards, and ____, I say, well done. And to the average students, I say, you, too, can be President of the United States.

A.distinctions B.contributions C.solutions D.attractions


Many a student in the class ____ that Jack is the only one of the students who ____ the chance to attend a key university.

A.thinks; has B.think; have C.think; has D.thinks; have


On hearing her mother was sent to the hospital because of heart attack, Jane dropped the phone and ____ from the office.

A.disappeared B.left C.escaped D.fled


—Many parents do almost everything for their children, but the children still fail them.

—That's _______ these parents are mistaken.

A.how B.where C.what D.why


Drivers must strictly_______the speed limit when driving on the freeways to keep away from any possible accidents.

A.grasp B.represent C.observe D.reduce


Having an outdoor meal is always fun, but it can also be damaging to the planet if__________.

A.planned not carefully B.not planning carefully

C.not planned carefully D.not to be planned carefully


It is _______he often breaks the school rules ______ makes his headteacher unsatisfied with him.

A.what; that B.that; that

C.\; that D.that; what


____, Su Daqiang, played by Ni Dahong, is more popular than the TV drama itself as the Internet has gone wild with the memes(表情包) from him.

A.As it turns out B.It turns out C.As it is turned out that D.It is turned out that


__________ it is expected that students come to university with the ability to take good care of themselves,this is not always the case.

A.When B.While

C.Unless D.As


Have you been aware _______under the tree ________ a scholar and two assistants.

A.that; are B.that; is

C.of; are D.of; is


Hawking owned a brilliant intellect with a deep ____ for humanity, which enabled him to overcome his terrible disease and become a famous scientist.

A.aid B.concern C.glory D.basis


_______ difficulty we meet with, we must finish it on time, because the opportunity is _______ valuable.

A.Whatever; that B.However; such

C.However; so D.Whatever; such


_____________in the poorest area of Glasgow, he had a long, hard road to becoming a football star.

A.Being raised B.Raising

C.Raised D.To raise


With your help, there is no doubt ______ our plan is meant for will work out successfully.

A.what that B.whether that C.that what D.that whether


The job will be offered to __________ the employers believe has previous experience as well as a strong sense of duty.

A.no matter who B.no matter whom

C.whoever D.whomever


I would appreciate _____, to be honest, if you could come and attend our Thanksgiving party.

A.you B.this C.it D.that


According to strict guidelines, Japan’s new era name(年号) ______ only two characters should be easy to read and write. ______ that, it should not employ common names or the first character of any of the last four eras.

A.making up; Apart from B.consisting of; Aside from

C.which made up of; Besides D.which consisted of; Except for


So long as you do what you can, no one will blame you ____________ you might fail in the future.

A. as though    B. in case

C. now that    D. even if


The fire, ______ is still unknown, was concentrated at an altitude of about 3,800 meters, in complex terrain(地形) with steep valleys, and a lack of road access, the local government said in a statement on Monday.

A.whose the cause B.the cause of it C.of which the cause D.its cause



It was Christmas Day. Pappy was working alone fixing an old lantern in the backroom when he heard the ringing of his bell on the shop door. The bell, which produced a uniquely pleasant sound, had been in Pappy’s family for over a hundred years. He valued it dearly and enjoyed sharing its song with all who came to his shop. Although the bell hung on the inside of the main door, Pappy had tied a wire to the screen door so that it would ring whether the inner door was open or not. Hearing the bell, he left the backroom to greet his customer.

“And how can I help you, little lady?” Pappy’s voice was joyful.

“Hello, sir.” The little girl spoke almost in a whisper. She looked at Pappy with her big brown eyes, and then slowly scanned the room in search of something special. Shyly she told him, “I’d like to buy a present, sir.”

“Well, let’s see,” Pappy said, “who is this present for?”

“My grandpa. It’s for my grandpa. But I don’t know what to get.”

Pappy began to make suggestions. “How about a pocket watch? It’s in good condition.” The little girl didn’t answer. She had walked to the doorway and put her small hand on the door. She shook the door gently to ring the bell. Pappy’s face seemed to glow as he saw her smiling with excitement.

“This is just right,” the little girl said. “Momma says grandpa loves music.”

Just then, Pappy’s expression changed. Fearful of breaking the little girl’s heart, he told her, “I’m sorry, Missy. That’s not for sale. Maybe your grandpa would like this little radio.”

The girl looked at the radio, bowed her head, and sadly sighed, “No, I don’t think so.”

In an effort to help her understand, Pappy told her that the bell had been his only companion, for the rest of his family were all gone now, except for his estranged (疏远的) daughter whom he had not seen for nearly a decade.






Paragraph 1:

With a giant tear in her eye, the little girl looked up at him.


Paragraph 2:

Later that evening when Pappy was closing up the shop, he heard a familiar ringing.




1. 基本情况:如延迟开学;网络授课;返校日期等候通知等;

2. 对网课的感受和认识:如网课与学校课堂的不同及利弊等;

3. 自己的想法或期盼等。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头结尾已为你写好。

4. 参考词汇:新冠疫情 the novel coronavirus epidemic

Dear Harry,

I’m glad to receive your letter. _______________________________________________________________


Thank you for your concern.


Li Hua



In China, the history of people planting and using bamboo dates back to as far as 7, 000 years ago. As early as the Shang Dynasty, bamboo was used for food, clothing, housing, transportation, musical instruments and even weapons. Since then it 1. (use) in many aspects of people’s daily lives.

The 2. (apply) of bamboo in science and technology is thrilling. In 51 BC, Li Bing, in Sichuan, 3. (lead) the local people in building the Dujiang Weirs, the first irrigation (灌溉) network in the world, in 4. bamboo played an important role. The world’s oldest water pipe was also made of bamboo. During the Han Dynasty, the people in Sichuan 5. (success) sank a 1600-metre-deep well with thick bamboo ropes. This technology did not spread to Europe 6. the 19th century, and it was by using the technology 7. the Americans drilled the first oil well in Pennsylvania in 1859.

In Chinese culture, bamboo is well-known as 8. of the “four gentlemen” in plants. To many distinguished men, bamboo is a symbol of goodness and honesty. It is always closely 9. (connect) with people of positive spirits. Bamboo culture always plays a positive role in encouraging people to hold on when 10. (face) tough situations.


    When I was a little child, my favorite musical __ is piano, but when I started my middle school, Iwas forced to give up __ I could concentrate more on my studies.

It’s one of my biggest __ to stop practicing the piano when I recall sadly today. During the following years, I kept telling my piano teacher that I would __    .However, I didn’t keep my promise because I was __ with my study. __ I lost touch with my teacher. Some years later, my teacher died. I was very sad because I lost such a good teacher. She was a very warm and gentle person. It hurts me to think she may have been __ that I never returned I haven’t taken lessons since then but to be honest. I __ to. Sitting at the piano,I couldn’t help recalling many __ - times of my practicing at home and playing before my teacher and one time my teacher __ me after I played entire pieces of music wrong in front of her colleagues. I was so __ that I could hardly say anything. But her __ helped me ease my shame. These memories, __, good or bad, never caused my __ for playing the piano again.

This thought then led me to think that __ is like music, and that we all try to play different __ in the instrument of our life. Sometimes the pitch(音高)is ___ when we play it well, but sometimes we are out of tone. However, we all continue to create our own __ style of music. No matter what style our music is,it is __ that we sing the songs of joy, quietness and love. Though I may never make it back to piano lessons, it doesn’t __ that I’ve stopped making music.

1.A.stage B.performance C.room D.instrument

2.A.so that B.in that C.now that D.except that

3.A.successes B.decisions C.regrets D.hobbies

4.A.play B.return C.leave D.graduate

5.A.angry B.occupied C.satisfied D.patient

6.A.Actually B.Constantly C.Gradually D.Suddenly

7.A.astonished B.disappointed C.glad D.amazed

8.A.liked B.needed C.decided D.wanted

9.A.dreams B.expressions C.words D.memories

10.A.hurt B.instructed C.punished D.respected

11.A.frightened B.moved C.embarrassed D.excited

12.A.comfort B.satisfaction C.happiness D.sigh

13.A.however B.meanwhile C.therefore D.instead

14.A.hope B.courage C.feeling D.effort

15.A.attitude B.learning C.life D.enjoyment

16.A.roles B.sports C.cards D.games

17.A.surprising B.wonderful C.hard D.complex

18.A.common B.boring C.unique D.similar

19.A.necessary B.strange C.possible D.important

20.A.matter B.appear C.report D.mean


Fun Writing Activities for Struggling Writers

There are dozens of reasons kids struggle with writing. They may have difficulty getting their thoughts down on paper.1.Perhaps grammar and language barriers are blocking their progress. Whatever the reason, adding a little fun can be a great way to get the creative juices flowing.


Sometimes writers get stuck because they simply don’t know where to start. For a child, you can try things that are geared(合适)toward their interests, like My Favorite Toy, or What I Like to Do in the Summer. Remember,  it' s important to support and guide their ideas, not to discourage thoughts or judge them.

Develop a story map

A great activity to help struggling writers is to build a story map. Write down ideas for the beginning, middle, and end of a story. Or put the topic in the middle of the paper and draw lines out like a wheel for who, what where, and why. 3. This is helpful, because it takes stress out of the writing process.

Make writing relevant

Children are more apt to write if they can identify with the purpose of writing. Writing a letter to a friend or relative can better engage a struggling writer. Or maybe your child has some suggestions for books that the library should have. 4. If writing becomes a more meaningful activity to the child, it can help to make it an easier process.

Make writing enjoyable

You could consider making different writing supplies available like colored pens and pencils, notebooks, etc. Or you could provide a word bank of common words for your kid to use and spell. 5. Afterwards, reward your child’s good performance. These all set the stage and invite kids to get excited to write.

A.Inspire ideas

B.Develop an interest.

C.Use the map to guide the writing.

D.Make the process into more of a game.

E.Maybe they lack experiences to write about

F.There are loads of fun ways to get children writing.

G.Encourage him to write a letter to the person in charge


    2019-nCoV, a cousin of the SARS virus, has infected more than 10000 people since the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December. Scientist Leo Poon, who first decoded the novel virus, thinks it likely started in an animal and spread to humans.

“What we know is that it causes pneumonia (肺炎) and then doesn’t respond to antibiotic (抗生素) treatment, which is not surprising, but then in terms of death rate, SARS kills 10% of the individuals,” Poon, a virologist at the School of Public Health at The University of Hong Kong, said.

2019-nCoV can make people sick, usually with a mild to moderate upper respiratory tract illness (上呼吸道疾病), similar to a common cold. Coronavirus symptoms include a runny nose, cough, sore throat, possibly a headache and maybe a fever, which can last for a couple of days. For those with a weakened immune system, the elderly, there’s a chance that the virus could cause a lower, and much more serious, respiratory tract illness like a pneumonia orbronchitis (支气管炎).

There are a handful of human coronaviruses that are known to be deadly.

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (中东呼吸综合症), also known as the MERS virus, was first reported in the Middle East in 2012 and also causes respiratory problems, but those symptoms are much more severe. Three to four out of every 10 patients infected with MERS died, according to the CDC.

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, also known as SARS, is the other coronavirus that can cause more severe symptoms. First identified in Guangdong Province in southern China, according to the WHO, it causes respiratory problems but can also cause diarrhea (腹泻), fatigue (疲劳), shortness of breath, respiratory distress (呼吸窘迫) and kidney failure (肾衰). Depending on the patient’s age, the death rate with SARS ranged from 0-50% of the cases, with older people being the most vulnerable (易受伤害的).

Viruses can spread from human contact with animals. Scientists think MERS started in camels, according to the WHO. With SARS, scientists suspected civet cats were to blame.

When it comes to human-to-human transmission of 2019-nCoV, often it happens when someone comes into contact with the infected person’s secretions (分泌物). Depending on how virulent (有毒的) the virus is, a cough, sneeze or handshake could cause exposure. The virus can also be transmitted by touching something an infected person has touched and then touching your mouth, nose or eyes. Caregivers (护理人员) can sometimes be exposed by handling a patient’s waste, according to the CDC.

1.Which of the following can explain the underlined word “decoded”in paragraph 1?

A.found or discovered something.

B.put something into a code.

C.changed something into ordinary language.

D.changed something into a form that can be processed.

2.Which of the following statements is true?

A.Antibiotic treatment has some effect on 2019-nCoV.

B.2019-nCoV usually causes severe illness similar to a pneumonia or bronchitis.

C.Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia, MERS and SARS are all caused by corona viruses.

D.2019-nCoV spreads just by getting close to the infected person.

3.What type of writing is the passage?

A.An instruction. B.A news report.

C.An advertisement. D.A scientific paper.


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