The Big Ben is located in the tower at the eastern end of the Houses of Parliament, Westminster, Greater London. It was designed by Edmund Beckett and Baron Grimthorpe.

The Big Ben is very famous throughout the world, but nobody really knows why it is called Big Ben. There are two hearsays about this. Some people say that it was named after Benjamin Caunt, a boxer, who was called Big Ben. More people believe it was called after Welshman, Sir Benjamin Hall. He was the commissioner(特派员)of the work at the time of its installation in 1859.A story was told that during a debate in the Commons on what to call the bell, Sir Benjamin was about to give his ideas when a MP who sat behind the front bench shouted, “Let's call it Big Ben!” Then this name came into being.

The bell hasn't gone through a smooth road since the beginning of its design. Because there was great disagreement about the design of the clock. It took fifteen years to build. In 1857, the bell was completed and tested on the ground, but a four-foot crack appeared and the bell had to be cast again. Finally, the clock started ticking on 31 May, 1859, and struck its first chime(报时)on 11, July. Then in September, the bell cracked again. It was silent for four years but was eventually turned a quarter of a revolution(旋转). In this way, the crack was not under the striking hammer. Craftsmen made a square above the crack to stop it growing longer and it can still be seen today.

The Big Ben is famous not only for its 13-ton weight, but also for its accuracy(准确性) which is a result of its precise mechanism(机械装置). Even one extra penny's weight on the balance will cause a gain of two fifths of a second in twenty-four hours. Although there have been several problems, the bell is still striking today.Its chimes can be heard all over the world on the B.B.C.

1.What can we know about the Big Ben?

A.It is located in the Houses of Parliament. B.It is the largest and tallest clock tower in the world.

C.It is well-known all over the world. D.It is the heaviest clock in the world.

2.What can we learn from the third paragraph?

A.The bell worked well at its first test.

B.The construction of the clock was long but not smooth.

C.The clock started to strike chimes on 31 May,1859.

D.The crack finally disappeared after a quarter of a revolution

3.Which of the following can best explain why Big Ben is world-famous?

A.Accurate and heavy. B.Accurate and colorful.

C.Heavy and colorful. D.Attractive and accurate.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Sir Benjamin Hall was a famous architect at that time.

B.Even the tiniest extra weight on the balance will affect the clock's accuracy.

C.The chimes of the clock could be heard all over the world.

D.The clock has been ticking ever since 31 May,1859.


    Every day, unemployed men gather in Jackson Heights, Queens. Many of them are homeless. All of them are hungry. At around 9:30 each night, Munoz's truck arrives, filled with hot food, coffee and hot chocolate. For more than four years, Munoz and his family have been feeding those in need seven nights a week, 365 days a year. Munoz was born in Colombia and his father died in an accident when he was young. When his mother found it difficult to support Munoz and his sister, she made her way to New York, finding work in Brooklyn as a nurse. As immigrants(移民), they often suffered starvation. Later Munoz found a job as a bus driver. “When I see these guys on the street, it's like seeing me 20 years ago when I came to this country,” Munoz recalls.

Munoz began his meal program-An Angel in Queens-in the summer of 2004.Within a few months, Munoz and his mother were preparing 20 home-cooked meals daily. Numbers gradually increased over the years to 35 per night, then 60.In recent months, that number has jumped to as many as 140 meals a night. Munoz gets up around 5:00 drive his bus route, and he calls home on his breaks to see how the cooking is going. When he gets home around 5:30 p.m.often stopping to pick up food donations-he helps pack up meals before heading out to “his corner” in Jackson Heights. “He comes here without fail,” says one of the men. “It could be cold, it could be really hot, but he's here.” Watch Munoz in action in Queens, New York.

“If I don't go, I'm going to feel bad,” he says. “I know they're going to be waiting for me.”

Munoz estimates(估计)that food and gas cost approximately$400 to 450 a week; he and his family are funding the operation through their savings and his weekly$700 paycheck. Asked why he spends so much time to help people he doesn't know, he answers, “I have a stable job, my mom, my family, a house...everything I want, I have. And these guys don't”. So I just think, 'OK,I have the food. At least for today they're going to have a meal to eat.’”

Munoz was named one of the CNN heroes.

1.Why did Munoz's mother leave Colombia for New York?

A.Because Munoz's father worked in New York.

B.Because they were not used to the life in Colombia.

C.Because she couldn't support the family in Colombia.

D.Because she was born in New York.

2.As immigrants, Munoz's family        

A.were often helped by the government B.often went hungry

C.were looked down upon D.went begging in the street

3.Which word can be used to describe Munoz?

A.Lucky. B.Kind. C.Adventurous. D.Devoted.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.A bus driver provided free home-cooked meals.

B.God helps those who help themselves.

C.The government helped immigrants.

D.CNN heroes were asked to help immigrants.


A Tree Grows in Brooklyn,by Betty Smith

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn wasn't a new book when my mother was young. It's the story of Francie Nolan struggling up in a tenement slum(贫民区)through the cracks in the pavement to reach the sun.It may be the best book I've ever read about poverty,parenthood, the immigrant experience,and just about everything else.My firstborn daughter is named

Francie Nolan.

To buy:$18,

The Maltese Falcon,by Dashiell Hammett

My all-time personal favorite. I love this book, all of it: the plot,the characters,the dialogue,much of which was lifted verbatim(逐字逐句地)by John Huston for his screenplay for the beloved movie of the same name.The single best monologue in fiction appears toward the end,when Sam Spade tells Brigid O'Shaughnessy why he's giving her to the police.

To buy:$14,

Gilead,by Marilynne Robinson

Oh-so hard to choose!But I'll go with Gilead.An uplifting tale of love in its many forms,told in a style in which every word is perfect.A joyous read.

To buy:$15,

Far From the Tree:Parents,Children and the Search for Identity,by Andrew Solomon

If you think 700 pages on the many ways in which unusual kids(autistic, deaf, criminal, genius)can stretch(延伸)their families' conception(理解) of love doesn't sound like summertime reading,Far From the Tree:Parents,Children and the Search for Identity will teach you otherwise.

To buy:$37.50,

1.What is special about The Maltese Falcon?

A.It can't be bought online. B.It was made into a film.

C.It's about how to be a parent. D.It tells how to treat the loved.

2.How much should you pay for one Far From the Tree and one Gilead?

A.$52.50. B.$29. C.$32. D.$55.50.

3.Which of the following tells us how to get along well with our family?


B.The Maltese Falcon.

C.A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.

D.Far From the Tree:Parents,Children and the Search for Identity.


假定你是李华,2020521日是第一个“世界茶日(International Tea Day)”。你的英国笔友Steve想了解一下茶在中国的情况。请你给他回封邮件,介绍一些常识。
















Yesterday I had my twin sisters in the pushchair and went to shop. I had two paper bags of daily product. Just as I stepped onto a busy main road, both of the bags split. As I tried to pick them from the ground, the pushchair slide downhill. At that moment, I couldn't choose but to watch it going fast. Suddenly the well-dressed man grabbed the girls and got them to safe. He then came to me to check what I needed any extra help. With his timely help, my story might not have had so a happy ending. My faith in humanity has been restoring since that moment.


    A local grocery store is remodeling. And none of the ________ is good for shoppers there. The aisles(走道)have been rearranged and pushed closer, making it ________ to get through. All the items have been moved from their ________ spots. It seems to me that it is intended to ________ the shoppers down so they will make more heady ________ and give the store bigger profits.

However, the most ________ for me was in the check-out aisles. And I felt ________ to see that only a few cashiers(收银员)were left working, with huge sections being ________ into self-scanning check-outs. People were probably going to lose their ________ because of this. I got in a cashier aisle and patiently waited while I saw some other people struggling to ________ how the self-scan machines worked. I ________ at that moment never to use one myself ________ I had to wait longer every time I shopped there.

When I ________ arrived at the front of the aisle, I saw the cashier was an acquaintance. I ________ and asked her how her family was doing. She smiled back with ________ and kindness. We chatted happily while she scanned and bagged up my ________. I felt a friendship and a connection with her that warmed my heart. ________, of course, can do a lot for us, but they can't smile. They can't love. They can't ________ a heart.

Only we can do that. It is time we should realize that profits aren't more ________ than us people, neither machines. It is time we should see that we are here not to ________ the world but to be a part of it

1.A.products B.changes C.citizens D.employees

2.A.harder B.easier C.convenient D.available

3.A.obvious B.fixed C.usual D.unknown

4.A.calm B.turn C.put D.slow B.trouble C.buys D.discounts

6.A.reliable B.reachable C.awesome D.troublesome

7.A.sad B.honored C.weak D.thrilled

8.A.talked B.transformed C.interpreted D.conveyed B.faces C.affection D.dignity

10.A.put off B.figure out C.pull through D.set aside

11.A.begged B.remembered C.pretended D.swore though that C.even if that

13.A.initially B.finally C.hurriedly D.punctually

14.A.waved B.sighed C.smiled D.jumped

15.A.warmth B.surprise C.affection D.abandon

16.A.bills B.papers C.valuables D.groceries

17.A.Machines B.Companions C.Customers D.Acquaintances

18.A.steal B.beat C.water D.touch

19.A.accurate B.important C.useful D.intelligent

20.A.look down on B.put up with C.take control of D.make fun of


    As is often the case, it is human nature to lead a sedentary(久坐的)lifestyle and most of us are so involved in our busy schedules that we don't even notice our bad habits. Many worry about the right time or "right age" to start working out. 1. Here're some practical tips to help you get fit.

Master your mind. Most people argue that they are too tired or old to start exercising. Doing so is much easier than trying to change the busy lifestyle. Change your mindset and be more confident in improving your health. 2.

Easy does it. Once you have chosen a fitness program, start slowly and increase it in stages. Begin with just a few minutes of gentle exercises and stretches. 3. About 30 minutes should be devoted to your workout. As your body starts to respond and your muscles get used to the exercises, you can gradually increase the length of your workout.

Always warm up. Always remember to warm up your muscles before exercising. Gentle warm-ups will reduce your risk of injury, aches and pains, and increase blood circulation and flexibility.

4. There's no quick access to getting fit. It's a common mistake to do too much too soon. If you don't know how to balance your needs and your expectations, you might seriously injure your muscles or just create stress.

Cool down. When you finish your routine, you need to cool your muscles and let your heart rate slow gradually. 5.

A.Don't overload your body.

B.Never ignore your potentials.

C.Tell your body to be more active and say, "I can do it."

D.However, nobody cares about what you have done for them.

E.Go next to some mild activity such as walking, jogging or cycling.

F.Cooling down will help your body to return to its pre-exercise level.

G.But it's never too late for them to start exercising and all they need is enough determination.


    It's the most popular drink worldwide. According to the British Coffee Association, approximately two billion cups of coffee are consumed every day. But after the beans have been picked, roasted and brewed, the grounds(渣子)are often treated as waste. With the environment and resource consumption such hot topics at the moment, wouldn't it be great if we could reuse this waste to make something useful?

The company OCHIS produces sunglasses. Max Havrylenko, founder of the company, was searching for an alternative material to plastic. He wanted to "solve the problem of plastic use and overconsumption so as to create a greener world," he told the Guardian. OCHIS heats the grounds with vegetable oils, forming a bond. These are pressed into plates which are durable and flexible. These are then cut into the arms and frames of the glasses. "Don't worry," he says, "They won't dissolve(溶解)in the rain."

Rosalie McMillan, a London jeweler, uses recycled coffee grounds along with gold and silver to make handcrafted jewelry. Mixed with oils, the coffee is then subjected to heat and pressure to create a compound she calls "Curface". Her website says it has a "beautiful surface quality and texture" with similar properties to hardwood.

What about a coffee cup made from them? Kaffeeform is a German-based company that transforms used grounds and renewable plant-based raw materials into a durable composite. This is shaped into a variety of containers and polished and finished, ready to be sold. So, you can drink your coffee from a cup made of coffee.

And it doesn't stop there. Even without a factory, you can make use of coffee grounds. They make excel-lent fertilizer(肥料). You can highlight something against them, or mix them with water to make a brown-toned paint. And the list goes on. So next time you finish your morning cup, lake a while to think again.

1.The first paragraph is mainly written to introduce       . people treat coffee grounds B.annual consumption of coffee

C.growing popularity of coffee D.the big problem of wasting food

2.What can be inferred from the second paragraph?

A.OCHIS doesn't make sunglasses at all at present.

B.Plastic might be less eco-friendly to environment.

C.Coffee has become the raw materials of sunglasses.

D.Coffee-based plates are more durable and flexible.

3.The underlined word "subjected" in Paragraph 3 can be best replaced by       .

A.accustomed C.relevant D.sensitive

4.What does the author advise people to do in the last paragraph?

A.Think about how to recycle the coffee grounds. B.Take full advantage of their time.

C.Add more information to the list. D.Keep away from the coffee cups.


    We all love to take photographs. It's a simple way to snap a special moment, an amazing view, or just to show off your artistic skills. And it's great to look back through your photo albums and share memories with your friends. In fact, they show a snapshot(快照)in time. This hasn't really changed since the invention of photography in the 1830s. But one thing that has changed is the equipment we use.

For many years, we have used traditional cameras to take our pictures with. Our images were taken onto camera film which was then processed into negatives from which photos were printed— a lengthy process. And we've had a range of cameras to choose from— from the simple compact camera to more advanced single lens reflex, or SLR cameras.

But the biggest change has come with the development of digital devices. This has made taking photo quicker and easier. It's enabled us to take a snap and review our pictures instantly. We've been able to deal with them in post-production, using software on our computer. And of course, we've been able to share them like never before— particularly on social media.

Of course, now we have the smartphone— a phone that is, well, smart because it can take photos and sometimes very good quality ones, and we can share them easily. So does that mean the traditional camera will eventually become outdated? Figures from Japan show how the market is shrinking: shipments of compact digital cameras from companies like Olympus, Canon and Nikon were down 39 percent year on year.

But Phil Hall, editor of Tech Radar magazine, told the BBC that while people are swapping their compact cameras for smartphones, "manufacturers are looking at the more higher-end cameras, high-end compacts, DSLRs, which are the ones you can attach lenses to, mirrorless cameras. In this sense, there's nothing to worry about."

1.What does the underlined word "they" in Paragraph I refer to?

A.Private memories. B.Photo albums

C.Artistic skills. D.Photographs

2.What is the biggest challenge for traditional cameras?

A.Instant access to taking photographs. B.Sharing moments on social media.

C.The development of digital technology. D.Post-production of software on computer.

3.What is Phil Hall's attitude towards the future of traditional cameras?

A.Optimistic. B.Negative. C.Worried. D.Uncertain.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.What a dilemma for cameras! B.What can smartphones do for us?

C.Are smartphones killing cameras? D.Camera producers survive the hard times


    Airports are mini cities, often with their own firefighters, doctors and even priests. But goat herders(牧工)? Passengers flying out of San Francisco International Airport recently might have caught a glimpse of something strange: nearly 600 goats chewing away at overgrown weed. Each spring the airport needs to remove the brush in a remote comer to protect nearby homes from possible fires.

For the past seven years, the airport has turned to Goats R Us, a goat-powered brush removal company, which charged US $34,900 for the service this year. A large amount, isn't it? Why not employ machines on humans? Two endangered species, the San Francisco garter snake(束带蛇)and the California red-legged frog, live there. Thus, this humane approach has been adopted to secure their peaceful life.

What do the herders and their dogs do? There's always a goat or two that would like to take a different path. "Just as a kindergarten teacher knows which kids need a little extra attention, so we will make sure the dogs can target the 'naughty goats' to keep them secure," says Terri Oyarzun, co-owner of Goats R Us. When asked how to lead goats to the next plot of plants. Terri says, "It's effortless. You know, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence? Goats were the inspiration for that philosophy."

The goats travel 30 miles each spring from their home in Orinda, California to the airport in a 16-wheel truck. They spend two weeks cutting away a 20-foot firebreak on the west side of the airport. When Oyarzun's mats aren't clearing brush at the airport, they are busy doing similar work on the side of California's free-ways, at state parks, and anywhere else with overgrown vegetation. The family has about 8,000 total active goats, nearly twice that of three years ago.

1.What can we know from Paragraph 1?

A.There is too much grass to feed goats B.Goats have successfully built firewalls.

C.Overgrown grass covers much room for planes. D.Grass is cleared annually to prevent potential fire.

2.Goats are hired to clear the grass for the purpose of       .

A.cutting down the expenses B.reducing the risk of deaths

C.guarding against possible fires D.protecting certain endangered species

3.Terri's words in Paragraph 3 can be best described as       .

A.critical B.humorous C.ridiculous D.objective

4.What can be inferred from the text?

A.The goats walk 30 miles to the airport every year.

B.More passengers have been attracted to the airport.

C.Oyarzun's business is now booming and promising.

D.Goats are not accustomed to life at the airport yet.


    What comes to mind when you think of a museum? Perhaps you picture an impressive building in a rather traditional design made of high-quality stone? Some might consider these customary institutions the best way to safeguard the future of typical educational topics. But according to the Museums Association, a museum is traditionally defined as a place enabling "… people to have more knowledge via various collections for inspiration, learning and enjoyment."

There are about 2500 museums in the UK; a few are bound to be considered a little unconventional, unusual or even unknown. However atypical your interest is, there's a museum for you!

What about Neil Cole's Adventures? This museum was opened by founder Neil Cole. Visitors to this Allendale attraction in Northumberland can see items ranging from stage properties used in the BBC series Dr Who to part of Thor's costume from the Avengers movie. "Science fiction has now become more mainstream so I thought people might want to see this," says Mr Cole.

If clocks are more to your taste, why not visit the Cuckooland Museum? Set up by brothers Roman and Maz Piekarski, this Cheshire collection of over 600 cuckoo clocks is considered to be the largest of its kind in the world— and all from the Black Forest region in Germany.

Then, you could visit the Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities in London. This offbeat, alternative institution is against the trend of educating visitors through written descriptions alongside its collections. Instead, it displays all of its rare treasures, which include dodo bones, shrunken heads and a collection of McDonald's Happy Meal toys, with no caption at all.

There are many more wonderful institutions out there that march to the beat of their own drum. All you have to do is go and find them!

1.What do the traditional museums serve to do?

A.To educate kids more about the world. B.To help people explore more

C.To show visitors a specialized field. D.To help understand the real life.

2.What does Neil Cole's Adventures focus on?

A.Allendale scenery. B.Stage properties.

C.Science fiction. D.The Avengers movies.

3.Which of the following museums has no written explanation for visitors?

A.The Museum Association. B.Neil Cole's Adventures.

C.The Cuckooland Museum. D.The Viktor Wynd Museum.


阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为150左右。

As a father, I was always seeking for opportunities to teach my son how to balance risk with freedom.

Last month, I bought four little chicks. I decided to make a beautiful coop (鸡笼) for them.

In the next few weeks, I, together with my son Gordon, spent all our spare time in the garage. Finally, the coop was finished.

While admiring his well-made handwork, Gordon suddenly raised his head and asked,

“Dad, shall we lock the chicks in the coop all the time? I am afraid they will be attacked by some fierce animals or become someone’s chicken soup?” Seeing his anxious look, I cracked a smile and asked, “Do you want to be trapped in a limited room or have the freedom to get around?” Hesitant for a while, he murmured, “Freedom, of course.” “Chicks will also think so.” Therefore, our chicks were often seen chasing around in the lawns (草坪), digging for bugs in the bushes and laying eggs in the yard.

Yesterday, we needed to go downtown to shop for food supply after lunch. Knowing that the chicks wouldn’t go very far, we left home with them running around the lawn. When we got back, the first thing Gordon did was to check on his chicks. There were only three chicks in the yard. Their feathers were no longer fair and smooth but dirty and tangled (乱糟糟的). Hearing our steps, they jumped to their feet and scattered in all directions, seeming to have just experienced a terrifying disaster. Worse still, Pecky, Gordon’s favourite chick was nowhere to be found.

We searched the yard inch by inch and found some feathers littering the yard. Seeing this, Gordon’s eyes got watery. I picked Gordon up and comforted him. As we began to accept the fact that we were now a three-chick family, we heard it---a soft clucking (咯咯声) sound under a bush.

Para 1: I put Gordon down and we looked under the bush.


Para 2: The next day Gordon offered to have a talk with me.




1. 主题:爱与和平;

2. 要求:上传视频到百度云(Baidu Cloud)

3. 截止时间:720日下午4点。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


The notice is to inform that the English Club is organizing its 2020 Best School Voice online competition.


July 14th, 2020 the English Club


    My mother believed in magic. She believed things happened for a/an _______ . She was vocal about “happy accidents”.

“See this little box? It’s magic: inside _______ a bird that can sing.”

I carefully wound the tiny music box, and my sons were _______ attracted by the beautiful music, coming up and wondering what it was. Besides singing, the bird _______ flapped (拍打) its wings, and opened and closed its small beak (鸟喙).

“Please don’t touch it,” I _______. However, weeks later I noticed the bird no longer moved back fully. I was so angry that I _______ my sons.

“I pushed the lid down,” volunteered the 7-year-old cautiously. Obviously, he realized what a big mistake he had made. I was going to _______ him. However, another voice told me that I might find a skilled person to _______ the bird back to life first.

Unfortunately, I soon discovered that few people could _______ broken music boxes. It took me lots of ________ to find one. After lots of time and cost, I was delighted to witness the fragile bird sing once more. What I did not ________ was that the tiny bird would also spin (旋转).

“It spins!” I said, totally ________.

“It’s supposed to do that,” the man said with a heavy German accent. “I guess it is ________ that your son broke it, because now the bird does what it was ________ to do.”

A happy accident, ________.

1.A.excuse B.result C.reason D.goal

2.A.flies B.lives C.lays D.sees

3.A.instantly B.eventually C.gradually D.accidentally

4.A.merely B.still C.suddenly D.also

5.A.requested B.declared C.warned D.repeated

6.A.gathered B.seized C.dragged D.led

7.A.comfort B.believe C.ignore D.punish

8.A.carry B.take C.bring D.get B.make C.own

10.A.fortune B.efforts C.chances D.risks

11.A.observe B.expect C.realize D.feel

12.A.sad B.moved C.satisfied D.amazed

13.A.wrong B.reasonable C.good D.obvious

14.A.trained B.asked C.allowed D.designed

15.A.indeed B.though C.either D.instead


    In 1972, UNESCO started a programme to protect the world’s cultural and natural heritage. Since then, more than 800 cultural sites that are thought to be of special importance to human history and culture have been added to the World Cultural Heritage Site List. 1..

The Taj Mahal, which was built between 1631 and 1648, is a masterpiece of architecture.

It took more than 20,000 workers and 1,000 elephants to complete the project, and the stones came from as far away as China.

2.. In the early 17th century, India was ruled by an emperor named Shah Jahan. The emperor loved his wife, Mumtaz, so much that he built the Taj Mahal in her memory. Shah Jahan was later buried next to Mumtaz, and the couple now rest together forever.

If the Taj Mahal is a celebration of the heart, then the Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties are a monument to the mind and spirit. 3..

What makes the Qing and Ming Tombs so unique among amazing global buildings?

4.. Built by several emperors, the Imperial Tombs represent Chinese architectural styles and historical values that have been handed down from generation to generation for thousands of years.

5.. The UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites programme attempts to protect and preserve the best of human history. Masterpieces such as the Taj Mahal and the Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties remind us of what we can achieve at our finest, and inspire us to live up to our great past in the future.

A.Building the Taj Mahal was a labour of love.

B.There are many beautiful legends concerning it.

C.Two of the best-known examples are listed below.

D.The Imperial Tombs have been well-preserved ever since.

E.It’s the fact that they bring together architecture and philosophy.

F.Human life lasts only a short time but art and culture last forever.

G.Visitors can feel both the weight of history and a wonderful sense of peace.


    14 days. That’s the time Chinese scientists took to identify the full genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus (新冠病毒) since its outbreak. It was shared with the WHO immediately, and has now become an important foundation for global researchers in the fight against the COVID-19. But first, let us turn the clock back 17 years, when it took months to identify the SARS virus. From months to 14 days, what changed? It turns out AI played an important part.

The scientists first obtained bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid (支气管扩张灌洗液) samples from patients, isolated (分离) the DNA and RNA, then sequenced the genetic material by comparing them. AI’s advantage is its ability to recognize patterns among a flood of data.

Let me put it in a simple way. Sequencing the coronavirus genome (基因组) is similar to looking for a needle in a haystack (干草堆)---looking for genotypes (基因型) with specific characteristics from a huge gene pool. That’s where search algorithm (算法), a branch of modern AI, comes in. Think of it as an efficient search engine, which can find the needle in the haystack. This search algorithm can shorten months-long genetic sequencing to weeks or even just a few days. Combined with macro-genomic sequencing and a virus library, this AI technology can also be used in tracking virus mutation (突变).

AI doesn’t just support scientists. It can also help patients by improving the efficiency of diagnosis (诊断). China launched a Genomics Service, which can run multiple virus gene comparisons and produce a detailed report within 60 seconds. This algorithm has been put into use in China and shared to the world for free.

1.AI’s advantage is that it can ________.

A.slow down the spread of coronavirus B.separate DNA from RNA

C.identify specific genotypes rapidly D.obtain samples from patients quickly

2.The search algorithm helps shorten the time of genetic sequencing by __________.

A.finding a needle in a haystack B.serving as a search engine

C.combining with a virus library D.tracing virus mutation

3.What do we know about the Genomics Service in the last paragraph?

A.It has been widely used in the world. B.It is mainly based on blood test.

C.It is for fast diagnosis of COVID-19. D.It is used to track COVID-19 patients.

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.14 Days---China Made it! B.AI Assists in COVID-19 Fight

C.Search Algorithm, Best Choice D.China’s Genomics Service


    As a child, I never imagined that one day a man would walk on the moon. Yet this year we marked the 50th anniversary of the famous Apollo 11 mission. As those historic pictures were beamed (传递) back to Earth, millions of us sat transfixed (使呆住) to our television screens, as we watched Neil Armstrong taking a small step for man and a giant leap for mankind---and, indeed, for womankind. It’s a reminder for us all that giant leaps often start with small steps.

This year we marked another important anniversary: D-Day. On 6th June 1944, some 156,000 British, Canadian and American forces landed in northern France. It was the largest ever seabourne invasion and was delayed due to bad weather. I well remember the look of concern on my father’s face. He knew the secret D-Day plans but could of course share that burden with no one.

For the 75th anniversary of that decisive battle, in a true spirit of reconciliation (和解), those who had formally been sworn enemies came together in friendly commemorations (纪念) either side of the Channel, putting past differences behind them. Such reconciliation seldom happens overnight. It takes patience and time to rebuild trust, and progress often comes through small steps.

Since the end of the Second World War, many charities, groups and organisations have worked to promote peace and unity around the world, bringing together those who have been on opposing sides. By being willing to put past differences behind us and move forward together, we honour the freedom and democracy (民主) once won for us at so great a cost.

The path, of course, is not always smooth, and may at times this year have felt quite bumpy, but small steps can make a world of difference. And, as we all look forward to the start of a new decade, it’s worth remembering that it is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change.

And so, I wish you all a very happy Christmas.

1.Who does the “I” in the passage probably refer to?

A.Neil Armstrong. B.Winston Churchill.

C.Queen Elizabeth . D.Donald Trump.

2.What does the underlined word “bumpy” mean in the fifth paragraph?

A.Smooth. B.Rough. C.Flat. D.Straight.

3.The passage might be a speech on _______.

A.Christmas Day B.New Year’s Eve

C.the anniversary of D-Day landing D.Victory in Europe Day

4.What is the purpose of the passage?

A.To honour the achievements of moon-landing.

B.To remember the victory of D-Day landing.

C.To promote reconciliation across the Channel.

D.To urge efforts for a world of peace and unity.


    He ran between two defenders, past a third, and a couple of seconds later his team had two more points. At the end of his final game, on April 11, he had scored 30 points.

This was the end of a career for Dwyane Wade, nicknamed “Flash”. It was the 37-year-old’s last game for the Miami Heat and his last appearance on an NBA basketball court. Over his storied career, Wade played in 1,054 regular-season games and 177 post-season games, scored more than 23,000 points, appeared in three NBA championships and earned one Finals Most Valuable Player (MVP) award.

Coming from Chicago, Wade’s attitude and style of play moved many people, including former US President Barack Obama. “Whenever you got knocked down, you always showed us how to get back up,” Obama said in a tribute video. “You showed some Chicago spirit... and you did us proud.”

Wade broke down the door to the NBA in 2003 with his outstanding ball-handling skills and jumping ability. He had a strong principle, taking practice as seriously as he took games. He trained in the gym by himself during the off-season and exercised hard to stay in shape.

Wade has also spoken out on social issues. In 2012, 17-year-old Heat fan Trayvon Martin, an African-American, was shot in a racist attack on his way home from watching the NBA All-Star Game. Wade, together with LeBron James, led the Miami Heat squad, pulling up their hoodies (连帽衫) in support of justice for Martin, who had his hoodie up when he was killed. Wade hoped this action would bring attention to racist violence.

In 2003, he founded the Wade’s World Foundation, which provides support to various education, health, and family service programs. “Obviously, I’m one person. I can’t change the world, but I can help affect change in communities,” Wade told ESPN. “That’s what I want to continue to do.”

This is not the end of Wade’s story. He wants to continue fighting for economic and social equality in the US.

1.How many games did Wade play in his professional career?

A.1,054. B.177. C.23,000. D.1,231.

2.Wade was thought highly of by Obama because of _____________.

A.his strong willpower B.his flexible playing style

C.his extraordinary skills D.his honourable ambition

3.Why did Wade and his teammates pull up their hoodies?

A.To follow Martin’s heroic behaviour. B.To speak out for Martin.

C.To try on the latest fashion. D.To show racial equality.

4.This passage is mainly about Wade’s _________.

A.outstanding professional career B.legendary life experiences

C.achievements in social equality D.influence in sports and society


    The Four Famous Embroideries (刺绣) of China refer to the Xiang embroidery in Hunan Province, Shu embroidery in Sichuan Province, Yue embroidery in Guangdong Province and Su embroidery in Jiangsu Province.

Xiang embroidery

The earliest piece of Xiang embroidery was unearthed at the No. 1 Tomb of Mawangdui, Changsha City of the Han Dynasty (206 B.C. —A.D. 220). The weaving technique was almost the same as the one used in modern times, which shows that embroidery had already existed in the Han Dynasty. In its later development, it absorbs the characteristics of traditional Chinese paintings and reaches a high artistic level. Xiang embroidery crafts include valuable works of art, as well as products for daily use.

Shu embroidery

Shu embroidery has formed its own unique characteristics: smooth, bright, neat, etc. The works choose flowers, animals, mountains, rivers and human figures as their themes. The craftsmanship of Shu embroidery involves a combination of fine art and practical uses, such as the facings of quilts, pillowcases, coats and screen covers.

Yue embroidery

Influenced by national folk art, Yue embroidered pictures are mainly of dragons and phoenixes (凤凰), and flowers and birds, with neat designs and strong, contrasting colors.

Gold-and-silk thread embroidery is widely used, even for crafts of daily use.

Su embroidery

The weaving techniques of Su embroidery are characterized by the flat surface, dense lines, even pictures and harmonious colors. Su embroidery products fall into 3 major categories: costumes, decorations for halls and crafts for daily use. Double-sided embroidery is an excellent representative of Su embroidery.

1.The unearthed embroidery at Mawangdui shows Xiang embroidery’s _______.

A.time-honoured history B.excellent designs

C.artistic value D.advanced techniques

2.If you receive a double-sided embroidery as a gift, it must be ________.

A.Xiang embroidery B.Shu embroidery

C.Yue embroidery D.Su embroidery

3.What do we know about the four famous embroideries?

A.All are rooted in folk art. B.All are valuable artworks.

C.All share the same themes. D.All have practical use.


阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为150左右。

It was a bright summer’s day. The weather was pleasant, but the wind from the Sahara desert made it extremely hot and wet. A ship stopped off the coast of Africa. The seagulls were circling overhead and crying loudly. In the distance, several dolphins were jumping out of the water at times to create a big white wave.

Just before sunset, the captain came on deck and called out, “Time for a swim.”

Immediately sailors jumped into the water, lowered a canvas mat (帆布垫子) and made it into a swimming pool. They had been waiting for this moment the whole day.

There were two young boys on the ship. They both jumped in, but swam out into the open sea since it was too crowded inside the “pool”. They played and chased (追逐) each other in the open sea. Their fathers cheered them on, often urging one of the boys to prove his bravery over the other.

Suddenly, something gray from a distance was coming closer and closer. Somebody from the deck called out, “Shark! Shark!” The fin was moving faster. Confusion and panic arose, and everyone climbed to safety. Everyone, except the two boys. They had not heard the shouts.

The shark was moving towards the boys.

The captain shouted, “Come back my boys! There is a shark out there!” One of the boys was his son. For the first time in his life, he didn’t know what to do. He could not think clearly. The captain’s face became as white as a sheet. He could feel his legs were shaking so badly that he nearly fell to the ground.

The people on the deck screamed wildly. But the boys could not hear them. They continued to play and to swim, unaware of the danger approaching them fast. Some sailors lowered a boat, jumped into it and attempted to row towards the boys.

Para 1: Just then, one of the boys looked back and saw the large animal he knew too well.

Para 2: Their screams brought the captain back to his senses.


假定你是振华中学学生会主席李华。你校下周将举办“创新周”活动 Week of Innovation)。你给Professor Smith写一封电子邮件,邀请他在线做一个相关内容的讲座。 内容包括:








Dear Professor Smith,

I’m writing on behalf of the Students’ Union of Zhenhua High School.


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


    A 10-year-old American girl, Selah Schneiter spent five days climbing El Capitan with the help of her father and a family friend and reached the top of the sheer rock on June 12, 2019. It _______ takes skilled climbers four or five days to complete. She may have been _________ the youngest person to climb one of the most _______ peaks in the world.

Reaching the top “was really _______,” Selah said. “I was also kind of sad because it was over,” she _______.

Selah has been climbing since she could_______and had been asking her parents for years to climb El Capitan. And she spent nine months preparing_______ and mentally.

“Our big motto was ‘How do you eat an elephant?’ ‘Small _______,’” said Selah. And the only thing she feared was the possibility of a big _______ because it would mean “having to go down”.

Her mother stayed home and received daily________ about progress in EI Capitan. She knew her husband would turn back if there were any safety________. “I was worried she would ________ serious injury,” she said. “But by day four I knew they would ________. I’m just really________ of her. Her ________ astonished me.”

1.A.merely B.typically C.entirely D.originally

2.A.elected B.chosen C.confirmed D.ensured

3.A.challenging B.appealing C.endangered D.horrible

4.A.embarrassing B.thrilling C.amusing D.annoying

5.A.repeated B.explained C.added D.reported

6.A.speak B.write C.remember D.count

7.A.busily B.carefully C.hurriedly D.physically

8.A.steps B.mouths C.spoons D.bites

9.A.wildfire B.storm C.drought D.flood

10.A.newspapers B.donations C.updates D.treatment

11.A.concerns B.checks C.records

12.A.treat C.avoid D.risk

13.A.pass C.finish D.end

14.A.ashamed B.afraid C.fond D.proud

15.A.intelligence B.ambition C.perseverance D.contribution


How to Make a Difference to the World

Many people believe that they don’t have what it takes to make a difference to the world. They believe only people like Mother Teresa, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein and Bill Gates are able to do so.1.The following is a guide as to how small people like us can make a difference to the world.

1It need not be an enormous task.

2.In this case, you already have what it takes to make the world a better place.

Making a difference to the world may seem like an enormous task, but it is in fact the collective effort of everyone to make small contributions. The size of the contribution is not what matters most. The key here is to have the heart to do it.

2.Start now.

There is no one best time to start to make a difference to the world. You don’t need to wait till you have the time to share some love; you don’t have to wait till you earn more money to share a piece of bread. Little efforts count. 3.

3 4.

As the saying goes, “Give a man a fish; you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” The good that we seek to do will make more of a difference when there is a long-lasting effect rather than a temporary effect. 5. And when more people receive education, they will in turn provide more value to the world.

A.For example, building a school will benefit many people for years to come.

B.Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something.

C.Seek to make a long-lasting effect.

D.You can start making small contributions today.

E.If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.

F.The truth is, every one of us can make it in our own unique way.

G.Stop complaining and do something.


    Is there a “success personality”—some winning combination of qualities that leads almost essentially to achievement? If so, exactly what is that secret success formula (公式), and can anyone develop it?

At the Gallop Organization we recently focused in depth on success, digging into the attitudes of 1500 brilliant people selected at random (随机) from Who’s Who in America. Our research finds out a number of qualities that occur regularly among top achievers. Here is one of the most important, that is, common sense.

Common sense is the most popular quality shared by the top achievers. Seventy-nine percent award themselves a top score in this quality. And 61 percent say that common sense was very important in contributing to their success.

To most, common sense means the ability to present sound, practical judgments on everyday affairs. To do this, one has to sweep aside extra ideas and get right to the heart of what matters. A Texas oil and gas businessman puts it this way: “The key ability for success is simplifying. In conduction of meeting and dealing with industry, reducing a complex problem to the simplest term is highly important.”

Is common sense a quality a person is born with, or can you do something to increase it? The oil man’s answer is that common sense can definitely be developed. He attributes (归咎) his to learning how to debate in school. Another way to increase your store of common sense is to observe it in others, learning from their and your own mistakes.

Besides common sense, there are many other factors that influence success: knowing your field, self-reliance, intelligence, the ability to get things done, leadership, creativity, relationships with others, and of course, luck. But common sense stands out. If you develop these qualities, you’ll succeed. And you might even find yourself listed in Who’s Who someday.

1.Roughly how many people in the survey listed common sense as the most important quality?

A.80. B.60. C.1200. D.900.

2.In paragraph 4, the example of the oil and gas businessman is used to prove_______.

A.common sense can be judged B.common sense means simplifying

C.common sense can be developed D.common sense is quite complex

3.What do we know about common sense?

A.It’s rooted in common people. B.It is a side effect of mistakes.

C.It is taught by our parents. D.It can be trained by ourselves.

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A.Common Sense B.The Success Personality

C.Personal Qualities D.A Popular Formula


    The fast spread of the virus has led most Chinese citizens to wear face masks in public to help reduce infections. The Beijing-based Hanwang Technology Ltd. says it has created a new facial recognition system that is the first to effectively identify people even if they are wearing masks.

China is recognized as a world leader in the development of artificial intelligence and facial recognition system. The new system is based on the existing technologies developed over the past 10 years.

“When wearing a mask, the recognition rate can reach about 95 percent, which can ensure that most people can be identified,” Hanwang’s vice president, Huang Lei, said. He added that the system’s success rate for people not wearing a mask is about 99.5 percent. However, the new system struggles to identify people wearing both a mask and sunglasses. “In this situation, all of the key facial information is lost. In such cases recognition is tough,” Huang said.

Hanwang is now selling two main kinds of products that use the technology. One performs “single channel” recognition and the other is a “multi-channel” recognition, which can identify individuals in a crowd of up to 30 people “within a second”.

Huang said officials can use Hanwang’s technology to compare images with ministry (部门) records on individuals in order to identify and track people as they move about. The system can identify crime suspects (嫌疑人), terrorists or make reports or warnings, he added.

While some citizens have expressed opposition to such tools, more people seem to have accepted the methods as a way to deal with the current health emergency.

So far, Huang says most interest in the new system has come from within China. But he sees the interest likely expanding if the virus continues to spread and the use of face masks increases.

1.What do we know about the new facial recognition system?

A.It has no relation to the existing tech. B.It is being used both at home and abroad.

C.It can record people’s temperature. D.It can be used for many purposes.

2.According to the passage, the new system will probably be most helpful for _______. companies B.colleges and universities

C.the Ministry of Public Safety D.the Ministry of Manpower

3.What’s most people’s attitude towards the use of the new system?

A.Supportive. B.Disapproving. C.Uncaring. D.Doubtful.

4.What’s the purpose of the passage?

A.To show China’s technological advances. B.To introduce a newly developed system.

C.To demonstrate the innovation of China. D.To advertise a new tech-based product.


    Readers who long imagined themselves in Harry Potter’s world have a chance to absorb themselves in another fictional universe created by J.K. Rowling. The author said that she would release (发布) The Ickabog, a new story for young readers, for free online.

The first chapter of the fairy tale about a monster known as the Ickabog was published on May 26, and further chapters will be released every week until July 10. It is targeted to readers aged 7 to 9 and will be published as a book in November. The story concerns rumors (谣言) of a fierce child-eating monster with extraordinary powers which lives in the northern tip of an imaginary land known as Cornucopia.

Rowling said she had started working on the book more than a decade ago, while she was still writing Harry Potter, and originally intended to publish it after Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the last of her seven-book Potter series. But she ended up keeping The Ickabog, which isn’t related to Harry Potter or any of Rowling’s other work, in her family, reading it to her young children and then putting it away until recently. “I’ve decided to publish The Ickabog for free online, so children on lockdown, or even those back at school during these strange, unsettling times, can read it or have it read to them,” Rowling said. Rowling said she would donate her royalties (版税) for the book to causes related to the coronavirus (冠状病毒) diseases.

Readers will have a chance to participate in the process. Rowling’s publishers around the world will hold an illustration (插图) competition, encouraging children to submit (提交) drawings to accompany the story. The best submissions will end up in the book’s final edition when it is published in the fall.

Rowling’s children, now teenagers, are “touchingly ecstatic” about the publication of their childhood bedtime story, Rowling wrote on her site. She started reading chapters to them again recently, which she said was “one of the most extraordinary experiences of my writing life. ”

1.It will take at least ______ for readers to finish reading The Ickabog online.

A.a week month and a half C.three months D.six months

2.What do you know about the The Ickabog?

A.It is the name of an imaginary island. B.It sees teenagers as targeted readers.

C.It is a continuation of the Potter series. D.It was completed a long time ago.

3.Why does J. K. Rowling release the book free online?

A.To collect money for coronavirus research.

B.To involve readers in the illustration competition.

C.To entertain children over the COVID-19 period.

D.To appeal to Harry Potter lovers.

4.What does the underlined word “ecstatic” probably mean?

A.Disappointed. B.Worried. C.Nervous. D.Excited.


    Our much-loved museums and art galleries are closing their doors due to the current outbreak of COVID-19. But don’t worry. With the help of the Internet, we can take virtual tours of them around the world. There are some fascinating exhibitions at our fingertips, which you can explore from home free of charge!

Musée d’Orsay, Paris

Fancy a trip to Paris? Oui oui! This grand museum holds the largest collection of impressionist and post-impressionist works in the world, and you can click your way through the very best among them thanks to interactive galleries featuring Van Gogh, Cézanne, Degas and more.

Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Over in the Netherlands, the Rijksmuseum is a treasure house of classical Dutch art, Asian artwork and 17th-century silver and porcelain. The Street View-style tour is fine, but better to stick to the brilliant online exhibitions, like the interactive guide to the master of throwing shade, Rembrandt. You can even get up close and personal with ‘The Night Watch’.

Picasso Museum, Barcelona

As well as a vast online display of Picasso’s best bits, this museum offers a 360-degree tour of some of the best-preserved Medieval architecture in Barcelona. When you’re done getting around the building, you can check out their Twitter hashtag (推特标签)#MuseuPicassoVirtual to keep up with daily news of art.

Hong Kong Heritage Museum

The Heritage Museum has everything from Chinese fine art dating back to the Qing dynasty to cutting-edge Hong Kong contemporary art. The online collection, hosted on Google Arts & Culture, is particularly strong on design, photography, porcelain and sculpture from the past century.

1.In the Rijksmuseum, you will have a better understanding of _________.

A.Van Gogh B.Rembrandt

C.Picasso D.impressionists

2.Which museum can keep you updated with news of art through social media every day?

A.Musée d’Orsay. B.Rijksmuseum.

C.Picasso Museum. D.Hong Kong Heritage Museum.

3.What is special about Hong Kong Heritage Museum?

A.It stresses contemporary art. B.It has porcelain exhibits.

C.It offers visual tours online. D.It features Chinese art.



1. 时间;

2. 活动安排;

3. 欢迎他表演节目。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。









It was Monday morning, and the writing class had just begin. Everyone was silent, wait to see who would be called upon to read his and her paragraph aloud. Some of us were confident and eager take part in the class activity, others were nervous and anxious. I had done myself homework but I was shy. I was afraid that to speak in front of a larger group of people. At that moment, I remembered that my father once said, "The classroom is a place for learning and that include learning from textbooks, and mistake as well." Immediate, I raised my hand.


    Two weeks earlier, my son, Ben, had got in touch, he’d moved to England with his mum when he was three and it had been 13 years since I’d _________ seen him. So imagine my _________ when he emailed me saying he wanted to come to visit me.

I was _________! I arrived early at Byron Bay where we were supposed to _________. The bay was _________ in sunshine, and there was a group of kayakers around 150m off the shore. Getting a little _________. I realized one kayak(皮划艇)was in _________. “Something’s not _________!” I took off my T-shirt and _________ into the water. I saw there were two instructors on board and a man lying across the middle. He was __________ violently. Linking arms with one of the instructors. I helped __________ the young man out of the water. He was unconscious and as I looked at his face, something __________ to me. Those brown eyes were very __________. “What’s his name?” I asked the instructor. “Ben,” he replied, and immediately I __________. That stranger was my son!

The instructors called for an ambulance. __________, after a brief stay in hospital, Ben was well enough to be allowed to __________ and later the family met up for dinner. We chatted about everything and then Ben __________ to me. “I just want to say thank you,” he said, “You __________ my life!”

I still can’t believe what a __________ it was. I’m just so glad I was there __________ to help my son.

1.A.also B.often C.even D.last

2.A.delight B.relief C.anger D.worry

3.A.scared B.shocked C.thrilled D.ashamed B.stay D.settle

5.A.bathed B.clean C.deep D.formed

6.A.faster B.closer C.heavier D.wiser

7.A.trouble B.advance C.question D.battle

8.A.real B.right C.fair

9.A.stared B.sank C.dived D.fell

10.A.arguing B.fighting C.Shouting D.shaking

11.A.lead B.persuade C.carry D.keep

12.A.happened B.occurred C.applied D.appealed B.pleasant C.attractive D.familiar

14.A.agreed B.hesitated C.doubted D.knew

15.A.Fortunately B.Frankly C.Sadly D.Suddenly

16.A.return B.relax C.speak D.leave

17.A.joked B.turned C.listened D.pointed

18.A.created B.honored C.saved D.guided

19.A.coincidence B.change C.pity D.pain

20.A.on board time C.for sure D.on purpose


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