In the mid-1990s, Dr. Marshall Duke, a psychologist at Emory University, was asked to help explore ceremonies in American families. “There was a lot of research at the time into the falling apart of the family,” he said. “But we were more interested in what families could do to oppose those forces.” And they found that the single most important thing you can do for your family may be the simplest of all: develop a strong family narrative(口述故事).

Around that time, Dr. Duke’s wife, Sara, a psychologist who works with children with learning disabilities, noticed something about her students. “The ones who know a lot about their families tend to do better when they face challenges,” she said.

Her husband was interested, and along with a colleague, Robyn Fivush, set out to learn if Sara’s assumption was valid. They developed a measure called the “Do You Know?” scale(量表)that asked children to answer 20 questions. Examples included: Do you know where you grandparents grew up? Do you know where your mom and dad went to high school? Do you know an illness or something really terrible that happened in your family?

Dr. Duke and Dr. Fivush asked those questions of four dozen families in the summer of 2001, and  taped several of their dinner table conversations. They then compared children’s results to a series of psychological tests the children had taken, and reached a surprising conclusion. The more children knew about their family’s history, the stronger their sense of control over their lives and the higher their self-respect. Why does knowing where your grandmother went to school help a child become tougher and happier? “The answers have to do with a child’s sense of being part of a larger family,” Dr. Duke said.

So if you want a happier family, retell the story of your family, especially about the positive moments and how you braved the difficult ones. That act alone may increase the probability that your family will thrive ( )for many generations to come. This is particularly important for children, whose identity tends to get locked in during adolescence.

1.What research topic attracted Dr. Duke most in the mid-1990s?

A.Why families fell apart? B.How to keep families united?

C.Why family ceremonies existed? D.How to preserve family tradition?

2.Why did Duke and Fivush develop the “Do You Know?” scale?

A.To explore learning disabilities B.To study family challenges

C.To test Sara’s assumption D.To research family illness

3.What may be linked with kids’ mental health according to Duke?

A.The frequency of dinner table conversations. B.The knowledge about their family history.

C.The sense of control over their schoolwork. D.The belief in their family’s success.

4.What does the underlined word “This” in the last paragraph refer to?

A.Telling family stories B.Having a thriving stories

C.Living in a happy family D.Braving the difficult moments

5.What is the purpose of this text?

A.To solve a problem B.To give expert advice

C.To tell an interesting story D.To present a research result.


    Some humans consider mulberry trees( )little more than oversize weeds. the giraffe Stella loves them. Her long, gray tongue snakes around the leaves and gets them from their branches beautifully.

Stella’s mother, Abby, comes over for her share. The Philadelphia Zoo’s two female giraffes consume about a pound of leaves in mere minutes. Fortunately, the zoo has plenty, thanks in part to an unusual source: the local power company.

Utility( )companies routinely cut back trees. They want to keep branches from damaging power lines and causing power failures. Usually the branches end up in landfills. But in recent years, a growing number of energy providers have begun donating them to zoos. Hungry zoo animals are happy to eat the green, leafy tree branches known as “browse”

Browse partnerships between zoos and power companies are one example of the creative and sometimes unexpected ways zoos work with local organizations to meet animals’ particular-and often huge-dietary needs. Store chains and restaurants sell or donate greens, fruits and vegetables to zoos. Local landowners also provide plant material. But utility companies are in a special position. They need to regularly cut back branches. And they have no use for these branches themselves.

PECO Energy Co. Is Pennsylvania’s largest electric and natural gas utility. From August through October, the company delivered three pickup trucks full of browse every week to the Philadelphia Zoo. The weekly browse delivery totaled between 100 and 200 pounds.

“Zoos require a lot of browse because it’s such an important part of many animals’ diets. Of the Philadelphia Zoo’s 330 species, 40 eat it. Browse has it all: fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals and a little fat. It’s also lower in sugar and higher in protein and fiber than some other plant material, ”said Toddes, the Zoo’s director. “Chewing on the bark is even good for animals’ teeth.”

What’s more, browse provides animals with important exercise, she said. In the wild, giraffes eat the tops of trees. So zoo staff hang browse up high to simulate(模拟)their native environment. This also gives visitors a better idea of the animals’ natural behavior.

1.What can be learned about Stella and her mother?

A.They are big eaters B.They don’t like oversize weeds

C.They have difficulty reaching leaves D.They live in a local power company

2.Why do utility companies cut back trees?

A.To beautify the tree B.To use them to produce power

C.To provide food for zoo animals D.To keep power lines working normally.

3.In what way are browse partnerships between zoos and power companies special?

A.The donations are for large animals B.The donations come from landfills

C.The donations are given routinely D.The donations contain fruits and vegetables.

4.What did Toddes say about PECO’s browse?

A.It has great nutritional value. B.It doesn’t require strong teeth

C.It’s more than what the animals can eat. D.It’s suitable for most of the zoo’s species.

5.Why do zoo staff hang browse up high?

A.To give visitors a better view.

B.To get the giraffes moving a lot.

C.To prevent other animals stealing giraffes’ food

D.To get the giraffes out of their native environment.


    In 2010my mother-in-law gave me her rather simple but graceful, antique “secretary desk.” The desk easily fit into the tiny room at the top of the stairs. I felt so secure, and confident when I sat down and began each writing session. Despite the desk’s appeal, its limited storage capacity meant that I often put file folders and books on the small floor space around me. After each writing session, I painstakingly gathered the tools of the trade and placed them on a nearby shelf until the next session.

A few years into my writing journey, we moved into a bigger home and I acquired my own office. My husband, Bill offered on more than one occasion to buy me a new desk for my office, but I ignored his offer.

One day, we stopped at the local office supply store. Bill found what he thought  was the perfect desk for me. “ I want to buy this for you, sweetie. My writer needs a bigger desk.” He hugged me.

“Thanks, but I don’t want a bigger desk!” I said.

“Why don’t you want a bigger desk?” he said. “You must be afraid of something.”

“I’m not afraid of anything,” I said. “ Like I said, I really like my little desk. So don’t ask me again”.

He didn’t.

A few weeks later, while working in my new office, I looked around at the folders , books and papers lying all over my office floor but couldn’t find what needed to meet a contest deadline. My heart raced. I looked around my office. The room basically swallowed the tiny desk, making it look slightly out of place. Maybe I did need a bigger desk. Was Bill right? Was I afraid of something?

Unable to write, I pulled C.JoyBell C.’s book of poetry, All Things Dance Like Dragonflies, from the bookshelf. I flipped through its pages, and her words about faith jumped off the page into my heart. She talked about how she had trained herself to love the feeling of not knowing where she was going, and just trusting that as she opened up her wings and flew off in an unknown direction, things would work out.

At that moment, I recognized that a bigger desk symbolized bigger possibilities, stepping out in faith, and leaving my comfort zone.

1.What was the limitation of the “secretary desk”?

A.It was a bit small in size. B.It was too old to be functional

C.It competed with the shelf for room D.It prevented the author focusing on writing.

2.What happened to the author at the local office supply store?

A.She talked her husband into buying a desk. B.She had a quarrel with the salesperson.

C.She managed to overcome her fear. D.She declined her husband’s offer.

3.When did the author want to buy a new desk?

A.After she was stuck in a mess B.When she finished writing a book.

C.When she moved into a bigger house. D.After she missed an important contest.

4.What was the author afraid of before?

A.Unemployment B.Uncertainty

C.Loss of friendship D.Lack of trust

5.What would be the best title of the passage?

A.My writing journey. B.On the wings of change.

C.Why I love writing. D.A quarrel between my husband and I.


    The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States. Let’s meet some of the great women who have left their mark on the country’s highest court.

Margaret Brent

In the early years of our nation, women were generally prevented from practicing law. However, there were some exceptions. One such exception was Margaret Brent, who settled in Maryland with her sisters in 1638 and became a wealthy landowner. Brent appeared before courts several times to file lawsuits( ) against people who owed her money.

Lucy Terry Prince

Lucy was well -known for her skills as a public speaker, and in 1796 she became the first black woman in America to argue before a Supreme Court justice. The case arose from a land dispute, and Lucy argued against two leading lawyers. Chief Justice Samuel Chase , who oversaw the case, said that Prince “made a better argument than he had ever heard from a lawyer in Vermont.”

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1933, Ginsburg attended Cornell University and Columbia Law School. Between 1972 and 1978, she argued six cases before the Supreme Court concerning laws that kept women out of certain occupations. She won five of them. In the spring of 1993, Justice Byron White retired from the Supreme Court. President Bill Clinton then picked Ginsburg to be his replacement.

Myra Bradwell

In 1872, the Illinois Supreme Court denied Myra Bradwell’s admission to the Illinois Bar despite the fact that she had passed the state bar exam. Bradwell then asked the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn(撤销) the Illinois court’s decision. Unfortunately for Bradwell, the tables weren’t turned. The Supreme Court claimed that there was nothing unconstitutional about denying a woman the chance to practice as a lawyer.

1.Which of the following describes Margaret Brent?

A.Brave and determined B.Generous and friendly

C.Considerate and optimistic D.Traditional and scholarly

2.What was Samuel Chase’s attitude to Lucy’s argument?

A.Favorable B.Uncaring

C.Doubtful D.Grateful

3.Who served on the Supreme Court?

A.Margaret B.Myra Bradwell

C.Lucy Terry Prince D.Ruth Bader Ginsburg

4.What does the author mean by the underlined sentence in the text?

A.Bradwell failed the state bar exam B.Bradwell’s request was unconstitutional.

C.The Illinois Supreme Court broke the law. D.The Supreme Court ruled against Bradwell.

5.What does the underlined word “denied” mean?

A.Liked. B.Refused

C.Introduced D.Worried


    NASA scientists have found evidence of flowing water on Mars. This opens up the possibility of___ and wonders we can’t begin to imagine. The____undoubtedly is an astonishing achievement.

We may be excited by the thought of living things on another ______, but we seem to have lost _______in our own. In the past four decades, the world has____50% of its vertebrate( )wildlife. But across the latter half of this period, there has been a steep___ in media coverage (报道)of the subject.

Think of what would change if we valued_____ on the earth as much as we value the possibility water  on Mars._____ 3% of the water on this planet is fresh and of that, two-thirds is frozen. Yet we lay waste to  the ___part. Sixty percent of the water used in farming is____by careless irrigation. Rivers, lakes and aquifers ( )are sucked dry, while what remains is often so bad that it____the lives of those who drink it. As for salty water, which so______us  when apparently detected on Mars, however,  on Earth,  we express our___ by destroying it. A new report suggests fish numbers have  halved since  1970. Coral  reefs are under such___ that most could be gone by 2050.

A couple of weeks ago, I launched a column focusing on extreme consumption, and___ suggestions. They have flooded in. Here are just a few of the _____:wigs(假发)for babies, to allow “baby girls with little or no ___at all the opportunity to have a beautifully realistic hair style”; The iPotty, which _____little  children to keep playing while toilet training; a smartphone for dogs to take pictures of themselves....

As clever new ways of wasting stuff are continually___ , we become more and more used to the___ consumption of the world’s precious resources. Isn’t it time for us to have second thoughts about our lifestyle?

1.A.peace D.danger

2.A.appearance B.discovery C.performance D.operation

3.A.planet B.stage C.level D.island

4.A.courage B.hope C.pride D.interest

5.A.spread B.lost C.ignored D.found

6.A.climb B.turn C.increase D.decline

7.A.water B.plants C.animals D.air

8.A.Often B.Only C.Even D.Last

9.A.private B.public C.unclear D.accessible

10.A.checked B.chosen C.wasted D.polluted

11.A.saves B.threatens C.enriches D.changes

12.A.interests B.satisfies C.frightens D.terrifies

13.A.complaint B.doubt C.appreciation D.surprise

14.A.pressure B.control C.guidance D.attention

15.A.made B.considered C.invited D.followed

16.A.benefits B.reasons C.features D.products

17.A.time D.knowledge

18.A.allows B.promises C.persuades D.advises

19.A.criticized B.reported C.replaced D.created

20.A.expensive C.pointless D.stable


After the war broke out , the soldiers in that area were the first group________to the front . send be sent C.being sent D.sending


What he said was so confusing that I could hardly________his true intention.

A.turn out B.leave out C.make out D.pick out


I've tried hard to improve my English.But by no means ________with my progress.

A.the teacher is not satisfied the teacher not satisfied

C.the teacher is satisfied the teacher satisfied


You have donated so much money and so many masks to the people in Wuhan ________them , we thank you for your good deeds .

A.In favor of B.In honor of C.On account of D.On behalf of


— Would you like me to arrange a taxi for you when we finish our work?

— _________

A.That’s very kind of you. B.With pleasure.

C.Yes, you would. D.Good idea!


You can’t imagine that a well –behaved gentleman ______ be so rude to a lady.

A.might B.need C.should D.would


Was it in this room _____ he made the decision _____ he would break away from his family?

A.that ; which B.where ; which C.that ; that D.where ; that


________, the person insisted that he should be separated from his relatives.

A.In order to avoid to be infected B.In order to avoid being infected

C.Avoiding being infected D.Avoiding to be infected


To solve the shortage of electricity,the government has taken some measures, but it will be some time________the situation returns to normal.

A.since B.when C.before D.unless


________more and more forests in Australia damaged, some animals and plants are facing the danger of dying out.

A.As B.For C.With D.By


Entering the step-classroom (阶梯教室), I found the lecture ________ and the people ________ attentively.

A.began, listened B.was begun, was listening

C.had begun, listened D.had begun, were listening


—She got her first science fiction published. It turned out to be________.

—When was that?

—It was in 2008________ she was still in college.

A.a success; when B.success; that C.success; when D.a success; that


—How long will it take you to fly from Qingdao to Shanghai?

—________one hour, but I’m not sure.

A.Definitely B.Narrowly C.Roughly D.Exactly


It’s said that he’s looking for a new job, one ______ he can get more money to support his family.

A.when B.where C.that D.which


—Lucy, I’ll pick you up at 6:00 this afternoon at the school gate.

—Sorry, ________. There’s too much noise here. Would you repeat it again?

A.It’s totally fascinating B.I didn’t get that

C.I’m not sure D.I’m afraid not















Once, an old man got on a bus but all the seats were occupied. There were other passenger nearby. A rich lady next by the old man was holding her pet dog in her arms. Opposite him, a young man which was dressed well seem to be very busy chatting with a young lady, complete ignoring the old man standing by. See this, a little boy stood up and gave his seat to the old man. Comparing with those people, the little boy should praised. Everyone should show respect to the old. Grown-ups should set good examples to children. Otherwise, children might be affecting. In the time, we may lose the good tradition.



I like to share a story that happened a few days ago. I live in Germany and at that time of the year, 1. (dark) sets around 5 pm. It is cold, the 2. (street) are often wet and everyone likes to get home or to a warm place as 3. (quick) as possible.

This was the setting of that early evening. I was walking the sidewalk 4. saw a lovely animal, a bunny(兔子). My first thought was joy. “Oh! Bunny! Sweet!” The next: “Mind 5. (you) own business!” The following was “How can I be 6. help?” and “Who lost the bunny?”

Then I remembered that a woman with a carriage had just passed. I picked 7. bunny up, called to the woman, and showed it to her. She turned around, wondering, checked the carriage with her 8. (sleep) child in, and came back with a sunny smile. “Thank you so much! You saved my evening!” There was so much joy in her face. It makes me happy still to this day.

And it was only possible because I 9. (teach) to be kind enough 10. (see) the bunny and encouraged to care.


    I’m proud of myself for this kindness I did last night. I did it ________ and did the right thing. However, I was unwilling to _______, because by sharing 1 am also sharing the ________ and more self-centered side of myself.

It was last night and I ________ my shift at work. It was late and I wanted to go straight home. On my way out of the door I ________ a fellow staff member and colleague. She doesn’t have a ________ and usually either catches a taxi home or _______ for an hour waiting for _______ staff member and friend of here to finish work.

In the past I’ve ________ to drive her home as she ________ on my side of town. But last night I really did not want to. I wanted to ________ straight home, alone. And I did not have to make “small talk”.

So I tried to ________ her, walking past her, heading down, and stealing out (偷溜) to the _______ without letting her see me and _______ without offering her a lift.

Yet, something in myself was stopping me. Something in myself made me ________ her and put myself in her shoes. She had young ________ who she wanted to go home to attend to and, she could go home right now _______ I took her, not an hour later when the other staff member and friend of hers who was taking her. So I offered.She_______. And of course, she was extremely ________.

Well, I learned a great ________ last night about not being so self-centered and selfish!

1.A.nervously B.proudly C.exactly D.carefully

2.A.share B.remark D.consider

3.A.pleasure B.respect C.honour D.selfish

4.A.changed B.kept C.finished D.missed

5.A.noticed B.greeted C.followed D.helped

6.A.home B.choice C.friend

7.A.hangs around B.hides away over D.calms down

8.A.each B.another C.either D.that

9.A.hated B.happened C.offered D.refused B.lives C.plays D.remains B.ride D.walk

12.A.remind B.avoid C.attract D.please

13.A.workroom C.playground D.park

14.A.therefore B.even C.however D.instead

15.A.rely on B.spy on C.look at D.point at

16.A.neighbors B.pets C.children D.friends

17.A.since B.although D.if

18.A.accepted B.hesitated C.approached D.urged

19.A.reliable B.upset C.generous D.grateful B.lesson C.treasure D.method


    Have you ever wondered why people drive on a different side of the road? It might seem strange that U. K. drivers stay on the left, but they’re not the only ones. 1.

Originally, almost everybody traveled on the left side of the road. However their way of transport was quite different from today: 2. For Medieval swordsmen on horseback, it made sense to keep to the left to have their right arms closer to their enemies. Getting on or off was also easier from the left side of the horse, and safer done by the side of the road than in the center.

3. Things changed in the late 1700s when large wagons pulled by several pairs of horses were used to transport farm products in France and the United States. In the absence of a driver’s seat inside the wagon, the driver sat behind the left horse, with his right arm free to use his whip to keep the horses moving. Since he was sitting on the left, he wanted other wagons to pass on his left. 4.

The British Government refused to give up their left-hand driving ways, and in 1773 introduced the General Highways Act, which encouraged driving on the left.

When Henry Ford unveiled his Model T in 1908the driver’s seat was on the left, meaning that cars would have to drive on the right hand side of the road to allow front and back passengers to exit the car onto the roadside.5. And this is highly unlikely to change.

A.Think four legs instead of four wheels.

B.Do people get used to driving on the right?

C.However, British drivers remain on the left.

D.So why did people stop traveling on the left?

E.Therefore, he kept to the right side of the road.

F.Around 35 percent of the world population does the same.

G.This was later made law thanks to The Highway Act of 1835.


    Spider webs have something in common with guitar strings. The long, thin strings on a guitar can vibrate(振动). They move back and forth, or from side to side. So do webs made by spiders. The lines of silk they produce can carry vibrations. This movement gives the small creature information about what landed on the web.

Spiders have eight legs and usually eight eyes. The animals build webs with their own soft, naturally-made silk. Spiders catch their food, usually insects, in their web. They make small movements, which spread across their web. The vibrations can tell the spider what is there—maybe something tasty to eat.

Vibrations give the spider details about what is caught in the web. They can tell the spider where that next meal is, and what it might be. But vibrations are not just used to identify what is for dinner. A spider makes its own vibrations to find out the condition of the web.

How do the researchers know that? They used special equipment to send out laser pulses into the web of a garden cross spider. Then they used a laser to measure the very small vibrations, which spread through the web.

Using computer models, the scientist could show how a spider can change the size of a wave vibration. The spider does this by changing the tightness of the silk lines. The spiders then can control how information is getting to them where they hang out in the middle of the web. In a way, spiders can move their silk threads, much like a musician plays the strings of a guitar.

Engineers might be able to learn a thing or two from spiders. This information could help engineers better understand how structures react to energy, and how vibrations affect a building.

1.What do spider webs and guitar strings have in common?

A.They both shake. B.They are both strong.

C.They both convey information. D.They both have the same shape.

2.What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Webs. B.Spiders.

C.Insects. D.Vibrations.

3.Why do spiders shake their own webs?

A.To repair them. B.To check them.

C.To find out insects. D.To connect with other spiders.

4.What does the author think of the finding of spiders?

A.It might benefit engineers. B.Spiders are clever creatures.

C.It helps improve playing guitar. D.Humans should learn from animals.


    Some of my favorite childhood memories come from Halloween. I love it all! Pumpkins, costumes and the thrill of trick-or-treating. But I think it would be funny to give me a child who was deathly afraid of my favorite holiday. If you have kids who are scared of Halloween, these tips should help!

Don’t minimize your child’s fears

It is helpful to let your kids know that you understand their fears. Halloween can be a scary holiday. Kids are just making sense of their world. We might think terrible monsters and bloody eye balls are cheerful—but to some kids they are pure terror. Young kids have a harder time telling reality from fantasy-making Halloween—a real-life horror movie.

Start preparing your child for Halloween early

It is impossible to keep your kids in a bubble for the entire month of October. Instead of avoiding Halloween, help prepare your kids for the holiday.

Tell your kids that during Halloween people find it fun to dress up like scary things. Let them know that the monsters and scary creatures they will see are not real.

Save the bloody zombies for another year

I love decorating for Halloween. I have two huge cabinets full of Halloween decorations! So there is no way I would tell anyone not to decorate for Halloween! However, to help your kids get used to Halloween—keep your decorations festival and pleasant. Pumpkins, friendly witches and cute ghosts are all kid-friendly decorations.

Don’t get too attached to those cute little costumes

The stores are packed with cutest costumes. Your little one might beg you to buy that $ 40 Frozen costume—only to refuse to wear it on Halloween. Kids are moody. What is exciting one week is boring the next. There is nothing more frustrating than spending lots of money on a costume your child refuses to wear.

Halloween is a fun, exciting holiday. Once your kids moves through their fears—they will see this holiday for what it really is—free candy. And who can be scared of that!

1.What’s the problem with young kids during Halloween?

A.They can’t understand the meaning of the holiday.

B.They can’t find out beauty from terrible monsters.

C.They are frightened by the terrible characters.

D.They are afraid to see horror films.

2.What should parents tell their kids about Halloween early?

A.People wear scary things for pleasure.

B.People scare them with scary things.

C.The scary things are not harmful.

D.They should enjoy themselves.

3.What might disappoint parents most on Halloween day?

A.Their terrible decorations scare their kids.

B.There are too many costumes to choose from.

C.They have to spend lots of money on the holiday.

D.A child denies putting on an expensive costume.

4.Which can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Why Halloween Gives My Favorite Childhood Memories.

B.How to Help a Child Who is Scared of Halloween.

C.Halloween, A Frightening Holiday for Children.

D.Every Coin Has Two Sides.


    Have you ever happened to have a stranger looking at you with eyes full of anger unexpectedly? It was painful and confusing, but sure a great lesson. The first thing that passed through my mind was that it must be a misunderstanding. Such a look was not meant for me, but later I saw the old lady’s face changing every time she saw me, at least seven times, no more doubt that she was very angry with me.

I was confused, shocked, and near anger. My brains were spinning (快速旋转), trying to figure out how’s and why’s but somehow managed not to show it on my face. I went home, slept a night over it and decided that I had to find a way to make peace with this lady.

The very next day I bought some nice chocolates going to see her again and when I caught sight of her, I went straight to her and apologized telling her “I am so very sorry, but if I angered you, I had no such intention; please accept my apologizes”, and handled her the chocolates. Surprised, she told me not to mind her, and apologized too. It was an awkward moment, but we made peace and the grimaces (苦相) are replaced by smiles now.

I am very grateful for this experience. It shows me I still have plenty of work to do with my mind. I learned how it is not easy to take knowledge of, accept and forgive acts that we may feel as unfair, and it taught me of possibilities about fixing a conflict. Best advice to keep for myself.

Do not react, do not be quick to judge, sleep it over, and throw in a little of empathy for self as well as others.

1.What was the matter with the old woman?

A.She was misunderstood by the author. B.She was wronged by the author.

C.She taught the author a lesson. D.She was mad with the author.

2.How did the author react before the angry woman?

A.She tried to ignore it. B.She managed to keep calm.

C.She pretended to be kind to her. D.She turned away and went home.

3.How did the author make peace with the woman?

A.By explaining. B.By begging.

C.By persuading. D.By apologizing.

4.What did the author think of this experience?

A.Sad. B.Disappointing.

C.Valuable. D.Exciting.


    Best Toys for Kids

From wooden blocks to electronic games, the best toys for kids make their young users think and dream while building useful skills. Of coursethey’re also tons of fun!

1. Educational Toys

Many of the best toys for kids combine learning and fun. The GeoSafari Talking Globe provides interactive geography games in a fun electronic format(格式). It was named to Dr. Toy’s Best Classic Toys List in 2006. Professor Noggin’s History of the United States is a fun and informative card game that made FamilyFun. com’s Toy of the Year list.

2. Pretend Play

Kids love to pretend, and the best toys for kids can spark their imaginations and lead to hours of fun. The Real Projects Workshop was a grand prize winner in the 2006 FamilyFun. com Toy of the Year Awards. With this pretend workshop kids can play with realistic tools while building projects out of foam “wood”. Dora’s Talking Kitchen won “Girl Toy of the Year” in the 2006 Toy Industry Association Toy of the Year Awards.

3. Stuffed Animals

Every kid needs a cuddly (可抱的) friend. Kids may ask for stuffed animals based on popular television and movie characters, but teddy bears, stuffed dogs, and other plush figures that haven’t appeared on-screen will have long-lasting appeal. For a unique twist on stuffed animals, the Lil’ Luvables Fluffy Factory lets kids stuff their own teddy bears. It was a Toy of the Year grand prize winner at FamilyFun. com.

4. Games

Games promote cooperation while encouraging everything from memory skills to exercise. Hullabaloo, from the makers of Cranium, won “Best Game” honors in the 2006 Toy Industry Association Toy of the Year Awards. The game gets kids moving and laughing as they follow instructions from the game’s audio console.

1.How can kids benefit from educational toys?

A.They can improve their studies.

B.They can enjoy geography games.

C.They can be active in doing homework.

D.They can gain knowledge while playing.

2.What prize did Dora’s Talking Kitchen win?

A.Dr. Toy’s Best Classic Toys List in 2006. B.Girl Toy of the Year.

C.Toy of the Year. D.Best Game.

3.Which toys can develop kids’ team spirit?

A.Educational Toys. B.Pretend Play.

C.Games. D.Stuffed Animals.


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