What does the man mean?

A.The Larsens were not in. B.The Larsens didn’t hear the door.

C.The Larsens don’t like the woman.


Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a shop. B.In a library. C.On a bus.


What are the speakers doing?

A.Painting a house. B.Cleaning walls. C.Drawing a picture.


Whose name is Betsy?

A.Carla’s pet. B.Carla’s car. C.Carla’s grandma.


When will the man meet Dr. Jones?

A.At 3:30 p.m. B.At 3:00 p.m. C.At 11:00 a.m.



Once there was a princess. Her father was the king. He wanted her to marry someone that would make her laugh. Many princes came from around the world. No one made her laugh.

Three brothers lived near the king’s castle. They wanted to marry the princess too. So they began walking to the castle. They each had a loaf of bread. As they walked, they saw a sad old man. “Can you share some food?” the old man asked the first brother. The first brother said, “No,” and then walked away. Then the first brother fell, and hurt his leg. He couldn’t walk to the castle. He went home. The second brother passed the old man. “Can you share some food?” the old man asked. “No,” said the second brother. He turned and walked away. Like his brother, he fell and hurt his leg. He also went home.

Dale, the third brother, also saw the old man. “Can you share some food?” the old man asked. “Yes,” said Dale. He and the old man shared the loaf of bread. “For your kindness, I have a gift for you,” the old man said. “It will make the princess laugh.” The old man gave Dale a goose with golden feathers. Dale did not know how a goose would make the princess laugh. But he thanked the old man and went on his way.

As Dale walked, a girl touched the golden feathers of the goose, but suddenly, she was stuck (粘住)!


When a man passed Dale and the three girls, he tapped a girl on the shoulder, and he became stuck, too.



假定你是班长李华,在寒假期间全班同学计划到孔子博物馆参观。请你给外教Mr. Henry写封邮件,邀请他参加,内容包括:

1. 发出邀请;

2. 活动安排;

3. 注意事项。

注意: 1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:孔子博物馆 Confucius Museum

Dear Mr. Henry,



Li Hua



1.She had failed for twice in the driving test, and finally made _____ on her third try.

2.With the arrival of winter vacation, students are actively applying _____ volunteers.

3.People can’t wait ______ (know) the program for the 2020 Spring Festival Gala (春晚).

4.The little girl wrote a thank-you letter to the firefighter by ______ she was rescued.

5.The doctor recommended that we_______ (take) exercise regularly to keep fit.

6.Eye doctors recommend that the child’s first eye exam _______ at the age of six months old.



1.The rescue teams helped to set up s_________ for local homeless women and children.

2.On holidays, most of the teenagers would like to p_________ bags and go off on a trip.

3.Sun Yang, the world record holder, is a natural swimming a_________.

4.The audience didn’t r_________ the singer until he took off the mask.

5.The Great Wall a_________ millions of tourists from all over the world every year.

6.The drought in South Africa in 2019 caught the _________(全球的) attention.

7.It’s important to learn to take a _________(积极的) attitude to life when you are in trouble.

8.No one was injured in the fire, but the building was completely _________(摧毁).

9.The major _________(挑战) of this century is to find ways to meet the needs of a growing population.

10.Chinese _________(文字) are becoming more and more popular around the world.


    I have a close childhood friend. He spent the last eight years attending night______ to get his bachelor’s degree (学士学位) while also doing a full-time job. Last month, after years of late nights and weekends of studying, he______ graduated.

He ______ in our hometown after high school, ______ most of his friends, myself included, left long ago for other states for university and jobs. Over time, work, families, and other ______ have made it difficult for us all to be ______ in our hometown at the same time.

I put forward a wonderful idea: plan a weekend that we’d all be ______ to fly back to our hometown to surprise him and celebrate his ______. It was so much fun ______ the affair. The bait (诱饵): his mom told him that he was going to have ______ with just his grandparents to celebrate. Little did he know that the family dinner would ______ a 20-person affair with friends from all around the states. I got to ______ a cake so that everyone ______ could enjoy it.

When the guest of honour arrived to “dinner with the ______”, he was greatly surprised and told us it made him feel special. The “white lie” dinner plan was a great ______ for me.

1.A.club B.party C.cafe D.school

2.A.finally B.quickly C.suddenly D.luckily

3.A.taught B.stayed C.arrived D.married

4.A.but B.so C.or D.for

5.A.adventures B.requests C.experiences D.arrangements

6.A.inside B.apart C.back D.out

7.A.safe B.eager C.free D.anxious

8.A.birthday B.achievement C.examination D.wisdom

9.A.debating B.studying C.planning D.controlling

10.A.lunch B.dinner C.time D.fun

11.A.turn into B.give up C.relate to D.focus on

12.A.sell B.deliver C.cut D.order

13.A.attending B.leaving C.receiving D.tasting

14.A.teachers B.grandparents C.classmates D.friends

15.A.surprise B.worry C.success D.stress


    Which do you like better: breakfast or lunch? 1. Brunch gets its name from the first two letters of breakfast (br-) and the last four letters of lunch (-unch).

2.. They liked to go hunting. During the hunting break, they would enjoy a mid-morning meal that included meat, eggs and many other things.

Today, it is a meal eaten around late morning to early afternoon, usually on weekends. It might seem like a simple meal, but sometimes it raises breakfast to an artistic level. For example, ordinary pancakes might be changed to blueberry pancakes.

In Melbourne, brunch culture is also being welcomed. I decided to try it with my friend. We visited a cafe that is famous for its flower theme. 3.

This theme is also shown in its food and drinks. The pink rose tea latte (拿铁) had real rose petals (花瓣) on top. 4. For the main course (主菜), I chose the soft-shell crab. The crab was placed in a bread bowl with some fried crab claws () on the top.

The brunch greatly satisfied my appetite (食欲). 5.

A. It tasted as sweet as it looked.

B. Lack of food is the main cause of brunch.

C. Well, with brunch you don’t have to choose!

D. Though I was full, I still wanted to have another one.

E. Rich British people are believed to have invented brunch.

F. Even if I was busy with work, I still spent enough time having breakfast.

G. There was a wall full of various types of fresh and colorful flowers.


    Many people feel that dream is unique to humans. However, many dog owners will likely disagree on that. They have noticed that their dogs at various times during the sleep may shake legs, snort () and sometimes growl (低声吼叫) which gives the impression that they are dreaming. These things may wonder us about whether dogs dream.

Scientists confirm that dogs probably do dream. It turns out that dog brains and human brains have many similarities during sleep cycles. Researchers used special machines to measure electrical activity in a dog’s brain and human’s brain. Scientists already knew that when humans dream, a certain part of the brain is active during sleep. Researchers discovered that the same part of the brain is active in sleeping dogs. Scientists have other data that back up these findings.

Many people dream that they are trying to move but cannot. Interestingly, part of that experience is not a dream. When people sleep, the brain produces a chemical that causes the dreamer to become temporarily paralyzed (使麻痹). Researchers think this happens so that people cannot physically act out dreams while they are sleeping. Dog brains make the same chemical. In one study during which this chemical was blocked, sleeping test dogs performed physical activities, such as standing up, sniffing around the room for imaginary rabbits, or chasing imaginary balls.

Because of these similarities, researchers believe that the content of a dog’s dream might come from the same source as a human’s dream. “People’s dreams are usually based on things they did that day,” says Dr. Samantha Hudspith. “So there is reason to believe that dogs dream about the things they’ve done that day. Of course, there will never be a way to prove this. Dogs cannot describe their dreams the way that humans can.”

1.What does the underlined phrase “back up” mean in the second paragraph?

A.Disagree. B.Support.

C.Record. D.Show.

2.What happened to a sleeping dog when this chemical mentioned in paragraph 3 was cut off?

A.It woke up. B.It stopped dreaming.

C.It acted out its dream. D.It couldn't move its body.

3.How is the text mainly developed?

A.By telling stories B.By giving examples.

C.By comparing details D.By listing differences.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Do Dogs Dream? B.Why Do Dogs Dream?

C.Signs of Dog Dreams D.Similarities Between Humans and Dogs


    I realized I would not see a real person named Sophie at Sophie’s Eatery because, like most new restaurants these days, Sophie’s is a robo-restaurant.

When I walked in, a cute little manager robot appeared, looking rather like a toaster with blinking () blue eyes. It escorted me to a nice table in the back. The menu monitor popped out of my table and showed me pictures of my dining choices. I tapped my choices and clicked OK, and the screen slid back down.

I watched as full plates rode the conveyer belts that moved along each aisle (过道) of tables. In just a few minutes, my dish stopped at my table, and I took it from the belt. Later, I placed my empty plate back on the conveyer belt, and it was taken away into kitchen to be cleaned.

I watched the little toaster showing customers to tables while I ate my main dish. The food was delicious, but I was starting to feel extremely angry because dealing with robots always makes me feel inhuman. Pretty soon, I wanted to talk to someone real, even if it was just a few sentences.

So when my dessert arrived, I took action. I dropped my plate on the floor with a satisfying crash. I was so happy when I saw the manager toaster’s blinking red eyes—at last, a real live person would arrive!

But instead, a crew of two robots quickly appeared. A robot broom rushed over and started to sweep the piece of the broken plate into a robot garbage can. They finished and moved back into the kitchen.

My plan to get a little reality into Sophie’s Eatery failed. I hope the robo-restaurant trend ends soon. I want to deal with people again!

1.What does the underlined word “escorted” in paragraph 2 mean?

A.Registered. B.Guided.

C.Conducted. D.Rushed

2.What is the purpose of the author crashing his plate?

A.To deal with a real human. B.To catch attention from the robots.

C.To play jokes on the robots. D.To complain about the bad service.

3.Which of the following best describes the author’s feeling at Sophie’s Eatery?

A.Satisfied. B.Shocked.

C.Annoyed. D.Curious.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.The trend of dining with robots.

B.The advantage of robo-restaurants.

C.The food variety of a robo-restaurant.

D.The dining experience at a robo-restaurant.


    Mokpo City is holding the 17th Korea-China-Japan Sport Complex Competition, and looking for 50 interpreters (口译者) for this event. This event will be held from August 23rd to August 29th. Korean, Japanese and Chinese high school students who are under the age of 18 will take part in the competition. Anyone who is interested in the job is welcomed to apply.

Application Period: May 20th - May 29th

Interpreters needed: 20 Chinese interpreters, 20 Japanese interpreters and 10 reserve interpreters

Application Steps

* The 1st step: Look over submitted (递交的) documents

* The 2nd step: Interview


* Only Koreans or foreigners who are in Korea can apply.

* Foreigners applying must be fluent in Korean.

How to Apply

* Applicants can submit their application forms by emailing to happy3837@korea.kr, by mail or in person at Mokpo City Hall.

* Reception desk: Office of Korea-China-Japan Junior Competition, Dept. of Sport Industries at Mokpo City Hall

* Send mail to: Yangeulro 271, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Postal code: 530-701)

Notice: Applicants who submit their application forms by email have to make sure their e-mails have been received by calling at 061-270-3402, 3682, 8280 (Person in charge: Kim, Ju-yeong).

Required Documents

* One copy of the application form (The official form is attached.)

* One copy of the certificate of language qualification (语言资格证书)

Schedule of Interview and Announcement

* Interview: Thursday, June 4th, 10: 00 am

* Final announcement: Wednesday, June 10th at http://www.mokpo.go.kr/

Working Conditions

* Uniform, accommodations and meals will be provided.

* 80,000 WON per day will be paid.

* The interpreting certificate of this activity will be given.

For more information, please contact the Dept. of Sport Industries (061-270-3402, 3628, 8280)

1.How long will the event last?

A.Six days. B.Seven days.

C.Nine days. D.Ten days.

2.How do applicants make sure their emails have been received?

A.By waiting for a call from Mokpo City Hall.

B.By going to the reception desk in person.

C.By sending another email to confirm it.

D.By calling Kim, Ju-yeong, the person in charge.

3.When will the applicants know the final results?

A.On June 10th. B.On May 29th.

C.On June 4th. D.On August 29th.

4.What can be learned from the passage?

A.The interpreters are from all over the world.

B.The interpreters must be good at Chinese.

C.The interpreters must prepare their meals themselves.

D.The interpreters can get an interpreting certificate.



George's mother was very poor and was sick. Instead of having bright fires in winter, she had nothing to burn but dry sticks, which George picked up from under the trees.

One fine day in July, his sick mother sent him to the woods. He was to stay there all day, to get as much wood as he could collect.

It was a bright, sunny day, and George worked very hard, so that by the time the sun was high, he was hot, and wished for a cool place where he might rest and eat his dinner. While he hunted for a spot about the bank he saw among the grass some fine, wild strawberries.

"How good these will be with my bread and butter!" thought George Lining his cap with leaves, he set to work eagerly to gather all he could find, and then seated himself by the river.

It was a pleasant place, and George felt happy and satisfied. He thought how much his mother would like to see him there, and to be there herself, instead of in her dark room in the village.

George thought of all this, and just as he was lifting the first strawberry to his mouth, he said to himself. "How much Mum would like these!" and he stopped, and put the strawberry back again. "Shall I save them for her?" said he, thinking how much they would refresh her, yet still looking at them with a longing(渴望的) eye.

"I will eat half , and take the other half to her", said he at last, and he divided them into two heaps(). But each heap looked so small, that he put them together again.

"I will only taste one." thought he. As he again lifted it to his mouth, he saw that he had taken the finest and he put it back. "I will keep them all for her." said he with great happiness, and he covered them up nicely ready to take home.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1

He stood up and started to get more and more wood until the sun was beginning to sink.


Paragraph 2

Just after he had thrown down his wood, he heard his mother's weak voice calling him from the next room.






Dear Tony,



Li Hua


    Starting a new school term is always exciting. It is a chance 1. (see) your friends again. But most exciting of all, the new term lets you take up new hobbies. In Britain, it is common for students to take up new hobbies after the Christmas holidays. Most schools offer different kinds 2. hobby classes. Students 3. (usual) take them in their free periods or after school. Some classes you have to pay for but some 4.(be) free. For example, I once took a free Wednesday evening gymnastics class 5. is offered by my school. But when I learnt how to play the drum, my parents had to pay for the lessons.

The most popular extra classes at my school were piano lessons and drama club. Students with many hobbies sometimes felt more stressed 6. those without any. But the students with hobbies left school with many extra 7. (skill). I haven’t continued any of the hobbies I 8. (begin) at school. But I have never regretted taking 9. (they). My 10. (good) friend today is someone I met in my gymnastics class.


阅读下面短文.从短文后各题所给的四个选项《AB. CD》中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项小涂黑。

Telling the truth is a very good habit. If you_______speak the truth, you can save yourself from a lot of_______! Here is a story of a man who did a lot of_______things, but his promise to tell the truth_______him.

Once a man came to a prophet (预言家)and said, “Oh, prophet I have many bad_______Which one of them should I_______first? ”The prophet said, “Give up telling_______first and always speakthe truth.”Theman promised to do so and went home.

At night the man was about to go out to steal. Before setting out , he thought for a moment about the_______he made with the prophet. "_______tomorrow the prophet asks me where I have been, what shall I say? Shall I say that I went out________? No, I cannot say that. But nor can I lie. If I tell the truth,________will start hating me and call me a thief. I would be________for stealing”

So the man________not to steal that night, and gave up this bad habit.

Next day, he________drinking wine. When he was about to do so, he said to himself, “What shall I say to the prophet if he asks me what I did during the dayI cannot tell a lie, and if I speak the truth people will________me, because a Muslim is not________to drink wine.” And so he gave up the________of drinking wine.

In this way,________the man thought of doing something bad, he________his promise to tell the truth. One by one, he gave up all his bad habits and became a very________person.

1.A.sometimes B.hardly C.always D.never

2.A.trouble B.money C.time D.energy

3.A.great B.stupid C.strange D.bad

4.A.educated B.saved C.tested D.bothered

5.A.purposes B.friends C.habits D.collections

6.A.give up B.bring back C.take in D.depend on

7.A.stories B.truths C.reasons D.lies

8.A.promise B.mistake C.plan D.secret

9.A.Because B.If C.Since D.Unless

10.A.stealing B.drinking C.walking D.dancing

11.A.none B.everyone C.anyone D.someone

12.A.controlled B.admired C.punished D.killed

13.A.refused B.tried C.decided D.agreed

14.A.talked about B.broke down C.adapted to(适应) D.felt like

15.A.hate B.like C.understand D.respect

16.A.allowed B.encouraged C.invited D.advised

17.A.chance B.disadvantage C.adventure D.idea

18.A.wherever B.whenever C.whatever D.however

19.A.forgot B.doubted C.regretted D.remembered

20.A.practical B.attractive C.good D.generous(慷慨的)


    December can be a very cold month in many parts of the world. 1. You can also take advantage of the cold weather by booking a vacation that will allow you and your family to get outdoors for some entertaining winter sports. Either way, there are plenty of options for December travel.

Beach: 2. They go to other parts of the country to enjoy warmer temperatures and clean beaches. Choices for tropical climates include oceanfront hot spots in places like Florida, California or Hawaii. Investigate(调查) some flights and hotels well in advance of your trip. 3.

City: Even if you don't celebrate the holidays during December, taking a trip to a city around this time can be a lively, enjoyable experience. 4. Although it is by no means a tropical(热带的) escape, the sight of the decorated streets should be enough to warm your heart. Take advantage of holiday sales with your family by spending a day to wandering around the shops on fashionable Fifth Avenue .

Mountain: A trip to a mountain could be just the ticket for your December trip. For example, leaving for a hot spot like Vail, Colorado, home of the second largest ski mountain in North America. Rent a cozy house and bring along several friends and family to fill the space, share the rent and have a wonderful time. 5. It can be skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, or tubing. And if you can't be bothered to take part in these sports, sit down by the fire with a relaxing cup of hot cocoa.

A. It is very cold in winter.

B. People enjoy travelling around in December.

C. This helps you choose travel destinations(目的地) as well.

D. Try new sports if you don't already have a favorite.

E. Many people are much like the birds flying south for winter.

F. One must­see city during the month of December is New York.

G. If you reside(居住)in one of these areas, book a getaway to a warmer climate.


    The Eiffel Tower is very famous in France. It is visited by 7 million visitors a year. The Eiffel Tower was designed by Gustave Eiffel in the late 19th century. On Monday, March 31st, 2019, it turned 130.

The look of the Eiffel Tower is greatly loved by people today, but things were different when the design was first shown to the public. Many French artists thought that the design was ugly. However, Eiffel did not change a thing. He believed that once it was completed, people in Paris and visitors around the world would love the tower. He was certainly right.

The tower became popular with the public as soon as it opened on March 31st, 1889, two years after the construction began. Over 3,000 people came to look at this new tower and even made the effort to climb the 1,710 stairs to the top. The 984-foot-tall Chrysler Building in New York City beat it.

Today, the tower houses a number of restaurants on its first and second levels. The third level has been turned into a vast platform (平台). From there visitors can see the entire city of Paris. While visitors are allowed to take the stairs to the first two levels, the platform can only be got to by taking the elevators.

To ensure that the “Iron Lady” always looks good, the tower is cleaned and repainted every eight years. It’s an effort that takes a team of 25 workers, an entire year. If you travel to Paris one day, don’t miss it, the excellent achievement.

1.When Gustave Eiffel first showed his design to the public, _________.

A.the public celebrated the birth of it

B.many French artists disliked the design

C.the public thought it would be a popular tower

D.many French artists decided to change the design

2.When did the construction of the Eiffel Tower start?

A.In 1887. B.In 1888.

C.In 1889. D.In 1890.

3.What do we learn about the levels of the Eiffel Tower?

A.The first level is provided for hotels. B.Restaurants are all on the second level.

C.The third level is mainly for sightseeing. D.The elevators can go to all the three levels.

4.The writer mainly wants to tell us about Eiffel Tower’s _______.

A.130th celebration B.popularity

C.brief history D.designer


    About ten men in every hundred suffer from color blindness in some way. Women are luckier; only about one in two hundred is affected in this matter. Perhaps, after all, it is safer to be driven by a woman!

There are different forms of color blindness. In some cases a man may not be able to see deep red. He may think that red, orange and yellow are all shadows of green. Sometimes a person cannot tell the difference between blue and green. In rare cases an unlucky man may see everything in shades of green a strange world indeed.

Color blindness in human beings is a strange thing to explain. In a single eye there are millions of very small things called “cones”. These help us to see in a bright light and to tell difference between colors. There are also millions of “rods”, but these are used for seeing when it is near dark. They show us shape but no color.

Some insects(昆虫) have favorite colors. Mosquitoes(蚊子) prefer blue to yellow. A red light will not attract(吸引) insects, but a blue lamp will. In a similar way human beings also have favorite colors. Yet we are lucky. With the help of the cones in our eyes we can see many beautiful colors by day, and with the help of the rods we can see shapes at night. One day we may even learn more about the invisible(不可见)colors around us.

1.The passage is mainly about _____________.

A.color and its surprising effects.

B.women being luckier than men

C.danger caused by color blindness

D.color blindness

2.Why do some people say it is safer to be driven by women?

A.Women are more careful.

B.There are fewer color-blind women

C.Women are fonder of driving than men.

D.Women are weaker but quicker in thinking.

3.We can attract and kill mosquitoes by using a _____________.

A.red light B.yellow light

C.blue light D.green light


    Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century. After writing many letters asking for admission(录取) to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of schooling.

In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon(外科医师) , but a serious eye problem forced her to give up the idea.

Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another woman doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children. Besides being the first woman physician and founding her own hospital , she also set up the first medical school for women.

1.Why couldn’t Elizabeth Blackwell realize her dream of becoming a surgeon?

A.She couldn’t get admitted to medical school.

B.She decided to further her education in Paris.

C.A serious eye problem stopped her.

D.It was difficult for her to start a practice in the United States.

2.What main obstacle(障碍) almost destroyed Elizabeth’s chances for becoming a doctor?

A.She was a woman.

B.She wrote too many letters.

C.She couldn’t graduate from medical school.

D.She couldn’t set up her hospital.

3.According to the passage, all of the following are “firsts” in the life of Elizabeth Blacekwell, except that she ______.

A.became the first woman physician

B.was the first woman doctor

C.and several other women founded the first hospital for women and children

D.set up the first medical school for women













注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

During the last summer holiday, I went on a journey to Beijing, that I visited the Great Wall and the Palace Museum. Much to their surprise, there were so much visitors in all the scenic spots that I had to push my way through the crowd. To be honesty, I had a hard time all the way and didn’t find the visit enjoyable or worthwhile at all.

As far as I am concerning, many people have the same experience, so I think that the number of tourist in some popular places of interest should be limited. In an addition, it’s better for us travel at different time periods. Only on this way can we enjoyed the beautiful scenery there.



It is possible that we simply do not stay in one place for a true friendship 1. (develop). However, there can be no disagreement on 2. need for each of us to think carefully about the kind of friendships we want.

To most of us, friendships 3. (consider) important, but we need to have clear minds of the kinds of friendships we want. Are they to be close or kept at arm’s 4. (long)? Do we want to share something with our friends or do we want to walk on the surface? For some people, many friendships on the surface are quite enough  5.that’s all right. But at some point, we need to make sure that our expectations are the same  6.our friends’ expectations. If one 7. (want) more from the friendship than the other, and if this is not talked about, one is likely at last to feel that he’s holding the short end of the stick. The sharing of 8.(person) experience including our tears as well as our dark 9. (dream) is the surest way to deepen friendships. But it must be undertaken  10. (slow) and carried on only if there are signs of interest and action in return.


    When I started teaching at my school, parents refused to send their children here. Over time, situations have improved. We’ve _________ into a place where parents want their children to learn. We have a waiting list. But with this has come increased __________ and high expectations from management.

More paperwork than ever is __________ of us. I spend a worrying amount of my week typing about children rather than having __________ face-to-face contact time with them.

But through the stress and frustration, the children I teach and their parents have kept me going. They’ve  ______ some much-needed relief.

My students are lively and eager to learn. Many of my days have been __________ by these incredible little people and their __________ for knowledge. And over the years it is those children who have helped me to develop my personal __________ as a teacher.

I’ve come to see that every child is __________, and that there are some who just need more support. Sometimes, it’s the progress you make with these children that allows you to see most  _____the positive effect your teaching has on learning.

One particular child ________massively with the expectations of school at the start of the academic year, laughing at other children and using  ____words, and I spent a lot of time with him talking through __________ to be a good friend. Seeing this child a week ago showing kindness to a younger pupil makes you reflect on the incredible ________a child can make in a year.

Working with parents, too, has become a(an) __________ enjoyable part of the job. I like having  _______ with every one of the parents of my class, and their support of the children and enthusiasm for them to continue their learning at home is truly  _____.

So my pupils and their parents are an important  ______ of why I got into this job. It was never to  ______ the demands of management,  ______ to work with children and inspire their passion for learning.

1.A.slide B.transformed C.dashed D.ran

2.A.pressure B.creativity C.motivation D.tendency

3.A.informed B.warned C.demanded D.accused

4.A.actual B.subjective C.widespread D.major

5.A.delivered B.advocate C.preserve D.provided

6.A.impressed B.teased C.updated D.brightened

7.A.caution B.enthusiasm C.responsibility D.independence

8.A.growth B.principle C.relationships D.guidance

9.A.unique B.faithful C.parallel D.universal

10.A.briefly B.clearly C.gently D.shallowly

11.A.persisted B.enjoyed C.struggled D.operated

12.A.distinct B.unpleasant C.patient D.fascinating

13.A.what B.when C.where D.how

14.A.assumption B.regulation C.progress D.explanation

15.A.merely B.innocently C.increasingly D.slightly

16.A.words B.topics C.letters D.conversations

17.A.passive B.conservative C.primitive D.impressive

18.A.interpreter B.reminder C.counter D.chapter

19.A.satisfy B.refuse C.expand D.ease

20.A.so B.on C.but D.for


    Do you know what a big dream is? Does a big dream show one’s future? Or, is a big dream something that provides only entertainment? Children dream big dreams, but there are three barriers to realizing dreams. 1..

The self

Immediately following the birth of a big dream, a negative self-talk takes over and gives all the reasons why it cannot happen. This voice inside of people is the ego(自我).It’s there for protecting and should be listened to. Sometimes it is right, but more often it is wrong. 2.. That’s why only a handful of people make their dream come true.

Family and friends

Family and friends are a lot the ego. 3., so they will often list all the reasons why the big dreams won’t come true. Sometimes, family and friends destroy dreams of those they love most, out of their own fear of those left behind.


If one gets past the first two barriers, one has to face the world. It is the last and the most terrible barrier. In the past, big dreamers were locked up and sometimes even killed when they were shown to the world. Fortunately, in most of the world today, big dreamers just get laughed at 5.. When children feel confident and then try their best, they will be ready to accept any failure. The truth is that every great dreamer whose dreams have never seen the light of success knows failure well. They simply fail until they succeed.

A. The world

B. The future

C. Most people are influenced by it

D. They want to protect those they love

E. And their big dream is to be a rock star or a famous artist

F. They often kill them before they ever have a chance to grow

G. The way to realize a big dream is with confidence and action


    Dogs can tell how other dogs are feeling from the way their tails are wagging (摇摆), according to researchers who monitored the animals’ heart rate as they watched dogs’ movies. The Italian team found that dogs had higher heart rates and became more anxious when they saw others wag their tails more to the left, but not when they wagged more to the right, or failed to wag at all.

The curious form of communication is probably not intentional, or consciously understood, but is instead an automatic behavior that arises from the structure of the brain, said Giorgio. “It’s not something they clearly and exactly understand,” Giorgio told The Guardian. “It’s just something that happens to them.”

Giorgio traces the effect back to the way the two halves of the brain process different experiences. In a previous study, his team showed that when a dog had a positive experience, activity rose in the left side of the brain, bringing about more tail wagging to the right. Or else more tail wagging to the left. The effect is barely visible to the human eye because dogs tend to wag their tails too fast, but it can be seen with slow motion video, or in some larger types.

In the latest study, the researchers wanted to find out whether the direction of tail wagging had any effect on other dogs. To get an answer, they fitted dogs with vests that recorded their heart rates, and played them movies of other dogs wagging their tails one way and then the other. To ensure the dogs reacted only to tail wagging, and not appearance, they repeated the experiment with dogs that appeared only as shadows.

“When dogs saw other dogs wagging their tails to the right, there was quite a relaxed reaction and no evidence of an increased heart rate. But when the wagging was to the left we saw an increase in heart rate and a series of behaviors typically associated with stress, anxiety and being more watchful,” Giorgio said. The anxious animals held their ears up, breathed, and kept their eyes wide open. The study appears in the latest issue of Current Biology.

1.What does the text focus on?

A.Animal protection. B.Animal psychology.

C.Animal tests. D.Animal welfare.

2.What leads to dogs’ wagging tail to the left or right according to Giorgio?

A.Their automatic behavior. B.Their conscious response.

C.Their increasing heart rate. D.Their selective preference.

3.At what time do dogs have more tail wagging to the right?

A.When they run quickly. B.When they feel hungry.

C.When they feel stressed. D.When they play with their owners.

4.What can we learn from the text?

A.Giorgio did the research on his own.

B.The effect of dog’s wagging tails can be seen by human eyes.

C.A dog keeping his eyes wide open may show he is nervous or worried.

D.The findings of the study will help with wildlife protection.


    Some of my fondest memories with my family are from when I was in middle school when the three of us enjoyed trips that I remember vividly to this day. But during my younger days like 4 or 5 years old we vacationed in places like Cancun Jamaica and Hawaii and I can't tell whether I actually recall those memories or whether I'm filling in the gaps through photo albums.

A frequent discussion I have with my coworkers and friends' who are also in their 20s is how we wish our parents had taken us on more vacations when we were much older. What I suggest is to hold off on those grand vacations until your kid is about 12 when they can begin to understand what a privilege is and you can save the international travel until they're in high school. Of course I do understand that sometimes it's not the kids but the parents who just want to enjoy a vacation. But in other cases when the main goal is to create family memories you can still accomplish that in other ways.

It wasn't until college that I realized how important travel is and I can't tell you how many times I've thought about wanting to redo those family trips now. Especially during a time in my life when an international trip is outside of my budget I think about how much money my parents spent on our vacations that ended up being a complete blur.

I'm not telling you to deprive (剥夺) your children of fun family memories either. I'm simply arguing that you should travel locally or within your state. Although your little ones might not care about the destination they will remember that you are all together and have a great time. That's the  most important thing anyway.

1.When recalling the previous trip to Hawaiithe author may feel _____________ .

A.disappointed B.excited

C.touched D.frightened

2.What time does the author think is the right time for children to travel abroad?

A.When they start to go to school.

B.When they 'are4 or 5 years old.

C.When they study in high school.

D.When they are eager to have a trip.

3.What does the underlined word “blur” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.Jokes that are made between families.

B.Efforts that are made to achieve a goal.

C.Memories that can't be remembered clearly.

D.Expectations that may be reached in future.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A.Create Chances of Vacations with Children

B.My Memories of Previous Vacations

C.Older Children Hope to Travel with Their Parents

D.Take Children on Vacation until They Are Old


    When Joshua Coombes got off the bus in Washington, D.C., on this past February, he didn’t set off for the usual tourist attractions along the National Mall. Instead, the London-based hairdresser (理发师) headed for the marble fountain where homeless people gather outside. Most travellers walk by without a second glance. So what Coombes did next may well have surprised them: He chatted with them, pulled out his scissors and gave them haircuts, free of charge.

Whether in London, New York or Washington, D.C., homelessness can seem like a problem too huge and difficult to deal with. But Coombes realised that he didn’t have to solve all of everyone’s problems to make an impact. Sometimes, a small luxury such as a haircut can go a long way in boosting someone’s dignity, he told The Washington Post.

Two years ago, he founded the campaign Do Something For Nothing. His mission: to make a positive impact by giving haircuts to homeless people he meets on city streets, connecting with them on a human level and sharing their stories on social media. So far he has cut the hair of hundreds of homeless people, including a few women.

For Coombes, the campaign is about the importance of human connections. He wants to bring people together, regardless of what their relations are, and he sees the simple act of conversation as a step toward strengthening ties between people. In an age when virtual interactions can replace a real sense of community, Coombes finds haircuts to be a simple but important way to connect with people physically and emotionally.

Coombes’s world travels are partially funded through companies and NGOs that commission him to speak about his campaign. As he devotes more time to it, he has steadily decreased the hours he spends in the salon at home. His most recent trip to the US was sponsored by Leesa Sleeps, a Virginia-based mattress company. He will leave for Barcelona soon and plans to return to the US in the next few months.

1.What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 1 refer to?

A.The homeless people. B.The tour guides.

C.The travelers. D.The hairdressers.

2.What is the purpose of Coombes’s founding the campaign?

A.To make the homeless people more beautiful.

B.To increase the connections with homeless people.

C.To bring the homeless people together to the shelters.

D.To help the homeless people change the real sense of community.

3.What do we know about Coombes?

A.He dislikes usual tourist attractions.

B.He travels around the world with his own expenses.

C.He thinks people can take action to positively affect others’ life.

D.He goes away from home in order to travel around the country.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.A hairdresser travels with homeless people.

B.Homeless people are connecting together.

C.Companies work together to help homeless people.

D.A hairdresser helps homeless people through haircuts.


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