



注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

When the summer heat hits countries like China and Japan, woman often carry umbrellas to protect themselves of the strong sunlight. However, a few men are seen doing such in these countries. At most, they might wear a hatcarry an umbrella would be considered silly and even inappropriate for a man.

However, this belief had been changing in recent years. In several parts of Japan, including Tokyo, men are being encouraged use umbrellas to protect them. People are starting to believe that Japanese men do and still be manly.



Scientists from the University of Illinois, US, divided several students 1.four groups. The students2.(ask) to do certain tasks involving3.(create) thinking, to different volumes of back-ground noise.

They found that the students did best when 4.(work) under moderate noise-70 decibels(分贝), 5.is about the same level as6.(find) in a cafe. Students did worse in low noise-50 decibels, the volume of a quiet room-and did the7.(poor) when in a high-noise environment-85 decibels, the noise level of a factory.

8.a high level of noise distracts people, moderate noise can9.(actual) increase creativity. “It helps you think outside the box, ”Raci Mehta, a lead researcher in the study, told The New York Times.

However, working in a very quiet place can10.(strong) our focus, and it is good for doing detailed things like proofreading(校对) a paper.


    It was one of the hardest days of my young life. I was a 13-year-old freshman trying out for the high school______team. It was the first day of full______and my 110 pounds body had been______to the ground more times than I could count. It had become______ as the practice went on that there was no way I was going to be able to______against the faster and stronger boys. My dream of being a high school football star had been crashed to the ground along with my______body.

I made it home sore and______and my Mom met me at the door. She could see I was______in a glance. She warmed me up a bowl of soup and_______me until dinner. While I sipped at the warm soup I______her hand gently rubbing my aching back. We______said a word, but by the time the soup was done I was feeling better again. I knew I was______and that was all that mattered.

I have carried that______in my heart all of these years. Even today, no matter what______life throws at me, a bowl of soup always raises my spirits. Sometimes I can even feel Mom’s gentle hand______my back from Heaven and see her beautiful face smiling______with love.

In this world all of us have had our dreams______at one time or another. It takes a lot of broken dreams until we find our true______in life. God is always there,______, to comfort us, and to help us back to our______again. May you always share your own love with a gentle touch, or even a bowl of soup.

1.A.football B.baseball C.basketball D.debate

2.A.happiness B.surprise C.contact D.communication

3.A.pushed B.knocked C.kicked D.lain

4.A.impossible B.difficult C.unknown D.clear

5.A.quarrel B.compete C.wrestled D.turn

6.A.disabled B.slight C.thin D.painful

7.A.sad B.joyful C.quick D.silent

8.A.criticized B.threatened C.troubled D.abused

9.A.waited B.held C.fed D.taught

10.A.saw B.felt C.let D.kept

11.A.never B.even C.also D.last

12.A.persuaded B.accepted C.saved D.loved

13.A.talk B.word C.memory D.belief

14.A.praises B.accidents C.surprises D.difficulties

15.A.rubbing B.patting C.wrapping D.pressing

16.A.up B.around C.down D.out

17.A.realized B.crashed C.carried D.built

18.A.purpose B.feeling C.hobby D.career

19.A.therefore B.moreover C.also D.though

20.A.courage B.peak C.feet D.origin


    The home humidity (湿度) is a measurement of the amount of vaporized (汽化了的) water in the air of the home. Humidity levels are naturally higher in warmer climates and lower in cooler climates. 1.Older and less energy efficient homes tend to have lower indoor humidity levels, while modern homes with higher energy efficiency tend to have higher humidity levels.

Both high and low home humidity levels can cause problems. Humidity levels that are too high can affect paint and cause mold (霉菌) . Humidity levels that are too low can cause cracks in your drywall and affect furniture. 2.

You may wonder what exact level of humidity you should have. Generally, people are most comfortable when home humidity is between 20 and 60 percent. 3. It can balance your need for comfort with the conditions that are less likely to damage your house.

4. It doesn't require expensive equipment. Just drop three ice cubes into a glass, add water, shake it and wait for three minutes ;  if moisture(水汽) does not form on the outside of the glass, you may need to increase humidity. On the other hand, if you notice frequent fogging of your windows, you may have too much humidity in your home.

Daily activities like cooking can add water to the air in your home. If the home humidity level is top high, you can start cooking with pans covered. 5. If these basic changes don't help correct the problem, use a dehumidifier.

A. This is the ideal humidity level.

B. You must add water on a regular basis.

C. High humidity levels can damage furniture.

D. So do avoid too high and also too low humidity levels.

E. Taking shorter showers may also control the humidity.

F. Home humidity levels can be measured in simple ways.

G. The type of home can also affect the humidity measurements.


    A device called a TreeTalker is providing information about trees to people who oversee forests and woodlands. The device aims to measure the growth and general health of trees.

Scientists say forests are important because they absorb, or take in, carbon dioxide, one of the gases released by burning oil and other fossil fuels. It is a heat-trapping gas and has been linked to a general warming in the Earth's atmosphere.

The world is at a historic period for climate change because the scientific world is on guard. Many scientists say “Be careful, the ecosystem of the forests is not able anymore, as it was before, to absorb all this carbon dioxide.” Rising temperatures are placing forests under increased stress. Harmful insects and diseases are becoming more of a threat to trees. This is bad for the environment.

The TreeTalker devices serve as an early warning system for people overseeing forests. TreeTalker turns eco-physiological signals, such as growth, absorption of carbon dioxide, liquid flow from roots to leaves, into scientific information. This can help show if a tree is under attack from insects or other organisms. The TreeTalker sends its information to forest managers.

The TreeTalker device transmits data via radio and it can transmit data actually a very long distance, up to one kilometer. The information lets forestry officials take action immediately to control threats. The TreeTalker is able to measure the width of the bottom of a tree. Timber industry workers can use this information to know how much wood they are growing compared to how much they are harvesting. Another goal is to give scientists the information they need to understand how climate affects forests and the part trees play in a healthy environment.

About 300 TreeTalker devices are being tested in Italy and other countries, such as China and Russia. Another 1,700 devices are expected to be tested worldwide this year.

1.What was the TreeTalker device used for?

A.Providing information of forests change.

B.Absorbing carbon dioxide.

C.Controlling threats from nature.

D.Helping the growth and health of trees.

2.Which of the following threats to forests is the most severe?

A.Harmful insects and diseases. B.Forest managers.

C.Carbon dioxide. D.Timber industry workers.

3.What does the underlined word “This” in paragraph 4 refer to?

A.The information of an early warning system.

B.The information on the absorption of carbon dioxide.

C.The information of eco-physiological signals.

D.The information to the forest managers.

4.What’s the author’s attitude towards the TreeTalker device?

A.Promising. B.Alarming.

C.Doubting. D.Understanding.


    An extraordinary new restaurant in Semarang, Indonesia is on a mission (使命) to support locals trapped in poverty, many of whom are earning less than $25 a month, by providing them with an alternative way to pay for their food.

The Methane Gas Canteen, run by husband and wife team Sarimin and Suyatmi, is located in an unexpected place for an eatery — Jatibarang Landfill. The landfill is a mountain of purifying waste, where poor locals spend their days collecting plastic and glass to sell. Meanwhile, the couple, who spent 40 years collecting waste before opening the restaurant, is busy cooking.

What makes the restaurant unusual, aside from its location, is that no cash is required to pay for meals. Poor people have the option to pay for their food with recyclable waste instead of cash. Sarimin weighs the plastic customers bring in, calculates its worth, and then deduct that value from the cost of the meal, giving any extra value back to the customer. The scheme is part of the community’s solution to reduce waste in the landfill and recycle non-degradable plastics.

“I think we recycle 1 ton of plastic waste a day, which is a lot. This way, the plastic waste doesn’t pile up, drift down the river and cause flooding,” said Sarimin in an interview with Channel News Asia. “It benefits everyone.”

The restaurant seats about 30 people and serves meals that cost between $0.40 and $0.80 each. Since opening the canteen Sarimin and Suyatmi have seen their daily income more than double to $15 a day.

“I’m happy to see our customers enjoying their meals,” Sarimin told NHK World. “The poor must also have the right to enjoy healthy eating. I want to give them that chance as much as possible.”

1.What do we know about Jatibarang Landfill?

A.An unusual restaurant for people to eat free meals.

B.A mountain where the locals live on selling waste.

C.A place where poor locals collect waste to sell.

D.A plant where waste is recycled.

2.Why did Sarimin and Suyatmi open their restaurant?

A.To double their daily income and profit.

B.To prove waste is a valuable thing.

C.To provide food for locals trying to survive.

D.To help settle the issues of poverty and trash.

3.What does the underlined word “deduct” in paragraph 3 mean?

A.Increase B.Replace

C.Remove D.Equal

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.An unusual way to pay for meals.

B.A local mission to help get rid of poverty.

C.A different scheme to reduce waste.

D.A new restaurant getting double income.


    On August 5 just after 7.30 pm, Mike Estepa suffered a massive heart attack. The crazy cyclist was 40 kilometres into his Sunday ride when he stopped by the side of the road to text his family saying he’d be home in about 30 minutes. Moments later, he was lying in the ditch, unconscious.

Larissa Arthur was driving back to Calgary from a hike in Field, B. C. with a friend. It was a warm and sunny day, and the two were chatting when a flush of yellow caught Arthur's eyes, She immediately pulled off the road.

As Arthur approached the figure. she feared the worst: Estepa was covered in ants and exhibited no signs of life. There was no pulse and he wasn't breathing." says Arthur. A bystander called 911 and Arthur, a registered nurse, started chest compressions. She and two other drivers took turns carrying out CPR for the next 15 minutes before medical teams arrived and whisked Estepa away.

Two days later, when Estepa woke up in the hospital, he was shocked to learn he had gone into cardiac arrest (心脏骤停). How did this happen, and ,why was he lucky enough to have survived? He was full of gratitude and needed to speak with the woman who had saved him, whom he named his "angel” .

“It was emotional,” says Arthur of her meeting with Estepa a few weeks later. Saving his life had extra importance for her: the bike she was returning from that day was one of 100 she's planned to honour her father, who died in 2017 after he fell during a hike that Arthur was meant to be on. "I couldn't save my father's life." Arthur says, "but this was a chance for me to save someone. "

1.Why did Mike Estepn stop while riding?

A. He suffered a heart attack. B. He wanted to send a message.

C. He would like to lie in the ditch. D. He was too far away from his home.

2.What do we know about Arthur?

A. She was an amateur nurse. B. She was scared of ants.

C. She knew how to do CPR. D. She went cycling with a friend.

3.What did Arthur think of her saving Estepa?

A. Grateful. B. Lucky.

C. Significant D. Natural.

4.What's the best title of the text?

A. A Miracle to Return to Life B. An Angel on the Roadside

C. A Risky Cycling Alone D. A Chance to Save Life


    Welcome to enjoy the weekend and learn the outdoor skills you’ve always wanted to master!

Participants must be 10 and up. (17 and under must be accompanied by a registered adult.)

We offer various classes including archery, basic camping, cold weather survival, map and compass and more. Here are details just for four of them:


Participants will be introduced to natural archery shooting techniques and will have the opportunity to improve their shooting skills through instructor guidance. Participants should wear appropriate shoes (hiking shoes or boots are best). If you have your own bow /arrows, you're more than welcome to bring it/them to the class for use.

Basic Camping:

If you'd like to try camping but are unsure where to start, this is the class for you! Here you can learn the basic skills and how to select necessary equipment needed for a simple outing.

Cold Weather Survival:

During a survival situation, cold weather can rob you of the ability to think clearly and weaken your will to survive. You’ll learn invaluable skills, proper planning and how to select appropriate equipment needed to better prepare yourself for surviving.

Map and Compass:

Do you know how to use a map and compass to navigate(导航) to a destination? This course covers the basics of map and compass navigation such as what's on a map or compass, determining distances and following a path of travel. After a short overview of skills the class will be outside for “hands-on” navigation in a woodland setting.


$155. Price includes meals, lodging, and instruction for the entire weekend.



4:00-5:00 pm check-in

5:30-6:30 dinner

7:00-7:30 opening


8:00-9:30 evening



7:00-7:45 am breakfast

8:00-11:45 session 1

12:00-1:00 lunch

1:15-5:00 session 2

drop-in activities

6:00-7:00 dinner


7:00-7:45 am


8:00-11:45 session 3

12:00 lunch/evaluation

& departure



1.What is required of the participants?

A.Attending at least four classes. B.Staying together with an adult.

C.Paying 155 dollars for meals. D.Reaching ten years old.

2.Which class encourages participants to bring their own equipment?

A.Archery. B.Basic Camping.

C.Cold Weather Survival. D.Map and Compass.

3.What is scheduled as the last activity?

A.Carrying out a questionnaire.

B.Joining in the evening activities.

C.Holding the closing meeting after lunch.

D.Making assessments about what was learned.



The first week of my summer vacation was exciting, and my sense of freedom was so intense that it felt like I had to pack everything into that single week. The next week was a little calmer, But by the third week my two best friends had left for summer camp and my activities Wound down into boredom, Getting up later catch morning, I was spending more and more time with my cellphone and in front of the TV, That is when Mom reacted, declaring my phone and the TV off limits between 6:00 in the morning and 6:00 at night, It was shocking just to hear her say it.

In that first hour I felt I'd lost my senses of sight and hearing; The silence was numbing. I circled the house, going from room to room looking for something to do, asking myself what I can do? What can I do? What can I do? When I encountered Mom in the kitchen, I asked her, too, “What can I do?"

"That's up to you," she said without looking in my direction. Through the day I posed my question to her several more times, getting much the same result. Then late in the afternoon, while she was working at her computer, I dared to ask again. Instantly she swung around to look at me, and I could see that my question had a definite effect on her expression. She looked as though she had been shocked. Her jaws clenched, like she was holding her words between her teeth as they struggled to get out. She looked me straight in the eye, then smiled and said, “Wellare you up for a challenge?”

"Sure what?"

"Your challenge is to follow the same ant for ten minutes,”

"What is so tough about that?"

She smiled again. "You might be surprised."

Sometime later Mom stood beside me, timer(计时器) in hand. “I'll set the timer for ten minutes when you find your winning ant."






Para l:

Some of the ants I saw seemed to be eating something.


Para 2:

I heard Mom's timer ring and then “You win, sweetie,' she said.



假定你是李华,英国姐妹学校的Wendy同学来信,表示到访期间想参加你校的升旗仪式(flag-raising ceremony),并询问相关信息。请你回信,内容包括:


2. 仪式的时间、地点;







The powerful Hurricane Barry weakened but remained a weather nightmare on Tuesday. It 1. (strike) parts of Arkansas with at least six2. (inch) of rain and caused flash flooding that drowned 3.animal shelter and killed a puppy.

Heavy rains were falling. The Humane Society of Clark County issued an SOS after flooding drowned its recently rebuilt shelter.“SOS!We are flooded.It's on the building! ”the official said in a Facebook post.“We need help! Can any of you keep a dog4.two at your houses? Help!Help!Help!" Video from the scene showed wet dogs wandering loose in the shelter, the floor covered in water. Many offered their homes and yards5.the animals. A short time 6.(late), the official posted an update on Facebook   7.(say) foster homes have been found for all 72 dogs.“We are so blessed! People from all over have come to 8. (we) rescue. Donations. Cleaning.Fostering.It's really9. (impress)." the post said. After the rainfall, a ray of sunshine shone brightly in the states10.the storm burst last week.


    Have you seen people who take pictures of food for more than 10 minutes before eating? How about those who beautify their selfie (自拍) so much that they can't be_______? There must be one or more who_______ in your social media. No matter_______they choose to share, they share the best but the most unreal.

Take my friend Chen. Every time we went to a restaurant, she would not take a_______ until all the dishes we _______were on the table.Then, she would spend five minutes on_______the dishes in a seemingly random but in fact _______order.Then the most important part: taking pictures.After that, she would choose one of the_______and click in the filter(滤镜) app.The food eventually looked 10 times more delicious than it really was,but we had no _______to really enjoy it— it all went cold.Actually Chen's real life is much less elegant. For example, she hates to wash the dishes,so she leaves them in the sink for________.

Many people care too much about others' opinions and try too hard to ________ others. They find it hard to be ________ and to accept themselves, and thus they are afraid to show their ________ life on social media.What they are trying to prove is________what they lack in reality.But this will not bring any________ to reality,as they still________ the same old pattern of life.

If they really want an elegant life,they should put more________ into achieving it________fabricating(伪造) it. Being more confident,________themselves and trying their best to be better is much more meaningful than________ their life on social media.

1.A.envied B.admired C.recognized D.defeated

2.A.exist B.survive C.flood D.spot

3.A.how B.what C.where D.whom

4.A.bow B.break C.breath D.bite

5.A.ordered B.served C.offered D.prepared

6.A.cooking B.washing C.setting D.collecting

7.A.messy B.arranged C.casual D.correct

8.A.dishes B.restaurants C.pictures D.tables

9.A.chance B.choice C.excuse D.reason

10.A.months B.years C.hours D.days

11.A.comfort B.please C.inspire D.discourage

12.A.independent B.generous C.responsible D.confident

13.A.secret B.real C.peaceful D.healthy

14.A.rarely B.hardly C.exactly D.nearly

15.A.difficulty B.change C.guidance D.harm

16.A.question B.dislike C.doubt D.follow

17.A.effort B.ambitions C.feelings D.money

18.A.other than B.more than C.rather than D.less than

19.A.identifying B.accepting C.persuading D.amusing

20.A.simplifying B.ruining C.beautifying D.worsening


    How do you relax after a stressful day in the office? There are many ways to help you relax. 1. It takes a little effort to get there but the benefits are great for our stressed-out lives. I am talking about the activity of forest bathing.

2. It was introduced as a national health programme by the country's government. Stressed Japanese workers are today still relaxing and reconnecting with nature.The Forest Therapy Society has certified 62 forest therapy sites in the country and the forest bathing movement is also booming in other parts of the world. It says,“Just as bathing in a hot spring helps to soak your cares away,going for a walk in the woods is said to have a comforting effect.”

Forest bathing is about taking time to wander through woodland with no fixed plan or route and just expose yourself to the forest atmosphere.3.That's particularly good for people with mental health issues. A study conducted in 24 forests across Japan found that walking among trees lowered blood pressure, the pulse rate, thus improving our immune systems.4.

Another study carried out a few years ago by Stanford University in the US,found similar benefits.Brain scans showed reduced activity in an area of the brain linked to the risk of mental illness in participants who took a 90-minute walk among oaks, birds and squirrels. One of the researchers,Gregory Bratman, said,“There's an increasing body of evidence showing that natural areas benefit us at least emotionally with our mood and our physical development too.”The evidence seems clear that forest bathing is a shot in the arm for stressed-out workers. So now is the time to get out and lose yourself in the natural environment, 5.

A. But the best way lies in the great outdoors.

B. Connecting with nature has never been more urgent.

C. Forest bathing is rising in popularity around the world.

D. Having this exposure to nature seems to promote well-being.

E. You could even hug a tree as it could be your new best friend!

F. The Japanese concept of forest bathing dates back to the 1980s.

G. It also found forest bathing can decrease stress. anxiety, and depression.


    A great number of species make their home in the vast waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Although the entire ocean makes up an ecosystem, many smaller habitats are found within, including an open-water habitat off the coast of the Northern Atlantic Ocean known as the Sargasso Sea. Sargassum is an alga(海藻) that floats in masses that can continue for miles. The waters of the Gulf Stream push the water in a northward move into this area. This constant move and varying temperature support the accumulation of the brown-colored seaweed.

The Sargasso Sea is so enormous that one method of information collection has not been enough for scientists to obtain an accurate picture of what takes place within this ecosystem. Researchers have needed to employ several methods of sampling. Methods such as dragging nets over the surface of the water and videotaping beneath areas of sargassum have served scientists well.Information collected has shown that the Gulf Stream pushes brown algae from open water into the Sargasso Sea area, creating a diverse floating habitat in an area that would otherwise not support that wildlife.

In the most recent study of the sargassum community off the shores of North Carolina, eighty-one fish species were documented as using the area as a microhabitat.This is an increase from previous studies. The types of fish found here are both commercially and environmentally important.The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council is working to regulate the harvesting of sargassum. The Council hopes to have the area classified as an Essential Fish Habitat. Which would afford it certain protections.

Further research needs to be done before scientists understand how to best protect the Sargasso Sea as well as understand how it goes about supporting so many important types of wildlife.

1.The author uses “enormous” in paragraph 2 to stress that       .

A.the Atlantic Ocean is really amazing in terms of its size and area

B.what the researchers do is highly respected by scientific community

C.the research work is complex because a large area must be covered

D.a large amount of money for the Sargasso Sea research is needed

2.It can be inferred from the phrase“needed to be done”in paragraph 4 that the author thinks       .

A.the Sargasso ecosystem is worth our attention and needs more study

B.the scientific community has ignored this complex ecosystem

C.the Sargasso Sea is becoming a problem and needs removing

D.new methods for researching the ecosystem must be found instantly

3.The text is mainly about           .

A.diversity of wildlife in the Atlantic Ocean

B.different habitats of sea animals

C.methods of information collection

D.the Sargasso Sea as an entire ecosystem


    We spend a great amount of time listening to music. Most college students listen to music at least three or four times a week, and more than 50 percent of them go to at least one concert per year.

According to new research, we may be born liking music, because human beings are born to find certain combinations of sounds attractive. For example, young children can recognize a familiar Song even when its key is changed. Similarly, they respond with more emotions to their mothers' singing than to their mothers' speech. Careful analysis of mothers’ child-directed songs indicates that each mother's songs remain stable from one “performance” to the next, and this may encourage children’s engagement with the songs.

Research with adults suggests that music catches our attention by activating(激活) brain pathways that are most suited to processing music than to processing other kinds of sound. Specifically, music appreciation relies on the auditory cortex(听觉皮层) on the right side of the brain, which is specialized to process sound that characterizes music-in contrast to the left auditory cortex, which processes the stop-and-start bursts of sound that characterize speech.

Although some Psychologists remain skeptical about whether music may have powerful effects on our thinking, a number of studies have shown that listening to music can increase people’s spatial reasoning abilities Furthermore, It is clear that music can greatly influence our emotions. Personally significant music activates areas of the brain associated with pleasure and reward, the same areas that are activated by sex and good food.

Researchers do not agree about how humans' abilities to process and enjoy music have come into being. Anyway, the next time you enjoy listening to a piece of music, remember that the most complex pieces of audio equipment are the ones between your headphones.

1.Which of the following might belong to the “certain combinations of sounds “in paragraph2?

A.A song. B.A debate C.A quarrel. D.A dialogue.

2.It can be learned from paragraph 4 that           .

A.no doubt music can increase people’s thinking ability

B.music simply gives people positive emotions

C.only music can give people pure pleasure and reward

D.music has a great influence on human beings

3.According to the passage, the most complex pieces of audio equipment lie           .

A.at a college B.in a concert

C.in the brain D.in the headphone


    A famous Anglican Church stands in a quiet corner of Dunedin in New Zealand's South Island. Built in 1865,it is the city's oldest church still in use.Countless couples have gathered here to marry.It's where morning tears are shared,friendships formed and comfort given during times of loss.

As with many churches,its walls are graced with a collection of beautiful stained-glass windows. Known as the“John Allen window”, one window portrays the short life of a local man,John Allen,who died in 1915 in the Gallipoli campaign in Turkey.

John was the son of Sir James Allen,who as Minister of Defense,helped plan and administer New Zealand's World War I strategy,which saw 100,000 troops sent to fight. With the war over and his son dead, Sir James chose to install a window in the church, with which the Allen family had strong ties.

Divided into two partsone depicts (描绘) St.Georgethe patron saint (守护神) of soldierswhile the other has an angel of peace, along with the words at the bottom,“John Hugh All Gallipoli,6th June,1915”. Two trees with local birds on the branches can be seen and a kiwi walks at the bottom- reminders that John was a lover of birds.

“There are many war memorials in the church," says the church. “However the ‘John Allen window' stands out; it touches people because of the beautiful design, the New Zealand birds and because John's story, of a life so full of promise ending tragically in the war,reflects the lives and stories of so many others involved in World War I.”

1.What does the word“portrays”in paragraph 2 most probably mean?

A.Starts. B.Changes.

C.Treasures. D.Represents.

2.Sir James Allen built the“John Allen window”to           .

A.celebrate the end of World War I

B.honor the troops in the Gallipoli campaign

C.remember his son's sacrifice to the country

D.show the family's close ties with the church

3.What might be the main theme of the pictures on the window?

A.Freedom and equality.

B.Peace and war.

C.Human and nature.

D.Marriage and family.

4.What might be the best title for the text?

A.A Brave Soldier

B.Window on a Life

C.Cruelty of the War

D.A Grand Church


Directions: Write an English composition in 120 -150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.




Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.



3.这个手无寸铁的年轻人冒着生命危险阻止了歹徒逃离现场,他足多么勇敢啊! (risk n.)

4.在当今社会,诱惑和干扰无处不在,自律即使不是最重要的,也是重要的品 质之一,因为它有效地促进了一个人的进步和发展。(where)


Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

The Psychology of Spending

Dr. Thomas Gilovich, psychology professor at Cornell University, has studied the psychology of spending for over 20 years. According to Dr. Gilovich“We buy things to make us happy, and we succeed, but only for a while. New things are exciting to us at first, but then we adapt to them.” In other wordsonce the freshness of our newest purchase wears off, we begin looking for something else to buy to make us happy.

Dr. Gilovich found that our satisfaction with possessions fades over time. Yet our happiness over things we've experienced increases. For that reason, he has concluded that we are spending our money on the wrong things. A study out of San Francisco State University agrees. The research showed that those people who spent money on experiences instead of possessions were happier. They also thought their money was better invested.

To begin with, activities like a trip, adventure, hobby, etc. tend to bring the participants together and unite them over a shared interest. According to Gilovich, “We consume experiences directly with other people.” As a result, these experiences typically create a positive link and good feelings toward the other person or people.

Besides, your experience shows others who you are and what you are. For example, you might be someone who loves taking cooking classes. More than likely, you'll become known by friends and family as a great cook. They won't know you as someone who owns the latest kitchen equipment.

Lastly, planned experiences arc frequently something we look forward to. Then when the moment arrives, if we enjoy the time involved in the activity, we're left with fond memories. These memories will often last a lifetime. Even our worst trips, on many occasions, arc later remembered with laughter.


Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Slower Walkers Have Slower Minds, Scientists Reveal

Of all human activities, few are so readily credited with enhancing the power of the mind as going for a good walk. However, those who assume that strolling along at a gentle pace is the symbol of superior intellect should think again, scientists have said. 1.

Doctors have long used walking speed to gain a quick and reliable understanding of older peopled mental capability, as it is increasingly recognized that pace is associated with not only muscular strength but also the central nervous system. 2. The relationship was so obvious, however, that the US scientists now say walking tests could be used to provide an early indication of dementia(痴呆).

Published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the study revealed an average difference of 16 IQ points between the slowest and the fastest walkers at the age of 45, This reflected both the participants’ natural walking speed and the pace they achieved when asked lo walk as fast as they could. 3. Actually, slower walkers were shown to have “speeded aging'' on a 19-measure scale devised by researchers, and their lungs, teeth and immune systems tended to be in worse shape than the people who walked faster.

The 904 New Zealand men and women who were tested at 45 were tracked from the age of three, each undergoing multiple tests over the years. The long-term data collection enabled researchers to establish that kids with lower IQ scores, lower linguistic ability and weaker emotional control tended to have slower walking speeds by middle age. 4.

The research team said genetic factors may explain the link between walking speed, brain capacity and physical health or that better brain health might promote physical activity, leading to better walking speed. Some of the differences in health and intellect may be the result of lifestyle choices individuals have made.

A. Those with a slower pace also scored less well in physical exercises such as hand-grip strength and biological markers of good health.

B. There are already signs in early life of who would become the slowest walkers.

C. In fact, based on a new series of experiments, they now believe the slower a person’s tendency to walkthe less able their brain.

D. Brain scanning during their final assessment at 45 showed the slower walkers tended to have lower total brain volume and less brain surface area.

E. Until now, however, no one knew it could signify underlying brain health so much earlier in life.

F. Researchers performed walking speed analysis on hundreds of middle-aged people, comparing their psychological results.


    How and why, roughly 2 million years ago, early human ancestors evolved large brains and began fashioning relatively advanced stone tools, is one of the great mysteries of evolution. Some researchers argue these changes were brought about by the invention of cooking. They point out that our bite weakened around the same time as our larger brains evolved, and that it takes less energy to absorb nutrients from cooked food. As a result, once they had mastered the art, early chefs could invest less in their digestive systems and thus invest the resulting energy savings in building larger brains capable of complex thought. There is, however, a problem with the cooking theory. Most archaeologists (考古学家)believe the evidence of controlled fire stretches back no more than 790,000 years.

Roger Summons of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has a solution. Together with his team, he analyzed 1.7 million-year-old sand-stones that formed in an ancient river at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. The region is famous for the large number of human fossils (化石) that have been discovered there, alongside an impressive assembly of stone tools. The sand-stones themselves have previously yielded some of the world’s earliest complex hand axes — large tear-drop-shaped stone tools that are associated with Homo erectus (直立人) . Creating an axe by repeatedly knocking thin pieces off a raw stone in order to create two sharp cutting edges requires a significant amount of planning. Their appearance is therefore thought to mark an important moment in intellectual evolution. Trapped inside the Olduvai sand-stones, the researchers found distinctive but unusual biological molecules(分子)that are often interpreted as biomarkers for heat-tolerant bacteria. Some of these live in water between 85°C and 95°C. The molecules’ presence suggests that an ancient river within the Gorge was once fed by one or more hot springs.

Dr. Summons and his colleagues say the hot springs would have provided a convenient “pre-fire” means of cooking food. In New Zealandthe Maori have traditionally cooked food in hot springs, either by lowering it into the boiling water or by digging a hole in the hot earth. Similar methods exist in Japan and Iceland, so it is plausible, if difficult to prove, that early humans might have used hot springs to cook meat and roots. Richard Wrangham, who devised the cooking theory, is fascinated by the idea. Nonetheless, fire would have offered a distinct advantage to humans, once they had mastered the art of controlling it since, unlike a hot spring, it is a transportable resource.

1.All of the following statements can support the cooking theory EXCEPT__________.

A.cooking enabled early humans to invest less in digestive system

B.cooking enabled early humans to devote more energy to building big brains

C.our brain became larger around the same time our digestive system weakened

D.the controlled fire wasn’t mastered until about 790,000 years ago

2.The presence of biological molecules was important because_________.

A.they suggested a possible means of cooking without fire

B.they cast light on how early Homo erectus lived

C.they provided a convenient way of studying stone tools

D.they made studies of pre-historic cultures possible

3.The underlined word “plausible” probably means _________.

A.noticeable B.applicable

C.reasonable D.affordable

4.What may be the conclusion of the study by Dr. Summons and his colleague?

A.Early humans were capable of making complex stone tools.

B.Hot springs help explain how human brains got so big.

C.Homo erectus were adaptable to tough and complex territories.

D.Human brains are highly advanced as shown by their size.


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♦ Will others be able to get by safely when my stairlift is not in use ?

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3 Install your new stairlift in hours. Our professional technicians will work diligently to provide you with a safe lift you can rely on

We offer rapid response scheduling and installation at no additional charge!

1.To have a Stannah stairlift installed, one needs to _________.

A.remodel one’s living room B.schedule an in-home assessment

C.ensure constant power supply D.order a special stairway

2.Jenny may use the Coupon(优惠券)to save some money only if she_________.

A.rents the model advertised on Boston Globe

B.pays for the Stannah model which is on sale

C.purchases one brand new Stannah stairlift

D.publishes post-sale reviews on Trust-pilot

3.Which statement is TRUE about Stannah stair-lift mentioned in the advertisement?

A.It promises to regularly check on the old people who live independently.

B.It can be installed easily by following instructions in the brochure.

C.It provides fast and free repair services by professional technicians.

D.It offers an alternative to old people who don't want to be relocated.


    David Miles, an Australian inventor has been accused of cheating desperate farmers by charging up to $50,000 Australian dollars for delivering rain on demand without so much as explaining the technology behind his business.

On the official Miles Research websiteMiles explains that in the 1990’s he realized that it was possible to influence weather patterns by creating a bridge between ‘the present’ and a ‘near-future event’ in the physical space-time continuum. He found that by applying small amounts of energy intelligently, even a large, messy weather system approaching from the future could be eased.

While somewhat fascinating, Miles’ explanation does little to explain how he is able to bring rainfall to the lands of farmers. He makes references to famous but debatable concepts like “the butterfly effect”. “We were advised against patenting because if basically exposing how it works, there will be a lot of big companies that invest in hunting out patents,” Miles said “I understand the doubtsthe only other way is to fully prove up our science and physics. If we did that, we'll lose it, it will be taken up as a national security interest and it’ll then be weaponized.”

Miles' claims raised suspicions for obvious reasons, including a since-deleted section of his company website, which claimed that his technology used “electromagnetic scalar waves”which scientists say don’t even exist.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has warned people against doing business with him, but the Australian inventor claims the ACCC is only trying to defame him and his company, as in reality they are success based - if it doesn’t rain, they don’t get paid.

“Consumers signed the agreement that if by the end of June they receive 100mm, they pay $50,000, if they only receive 50mm, they would only pay $25,000. Anything under halfwe don’t want to be paid,” Miles said of a handful of Wimmera farmers who agreed to take him up on his offer to deliver rain.

Believe it or not, one of the farmers who paid David Miles for his so-called rain-making capabilities told ABC Radio that he was quite happy with the results.

1.David Miles claims to be capable of ________.

A.influencing the weather system

B.predicting the future events

C.reducing the atmospheric temperature

D.easing the gravitational energy

2.ACCC issued warning against doing business with Miles because________.

A.he charged too much for the services provided

B.there was no solid science to hack up his technology

C.his practice was a threat to national security interest

D.he didn’t officially patent his technology with ACCC

3.According to Mileshow much will be paid if the farmers receive 15mm of rain?

A.$50,000. B.$25,000.

C.$12,500. D.$0.

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Miles needed safer facilities for his business.

B.Miles brought about good crops as expected.

C.Miles wasn’t discouraged by the critics.

D.Miles was arrested by the local police.


    A star athlete stopped by my office and she was eaten up by self-criticism after committing a few errors during a weekend match. “I’m at peak _________ and I practise hard. How is this happening?” This student, like many I teach, believes she should be able to _________ the outcomes of her life by virtue of her hard work.

I study and write about resilience (复原力), and I’m noticing a(n)_________ increase in students like this athlete. When they win, they feel powerful and smart. When they fall short of what they imagine they should _________, however, they are crushed by self-blame.

We talk often about young adults struggling with failure because their parents have protected them from _________. But there is something else at play among the most advantaged in particular: a _________ promise that they can achieve anything if they are willing to work for it.

Psychologists have sourced this phenomenon to a misapplication of “mind-set” research, which has found that praising children for _________ will increase academic performance. Developed by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, mind-set education has spread across classrooms worldwide. But a 2018 analysis found that while praising hard work over ability may benefit economically disadvantaged students, it does not _________ help everyone.

One possible explanation comes from Nina Kumar, who argued in a research paper last year that for teens in wealthy, pressure-cooker communities, “It is not a _________ of motivation and perseverance that is the big problem. __________, it is unhealthy perfectionism and difficulty with backing off when they should, when the fierce drive for achievements is over the top.” This can __________ physical and emotional stress. In a 2007 study, psychologists Gregory Miller determined that adolescent girls who refused to give up the __________ goals showed elevated levels of CRP, a protein that serves as a marker of systemic inflammation (炎症) linked to diabetes, heart disease and other medical conditions.

The cruel reality is that you can do everything in your power and still fail. This knowledge comes early to underrepresented minorities whose experience of discrimination (歧视) and inequality teaches them to __________ what is, for now, largely beyond their control to change. Yet for others, the belief that success is always within their grasp is a setup. Instead of allowing our kids to beat themselves up when things don’t go their waywe should all question a culture that has taught them that how they perform for others is more important than what __________ inspires them and that where they go to college matters more than the kind of person they are. We should be wise to remind our kids that life has a way of disappointing us when we least __________ it. It’s often the people who learn to say “stuff happens” who get up the fastest.

1.A.coolness B.fitness C.goodness D.readiness

2.A.control B.change C.adjust D.celebrate

3.A.amusing B.inspiring C.troubling D.touching

4.A.apply B.approve C.appreciate D.accomplish

5.A.disbelief B.disagreement C.discovery D.discomfort

6.A.bright B.false C.general D.flexible

7.A.virtue B.ability C.effort D.status

8.A.originally B.obviously C.necessarily D.regularly

9.A.choice B.command C.display D.lack

10.A.Instead B.Otherwise C.Therefore D.However

11.A.result from B.apply for C.associate with D.lead to

12.A.Immoral B.impersonal C.impossible D.impolite

13.A.challenge B.accept C.assess D.inquire

14.A.plainly B.probably C.immediately D.actually

15.A.exhibit B.expect C.establish D.recognize


Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Killer Rabbits

You’d never think of rabbits as dreadful, destructive creatures, would you? Rabbits are cute and love-able. However, Australians discovered 1. harm these cute creatures can do the hard way.

Rabbits were introduced to Australia in 1788 as food animals. By 1827, they were running around large estates, and in 1859, disaster struck. A man released 12 wild rabbits onto his property for hunting and he 2. have thought that was harmless fun. But Australia has no predators(捕食者)3. (adapt) to killing rabbits and none of the diseases that kept their populations 4. control in Europe. The loose rabbits bred like, well, rabbits, and began to take over the countryside. Within a few decades, there were millions. By 1950, there were 600 million rabbits in Australia.

Six hundred million hungry rabbits could do real harm. They caused more damage than any other species introduced to the continent. They ate native plant species 5. they disappeared. They competed for food and shelter with native animals. they caused the extinction or endangerment of numerous plant and animal species. And they were a nightmare for cattle and sheep farmers, 6. animals couldn't get enough grass to eat and starved.

The rabbits did some good, of course. They provided food for poor families. They supported fur industries. But their impact on the environment and major livestock economy was too negative 7.(ignore). People tried trapping them. They even built a huge wall against them. But 8.(effective) weapon was a virus.

9.(test) multiple times, the deadly myxoma virus was released on Australia's rabbits in 1950. The virus had been developed very carefully to affect only rabbits. Nearly 100 percent of the rabbits who caught the disease  10.(die).Populations fell. It was a huge success. Cattle and sheep farming recovered gradually, and threatened plants were better protected. Eventually, rabbits became resistant to the virus.



1.Tickets are a__________(able to be bought or got) from the box office.

2.After fighting the fire continuously for 12 hours, the firefighters were e___________ (extremely tired).

3.I finally p___________ (to make someone decide to do something through reasoning or argument) her to change her mind.

4.She is still r____________ (to get well again after being ill or hurt, etc) from her operation.

5.Parking is b___________ (to say that something is not allowed) around the harbor in summer.

6.You may not like her, but you have to a___________ (to agree unwillingly that something is true or that someone else is right) that she is good at her job.

7.Before boarding the plane, the security officers need to check every piece of your l________ (the cases, bags etc that you carry when you are travelling).

8.She was extremely a________(feeling worried or nervous) about the results of the final exams.

9.Only 12 of the 140 passengers s_________ (to continue to live after an accident, war or illness) in the horrible air crash.

10.The full-sized double bed o__________ (to take up a space or area) almost the whole room.



1.When I got to New York, I had to attend a school for students __________first language was not English.

2.Reading books, _____________ takes the reader to other worlds, is a wonderful way to enjoy life.

3.Luckily, we brought a road map, _______________ the help of __________ we could find the way.

4.The pen, _______________ I paid two dollars, was lost.

5.—I can't find Mr. Smith. Where did you last see him this morning?

—It was in the hotel _______________ he visited yesterday.

6.—I can't find Mr. Smith. Where did you last see him this morning?

—It was in the hotel ____________ he stayed yesterday.

7.___________ was reported in the paper, people in mainland China sent materials to help the flooded area in Taiwan Island.


I___________________________________________ she does.


His house is___________________________________mine.


You won't find a _______________________ fish in the world.


    Thirteen vehicles lined up last March to race across the Mojave Desert, seeking a million in prize money. To win, they had to finish the 142-mile race in less than 10 hours. Teams and watchers knew there might be no winner at all, because these vehicles were missing a key partdrivers.

DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, organized the race as part of a push to develop robotic vehicles for future battlefields. But the Grand Challenge, as it was called, just proved how difficult it is to get a car to speed across an unfamiliar desert without human guidance. One had its brake lock up in the starting area. Another began by throwing itself onto a wall. Another got tied up by bushes near the road after 1.9 miles.

One turned upside down. One took off in entirely the wrong direction and had to be disabled by remote control. One went a little more than a mile and rushed into a fence; another managed to go for six miles but stuck on a rock. The “winner,” if there was any, reached 7.8 miles before it ran into a long, narrow hole, and the front wheels caught on fire.

“You get a lot of respect for natural abilities of the living things,” says Reinhold Behringer, who helped design two of the car-size vehicles for a company called Sci-Autonics. “Even ants (蚂蚁) can do all these tasks effortlessly. It’s very hard for us to put these abilities into our machines.”

The robotic vehicles, though with necessary modern equipment such as advanced computers and GPS guidance, had trouble figuring out fast enough the blocks ahead that a two-year-old human recognizes immediately. Sure, that very young child, who has just only learned to walk, may not think to wipe apple juice off her face, but she already knows that when there’s a cookie in the kitchen she has to climb up the table, and that when she gets to the cookie it will taste good. She is more advanced, even months old, than any machine humans have designed.

1.Watchers doubted if any of the vehicles could finish the race because_____.

A.they did not have any human guidance

B.the road was not familiar to the drivers

C.the distance was too long for the vehicles

D.the prize money was unattractive to the drivers

2.DARPA organized the race in order to_____.

A.raise money for producing more robotic vehicles

B.push the development of vehicle industry

C.train more people to drive in the desert

D.improve the vehicles for future wars

3.From the passage we know “robotic vehicles” are a kind of machines that _____.

A.can do effortlessly whatever tasks living thing can

B.can take part in a race across 142 miles with a time limit

C.can show off their ability to turn themselves upside down

D.can move from place to place without being driven by human beings

4.In the last paragraph, the writer implies that there is a long way to go______.

A.for a robotic vehicle to finish a 142-mile race without any difficulties

B.for a little child who has just learned to walk to reach the cookie on the table

C.for a robotic vehicle to deal with a simple problem that a little child can solve

D.for a little child to understand the importance of wiping apple juice off its face


    Most people, when they travel to space, would like to stay in orbit (轨道) for a few days or more. And this stands to reason, if you’re paying $ 20,000 for your trip to orbit! So in order for tourism to reach its full potential there’s going to be a need for space hotels. What would a space hotel actually be like to visit? Hotels in orbit will offer the services you expect from a hotel — private rooms, meals, bars. But they’ll also offer two unique experiences: impressive views — of Earth and space — and the endless entertainment of living in zero gravity — including sports and other activities that make use of this.

The hotels themselves will vary greatly — from being quite simple in the early days to huge luxury (奢侈的) structures at a later date. It’s actually surprising that as later as 1997, very few designs for space hotels were published. This is mainly because those who might be expected to design them haven’t expected the costs to come down far enough to make them possible.

Lots of people who’ve been to space have described vividly what it’s like to live in zero gravity. There are obviously all sorts of possibilities for dancing, gymnastics, and zero-G sports. Luckily, you don’t need to sleep much living in zero gravity, so you’ll have plenty of time for relaxing by hanging out in a bar with a window looking down at the turning Earth below.

Of course all good things have come to an end, unfortunately. And so after a few days you’ll find yourself heading back to the earth. You’ll be thinking how soon you can save up enough to get back up again-or maybe you should change jobs to get to work in an orbiting hotel!

1.When traveling in space, most people would like to stay in orbit for a few days because ________.

A.it is expensive to travel in space

B.they would find the possible life in other star systems

C.they could enjoy the luxury of space hotels

D.they want to realise the full potential of tourism

2.Which of the following is a unique experience that space hotels will offer?

A.The gravitational pull. B.The special views.

C.The relaxation in a bar. D.The space walk.

3.Which of the following is NOT discussed in the passage?

A.When was the space traveling made possible?

B.What are the unique experiences that space hotels will offer?

C.Why were there not many published designs for space hotels?

D.How can the travelers enjoy themselves in space hotels?

4.This passage is mainly about ________.

A.traveling in space B.the ways of living in space hotels

C.zero gravity and space hotels D.the description of space hotels


    Camping wild is a wonderful way to experience the natural world and, at its best, it makes little environmental influence. But with increasing numbers of people wanting to escape into the wilderness, it is becoming more and more important to camp unobtrusively(不引人注目地) and leave no mark.

Wild camping is not permitted in many places, particularly in crowded lowland Britain. Wherever you are, find out about organizations responsible for managing wild spaces, and contact them to find out their policy on camping and shelter building. For example, it is fine to camp wild in remote parts of Scotland, but in England you must ask the landowner’s permission, except in national parks.

Camping is about having relaxation, sleeping outdoors, experiencing bad weather, and making do without modern conveniences. A busy, fully-equipped campsite(野营地) seems to go against this, so seek out smaller, more remote places with easy access to open spaces and perhaps beaches. Better still, find a campsite with no road access: walking in makes a real adventure.

Finding the right spot to camp is the first step to guaranteeing a good night’s sleep. Choose a campsite with privacy and minimum influence on others and the environment. Try to use an area where people have obviously camped before rather than creating a new spot. When camping in woodland, avoid standing dead trees, which may fall on a windy night. Avoid animal runs and caves, and possible homes of biting insects. Make sure you have most protection on the windward side. If you make a fire, do so downwind of your shelter. Always consider what influence you might have on the natural world. Avoid damaging plants. A good campsite is found, not made—changing it should be unnecessary.

1.You needn’t ask for permission when camping in ________.

A.national parks in England B.most parts of Scotland

C.crowded lowland Britain D.most parts of England

2.The author thinks that a good campsite is one ________.

A.with easy access B.used previously

C.with modern conveniences D.far away from beaches

3.The last paragraph mainly deals with ________.

A.protecting animals B.building a campfire

C.camping in woodland D.finding a campsite with privacy

4.The passage is mainly about ________.

A.the protection of campsites B.the importance of wild camping

C.the human influence on campsites D.the dos and don’ts of wild camping


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