Where are the speakers?

A.In a restaurant. B.In the man’s office. C.In a theater.


Why can’t the woman pick up the man now?

A.Her car is under repair.

B.She can’t open the car door.

C.She locked her car keys in her house.


How much will the speakers pay for the match?

A.£24. B.£42. C.£48.


What does the woman ask John to do?

A.Leave the room for a moment.

B.Have a discussion with Pete.

C.Get something to eat.









1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;







School lunches in Japan

Japan manages a rare achievement for a developed country when it comes to feeding its children ― high scores for nutrition but very low obesity rates. One major key? School lunches.

A landmark report by the UN's children agency UNICEF released Tuesday shows Japan topping the charts for childhood health indicators, with low rates of infant mortality and few underweight children.

Experts say there are various factors at work, including a health-conscious society and regularly check-ups for children required by law, but a nationwide school lunch program also plays a key role.

"School lunches with menus that are created by nutritionists are provided to all primary schools and the majority of junior high schools throughout Japan,," Mitsuhiko Hara, a pediatrician and professor at Tokyo Kasei Gakuin University, told AFP.

The lunches are mandatory — no packed lunches allowed ― and while they are not free for most, they are heavily subsidized 补助).Each meal is designed to have around 600-700 calories balanced between carbohydrates, meat or fish and vegetables.

"School lunch is designed to provide nutrition that tends to be lacking in meals at home," Education Ministry official Mayumi Ueda told AFP. "I think it contributes to the nutritional balance necessary for children."

Unlike the cafeteria system operated in some Western countries, Japanese school lunches are usually served in the classroom. Pupils frequently dish out the food to each other and clean up the room afterwards. There is no choice of meal, and no concessions offered for vegetarians, or anyone with religious restrictions.

The lunches are intended not only to feed children, but to teach them. "There's also a daily broadcast at school to explain the nutritional elements contained in the school lunch of the day, and this is a good way to educate kids,” Hara said.

"School lunch is positioned as part of education under the law,'? Ueda said. "It's not just about eating food, but children learn to serve, and clean up on their own?"

The Japanese government studies nutrition and eating habits in Japan annually, and uses the results to shape what goes into the school meals, she added.

And there are other factors at work, Hara acknowledged. "Because many Japanese are health-conscious, they try to eat a variety of food, which is good," he said. "And we're taught to eat seasonal food, which also contributes to good health. Japan is one of the rare countries that pay so much attention to food that is associated with specific seasons," he added.

Hara said another factor in Japan is regularly mandated childcare health checks. Parents of infants receive reminders from the local government, and children are given health checks at school, including measuring height and weight.

Still, even Japan has not escaped entirely the growing trend toward overweight children and childhood obesity, which in Japan, like elsewhere, tends to affect those from less wealthy families.

"Children in poverty are more likely to be overweight because families try to cut costs," Hara said. "As a result, they eat less protein but consume more carbs and sugar, which leads to obesity."

School lunches are all the more important to children in such situations, he said.

School lunches in Japan


As is reported by the UNICEF. Japan 1. high in childhood health: A

social awareness of health, regular and 2. check-ups for children and a nationwide school lunch program are main 3.

Details of

school lunches

Regarding health

• Menus created by nutritionists and 4. annually by government

• Meals 5. innutrition

• Food of great 6. and seasonal food

• Official reminders of childcare health checks


The lunches are intended to improve

• students' service consciousness and 8..

• students' knowledge of nutritional elements.

Problems to be solved

9. of less protein but more carbs and sugar in 10. families leads to the increasing number of overweight children in Japan.




    Shelly hugged her husband."Be careful, Billy."

"Come on, Shell!" Bill rolled his eyes. "You worry too much, Honey. Me and the boys will be OK. It's just a three — day trip. We'll catch enough halibut to be able to fix up the baby's room the way you want it." '

"Billy, I love you and worry every time you go to sea, especially in winter."

"Shell, I promise I'll be careful. I may be the youngest captain in this port, but I'm the most careful. I learned at the helm of Daddy's boat, which I was practically raised on."

They hugged again. Bill planted a tender kiss on her cheek, rested his open palm on her slightly swollen stomach, "Besides, I need to be here. Little Billy will need his daddy." Shelly slapped him on the shoulder. "It's Billy Jean and you know it.”

Bill laughed, "Not on my watch, Girl. I gave you a boy to take over as captain."

Their laughter broke the tension. "I have to go, Shell. See you in a few days?" He turned to leave and then turned back, reached into the pocket of his heavy coat and pulled out an envelope."I almost forgot. Here's my letter?"

Shelly took the crisp envelope and slipped into the pocket of her dress. "ThanksBilly.” It had been their custom since they started dating. Billy gave her a note before he went to sea. She wasn't allowed to open it until the next day. He usually wrote of love or sometimes something silly - both made her smile. She wrote a reply and left it on the kitchen table for him. Reading her reply was the first thing he did when he came home.

She watched as her husband walked the'length of the pier to where the forty-five foot “Shelly Girl” and his crew waited. He gave a final wave and climbed aboard.

Shelly stood by their pickup truck and watched until the boat rounded the point and disappeared from view. "I love you, Billy.” she whispered. "Be safe."

That evening, five hundred miles to the south, a small winter depression moved north along the Atlantic coast of the USA. Experts found an unexpected change in the jet stream, which would make the small depression become a raging winter storm.

Shelly woke in the morning and listened to the weather report on the battered radio sitting on kitchen table. The phone rang."Hello."


"Hi, Gail!" She recognized the voice of her friend, who was the wife of one of Billy's crew. “Have you heard the weather?"

"Hang on a second. I just turned the radio on." Shelly's face paled as she heard the weather person say a major winter depression had moved into the area. "Oh crap!"

"That's what [ said too.”

"They'll be OK, Gail. They're experienced fishermen." Shelly said to Gail It was a attempt to convince herself that her man would be safe.

Off the south shore of Nova Scotia, Bill struggled to control the Shelly Girl in the growing waves. Wind and water attacked Bill and his crew from all directions. The forty- and fifty-foot walls of water were too much of a challenge for the young captain.

The force of the water flipped the boat over, tore the wheelhouse off and tossed Bill and his crew into the icy Atlantic.

The water, only a few degrees above the freezing point, soon overcame Bill's will to live. “Shelly!

He took a last painful breath of salt water and slipped below the surface.

The crisp envelope bent beneath her fingers as she laid it on her lap and read. "Shelly, you are my life,, my love and soon-to-be mother of our songirl if that is what you really want. I'll always come home."

Shelly reached for the pen in her dress pocket. Tears dripped from her face and stained the paper she wrote on, “________."

Her note sits on their kitchen table still never read.

1.Why was Shelly worried too much when Billy go to sea this time?

A.Because she and their baby Billy Jean needed Billy's protection and care.

B.Because she knew from the radio that a major winter depression would come.

C.Because she had a feeling that Billy would never return home.

D.Because she cared about Billy's safety in the sea, especially in winter.

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Billy could read Shelly's reply letter only when he returned home from the sea.

B.Billy and Shelly wrote letters to each other since they got married.

C.Shelly read Billy's letter eagerly each time she got his letter.

D.They exchanged their letters with each other every time Billy went out.

3.Which word can be filled in the blank in the passage?

A.weak B.strong C.hard D.desperate

4.Where can the sentences "Shell sat in her favorite spot on the porch of their weathered beach house, the salty air sticking to her heavy winter clothes. The oncoming storm blew sand across her winter boots.," be put in?

A. B. C. D.

5.Which of the following may be Shelly's reply to Billy's letter?

A.Billy, you were so brave, I always knew.

B.Billy, I always knew the ocean was your home.

C.Billy, I always knew, you would come back.

D.Billy, I love you, I would always wait for you.

6.Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?

A.An unlucky Billy B.A storm in life

C.A broken Shelly D.Never read


    “Without trust,” writes Rachel Botsman, “society cannot survive, and it certainly cannot thrive."

Clearly, we are in trouble. Two-thirds of people surveyed last year in 28 countries expressed low levels of trust in "mainstream institutions" of business, government and media.

In “Who Can You Trust?” Botsman, an Oxford lecturer offers a timely and accessible framework for understanding what trust is, how it works, why it matters and how it is evolving. It is an important guidance to the obstacles and opportunities we face as a society if we are to repair and redefine trust.

Through human history, trust has evolved in three basic stages: Local trust was enough when people lived in small communities and everybody knew everybody else; industrialization and urbanization required institutional trust so that people could trust complete strangers running governments, corporations, and standards for international trade, commerce and finance. We are now living through a massive global .shift of trust from institutions to individuals: distributed trust facilitated by high-tech platforms, many of which are run by the private sector.

This shift is caused by several factors. First, accountability is unequal. Rich, powerful and well-connected individuals have been able to accumulate vast quantities of often undocumented wealth by avoiding tax and anti-bribery laws, while ordinary people are likely to be caught and punished for lawbreaking. Second, people in power are no longer seen to deserve greater respect as the details of their lives are exposed.

Botsman does not prescribe how we deal with that. But if the old ways of giving and cancelling trust such as voting, markets and consumer choice are no longer functioning, then we must change or replace them. Systems must be "driven democratically and rationally," become more "transparent, inclusive, and accountable" and, most important, be designed to "put people first," which profit-driven platforms have failed to do sufficiently.

Tech executives are responding to the trust crisis mainly with promises of more and better technology. But Batsman warns that the responsibility for ensuring that the robots being used are trustworthy lies with the human beings who design and use them. We have not thought through how we hold those people accountable, let alone their robots. She warns against a natural tendency "to become over-reliant on machines." Ideally machines should be programmed to "understand" their own limitations and even seek human help or intervention.

A growing number of people hope that new trust mechanisms can be established through the use of exciting new technologies such as the blockchain(区块链). In essence, blockchains are digital public ledgers of transactions that cannot be changed, thereby creating greater transparency and accountability and making corruption much harder.

However, Botsman warns that the blockchain is no panacea for human trust. Whether blockchain systems lead to more accountable governance and a more just global economy will depend on their design and the intentions of those who build them. There is no app for fixing trust.

"Who Can You Trust?" does make a clear case for why it is important for the companies, governments and other institutions to be much more transparent and subject themselves to new mechanisms that can credibly hold them accountable. It is the only way they can hope to earn and maintain trust in the future.

1.Which of the following orders of trust evolution is right?

A.institutional trust→ industrialized trust→ individual trust

B.urbanized trust→ local trust→ institutional trust

C.local trust→ institutional trust→ distributed trust

D.local trust→ urbanized trust →individual trust

2.What can we conclude from the passage?

A.Profit-driven platforms pay no attention to the importance of people.

B.It is the people who design and use technology that count in restoring trust.

C.New technologies, such as the blockchain can prevent corruption from happening.

D.People should rely on new technologies to create transparency and accountability.

3.What do the underlined words “no panacea" mean?

A.not a Herculean task B.a hard nut

C.not a cure-all medicine D.a catch -22

4.What's the author's attitude toward the possibility of using technology to restore trust?

A.Supportive B.Negative

C.Indifferent D.Skeptical


    You are about to hear a strange but true story. Legend has it that, Harry Houdini, the master magician, once claimed that he could break out of any jail cell in the world. All he had to do was walk into that jail cell with his street clothes on. 'I will be out of there in one hour. No problem!' He said. A very old jail down South heard about Houdini's claims and they accepted the challenge. On the day of the event, many people gathered outside. Very confidently, Houdini walked into the jail and into the cell and they shut the metal door behind him.

The first thing Houdini did was to take off his coat. Then, very strangely, he took off his belt. Secretly hidden in Houdini's belt, was a ten-inch piece of steel; very tough and very flexible and Houdini started working.

In about 30 minutes, that confident expression Houdini had when he walked in disappeared. In one hour, he was bathed in sweat. And at the end of two hours, Houdini in defeat, collapsed against the door, which then opened. It opened because you see, that door had never been locked. But that's not entirely true is it? That door was locked. It was firmly and thoroughly locked in Houdini's mind, which meant it was locked as if the best locksmith in the world had put his lock on it.

The mind is powerful. How many doors in your life do you think are locked but aren't? how many times have you been stuck in the mental prison of over thinking something that really had a simple solution. There is an ancient African proverb that says when there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm.

Your mind is the most powerful force you will ever face. It will tell you lies. It will tell you can't do that. You're not meant for that. You're not good enough for that. You can't go on anymore. You don't have the energy. You must thank it for its opinion and carry on. Because as Houdini showed us the only locked doors that exist are in your own mind. The doors in reality are open and all you have to do is walk through.

1.Why couldn't Harry Houdini open the door within two hours?

A.Because he didn't open the door with his mind.

B.Because the door was locked by the best locksmith.

C.Because he had thought the door was locked.

D.Because he overestimated his own ability to open the door.

2.Which of the following story shows the "locked door," in our mind?

A.Bring the painted dragon to life by putting in the pupils of its eyes.

B.One tends to stand still and refuse to make progress.

C.The donkey has exhausted its skills against the tiger.

D.Lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen.

3.We can conclude from the passage EXCEPT ?

A.The biggest enemy in your life is in fact the enemy in your mind.

B.If you walk through the door in mind, your potential will be unlimited.

C.Unless you defeat the enemy outside, you will not defeat your enemy inside.

D.Life is really simple, but we insist on making it rigid and complicated.


    Below are four books of the 10 Best Books of 2019. Which one will you add to your booklist?

Exhalation (呼吸)

By Ted Chiang

■ Many of the nine deeply beautiful stories in this collection explore the material consequences of time travel. Reading them feels, like sitting at dinner with a friend who explains scientific theory to you without an ounce of condescension (傲慢).Each thoughtful, elegantly crafted story poses a philosophical question; Chiang organizes all nine into a conversation that comes full circle, after having travelled remarkab1e val1eys ,,, deserts and plains.

Lost Children Archivef(档案))

By Valeria Luiselli

■ The Mexican authors third novel — her first to be written in English — unfolds against a backdrop of crisis: of children crossing borders, facing death, being confined, being deported unaccompanied by their guardians.

The novel centers on a couple and their two children, who are taking a road trip from New York City to the Mexican border; the couple's marriage is on the edge of collapse and the woman tries to help a Mexican immigrant find her daughters, who've gone missing in their attempt to cross the border behind her. The brilliance of Luiselli's writing stirs anger and pity. Acutely sensitive, Luiselli has delivered an experimental book, one that is as much about storytellers and storytelling as it is about lost children.

The Yellow House

By Sarah Broom

■ In her first extraordinary, fascinating appearance, Broom pushes past the baseline expectations of memoir to create an entertaining and inventive combination of literary forms. Part oral history, part urban history, part celebration of a bygone way of life, "The Yellow House" is a full accusation of the greed, discrimination, indifference and poor city planning that led her family's home to be wiped off the map. Tracing the history of a single home in New Orleans East, from the ' 60s to Hurricane Katrina, this is an instantly essential text, examining the past, present and possible future of the city of New Orleans, and a true reflection of America.

No Visible Bruises

By Rachel Louise Snyder

■ Snyder's thoroughly reported book covers what the World Health Organization has called "a global health problem of epidemic proportions."  In America alone, more

than half of all murdered women are killed by a current or former partner; domestic violence cuts across lines of class, religion and race. Snyder exposes myths (restraining orders are the answer,: abusers never change) and writes movingly about the lives of people on both sides of the equation. She doesn't give easy answers but presents a wealth of information that is its own form of hope.

1.If you are a fan of science fiction, which book will you choose?

A.Exhalation Lost B.Children Archive

C.The Yellow House D.No Visible Bruises

2.According to the passage, which of the following sentences is TRUE?

A.In the book Exhalation, Ted Chiang describes a story told by his friend.

B.Lost Children Archive is Valeria Luiselli's first novel in English.

C.Several stories of literary forms make up the book, The Yellow House.

D.No Visible Bruises shows nothing but restraining orders are answers to family violence.


    For years, I thought a present and a gift as the same thing.

I grew up in a household where presents marked special _______ There was always a box

for each of us under the tree at Christmas. ____ Dad always gave Mom something each Valentines Day and anniversary. He would carefully plan his shopping trips to find just the _____thing. His joy in the hunt was proof of the _____ of giving and of his love for her. I saw these presents as the ______ of a husband's devotion.

So when I married a man who did not give presents on a regular basis, it was a(an)____.

I wrestled with my _____ . Gary did not___ avoid gift-giving. Gary would return from sea __ with a brown paper bag inside of which was something that reminded him of me.

I tried to change him______.I prepared gifts for Christmas and for his birthdays _______ .

He appreciated the caring, but refused to do the same thing for me.

I dropped hints, they fell on_______ ears.

I began to tell him what I wanted, giving______ instructions. When Gary left for the market one Saturday, I asked him to find me diamond earrings as a birthday present. Yet he came home with a road scraper (刮路机).

______when the snowstorm Mt later that year and he was at sea, I used the road scraper to plow (犁)out both our driveway and our neighbor's, thinking how______ earrings would have been was then that I realized he had been giving me gifts ail along. The gestures, large and small, born of his caring and concern were the _______that he gave daily.

We ___to teach others how to love us. In that struggle, we often forget how to _______the love they already give us as only they can give it.

I finally began to understand the_______ between a present and a gift. A present is a thing. But a gift is a small act of kindness, the willingness to_______to another's needs, the sacrifice of time and effort.

1.A.locations B.situations C.occasions D.conditions

2.A.Additionally B.Originally C.Fortunately D.Consequently

3.A.cheap B.astonishing C.splendid D.right

4.A.pleasure B.ambition C.intention D.addiction

5.A.example B.emphasis C.reminder D.expression

6.A.improvement B.adjustment C.despair D.disaster :

7.A.expectations B.dilemma C.conscience  D.anxiety

8.A.actively B.willingly C.intentionally D.wholly

9.A.supplied B.armed C.decorated D.filled

10.A.by tradition B.by force C.by example D.by accident

11.A.on purpose B.in order C.at random D.on time

12.A.sharp B.big C.deaf D.sensitive

13.A.some B.specific C.brief D.unusual

14.A.And B.So C.Though D.But

15.A.precious B.practical C.useless D.ugly

16.A.promises B.gifts C.blessings D.instructions

17.A.struggle B.fail C.attempt D.decide

18.A.express B.appreciate C.return D.share

19.A.distance B.similarity C.difference D.conflict

20.A.subscribe B.take C.connect D.bend


The actor lately released a new film, which has met with a mixed _____ from his fans.

A.assumption B.reception C.composition D.description


There is no quick fix for the climate crisis we're facing right now. To talk about alternative energy is merely to _____ of something much deeper.

A.push the limits B.give it the edge C.scratch the surface D.land on the feet


— Tommy, you seem to be overjoyed!

—_____ ? I have just received the offer from the Sydney University.

A.Guess what B.What for C.What if D.So what


It is estimated that 12.79 million new urban jobs have been created this year, which almost doubles _____ it was last year.

A.how B.which C.where D.what


The Oxford Dictionary is useful for you to learn English, so you'd better buy _____.

A.it B.one C.that D.the one


He was on the scene and saw what happened, which makes him the only witness who provides an ______ account.

A.authentic B.ambiguous C.arbitrary D.artificial


―Why are you so excited?

—I met Tommy just now. We _____ each other for ages.

A.haven’t seen B.didn't see C.hadn't seen D.don't see


_____ by a burning desire for adventure, Li Bai left home and started to travel around in his early twenties.

A.Having driven B.Being driven C.To drive D.Driven


_____ having a roommate inevitably has its challenges, it can also be a great part of your college experience.

A.While B.When C.As D.If


A former tai chi world champion is teaching tai chi classes in New York _____ broadening the appeal of Chinese culture.

A.in place of B.in hope of . C.in praise of D.in case of


Jack had planned to visit his grandparents last weekend, but an emergency _____ and he had to reschedule.

A.should come up B.had come up C.came up D.would come up


I've had enough of your talking! It's time to _____ words into action!

A.transfer B.transport C.transmit D.translate


Hemingway used what he learned from his life in Italy to show that war _____ the best and worst in men and women.

A.holds out B.brings out C.puts out D.hands out


Have you ever waited for your bus for a very long time, _____ by two or more buses arriving together?

A.only to greet B.only greeted C.only to be greeted D.only greeting


Patience is a quality _____ success feeds on itself.

A.where B.what C.that D.which


假设你是李华,你在读英国中学生Jack的博客时了解到他即将作为一名交换生来北京学 习,希望能够寄宿在一名擅长英语的中学生家里,以便更好地了解中国文化。请根据以下要点 Jack写一封电子邮件:

1. 欢迎他来中国学习;

2. 介绍你个人情况;

3. 邀请他住在你家并愿意为他提供帮助。

注意:1. 词数100左右,开头和结尾已给岀,不计入总词数;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Jack,

I'm glad to learn that you' re coming to Beijing as an exchange student and


Best wishes.


Li Hua


假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。





Health is of greatly importance for us. We need some common knowledges to stay healthy.

Firstly, pay attention to the diet. We should eat lots of fruit and vegetables, and they are rich in fiber and low in fat. Don't have a lol of food what contains loo much fat, such as like butler. Don't drink too much coffee, too.

Secondly, exercise was necessary. Regular exercise can help stop us get fat. People who do running every day usually have strong hearts than those who don't.

Finally, form good living habits. We should sleep about 8 hours at night, and never work too late. Besides, stay away cigarettes.



The Moon seems to follow you because it's so far away. That idea may sound wrong. After all, 1. could something far away seem to follow along? To understand, start with objects 2. are much closer.

When you are riding in 3. car, close things seem lo move by 4. ( rapid) as you pass them. A tree or house by the road starts out ahead of you. It comes up fast and, in a few moments, it's far behind you.

5. (object) that are far away do not seem to move very fast. 6. you can see a faraway building or a mountain from a moving car, notice how long it 7. (take) for that object to pass by. Out West, you can sometimes ride toward mountains that never seem lo get any 8. (close).

The Moon is more than 200,000 miles away. It is 9. far away that the motion (移动) of your car doesn't change its position enough for you 10. (notice). So, the Moon just seems to follow you wherever you go.


    Timmy' s favorite baseball player was Johnny Todd. In Little League, he wore the same number as Todd. He _______ Todd' s Souvenir cards and memorized all of his status.

Timmy carried his hero's _______ glove with him everywhere and hoped to one day meet Todd and get his _______ So the day he walked into the Burger Hut(汉堡店)and saw Todd _______ at a table, he thought it was his _______ day.

As Timmy came close to the table, a ( an) _______ man walked up to Todd and asked for his autograph. "Look, can't you see I'm eating?" Todd shouted at the old man. Timmy stood still, opening his eyes _______ with uncertainty. Why was Johnny so _______ to that old man?

_______ before he turned to walk away did Todd look at the frightened child and barked, "Hey, kid, what are you ________ at? "

Timmy was so ________ he decided to trade away all of his Johnny Todd ________ for those of other players. Some of his fellow Little Leaguers did the same thing after hearing ________ story.

The incident found its way into Internet forums and chat rooms. It ________ to light that other folks had witnessed ________ things from the athlete.

Then the small incident ________ to a major crisis for the superstar: Sales of his sport shirts dropped, kids ________ interest in collecting his cards, and the negative press made him less desirable to sponsors.

Regardless of Todd's reputation as a highly skilled athlete, his poor behavior off the field ________his good reputation in the eyes of his admirers.

Our reputation is not what we want people to think of us; rather it is an accurate judgment of the way we ________ treat others. A good reputation takes years to ________ but only a few minutes to destroy.

1.A.gathered B.collected C.liked D.bought

2.A.baseball B.basketball C.volleyball D.football

3.A.photo B.shirt C.autograph D.glove

4.A.seated B.standing C.remained D.staying

5.A.good B.lucky C.favorite D.unforgettable

6.A.young B.elderly C.weak D.loyal

7.A.big B.large C.wide D.broad

8.A.mean B.selfish C.impolite D.fair

9.A.Only B.Just C.Even D.Yet

10.A.glaring B.pointing C.staring D.aiming

11.A.worried B.disappointed C.excited D.scared

12.A.cards B.gloves C.pho Los D.books

13.A.the kid's B.the old man' s C.Timmy's D.Todd's

14.A.turned B.threw C.fought D.came

15.A.various B.many C.similar D.same

16.A.led B.stuck C.referred D.contributed

17.A.took B.lost C.showed D.developed

18.A.destroyed B.harmed C.wounded D.hurt

19.A.often B.usually C.actually D.personally

20.A.damage B.develop C.create D.add


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