Are people less or more happy when they get older? A study in 2018 found that people generally become happier and experience less worry after age 50. In fact, it found that by the age of 85, people are happier with their life than they were at 18.

Arthur Stone in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at Stony Brook University in New York led the study. His team found that levels of stress were the highest among adults between the ages of 22 and 25. 1.

Happiness was the highest among the youngest adults and those in their early 70's. But the people least likely to report feeling negative emotions were those in their 70’s and 80’s. The survey also found that men and women have similar emotional patterns as they grow older. 2.The researchers also considered possible influences like, having young children being unemployed or being single. Bu, they found that influences like these did not affect the levels of happiness and well-being related to age.

3. One theory is that, as people get older, they become more than thankful for what they have and have better control of their emotions. They also spend less time thinking about bad experiences.

4.In another study, people in their 80’s reported the fewest problems with the quality of their sleep. The original goal was to confirm the popular belief that aging is connected with increased sleep problems. 5.But except for that, people reported that they felt their sleep quality improved as they got older.

A. So why will happiness increase with age?

B. Researchers surveyed more than 150, 000 American adults.

C. At that time, the people were between the ages of 18 and 85.

D. Stress levels dropped sharply after people reached their 50's.

E Happiness is not the only thing that apparently improves with age.

F. The survey did find an increase during middle age, especially in women.

G. However, women at all ages reported more sadness, stress and worry than men.


    AIDS may be one of the most undesirable diseases in the world. Luckily, there is now hope for AIDS patients.

According to a recent paper published in the New England Journal of MedicineChinese scientists have successfully used CRISPR technology -a method of gene editing-to treat a patient with HIV. While it may not have cured the patient fully, it still represents a huge step forward in fighting the disease.

The patient was a 27-year-old Chinese man who was diagnosed with both AIDS and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (淋巴母细胞白血病), a type of blood cancer. Despite his bleak situation, doctors offered him a little hope: a bone marrow (骨髓) transplant to treat his cancer and an experimental treatment for his HIV. They used this chance to edit the DNA in bone marrow stem cells (干细胞) from a donor before transplanting the cells into the patient.

Specifically, the treatment involved using the gene-editing tool CRISPR-Cas9 to delete a gene known as CCR5, which encodes (编码) a protein that HIV uses to get inside human cells. Without the gene, HIV is unable to enter cells. Talking about the gene, lead scientist Deng Hongkui told CNN, “After being edited, the cells and the blood cells they produce have the ability to resist HIV infection.” Nineteen months after the treatment, the patients leukemia was in complete remission( ) and donor cells without CCR5 remained, according to the research paper.

Though the transplant didn't cure the man’s HIV, it still showed the effectiveness of gene-editing technology, as there was no indication of any unintended genetic changes-a major concern with past gene-editing treatment experiments. Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in the United States, who was not involved in the study, praised the treatment. “They did a very creative experiment, and it was safe,” he told Live Science. “It should be viewed as a success.”

Deng believes gene-editing technology could “bring a new dawn” to blood related diseases such as AIDS and sickle-cell anaemia ( ). “Thanks to this new technology, the goal of a functional cure for AIDS is getting closer and closer,” he said.

1.The underlined word “bleak” in Paragraph3 probably means “______”.





2.How did the treatment fight against HIV?

A.By identifying and killing HIV.

B.By changing the structure of HIV.

C.By preventing HIV entering cells.

D.By removing a protein HIV feeds on.

3.What is the result of the treatment?

A.Gene-edited cells are able to resist HIV infection.

B.The number of cells infected by HIV has decreased.

C.CCR5 and other genes in the patient's cells are changed.

D.Unintended genetic changes have taken place in the patient's cells.

4.What can we know about the experiment?

A.It pointed out the problems of gene treatment.

B.It provided a new way to cure AIDS patients fully.

C.It could offer a safe treatment for blood-related diseases.

D.It was the first example to use gene-editing tool to treat AIDS.


    Something strange has been happening to me lately: Women in the street have been telling me I'm brave.

My act of courage isn't much-I just stopped coloring my hair. I had brown hair that started going gray when I was 30. So, like a lot of women, I started dyeing ()it. It was expensive and time-consuming. And my hair grows fast, so I needed to go back to the hair salon(美发厅) every 5 weeks.

Many people seem to enjoy holding onto their youth for as long as possible, giving off the impression that they don' t have much wisdom or many accomplishments. But our hair starts to turn gray and suddenly we start spending $500 or more a year to cover something our male colleagues don’t need to cover.

Of course, People should do what they want with their own body -my mother is 91 and still has "blond" hair, and why not? I just wish more of us would feel that it was OK to be ourselves, because going gray has done more for me than saving me time and money.

I like my natural hair, just as it is. I like how it has got curly and full again. It is recovering after years of being damaged by chemicals. I also like that it has given me some needed attitude in a society that makes youth seem so important, while being against maturity. It reminds me that I'm not a kid anymore - and this isn't a bad thing. Not being a kid anymore means I read the books I want, and not the books i feel I should read. It means not wasting my time at events I don' t need to attend when I’d rather be with my family and friends.

When I see my hair in the mirror, it's a reminder that my time is limited, and I should spend it doing what matters. There's nothing shameful about growing older And pretending it's not happening is a way of giving up our power.

I see my gray hair as a little act of rebellion(反叛)against the idea that people lose value as they age, instead of gaining it. I see gray hair as my "flag" and I'm letting it fly proudly.

1.How does the author feel about coloring hair?

A.It shows people’s great courage.

B.It is a good way to hold onto youth.

C.It shows wisdom and accomplishments.

D.It is not worth the time and money spent on it.

2.What should we do when we grow old according to the author?

A.Give up our power.

B.Pretend to be still young.

C.Accept it and act positively.

D.Read as many books as possible.

3.What is the authors main purpose in writing this passage?

A.To explain why youth is valued.

B.To share her opinion on growing older.

C.To stress the importance of different attitudes.

D.To analyze the advantages and disadvantages of aging.

4.Which can be the best title for the passage?

A.Holding Onto Youth

B.Dyeing Your Hair

C.Gaining Value With Age

D.Valuing Wisdom Of Age


    If there was a subject at school that made me anxious, it was science. Maybe that’s because in my tenth grade, I couldn't understand my physics teacher's instructions, causing me to accidentally set fire to the classroom. So, when my husband and I decided to home-school our daughters, we made a deal: he would teach science, while I would handle everything else. But that’s not how things have been going these past few weeks, since my husband has been too busy to teach the girls.

Recently, while out on my morning hike before starting lessons, I noticed that the sky was a beautiful blue, and the air was filled with the sweet smell of flowers. That s why I decided that the day’s lessons would be taught outside, although I remembered that my daughters hadn't had any science classes from my husband for a while.

I returned to the house to get the girls ready. We headed up into the forest, settling ourselves by a pond that rarely has any visitors. My daughter Saoirse started to pick up pond weeds and catch frogs, while my other daughter Ula looked at me, waiting to be instructed. I handed her a drawing board and colored pencils. "We wait, "I told her, " and see if something comes along. In the meantime, just draw what's around you.”

We worked for more than an hour, hardly speaking. A bird flew across the water, and then settled in a front of a fallen tree. I quickly told Ula, worried that she’d not seen the creature. But she had, and she started drawing it. An hour later, she’d not finished her picture and I stared down at it. She drew the bird on her paper with amazing accuracy. But there was one other interesting fact about this drawing: she also drew me, sitting beside her.

I realized, as I stared at this child's drawing of us watching a bird, how I'd lived for 40 years, gathered 10 years of higher education, and never understood the foundation of science before this moment. The foundation of science is a sense of wonder; it isn't about accurately reciting words from a textbook. It is first and foremost about stepping outside our busy lives and amazing at the world around us.

1.How did the author feel about science when in school?

A.She was nervous about it. B.She was fond of it.

C.She was confused about it. D.She was eager for it.

2.The underlined word“it” in Paragraph4 refers to“     

A.the fallen tree B.the forest

C.the bird D.the picture

3.Which of the following best describes Ula?

A.She's very outgoing. B.She's good at observing.

C.She's very hard-working. D.She shares interests with her sister.

4.What is the foundation of science in the author's opinion?

A.Attention to accuracy.

B.Curiosity about the outside world.

C.Determination to find out the truth.

D.Ability to understand teachers' instructions.


Looking for work?

Tutors Wanted: Math / Science / Humanities + Test Preparation

Job Posted: 2 days ago

Wage: $27 – 30 per hour

Job Type: Part-time

Schedule: Afternoons, evenings, weekdays, weekends

Job description:

We're looking for tutors to join us before the next school year starts.

Our suitable candidate will be able to assist middle and high school students with test preparation and academic work in Math, Science and / or Humanities.

We'll pay for your training before this fall and can also offer flexible summer tutoring chances, including teaching group classes.

Once our fall semester starts on August 21, we’ll have even higher demand for tutoring sessions on Sundays from 1 p. m. to 8 p.m. as well as from3 p. m. to 9 p. m. Monday-Thursday.

What we offer:

Flexible scheduling. Tutors work from 15 to 30 hours per week depending on availability and student demand.

Free Sunday dinners during the academic year.

Fun staff gatherings

Health insurance reimbursement (补偿) for staff working over 30 hours per week.

We are 5 minutes’ walking distance from the Menlo Park Caltrain Station.

Applicants must

Have a good command of the subjects they tutor.

Be willing to tutor students through the full academic year.

Application instructions:

Email us your resume (简历)

Tell us why you want to join Academic Trainers and describe your experience of tutoring students if you have any.

Let us know your scheduling preferences and potential start date.

Tell us which of the subjects you are able to tutor-Math, Science and / or Humanities.

1.Which period of time needs the most tutors during the academic year?

A.Saturday and Sunday mornings.

B.Friday afternoons and evenings.

C.Monday and Thursday mornings.

D.Sunday afternoons and evenings.

2.What can a tutor enjoy who works more than 30 hours per week?

A.Comfortable accommodation.

B.Free job training every month.

C.Health insurance reimbursement.

D.Free meals during the academic year.

3.What qualification should a suitable candidate have?

A.He / She must tutor all the subjects part-time.

B.He / She must be good at the subjects they tutor.

C.He / She must have a previous tutoring experience.

D.He / She must work every evening through the academic year.



P= professor; S=students (In a philosophy class)

P: We all have this one life to live. A fleeting shadow amongst all that exists in this vast universe. We have the ability to accomplish anything, truly anything, if we use our time wisely.

P: (putting some golf balls into the jar) Is this jar full?

S: Yes.

P: (after add some pebbles into the jar) Is it full now?

S: Yes.

P: (after inserting some sand into the jar) How about now, is the jar full now?

S: Yes.

P: Good… (pouring some beer into the jar)

S: … (laughing, smiling, thinking, …)

P: Now I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things, your family, your friends, your health and your passions. The pebbles are the other important things, your car, your job, your home. The sand is everything else, the small stuff.

P: Now if you put the sand in the jar first you won’t have room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same is true in life. If you spend all your energy and your time on the small stuff, you won’t have time for all the really important things that matter to you.

P: Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Take care of the golf balls first. The really important things. Set your priorities. Because everything else is just sand.

S: Professor, what does the beer represent?

P: I’m glad you asked. It goes to show that no matter how full your life may seem to be, there is always room for a couple of beers with a friend.

1. 用约30个词概括上述文中的内容;

2. 谈谈你对文中教授观点的看法,用适当理由或论据支撑你的看法。

3. 就文中所述哲理,谈谈在学习中该怎样践行教授的观点(或你的观点)。


1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;





“Hey! So, this Lin Daiyu in A Dream of Red Mansions -” The boy elbowed his deskmate, “Why would she hold a funeral for the flowers, and cry while doing so? What was it that made her so sad?”

“You’d wonder, wouldn’t you?” the girl said. And she explained confidently: “What Lin Daiyu did exhibits the qualities and characteristics of literati (文人学士) in ancient China. This was called ‘grieving over spring’s passing and saddened at the arrival of autumn’. That is to say, they tended to express their sentimentality (伤感) in the description of things amidst seasonal changes. This poem you just read, A Sad Song for the Flowers, is a typical work mourning the spring.”

“But spring and autumn are the best seasons. So beautiful! Why would they trigger(引发) these feelings in poets?”

Exactly they do trigger them! The turn of the seasons, at the end of spring or the beginning of autumn often triggered the realization of the elapse of time and the shortness of life. Poets, particularly the lonely, troubled and unfulfilled ones, would describe habitual scenes, such as fallen flowers and running water in spring, or cold wind and cold drizzle in autumn, as symbols of the unavoidable fading of all things vigorous and beautiful. They put into their poems not only the imageries but also their epiphanies(领悟).”

Seeing the boy was impressed by her eloquence, the girl beamed proudly.

He said, “Well put! I get it now. There are plenty of poems with similar subjects that I have read. Maybe it is common in Chinese classical poetry. But, wait, why is it so? Why were the Chinese poets affected with such a sentiment? Is it limited to Chinese poets?”

“Uh... I wouldn’t say that it is entirely absent from foreign literature, but it is definitely more noticeable in Chinese literature...” flummoxed by the question, the girl was speechless now.

As the two were engaged in their discussion, their Chinese teacher came in. They turned to him for help immediately.

The teacher said, “Behind the strong emotions about spring and autumn is the general sensitivity of the Chinese people to the changes of Nature. I’m sure you both have learned in history class that ancient China was an advanced agricultural civilization, which largely depended on Nature to grow crops and reap the harvest. This in the long run gave the Chinese people a deep sense of awe in the face of Nature, and great sensitivity to the changes of the weather, which triggered their emotions at the turn of seasons.”

“In the case of Daiyu and the ‘flower funeral’, it’s easy to understand in the context of the traditional Chinese concept of the Unity of ‘Man and Nature’, which regards Man as an essential part of Nature. What Daiyu was doing was relating herself to the flowers, and sympathizing with them, which was philosophically and cognitively pre-programmed in the Chinese cultural DNA.”

Title: Grieving Over Spring’s Passing and Saddened at the Arrival of Autumn

Why did Daiyu 1. flowers in a sad mood?

1. She related herself to the flowers and 2.  with them.

2. What she did was 3. of literati in ancient China, expressing their sentimentality by 4. things amidst seasonal changes.


Why would spring and autumn trigger 5.  in poets?

1. The turn of seasons often   6. ancient people of the passing of time and shortness of life.

2. Habitual scenes would be used by poets to 7. the disappearing of the past vigor and beauty.


Why was such a sentiment noticeable in the Chinese poets foreign literature?

1. Chinese people were generally 9. to the changes of Nature.

2. Traditional Chinese concept believed Man and Nature were   10., Man as an essential part of Nature.

3. It was philosophically and cognitively pre-programmed in the Chinese cultural DNA.




    What do people in the outside world do when they want to learn something? They go to somebody who knows about it, and ask him. They do not go to somebody who is supposed to know about everything ---except, when they are very young, to their parents: and they speedily become dissatisfied with that variety of knowledge. They go to somebody who might reasonably expected to know about the particular thing they are interested in, When a man buys a motor-car, he does not say to himself: “Where can I find somebody who can teach me how to run a motor car?" He does not look in the telephone directory under T. He just gets an experienced driver to teach him. He just pays attention and asks questions and tries to do the thing himself, until he learns.

But this case, of course, assumes an interest of the pupil in the subject, a willingness and even a desire to learn about it, a feeling that the matter is of some importance to himself. And come to think of it, these motives are generally present in the learning that goes on in the outside world. It is only in school that the pupil is expected to be unwilling to learn.

When you were a child, and passed the door of the village blacksmith(铁匠) shop, and looked in, day after day, you admired his skill, and stood in awe of his strength; and if he had offered to let you blow the bellows for him and shown you how to make a red-hot penny, that would have been a proud moment. It would also have been an educational one. But suppose there had been a new shop set up in the town, and when you looked in at the open door you saw a man at work painting a picture; and suppose a bell rang just then, and the man stopped painting right in the middle of a brush-stroke, and started to read aloud “How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix"; and suppose when he was halfway through, the bell rang again, and he said, "We will go on with that tomorrow," and started to chisel the surface of a piece of marble; and then, after a little, somewhat exhaustedly, started in to play "The Rock of Ages" on a flute, interrupting the tune to order you to stand up straight and not whisper to the little boy beside you. There's no doubt what you would think of him; you would know perfectly well that he was crazy; people don't do things in that way anywhere in the world, except in school.

And even if he had assured you that what were taught were later in your life going to be matters of the deepest importance and interest, and that you should start in now with the determination of becoming proficient in them, it would not have helped much. Not very much. It's nonsense that children do not want to learn. Everybody wants to learn. And everybody wants to teach. And the process is going on all the time. All that is necessary is to put a person who

knows something---really knows it---within the curiosity-range of someone who doesn't know it: the process begins at once, It is almost irresistible

If there were no teachers---no hastily and superficially trained Vestals who were supposed to know everything---but just ordinary human beings who knew passionately and thoroughly one thing and who had the patience to show little boys and girls how to do that thing---we might get along with our learning pretty well, Of course, we'd have to pay them more, because they could get other jobs out in the larger world; and besides, you couldn't expect to get somebody who knows how to do something, for the price you are accustomed to pay those who only know how to

teach everything,

1.What does the author mainly want to say with this article?

A.An education without teachers is unimaginable,

B.A teacher who knows everything is more welcome,

C.School teachers are far from satisfactory and necessary,

D.We have paid too much for teachers for school education.

2.What does the underlined "somebody" in the first paragraph refer to?

A.A teacher. B.A parent.

C.A man in the outside world. D.A man like the blacksmith,

3.What happened in the "new shop" mentioned in paragraph 3?

A.Useless subjects like painting and poetry, sculpture and music were taught.

B.The man at work became crazy with so many subjects to deal with.

C.One man teaching everything influenced the efficiency of learning.

D.Children listened carefully and often discussed about what is taught with others.

4.According to the author, which of the following can we infer?

A.Teachers are not as useful as parents in helping a child to learn,

B.Schools are the places killing students' interest and willingness to learn,

C.Learning life related skills like blacksmithing is more important than arts.

D.Teachers are ordinary human beings who know thoroughly everything.

5.Which of the following figures of speech(修辞手法) are used in the article?

a. exemplification(举例)    

b. exaggeration(夸张)

c. personification(拟人)     

d. irony(讽刺)      

e. analogy (类比) B.ade

C.bcd D.cde

6.In the last paragraph, the author mainly _______.

A.introduces a new idea B.raises a new question some new evidence D.stresses his viewpoint


    Buck did not know that there was trouble ahead, Trouble for every dog with strong muscles and warm long hair, from Seattle to southern California. Some men had found a yellow metal in the Arctic darkness, and thousands of other men were rushing there. These men wanted dogs that were heavy, with strong muscles for working hard and furry coats to protect them from the cold.

Buck lived at a big house in a sunny valley in California which was owned by Judge Miller. He was neither a house dog nor a kennel (狗窝) dog. The whole of Judge Miller's land was his. Buck was king---king over all the crawling, flying things of Judge Miller's lands, humans included.

His father, Elmo, had been the Judge's inseparable companion. And when he died, Buck took his father’s place. He was not so large---he weighed only sixty kilogram---for his mother, Shep, had been a Scottish sheepdog. Hunting and other outdoor activities had hardened his muscle, and swimming had made him healthy.

This was Buck in the autumn of 1897, when the discovery of gold in the Klondike brought Men from everywhere to the frozen north. But Buck did not read the newspapers. And he did not know that Manuel one of the gardeners helper, was not a good man. Manuel gambled (赌博) and wasted the little money he had. No one saw him and Buck go off on what Buck thought was a walk. No one saw them arrive at the railway station where Manuel sold Buck to a man who was waiting for him,

After two days ho was cried off the train in Seattle into a small, high-walled yard. There a fat man in a red sweater broke open the cage with a small axe (斧头)while holding a club (棍棒) in the other hand. When there was a big enough opening, Buck jumped out like a red-eyed devil, straight at the fat man. But in mid-air, just as his teeth were going to close on the man, he received a shock that he had never felt before, It turned him over and onto the ground. He had never been struck by a club in his life, and he did not understand. He was smashed down a dozen times.

Buck saw that he stood no chance against the man with the club. He had learned the lesson, and for the rest of his life he never forgot it. It was his introduction into the world of primitive law.

In the end a small man called Perrault paid three hundred dollars for him, and he was led away with Curly, a good-natured Newfoundland dog.

1.What kind of dogs did the gold-seekers want?

A.Heavy house dogs with yellow hair. B.Strong long-haired dogs.

C.Diligent dogs with yellow hair D.Muscular kennel dogs.

2.Buck was proud of himself for the following reasons, EXCEPT that ______.

A.he was king over all living things of Judge Miller's lands

B.he became the Judge's inseparable companion after his father's death

C.he had a good life with many outdoor activities to get strong and healthy

D.he was wanted by gold-seekers thanks to his strong muscles and long hair

3.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A.Judge Miller owned a big house and a large piece of land in the Klondike.

B.Manuel bought and sold Buck because he needed money to support his life.

C.The fat man cruelly beat Buck with a club to teach him how to fight back.

D.Buck's introduction into the word of primitive law was obeying the fat man.

4.What can be the suitable title for the excerpt?

A.Fall into Trouble B.Fight against a Man

C.Escape from Trouble D.Believe in a Man


    Scientists have discovered a "monster black hole" so massive that, in theory, it shouldn't exist

It’s a stellar black hole---the type that forms after stars die, collapse, and explode. Researchers had previously believed that the size limit was no more than 20 times the mass of our sun because 8S these stars die, they lose most of their mass through explosions that expel matter and gas swept away by stellar winds

This theory has now been toppled by LB-1, the newly discovered black hole. Located about 15.000 light years away, it has a mass 70 times greater than our sun, according to a press release from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The findings were published by Chinese researchers in the journal Nature on Wednesday.

"Black boles of such mass should not even exist in our galaxy, according to most of the current models of stellar evolution," said Liu Jifeng, head of the team that made the discovery. "LB-1 is twice as massive as what we thought possible. Now theorists will have to take up the challenge of explaining its formation."

Scientists are now scratching their heads at how LB-1 got so huge.

The Chinese team has proposed a number of theories. LB-1' sheer size suggests that it “was not formed from the collapse of only one star," the study said--- instead, it could potentially be two smaller black holes orbiting each other.

Another possibility is that it formed from “fallback supermova.” This is when a supernoma---the last stage of an exploding star---ejects material during the explosion, which then falls back into the supernova, creating a black hole.

This fallback formation is theoretically possible, but scientists have never been able to prove or observe it. If this is how LB-1 formed, then we may have "direct evidence for this process” for the first time, the study said.

There are several types of black holes and stellar black holes like LB-1 are on the smaller side, according to NASA. Supermassive black holes are much bigger---they can be billions of times the mass of our sun,

Scientists believe supermassive black holes may be connected to the formation of galaxies, as they often exist at the center of the mass star stems but it is still not clear exactly how, or which form first.

1.Why does the writer write the article?

A.To report the great achievement Chinese scientists have made in black hole theory,

B.To inform the readers of the basic knowledge about the black hole,

C.To share with the readers the new development of the black hole discovery,

D.To demonstrate the significance of discovering new black holes for science.

2.Which of the following about LB-1 is true to the passage?

A.It is the biggest black hole ever discovered,

B.It lost only a small part of its mass through explosion.

C.It couldn't have been formed from the collapse of one star,

D.Its discovery may lead to some breakthrough in the “fallback formation theory".

3.Which of the following is right according to the passage?

A.If the sun in our galaxy dies some of its mass will be taken away by stellar winds.

B.A massive supernova will be formed and then exploded if the sun in our galaxy dies.

C."The Milky Way" was formed after a supermassive black hole collapsed and exploded.

D.If “the Milky Way" dies, a supermassive black hole will be formed after its death.


    It can be tough to pull kids away from their computers and mobile devices these days. While they're playing games, wouldn't it be great if they could be learning at the same time? Good educational apps offer fun challenges that teach specific grade-level skills. Here are 4 that combine fun and learning.

Understanding Math---Addition and Subtraction ($3.99; iOS)

Understanding Math---Addition and Subtraction goes beyond basic comprehension to instill a deeper understanding of the whys and hows of math. The app tracks your child's progress to determine strengths and weaknesses in different skill areas, and you can customize your child's learning experience to suit the needs.

Word Creativity Kit ($52.99; iOS)

Word Creativity Kit aims to make creative writing fun while also build up grammar rules. The app presents a series of words from seven categories, such as space or fantasy. Kids add their own words to finish the complete thoughts that these words have inspired.

Barefoot World Atlas ($4.99; iOS)

Barefoot World Atlas helps kids learn about geography and world cultures with a touch of the screen. Each region features a set of subtopics, from wildlife and natural features to native people, landmarks, and architecture. These facts and illustrations are delivered in photographs, sounds, and hundreds of mini videos.

My Grades & Homework (S0.99; iOS)

A combination of grades and homework tracker, My Grades & Homework can help your child stay organized and on top of the progress in school. A convenient calendar and course list format offer a glance at your child's assignment schedule that he/she might not normally get from standard homework planners.

1.What is the common part of the four apps?

A.They can encourage children to study harder.

B.They cam help parents know their children's progress.

C.They can make study fun by mini videos.

D.They can be installed into iOS operation systems

2.What is the purpose of the text?

A.To encourage parents to allow their students to play apps.

B.To wish readers to bring in more similar apps for children.

C.To introduce 4 educational apps for readers to buy and use.

D.To design the educational apps to combine fun and learning.


    ProjectArt is an arts program providing free arts classes to children at public libraries in major US cities.

____ to the arts encourages children's self-worth, helps them communicate and improves their _________in academic areas. Yet, since the 1980s, access to arts education for American school children has been on the________

But where the American public school system is______ children, non-profits are ______ to fill the emptiness, and one organization in particular has __________ plans to become the largest free art school for children in the country.

ProjectArt, founded by AdarshAlphons in Harlem in 2011, is______to New Orleans and San Francisco, two cities with many homeless young people and giving the organisation a(n)_______ in a total of eight cities across the US.

Its executive director, Diana Buckley Muchmore _______with ProjectArt in its early days, and one experience impressed on her the_______that art can make on a child's development._______ her friend Alphons in teaching in a Harlem community center, Buckley Muchmore met a boy. "He was very quiet, but I _______ with him through a sculpture he was making_______wood, and he slowly started to_______to describe his work," she remembers.

Since then, Buckley Muchmore has watched as ProjectArt has embraced a model of_______with the country's public library systems. The libraries give them_______ space, access to existing communities and materials to _______ the children's creations.

In the meantime, the organization is working to serve the particular needs and take_______of the resources of its newest cities. In San Francisco, Buckley Muchmore has an eye on big companies like Airtbnb and Adobe, which she hopes to _______ for funding. The organization also receives_______ from foundations and individuals.

“In terms of less populated communities, we'll get there too," says Buckley Muchmore. "Eventually, we'll be in all the cities that have libraries."

1.A.Exposure B.Entrance C.Invitation D.Addiction

2.A.popularity B.expectation C.performance D.identity

3.A.decline B.account C.way D.rise

4.A.satisfying B.transforming C.supporting D.failing

5.A.letting of B.stepping in C.taking up D.falling out

6.A.great B.strange C.difficult D.secret

7.A.moving B.allocating C.returning D.expanding

8.A.evidence B.guidance C.presence D.reference

9.A.separated B.volunteered C.toyed D.conflicted

10.A.impact B.remark C.barrier D.progress

11.A.Appealing B.Including C.Joining D.Watching

12.A.dealt B.connected C.played D.compared between B.up to C.out of D.away from

14.A.hold out B.stand up C.figure out up

15.A.partnering B.struggling C.exchanging


17.A.respect B.inspire C.reward D.challenge

18.A.charge B.advantage C.notice D.control

19.A.arrange B.prepare D.approach

20.A.invitations B.appreciations C.donations D.congratulations


--- Do you know anything about War of Seven Kingdoms, the Chinese Game of Thrones?

---Sure. Although each event _____ a well-known actor playing the key roles, it has all its plots well _____on established historical records and archaeological findings.

A.features; grounded B.characteristics; witnessed

C.stars; depended D.displays; commented


I watched Mike's adolescence, _____ he ran into trouble, _____things at the wrong time and misunderstood by many people.

A.when; saying B.which; said C.when; said D.which; saying


China’s year-on-year growth in consumer price index ________ an almost eight-year high at 4.5 percent in November ________ higher prices of pork and other meat said the National Bureau of Statistics on Tuesday.

A.hit; but for B.beat; due to C.beat; but for D.hit; due to


With computers replacing humans in many industries, there have been many reports in recent years _____ warn of future job losses.

A.when B.where C.which


The teacher together with his assistants _____ ten cell samples during the past two months in the school lab.

A.analyze B.analyzes C.has analyzed D.have analyzed


---What are you going to do with the flaw in the vase?

---I can either send a new one to you by express mail or _____ compensate you at a reasonable price.

A.artificially B.accordingly C.alternatively D.consistently


--- Mary, what do you think of the soup I cooked especially for you?

---______, but it tastes too oily.

A.My fault B.Forget it C.Excuse me D.No offence


--- Hi, it's time we worked out a plan for the research project.

---Sorry, I'm not available right now. I _____ for the upcoming final exam. preparing B.prepared C.have prepared D.will be preparing


---What happened to her?

---She was _____ to hospital with a soaring temperature.

A.adapted B.adjusted C.admitted D.adopted


Applicants are not required to take IELTS or TOEFL test but it will be appreciated if someone has taken _____.

A.none B.either C.neither D.all


_____Macao has achieved shows _____"one country, two systems" principle is the best solution to the Macao and Hongkong question, left by history.

A.That; what B.What; that C.What; what D.That; that


---What's new?

---The upcoming 40-day Spring Festival travel ____ , also known as chunyun, will ___ on Jan 10 and end on Feb 18.

A.dash; kick out B.rush; kick off C.flow; kick in D.jam; kick up


He _____ his stay in France, didn't he? He looks amazingly different.

A.will have enjoyed B.should have enjoyed

C.can have enjoyed D.must have enjoyed


The responsibility of an artist is to create artworks to _____ people's needs for aesthesis and enjoyment.

A.result in B.serve for at D.cater to


Good morning, and in case I _____ you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!

A.won't see B.wouldn't see C.don't see D.didn't see


假设你是某中学的学生李华,你的外国笔友 Leslie最近参加了一次学校电视主持人的面试,但是没有通过,心情不好。请你给他发一封电子邮件,内容包括:

1. 表示安慰

2. 给予鼓励;

3. 提出建议。

注意:1. 词数:100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Leslie,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I used to think visiting museums was bored. One day, I was taking to an art museum that there were a group of other kids. “Not having fun?” the guide whispered, watch my face. I sighed but followed the group. “Since the parents are gone, let’s found something special!” the guide said. We saw a painting of people in a cafe and the guide asked why was wrong with them. I found out that table legs was all missing. The guide praised me and then said, “Our brains play tricks us, making us ignore small changes, and the painter just made a good use of it.” From then on, I started to love museums.



1.Republican leaders will be watching carefully to see how the prime minister h_____________ the situation.

2.Your explanation has clearly ______________ (阐明) the long and difficult sentence.

3.Though too old to work much, my grandfather is e______________ about neighbourhood affairs.

4.As a t______________ , if you want to change writing into a different language, you must have a good knowledge of both English and Chinese.

5.______________ (极为激动) at the terrible scene, she couldn’t say a word.


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