---Jenny,I hear there will be an art club in our school.

---Wonderful!I can’t wait to _________ it.

A. repeat              B. forget

C. receive            D. join


Fresh food is good for you . But you have to ­­­_______it first because sometimes it a little dirty.

A. taste              B. smell

C. wash             D. plant


Soccer is a wonderful game for children.

It      great exercise, such as running and kicking.

A. provides             B. remains

C. practises            D. receives


----What were you doing this time yesterday?

-----I           on the grass and drawing a picture.

A. sit                  B. sat

C. am sitting          D. was sitting


----Excuse me, could you tell me how            to Beijing Zoo?

-----Well, you may take Bus No.27.

A. get              B. gets

C. getting           D. to get


I knocked on the door but            answered.

A. somebody        B. nobody

C. anybody         D. everybody


-----Can you ride a horse?


A. needn’t          B. may not

C. can’t          D. mustn’t


Hurry up,           you will miss the plane.

A. and               B. but

C. so                 D. or



Thanksgiving Day was near. The first grade teacher gave her class some fun homework---to draw a picture of something for which they were thankful.

Most of the class drew a turkey or other traditional things. But Douglas drew a different kind of picture. He drew a hand. Just an empty(空的) hand.

Douglas was a different boy. He was poor and unhappy. As other children played, Douglas was likely to stand close by the teacher’s side.

His classmates were surprised at his picture. One child guessed it was the hand of a farmer, because farmers raise turkeys. Others guessed it was the hand of God, for God feeds us.

The teacher asked him whose hand it was. The little boy said in a low voice, “It’s yours.”

She remembered the times she had taken his hand and walked with him here and there, as she had the other students. How often she said, “Take my hand, Douglas, we’ll go outside.” Or, “Let me show you how to hold your pencil.” Or, “Let’s do this together.” Douglas was most thankful for his teacher’s hand.

Tears came into the teacher’s eyes.

1.The underlined word “raise” means “_______” in Chinese.

A.              B. 饲养

C.             D. 做饭

2. Douglas drew a hand of ________.

A. a farmer        B. God

C. the teacher      D. his own

3.When other children played, Douglas __________.

A. played with other children

B. stood quietly by the teacher’s side

C. sat in the classroom quietly

D. stood by them and watched them play

4. When the teacher knew the truth, she felt ___________.

A. surprised       B. sad

C. moved          D. happy

5.Douglas drew the picture of a hand because ___________.

A. the teacher asked the students to draw a hand of the teacher

B. most of the class drew traditional things used for celebrating Christmas Day

C. Douglas only liked drawing the hand

D. Douglas was most thankful for his teacher’s hand



通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

Mother’s Day is on the second Sunday in May every year. It is a day when children give their ______ cards, presents and flowers. One of the best ways to celebrate Mother’s Day is to give your mother the day off. Let her have a good rest while other members of the family do the ______. Many families begin Mother’s Day with ______ in bed. Usually dad and the children will let mom _______ up late as they go into the kitchen and get ready _______ her favorite meal. A Mother’s Day breakfast can make anything your mom likes. After the food is cooked, keep everything nicely on a plate. Don’t forget to put the bottle _______ only one flower. It’s spring here, the children can pick the nicest ______ from the garden outside. When everything is ready, carefully carry the plate and mom’s favorite books and newspapers up to her bedroom. Cards and small presents from the children can be put on the plate _______ it is given to mom in bed. Many families take mom out to her favorite restaurant for a meal. It is a good day to let your mom ______ and let her see what a wonderful _______ she has.

1.A. mothers        B. parents         C. teachers             D. friends

2.A. homework        B. washing       C. housework            D. shopping

3.A. breakfast       B. lunch           C. supper               D. dinner

4.A. eat           B. get             C. wash                 D. cook

5.A. to             B. for             C. with                 D. by

6.A. have            B. has             C. with                D. by

7.A. plate         B. flower          C. bottle              D. food

8.A. after         B. when            C. if                  D. before

9.A. sleep         B. eat            C. cook                 D. rest

10.A. family        B. job            C. restaurant           D. flower


The boy looked ______ because he didn’t pass his maths exam.

A. sad                 B. sadness

C. saddest             D. sadly


There's an important football match today. I _________ miss it.

A. may              B. can't

C. must              D. needn't


We can’t do it that way

--- but whether it will work is ______ matter.

A. other             B. another

C. each              D. every


I will try my best to stop my son from _____ the same mistake.

A. make            B. made

C. makes           D. making


The running water makes the stones ______ very smooth.

A. sound             B. taste

C. smell             D. feel


---Could you tell me _____________?

---OK. Guiyang.

A. where is Tom from?          B. where Tom comes from

C. who is your pen pal           D. what is the boy doing


I don’t know ______ he will be back ______ the Dragon Boat Festival.

A. whether, on       B. if, in

C. whether, in        D. that, at


_______ nice day! Let’s go out to have a picnic.

A. How             B. What

C. How a            D. What a


Our English teacher is so _________ with us that we all like her very much.

A. crazy             B. stupid

C. unhappy           D. patient


---Why don’t you listen to tapes to improve your listening skills?

---It’s _______ difficult

for me ______ follow.

A. to, too           B. too, to

C. so, that         D. such, that



In September 2013, the China National  Tourism  Administration(国家旅游局)issued a new

set of tourist guideline in order to improve tourists' behavior when they travel abroad.  Although the 64-page  handbook  contains  suggestions for Chinese tourists when traveling at home, the mainpurpose is to improve the poor reputation(声誉)of Chinese tourists abroad.

In 2013, more than 83 million Chinese people traveled overseas, up 18 percent from the year

2012, according to  the  China  Tourism  Academy. But  even as they travel farther, the Chinese

tourists continue to take bad habits with them.  From damaging ancient Egyptian temples to letting

children defecate(排便)in the  middle  of airports,   Chinese tourists have earned a bad fame.

Chinese Vice-Premier Wang Yang even  stressed  the  need for Chinese tourists to behave better

while traveling overseas so as to protect China's image abroad.

Now with the latest "guidebook", Chinese travelers should have no excuse for rude

behavior. According to the guidelines, when using the restroom,  Chinese tourists are asked not to forget to flush the toilet after using it.

The guidelines also remind tourists of not fighting with others  when they want to take pictures

at tourist attractions. When flying, the guidelines advise  travelers  not to take life vests(救生衣)away from airplanes.

Chinese tourists are also encouraged to be respectful of local customs wherever they travel.  In

the United Kingdom, for example, it is not polite to ask people。Where are you going?" or

“Have you eaten?", the handbook says.

Nevertheless, with a very short history of traveling overseas, it is not surprising that many

Chinese tourists behave badly on their foreign trips. We should give them time to change.


1.What's the main purpose of the new guideline?

A. To improve the Chinese tourists' behavior abroad.

B. To guide the Chinese tourists how to travel farther.

C. To introduce the famous places of interest all over the world.

D.To give suggestions to Chinese tourists when traveling at home.

2.How many people traveled abroad in 2012?

A. About 83 million.            B. About 18 million.

C. About 98 million.           D. About 70 million.   .

3. Which of the following behavior is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Damaging ancient Egyptian temples.

B. Taking life vests away from airplanes.

C. Fighting with others when taking pictures.

D. Taking photos in areas marked "No photos".

4. What are Chinese tourists encouraged to do?

A. Respect local customs wherever they travel.

B. Try to be polite both at home and abroad.

C. Ask questions when they meet with difficulty.

D. Take the guidebook with them when traveling abroad.

5.Why is it not surprising for some Chinese tourists to behave badly abroad?

A. They can't speak foreign languages.

B. They don't get trained before traveling abroad.

C. They don't understand local people and culture.

D. China has a very short history of overseas travel.



Have you ever tried the “Magic Cube”(魔方) ? Pick up one of these cubes and you probably won’t be able to p1. it down. How hard can it be to rearrange(重新安排) the nine little squares on each s2. of the cube? In fact, there are millions of possibilities! It has been over 30 years s_3. the cube first hit the market(上市). However, not many people know that it was used just a_4. a simple classroom model at the beginning.

In 1974, Mr. Erno Rubik i5. the “Magic Cube” as he called it. He did this to help his students to u_6.difficult 3D concepts(概念). This classroom example was quickly turned into a p 7.toy. In 1979, Ideal Toys started to sell it as “Rubik’s Cube”. The invention quickly became a 1980s cultural  icon.(文化偶像)

As time went by, the cube once lost i8. attractive qualities. However, it made a comeback with the internet. Now anyone can go online and find many videos that show w9.to solve the cube. Erik Akkersdijk of the Netherlands holds the world r10. now. He finished in just 7.08 seconds!


It’s necessary for us _________ to our parents when we have problems.

A. to talk                 B. talking

C. talk                    D. talks


–Do you have any plans for this Sunday?

--I’m not sure. I ______ go to the countryside to see my grandmother.

A. can            B. must

C. may            D. need


–Why didn’t you buy any bread?

--Sorry, I _____.

A. forget                B. forgot

C. remember              D. remembered


The final exam is very important. We must treat it _______.

A.serious                B.seriously

C.careless               D.carelessly


---- Sir, Jenny wants to know when she can leave the office.

----- Only when she ______ copying this report.

A.finishes             B.finish

C.finished               D.will finish


Why not         your teacher for help when you can’t finish         it by yourself?

A. ask; write             B. to ask; writing

C. ask; writing           D. asking; write


--Is that Anna's car?

--It____be hers. She has just gone to the theater for the new opera.

A.can't               B.mustn't

C.may                 D.could


Those who would like to help others always have more chances to help____.

A.them               B.themselves

C.us                D.ourselves


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