–Remember to keep a lid on it. I don’t want anyone else to know about it.

--Ok. I will.

A. keep talking about it

B. keep it secret

C. stop telling it


This programme consists of seven amazing units.

A. is made of B. combines C. is made up of


Mr. Wang was absent from the meeting yesterday.

A. was late for B. didn’t attend C. showed up


We finally managed to get the first prize in the competition.

A. wanted to get

B. went to get

C. succeeded in getting


She filled the box with beautiful flowers and put it on the table.

A. made the box full of

B. made the box empty of

C. make up the box with


There’s almost no water in the bottle. Let me get some from the pot.

A. no longer B. hardly any C. nearly never


He kept still for a while and then left the room.

A. didn’t move

B. didn’t smile

C. didn’t speak


We work hard in order that we won’t let ourselves down.

A. go … down

B. make … disappointed

C. keep off



暑假快到了。一项调查结果显示,很多同学想在暑假去旅游,但有的同学不喜欢旅游。请以“Traveling is       ”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,谈谈你对旅游的看法。

要求:1.先把题目补充完整(可用interesting boring等) 2.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。




These days when you go on vacation you spend most of your money just getting there. Travel is expensive but don't stay at home only because you are short of money! Here is some advice:

*Travel during off-season if possible. Flights and hotels are very cheaper when tourism is low.

*Choose a hotel that's a little farther from popular attractions. If you're staying several days check out prices on vacation homes it can end up being cheaper than a hotel.

*Take public traffic such as buses or subway instead of taking a taxi.

*Plan your meals and eat like locals. Don't waste money at expensive hotel restaurants or fast-food chains. Depending on where you stay it may be cheaper to make food on your own.

*Check online for special discount(折扣) —if you're a student the old or the parents traveling with children you could get discounts! A little research could save you a lot of money.

Whether you're backpacking alone or going on a family vacation your trip doesn't have to break the bank. The key is to plan ahead and write down what you spend. Then put the money you save toward your next trip!

1.Is travel expensive now?


2.How many suggestions are given to save money?


3.Which is cheaper staying at a hotel or a vacation home?


4.Who could get discounts?


5.What is the passage mainly about?





M:Excuse me. Miss Lin. 1._________

W:Yes, Jim. I have some.

M:That’s great. 2._________

W:Of course, you can. Why do you need it?

M:The science teacher asked us to read books or watch VCDs to know more about Mars.


M:Yes, and so are my classmates.

W:Oh, I see. Here it is. 4._________

M:Thank you, Miss Lin.



Can you make animals work for us? Some scientists think that one day we can teach animals to do a lot of things for people. In a film shown on TV you may see elephants monkeys tigers or some other animals are always given a little food to eat after they have done something. Scientists say that people can teach many different animals to do some of the easy work if they know they will get something to eat. We all know elephants can carry large logs(圆木) and dogs can look after houses.

And we even teach animals to work in factories. In America for example people have used apes to help make cars and scientists think that those large monkeys may drive trains one day. Now people are trying to get them to do the same thing that man does.

1.Scientists think animals can help people to do something       .

A、if they know they will get food after doing something.

B、because animals are so clever.

C、if they know the work is easy enough

2.       can do some heavy work because they are so strong.

A、Tigers     B、Elephants    C、Monkeys

3.What does the underlined word “apes” mean in Chinese?

A、猎豹     B、猿猴     C、孔雀

4.Scientists are planning to make big monkeys to________.

A、make trains   B、carry logs    C、drive trains

5.If we teach animals carefully ________.

A、some animals can do the same things as man does.

B、all the animals can work for us.

C、many animals can do all the work as we do.


What’s your favorite cartoon? It may be difficult for you to decide. But for the pianist Lang Lang Tom and Jerry is the best one.

When Lang was two years old he saw Tom play the piano. This was his first time to enjoy western music and this experience encouraged him to learn to play the piano.

His talent at the keyboard has taken him from Shenyang to the world. Lang became a good piano student at three. Ever since the boy has been doing better and better. In 1997 the 15-year-old boy studied at a famous American music college.

Lang’s performances are energetic. He is well-known for making facial(面部的) expressions and moving around while playing the piano.

The road to success has never been easy. Lang’s father stopped his job to look after him while his mother stayed in Shenyang to make money. But Lang thinks himself lucky and believes he should give something back. He has helped the children in poor areas a lot.

1.What made Lang Lang first enjoy western music?

A、When he played the piano at three.

B、When he saw Tom play the piano at two.

C、When he listened to the western music on the radio.

2.How old was LangLang when he became a student of a famous American music


A、Two     B、Three     C、Fifteen

3.What is Lang Lang famous for?

A、He is famous for playing the guitar.

B、He is famous for singing

C、He is famous for making facial(面部的) expressions and moving around while playing the piano.

4.Why did Lang Lang’s mother stay in Shenyang?

A、Because she liked Shenyang she didn’t want to leave.

B、Because she had to look after LangLang’s grandparents.

C、Because she had to make money to pay for Lang Lang’s education.

5.From the passage we can say it     Lang Lang and his parents a lot of time to get success.

A、spent     B、paid     C、took


Every year thousands of people come to Edinburgh(爱丁堡) the capital(首都) city of Scotland to be part of the Edinburgh Festival. For three weeks every August and September the city is filled with actors and artists from all over the world. They come to Edinburgh for the biggest arts festival in Britain.During this time the streets of the city are alive with music and dance from early morning until late at night. You can even see artists painting pictures on the streets. One of the best parts of Festival is the “Fringe” where students do comedy shows in small halls and cafes.

Tens of thousands of tourists come to the Festival to see new films and plays and hear music played by famous musicians.This year you can see over five hundred performances with actors from more than forty countries.

The tickets for these performances are quite cheap and it is usually easier to see your favorite star in Edinburgh than it is in London. So come to Edinburgh next summer but remember it can be difficult to find a room so why not book your hotel now?

1.How long does the Edinburgh Festival usually last?

A、Three days

B、Seven days.

C、Twenty–one days

2.There are some activities at the festival. Which is Not mentioned in the passage?

A、You can see many actors and artists from all over the world.

B、You can see artists painting pictures on the streets.

C、You can see some magicians playing on the streets.

3.The tickets for the performances are      .

A、too dear

B、very expensive

C、not expensive

4.What does the writer advise us to do in the last paragraph?

A、To book the tickets for the performances.

B、To book the hotels in Edinburgh.

C、To see the films and plays.

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A、Enjoy the Edinburgh Festival.

B、Travel Around Edinburgh.

C、The Best Hotel in Edinburgh.



One night a little swallow flew over the city. He was very _______ and wanted to have a good sleep in the city. When he saw the Statue of the Happy Prince(王子) he flew down and got ready to sleep _______ the feet of the Happy Prince.

Just as he was putting his head under his wing some _______ fell on him. He thought it was raining. But when he looked _______ he found the sky was _______ clear and bright that he could see lots of stars. Suddenly he saw some tears were running down the Prince’s golden _______ .

_______ are you crying?” asked the swallow.

“In a little street there’s a poor house. From one of the windows I see a woman_______ at a table. She’s sewing clothes for _______  women to wear. In a bed in the corner of the room her little boy is sick. He’s asking for oranges but his mother has only water to give him so he is crying. The boy is so thirsty _______  the mother is so sad. Little swallow will you please take her the jewel from the top of my sword(宝剑)?”

“It is very cold here and I am leaving for a warm place but I will stay with you and do as you ask.”

The swallow took the bright red jewel from the Prince’s sword and flew away with it in his mouth. He flew into the woman’s room and _______ it beside the woman’s needle.

_______he flew back he told the Prince what he had done. “It’s strange” he added “It’s so cold but I feel quite _______ now.”

“That’s  _______  you have done a good thing” said the Prince. The little swallow began to think about this and then he fell asleep.

1.A、hungry     B、tired     C、angry

2.A、among     B、above       C、between

3.A、water       B、snow        C、grass

4.A、at      B、down          C、up

5.A、quite    B、so          C、very

6.A、ear     B、feet      C、face

7.A、Where     B、How     C、Why

8.A、sitting     B、eating     C、drinking

9.A、poor     B、rich      C、young

10.A、but     B、or      C、and

11.A、jewel     B、orange     C、gold

12.A、forgot     B、took      C、put

13.A、Before    B、After     C、Till

14.A、cold     B、hot      C、warm

15.A、because    B、though     C、if


—Excuse mecould you tell me_______?

—Sorry sir. I wasn’t there at that time.

A、how did the accident happen

B、how the accident happened

C、what was happened to Jim


If you know______who collects them please let me know.

A、someone else   B、other anyone     C、anyone else


Our school talent show was     success that we enjoyed ourselves very much.

A、such a great

B、a such great

C、so a great


In our school library there      a number of books on history and the number

of students in the library       growing larger and larger.

A、are is    B、have is    C、is are


If Tom        here tomorrow I will call you.

A、comes    B、came     C、has come


—Can I help you madam?

—I want to    some magazines and how long can I_____them Mrs. Huang?

A、lend; borrow

B、borrow; keep

C、borrow; have


—Do you have any plans for this weekend?

—I’m not sure. I      go climbing Mount Yuntai.

A、must              B、need             C、may


How long have you been skating? I’ve been skating        nine o’clock.

A、at             B、for             C、since


They spent as many hours as they could       their lessons.

A、study        B、to study       C、studying


A:Where is your father?

B:He      Australia and he       Sydney for 2 weeks.

A、has been to; has been in

B、has gone to; has been in

C、has gone to; has been to


This book is as        as that book.

Amore important


C、the most important


It’s very kind        you to help me find the key        my office.

A、of of     B、for to    C、of to


—Could you move over a little and make some        for me?


A、place          B、seat     C、room


There are some shops on        side of the road.

A、either      B、every     C、both


—What         cold weather!

—Yes. But it’s    unusual experience for us we normally live in a hot place.

A、/; a     B、a; an     C、/; an


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