The movie was so funny that all of us kept laughing      stopping.


C.with                 D.without


The spirit of pulling together can always make our team____at last.

A. winning              B. won

C. to win                D. win





1. 尊敬父母,帮助他们做家务;

2. 对人有礼貌,乐于助人;

3. 不在公共场所大声讲话,不乱扔垃圾;

4. 节约粮食,节约用水;


1. 短文须包含要点提示中的所有信息(不要逐字翻译),并在此基础上适当发挥;

2.  80词左右(短文开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数);

3. 文章中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名。

As a middle school student, we should have good manners.







In a word, good manners can make a difference and lead to a better future.



A: Welcome to Weihua clothes Store,     1.    ?

B: I’d like to buy a sweater for my mum. Her birthday is coming.

A: A happy mum!  2.   does she like best?

B: She likes white. It looks good on her.

A: All right. What size do you want for your mum?

B: Small is OK.

A:   3. this one?

B: It looks beautiful. How much does it cost?

A: Oh, it’s 398 yuan.

B: What! 398 yuan?  I think it is too     4. ____ .

A: But wait a minute! There’s a sale on today. Everything is half price.

B: Well, that’s great! I’ll     5.   it. I’m sure she will like it.



Once upon a time, there lived a family of   1.  (mouse) in the kitchen. One Saturday morning Father Mouse and his son felt hungry and came out for food. While they   2.  ( look) for food, they saw a big cat. Baby Mouse was very afraid and climbed onto his 3. (father) back. Father Mouse shouted at the cat. “Woof, woof!” The cat ran away   4. (quick). “Wow, dad, you’re great!” said Baby Mouse. “Well, son, that’s why it’s important to learn a 5.  (two) language.” answered Father Mouse.



1.It’s about 2 kilometers from my home to school. (对划线部分提问)

_______ ________ is it from your home to school?

2.My cousin bought a new bike last week. (改为同义句)

My cousin has ________ a new bike ________ last week.


If you see that boy, please ___________him __________ for me.


I couldn’t ______ _______about the past.


The _______ time you spend on it, the ________ progress you will make.



1.Everyone hopes to live in the world __________(和平) with no wars.

2.Mr. Black had a ______ (苍白的) face this morning. What happened?

3.They are ______(筹集) money to help the poor child.

4.Mr. Wang ________ (have sth. on one’s body) a pair of glasses every day.

5.I think it’s ________(more excellent) for you to find a job here than to stay in the village.



A. We must choose what we need over what we want.

B. Needs may be different for people who live in different areas.

C. The movie is at the same time as the party.

D. Needs are things people must have to live.

E. Now they have machines that do this work.

Our Needs

People are different, but they all have the same needs.        1.   Our bodies need food and water. We also need air to breathe. We need a place to live to keep us safe. We need clothes to keep us warm. If we did not have these things, we could not survive(生存).

2.    If you live where it is cold, you may need special clothes to keep you warm. If you live where it is hot, you may need more water.

People have found new ways to meet their needs. Farmers grow food that people eat. They used to plant seeds by hand. They used to pick plants by hand.       3.

Our Wants

Wants are things people would like to have but do not need to live. Suppose you hope to   get a football for your birthday. A football is a want. You can live without it.

Sometimes we might want something so much that it feels like a need. We have to make choices, though. If you need a new coat for winter, you might not be able to get the football you want.4.   Sometimes we must make choices between things we want. Suppose you want to go to a birthday party for your uncle. That day, a friend asks you to go to a movie.       5.

If you choose to go to the party, then what would you give up? What would you give up if you went to the movie?


No one knows exactly when jazz was invented, or by whom. But it is said that it began in the early 1900s. Jazz was a new kind of music, for America and the world, and New Orleans was its birthplace.

Who were the jazz pioneers? Most were blacks. This music was not written down, and at first only blacks played it. It was hard for white musicians to learn the new style. But soon they, too, were playing jazz.

The popularity of this music spread. From New Orleans, it traveled up the Mississippi to Chicago, then to Kansas City and New York. By the 1920s, there were many jazz musicians, both black and white. Many of them were famous. One man was better than the rest. His name was Louis Armstrong.

Louis Armstrong was a born musician. He was not only talented(有才能的) but also hard-working. He also had a good sense of humor and a big, good-natured smile. These personal qualities were valuable in his rise to fame. After he became famous, he traveled around the world. It seemed that everyone wanted to hear Louis play. But life was not always easy, especially at the beginning.

Louis Armstrong was born in 1900 in New Orleans. His father never went to school and his mother could hardly read. When Louis was still a kid, his parents separated, and Louis lived with his mother. How hard their life was can readily be imagined. And yet Louis smiled through everything. He later wrote, “My whole life has been happiness. Life was there for me and I accepted it. Whatever happened has been beautiful to me. I love everybody.”

1.What can we know exactly from the first paragraph?

A. Who invented jazz.

B. Where jazz was invented.

C. When jazz was invented.

D. Why jazz was invented.

2.The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 2 refers to         ”.

A. Jazz pioneers.            B. New styles.

C. White musicians.          D. Black musicians.

3.What made Louis Armstrong become the best jazz musician?

A. His talent and hard work.

B. His family background.

C. His good sense of humor.

D. His big, good-natured smiles.

4.Which of the following best expresses Louis Armstrong’s attitude (态度) to life?

A. He laughs best who laughs last.

B. Failure is the mother of success.

C. When you smile, the world smiles back.

D. Without music, life is a journey through a desert.

5.What is the passage mainly about?

A. The development of jazz.

B. The influence of jazz on Americans.

C. The achievements of Louis Armstrong.

D. The development of jazz and its best musician.


Let’s suppose it is a common day of 2060. Of course, things have changed and life is very different.

Trips to the moon are being made every day. Taking a holiday on the moon today is as easy as taking a holiday in Europe in the 2010’s. At a number of scenery spots(风景胜地)on the moon, many hotels have been built. In order that everyone can enjoy the beautiful scenery on the moon, every room has at least one picture window. Everything imaginable is provided for entertainment of the young and old.

What are people eating now? People are still eating food. But many foods now come in pill(药片) form, and the food that goes into the pill comes mainly from green plants.

Because people in the world today are many more than those about fifty years ago, most of the earth’s surface has to be filled. The deserts are irrigated with water and crops are no longer eaten by pets(害虫). The harvest is always good.

Farming, of course, is very highly developed. Very few people have to work on the farm. It is possible to run the farm by just using a few computers.

People are now largely vegetarians(素食者), and they eat only bread, vegetables, fruit and so on and they don't eat meat or fish. You see, as the number of people increases, the number of animals decreases. So people have to be vegetarians. We are healthier both in our bodies and in our minds, and we know how to deal with all kinds of illnesses. No one has to be ill any more.

Such would be our life in 2060.

1.What will be on the moon in 2060 according to the passage?

A. Many green plants.

B. Many wild animals.

C. Many interesting places.

2.What's the meaning of the underlined word “irrigated”?

A. 冲刷             B. 灌溉                C. 淹没

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. People only eat foods in pill form.

B. People don't have plenty of crops.

C. People run the farms by using high technology.

4.Why do people have to be vegetarians in 2060?

A. Because they want to be healthier.

B. Because vegetables can make the patients well.

C. Because there will be more people and fewer animals.

5.What attitude(态度) does the writer have about the future life?

A. He feels pretty hopeful about the future.

B. He is not very satisfied with some things of the future.

C. He seems really sad about what is happening in the future.


There was once a king who had a great palace with a wonderful garden. In the garden, there lived all kinds of animals. All of them enjoyed living there.

There was only one thing in the garden that the king hated: an old tree in the center of the garden. It was so old and dry. This made the king so angry that he finally asked some people to cut it down and turned the place into a swimming pool. However, after the tree was cut down, the animals left the garden. Without the animals, the garden was not so beautiful as before. The king was sad, but he didn’t know what had happened.

A young man went to the king, and said he could explain what had happened. “This was because you cut the old tree down,” said the young man. “There were thousands of moths (飞蛾) which lived in the tree. Birds needed the moths to eat and then they produced wastes for plants to grow. The plants then attracted many other animals to your garden. So your garden became very beautiful. But as you cut the tree down, the animals had to leave.”

“Excellent!” said the king, “I’ll make you rich and you will try to make my garden beautiful again.”

“I’m afraid it will take many years to finish. It will take many years for the natural balance(生态平衡) to get back again,” said the young man.

The king was sad, but all he could do was just to wait.

1.Why did the king cut down the old tree?

A. Because he hated the old and dry tree.

B. Because he wanted to plant a young tree there.

C. Because he didn’t want moths to live in the tree.

2.What was the result after the tree was cut down?

A. The garden was more beautiful than before.

B. The animals left the garden.

C. The king was very happy.

3.The underlined word “attracted” in Paragraph 3 probably means “        ” in Chinese.

A. 驱赶     B. 利用      C. 吸引

4.If the young man made the garden beautiful again, the king would __________ .

A. be very angry

B. make him rich

C. order him to leave

5.The story tells us that __________.

A. it will take many years for the natural balance to get back again

B. it’s easy for us to keep the balance of nature

C. old trees should be cut down


Few people like changing their habits, good or bad. Whether it is smoking, drinking or over-eating, they _________  “enjoying” them to the end.

On every packet of cigarettes(香烟), people are warned against the _________ of smoking: “Warning: Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health”. _________ , millions of them start smoking or go on smoking. Why?

Facts show that families and surroundings(环境) play a very important part in _________ smokers. All those smokers come from smoking families or have smoking friends or relatives. Films and TV plays also play a part. People watch their “heroes” on TV drinking alcohol() or smoking cigarettes. “Heroes” seem to fear _________ , neither killing themselves nor killing others with alcohol and cigarettes. If they are not afraid of the harm of smoking and drinking, _________ should common people be afraid?

The simple warning on the cigarette packet does not influence smokers’ habits. Even _________ warnings, like showing pictures of smokers who have died of cancer, don’t seem to work.

Knowing and believing seem to be two   _________ things. If smoking is really as harmful as doctors say, it is time for smokers to think about it and try to give it up!

1.A. continue     B. stop         C. finish      D. avoid

2.A. chances      B. dangers     C. causes      D. excuses

3.A. Moreover    B. Also         C. However     D. Otherwise

4.A. influencing  B. explaining   C. improving   D. describing

5.A. something   B. nothing      C. anything  D. everything

6.A. what         B. how          C. when        D. why

7.A. stronger    B. worse       C. longer     D. harder

8.A. similar      B. pleasant     C. different   D. boring


One day, bus No.1 was going along Jianshe Road. Suddenly the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road. A woman next to him was shouting for   _________  .

The bus driver stopped the bus_________  thinking twice. He got off and asked the woman what happened. She said that the man had a heart problem and should go to the _________. The driver knew he had to act________  . He told the passengers that he must take the man to the hospital. He expected most or all of the passengers to _________ and wait for the next bus. But to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him. Some passengers helped the bus driver to move the man onto the bus.

Thanks to the bus driver and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time. Now many people don’t want to help _________ because they don’t want any trouble. But the driver didn’t think about himself. He only thought about saving a   _________  .

1.A. advice           B. help       C. people

2.A. without          B. with        C. for

3.A. park            B. office     C. hospital

4.A. quick           B. quickly     C. slowly

5.A. get off          B. get on      C. get up

6.A. other            B. others     C. another

7.A. life             B. passenger   C. woman


—Tomorrow I’m going on holiday.

    ! But I’ll be busy.

A. Thank you       B. Lucky you      C. Mind you


—How is your grandma?

—She’s fine. She used to _____ TV at home after supper. But now she is used to _____ out for a walk.

A. watch; go     B. watching; go C. watch; going


—Does the bus go to the beach?

—No. You _______ the wrong way.  You want the Number 11.

A. go                    B. were going            C. are going


—Tom! I looked for you everywhere at the party last night.

—Oh, I _______ to the party.

A. was invited

B.  am not invited

C. wasn’t invited


Running Man is a popular show these days. Some well-known stars challenge themselves ________to finish all kinds of tasks in it.

A. luckily                B. bravely                 C. easily


—This is the            time that I come to Paris. I have been here twice.

—Me too. The world is so large that I want to see more of it.

A. first         B. second                  C. third


—It’s reported that Chinese ___________more than 40 minutes a day reading WeChat(微信).

—It’s true. But I think WeChat is taking too much of our time.

A. spend                 B. cost                 C. take


Mrs. Smith often goes to visit those AIDS patients in hospitals to cheer       up.

A. her     B. them    C. him


— Excuse me, could you tell me       ?

— In five minutes.

A. how soon will the film begin

B. how soon the film will begin

C. how long the film has been on


—What will a science museum be like if you are asked to build one?

—I hope it will_______ like a book.

A. taste          B. look        C. sound


_______ wake up your sister, Ben. She needs a good sleep.

A. Don’t              B. Doesn’t            C. Aren’t


Why did the car hit the boy?

Because the driver ______ on the phone at that time.

A.   talk                B. is talking       C. was talking


—Excuse me, may I keep the book a little longer?

—Sorry. You ________ return it today.

A. must                 B. mustn’t       C. can


— What_______ heavy rain it was!

—Yes, but I love _______ air after it rains. It smells so fresh.

A. the; a        B. a; the         C. the; the




内容要求:1. 谈谈健康的重要性;

2. 如何保持健康(包括饮食、运动与生活方式等);

3. 为保持身体健康,你常作哪些运动。





if  possibly  teach  friend  allow  because  good  be  read  classmate


As students, we all know that there are something important for us to do to become good students at school.

First, 1.   in the morning is the best 'thing for us in a day. 2.   the air is fresh and the mind is clear, it is good to learn the knowledge by heart in the morning.

Second, it is very important for us to go to school on time. 3.    we are late, we will not begin our lesson at the same time with our 4.    , so we will miss some lessons, which can influence our grades. If we are late, our parents and 5.   ,will be angry with us, too. So remember to go to school on time.

Third, do not break the school rules. For example, we are not 6.     to chew gum or sleep in class. Don’t fight with our classmates, and we should be 7.   to our classmates and our teachers and be ready to help others who8.    in trouble. We mustn’t run in the hallway.

If we want to know what we will learn next day,we'd9._________ prepare lessons. It is good for our study and it can help us get good grades. Besides,we should listen to the teachers as carefully as 10._,or we can get nothing from the class.

Try to join in all kinds of activities at school. For example,sports can not only improve the relationship between us and our classmates but also make us healthier.




On her way home from school the other day, Yang Xi found people looking at her with strange expressions. The 15-year-old Shandong girl felt embarrassed, but she knew they were looking at her school uniform.

There were some pictures and words on the back, such as "Dear Yang Xi, I will miss you A graduation." Her friends did it after class. And Yang wrote something on her friends’ uniforms too after class.

Like Yang, many students now use the school uniform as if it were a piece of white paper and draw on it. They draw pictures of their favorite singers, athletes and cartoon characters and so on. "①I think wearing a school uniform with graffiti(涂鸦)is a kind of campus (校园)fashion," said Yang.

As a B of fact, most schools have strict rules that require students not to draw on uniforms. Otherwise, they will be punished(惩罚).② They may be telling to clean their uniforms or more seriously, to buy a new one.

However, it seems that some students are not afraid of the rules and punishment. "I think there are at least 100 students with painted uniforms in my school. They walk around the campus‘ proudly’.③will they care if punished I wonder whether at be they all.” said Li Fei, 13 of Fujian. Although she  doesn’t think her school uniform looks good, Li would never draw on it. "It’s a strict school rule there, after all. I have to follow the rules."


1.A. _________ B. _________








5.The passage is mainly talking about        .

A. how to draw on school uniforms.

B. students' agreement about drawing on school .uniforms

C. whether to use school uniforms as a piece of white paper

D. stop drawing on others' school uniforms


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