










Dear teacher,

As your student, I would like to give you some suggestions on behalf of all my classmates.













If I become an athlete, will I be happy?

For many young people,   1. a professional athlete might seem like a dream job. If you become a professional athlete, you’ll  2.  to make a living doing something you love. If you become famous, people all over the world will know  3.  . Many athletes give money to schools and charities, and do a lot of work  4.  people. This is a great chance that many people do not have.

However, professional athletes can also have many  5.  . If you are famous, people will watch you all the time and follow you  6.  . This can make life difficult.

If you play sports  7.  a living, your job will sometimes be very dangerous. Many professional athletes get  8.  . And if you become rich, you will have a difficult time  9. who your real friends are. In fact, many famous people complain that they are not happy. They say they were  10.  before they became rich and famous.



Have you ever been to Thailand? It is a country in Southeast Asia. I’ve been in Thailand for a few days with my parents. We are here for a holiday.

Now we are staying in Bangkok(曼谷). It is the capital of Thailand and it is a very interesting place to visit. Yesterday we visited some places of interest in the city. They are great! This morning we went shopping. Bangkok is a wonderful place to shop for jewelry(珠宝) and clothes. My mother bought a nice necklace(项链). My father and I bought some fashionable T-shirts.

Thailand is called “Land of Smiles” because people here are very friendly. And it’s true! When we eat in the restaurants in Bangkok, the waiters are really nice and they are always smiling. Thai food is delicious, but it is sometimes a little spicy(辛辣的) for me. You can also get Chinese food here because a lot of Chinese people came to live in Bangkok many years ago. Chinese food is very good, and it isn’t as spicy as Thai food. Our American food can also be found in Bangkok, however, I don’t eat it. You know, I’d like to try new things when I travel.

The weather has been very hot. Yesterday it rained and got a little cooler. But today it’s hot again.

1.Where is Thailand?

2.Where is a good place to shop for jewelry(珠宝) and clothes?

3.Why do people call Thailand “Land of Smiles”?

4.What does the writer think of Thai food?

5.Is Chinese food as spicy as Thai food?





A:Thank you for the birthday gift, Dad. It’s the best gift I have ever had.


A:I’ve always wanted a computer. 2._________

B:And you need it to chat(聊天) with your friends, too.

A:I guess you are right. 3._________

B:Send an email? Er, just do like this. 4._________

A:Yes, Dad. I think it’s easy.


A:I won’t, I promise.


Earthquakes may happen anywhere on the earth. When some plates of the earth move suddenly, an earthquake happens. Many earthquakes begin under the sea. They often happen near the mountains, too.

During an earthquake, the shakings make rocks rise suddenly and even crack(断裂) open. Houses fall, people are killed or hurt, and sometimes the whole villages or cities are destroyed.

Can we do something to keep ourselves safe from earthquakes? Scientists have studied earthquakes and make maps that show the “earthquake belts”. In areas in these belts, it’s possible for earthquakes to happen. In these areas we should build strong house to fight against earthquakes.

In the future, scientists will be able to tell when and where an earthquake will be before they happen. They can also tell people what to do and how to do it.

1.The reason for an earthquake is       .

A、that there are so many plates on the earth

B、that the sea is too deep

C、rocks’ cracking open

2.A lot of earthquakes often happen       .

A、in the area     B、next to montains  C、at night

3.A map showing the earthquake belts will tell people       .

A、what kind of houses to build

B、what kind of houses can stay up in an earthquake

C、where earthquake may happen

4.Which is NOT True according to the passage?

A、During an earthquake people are killed or hurt.

B、The scientists can tell when and where an earthquake is now.

C、we should build strong houses to fight against earthquakes.

5.In the future, we’ll be no longer to afraid of earthquakes        .

A、with the help of scientists’ exact prediction

B、because of a map showing the “earthquake belts”

C、because we can guess the date and place of earthquakes


Traveling by train is usually not easy in China. It can be hard to get a ticket. When you’re traveling to the railway station you look at your watch, afraid you will miss your train.

But there is good news for people traveling between Beijing and Shanghai. Construcion(建设) on the express railway(高速铁路) between the two cities started just before the Spring Festival of 2008. When it is finished by 2013, taking a train will be as easy as taking a bus.

“There will be trains every several minutes. Buying a ticket, getting through the checkpoint(检查站) to taking your seat will take just a few minutes,”said a message on the government’s website.

There may be high-speed trains running at 350 kilometers an hour. The travel time between the two cities will decrease from 10 to about five hours. The trains will carry twice the present number of passengers.

The new line will be 1,318 kilometers long and go across specially built bridges. It will run alongside the present line. There will be 21 stations, in Hebei, Tianjin, Shandong, Anhui and Jiangsu.

“The cost of traveling by the express railway may be around 800 yuan. That will be more expensive than an ordinary train. But cheaper than by air,”said Zhang Xiaolin, a Jiangsu government official.

According to Zhang. The higher price is caused by the large cost of the railway project. At about 200 billion yuan, the project may be even more expensive than the Three Gorges Project(三峡工程).

1.The express railway between Beijing and Shanghai will be finished       .

A、at the end of this year

B、before the Spring Festival of 2008

C、in 2013

2.Before taking your seat, you’re supposed to       with your ticket.

A、buy a ticket

B、get through the checkpoint

C、pack your things

3.The word “decrease”in the passage possibly means       in Chinese.

A、延长      B、缩短     C、提速

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A、Traveling by train is usually diffcult in China because tickets are too expersive.

B、The high-speed trains will have 21 stations in Hebei, Tianjin, Shandong, Hunan and Jiangsu.

C、Tickets for the high-speed trains will be cheaper than those for planes.

5.What can be the best title of the passage?

A、Beijing-Shanghai express

B、Train tickets will get more expensive

C、Specially built bridges


Lots of kids hate school, a new study found. Usually this kind of feeling doesn’t last long. But what happens if you feel this way too much. School is a fact of life and getting a good education can help you build the kind of future life you want. So let’s talk about school and what to do when you don’t like it.

If you don’t like school, the first step is to find out why. You might not like school because you don’t have enough friends, or maybe you don’t get along with your teacher. Sometimes it’s a big problem with your classes and school-work. You may be getting farther and farther behind, and it may seem like you’ll never catch up.

When you know why you don’t like school, you can start taking steps to make things better. It’s a good idea to talk to someone about your problems with school. Your mum, dad, teacher or school counselor(顾问) will be able to help you. Another good idea is to write down your feelings about school in a notebook. It’s a great way to let out emotions(情绪). Remember, you don’t have to share what you’ve written with others.

1.Lots of kids        according to the writer.

A、like school very much

B、are good at reading and writing

C、have the thought of hating school

2.What does the underlined word “it” refer to(指的是) in the first paragraph?

A、A good education.  B、School.    C、Future life.

3.If you don’t like school, the first step is to        .

A、find out why

B、go to see a doctor

C、ask your parents for help

4.How many reasons why you don’t like school are given by the writer?

  A、Two.     B、Three.    C、Four.

5.When you start taking steps to make things better, one of the good idea is to   .

A、keep silent about your problems

B、share what you’ve written with others

C、write down your feelings about school



Rosa liked making up stories. She was so _________ that her classmates believed her from time to time. In fact, the whole class believed her! At first she supposed it was _________  . Now, as she got up to _________ before the class, she knew that make-believed stories had some way of coming back to make you sad.

Rosa’s parents were separated. Nine months out of the year, Rosa lived with her mother in an apartment on Anderson Street. But when summer _________ , she went to her father’s farm in Arizona.

The farm was great! Rose rode horses and _________  with some farm work. Her father, however, was so  _________ that he couldn’t find time to go places with her. When she arrived  each summer, her father would _________ her at the airport and take her out to eat. And the day she went back to the _________he would always buy her a present.

When summer came to a close, Rosa _________ to her mother. At school she heard lots of stories her friends told about their family trips. Rosa wished she had a _________ to talk about.

Not long after  _________  began, Rosa was looking through travel magazines in the school library. They talked about many exciting _________ , like England and Germany. When Rosa’s friends asked what she had done that summer, she made up something that was not _________ . Remembering the travel magazines she had looked at, she told her classmates that she and her father had gone to_________ .

When the class began studying England, Mr. Thomas asked Rosa to tell all the things she could  _________ about her trip to England!

1.A、afraid    B、worried    C、sure

2.A、joke    B、fun     C、turn

3.A、talk     B、teach     C、show

4.A、passed    B、arrived    C、lasted

5.A、made    B、played    C、helped

6.A、weak    B、pleased    C、busy

7.A、show    B、visit     C、meet

8.A、farm    B、city     C、family

9.A、wrote    B、called    C、returned

10.A、family    B、vacation    C、teacher

11.A、meeting   B、school    C、summer

12.A、people    B、places    C、languages

13.A、interesting   B、true     C、long

14.A、England   B、village    C、home

15.A、think    B、see     C、remember


—I have a fever.


A、What does she do there?

B、What’s the matter?

C、I’m sorry to hear that.


         is important and necessary for us         English well.

A、This; to learn

B、It; to learn

C、That; learning


          my surprise, the little girl can take care       herself.

A、To; of          B、Of; to         C、To; with


Peter has never been to Beijing.        .

A、So has his father  B、Neither has his father

C、His father has been to Beijing, too


Peter has studied Chinese         six years ago.

A、for         B、from      C、since


Gina is          honest girl. She never tells lies.

A、an            B、a          C、/


Mr. Wang         the students         his own children.

A、regard; as     B、regards; to    C、regards; as


I          the camera for a week.

A、have borrowed       B、have bought       C、have had


She          cloth shoes, and now she         cloth shoes.

A、used to wearing; is used to wear

B、was used to wear; is used to wearing

C、used to wear; is used to wearing


          these toys, I like the bear best.

A、Between        B、From       C、Among


Few of them hurt themselves in the accident yesterday,        ?

A、do they       B、did they    C、don’t they


          you finish the work, it doesn’t matter.

A、Whenever        B、When     C、Where


—Could you tell me          ?

—Of course.

A、where’s there a good place to eat

B、where there’s a good place to eat

C、where is a good place to eat


—I have never traveled to Paris.


A、Me, neither       B、Good idea       C、Me, too


         you ever          France?

—No, never.

A、Have; gone to

B、Have; going to

C、Have; been to


The girl is      . We hope she can hear clearly soon with the help of doctors.

A. blind           B. deaf         C. quiet


Mandy took some water, but she      it five days later.

A. got into         B. gave up        C. ran out of


You      drive your car so fast. It’s very dangerous.

A. wouldn’t        B. shouldn’t       C. couldn’t




要点:1. 阅读很容易,不受时间、地点限制;

2. 阅读能给我们带来快乐 例如:男生读航天旅行,女生读最喜欢的卡通;

3. 阅读有助于开阔思想,例如:读名人的经历,与他们交流;

4. 阅读使人增长知识,例如:读有关看病的书,保持健康;

5. 有关阅读的倡议和计划(1—2点即可)。

要求:1. 字数:80-100,书写规范、工整,条理清晰;

2. 不逐字翻译,可适当发挥;

3. 文中不得出现真实人名、地名、校名等。

参考词汇: open up one’s mind; increase one’s knowledge

Dear students

Reading is not only a good habit but also an enjoyable thing.




Health is very important for us. In order to stay healthy we need to know some common knowledge.

Firstly pay attention to the diet. We should eat lots of fruit and vegetables because they are rich in fiber(维生素)and low in fat(脂肪). As a proverb says An apple a day keeps the doctor away. So fruit is good for health. Don’t have a lot of food that contains too much fat such as butter. Meanwhile(同时) sweets should be eaten in proper quantity because too much sugar does harm to us. Dont drink too much coffee either.

Secondly exercise is necessary. Regular exercise can help keep us from getting fat. People who do running every day usually have stronger hearts than those who don’t.

Finally form(养成)good living habits. We should sleep for about 8 hours at night and never work too hard. Too much work and little sleep will lead to illness. What’s more stay away from cigarettes.

These are the things we should pay attention to so as to stay healthy.

A. 根据短文内容简要回答问题。

1.How many ways to stay healthy does the writer mention?


2.Why don’t we have a lot of food that contains too much fat?


B. 将短文中划线的句子译成汉语。



C. 请给短文拟一个适当的标题。




One afternoon just before Christmas an old kind man was walking in the street when he saw a little boy c_______1. in front of a beautiful shop window. The old man a   ______2. why he was crying there.

The little boy said that he had lost the ten dollars given by his mother. When the old man h_____3.this he put his hand into his pocket and took o______4. a small wallet and gave him ten dollars. The little boy t______5.him and stopped crying and smiled. The old man walked away. An hour later the old man was returning home by the same route. To his s_______6. he saw the same boy at the s______7. place. He went up to him and asked if he had lost his money a_____8.. The little boy said that he had found the l_____9.ten dollars. He was waiting for him there. He wanted to r_______10.the ten dollars to him.



阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。

Mr. Harris used to work in Dover but then he1._______(change) his work and he and his wife moved to another town. They did not have many friends there but they soon met a lot of interesting people. After a few weeks they often went to dinner or to parties at other people’s houses.

Then Mrs. Harris said to her husband“We2._________(be) to a lot of other people’s houses and now we must invite them to our house mustn’t we?”

“Yes certainly”answered her husband “A big party 3._________(be) the easiest thing won’t it? Then we can start4.________( invite) people to dinner in small numbers next month.”

So Mrs. Harris said “Yes I’ll invite all our friends here to a big party on 5th December.”

“How many will that be?” Mr. Harris asked. “Don’t invite too many.”

Mrs. Harris was beginning to write the invitations when her husband saw that she 5._______(write) “Party: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.”

“That6._________(be not) very nice is it?”he said.“You’re telling our guests that they 7._______(go) at 8:30.” So Mrs. Harris just wrote “Party: 6:30 p.m.”

A lot of guests came and they all had a good time so they did not go home at 8:30. In fact they were still there at mid-night when the door bell rang and a policeman arrived. He said“You must stop 8.______(make) a noise because someone has complained(抱怨).”

Mr. Harris said he did not want 9._____(quarrel)with the policeman so everyone went home. They were sorry to have to go.

When Mr. and Mrs. Harris 10._____(be) alone again she said to him.“That was a surprise wasn’t it? Who complained about the noise?”

“I did Mr Harris answered in a tired voice.


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