It is possible that the murder _______ between 9 and 11 last night.

A. was happening          B. had taken place

C. took place              D. had happened



As a child, Audrey Hepburn loved dancing and dreamt of becoming a ballet d1.. She had also been a model b2.she entered the film industry. In 1951, while acting in France, Audrey met the famous writer Colette. Audrey’s beauty and charm c3.the writer’s attention. Colette insisted Audrey was the p4.girl for the lead role in Gigi, a play b5.upon her novel. That event marked the beginning of Audrey Hepburn’s successful c6.. Audrey became world-famous f7. her role in Roman Holiday in 1953. This film was a big success and she won an Oscar. Audrey’s a8. went beyond the film industry. She spent her last few years doing a lot of charity work. Audrey passed a9.peacefully in Switzerland in 1993. She is always c10. as one of Hollywood’s all-time greatest actresses.



1.The young man was caught _______ (偷) a mobile phone from a lady's handbag on the bus.

2.As_______(先锋), these doctors have worked much harder than the others.

3.Tom's new boss is_______(严厉的) with him than he thinks.

4.The case isn't very well _______(处理)with in this book.

5.Do you know there is a_______(关系) between colors and moods?

- Certainly. I think colors influence our everyday lives in many ways.

6. - Did I pronounce your name_______(正确)?

-Yes, quite right.

7. - The song sounds beautiful and makes me happy.

-I wrote that song just to_______ people up.

8. I'm sorry! I've forgotten your name. Can you_______ me?

9.A snowstorm hit London last week. Many flights were cancelled_______ the snow is so thick.

10.It is better for you to choose your hobby_______ to the free time you have.


- _______ great progress you're made! Congratulations!

-Thank you !

A. What               B. What a

C. How              D. How a


The left-behind kids(留守儿童)can’t see their parents_________ the parents come back home from work.

A. but                  B. until

C. or                   D. if


---How often do you see your grandparents?


A. Five days.           B. Once a month.

C. In a week.            D. For a month.


_______ fine day it is! Let’s go and fly a kite.

A. What                 B. What a

C. How                   D. How a


Just like weather, life_______ be sunny and beautiful all the time.

A. mustn’t             B. needn’t

C. can’t                D. wouldn’t


--I saw you came to school by taxi this morning.

--Oh, I_______ come to school by taxi, but it is raining today.

A. sometimes             B. always

C. hardly               D. usually


Now one of the hottest topics_______ people are talking about is the safety of food.

A. that                 B. who

C. when                 D. which


---Will you take part in the English speech competition tomorrow?

---Sure. I see it as a chance to prove _______.

A. myself           B. me

C. yourself           D. You


-Do you know_______ second-hand smoke?

-To protect our health and memory.

A. how we should prevent        B. why should we prevent

C. why we should prevent        D. how should we prevent


_______ the students_______ their teacher know about the four people.

A. Both…and…               B. Not only…but also…

C. Neither-…nor…           D. Either…or…



In China,people born in and after the 1980s are called the post-80s generation(一代人).

Most of them come from single-child families. However,this generation is playing a more and more important part in China,and their image in people’s minds is changing.Han Han,a popular youth writer,is one of them.

Han Han was born in 1982 in Shanghai.His talent for writing was clear at an early age.

When he was 17,he drew the public’s attention with the article Viewing the People through the Glass. The article won first prize in the national New Concept Composition Competition.Later,Han Han again surprised the public by leaving high school. “I did poorly in Grade One of high school and failed to move up to the next grade. I tried my best to improve my studies,but failed ,so I gave up. However ,I am always learning, since learning and going to school are two different things.” Han Han said.

Han Han’s first novel Three Folded Gates sold very well in China.Later the book was translated(翻译)into several languages and sold abroad.

In the following years, Han Han wrote a lot of books. All of them were welcomed by the market.In 2006,he started blogging(写博客)and had great success. Today,Han Han’s blog has become one of the honest blogs on the Internet.

1.The post-80s generation__________.

A. have changed China’s image

B. are playing an important role in China

C. are very good at writing

D. are people who are more than 80 years old

2. What can we learn from Han Han’s words in the second paragraph?

A. He was good in all his subjects.

B. He never studied hard at school.

C. His school life was interesting and colourful

D. He didn’t stop learning after he left school.

3. When did Han Han begin to write a blog?

A. When he was seventeen.

B. When he was fourteen

C. When he was twenty

D. When he was twenty-four.

4.Which of the following is TRUE,according to the passage?

A. Three Folded Gates was only sold in China.

B. Nobody was surprised that Han Han left high school.

C. Han Han was not liked by the post-80s generation.

D. Han Han’s blog is very popular on the Internet.

5.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. The post-80s generation.

B. Han Han ,a popular post-80s writer.

C. Blogging on the Internet.

D. Popular books written by Han Han.



通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

Sui Lu is now well-known as a Chinese gymnast (体操运动员). She was one of the ‘brightest’______at the Guangzhou Asian Games. At the Games 18-year-old Sui won______ gold medals in team, all-round, balance beam and floor exercise.

Sui started ______in gymnastics at the age of ______ and joined the national team in 2005. The Hunan girl was first______ when she got two gold medals in the 2008 National Championships (锦标赛) in Tianjin. ______ thought Sui would go to the Beijing Olympics. But Sui made a few small ______ in the following two World Championships in Russia and France. She wasn’t______to be in the Olympic team. The ______ girl cried her heart out.

The failure changed Sui ______ a quieter, but more hard-working person. ‘These last two competitions have helped me learn to become more ______, especially on the balance beam,’ Sui said.

She proved ______ again at the 11th Chinese National Games. At the Games she______ two gold medals.

Now, Sui’s ______ is to go to the 2016 Olympics. ‘I’ve ______ been to the Olympics,’ said Sui. ‘I will try my best to get the chance and I won’t give up ______ the last moment.’

1.A. teams           B. coaches       C. stars          D. singers

2.A. two              B. three          C. four           D. five

3.A. running          B. training       C. swimming       D. teaching

4.A. noticed         B. forgotten      C. advised        D. seen

5.A. Somebody         B. Everybody      C. Anybody       D. Nobody

6.A. changes          B. friends      C. mistakes       D. excuses

7.A. refused         B. warned         C. found          D. chosen

8.A. happy            B. lonely         C. poor          D. angry

9.A. into            B. for            C. with          D. at

10.A. excited         B. proud         C. beautiful     D. careful

11.A. himself        B. herself       C. myself     D. yourself

12.A. won             B. gave           C. found        D. sold

13.A. reason          B. job          C. dream          D. way

14.A. never           B. still         C. even           D. already

15.A. since          B. when          C. after          D. until


--- Let’s do something for our dad.

--- Good idea. We should always _________ father’s love for us.

A. explain            B. suppose

C. wonder             D. value


—How much is the dress?

—It ________ me 400 yuan.

A. cost              B. spent

C. took              D. paid


—He       be in the classroom, I think.

—No, he       be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago.

A. can; may not          B. must; may not

C. may; mustn’t        D. may; can’t


--- Is that man Mr. Smith?

--- It ______ be him. He has gone to NewYork on business.

A. may not               B. needn’t

C. can’t                D. mustn’t


—I think we need to sit down and have a talk.

—I         agree more. Let's take the bench over there.

A. could               B. couldn't

C. should             D. shouldn't


He                up late, but now he                 up early.

A. used to get , is used to getting

B. is used to get , used to get

C. use to be getting , is used for getting

D. is use to getting , is used to getting


You have a new friend. Would you please tell me _________________?

A. if he will write to you

B. where does he live

C. if he did come from Australia

D. when was he born


The plane will _______________ from Pudong Airport and land in Beijing.

A. take up           B. take off

C. take out          D. take away


---______ I borrow two books at a time?

---Yes, you _______.

A. Can; must         B. May; must

C. May; can           D. Must; can


I like the subject best, ______ he doesn’t.

A. and             B. but

C. or               D. so



Even in early times, people could realize the importance of dreams and knew that dreams gave meaning to life. Every great achievement has b1.the result of years of dreaming. If a person has a dream and holds fast to it, he or she will f2.a way to bring it into reality.

Children do not have much experience or knowledge. However, they are natural dreamers. We should not laugh at them for being naive. With their rich imagination, they will come up with fantastic dreams. History is full of e3.. Many great men were dreamers when they were children. One such dreamer was Thomas Edison. He used to be ostracized (排斥) when he was in primary school, b4. his achievements were greater than everyone else's in his time.

Teenagers and young people should also be  encouraged  to dream. The world is full of successful teenagers and young people. They dreamt big and their dreams c5. their lives and even the world. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are the good examples. They have developed technology and brought great progress to human besides making money for themselves.

Older people should believe that human mind i6. never too old to make dreams turn into reality. Colonel Saunders r7. his dreams at the age of 67 and set up the biggest fried chicken company (KFC) in the world. Chu Shijian, the 85-year-old billionaire, is b8. the model which wants to be true entrepreneurs(企业家).

To dream is a wonderful ability w9.can lead to wonderful results. Olympic records were b10. by players who were brave enough to dream. No one is too young or too old to dream and to make dreams come true.



1.Do you want a single room or a d________ one?

2.He made a m________, so his mother asked him to clean up his room.

3.We are doing a ________ (调查) about the health problem.

4.The teacher makes high ________ (标准) for his pupils.

5.Please read the ________ (指示) on the bottle before taking medicine.

6.I don’t like chicken ________(wing) there’s not much meat on them.

7.The sweet grapes were ________(separate) from the sour ones.

8. We’d like as many people as possible ________(attend) the game.

9.She dialed (拨) the number again, but failed ________(get) a connection.

10.Don’t worry. They can take care of ________(they).


____________ have you been married?

For twenty years.

A. How far             B. How often

C. How long             D. How soon


The young lady guided us ____________ through the forest.

A. walk               B. walking

C. to walk              D. walked


I'm looking forward ____________ my parents soon. What about you?

Me too.

A. seeing              B. to see

C. see                  D. to seeing


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