Mom, I've got the first prize in the photo competition.


A. Good luck !            B. Not at all.

C. Good idea !           D. Congratulations !


Do you still remember ______ me somewhere in Kunming?

Yes, of course. Two years ago.

A. to see             B. see

C. seeing             D. saw


He used to ______ problems ______ English, but he can speak English very well now.

A. have, speak           B. has, speaks

C. have, speaking         D. having, speaking


In our daily life, there is always something unexpected________ around us.

A.happen               B.happening happening be happen


—When are you leaving?

—We are ________ for the airport tomorrow.

A.setting up            B.setting out

C.setting about         D.setting on


Wang Mei ________ music and she ________ to music now.; listen            B.likes; listens

C.likes; is listening     D.liking ; listening


—Who will you miss ________ after junior high school?

My English teacher, Mr.Zhang.

A.more               B.the best

C.the more          D.the most



Once upon a time, there lived a wealthy and kind king. However, the people were worried about him because he was very fat. He didn’t do anything other than eat and sleep.

One day, the king finally realized that he couldn’t even move his body. There were many good doctors in his country. However, none could cure the king. The king had a lot of wealth, but no amount of wealth could make him healthy.

One fine morning, a holy(神圣的) man visited the country. He heard about the ill health of the king and told the minister to meet him at his place, which was far from the king’s palace. When the minister came, the holy man said that he could easily cure the king. Hearing these promising words, the minister became very happy. Since the king could not move his body, the minister asked the holy man to go to the king’s palace to treat him. However, the holy man refused and said that he would treat the king only if the king came on foot to his place.

The king was unable to walk even a few steps on the road, but after great efforts, he reached the holy man’s place. Unluckily, the holy man was not available and his wife told the king to come the next day. This was repeated for two weeks. Suddenly, the king realized that he felt a lot lighter. Very soon, the king became healthy, and the people became happy again.

1.Why did the holy man want the king to walk to his place?

A. To punish him                B. To play a joke on him

C. To help him save money       D. To help him lose weight

2.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “available”?

A. Free               B. Busy

C. Rude                D. Wise

3.Which of the following is the RIGHT order according to the story?

The king walked to the holy man’s.

Many doctors tried to treat the king.

The minister went to meet the holy man.

A. ②①③             B.③①②

C.③②①              D. ②③①

4.From the story, we can learn that ____.

A. the holy man lived near the king’s palace.

B. the minister didn’t care about the king

C. the holy man’s wife was silly

D. the king never met the holy man.

5.What’s the BEST title for the passage?

A. A lucky king              B. Health is wealth

C. How to lose weight       D. Wealth is important


完形填空通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

Telling the truth is a very good habit. Here is a story of a man who did lots of bad things, but his promise to tell the truth1.him.

Once the man came to the prophet (先知)Muhammad (S) and said, ‘Oh prophet of Allah, I have many2.habits. Which one should I3.first?’ The prophet said, ‘Give up telling lies first and always speak the truth.’ The man promised to do so and went home.

At night the man planned to go out to steal. Before4.home, he said to5., ‘If tomorrow the prophet asks me 6. I have been, shall I say that I went out stealing? No, I  7.say that. But neither can I lie. If I tell the truth, everyone will call me a 8..’ So the man 9. not to steal that night.

Next day, when he was about to 10. wine, he thought, 11.shall I say to the prophet if he asks me what I did during the day? I cannot tell a lie, and if I speak the truth people will 12. me, because a Muslim (伊斯兰教信徒) is not drink wine.’ So he gave up the idea of drinking wine.

14.this way, whenever the man thought of doing something bad, he15.remembered his promise to tell the truth. Step by step, he gave up all his bad habits and became a good Muslim and a very good person.

16.A. killed          B. saved         C. reminded        D. developed

17.A. good            B. great          C. bad             D. daily

18.A. look after       B. care about     C. put off          D. give up

19.A. getting          B. leaving        C. arriving        D. returning

20.A. himself          B. herself       C. itself           D. themselves

21.A. where           B. how            C. when             D. which

22.A. needn’t        B. shouldn’t    C. can’t           D. might not

23.A. chef             B. doctor        C. thief           D. member

24.A. continued        B. decided       C. refused          D. forgot

25.A. make            B. sell          C. store           D. drink

26.A. What            B. How            C. Which           D. When

27.A. love            B. teach         C. notice           D. hate

28.A. allowed         B. asked         C. invited          D. provided

29.A. By             B. On            C. In              D. As

30.A. hardly         B. always        C. never           D. Sometimes


Yunnan is beautiful and I’m _____ visiting it again.

A. keeping clear of          B. suffering from

C. looking forward to        D. running away from


-Could you tell me the way _____ the railway station?

-Go along this road and soon you’ll find it.

A. at                    B. to

C. in                    D. between


—Nowadays WeChat is very popular among friends.

—Yes. It seems to be the best way of communication _____ people like.

A.that              B.which            C .who


We are too tired. Let’s stop _____ a rest. have           B.have             C.having


-Will you see the film Cinderella with us tonight?

-No, I _____ it last week.

A.see              B.have seen          C.saw


Don't __________ in the room.  You should keep it clean and tidy.

A. make a mess           B. make the bed

C. make a bet            D. make it


If she __________ the difficulty, she will tell us.

A. overcome            B. come over

C. overcomes           D. overcame


My mother used to be a nice teacher who was patient __________ her students.

A. of                   B. in

C. at                 D. with


__________ from the junior high school means a lot to me.

A. Graduate            B. Graduating

C. Graduated         D. Graduates


Jack Smith has won first prize of the l00-meter race __________ at the school sports meeting.

A. in the row           B. in a row

C. a row of            D. in rows




A: Welcome to I COOL, YOU COOL Shop, madam.  Can I help you?


A: This way, please. These are the latest fashion.2.

B: It looks cool. But I don’t like bright green.

A: We’ve got other colours: pink, grey, dark, red and yellow 3.

B: Pink. Could you show me that light pink one?

A:4.And it’s very thick.

B: I like it.5.

A: It was 100 dollars and now it’s only 80 dollars.

B: That’s a great price. I’ll take it.

A. What’s your favourite?

B. How much is the bright green one?

C. Certainly! It’s very beautiful, isn’t it?

D. How much does it cost?

E. I want to buy a coat.

F. Yes, I think it’s my size.

G. What do you think of this one?




1.After ________ (graduate),she became a teacher.

2.The young man is always working hard at lessons.He is ________ (thirst)for knowledge.

3.Although the old man is 80 years old, he has lots of ________ (energy).

4.I ________ (congratulate) you on your great discovery.

5.Parents should be ________ (patient) with their children's studies.

6.Look! There are many students ________ (play) football on the playground.

7.Most students finished these ________ (task) the teacher gave them.

8.We are ________ (pride) of the table tennis player Malong.

9.Never forget to be ________ (thank) to the people around you.

10.Teenagers should be allowed ________ (choose) their own clothes.


Do you mind if I smoke?


A. I don’t           B. please do

C. go ahead.           D. go on


After a week's rest, we ________ for Beijing again.

A.set out              B.set up

C.set free              D.set on


He ________ getting plenty of exercise must be good for his health.

A.believe               B.believes

C.believes in            D.believe in


The 13­year­old boy is creative and  ________, and he has a lot of ________ in his daily life.; energy            B.energetic; energetic; energetic          D.energetic; energies


When the police asked him some questions, he forgot ________

A.where he came from          B.where will he come from

C.where he comes from          D.where did he come from



Postmen wanted                                  English teachers wanted

No experience nec essary but you must be        Warm and patient college students.

Hard—working.                                  Able to speak standard English, good with children.

Free to choose working hours.                  Time: on weekends

Write to No.38 Changehong Rd…Xiangyang         E—mail address: Sunshine—

Taxi drivers wanted                             Tour guides wanted

Full—time taxi drivers. Over five years        Two years ’working experience.

experience, good knowledge of the city.         Good English and good at talking to people.

Under 45 years old.                            Age:20—30

Fore more information, please come to Shunda    Go to Friendship Traveling Company to ask the

Taxi Company to visit the manager.              manager for more information

1.If you want to be a postman,it’s necessary for you to have     

A.working experience              B.good knowledge of the city

C.a driver’s license              D.a college student’s card

2.Sunshine School needs     

A.excellent English teachers       B.a hard﹣working postman

C.full﹣time drivers      outgoing tour guide

3.If you want to be a taxi driver,you should over 45years old              B.know the city very well

C.write to No.38Changhong Rd     D.speak English well

4.The tour guides wanted should     

A.have no working experience patient with children good at driving               D.speak good English

5.You can not get information by      if you want to get a job above.

A.making a call                    B.going to visit the manager

C.sending an e﹣mail               D.writing a letter.


完形填空通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

I sat with my friend in a well﹣known coffee shop.As we enjoyed our coffee,a man entered and sat down beside us.He called the waiter and ordered,“Two cups of coffee, 1._of them there  on the wall.“We heard this with great 2. and saw that he was served with one cup of coffee but he paid for two.As soon as he left,the waiter  3. put a piece of paper on the wall saying “A Cup of Coffee“.While we were still there,two other men had two cups of coffee but paid for three.4.,the waiter did the same thing.It seemed that this was usual at this place.However,it was something strange for us.Since we had nothing to do with the 5.,we finished our coffee,paid and left.

After a few days,we again had a 6.  to go to this coffee shop.While we were enjoying our coffee,a man entered.The way this man was dressed did not match the____7._of this coffee shop.As he seated himself,he looked at the wall and said,“One cup of coffee from the wall.“The waiter served coffee to this man with the same 8. .The man had his coffee and left without paying.The waiter took off a piece of paper from the___9._and threw it in the dust bin.Now there was no10. for us.The great kindness for the people in need shown by the people of this town filled up our eyes with tears.

11.A.both            B.neither                D.none             B.interest             C.effort         D.fear

13.A.quickly         B.suddenly            C.wisely        D.properly

14.A.Instead         B.Again                C.Indeed         D.Anyway            B.waiter              C.matter

16.A.hurry           B.time                C.wish          D.chance           B.standard       D.color

18.A.respect         B.courage              C.result         D.custom

19.A.board           B.table              C.bill          D.wall

20.A.choice         B.clue                C.doubt          D.hope.


-Wow! _____ beautiful the music is!

-Yes. That’s my favorite.

A.What                  B.What a

C.What an              D.How


The Dragon Boat Festival this year will come _____ four days.

A.after                   B.for



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