–I really apologize for not being able to join in your birthday party.

–________. We’ll get together later.

A. Go ahead             B. Not to worry

C. That's right          D. Don't mention it


In our school library there _________ a number of books on science and the number of them _________ growing larger and larger.

A. is; are              B. are; is

C. has; is              D. have; are


_______ long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end.

A.Wherever             B.No matter how

C.No matter what       D.Whatever


The manager promised to give you ______for working overtime.

A. double pay           B. double

C. doubly paid          D. pay double


I must congratulate you that you have got another “A”.

Thank you,     .

A. but never mind

B. and I have poor luck though

C. but more effort is needed

D. and I have pity on myself


    we send some thank-you cards to our teachers?

What a good idea!

A. Do                   B. Shall

C. Must                D. May


Daddy, can you fix the toy car for me?

Well, you can do it yourself. Read these     carefully first.

A. invitations            B. instruments

C. interviews            D. instructions



When Mary was seven, her family moved to a new town.She usually went to school  by school bus, for it was not near her house.

One morning, their family clock stopped and when they got up, it was too late for Mary to catch the school bus.Her mother said she would drive Mary to school on her way to the office.

“But how can you find the way, Mum ?” Mary asked.“You have only been to my school once.”

“Yes.” her mother answered.“But you’ve been there by school bus seven times, you know the way.” “Oh, yes.” Said Mary.

They started out and Mary asked her mother to turn one way or another on their way to school, so she made her mother drive round most of the town before they got there.When they arrived, her mother found it was not really very far from their house.

“Why did you make me go such a long way?” her mother asked her.“Well, Mum.” answered Mary.“I know only this way.The bus always goes like this, so the other children can take it to school.”

1.Mary usually went to school.__________________.

A.by can              B.by bike

C.on foot             D.by school bus.

2.One morning Mary got up late because _____________.

A.her mother forgot to wake her up

B.the family clock stopped

C.She was not feeling well

D.She wanted to sleep more.

3.Mary ___________to her school.

A.knew only one way           B.didn’t know the way

C.knew the shortest way       D.knew many ways

4.Mary made her mother go a long way because ______________.

A.she wanted to stay with her mother longer

B.the school bus always went that way

C.she didn’t want to get to school to early

D.she want to take other children to school

5.From this story we know that __________.

A.Mary was a kind –hearted girl.

B.Mary’s mother had never been to the school.

C.the school wasn’t very far from Mary’s house

D.Mary enjoyed going to school in her mother’s car


完形填空通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

I am sitting in an empty football field after my last high school football game that finished a few hours ago. I’m the mid-field player on my team. But in fact that’s not _____ now. I was the mid-field player because, as I said, this was my _____ game. That’s a good way to end a high school football career (生涯), especially if you win, but even though you don’t, it’s _____ to leave at a high point.

I was eight when I first started playing football. My dad_____ football, and he used to practice with me at home passing, catching, running. We used to practice almost every evening _____ it got too dark. He tried to teach me everything he knew about the______. “Just remember: don’t ever_____ .” “Stay in the game. Don’t lose your concentration (专注).” “Go out there and give 110 percent every time.” Well, that was a long time ago, but I still hear his words______ in my ears.

I had a lot on my mind______ the game today. I don’t like things to end, I guess, and this was the last game. I was talking to myself and warning myself about what to do and not to do. I didn’t sleep at all_____, and when the sun came up this morning, I reached the point where _____ just wanted it all to be over, finished, done. But then when the game started, my mind became_____ I just lived in this game, this moment. I didn’t hear the crowd, I didn’t feel the cold or the pain, I never felt tired. I just kept my eyes on the _____ and it was just me and the ball and, inside, a soft, white light_____ me the way to the goal. It was a beautiful, empty feeling.

It’s all over now, and it’s really getting cold here. It’s starting to snow. The sun’s almost gone, and I can_____ see the goal. Now it’s dark and I’m sitting here all alone. Well, I guess it’s time to say good-bye and move on.

1.A. true          B. wrong         C. strange        D. clear

2.A. first        B. last         C. worst          D. favorite

3.A. good          B. bad          C. lucky           D. painful

4.A. needed       B. hated         C. missed        D. loved

5.A. until         B. when         C. unless        D. although

6.A. football      B. game         C. goal           D. score

7.A. grow up       B. catch up     C. give up       D. hurry up

8.A. ringing      B. saying      C. falling         D. coming

9.A. from          B. before       C. through       D. after

10.A. tonight      B. yesterday     C. today           D. last night

11.A. we           B. they         C. I               D. he

12.A. empty       B. full          C. asleep        D. awake

13.A. way          B. field        C. ball          D. match

14.A. sending     B. teaching      C. pointing      D. showing

15.A. already     B. hardly        C. never         D. clearly


Harry’s been driving all day, he _____ be tired.

A.need             B.can

C.shall               D.must


-It’s reported that Chinese _____ more than 40 minutes a day reading WeChat(微信).

-It’s true. But I think WeChat is taking too much of our time.

A.spend                 B.cost

C.pay                  D.take


-Did you talk back to your mother when you were a child?

-Yes. But now I realize I was wrong. I really regret _____ that silly thing to my mum.

A.do                    B.to do

C.doing                 D.did


Neither the headmaster nor the teachers _____ take a vacation next week.

A.were going to          B.is going to

C.was going to           D.are going to


-Remember to write down your name on the paper.


A.Never mind.            B.With pleasure.

C.Sure, I will.           D.That’s all right.


Our Chinese teacher encouraged us _______ up even if we made a serious mistake in our writing work.

A. not to give            B. not giving

C. doesn’t give         D. to give


What a touching love story!  The main character Song Joongki in the Korean drama Descendants of the sun(太阳的后裔)acts very well.

Really? When_______ it?

A.will you watch             B. did you watch

C. have you watched          D. do you watch


--- A latest China Daily, please!

--- Only one copy left. Would you like to have__________?

A. one                 B. it

C. this               D. that


The robber ran ______the street , jumped _____ a tall wall and ran away.

A. through, across         B. across, over

C. over, across            D. across, through


Leonardo DiCaprio won_______ Oscar for his role in The Revenant(荒野猎人) and he made_______ powerful speech about the climate change on Sunday night.

A. a; an             B. an; /

C. an; a             D. a n; an




A: 1.

B:It must be Bob’s. He loves soccer.

A:How about this magazine?

B: 2.She loves reading and collecting

magazines very much.

A:And this book?

B: 3.Mark Twain is her favorite author.

A:OK… Here is a hair band. Is it Mary’s?

B:No. 4.Her hair is too short. It could be Alice’s. Alice has long hair.

A:Er… Look! That toy panda must belong to Mary’s little sister. 5.



1.The man is a farmer as well as an ___________ (invent).

2.This is the _______________ (ugly) painting I have ever seen.

3.At last the two thieves _____________ (catch) by the policemen.

4.When he saw me in the street, he stopped ____________(say) hello to me.

5.Your father _________ (read) the newspapers when you got home yesterday.


Could you tell me ________?

“Rome was not built in a day.” You should try to give it enough chances to become strong.

A. what I can do to have a good memory

B. how I can do to have a good memory

C. why I should have a good memory

D. how can I have a good memory


Must I return the book now?

I’m afraid you ________ according to the library rules. But you can renew it.

A. need              B. can

C. have to           D. may


He has ______ little money that he can’t even afford to buy________ little sheep.

A. so; so               B. such; such

C. so; such            D. such; so


The shop in Baolong Square ________ for six years, but I ________ there so far.

A. has opened; haven’t gone

B. has been open; haven’t been

C. has been open; haven’t gone

D. has opened; haven’t been


—I don’t like action films. They are too noisy.

________. I never watch action films.

A. Neither do I            B. Neither I do

C. So do I                D. So I do


Teenagers would rather _________ phone calls while businessmen prefer ______ e-mails to communicate with each other.

A. make; to write             B. making; writing

C. to make; to write          D. make; writing


We all know that the Anti-Japanese War_______ in 1937 and _______ for eight years.

A. broken out; was lasted          B. was broken; lasted

C. was broken out; was lasted      D. broke out; lasted


14. Forgotten something? I can keep an eye on your kids if you want to go and get it.

—_____________.Thank you all the same.

A.It’s very nice of you.

B.  Oh, how careless of me.

C.  I might as well go and get it.

D.  Well, I can do without it.


I think ______ quite difficult _______ all the tasks in time.

A. that, to finish           B. it, finishing

C. it, to finish             D. that, finish


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