Stop making so much _____. The children are sleeping.

A. voice                B. noise

C. sound                D. voices


---Must I______ my camera, Lily?

---No, you______. Don’t worry. I will take one myself.

A. to take; mustn’t           B. take; needn’t

C. to bring; needn’t          D. bring; mustn’t


—Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow?

—Well, it all ________ the weather.

A.belongs to         B.happens to

C.depends on         D.concentrate on


—Listen ! Helen is singing in the next room.

It ____ be Helen. She has gone to Beijing.

A. can’t              B. mustn’t

C. may                D. neen`t


Listen!What’s happening ? Oh, it might be a girl ______in the next door. cry             B.crying

C.cry               D.cries


Could you tell me ___________?

A. whether GM food is harmful to our bodies

B. when did Macao return to China

C. which countries have you been to

D. what are you doing at this time yesterday


—In a text message, 88 means Bye-bye.

—And another example is F2F _________ stands for face to face.

A. whom              B. it

C. who               D. that



Lincheng is a new developing city. There are lots of popular restaurants. Although they are not famous, they are good places to have meals.

Qingteng Yuan

Main dishes: Many different fish, meat and chicken dishes

Specials: Vegetable salad (¥20),

Roast beef (¥48 on weekdays, ¥38 on weekends)

Fruits (Free): Watermelon, apples, bananas, oranges

Tel: 876-2198

Opening Hours: 11:00 a.m.—1:00 a.m.

Ruihai Drinking


Mainly all kinds of meat, pork, beef and mutton.

Specials: Roast pork (only offered on Saturday, ¥50 each)

Drinks are not allowed to take except VIP.

Tel: 897-6543

Opening Hours: 11:00 a.m.—1:30 a.m. (VIP 24 hours)

Rujia Restaurant


Mainly dumplings and noodles.

Specials: Beef and cabbage dumplings (5 each on weekdays, 4.5 on weekends)

Dumplings can be taken away.

Tel: 432-0945

Opening Hours: 11:30 a.m.—10:00 p.m.

Linglong Sea Food


Mainly sea food.

Specials: Roast fish (25 each)

Tel: 287-9056

Opening Hours: 11:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. (From Monday to Thursday)

11:00 a.m.—2:00 a.m. (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

1. If you like roast beef and you want to save some money, you’d better go to Qingteng Yuan on       .

A. Monday              B. Wednesday

C. Friday              D. Sunday

2. What can be only offered on Saturday?

A. Roast beef.         B. Roast pork.

C. Beef noodles.        D. Sea food.

3.You need to pay       for three beef and cabbage dumplings on Monday.

A. ¥15                 B. ¥13.5

C. ¥10                 D. ¥9

4.If you want to eat sea food, you can call       .

A. 876-2198            B. 897-6543

C. 432-0945             D. 287-9056

5. Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Fruits are free in Rujia Restaurant.

B. Roast beef is cheaper on Tuesday than on Saturday.

C. You can eat sea food at 1:00 a.m. on Friday in Linglong Sea Food.

D. Call 897-6543 to order noodles.



通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

Souanis Kim was an archery(射箭)teacher in a sports school and had trained many

outstanding archers. So many parents sent their children to him. One morning, Souanis Kim took

the students to a tall tree for _______.He put a toy bird on the trunk and said, "The task is to______the toy bird down.”

The students stood in a ______quickly. The first one was Sandy. He walked a few steps

forward, put the arrow on the string(弦),drew the bow(弓)and aimed at the toy bird.

“What's ______the bird?" asked Souanis Kim suddenly.

“The blue sky," Sandy answered.

Souanis Kim smiled. He asked Sandy to stand aside. The students _____ what the teacher's

meaning was.

The next was Keston. Like Sandy, he walked up. Just as he was ______to shoot the arrow,

Souanis Kim asked him the same question.

“I see the trunk and the leaves,” answered Keston. Souanis Kim smiled and asked Keston to

stand aside, too.

The third one was Jobes. Just ________ he was drawing the bow, Souarus Kim asked. "What’s

over the bird, Jobes?"

Jobes stared at the toy bird and said,。I have seen ________but the toy bird.”

“Great!" said Souanis Kim _______.Then he shouted, "Go ahead!"

Jobes shot the arrow and the toy bird fell. The students cheered with one voice.

Souanis Kim looked at the surprised students and said seriously,“Remember,  when an

archer is showing, he must have only the. ______ but nothing else.”

1.A.walking    C.playing   D.resting

2.A.put       B.tum         C.shoot     D.get      B.way        C.position    D.line

4.A.over      B.under     C.inside      D.behind

5.A.thought   B.expected    C.learned   D.wondered

6.A.ready      B.afraid      C.anxious   D.willing        B.after       C.before     D.because

8.A.anything    B.something C.nothing    D.everything

9.A.hopefully   B.softly      C.angrily     D.happily

10.A.bird      B. goal       D.bow


If you wish , you _________ come in and have a cup of coffee.

A. may                B. must

C. would             D. should


Look! The traffic light has turned red. We _____ stop our car.

A.can                   B.can’t

C.must               D.mustn’t


I will try my best to stop my son from _____ the same mistake.

A. make               B. made

C. makes                D. making


The running water makes the stones ______ very smooth.

A. sound                B. taste

C. smell               D. feel


---- Have you heard of the song Little Apple?

---- Yes. It ______ every morning when aged people do square dancing downstairs. played             B.plays

C.was played           D.played


This kind of pot           keeping tea hot. used in used for

C.used in              D.used for


---Look! The woman standing there is Mrs Green.

---It           be Mrs Green, she has been to England.

A. may               B. can

C. can’t           D. mustn’t


---May I go out now, Dad?

---No, You           let your mother know first.

A.can                B.may

C.can’t             D.must


I           early in the morning when I was still a child.

A. am used to get up               B. used get up

C. use to get up                 D. used to get up


This is the book I told you about. Is it           interesting one?


C.the             D.不填




Paul worked in an office. He didn't have a wife, he didn't have any children, e1.. And he lived in an old house a 2.. He liked nothing but drinking. He almost spent all of his money on drinks. Sometimes when he was h 3., he had to borrow some money from his workmates to buy a little food.

One evening he m 4._a friend of his in the street. The man asked him to have d a restaurant. He was so happy that he drank a l 6.. When they left there at midnight, he could h 7. stand. His friend had to s8. a taxi and asked the driver to take him home. Soon they arrived at the door of his house. The d9. helped him to get out of the taxi.
"Thank you, sir." said Paul, "Now I can open the door myself."
The taxi went away, but he couldn't put the key i 10._ the keyhole(钥匙孔). At that time, a policeman came.
"What can I do for you, sir?" asked the policeman.
“Thank you, sir.” said Paul, “The house is circling (旋转) now. If you can make it not move, I can open the door myself."



1. We should be brave enough to __________ (面对) all the difficulties.

2.When did Audrey __________ (come into) the film industry?

3.The students always ___________ (拒绝) to do so much homework every day.

4.The detective thought he had a criminal ___________.

5.Our earth is becoming more and more crowded and       (受污染的).


---May I go home right now?

---No, you____. You must finish your work first.

A. don’t             B. can’t

C. needn’t          D. mustn’t


It is very kind ____ you to help me with these maths problems because it is very difficult ____ me to work them out.

A. of; for              B. of; of

C. for; of              D. for; for


Linda, could you tell me ______?

He is an actor.

A. what he does                 B. what does he do

C. where he works              D. where does he work


______ he has make during the course!

A. What good progress           B. What a good progress

C. How good progress            D. How a good progress


---Who is ______ teacher in the white T-shirt?

---Oh, that is my English teacher, Peter.

A. /                 B. a

C. an                D. the


They were _________ busy _________ with each other _________ the time.

A. too; to talk; to forget

B. too; talking; to forget

C. so; talking; that they forgot

D. so; to talk; that they forgot


—What did you say just now?

—I asked __________.

A. that I could open the door        B. how I could open the door

C. how could I open the door         D. could I open to the door


—Whose book is this?

—It ________be Mary's. J. K. Rowling is her favorite writer.

—No, it ______ be hers . She never brings novels to school.

A. may, mustn't        B. can; can't

C. must; can't        D. must; mustn't


—I can't find any ______to show my thanks to you.

—You are welcome.

A. picture             B. energy

C. food                D. expressions


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