This is such________useful book that I have learned a lot from it.

A. a                 B. an

C. the                D. /



A  There will be a test the day after tomorrow.

B. Will you help me organize it?

C. There was a football match yesterday.

D.No problem.

E.When shall we have the party?

F.Let’s play football tomorrow.

G. That sounds like a good idea.









A: Hi, Jack. I’d like to have a class party. 1..

B:Yes, of course, Grace. 2..

A: Let’s have it today after class.

B: No, we can’t have it today. If so, half of the classmates can’t come.

A: Let’s make it tomorrow.

B: Hmm, 3.. Students will leave early to study for the test. Why not have it on the weekend?

A: OK, let’s have it on Saturday afternoon. All the students can come and we can watch CDs together.

B: No, I don’t think we should watch CDs. Some students will feel bored. What about playing party games?

A: 4.. Can you organize the party games?

B: Sure. I can do that. Can you make some fruit salad for us?

A: 5..



1.Mary does cleaning on weekends. (改为否定句)

Mary __________ __________cleaning on weekends.

2.It’s Helen’s turn to make the duty report today. (对划线部分提问)

__________ __________is it to make the duty report today ?

3.Tom bagan to study in that school three years ago.(改为同义句)

Three years __________ __________ since Tom began to study in that school.


The teacher asked us to __________ __________the form with our home address.


-- ________is it from here to the airport?

--It’s about ________ taxi ride.

A. How long, 10 minutes’           B. How far, 10-minutes

C. How long, 10- minutes            D. How far, 10 minutes’


Because of the cold weather, half of the children________ill for a week.

A. has been               B. have fallen

C. have been              D. has fallen


Whenever I go past the office, I find him________on the computer.

A. works                  B. to work

C. is working             D. working


--I passed the driving test last weekend.


A. Congratulations         B. What a pity

C. Good luck               D. I hope so


I am not sure if she________me to her party. If she________me, I will be pleased..

A. will invite, invites          B. will invite, will invite

C. invites, will invite          D. invites, invites


--Can I change for a quiet room? This one is too noisy.

--Sure, you can. But you need to pay for________20 dollars.

A. the other            B. other

C. another              D. others


--Have you seen Jack? His mother is looking for him all the afternoon.

--No, I haven’t. I am sure her mother________be very worried.

A. must              B. may

C. need               D. should


--It ________nearly 10 hours to drive from Chongqing to Shanghai.

--That’s tiring. I would rather choose the plane.

A. spends                  B. costs

C. takes                   D. pays


--Could you please tell me________the final exam?

--In about 30 days.

A. when we will have            B. when will we have

C. how soon we will            D. how soon will we


Over the few years, he________ much. He used to be quiet, and now he is still.

A. changed                  B. has changed

C.didn’t change            D. hasn’t changed



Would you like to adopt an animal? Although this sounds very unusual, some children have done just this. The Natural Zoo has given people the chance to adopt animals by paying for all of its food for one year. One of the animals that needed parents was a young tiger named Brocky. The people at the zoo said that it would cost about $900 a year for the food for Brocky.

Not many boys and girls have $900 to spend. That is why several hundred children and grown-ups each have sent a little money to the zoo to help pay for Brocky’s food. Some children sent in only a quarter because that was all the money they had. Other children sent in more money than that.

Since so many people sent money to the zoo to help pay for Brocky’s food, he now will be able to eat as much as he wants. Brocky surely must be a happy tiger to know that he has so many adopted parents. Many children must also be happy to know that they have helped to feed him. It really will be thrilling for those children to go to the Natural Zoo to visit their adopted tiger Brocky.

1.Brocky is________.

A. an animal zoo

B. an adopted child

C. a tiger without children’s love

D. a tiger in need of adoption

2.Several hundred people give money to the zoo to help Brocky because ________.

A. its food is too expensive for one person to afford

B. people don’t want to spend too much money on Brocky

C. people don’t love Brocky enough

D. the zoo forces them to do so

3.Children will be ________ if they go to the zoo to visit the tiger Brocky.

A. frightened               B. excited and happy

C. nervous                 D. surprised

4.With so many people’s money, Brocky now can _________.

A. play with many toys

B. live without being hungry

C. eat meat every day

D. have an air-conditioned room to live in

5.We can infer(推断)from the passage that ________.

A. zoos are too poor to feed the animals

B. there are too many animals in the zoo

C. many people are kind to animals

D. children love animals better than adults do



About a week ago, when I was playing basketball at our city park, I noticed a small group of boys picking on(作弄) a smaller boy. They were calling his names and even pushed him to the ground and kicked something in his face. When I saw that, I walked over to the group.

I stepped _______ them and the smaller boy, and asked them politely what this boy had done . One of the boys replied, “He’s weird.” Then I asked one of the boys if he thought his friend was weird, and the _______ was “No.” So, I asked another boy what the word “weird” _______ and he said, “Different.” That was my cue(暗示). I told them that everyone was _______ and that they all looked just as different to the other boy as he did to them. They all stood _______ for a moment, and then the most amazing thing happened. One of the boys helped the small boy off the ground and then said sorry to him. He even _______ him to play with them.

I thanked the boy for being so brave. As I looked around, I realized that there were many other people at the park _______ no one else had stopped to help this boy. I felt happy that the boy was _______ to stand up against his friends to help someone in need, but I felt sad that _______ else had even taken a second look.

I hope that I’ve helped them realize that they could make a _______ with a little effort and maybe next time they will be the ones who choose to help.

1.A. against           B. between        C. beside          D. with

2.A. guess             B. sign           C. problem         D. answer

3.A. read             B. spelled        C. meant           D. wrote

4.A. different         B. free            C. important       D. strong

5.A. angrily          B. silently       C. carefully       D. happily

6.A. refused          B. taught          C. invited         D. hoped

7.A. or                B. so             C. and             D. but

8.A. too strong       B. so strong       C. strong enough   D. enough strong

9.A. someone           B. anyone          C. nobody           D. everyone

10.A. difference       B. practice        C. mistake          D. a face


Could you tell me_______ a meeting in Guangzhou next week?

A. that there is going to be

B. if there is going to be

C. whether is there going to be

D. whether there is going to have


--Take good care of yourself, son!

--Don't worry, mom! I will call you as soon as I ________ America.

A. arrive              B. will arrive

C. reach                 D. will reach


--Do you still remember the days ________ we spent in the country?

--Yes, of course, they were peaceful and relaxing.

A. where                B. when

C. who                  D. that


Hurry up! The movie _______ for ten minutes!

A. has begun              B. has been on

C. had begun               D. begun


--How do you like the twins?

--Well, I think the elder sister is _______ but the young sister is _______.

A. more clever; more hard-working

B. cleverer; more hard-working

C. the cleverest; the most hard-working

D. the most cleverest; the most hard-working


--- There were so many books in the shopping center, I didn't know_______ .

A. where to buy           B. which to buy

C. how to buy              D. what to buy


--Would you         have tea or wine

--. I prefer         . Coffee.

A. rather, Either         B. rather, Neither

C. like, Neither          D. rather, Both


Mr Fred asked me         I was going to speak at the meeting and I said “Yes”.

A. how                B. when

C. why                D. whether


Do you think I should wear an orange shirt today?

Yes. _________ orange can bring you good luck, it is good for your interview.

A. Though               B. As

C. But                  D. While


Do you have other _____ to make on the subject?

A. advices                B. informations

C. suggestions            D. news



JACK: Hi, Mike. We haven’t seen for several days. How’s it going?

MIKE: Not bad. 1.

JACK: Pretty good! Are you free this Sunday afternoon?

MIKE: . 2.. What’s up?

JACK: There is going to be a basketball match in our school. 3..

MIKE: Yes, of course. But which team is our school going to play against?

JACK: . 4._.

MIKE: Really? I think our team is very strong .

Perhaps we will win the match.

JACK: But I hear that their team is strong, too.

MIKE: I’m sure it must be a wonderful match.

JACK: I think so. 5..

MIKE: Let’s meet in the playground at 3:00 pm.

JACK: OK. See you then.

MIKE: See you.

A. Would you like to watch it?

B. What about you, Jack?

C. No, I wasn’t.

D. The team from No. 2 Middle School.

E. Where and when shall we meet?

F. Yes, I am.

G. How are we going there?













1.This instrument is used for            (play) music in class.

2.Plates and dishes               (not wash) after supper yesterday.

3.Edison was a great             . He had over 1,000               in his life.(invent).

4.I regret not ________ (listen) to Mom.

5.Photo­taking is ________ (allow) in the museum.

6.My parents gave me food and warm bed ________ (sleep) in.

7.Look out! There must be someone ____________ (knock) at the door.

8.This book is ________ (value) for us to learn English.

9.The __________ (policeman) were searching the forest for the lost kid.

10.The man is a teacher who        (have) much teaching skills.


—How often do I need to feed the dog?

—It ________ food every day, or it will be hungry.

A.must give              B.must be give

C.must be given        D.must be gave


Flowers_____ along the road last year.

A.plant               B.planted

C.are planted         D.were planted


Pens are used for        on paper.

A. write              B. writing

C. to write           D. wrote


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