It took us quite a long time to get to the amusement park. It was _____ journey.

A.three hour                B.a three-hours

C.a three-hour              D.three hours


Ten years ago the population of our village was_________ that of theirs. twice large as            B.twice as large as

C.twice as much as    twice much as


It looks like the weather is changing for ______. Shall we stick to our plan?

A.the worse                    B.worse

C.the worst                   D.worst


You’re driving too fast. Can you drive ______?

A.more slowly a bit            B.slowly a bit more

C.a bit more slowly            D.slowly more a bit


He began to take political science ­­______ only when he left school.

A.strictly                 B.truly

C.carefully                 D.seriously


Alan is a careful driver, but he drives ______ of my friends.

A.more carefully            B.the most carefully

C.less carefully            D.the least carefully


I wish you’d do ______talking and some more work. Thus things will become better.

A.a bit less                B.any less

C.much more                 D.a little more


Of the two sisters, Betty is______one, and she is also the one who loves to be quiet.

A.a younger                B.a youngest

C.the younger             D.the youngest


I hear____ boys in your school like playing football in their spare time, though others

prefer basketball.

A.quite a lot             B.quite a few

C.quite a bit             D.quite a little


This washing machine is environmentally friendly because it uses___water and electricity than___ models.

A.less;older              B.less;elder

C.fewer;older             D.fewer;elder


If it is quite _____ to you, I will visit you next Tuesday.

A.convenient            B.fair

C.easy                  D.comfortable


Bob ran the 100 meters in 9.91 seconds, and I have not seen _________ this year.

A.the best              B.better

C.the most              D.more


David has won the first prize in singing; he is still very excited now and feels________ desire to go to bed.

A.the most               B.more

C.worse                  D.the least


Mr. Smith owns ______ collection of coins than anyone else I have ever met.

A.larger                  B.a larger

C.the larger              D.a large


_________, some famous scientists have the questions of being both careful and careless.

A.Strangely enough          B.Enough strangely

C.Strange enough            D.Enough strange


That doesn’t sound very frightening, Paul. I’ve seen ________. What did you like

most about the film?

A.better                  B.worse                    D.worst


The number of people present at the concert was ________than expected. There were

many tickets left.

A.much smaller            B.much more

C.much larger             D.many more


It is ________any wonder that his friend doesn’t like watching television much.                     B.such

C.nearly                 D.hardly


Mr. Smith used to smoke ____,  but he has given it up.

A.seriously              B.heavily

C.badly                  D.hardly


The great success of this programme has been ____ due to the support given by

the local businessmen.

A.rather               B.very

C.quickly               D.largely


I don't mind picking up your things from the store. _______, the walk will do me good

A.Sooner or later        B.Still

C.In time                D.Besides


Mary kept weighing herself to see how much ___ she was getting.

A.heavier                B.heavy

C.the heavier            D.the heaviest


If you can’t come tomorrow, we’ll ____ have to hold the meeting next week.

A.yet                    B.even

C.rather                 D.just


I must be getting fat I can  _____ do my trousers up.

A.fairly                 B.hardly

C.nearly                D.seldom


Bob never does his homework ________ Mary. He makes lots of mistakes. careful as  carefully as

C.carefully as   careful as


—What delicious cakes!

—They would taste _______ with butter.

A.good                  B.better

C.bad                   D.worse


He has made _______ progress this term than before.

A.little                B.less

C.fewer                 D.much


How beautifully she sings! I have never heard _______ voice.

A.the best             B.a best

C.the better           D.a better


—Do you have enough men to carry these chairs?

—No. I think we need _______ men.

A.another              B.other two

C.more two             D.two more


—How far is the factory from here?

—It’s about 4 kilometres _______.

A.far                 B.long

C.away                D.near


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