We ________ fight against pollution.

A.may                    B.should

C.mustn’t                D.needn’t


—I have spent too much time playing computer games these days.

—I think so. You _____ stop, for your study and your health.

A.will               B.must

C.can                 D.may


If the traffic light is red, you ________ cross the road. It’s very dangerous.

A.don’t              B.mustn’t

C.needn’t             D.wouldn’t


—Let’s go to the concert tonight, Michael!

—Sorry, I _______. I have to help my mother with the housework

A.mustn’t             B.may not

C.needn’t             D.can’t


We hope that as many people as possible ________ join us for the charity show tomorrow.

A.need                B.can

C.must                D.should


—Excuse me, where are we going to have our class meeting?

—I’m not sure. Ask our monitor, please. He      know.

A.can                 B.may

C.need                D.shall


—______ you swim?

—Yes, but I’m not a good swimmer.

A.Can               B.May

C.Need              D.Must


—May I watch TV for a while?

—No, you _______. You have to finish your homework first.

A.shouldn’t           B.needn’t

C.mustn’t            D.won’t


—Can you play the piano?

—Yes, I _______. I often practice it on weekends.

A.needn’t              B.need

C.can’t               D.can


—Listen! Is Professor Johnson giving a report in the hall?

—No, it     be him. He has gone to Japan.

A.needn’t               B.may not

C.mustn’t               D.can’t


—Susan has bought a large house with a swimming pool.

—It ______ be very expensive. I never even dream about it.

A.must               B.might

C.can’t              D.shouldn’t


—I’m a little tired. Let’s go to the zoo by taxi.

—We      take a taxi. It’s not far from here.

A.can’t                 B.mustn’t

C.couldn’t              D.needn’t


—Another cup of coffee?

—No, thanks. I _____ be off. Mary is waiting for me.

A.can               B.may

C.must             D.might


You _______ smoke in the hospital.

A.needn’t             B.oughtn’t to

C.ought to not          D.may not


You’d better _____late again.

A.don‘t              B.not be

C.not being           D.won’t be


You_____ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.

A.needn’t to come             B.don’t need come

C.don’t need coming          D.needn’t come


To make our city more beautiful, rubbish ______ into the river.

A.needn't be thrown         B.mustn't be thrown

C.can't throw               D.mustn’t throw


—Who is the man over there? Is it Mr Li?

—No, it ______ be him. Mr Li has gone to America.

A.mustn't              B.may not

C.can't                D.needn't


—Must I stay at home, Mum?

—No, you ______.

A.needn't            B.mustn't

C.don't              D.may not


Is this a photo of your daughter?She looks ____ in the pink dress.

A.lovely              B.quietly

C.politely            D.happily


I was so tired that I could ______ walk any farther.

A.nearly             B.hardly

C.really              D.suddenly


Many people send cards by e-mail because it’s much ________ this way.

A.nearer              B.shorter

C.quicker              D.farther


Though his grandmother lives _____, she never feels _____.

A.alone; alone          B.lonely; lonely

C.alone; lonely         D.lonely; alone


—How can I get well along with others, father?

—Try to smile to others, boy. That will make ____ much ____.

A.them, easier              B.them, more easy

C.it, easy                   D.it, easier


Listening is just as ______ as speaking in language learning.

A.important                B.more important

C.most important           D.the most important


Remember this, John. ______ careful you are, ______ mistakes you will take.

A.The more; the less

B.The more; the fewer

C.The less; the fewer

D.The more; the more


Of all the teams in NBA, I think the Los Angeles Lakers played ____ this year.

A.most successful            B.most successfully

C.very successfully           D.much more succes


The more you read, _________you will get.

A.the less                B.the most

C.the more                D.much more


This restaurant wasn't ______ that other restaurant we went to.

A.half as good as          B.as half good as

C.as good as half          D.good as half as


Next to biology , I like physics ________.

A.better                   B.best

C.the better               D.very well


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