—______ interesting the book is!

—Yes, I have read it twice.

A. What an            B. How a           C. How


—Would you like some juice or coffee?

—______ is OK. I really dont care.

A. Both              B. Either               C. Neither


Herry will give us report as soon as he ______.

A. arrives     B. arrived     C. will arrive


The girl ______ the woman. Maybe she is her daughter.

A. takes care    B. takes after    C. looks after


What do you usually have for breakfast?

I used to ______eggs, but these days Im used to ______ bread and milk.

A. eat, have

B. eat, having

C. eating, have


Taobao.com is one of ______ shopping websites in China.

A. large     B. larger     C. the largest


Though she lives ______, she doesnt feel ______ because she has many things to do.

A. alone, lonely   B. lonely, alone     C. alone, alone


I ______ TV last night when I heard knocks at the door.

A. watch               B. was watching    C. watched



—I have a headache.

A. Whats the matter

B. Whats the wrong

C. Whats matter


—Could you please take out the rubbish, David?

—______ask my sister? Im so busy now.

A. Why not you       B. Why dont you   C. Why dont


Actually, Steve is ______ honest boy. He always tells us the truth.

A. an     B. a      C. the


The right pronunciation of the word success is ______.

A. /sək'ses/    B. /'səkses/    C. /sek'səs/



介绍自己一天的作息:周一至周五6:00起床,6:10 刷牙,6:30吃早餐。7:00骑自行车去上学,大概会花费20分钟。中午在校吃午餐。每天必须穿校服,虽然不漂亮,但是这是学校的规定。我通常5:30到家,晚餐前要么看电视,要么写作业。十点前上床睡觉。每天都过得很开心。


My Day









1.It takes me two hours to do my homework every day. (对划线部分提问)

_____  _____ does it take you to do your homework?

2.I have to follow the rules at home.(变否定句)

I _____ _____ _____ follow the rules at home.

3.You mustn’t swim in the river.(变祈使句)

_____  _____  in the river.

4.Jim is a boy. He is 11 years old. (合并句子)

Jim is _____ ______ boy.

5.My sisters always helps my mother do the housework. (变同义句)





Mary is _____  _____ with her grandfather.


He _____  _____  _____ every day.


My parents goes to work _____  _____.


She has _____  _____ work to do.


Aunt Wang _____  _____  _____ children.



1.I am good at ________ (tell) stories.

2.Please tell them ________ (not talk) in the classroom.

3.I like dogs. They are ________ (friend) to us.

4.Amy likes singing. She wants to be a ________(music).

5.It is 6:30 p.m., Jim and his family ________(eat) dinner




1.The teacher asks us not to f________ with others.

2.The bus ride takes me about 30 ________(分钟).

3.I like koalas because they are really c________ .

4.Bob is from America, but now he l______ in Beijing.

5.I have a very ________ (健康的) body.


People go to work in different(不同的) ways. Some people go to work on foot because they live near their work place. Some people go to work by bike because they live very far. Or they like riding bikes. They think it’s good for their health. Today more people have private(私人的) cars, so they go to work in their cars. In the south of China, many people go to work by boat because water is around their house. People can go to work by plane,if necessary.

1.How many kinds of ways do people go to work?






4.Why do many people go to work on foot?


5.How do many people go to work in the south of China?



It’s Saturday morning. Betty is having her breakfast. Betty’s mother and father are with her. On Saturday morning, Betty doesn’t go to school. She helps her parents do some housework. This morning she says to her mother. “Can I help you, mum? ”“Yes, you can help me. ”her mother says, “You can go to Mr. White’s shop. Something is wrong with our clock. Mr. White mends (修理)clocks. Our clock is in his shop. ”“Is he mending our clock? ”Betty asks. “Yes. ”her father says. “And this morning it is ready. ”“Yes, it is ready. ”Her mother says, “Go to Mr. White’s shop. Take this bag. You can put the clock in it. ”Betty takes the bag and goes to the shop to get the clock back home.

1. What is Betty doing on Saturday morning? ________.

A. She goes to school.

B. She is having her breakfast.

C. She is cooking with her mother.

2.Betty often helps her parents _______on Saturday.

A. do some cleaning

B. do some shopping

C. do some housework

3.There is something wrong with their ______.

A. radio                  B. clock                         C. car

4._______ is mending their clock.

A. Mrs. White              B. Mr. White                     C. Mr. Brown

5.Which is correct in the following?

A. The clock is ready this morning.

B. Betty goes to the shop to get the clock with a backpack.

C. Betty and her mother go to the shop together.


My name is Sally White. I am a school girl. My school is far from my home. Every day it is a lot of time to get there. The road is not flat平整, so I cannot go to school by bike. I often get there by bus or on foot. It takes me thirty minutes to get there by bus and an hour on foot. I must get up early every morning. I have no time for breakfast at home. I often have something for breakfast on the way or on the bus. I don’ t want to be late for school, so sometimes I run to school.

1.Where is Sally?

AIn China.        BIn Japan.

CIn America.      DI don’t know.

2.Her home is ________.

Anew          Bbig          Cfar              Dnear

3.It takes her ________ to get to school on foot.

Aten minutes                   Bthirty minutes

Can hour                       Dan hour and a half

4.Where does Sally have breakfast?

AAt home.                      BOn the way to school.

CIn her school.                DIn a restaurant.

5.Is she late for school?

AYes, she is.                   BNo, she isn’t.

C.Yes, she does.                 D.No, she doesn’t




1.You can call ______ to join the art club.

A. 0351-9760         B. 0351-5698

C. 0351-28693        D. 0351-6975

2.Which E-mail can you write to if you want to join the basketball club?

A. John7203@163.com                B.Alice8605@sina.com

C. Mike8904@126.com                D. Dave8509@163.com

3.When can you learn swim?

A. From 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. On Saturday

B. From 3:00 to 4:00 on Saturday afternoon

C. From 3:00--6:00 p.m. On Sunday

D. From 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. On Saturday

4.How much does it cost(花费) to learn the violin in a month?

A. ¥160      B. ¥120    C. ¥320       D. ¥90

5.From the passage we know that _______.

A.We can play interesting games in Cool Violin Club.

B. Mike can draw well.

C. We can have many friends in the violin club.

D. Alice plays basketball well.



Today is Monday. Now we are having ___ class. Are we in the classroom? No, we are at the ___ . Our art teacher, Ms Jones, is talking to ___ ,” Boys and girls, we are going to draw animals here today. You can find your ___ animals and draw a picture of them.” Tom and Mike like ___ best, because they are black and white, they are beautiful. What are Bob and Jenny doing? They ___ an elephant show. The show is very funny, and they like it very much. Nancy’s favorite animal is the monkey(猴子). ___ the monkeys are staying in their home and they don’t want ___ out. Nancy has a good ___. She gives the monkeys some ___ . Soon all of the monkeys come out to eat them.

1.A.English        B.math          C.art          D.music

2.A.zoo          B.home          C.school     D.supermarket

3.A.me            B.him           C.them        D.us

4.A.like           B.favorite      C.fun      D.interesting

5.A.tigers         B.pandas        C.lions        D.monkeys

6.A.watch          B.watching      C.are watch    D.are watching

7.A.But            B.So           C.And          D.Because

8.A.come          B.to come      C.comes      D.coming

9.A.habit         B.time         C.food         D.idea

10.A.bananas       B.bread         C.meat       D.chicken


Look ! Who _____ under the tree?

A.is dancing                       B. are dancing

C. is danceing                     D. dancing


_____ important for us to follow the rules.

A.It’s         B. This is           C.That’s         D. Its


—Do you like pandas?

—Yes. They’re _____ cute.

A.kind            B. a kind of

C. kind of        D. kinds of


—Do you like _____ ?

—Yes. But I _____ a book now. I’m drawing a picture.

A.read;reading                     B.read;am not reading

C.reading;am reading               D.reading; am not reading



—He can sing and dance.

A.What does he do                B. Why does he like music

C. What can he do                D. What does he like


—Do you often get to school _____ bike ?

—Yes. But I sometimes get to school _____ the school bus.

A.by;by         B.by;in         C.on;on       D.by;on


_____ is it from home to school?

—About two kilometers.

A.How many      B.How far      C.How long   D. How much


All the teachers don’t like Jack, because he is too _____ .

A.funny        B.smart         C. cute        D.lazy


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