—When do you usually   in the morning?

—That depends on what time my alarm clock goes off!

A. stay up             B. put up

C. wake up             D. make up


If we   trees and forests, giant pandas   nowhere to live.

A. cut down; have           B. will cut down; will have

C. will cut down; have      D. cut down; will have


—Would you like to play basketball with us this afternoon?

   , but I have to study for tomorrow’s test.

A. I’d love to         B. I’m afraid not

C. Sounds good          D. No problem


The girl has   friends here, so she feels lonely.

A. little            B. a little

C. few               D. a few


   , we’d got home when it started raining, so we didn’t get wet.

A. Luck              B. Lucky

C. Luckily           D. Unluckily


Would you like   camping with me, David?

A. go                 B. goes

C. going              D. to go


—What does your friend John look like?

—He is   .

A. popular            B. friendly

C. good               D. tall


—How was your weekend, Jack?

—It was great. I   my aunt in the countryside.

A. visit             B. visited

C. visiting          D. will visit


Ma Yun is   famous   many people in China know him.

A. too; to            B. enough; to

C. as; as             D. so; that


Everyone was   when they heard the   news.

A. exciting; exciting      B. excited; excited

C. excited; exciting       D. exciting; excited


Is there   useful on science? I’m looking for information about this topic.

A. everything         B. something

C. anything           D. nothing


—Why do you look so   ? What’s happening?

—Believe it or not, I saw a UFO just now!

A. surprised        B. popular

C. excellent        D. tired


—What   would you like to choose, small, medium or large?

—Large, please.

A. color           B. size

C. price           D. kind



No one can change the weather. But if we read the signs correctly around us, we can know how the weather will be. This way of telling what the weather will be like on the following day or two is called weather forecasting. For many centuries and in all countries, people have studied the weather and tried to make weather forecasting. Rings around the sun are a sign of coming rain. Many people feel in their bones the coming of wet weather. Their joints(关节)ache. Some birds fly high if the fine weather is coming, but they fly near the ground if rainy or stormy weather is on the way. It is probably because of the insects which they are hunting fly low. If you see a rainbow during rainy weather, this is a sign that the weather will become clear and fine. Such rainbows come in the evening. If the stars twinkle clearly at night, then fine weather will continue. If a fog appears in the evening just above a river, then the day will be warm. If the sunset is mostly red in color, then the morning, rainy weather will probably come. Most of the above sayings have been made by the people who have used their eyes and brains to make weather forecasting.

1.People’s joints ache   .

A. because it is going to rain

B. because they are ill

C. without any reason

D. because of the insects

2.Which is TRUE about weather forecasting?

A. Weather forecasting is a report about the weather on the following day or two.

B. Weather forecasting is a way of telling what the weather will be like.

C. People can change the weather.

D. Weather forecasting is a sign of coming rain.

3.That the birds fly high is a sign that the weather will   .

A. be rainy

B. be warm

C. continue clear and fine

D. be cold

4.A rainbow during rainy weather is a   of fine weather.

A. sign              B. way    

C. method              D. road

5.We must   to make weather forecasting.

A. use our eyes and brains     B. study the weather hard

C. read the signs hard         D. all of the above



Overhead bridges can be seen in many parts of Singapore, in the place where traffic is very heavy and crossing the road is not safe.

These bridges can make people go   roads safely. Overhead bridges   are used in very much the same way as zebra crossings.

They are more efficient(效率高的), though less convenient(方便的)because people have  to climb up a lot of steps. This is inconvenient for the old. When people    an overhead bridge, they do not hold up(阻挡)traffic. But when they cross a     road using a zebra crossing, traffic is held up. This is   the government(政府)has   many overhead bridges to help people and     traffic moving at the same time.

The government of Singapore has spent a lot of money       these bridges. For their own safety, people should be given hope to use them instead of rushing across the road. Old people may find it a little      climbing up and down the steps, but it is still much safer than walking across the road     all the moving traffic.

Overhead bridges are very       . People, both old and young, should always use them.

1.A. cross          B. crossing           C. across      D. through

2.A. pass           B. use              C. visit          D. build

3.A. wide          B. narrow            C. busy           D. free

4.A. what          B. why               C. when           D. where

5.A. made          B. let                C. built          D. asked

6.A. see            B. keep              C. find           D. feel

7.A. build         B. built              C. building     D. to build

8.A. difficult    B. different         C. worried        D. excited

9.A. past          B. along              C. about          D. with

10.A. relaxing      B. boring            C. useful       D. exciting


—Hi, Linda! How’s it going?

   . We are having great fun in the water park.

A. Terrible             B. Pretty good

C. It’s boring        D. It’s a good idea


   is the weather in Beijing this winter?

—It’s often hazy(雾蒙蒙的).

A. How             B. What

C. When          D. Why


—Is there a supermarket near here?

   . It’s next to the bank.

A. Yes, it is.            B. No, it isn’t.

C. Yes, there is.        D. No, there isn’t.


—What a nice watch! It must be expensive.

—Not at all.  You can only   fifty yuan on it.

A. cost            B. pay

C. spend            D. take


The weekend is going by, just like   one.

A. the other           B. another

C. any other           D. each other


There is a big tree   my house.

A. in front             B. in front of

C. in the front         D. in the front of


Don’t forget   off the computer when you leave the room, Jim.

A. turn             B. turns

C. turning            D. to turn


—Where is Jim?

—On the playground. He   basketball with his classmates.

A. plays              B. played

C. is playing       D. will play


This week, the   seems to  change every day. One day is hot; the next day is cold.

A. time               B. season

C. weather           D. way


—John enjoys   to pop music.

—Me, too.

A. listen             B. listens

C. listening          D. to listen


—Why do people build zoos?

   they can help those animals in danger.

A. Because         B. Or

C. But              D. And


Your coat is   dirty and you have to clean it.

A. a kind of          B. all kinds of

C. kinds of          D. kind of


The villagers want to build a bridge   the river.

A. in                B. beside

C. across         D. along


It is said that there’s over 5, 000 kinds of languages in the world.

A. more than             B. less than

C. more or less          D. as many as


Look! There is   elephant in the picture.

A. a             B. an

C. the           D.  /


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