
Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You will probably__________they go to learn languages, geography, history, science and all __________ subjects. That is quite __________ , but__________do they learn these things?

We send our children to school to __________them for their future work and life. Nearly everything they study at school has some practical use __________their life, but is that the __________reason they go to school?

There is__________in education than just learning facts. We go to school above all __________ how to learn, so that when we have left school we can go on learning. If a man really knows __________ , he will always be successful, because whenever he has to do __________ , he will quickly teach himself how to do it in the best way. The uneducated person, on the other __________, is __________ unable to do it, or does it badly, so the purpose of school is not just__________ languages, geography, science, etc. , but to teach pupils the __________ to learn.

1.A. speak             B. say             C. talk                D. tell

2.A. another           B. other           C. the other           D. others

3.A. true              B. real            C. fact                D. wrong

4.A. how               B. where           C. why                 D. what

5.A. stop              B. ask             C. ready               D. prepare

6.A. at                B. in              C. on                  D. with

7.A. best              B. only            C. just                D. first

8.A. many              B. much            C. more                D. most

9.A. learn             B. to learn        C. learning            D. learned

10.A. how to learn     B. why to learn     C. how does he learn    D. why does he learn

11.A. anything new     B. something new   C. new anything        D. new something

12.A. way              B. word            C. foot                D. hand

13.A. both             B. either          C. neither             D. not

14.A. learn            B. to learn        C. teach               D. to teach

15.A. subjects         B. reasons         C. way                 D. knowledge


—Don’t eat in class anymore.


A. Yes, you’re right      B. Sorry, I won’t

C. It doesn’t matter      D. I don’t think so


   is it from here to the train station?

—It’s about ten minutes’ ride.

A. How far          B. How soon

C. How often        D. How long


I think   silly   you not to forgive others for their mistakes.

A. it; for              B. it’s; of

C. that’s; of          D. it’s; for


—How many languages can your pen pal   ?

—Two, English and Chinese.

A. say               B. tell

C. speak            D. talk


—Do you   uniforms at school on weekdays?

—Sure, we do.

A. wear             B. dress

C. put on          D. wear in


I really enjoy the beef noodles. They   delicious.

A. stay            B. feel

C. taste           D. sound


Look!   ducks are swimming in the river.

A. Three hundreds         B. Hundred of

C. Five hundreds of       D. Hundreds of


—Tina, remember   the plants after lunch.

—OK, mum. I’ll do it.

A. water             B. to water

C. watering          D. waters


—You work so hard. I think your dream can   some day.

—Thank you.

A. get up            B. talk to

C. get to           D. come true


   does Jim get to school?

—He usually   the bus.

A. How far; by        B. How; takes

C. How long; takes    D. How; take


Jane, what kind of food would you like for lunch, tomato noodles or rice?

   is OK. I don’t mind.

A. Both           B. Either

C. Neither       D. All


The teacher often tells his students   quiet in class.

A. to keep        B. keep

C. keeping        D. kept


Mo Yan is good   writing, so he won the Nobel Prize in Literature.

A. for          B. with

C. at           D. to


Alice’s parents are very strict   her.

A. on          B. with

C. of           D. in


Mr Green is going to New York by   plane.

A. a            B. an

C. the           D. /



Today, I want to tell you a story about something I did when I was 14 years old. I made some friends in school 1. they turned out to be bad. They were some boys who stole(偷盗) 2.and sold them. Whenever we were stealing a bike, a boy named John would break the lock 3.two other boys were watching out. Then one of us would 4.the bike to the cave(洞穴). The next day we would meet there and repaint the bike. When we stole four or five bikes, we would sell them 5.a few hundred dollars.

One 6.afternoon, we went to an apartment in Bukit Batok. We found a bike on the fifth floor and started to work on the 7.. It was hard to break. We spent 10 minutes 8.it. We were about to escape with the bike when the owner of the bike came out of the elevator. “My bike, ”he 9..

We dropped the bike and ran down but two policemen nearby 10.us. We were taken to the police station. Our parents were called and our teachers were told what had happened. The police took down what we had done. The next day, a bright Sunday, I 11.to the Boys’ Home.

Life in the Boys’ Home was very hard but it 12.me a very important lesson. I learnt that stealing was not right. At the Boys’ Home, the officers helped me and encouraged me 13.my ways. I decided to 14.stealing.

To this day, I feel so 15.for what I have done. I hope you will learn something from my story.





16.A. and            B. or         C. but         D. so

17.A. bikes          B. books        C. suitcases   D. backpacks

18.A. when          B. while      C. since        D. after

19.A. fetch         B. pull        C. fill         D. take

20.A. to            B. with         C. by          D. for

21.A. Tuesday       B. Friday     C. Saturday   D. Sunday

22.A. floor        B. lock        C. elevator   D. bike

23.A. breaking      B. to break     C. break        D. broken

24.A. said           B. walked       C. shouted     D. stopped

25.A. saw           B. pointed      C. impressed   D. caught

26.A. sent          B. was sending  C. was sent    D. would send

27.A. offered      B. taught     C. told        D. passed

28.A. to change   B. change       C. to keep     D. keep

29.A. pick up       B. put up       C. look up    D. give up

30.A. scared       B. sorry      C. confident   D. excited



Sitienei, a 90-year-old Kenyan grandmother, has become the world’s oldest primary school student. She is studying at the local primary school to learn to read and write. She is from a small1.in Kenyan. She has spent most of her life 2. as a midwife(接生婆), helping women to give birth to babies. She wants to pass on her midwife skills to the young. She said she didn’t have a chance to go to school when she was 3. . So she wants all the children in her village to 4. .

The head teacher at the school said, “I’m proud 5. her. She is loved by every pupil. They all want to learn and play with 6. . ”He also said, “She is doing well considering her 7.. I can say I have seen a big difference in this school 8. she came.

Sitienei often said, “I want to tell children, 9. girls in poor areas, that 10. will be your wealth. ”She added, “With education, you can be whatever you want to be—a doctor, a teacher, a scientist, and so on.

11.A. school           B. village          C. town          D. city

12.A. reading          B. writing         C. playing      D. working

13.A. young            B. old              C. famous        D. free

14.A. study           B. work            C. leave        D. listen

15.A. for             B. with            C. of           D. in

16.A. her              B. me             C. him           D. you

17.A. chance          B. age            C. skills       D. ways

18.A. after            B. when            C. since        D. before

19.A. naturally       B. especially       C. luckily     D. certainly

20.A. friendship     B. future           C. competition   D. education


—Excuse me, may I use your bicycle?     is broken.

—Certainly.   But remember to return it before lunch.

A. I                 B. Me

C. Myself            D. Mine


Do you have toys? I’d like to buy    for my cousin.

A. it              B. one

C. this            D. that


—Good morning, sir!    ?

—I’d like to buy a sweater for my daughter.

A. What can I do for you

B. What are you doing

C. How about the sweater

D. Can you help me


—I’ll go to Hong Kong for a trip next weekend.


A. Good luck!          B. Have a good time!

C. Best wishes!        D. Glad to see you again.


    does your cousin   usually go to work on foot?

—He says it’s good for his health.

A. Where            B. When

C. Why              D. How


There are some    and    in the fridge(冰箱).

A. tomatos; milk        B. tomatos; milks

C. tomatoes; milk       D. tomatoes; milks


Good friends are like stars.

You don’t always see them,     you know they are there.

A. as              B. but

C. for             D. then


—Hi! My name’s Tim. It’s my first time to be here.


A. Very well, thank you

B. It’s all right

C. That would be very nice

D. Nice to meet you


—Doctor Wang, I’m feeling much better. Must I go on taking the medicine?

—No, you   . You’ll get well soon.

A. can’t            B. mustn’t        C. needn’t


   . Is this your book?

—Yes, it is. Thank you!

A. Sorry           B. Hello        C. Excuse me


—Work hard,    you’ll pass the exam.

—OK. I’ll try my best.

A. or            B. and          C. but


Oh, you want a pen? OK, I’ll get   for you.

A. it             B. one          C. them


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